Pending Guest Accounts

Sponsor Portal Pending Accounts Page

You can use the Pending Accounts page to process accounts for self-registering guests who are awaiting sponsor approval before they are allowed network access. You can:

  • Approve one, multiple, or all pending accounts.

  • Deny approval for one, multiple, or all pending accounts.

Approve Pending Accounts

You can approve accounts listed as either Pending Approval or Denied to provide guests access to the network.

Before you begin

On a desktop device, you can select multiple check boxes or use the select all checkbox to select several guest accounts simultaneously. If using a mobile device, you can only select individual accounts and approve them one at a time.


Step 1

On the Pending Accounts page:

  • If approving multiple guest accounts on a single page, select the specific accounts and click Approve before moving to the next page.
  • If approving all the guest accounts on a single page, check the select all checkbox above the list and click Approve. This will not select guest accounts on other pages.
Step 2

Click OK to confirm that you want to approve the selected accounts.

The approved accounts no longer display on the Pending Accounts page, but display on the Manage Accounts page.

What to do next

On the Manage Accounts page, verify that the approved accounts are listed as either Created or Active. If accounts expired while awaiting approval, they are now listed as Expired on this page and will no longer display on the Pending Accounts page.

Deny Pending Accounts

You can deny approval for accounts listed as either Pending Approval or Approved and prevent guest access to the network.

Before you begin

On a desktop device, you can select multiple check boxes or use the select all checkbox to select several guest accounts simultaneously. If using a mobile device, you can only select individual accounts and deny them one at a time.


Step 1

On the Pending Accounts page:

  • If denying approval for multiple guest accounts on a single page, select the specific accounts and click Deny before moving to the next page.
  • If denying approval for all the guest accounts on a single page, check the select all checkbox above the list and click Deny. This will not select guest accounts on other pages.
Step 2

Click OK to confirm that you want to deny approval for the selected accounts.

The denied accounts display on the Pending Accounts page as Denied until you leave the page. After that, they display as Denied on the Manage Accounts page.

What to do next

On the Manage Accounts page, verify that the accounts that were denied approval are listed as Denied. If the denied accounts expired while awaiting approval, they are now listed as Expired.

Pending Accounts Page Details

The Pending Accounts page allows you to approve or deny network access for guest accounts created for self-registering guests.

Use these settings to either approve or deny network access for self-registering guests. Check the select all checkbox above the list to select all the accounts on that specific page only. This will not select accounts on other pages.

Table 1. Pending Accounts Page Details
Action Usage Guidelines Eligible Account States


Approve one or multiple guest accounts for network access.

Pending Approval, Denied


Deny approval to one or multiple guest accounts for network access.

Pending Approval

Pending Accounts States

The account State displays details about guest pending accounts.

When you approve an account, it no longer displays on this page, but is listed as Active, or Created, or Expired on the Manage Accounts page.

Table 2. Pending Accounts States
Current State Description New State


Accounts that expired while in a denied state remain as Denied.

The accounts are denied access to the network.

If you approve denied accounts, they no longer display on the Pending Accounts page. They display on the Manage Accounts page, where their states change:

  • To Active or Created based on the assigned guest type configuration.

  • To Expired, if they expired while awaiting approval, and are purged in the next purge cycle.

All denied accounts that are not approved are also purged in the next purge cycle.

Pending Approval

Accounts that expired while awaiting approval remain as Pending Approval.

The accounts are awaiting approval to access the network.

If you approve pending approval accounts, they no longer display on the Pending Accounts page. They display on the Manage Accounts page, where their states change:

  • To Active or Created based on the assigned guest type configuration.

  • To Expired, if they expired while awaiting approval, and are purged in the next purge cycle.

If you deny approval for pending approval accounts, their states change to Denied on thePending Accounts page, until you leave the page. After that, they display as Denied on the Manage Accounts page.

All denied accounts are purged in the next purge cycle.