Troubleshoot the Dynamic Attributes Connector

How to troubleshoot issues with the dynamic attributes connector, including using provided tools.

Troubleshoot Error Messages

Problem: Name or service not known error

This error is displayed as a tooltip when you hover the mouse over an error condition on an adapter or connector. An example follows; yours might look differerent.

The name or service unknown error can indicate a configuration issue with a dynamic attributes connector adapter or connector

Solution: Edit the connector or adapter and check for:

  • A trailing slash on a host name

  • (FMC adapter only.) A scheme at the beginning of a host name (for example, https://)

  • Verify the password is correct

  • For an FMC adapter, verify the contents of the FMC Server Certificate field.

    For more information, see Manually Get a Certificate Authority (CA) Chain.

Problem: [X509 PEM lib]

This error is displayed as a tooltip when you hover the mouse over an error condition on a connector.

An X509 PEM lib error can indicate an issue with the certificate authority (CA) chain configured for the dynamic attributes connector

Solution: Edit the connector and check the CA chain. For more information, see Manually Get a Certificate Authority (CA) Chain.

Problem: Incorrect username or password

This error is displayed as a tooltip when you hover the mouse over an error condition on a connector.

An incorrect username or password error indicates you entered the wrong password for a connector

Solution: Edit the connector and change the user name or password.

Problem: Timeout or max retries error for an adapter

This error is displayed as a tooltip when you hover the mouse over an error condition on an adapter.

A timeout or max retries error for an adapter indicates you have configuration issues, such as the wrong management center certificate

Another indication something is wrong with the management center certificate

Solution: Do all of the following:

  • Verify the management center is running.

  • Verify the contents of the FMC Server Certificate field.

  • Make sure the value you entered in the IP field exactly matches the certificate's Common Name.

For more information, see Manually Get a Certificate Authority (CA) Chain.

Troubleshooting Tools

To assist you with advanced troubleshooting and working with Cisco TAC, we provide the following troubleshooting tools. To use these tools, log in as any user to the Ubuntu host on which the dynamic attributes connector is running.

Check container status

To check the status of the dynamic attributes connector Docker containers, enter the following commands:

cd ~/csdac/app
sudo ./muster-cli status

Sample output follows:

============================== CORE SERVICES =============================
      Name                     Command                  State    Ports                 
muster-bee     ./ run ...   Up             50049/tcp, 50050/tcp                  
muster-etcd    etcd                             Up             2379/tcp, 2380/tcp                    
muster-ui      / runs ...   Up (healthy)>8443/tcp,:::443->8443/tcp
muster-ui-backend   ./ run ...   Up             50031/tcp                             
=========================== CONNECTORS AND ADAPTERS ===========================
           Name                         Command               State     Ports  
muster-adapter-fmc.1         ./ run ...   Up      50070/tcp
muster-connector-vcenter.1   ./ run ...   Up      50070/tcp

Stop, start, or restart the Dynamic Attributes Connector Docker containers

If the ./muster-cli status indicates containers are down or to restart containers in the event of issues, you can enter the following commands:

Stop and restart:

cd ~/csdac/app
sudo ./muster-cli stop
sudo ./muster-cli start

Start only:

cd ~/csdac/app
sudo ./muster-cli start

Enable debug logging and generate troubleshoot files

If advised to do so by Cisco TAC, enable debug logging and generate troubleshoot files as follows:

cd ~/csdac/app
sudo ./muster-cli debug-on
sudo ./muster-cli ts-gen

The troubleshoot file name is ts-bundle-timestamp.tar and is created in the same directory.

The following table shows the location of troubleshoot files and logs in the troubleshoot file.


What it contains


etcd database contents


Container log files


Container status, versions, and image status

Verify dynamic objects on the

To verify your connectors and adapters are creating objects on the FMC, you can use the following command on the FMC as an administrator:

sudo tail f /var/opt/CSCOpx/MDC/log/operation/usmsharedsvcs.log

Example: Successful object creation

26-Aug-2021 12:41:35.912,[INFO],(, ajp-nio-
** REST Request [ CSM ]
** ID : 18b25356-fd6b-4cc4-8d27-bbccb52a6275
** URL: POST /audit
  "version": "7.1.0",
  "requestId": "18b25356-fd6b-4cc4-8d27-bbccb52a6275",
  "data": {
    "userName": "csdac-centos7",
    "subsystem": "API",
    "message": "POST
/object/dynamicobjects Created (201) - The request has been fulfilled and resulted in a new resource being created",
    "sourceIP": "",
    "domainUuid": "e276abec-e0f2-11e3-8169-6d9ed49b625f",
    "time": "1629981695431"
  "deleteList": []

Example: Unsuccessful object creation (in this case because the adapter user has insufficient privileges):

26-Aug-2021 12:47:50.440,[INFO],(, ajp-nio-
** REST Request [ CSM ]
** ID : 58566831-7532-4d61-a579-2bbc3c325b2f
** URL: POST /audit
  "version": "7.1.0",
  "requestId": "58566831-7532-4d61-a579-2bbc3c325b2f",
  "data": {
    "userName": "csdac-centos7",
    "subsystem": "API",
    "message": "GET
object/dynamicobjects/vCenter___CentOS_7__4 Forbidden (403) - The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it",
    "sourceIP": "",
    "domainUuid": "e276abec-e0f2-11e3-8169-6d9ed49b625f",
    "time": "1629982070404"
  "deleteList": []

Manually Get a Certificate Authority (CA) Chain

In the event you cannot automatically fetch the certificate authority chain, use one of the following browser-specific procedures to get a certificate chain used to connect securely to vCenter, NSX, or the FMC.

The certificate chain is the root certificate and all subordinate certificates.

You must use one of these procedures to connect to the following:

  • vCenter or NSX

    It is not necessary to get a certificate chain for connecting to Azure or AWS.

  • FMC

Get a Certificate Chain—Mac (Chrome and Firefox)

Use this procedure to get a certificate chain using the Chrome and Firefox browsers on Mac OS.

  1. Open a Terminal window.

  2. Enter the following command.

    security verify-cert -P url[:port]

    where url is the URL (including scheme) to vCenter or FMC. For example:

    security verify-cert -P

    If you access vCenter or the FMC using NAT or PAT, you can add a port as follows:

    security verify-cert -P
  3. Save the entire certificate chain to a plaintext file.

    • Include all -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE----- delimiters.

    • Exclude any extraneous text (for example, the name of the certificate and any text contained in angle brackets (< and >) as well as the angle brackets themselves.

  4. Repeat these tasks for both vCenter and the FMC.

Get a Certificate Chain—Windows Chrome

Use this procedure to get a certificate chain using the Chrome browser on Windows.

  1. Log in to vCenter or the FMC using Chrome.

  2. In the browser address bar, click the lock to the left of the host name.

  3. Click Certificate.

  4. Click the Certification Path tab.

  5. Click the top (that is, first) certificate in the chain.

  6. Click View Certificate.

  7. Click the Details tab.

  8. Click Copy to File.

  9. Follow the prompts to create a CER-formatted certificate file that includes the entire certificate chain.

    When you're prompted to choose an export file format, click Base 64-Encoded X.509 (.CER) as the following figure shows.

    In the Certificate Export Wizard, select Base 64 encoded X.509 and export the certificate

  10. Follow the prompts to complete the export.

  11. Open the certificate in a text editor.

  12. Repeat the process for all certificates in the chain.

    You must paste each certificate in the text editor in order, first to last.

  13. Repeat these tasks for both vCenter and the FMC.

Get a Certificate Chain—Windows Firefox

Use the following procedure to get a certificate chain for the Firefox browser on either Windows or Mac OS.

  1. Log in to vCenter or the FMC using Firefox.

  2. Click the lock to the left of the host name.

  3. Click the right arrow (Show connection details). The following figure shows an example.

    In Firefox, show the connection details to see the certificate being used to connect to the FMC

  4. Click More Information.

  5. Click View Certificate.

  6. If the resulting dialog box has tab pages, click the tab page corresponding to the top-level CA.

  7. Scroll to the Miscellaneous section.

  8. Click PEM (chain) in the Download row. The following figure shows an example.

    Get the PEM chain to configure the FMC adapter

  9. Save the file.

  10. Repeat these tasks for both vCenter and the FMC.