About the Unified Events
Unified Events provide you a single-screen view of multiple types (connection, intrusion, file, malware, and some security-related connection events) of firewall events. Events associated with each other are stacked together in the table to provide a unified view and more context about the security event. If you have an intrusion event on the Unified Events table, click the intrusion event to highlight the associated connection event. You can then correlate the connection event with the intrusion event to better understand and troubleshoot the network issues, without toggling between multiple event viewers.
The Unified Events table is highly customizable. You can create and apply custom filters to fine-tune the information displayed on the event viewer. The unified event viewer also has option to save the custom filters that you use often for specific needs, and then quickly load the saved filters. Also, you can make a tailored event viewer table by adding or removing columns, pin columns, or drag and re-order the columns.
The Live View option in the Unified Events table lets you see the firewall events in real time and monitor the activity on your network. For example, if you are a firewall administrator, viewing event updates in real time after you make a policy change can help you to ensure that the policy changes are correctly enforced on your network.