CEF Extractor

This chapter covers the following sections:

About the CEF Extractor Service

The Common Event Format (CEF) Extractor service running in the Advanced Web Security Reporting (AWSR) application lets you transform access logs received from one or more WSAs into CEF-formatted output data that can be forwarded to other third-party security-information-management (SIM) systems, such as the ArcSight applications.


The CEF Extractor service operates only in a distributed environment, meaning it requires at least two separate AWSR instances running on separate hosts. One AWSR instance operates as “master” or “search head,” providing dedicated search and license-sharing functions, while the other “listener” or “peer” instances operate as indexers, feeding the transformed syslog data into the AWSR databases.

Setting Up the CEF Extractor Service

Configuring the CEF Extractor service in Advanced Web Security Reporting involves these steps:

Before You Begin

  • Be sure all necessary hosts have the AWSR software installed and are configured for basic operations and communications.

Setting Up a CEF Peer

Follow these steps on the server hosting the indexing peer to configure it as a “listener” by creating a new receiver entry and specifying the port on which to listen for Web Security appliance’s syslog data:

Before you begin

  • Launch an AWSR peer and log in as an admin user.


Step 1

Choose Settings > Data > Forwarding and Receiving.

Step 2

On the Forwarding and receiving page, click the Add new link in the Configure receiving row of the Receive data section of this page.

If the desired listener port is already configured, you can click the Configure receiving link to go directly to the Receive data page to enable the port.

Step 3

On the Add new – Configure receiving page, enter the number of the port to listen on.

Step 4

Click Save.

You are returned to the Receive data page which lists the available listen-on ports—you can enable/disable and delete individual ports. You also can add new ports from this page.

Configuring the AWSR Master

On the master (or search head) system, you must enable Distributed Search and add one or more Search peers to its peer roster.

Before you begin

  • Launch the AWSR master and log in as an admin user.


Step 1

To enable Distributed Search:

  1. Click Settings > Distributed Environment > Distributed Search.

  2. On the Distributed search page, click Distributed search setup.

  3. On the Distributed search set up page, Select Yes for the Turn on distributed search? option.

  4. Click Save.

You are returned to the Distributed search page.

Step 2

To add a search peer (that is, an indexer):

  1. Click the Add new link in the Search peers row of the Distributed search page.

  2. On the Add new page, under Add search peers, enter the Peer ID in either server_name:management_port or IP_address:management_port format.

  3. Provide Distributed search authentication parameters for connection to the peer:

    • Remote username—Provide the user name for an admin user on the remote search peer.

    • Remote password—Enter that user’s connection password.

    • Confirm password—Re-enter the password.

  4. Click Save.

You are returned to the Search peers page.

The Search peers page lists all currently configured peers. You can enable/disable and delete individual Search peers. You also can add new Search peers from this page. Access this page at any time by choosing Settings > Distributed Environment > Distributed Search and then clicking Search peers.

Configuring Licensing

The master system can share one license with each indexer. That is, each indexer peer does not need a separate, individual license. Configuring licensing on all AWSR instances is described in the following sections:

Peer Licensing

Each indexer is configured to access a license from a license pool maintained by the master system.


Step 1

On the indexer system, choose Settings > System > Licensing to open the Licensing page.

A notification of this server’s licensing role is displayed at the top of this page. The server’s role can be either “associated with a remote master license server,” or “acting as a master license server.”

Step 2

If this peer’s displayed role is acting as a master license server, click the Change to slave button.

Step 3

On the Change master association page, select Designate a different AWSR instance as the master license server.

Step 4

Provide the master license server access information: either the server_name:management_port or IP_address:management_port of the desired server.

Step 5

Click Save.

Master Licensing

The master system can share one license with each indexer. Follow these steps to specify the license pool to share with all configured indexer systems.


Step 1

On the search head, choose Settings > System > Licensing to access the Licensing page.

A notification of this server’s licensing role is displayed at the top of this page. The server’s role can be either “associated with a remote master license server,” or “acting as a master license server.”

Step 2

If this peer’s displayed role is associated with a remote master license server, click the Change to master button and designate this server as the master license server in the Change master association dailog box; click Save in the dialog box to return to the Licensing page.

Step 3

In the License stack section, click Edit in the row representing the license pool that you want to share with indexer peers.

Step 4

On the Manage license pool page, select Specific indexers for the option “Which indexers are eligible to draw from this pool?”

Available indexers are listed.

Step 5

Click the green Add button in front of a desired indexer to add it to the Associated indexers list. Repeat this step as necessary.

Step 6

Click Submit.

Step 7

Click OK in the Update notification.

You are returned to the Licensing page, where you can add licenses, and add, edit and delete license pools.

CEF Extractor Initial Configuration

After the AWSR CEF Extractor master and indexer systems have been set up, you must configure the CEF Extractor service.

Before you begin

  • Launch the AWSR master system and log in as an admin user.


Step 1

Choose Settings > Third Party Services > CEF Extractor to access the CEF Extractor page.

You are notified the CEF application has not yet been fully configured.

Step 2

Click the Continue to app setup page button to continue to the AWSR CEF set-up page.

Step 3

Check Enable Indexed Realtime to allow indexing and searching in real time.

We recommend enabling this option to increase performance.

Step 4

In the Indexer Setup section, enter the access ID information for each peer in the Indexers field in either server_name:listener_port or IP_address:listener_port format.


For each indexer entry, be sure to use the number of the listener port configured for that indexer system, as described in Setting Up a CEF Peer.

Step 5

Click Save.

Restart the Master System

After configuring the Advanced Web Security Reporting master system, setting up peer licensing sharing, and configuring the CEF Extractor service, you must restart the master server.


Step 1

Choose Settings > System > Server Controls to access the Server controls page.

Step 2

Click the Restart AWSR button and follow the instructions to restart the system.

Step 3

When restart is completed; log in again.

Configure Mapping of Access Logs to CEF Output Fields

The next task is configuring the mapping of Web Security appliance’s access logs to CEF output fields for the CEF Extractor service, and defining output destinations for this information.


Step 1

Choose Settings > Third Party Services > CEF Extractor to access the CEF Extractor page.

Step 2

Click New to launch the CEF Extractor data-search set-up wizard.

Step 3

Choose the Data Model from which to retrieve data; in this case, choose Web_Access_Data.

Step 4

Choose Web_Access_Event from the Object drop-down list indicating the data fields are to be obtained from Web Security appliance’s Web access logs.

Step 5

Click Next to proceed to the Map Fields page of the wizard.

This page displays two columns: CEF Output Fields and Data-model attributes. The rows in the Output Fields column are drop-down lists containing all CEF output formats, while the Data-model attribute column presents a hard-coded listing of the attribute availables in the data model.

Step 6

Map CEF Output Fields to Web Access data-model attributes, as needed.

Some fields are automatically mapped (for example, the Data-model attribute host is automatically mapped to the CEF field syslog_host); auto-mapped and default mappings are displayed on this page; both can be altered.

To add or change a mapping, open the drop-down list in row representing the Output Field-to-Attribute mapping to be updates, and choose the CEF output field to be mapped to this Data-model attribute.

Step 7

Click Next to proceed to the Create Static Fields page of the wizard.

Use the fields on this page to provide situational static values for CEF output fields that have no corresponding Data-model attributes.

Step 8

Enter static Field Values for listed CEF Output Fields.

For example, you might enter a Field Value of CISCO for the CEF Output Field dvc_vendor, and AWSR_CEF for dvc_product.

Step 9

Click Next to proceed to the Define Outputs page of the wizard.

On this page, you create or select the output group to which CEF data is to be sent.

Step 10

Click Create new output group.

Step 11

In the New Output Group dialog box, provide the following new output group parameters:

  • Name—an identifier for this output group.

  • Hosts to output data to—the output server(s) to be sent CEF output data; enter in either server_name:receive_port or IP_address:receive_port format.


    If you are planning to output syslog data, you cannot use TCP port 514 here, as it is already in use; see Configuration Of Data Input for Web Security Appliance Syslogs.

Step 12

Click Save to close the New Output Group dialog box.

Step 13

Click Next to proceed to the Save Search page of the wizard.

Step 14

Identify this mapping or search set:

  • Search Name—an identifier or mapping name for this CEF information search set.

  • Search Description (optional)—a short description for this CEF information search.

Step 15

Click Save to complete the wizard.

The CEF Extractor page lists defined data-set mappings; you can add new sets and enable, disable or delete existing sets.

Configure Data Input for the CEF Extractor Service

The next task is configuring the data fields for the CEF Extractor service.


This section describes setting up Web Security appliance access logs as data input for the CEF Extractor service. You can also set up FTP push, and syslog push as data inputs for the service. See Set Up On-going Data Transfers and Umbrella Log Updates for additional information.


Step 1

Choose Settings > Data > Data inputs to access the Data inputs page.

Step 2

Click Add new in the Files & directories row of the Data inputs page to launch the set-up wizard in which you will configure the field mappings and monitoring of a new data folder.

Step 3

Click the Browse button beside the File or Directory field.

Step 4

In the Select source dialog box, browse to and select the desired Web Security appliance access logs folder (for example, home/logger/incoming/wsa_test/accesslogs).

Step 5

Click Select to close the Select source dialog box.

Step 6

Click Next on the Select Source wizard page to go to the Input Setting page.

Step 7

For Source type, click Select, then click Select Source Type and choose wsa_accesslogs (you can start typing wsa_accesslogs into the filter field at the top of the Select Source Type drop-down list to quickly locate the entry).

Step 8

For App context, choose Advanced Web Security Reporting 6.1.0 from the App context drop-down list.

Step 9

Scroll down to the Host entry, click Segment in path, and then enter a Segment number.

The Host entry specifies how the value of the host field is determined for events from this source. The Segment in path option means it is determined from a segment of the Source path specified earlier. The Segment number indicates which segment of the path is the host value. For example, in our earlier sample Source path, home/logger/incoming/wsa_test/accesslogs, the host name, wsa_test, is the fourth segment in the path, so the Segment number entered here would be 4.

Step 10

Click Review to proceed to the Review page of the wizard.

Step 11

Review the information you have entered and then click Submit to create the new data input instance.