Create Policies to Control Internet Requests

This topic contains the following sections:

Overview of Policies: Control Intercepted Internet Requests

When the user creates a web request the configured Secure Web Appliance intercepts the requests and manages the process of which the request travels to get to its final outcome, be that accessing a particular web site, an email or even accessing an online application. In configuring the Secure Web Appliance policies are created to define the criteria and actions of requests made by the user.

Policies are the means by which the Secure Web Appliance identifies and controls web requests. When a client sends a web request to a server, the Web Proxy receives the request, evaluates it, and determines to which policy it belongs. Actions defined in the policy are then applied to the request.

The Secure Web Appliance uses multiple policy types to manage different aspects of web requests. Policy types might fully manage transactions by themselves or pass transactions along to other policy types for additional processing. Policy types can be groups by the functions they perform, such as access, routing, or security.

AsyncOS evaluates transactions based on policies before it evaluates external dependencies to avoid unnecessary external communication from the appliance. For example, if a transaction is blocked based on a policy that blocks uncategorized URLs, the transaction will not fail based on a DNS error.

Intercepted HTTP/HTTPS Request Processing

The following diagram depicts the flow of an intercepted Web request as it is processed by the appliance.

Figure 1. HTTP/HTTPS Transaction Flow

Also see the following diagrams depicting various transaction processing flows:

Managing Web Requests Through Policies Task Overview


Task List for Managing Web Requests through Policies

Links to Related Topics and Procedures


Set up and sequence Authentication Realms

Authentication Realms


(For upstream proxies) Create a proxy group.

Creating Proxy Groups for Upstream Proxies


(Optional) Create Custom Client Applications

Client Applications


(Optional) Create Custom URL Categories

Creating and Editing Custom URL Categories


Create Identification Profiles

Classifying Users and Client Software


(Optional) Create time ranges to Limit Access by Time of Day

Time Ranges and Quotas


Create and Order Policies

Managing Web Requests Through Policies Best Practices

If you want to use Active Directory user objects to manage web requests, do not use primary groups as criteria. Active Directory user objects do not contain the primary group.


Policy Types

Policy Type

Request Type


Link to task


  • HTTP

  • Decrypted HTTPS

  • FTP

Block, allow or redirect inbound HTTP, FTP, and decrypted HTTPS traffic.

Access policies also manage inbound encrypted HTTPS traffic if the HTTPS proxy is disabled.

Creating a Policy



Allow or block SOCKS communication requests.

Creating a Policy

Application Authentication

  • application

Allow or deny access to a Software as a Service (SaaS) application.

Use single sign-on to authenticate users and increase security by allowing access to applications to be quickly disabled.

To use the single sign-on feature of policies you must configure the Secure Web Appliance as an identity provider and upload or generate a certificate and key for SaaS.

Creating SaaS Application Authentication Policies

Encrypted HTTPS Management


Decrypt, pass through, or drop HTTPS connections.

AsyncOS passes decrypted traffic to Access policies for further processing.

Creating a Policy

Data Security

  • HTTP

  • Decrypted HTTPS

  • FTP

Manage data uploads to the web. Data Security policies scan outbound traffic to ensure it complies to company rules for data uploads, based on its destination and content. Unlike External DLP policies, which redirect outbound traffic to external servers for scanning, Data Security policies use the Secure Web Appliance to scan and evaluate traffic.

Creating a Policy

External DLP (Data Loss Prevention)

  • HTTP

  • Decrypted HTTPS

  • FTP

Send outbound traffic to servers running 3rd-party DLP systems, which scan it for adherence to company rules for data uploads. Unlike Data Security policies, which also manage data uploads, External DLP policies move scanning work away from the Secure Web Appliance, which frees resources on the appliance and leverages any additional functionality offered by 3rd-party software.

Creating a Policy

Outbound Malware Scanning

  • HTTP

  • Decrypted HTTPS

  • FTP

Block, monitor, or allow requests to upload data that may contain malicious data.

Prevent malware that is already present on your network from being transmitted to external networks.

Creating a Policy


  • HTTP


  • FTP

Direct web traffic through upstream proxies or direct it to destination servers. You might want to redirect traffic through upstream proxies to preserve your existing network design, to off-load processing from the Secure Web Appliance, or to leverage additional functionality provided by 3rd-party proxy systems.

If multiple upstream proxies are available, the Secure Web Appliance can use load balancing techniques to distribute data to them.

Retian the client's source IP address, change it to the web proxy IP, or a custom IP using IP Spooing profile.

Creating a Policy

Each policy type uses a policy table to store and manage its policies. Each policy table comes with a predefined, global policy, which maintains default actions for a policy type. Additional, user-defined policies are created and added to the policy table as required. Policies are processed in the order in which they are listed in the policy table.

Individual policies define the user-request types they manage, and the actions they perform on those requests. Each policy definition has two main sections:

  • Identification Profiles and Users – Identification Profiles are used in policy membership criteria and are particularly important as they contain many options for identifying web transaction. They also share many properties with policies.

  • Advanced – The criteria used to identify users to which the policy applies. One or more criteria can be specified in a policy, and all must be match for the criteria to be met.

    • Protocols – Allow the transfer of data between various networking devices such as http, https, ftp, etc.

    • Proxy Ports – the numbered port by which the request accesses the web proxy,

    • Subnets – The logical grouping of connected network devices (such as geographic location or Local Area Network [LAN]), where the request originated

    • Time Range – Time ranges can be created for use in policies to identify or apply actions to web requests based on the time or day the requests were made. The time ranges are created as individual units.

    • URL Categories – URL categories are predefined or custom categories of websites, such as News, Business, Social Media, etc. These can be used to identify or apply actions to web requests.

    • User Agents – These are the client applications (such as updaters and Web browsers) used to make requests. You can define policy criteria based on user agents, and you can specify control settings based on user agents. You can also exempt user agents from authentication, which is useful for applications that cannot prompt for credentials. You can define custom user agents but cannot re-use these definitions other policies.


When you define multiple membership criteria, the client request must meet all criteria to match the policy.

Policy Order

The order in which policies are listed in a policy table determines the priority with which they are applied to Web requests. Web requests are checked against policies beginning at the top of the table and ending at the first policy matched. Any policies below that point in the table are not processed.

If no user-defined policy is matched against a Web request, then the global policy for that policy type is applied. Global policies are always positioned last in Policy tables and cannot be re-ordered.

The following diagram depicts the flow of a client request through the Access policies table.

Figure 2. Policy Group Transaction Flow for Access Policies

Creating a Policy

Before you begin

  • Enable the appropriate proxy:

    • Web Proxy (for HTTP, decrypted HTTPS, and FTP)

    • HTTPS Proxy

    • SOCKS Proxy

  • Create associated Identification Profiles.

  • Understand Policy Order.

  • (Encrypted HTTPS only) Upload or generate a Certificate and Key.

  • (Data Security only) Enable Cisco Data Security Filters Settings.

  • (External DLP only) Define an External DLP server.

  • (Routing only) Define the associated upstream proxy on the Secure Web Appliance.

  • (Optional) Create associated client applications.

  • (Optional) Create associated time ranges. See Time Ranges and Quotas.

  • (Optional) Create associated URL categories. See Creating and Editing Custom URL Categories.


Step 1

In the Policy Settings section, use the Enable Identity check box to enable this policy, or to quickly disable it without deleting it.

Step 2

Assign a unique policy Name.

Step 3

A Description is optional.

Step 4

From the Insert Above drop-down list, choose where this policy is to appear in the table.


Arrange policies such that, from top to bottom of the table, they are in most-restrictive to least-restrictive order. See Policy Order for more information.

Step 5

In the Policy Expires area, check the Set Expiration for Policy check box to set the expiry time for the policy. Enter the date and time for the policy expiration that you want to set. The policies are automatically disabled once they exceed the set expiry time.



System checks the policies every minute to disable the policies which get expired during the minute. For example, if a policy is set to expire at 11:00, at maximum it will be disabled by 11:01.

Policy Expiry feature is applicable only for Access, Decryption, and Web Traffic Tap policies.

You will receive an email prior to three days of the policy expiry and another one upon policy expiry.


To receive alerts, you must enable Policy Expiration alerts using System Administration > Alerts . See Policy Expiration Alerts

You can set the policy expiration time through Cisco Content Security Management Appliances as well. The policies will get expired after the set expiry time but will not be shown as disabled in the Cisco Content Security Management Appliances GUI.

Once you set the policy expiration feature, the expiry happens based on the appliance's local time settings.

Step 6

In the Policy Member Definition section, specify how user and group membership is defined: from the Identification Profiles and Users list, choose one of the following:

  • All Identification Profiles – This policy will apply to all existing profiles. You must also define at least one Advanced option.

  • Select One or More Identification Profiles – A table for specifying individual Identification Profiles appears, one profile-membership definition per row.

Step 7

If you chose All Identification Profiles:

  1. Specify the authorized users and groups to which this policy applies by selecting one of the following options:

    • All Authenticated Users – All users identified through authentication or transparent identification.

    • Selected Groups and Users – Specified users and groups are used.

      To add or edit the specified ISE Secure Group Tags (SGTs) and the specified Users, click the link following the appropriate label. For example, click the list of currently specified users to edit that list. See Adding and Editing Secure Group Tags for a Policy for more information.

      If you use ISE, you can add or edit ISE Secure Group Tags. This is not supported in ISE-PIC deployments. To add or edit the specified ISE Groups, click the link following the label. This option is specific to ISE-PIC.

    • Guests – Users connected as guests and those failing authentication.

    • All Users – All clients, whether authenticated or not. If this option is selected, at least one Advanced option also must be provided.

Step 8

If you chose Select One or More Identification Profiles, a profile-selection table appears.

  1. Choose an Identification Profile from the Select Identification Profile drop-down list in the Identification Profiles column.

  2. Specify the Authorized Users and Groups to which this policy applies:

    • All Authenticated Users – All users identified through authentication or transparent identification.

    • Selected Groups and Users – Specified users and groups are used.

      To add or edit the specified ISE Secure Group Tags (SGTs) and the specified Users, click the link following the appropriate label. For example, click the list of currently specified users to edit that list. See Adding and Editing Secure Group Tags for a Policy for more information.

    • Guests – Users connected as guests and those failing authentication.

  3. To add a row to the profile-selection table, click Add Identification Profile. To delete a row, click the trash-can icon in that row.

Repeat steps (a) through (c) as necessary to add all desired Identification Profiles.

Step 9

Expand the Advanced section to define additional group membership criteria. (This step may be optional depending on selection in the Policy Member Definition section. Also, some of the following options will not be available, depending on the type of policy you are configuring.) .

Advanced Option



Select the protocols to which this policy will apply. All others means any protocol not selected. If the associated identification profile applies to specific protocols, this policy applies to those same protocols

Proxy Ports

Applies this policy only to traffic using specific ports to access the web proxy. Enter one or more port numbers, separating multiple ports with commas.

For explicit forward connections, this is the port configured in the browser.

For transparent connections, this is the same as the destination port.


If the associated identification profile applies only to specific proxy ports, you cannot enter proxy ports here.


Applies this policy only to traffic on specific subnets. Select Specify subnets and enter the specific subnets, separated by commas.

Leave Use subnets from selected Identities selected if you do not want additional filtering by subnet.


If the associated identity applies to specific subnets, you can further restrict the application of this policy to a subset of the addresses to which the identity applies.

Time Range

You can apply time ranges for policy membership:

  • Time Range – Choose a previously defined time range (Time Ranges and Quotas).

  • Match Time Range – Use this option to indicate whether this time range is inclusive or exclusive. In other words, whether to match only during the range specified, or at all times except those in the specified range.

URL Categories

You can restrict policy membership by specific destinations (URLs) and by categories of URLs. Select all desired custom and predefined categories. See Creating and Editing Custom URL Categories for information about custom categories.

User Agents

You can select specific user agents, and define custom agents using regular expressions, as part of membership definition for this policy.

  • Common User Agents

    • Browsers – Expand this section to select various Web browsers.

    • Others – Expand this section to select specific non-browser agents such as application updaters.

  • Custom User Agents – You can enter one or more regular expressions, one per line, to define custom user agents.

  • Match User Agents – Use this option to indicate whether these user-agent specifications are inclusive or exclusive. In other words, whether membership definition includes only the selected user agents, or specifically excludes the selected user agents.

Adding and Editing Secure Group Tags for a Policy

To change the list of Secure Group Tags (SGTs) assigned to a particular Identification Profile in a policy, click the link following the ISE Secure Group Tags label in the Selected Groups and Users list on the Add/Edit Policy page. (See Creating a Policy.) This link is either “No tags entered,” or it is a list of currently assigned tags. The link opens the Add/Edit Secure Group Tags page.

All SGTs currently assigned to this policy are listed in the Authorized Secure Group Tags section. All SGTs available from the connected ISE server are listed in the Secure Group Tag Search section.


Step 1

To add one or more SGTs to the Authorized Secure Group Tags list, select the desired entries in the Secure Group Tag Search section, and then click Add.


  • The SGTs already added, are highlighted in green. To quickly find a specific SGT in the list of those available, enter a text string in the Search field.

  • When a Secure Web Appliance is connected to ISE/ISE-PIC, default SGTs from ISE/ISE-PIC are also displayed. These SGTs will not have users assigned. Ensure that you select the correct SGTs.

Step 2

To remove one or more SGTs from the Authorized Secure Group Tags list, select those entries and then click Delete.

Step 3

Click Done to return to the Add/Edit Group page.

What to do next

Related Topics

Adding Routing Destination and IP Spoofing Profile to Routing Policy

You can configure how the web proxy forwards the web traffic and the requests the source IP address by configuring the routing destination and IP spoofing profile in routing policies.


  • The global routing policy is enabled by default even if an upstream proxy group is not configured on the appliance.

  • IP spoofing profiles are not related to routing destination, and can be configured independently.

  • Routing Policy can be enabled without configuring an upstream proxy.


To configure an upstream proxy group for a routing policy in Security Management appliance, save the configuration file of the Secure Web Appliance and import it on the Security Management appliance. Otherwise, the Security Management appliance shows the upstream proxy as "Not Found" and the routing policy will be disabled after the config push.


Step 1

Choose Web Security Manager > Routing Policies.

Step 2

On the Routing Policies page, click the link under Routing Destination column for the routing policy that you want to configure the upstream proxy group.

Step 3

Choose an appropriate upstream proxy group for the selected policy from the following:



Use Global Policy Settings

The web proxy uses the settings defined in the Global Policy. This is the default action for user defined policy groups. By default, the routing destination for Global Routing Policy is set as Direct Connection.

Applies to user defined policy groups only.

Direct Connection

The web proxy forwards web traffic directly to its destination web server.

Custom upstream proxy group

The web proxy redirects the web traffic to an external upstream proxy group. For more information about creating upstream proxy groups, see Upstream Proxies.

Step 4

On the Routing Policies page, click the link under IP Spoofing column for the routing policy that you want to configure the IP spofing profile.

Step 5

Choose an appropriate IP spoofing profile for the selected policy from the following:



Use Global Policy Settings

The web proxy uses the settings defined in the Global Policy. This is the default action for user defined policy groups. By default, the IP spoofing is disabled for the Global Routing Policy.

Applies to user defined policy groups only.

Do No Use IP Spoofing

The web proxy changes the request source IP address to match its own address to increase security.

Use Client IP

The web proxy retains the source address so that it appears to originate from the source client rather than from the Secure Web Appliance.

Custom spoofing profile name

The web proxy changes the request source IP address to custom IP defined in the selected custom IP spoofing profile name.

Step 6

Submit and Commit your changes.

What to do next

Related Topics

Policy Configuration

Each row in a table of policies represents a policy definition, and each column displays current contains a link to a configuration page for that element of the policy.


Of the following policy-configuration components, you can specify the “Warn” option only with URL Filtering.



Protocols and User Agents

Used to control policy access to protocols and configure blocking for particular client applications, such as instant messaging clients, web browsers, and Internet phone services. You can also configure the appliance to tunnel HTTP CONNECT requests on specific ports. With tunneling enabled, the appliance passes HTTP traffic through specified ports without evaluating it.

URL Filtering

AsyncOS for Web allows you to configure how the appliance handles a transaction based on the URL category of a particular HTTP or HTTPS request. Using a predefined category list, you can choose to block, monitor, warn, or set quota-based or time-based filters.

You can also create custom URL categories and then choose to block, redirect, allow, monitor, warn, or apply quota-based or time-based filters for Websites in the custom categories. See Creating and Editing Custom URL Categories for information about creating custom URL categories.

In addition, you can add exceptions to blocking of embedded or referred content.


The Application Visibility and Control engine (AVC) engine is an Acceptable Use policy component that inspects Web traffic to gain deeper understanding and control of Web traffic used for applications. The appliance allows the Web Proxy to be configured to block or allow applications by Application Types, and by individual applications. You can also apply controls to particular application behaviors, such as file transfers, within a particular application. See Managing Access to Web Applications for configuration information.


These options let you configure the Web Proxy to block file downloads based on file characteristics, such as file size, file type, and MIME type. An object is, generally, any item that can be individually selected, uploaded, downloaded and manipulated. See Access Policies: Blocking Objects for information about specifying blocked objects.

Anti-Malware and Reputation

Web reputation filters allow for a web-based reputation score to be assigned to a URL to determine the probability of it containing URL-based malware. Anti-malware scanning identifies and stops web-based malware threats. Secure Endpoint identifies malware in downloaded files.

The Anti-Malware and Reputation policy inherits global settings respective to each component. Within Security Services > Anti-Malware and Reputation, malware categories can be customized to monitor or block based on malware scanning verdicts and web reputation score thresholds can be customized. Malware categories can be further customized within a policy. There are also global settings for file reputation and analysis services.

For more information, see Anti-Malware and Reputation Settings in Access Policies and Configuring File Reputation and Analysis Features.

HTTP ReWrite Profile

You can configure custom header profiles for HTTP requests and can create multiple headers under a header rewrite profile. The header rewrite profile feature enables the appliance to pass the user and group information to another upstream device after successful authentication. The upstream proxy considers the user as authenticated, bypasses further authentication, and provides access to the user based on the defined access policies.

See Web Proxy Custom Headers Per Policy.

Clone Policy

If an existing policy has most of the settings that you want in a new policy, you can save time by cloning the existing policy and then modifying it. Although the cloned policy shares the same grouping attributes, it has its own unique identity, such as the display name, IP address, host, and domain name.

The following policies with cloning option in Secure Web Appliance can also be managed by Cisco Secure Email and Web Manager (SMA):

  • Access

  • Decryption

  • Identification

  • Routing



You can clone only one policy at an instance.


Deletes the created policy.

Access Policies: Blocking Objects

You can use the options on the Access Policies: Objects page to block file downloads based on file characteristics, such as file size, file type, and MIME type. An object is, generally, any item that can be individually selected, uploaded, downloaded and manipulated.

You can specify a number of types of objects to be blocked by each individual Access policy, and by the Global policy. These object types include Archives, Document Types, Executable Code, Web Page Content, and so on.


Step 1

On the Access Policies page (Web Security Manager > Access Policies), click the link in the Objects column of the row representing the policy you wish to edit.

Step 2

Choose the desired type of object blocking for this Access policy:

  • Use Global Policy Objects Blocking Settings – This policy uses the object-blocking settings defined for the Global Policy; these settings are displayed in read-only mode. Edit the settings for the Global Policy to change them.

  • Define Custom Objects Blocking Settings – You can edit all object-blocking settings for this policy.

  • Disable Object Blocking for this Policy – Object blocking is disabled for this policy; no object-blocking options are presented.

Step 3

If you chose Define Custom Objects Blocking Settings in the previous step, select and deselect object-blocking options on the Access Policies: Objects page as needed.

Object Size

You can block objects based on their download size:

  • HTTP/HTTPS Max Download Size – Either provide the maximum object size for HTTP/HTTPS download (objects larger than this will be blocked), or indicate that there is no maximum size for object download via HTTP/HTTPS.

  • FTP Max Download Size – Either provide the maximum object size for FTP download (objects larger than this will be blocked), or indicate that there is no maximum size for object download via FTP.

Block Object Type


Expand this section to select types of Archive files that are to be blocked. This list includes Archive types such as ARC, BinHex, and StuffIt.

Inspectable Archives

Expand this section to select whether to Allow, Block, or Inspect specific types of Inspectable Archive files. Inspectable Archives are archive or compressed files that the Secure Web Appliance can inflate to inspect each of the contained files in order to apply the file-type block policy. The Inspectable Archives list includes archive types such as 7zip, Microsoft CAB, RAR, and TAR.

The following points apply to archive inspection:

  • Only archive types marked Inspect will be inflated and inspected.

  • Only one archive will be inspected at a time, Additional concurrent inspectable archives may not be inspected.

  • If an inspected archive contains a file type that is assigned the Block action by the current policy, the entire archive will be blocked, regardless of any allowed file types it may contain.

  • An inspected archive that contains an unsupported archive type will be marked as “unscannable.” If it contains a blocked archive type, it will be blocked.

  • Password-protected and encrypted archives are not supported and will be marked as “unscannable.”

  • An inspectable archive which is incomplete or corrupt is marked as “unscannable.”

  • The DVS Engine Object Scanning Limits value specified for the Anti-Malware and Reputation global settings also applies to the size of an inspectable archive; an object exceeding this size is marked as “unscannable.” See Enabling Anti-Malware and Reputation Filters for information about this object size limit.

  • An inspectable archive marked as “unscannable” can be either Blocked in its entirety or Allowed in its entirety.

  • When access policies are configured to block custom MIME types, and archive inspection is enabled:

    • If the appliance directly downloads a file with the custom MIME type as part of the content-type header, access is blocked.

    • If the same file is part of a ZIP/archive file, the appliance inspects the archive and determines the MIME type based on its own MIME evaluation. If the MIME evaluated by the appliance's engine does not match the configured custom MIME type, the content is not blocked.

  • The appliance can inspect configured archives but it has the limitation to inspect certain archives such as RAR and 7-Zip.

See Archive Inspection Settings for information about configuring archive inspection.

Document Types

Expand this section to select types of text documents to be blocked. This list includes document types such as FrameMaker, Microsoft Office, and PDF.

Executable Code

Expand this section to select types of executable code to be blocked. The list includes Java Applet, UNIX Executable and Windows Executable.


Types of installers to be blocked; the list includes UNIX/LINUX Packages.


Types of media files to be blocked. The list includes Audio, Video and Photographic Image Processing Formats (TIFF/PSD).

P2P Metafiles

This list includes BitTorrent Links (.torrent).

Web Page Content

This list includes Flash and Images.


This list includes Calendar Data.

Custom MIME Types

You can define additional objects/files to be blocked based on MIME type.

Enter one or more MIME types in the Block Custom MIME Types field, one per line.

Step 4

Click Submit.

Archive Inspection Settings

You can Allow, Block, or Inspect specific types of Inspectable Archives for individual Access policies. Inspectable Archives are archive or compressed files that the Secure Web Appliance can inflate to inspect each of the contained files in order to apply the file-type block policy. See Access Policies: Blocking Objects for more information about configuring archive inspection for individual Access policies.


During archive inspection, nested objects are written to disk for examination. The amount of disk space that can be occupied at any given time during file inspection is 1 GB. Any archive file exceeding this maximum disk-use size will be marked unscannable.

The Secure Web Appliance’s Acceptable Use Controls page provides system-wide Inspectable Archives Settings; that is, these settings apply to archive extraction and inspection whenever enabled in an Access policy.


Step 1

Choose Security Services > Acceptable Use Controls.

Step 2

Click the Edit Archives Settings button.

Step 3

Edit the Inspectable Archives Settings as needed.

  • Maximum Encapsulated Archive Extractions – Maximum number of “encapsulated” archives to be extracted and inspected. That is, maximum depth to inspect an archive containing other inspectable archives. An encapsulated archive is one that is contained in another archive file. This value can be zero through five; depth count begins at one with the first nested file.

    The external archive is considered file zero. If the archive has files nested beyond this maximum nested value, the archive is marked as unscannable. Note that this will impact performance.

  • Block Uninspectable Archives – If checked, the Secure Web Appliance will block archives it failed to inflate and inspect.

Step 4

Submit and Commit Changes.

Block, Allow, or Redirect Transaction Requests

The web proxy controls web traffic based on the policies that you create for groups of transaction requests.

  • Allow. The Web Proxy permits the connection without interruption. Allowed connections may not have been scanned by the DVS engine.
  • Block. The Web Proxy does not permit the connection and instead displays an end user notification page explaining the reason for the block.
  • Redirect. The Web Proxy does not allow the connection to the originally requested destination server and instead connects to a different specified URL, see Redirecting Traffic in the Access Policies.


The preceding actions are final actions that the Web Proxy takes on a client request. The Monitor action that you can configure for Access Policies is not a final action.

Generally, different types of policies control traffic based on the transport protocol.

Policy Type


Actions Supported




























Data Security






External DLP





Outbound Malware Scanning












Decryption policy takes precedence over Access policy.

The following diagram shows how the Web Proxy determines which action to take on a request after it has assigned a particular Access Policy to the request. The Web reputation score of the destination server is evaluated only once, but the result is applied at two different points in the decision flow.

Figure 3. Applying Access Policy Actions

Client Applications

About Client Applications

Client Applications (such as a web browser) are used to make requests. You can define policy membership based on client applications, and you can specify control settings and exempt client applications from authentication, which is useful for applications that cannot prompt for credentials.

Using Client Applications in Policies

Defining Policy Membership Using Client Applications


Step 1

Choose a policy type from the Web Security Manager menu.

Step 2

Click a policy name in the policies table.

Step 3

Expand the Advanced section and click the link in the Client Applications field.

Step 4

Define one or more of the client applications:



Choose a predefined client application

Expand the Browser and Other sections and check the required client application check boxes.



Choose only the Any Version options when possible, as this provides better performance than having multiple selections.

Define a custom client application

Enter an appropriate regular expression in the Custom Client Applications field. Enter additional regular expressions on new lines as required.



Click Example Client Applications Patterns for examples of regular expressions.

Step 5

(Optional) Click the Match All Except The Selected Client Applications Definitions radio button to base the policy membership on all client applications except those you have defined.

Step 6

Click Done.

Defining Policy Control Settings Using Client Applications


Step 1

Choose a policy type from the Web Security Manager menu.

Step 2

Find the required policy name in the policies table.

Step 3

Click the cell link in the Protocols and Client Applications column on the same row.

Step 4

Choose Define Custom Settings from the drop-down list in the Edit Protocols and Client Applications Settings pane (if not already set).

Step 5

Enter a regular expression in the Custom Client Applications field that matches the client application you wish to define. Enter additional regular expressions on new lines as required.



Click Example Client Application Patterns for examples of regular expressions.

Step 6

Submit and commit your changes.

Exempting Client Applications from Authentication


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

Create an Identification Profile that does not require authentication.

Classifying Users and Client Software

Step 2

Set the Identification Profile membership as the client application to exempt.

Using Client Applications in Policies

Step 3

Place the Identification Profile above all other Identification Profiles in the policies table that require authentication.

Policy Order

Time Ranges and Quotas

You can apply time ranges and time and volume quotas to access policies and decryption policies to restrict when a user has access, as well as their maximum connection time or data volume (also referred to as a “bandwidth quota”).

Time Ranges for Policies and Acceptable Use Controls

Time ranges are defined periods of time during which policies and acceptable use controls apply.


You cannot use time ranges to define the times at which users must authenticate. Authentication requirements are defined in Identification Profiles, which do not support time ranges.

Creating a Time Range


Step 1

Choose Web Security Manager > Define Time Ranges and Quotas.

Step 2

Click Add Time Range.

Step 3

Enter a name for the time range.

Step 4

Choose a Time Zone option:

  • Use Time Zone Setting From Appliance – Use the same time zone as the Secure Web Appliance.

  • Specify Time Zone for this Time Range – Define a different time zone, either as a GMT Offset, or as a region, country and a specific time zone in that country.

Step 5

Check one or more Day of Week check boxes.

Step 6

Select a Time of Day option:

  • All Day – Use the full 24-hour period.

  • From and To – Define a specific range of hours: enter a start time and end time in HH:MM (24-hour format).



Each time range defines a start time and an end-time boundary. For example, entering 8:00 through 17:00 matches 8:00:00 through 16:59:59, but not 17:00:00. Midnight must be specified as 00:00 for a start time, and as 24:00 for an end time.

Step 7

Submit and commit your changes.

Time and Volume Quotas

Quotas allow individual users to continue accessing an Internet resource (or a class of Internet resources) until they exhaust the data volume or time limit imposed. AsyncOS enforces defined quotas on HTTP, HTTPS and FTP traffic.

As a user approaches either their time or volume quota, AsyncOS displays first a warning, and then a block page.

Please note the following regarding use of time and volume quotas:

  • If AsyncOS is deployed in transparent mode and HTTPS proxy is disabled, there is no listening on port 443, and requests are dropped. This is standard behavior. If AsyncOS is deployed in explicit mode, you can set quotas in your access policies.

    When HTTPS proxy is enabled, possible actions on a request are pass-through, decrypt, drop, or monitor. Overall, quotas in decryption policies are applicable only to the pass-through categories.

    With pass-through, you will also have the option to set quotas for tunnel traffic. With decrypt, this option is not available, as the quotas configured in the access policy will be applied to decrypted traffic.

  • If URL Filtering is disabled or if its feature key is unavailable, AsyncOS cannot identify the category of a URL, and the Access Policy > URL Filtering page is disabled. Thus, the feature key needs to be present, and Acceptable Use Policies enabled, to configure quotas..
  • Many websites such as Facebook and Gmail auto-update at frequent intervals. If such a website is left open in an unused browser window or tab, it will continue to consume the user’s quota of time and volume.
  • When you restart the proxy and the high-performance mode is:
    • Enabled - Time and volume quotas are not reset. Quotas are automatically reset once within the 24-hour window based on the configured time.
    • Disabled - Time and volume quotas are reset. The reset impact remains only for the current 24-hour window as the quotas are automatically reset once within 24 hours. Proxy may restart due to configuration changes or proxy process crash.
  • Your EUN pages (both warning and block) cannot be displayed for HTTPS even when decrypt-for-EUN option is enabled.


The most restrictive quota will always apply when more than one quota applies to any given user.

Volume Quota Calculations

Calculation of volume quotas is as follows:

  • HTTP and decrypted HTTPS traffic – The HTTP request and response body are counted toward quota limits. The request headers and response headers will not be counted toward the limits.
  • Tunnel traffic (including tunneled HTTPS) – AsyncOS simply shuttles the tunneled traffic from the client to the server, and vice versa. The entire data volume of the tunnel traffic is counted toward quota limits.
  • FTP – The control-connection traffic is not counted. The size of the file uploaded and downloaded is counted toward quota limits.


Only client-side traffic is counted toward quota limits. Cached content also counts toward the limit, as client-side traffic is generated even when a response is served from the cache.

Time Quota Calculations

Calculation of time quotas is as follows:

  • HTTP and decrypted HTTPS traffic – The duration of each connection to the same URL category, from formation to disconnect, plus one minute, is counted toward the time quota limit. If multiple requests are made to the same URL category within one minute of each other, they are counted as one continuous session and the one minute is added only at the end of this session (that is, after at least one minute of “silence”).
  • Tunnel traffic (including tunneled HTTPS) – The actual duration of the tunnel, from formation to disconnect, counts toward quota limits. The above calculation for multiple requests applies to tunneled traffic as well.
  • FTP – The actual duration of the FTP control session, from formation to disconnect, counts toward quota limits. The above calculation for multiple requests applies to FTP traffic as well.

Defining Time, Volume, and Bandwidth Quotas

Before you begin
  • Go to Security Services > Acceptable Use Controls to enable Acceptable Use Controls.

  • Define a time range unless you want the quota to apply as a daily limit.


Step 1

Navigate to Web Security Manager > Define Time Ranges and Quotas.

Step 2

Click Add Quota.

Step 3

Enter a unique Quota Name in the field.

Step 4

To reset the Time and Volume quota every day, select Reset Time and Volume quota daily at and enter a time in the 12-hour format in the field, then choose AM or PM from the menu. Alternatively, select Select a predefined time range profile.


Using reset quota option does not reset the configured bandwidth quota value.

Step 5

To set a time quota, select the Time Quota check box and choose the number of hours from the hrs menu and the number of minutes from the mins menu, from zero (always blocked) to 23 hours and 59 minutes.

Step 6

To set a volume quota enter a number in the field and choose KB (kilobytes), MB (megabytes), or GB (gigabytes) from the menu.

Step 7

To set a bandwidth quota enter a number in the field and choose Kbps (kilobytes per second) or Mbps (megabytes per second) from the menu.

  • The bandwidth quota can be configured only in the access policy. However, you cannot configure both, the URL bandwidth quota and the overall web activity quota for the same access policy.

  • Bandwidth quota cannot be configured if the overall bandwidth limit or AVC bandwidth limit is enabled or vice-versa.

  • Cached content is also taken into account for bandwidth quota.

  • We do not recommend you to add bandwidth quota to any existing time or volume quota profile that is mapped to decryption or CDS Policy.

    Though, you can edit the quota profile, you cannot configure bandwidth quota to a decryption and CDS policy.



Delete all quota profiles whose bandwidth quota was configured before upgrading to AsyncOS Release 14.5.

Step 8

Click Submit and then click Commit Changes to apply your changes. Alternatively, click Cancel to abandon your changes.

What to do next

(Optional) Navigate to Security Services > End-User Notification to configure end-user notifications for quotas.

Access Control by URL Category

You can identify and action Web requests based on the category of Website they address. The Secure Web Appliance ships with many predefined URL categories, such as Web-based Email and others.

Predefined categories, and the Websites associated with them, are defined within filtering databases that reside on the Secure Web Appliance. These databases are automatically kept up to date by Cisco. You can also create custom URL categories for host names and IP addresses that you specify.

URL categories can be used by all policies except policies to identify requests. They can also be used by Access, Encrypted HTTPS Management and Data Security policies to apply actions to requests.

See Creating and Editing Custom URL Categories for information about creating custom URL categories.

Using URL Categories to Identify Web Requests

Before you begin


Step 1

Choose a policy type (except SaaS) from the Web Security Manager menu.

Step 2

Click a policy name in the policies table (or add a new policy).

Step 3

Expand the Advanced section and click the link in the URL Categories field.

Step 4

Click the Add column cells corresponding to URL Categories you wish to identify web requests by. Do this for the Custom URL Categories and Predefined URL Categories lists as required.

Step 5

Click Done.

Step 6

Submit and commit your changes.

Using URL Categories to Action Web Request

Before you begin


If you have used URL categories as criteria within a policy then those categories alone are available to specify actions against within the same policy. Some of the options described below may differ or be unavailable because of this.


Step 1

Choose one of Access Policies, Cisco Data Security Policies, or Encrypted HTTPS Management from the Web Security Manager menu.

Step 2

Find the required policy name in the policies table.

Step 3

Click the cell link in the URL Filtering column on the same row.

Step 4

(Optional) Add custom URL categories:

  1. Click Select Custom Categories.

  2. Choose which custom URL categories to include in this policy and click Apply.

    Choose which custom URL categories the URL filtering engine should compare the client request against. The URL filtering engine compares client requests against included custom URL categories, and ignores excluded custom URL categories. The URL filtering engine compares the URL in a client request to included custom URL categories before predefined URL categories.

    The custom URL categories included in the policy appear in the Custom URL Category Filtering section.

Step 5

Choose an action for each custom and predefined URL category.



Available actions vary between custom and predefined categories and between policy types.

Step 6

In the Uncategorized URLs section, choose the action to take for client requests to web sites that do not fall into a predefined or custom URL category.

Step 7

Submit and commit your changes.

Remote Users

About Remote Users

Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility extends the network perimeter to remote endpoints, enabling the integration of web filtering services offered by the Secure Web Appliance.

Remote and mobile users use the Cisco AnyConnect Secure VPN (virtual private network)client to establish VPN sessions with the Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA). The ASA sends web traffic to the Secure Web Appliance along with information identifying the user by IP address and user name. The Secure Web Appliance scans the traffic, enforces acceptable use policies, and protects the user from security threats. The security appliance returns all traffic deemed safe and acceptable to the user.

When Secure Mobility is enabled, you can configure identities and policies to apply to users by their location:

  • Remote users. These users are connected to the network from a remote location using VPN. The Secure Web Appliance automatically identifies remote users when both the Cisco ASA and Cisco AnyConnect client are used for VPN access. Otherwise, the Secure Web Appliance administrator must specify remote users by configuring a range of IP addresses.

  • Local users. These users are connected to the network either physically or wirelessly.

When the Secure Web Appliance integrates with a Cisco ASA, you can configure it to identify users by an authenticated user name transparently to achieve single sign-on for remote users.

How to Configure Identification of Remote Users


Further information

1. Configure identification of remote users.

Configuring Identification of Remote Users

2. Create an identity for remote users.

Classifying Users and Client Software

  1. In the “Define Members by User Location” section, select Remote Users Only.

  2. In the “Define Members by Authentication” section, select “Identify Users Transparently through Cisco ASA Integration.”

3. Create a policy for remote users.

Creating a Policy

Configuring Identification of Remote Users


Step 1

Security Services > AnyConnect Secure Mobility, and click Enable.

Step 2

Read the terms of the AnyConnect Secure Mobility License Agreement, and click Accept.

Step 3

Configure how to identify remote users.



Additional Steps

IP Address

Specify a range of IP addresses that the appliance should consider as assigned to remote devices.

  1. Enter a range of IP addresses in the IP Range field.

  2. Go to step 4

Cisco ASA Integration

Specify one or more Cisco ASA the Secure Web Appliance communicates with. The Cisco ASA maintains an IP address-to-user mapping and communicates that information with the Secure Web Appliance. When the Web Proxy receives a transaction, it obtains the IP address and determines the user by checking the IP address-to-user mapping. When users are determined by integrating with a Cisco ASA, you can enable single sign-on for remote users.

  1. Enter the Cisco ASA host name or IP address.

  2. Enter the port number used to access the ASA. The default port number for the Cisco ASA is 11999.

  3. If multiple Cisco ASA are configured in a cluster, click Add Row and configure each ASA in the cluster.


    If two Cisco ASA are configured for high availability, enter only one host name or IP address for the active Cisco ASA.
  4. Enter the access passphrase for the Cisco ASA.


    The passphrase you enter here must match the access passphrase configured for the specified Cisco ASA.
  5. Optional, click Start Test to verify the Secure Web Appliance can connect to the configured Cisco ASA.

Step 4

Submit and Commit Changes.



Enable AnyConnect Security Mobility (Security Services > AnyConnect Security Mobility) to make the Define Members by User Location option available on the Secure Web Appliance. By default, this option is available on the Cisco Content Security Management Appliance (Web > Configuration Master > Identification Profiles). When you use the Define Members by User Location option to configure an identification profile in the Security Management Appliance and publish that configuration to the Secure Web Appliance where AnyConnect Security Mobility is not enabled, the identification profile is disabled.

Display Remote User Status and Statistics for ASAs

Use this command to display information related to Secure Mobility when the Secure Web Appliance is integrated with an ASA.




This command displays the following information:

  • The status of the Secure Web Appliance connection with each ASA.

  • The duration of the Secure Web Appliance connection with each ASA in minutes.

  • The number of remote clients from each ASA.

  • The number of remote clients being serviced, which is defined as the number of remote clients that have passed traffic through the Secure Web Appliance.

  • The total number of remote clients.