Release Notes for the Cisco CMX Engage Release 3.2.7
Introduction to the CMX Engage
Two Factor Authentication for Meraki
Support for New Parameters in the SMPP Gateway
Meraki Location Identification
This document describes the new features, enhancements, resolved issues, and open issues for the Cisco CMX Engage Release 3.2.7. Use this document in conjunction with the documents listed in the “Support” section.
The CMX Engage is a location intelligence, digital customer acquisition and multi-channel engagement platform that enables companies to connect, know, and engage with visitors at their physical business locations.
The major features of the CMX Engage 3.2.7 release are as follows:
For Meraki, the CMX Engage now supports importing the location hierarchy using the API keys. That is, you can import the location hierarchy even if you don't have the Meraki credentials, provided you have the required API key.
In the "Add a Wireless Network" window, when you select the wireless network as "Meraki", a new link "Import Organization using API" is shown. Using this link, you can import the Meraki organizations by providing the Meraki API key. You can then add the child locations such as network using the “More Actions” icon for its parent location.
In the "Wireless Network Status" window, for the Meraki organizations added using the API key, the organization node is shown with a cloud plug icon. The networks will be listed as child locations under the organization. The synchronization status for each location is displayed against that location. If there is any synchronization issue with any of the network, the synchronization icon of that network won't turn green. The synchronization icon of an organization will turn green only if all its child locations are synchronized properly.
For the SMPP gateway, the CMX Engage now supports the following additional parameters:
Currently this support is not available from the CMX Engage dashboard. You must contact the CMX Engage support team to pass these parameters.
For Meraki, the locations will now be identified based on latitude and longitude of the customer device, and the frequency of the location update for that device from different APs. This enables to identify the exact customer location. Previously, the customer location was identified based on the AP MAC Address.
You can access the support documentation using the Help button in the CMX Engage Dashboard.