Release Notes for the Cisco CMX Engage Release 3.2.9
Introduction to the CMX Engage
Data Capture Support for SMS with Link Verification
SMS with Link Verification-Expiry Period for Confirmation Link
Inline Support for No Authentication
Bandwidth and Session Expiry for Captive Portals
No Module Enabled for Inline Authentication
Network Synchronization Server
Radius Secret Key Displayed in the Dashboard
This document describes the enhancements, resolved issues, and open issues for the Cisco CMX Engage Release 3.2.9. Use this document in conjunction with the documents listed in the “Support” section.
The CMX Engage is a location intelligence, digital customer acquisition and multi-channel engagement platform that enables companies to connect, know, and engage with visitors at their physical business locations.
The major features of the CMX Engage 3.2.9 release are as follows:
The “SMS with Link Verification” authentication now supports data capture. Currently there is no dashboard support for this feature. You can contact the CMX Engage support team to avail this feature.
If the Data Capture is configured, during customer acquisition, the Data Capt ure form is displayed along with the phone number field.
During finger print verification, if the customer selects “Cancel” in the Confirmation page, the user will not be redirected to the landing page, and the message “Thank you for confirmation” is shown. In addition, the customer is not acquired.
Next time when the customer tries to access the internet, the data capture form is displayed (with all the data filled by the customer during the previous visit, except the mobile number). The customer then has to confirm the data by clicking the confirmation link. The data capture form with the pre-filled data is displayed for all the subsequent visits till the customer verify the data by clicking the Confirmation link.
For the “SMS with Link Verification” authentication, the CMX Engage is now capable of setting an expiry period for the Confirmation link sent in the SMS. If the customer accesses the link after the expiry period, the link expired message is shown. The expiry period for the Confirmation link is 8 hours.
Next time when the customer tries to access the internet, the customer has to provide the mobile number to get the confirmation link.
The CMX Engage now supports inline authentication for the authentication type, “No Authentication”. For inline “No authentication”, the T&C link will be displayed as inline in the captive portal.
Currently there is no dashboard support for this feature. You can contact the CMX Engage support team to avail this feature.
To meet the legal requirements that may arise in various countries, the CMX Engage now provides 2- click support for Terms and Conditions. If T&C 2-click is enabled for a portal, in addition to the current “Accept Terms and Continue” button, there will a check box adjacent to the T&C link, which the customer has to click to proceed further.
Currently there is no dashboard support for this feature. You can contact the CMX Engage support team to avail this feature.
For the captive portals with radius server configuration, you can configure the bandwidth required and the duration for ending an internet session.
This bandwidth and session expiry configuration will override the configurations in the wireless network such as Meraki or CUWN. In addition, you can configure more bandwidth and duration limit than the one that you can configure in the wireless network. For example, if the maximum session duration that you can specify in Meraki is 90 days, you can configure more than 90 days as session duration using this feature.
The bandwidth and session expiry will be configured in the Captive Portal rule. This enables you to set different bandwidth and session expiry period for the same captive portal for different rules.
If inline authentication is configured for a captive portal, a repeat user can now access the captive portal even if all the modules in the captive portal are in the disabled state.
When the repeat user accesses the captive portal without any modules, a Continue button will be shown to access the internet. After the internet provisioning, the customer will be redirected to the landing page configured in the Authentication module.
An advanced network synchronization server is now deployed for the CMX Engage.This network synchronization server is capable of detecting the changes in the Meraki during the synchronization process, and can initiate the synchronization of the affected Meraki networks, floors, and SSIDs. Only the networks that have updates will be synchronized, skipping other networks, and thereby increases the performance of the synchronization process.
The secret key for configuring the radius server is now displayed in the CMX Engage dashboard. In the page that appears when you click the “Setup SSIDs in Meraki/ CUWN” link, in the “Radius Server Configuration” section, the Radius Secret key is displayed. The secret keys are available for both Meraki and CUWN networks in the respective tabs.
The “Product Updates” link in the CMX Engage home page is updated with the CMX Engage product update details till last quarter.
You can access the support documentation using the Help button in the CMX Engage Dashboard.