Rate Limit and Storm Commands

This chapter contains the following sections:

clear storm-control counters

To clear storm control counters, use the clear storm-control counters command in Privileged EXEC mode.


clear storm-control counters [broadcast | multicast | unicast] [interface interface-id]


  • broadcast—(Optional) Clear Broadcast storm control counters.

  • multicast—(Optional) Clear Multicast storm control counters.

  • unicast—(Optional) Clear Unicast Unknown storm control counters.

  • interface interface-id—(Optional) Clear storm control counters for the specified Ethernet port.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC mode

User Guidelines

The switch clears the port counter of a given traffic type when storm control for this traffic type on this port is enabled.

Use this command to clear the storm control counters when storm control is running.

Use the clear storm-control counters command to clear all the storm control counters of all Ethernet ports.

Use the clear storm-control counters interface interface-id command to clear all the storm control counters of a given port.

Use the clear storm-control counters broadcast | multicast | unicast command to clear all storm control counters of a given traffic type of all Ethernet ports.

Use the clear storm-control counters broadcast | multicast | unicast interface interface-id command to clear one storm control counter of a given traffic type and of a given port.


Example 1. The following example clears all storm control counters of all ports:

switchxxxxxx# clear storm-control counters

Example 2. The following example clears all storm control counters of port gi1/0/1:

switchxxxxxx# clear storm-control counters interface gi1/0/1

Example 3. The following example clears broadcast storm control counter of all ports:

switchxxxxxx# clear storm-control counters broascat

Example 4. The following example clears multicast storm control counter of port gi1/0/1:

switchxxxxxx# clear storm-control counters multicast interface gi1/0/1

rate-limit (Ethernet)

To limit the incoming traffic rate on a port, use the rate-limit command in Interface (Ethernet) Configuration mode. To disable the rate limit, use the no form of this command.


rate-limit committed-rate-kbps [burst committed-burst-bytes]

no rate-limit


  • committed-rate-kbps—Specifies the maximum number of kilobits per second of ingress traffic on a port. The range is 3–maximal port speed.

  • burst committed-burst-bytes—(Optional) The burst size in bytes. (Range: 3000–19173960). If unspecified, defaults to 128K.

Default Configuration

Rate limiting is disabled.

Command Mode

Interface (Ethernet) Configuration mode

User Guidelines

The calculated rate includes the 20 bytes of Ethernet framing overhead (preamble+SFD+IPG).

The Rate Limit does not calculate traffic controlled by Storm control. The real allowed rate will be sum of the rate specified by the command and the rates specified by the Storm control commands for particular traffic types.


The following example limits the incoming traffic rate on gi1/0/1 to 150,000 kbps.

switchxxxxxx(config)# interface gi1/0/1
switchxxxxxx(config-if)# rate-limit 150000

rate-limit vlan

To limit the incoming traffic rate for a VLAN in, use the rate-limit vlan command in Global Configuration mode. To disable the rate limit, use the no form of this command.


rate-limit vlan vlan-id committed-rate committed-burst-bytes

no rate-limit vlan vlan-id


  • vlan-id—Specifies the VLAN ID.

  • committed-rate—Specifies the average traffic rate (CIR) in kbits per second (kbps). (Range: 3-57982058)

  • committed-burst—Specifies the maximum burst size (CBS) in bytes. (Range: 3000–19173960).

Default Configuration

Rate limiting is disabled.

Command Mode

Global Configuration mode

User Guidelines

The calculated rate includes the 20 bytes of Ethernet framing overhead (preamble+SFD+IPG).

Traffic policing in a policy map takes precedence over VLAN rate limiting. If a packet is subject to traffic policing in a policy map and is associated with a VLAN that is rate limited, the packet is counted only in the traffic policing of the policy map.

VLAN Rate limiting is calculated separately for each unit in a stack.

It does not work in conjunction with IP Source Guard.


The following example limits the rate on VLAN 11 to 150000 kbps and the committed burst size to 9600 bytes.

switchxxxxxx(config)# rate-limit vlan 11 150000 9600


To enable broadcast, multicast, or unicast storm control on a port, use the storm-control command in Interface (Ethernet) Configuration mode. To return to default, use the no form of this command.


storm-control broadcast {level level | kbps kbps} [trap] [shutdown]

no storm-control broadcast

storm-control multicast [registered | unregistered] {level level | kbps kbps} [trap] [shutdown]

no storm-control multicast

storm-control unicast {level level | kbps kbps} [trap] [shutdown]

no storm-control unicast

no storm-control


  • broadcast—Enables broadcast storm control on the port.

  • multicast [registered | unregistered]—Enables either all multicast, only registered multicast, or only unregistered multicast storm control on the port.

  • unicast—Enables unicast unknown storm control on the port.

  • level level—Suppression level in percentage. Block the flooding of storm packets when the value specified for level is reached. (Range 1-100)

  • kbps kbps—Maximum of kilobits per second of Broadcast traffic on a port. (Range 1 –10000000)

  • trap—(Optional) Sends a trap when a storm occurs on a port. If the keyword is not specified the trap is not sent.

  • shutdown—(Optional) Shut down a port when a storm occurs on the port. If the keyword is not specified extra traffic is discarded.

Default Configuration

Storm control is disabled.

Command Mode

Interface (Ethernet) Configuration mode

User Guidelines

The calculated rate includes the 20 bytes of Ethernet framing overhead (preamble+SFD+IPG).

The rate limit on a port does not calculate traffic controlled by storm control on this port.

Use the no storm-control command to disable storm control of all traffic type on the port.


The following example enables broadcast, multicast, and unicast unknown storm control on port gi1/0/1 and multicast unregistered and unicast unknown on port gi1/0/2:

Enable group 1 for registered and unregistered multicast traffic on interface gi1/0/1. Extra traffic is discarded.

switchxxxxxx(config)# interface gi1/0/1 switchxxxxxx(config-if)# storm-control broadcast kbps 10000 shutdown switchxxxxxx(config-if)# storm-control multicast level 20 trap switchxxxxxx(config-if)# storm-control unicast level 5 trap shutdown switchxxxxxx(config-if)# exit switchxxxxxx(config)# interface gi1/0/2 switchxxxxxx(config-if)# storm-control multicast unregistered level 5 trap shutdown switchxxxxxx(config-if)# storm-control unicast level 5 trap switchxxxxxx(config-if)# exit

show rate-limit interface

To display rate limit configuration on an interface, use the show rate-limit interface command in Privileged EXEC mode.


show rate-limit interface [interface-id]


  • interface-id—(Optional) Specifies an Ethernet port. If the argument is not configured rate limit configuration of all Ethernet ports is displayed.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC mode


The following is an example of the output from the show rate-limit interface:

switchxxxxxx> show rate-limit interface




Rate Limit (kbps)




Burst (Bytes)




show rate-limit vlan

To display rate limit configuration on a VLAN, use the show rate-limit vlan command in Privileged EXEC mode.


show rate-limit vlan [vlan-id]


  • vlan-id—(Optional) Specifies a VLAN ID If the argument is not configured rate limit configuration of all VLANs is displayed.

Default Configuration


Command Mode

Privileged EXEC mode


The following is an example of the output from the show rate-limit vlan:

switchxxxxxx> show rate-limit vlan 1075




Rate Limit (kbps)



Burst (Bytes)



show storm-control interface

To display storm control information of an interface, use the show storm-control interface command in Privileged EXEC mode.


show storm-control interface [interface-id]


  • interface-id—(Optional) Specifies an Ethernet port. If the argument is not configured storm control information of all Ethernet ports is displayed.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC mode


The following is an example of the output from the show storm-control interface:

switchxxxxxx> show storm-control interface
 Rate: 5%
 Action: Shutdown
 Passed Counter (Bytes): 124997
 Dropped Counter (Bytes): 10
 Last drop time: 27-Jan-2014, 09:00:01
 Rate: 1000 kbps
 Action: Drop, Trap
 Passed Counter (Bytes):112876
 Dropped Counter (Bytes):1272
 Last drop time: 20-Jan-2014, 11:00:01
 Rate: 10%
 Action: drop
 Passed Counter (Bytes): 27653
 Dropped Counter (Bytes):1
 Last drop time: 27-Feb-2014, 09:00:01
 Rate: 5%
 Action: Shutdown
 Passed Counter (Bytes): 124997
 Dropped Counter (Bytes): 0
 Last drop time:
 Multicast Unregistred
 Rate: 5%
 Action: Shutdown
 Traffic Type:Broadcast
 Passed Counter (Bytes): 124997
 Dropped Counter (Bytes): 3
 Last drop time: 26-Jan-2014, 10:00:01