Example for
Configuring an Individual Profile
Multi-tenancy lite
The following is
an example of an individual network configuration profile:
configure profile defaultNetworkIpv4EfProfile
vlan $vlanId
vn-segment $segmentId
mode fabricpath
interface vlan $vlanId
vrf member $vrfName
ip address $gatewayIpAddress/$netMaskLength tag 12345
ip dhcp relay address $dhcpServerAddr use-vrf default
fabric forwarding mode proxy-gateway
no ip redirects
no shutdown
include profile vrf-common
Multi-tenancy full
config profile defaultNetworkIpv4EfProfile
vni $segmentId
bridge-domain $bridgeDomainId
member vni $segmentId
interface bdi $bridgeDomainId
vrf member $vrfName
ip address $gatewayIpAddress/$netMaskLength tag 12345
ip dhcp relay address $dhcpServerAddr use-vrf management
fabric forwarding mode proxy-gateway
no ip redirects
no shutdown
include profile vrf-common
Multi-tenancy lite
The following is
an example for a universal configuration profile:
configure profile defaultNetworkUniversalEfProfile
vlan $vlanId
vn-segment $segmentId
mode fabricpath
interface vlan $vlanId
vrf member $vrfName
ip address $gatewayIpAddress/$netMaskLength tag 12345
ip dhcp relay address $dhcpServerAddr use-vrf $vrfDhcp
ipv6 address $gatewayIpv6Address/$prefixLength tag 12345
fabric forwarding mode proxy-gateway
no ip redirects
no ipv6 redirects
no shutdown
include profile any
Multi-tenancy full
The following is
an example for a universal configuration profile:
configure profile defaultNetworkUniversalEfProfile
vni $segmentId
bridge-domain $bridgeDomainId
member vni $segmentId
interface bdi $bridgeDomainId
vrf member $vrfName
ip address $gatewayIpAddress/$netMaskLength tag 12345
ipv6 address $gatewayIpv6Address/$prefixLength tag 12345
fabric forwarding mode proxy-gateway
no ip redirects
no ipv6 redirects
no shutdown
include profile any
The following is
an example for vrf-common-universal configuration profile:
configure profile vrf-common-universal
vrf context $vrfName
vni $include_vrfSegmentId
rd auto
ip route $include_serviceNodeIpAddress
address-family ipv4 unicast
route-target import $include_borderLeafRt
route-target both auto
address-family ipv6 unicast
route-target import $include_borderLeafRt
route-target both auto
router bgp $asn
vrf $vrfName
address-family ipv4 unicast
redistribute hmm route-map FABRIC-RMAP-REDIST-HOST
redistribute direct route-map FABRIC-RMAP-REDIST-SUBNET
maximum-paths ibgp 2
address-family ipv6 unicast
redistribute hmm route-map FABRIC-RMAP-REDIST-V6HOST
redistribute direct route-map FABRIC-RMAP-REDIST-SUBNET
maximum-paths ibgp 2
The VRF profile is
updated on the leaf resulting in the loopback routable IP address being
auto-configured under that VRF as well as advertised via MP-BGP to all leaf
The following is
an example of a profile that auto-configures a routable loopback interface per
ToR per VRF. This profile is pre-packaged in DCNM and looks as follows. Any
parameter prefixed with the keynote as 'system_auto_' indicates that the
corresponding value will be auto-generated by the ToR.
configure profile vrf-common-loopback-universal
interface loopback $system_auto_loopbackId
vrf member $vrfName
ip address $system_auto_backboneIpAddress/32 tag 12345
vrf context $vrfName
vni $include_vrfSegmentId
rd auto
ip route $include_serviceNodeIpAddress
address-family ipv4 unicast
route-target both auto
address-family ipv6 unicast
route-target both auto
router bgp $asn
vrf $vrfName
address-family ipv4 unicast
redistribute hmm route-map FABRIC-RMAP-REDIST-HOST
redistribute direct route-map FABRIC-RMAP-REDIST-SUBNET
maximum-paths ibgp 2
address-family ipv6 unicast
redistribute hmm route-map FABRIC-RMAP-REDIST-V6HOST
redistribute direct route-map FABRIC-RMAP-REDIST-SUBNET
maximum-paths ibgp 2