access control list. See ACL
access privileges 1-3
active sessions, displaying 2-29
alert messages 2-16
archiving console output 2-14
asynchronous stop bits, configuring 2-25
attach cmp command 2-17
attach cp command 3-2
baud rate, configuring 2-22
capture cp archive enable command 2-15
capture cp console command 2-12
capture cp size command 2-13
current configuration, displaying 2-29
default settings 2-11
device ID format 2-11
enabling and disabling 2-10
global parameters 2-29
interfaces enabled 2-29
neighbor status 2-29
traffic statistics 2-29
version 2-11
CDP, configuring 2-9
cdp advertise command 2-11
cdp enable command 2-10
cdp format command 2-11
Cisco Discovery Protocol. See CDP
clear capture cp command 2-15
clear logging logfile command 2-19
CMP 2-17
components 1-1
connections 1-1
dual CMP upgrades 2-30
flow control 2-26
functions 1-1
hardware information, displaying 2-29
image, installing 2-31
image, upgrading 2-30
interface configuration, displaying 2-4, 2-7
logging messages 2-16
message levels 2-17
power domain 1-1
processes, displaying 2-29
rebooting 3-3
reloading software 3-4
system resources, displaying 2-29
verifying configurations 2-29
cmp-management interface, displaying 2-29
CMP management interface. See CMP-MGMT interface
CMP-MGMT Ethernet port 2-1
CMP MGMT ETH port. See CMP management Ethernet port
CMP-MGMT interface
configuring through a setup script 2-4
configuring through the CMP 2-5, 2-7
configuring through the CP 2-6
components 1-1
default VDC requirement 1-3
from CP 1-1
network 2-1
console output
clearing 2-15
displaying 2-14
file size 2-13
logging functions 2-12
console output log file, archiving 2-14
attaching 3-2
flow control 2-27
monitoring 3-2
reloading 3-3
reloading software 3-4
status 3-2
critical messages 2-16
data bits, configuring 2-23
databits command 2-24
date, displaying 2-29
default gateway
default gateway, configuring 2-4, 2-7
default settings 2-31
deny command 2-9
disabling CDP 2-10
disabling SSH 1-3
disabling the Telnet server command 1-3
displaying logged output 2-14
enabling CDP 2-10
enabling the SSH server 1-3
enabling the Telnet server 1-3
flow control
configuring for CMP 2-26
configuring for CP 2-27
flowcontrol hardware command 2-27
functions, CMP 1-1
hardware flow control
configuring for CMP 2-26
configuring for CP 2-27
high availability 1-4
hops in a route, displaying 3-2
image version, displaying 3-2
install all command 2-30
install module command 2-31
interface cmp-mgmt module command 2-4, 2-6
interface configuration mode for CMP-MGMT 2-4, 2-6
ip access-group command 2-9
ip access-list command 2-9
IP address, configuring 2-4, 2-6
ip address command 2-4, 2-5, 2-6
ip default-gateway command 2-4, 2-5, 2-7
IPv4 address
CMP-MGMT interface 2-5
IPv6 address
ipv6 address command 2-6, 2-7, 2-8
ipv6 default-gateway command 2-6, 2-7, 2-8
LEDs 1-2
line com1 command 2-27
line console command 2-28
logged console output, displaying 2-14
logging CMP messages 2-16
logging configuration
displaying 2-29
logging file
defined 2-16
logging file, archiving 2-14
logging functions 2-12
logging level command 2-18
logging messages, displaying 2-29
logging server command 2-20, 2-21
logs, displaying 2-29
message levels, configuring 2-17
displaying 2-17
logging 2-16
severity levels 2-16
monitor CP command 3-2
network connection 2-1
no ssh server enable command 1-3
no telnet server enable command 1-3
parity checking, configuring 2-24
parity command 2-25
passwords 1-3
permit command 2-9
ping command 3-2
power domains, separate 1-1
rebooting the system 3-4
redundancy 1-4
reload cmp command 2-31
reload cp command 3-3
reloading software 3-4
reloading the CMP 3-4
reload soft command 3-4
reload system command 3-3, 3-4
RJ-45 connector 2-1
running configuration, displaying 2-29
severity levels, message 2-16
show attach sessions command 2-29
show capture command 2-29
show cdp all 2-29
show cdp configuration command 2-29
show cdp global command 2-29
show cdp neighbors command 2-29
show cdp traffic interface command 2-29
show clock command 2-29
show cp state command 3-2
show interface command 2-29
show logging command 1-3, 2-17, 2-29
show logging level command 2-18
show logging logfile command 2-17, 2-29
show logs command 2-29
show processes command 2-29
show running-config cmp command 2-29
show running-config command 2-29
show sprom command 2-29
show ssh command 2-29
show system resources command 2-29
show tech-support command 2-29
show users command 2-29
show version command 2-29, 3-2
software image information, displaying 2-29
speed, configuring 2-22
speed command 2-22
SPROM contents, displaying 2-29
SSH information, displaying 2-29
SSH server, enabling or disabling 1-3
ssh server enable command 1-3
status, LEDs 1-2
stop bits, configuring 2-25
stopbits command 2-26
suspended sessions, displaying 2-29
switchovers, CMP behavior 1-4
switchto vdc command 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 2-6, 2-7, 2-17, 2-19, 2-22, 2-23, 2-24, 2-25, 2-26, 2-30
synchronizing passwords 1-3
syslog messages, displaying 2-29
syslog server, configuring 2-20, 2-21
technical support for CMP output 2-29
Telnet server, enabling or disabling 1-3
telnet server enable command 1-3
time, displaying 2-29
traceroute command 3-2
upgrade 2-30
usernames 1-3
users, displaying 2-29