Managing the Switch

Displaying Information About Installed Hardware Modules

To display information about the switch hardware and the hardware modules installed in the switch chassis, use the show hardware command.


Enter the show hardware command.


switch# show hardware
Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software
TAC support:
Copyright (c) 2002-2013, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
The copyrights to certain works contained in this software are
owned by other third parties and used and distributed under
license. Certain components of this software are licensed under
the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.0 or the GNU
Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Version 2.1. A copy of each
such license is available at and

  BIOS:      version 1.7.0
  kickstart: 8.3(0)SK(1) [build 8.3(0)SK(0.47)] [gdb]
  system:    8.3(0)SK(1) [build 8.3(0)SK(0.47)] [gdb]
  BIOS compile time:       10/10/2017
  kickstart image file is: bootflash:///n7700-s3-kickstart.8.3.0.SK.0.47.gbin
  kickstart compile time:  5/31/2018 23:00:00 [03/02/2018 06:26:13]
  system image file is:    bootflash:///n7700-s3-dk9.8.3.0.SK.0.47.gbi
  system compile time:     5/31/2018 23:00:00 [03/02/2018 08:23:10]

  cisco Nexus7000 C... (... Slot) Chassis ("Supervisor module-3")
  Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU D-1548  with 65617088 kB of memory.
  Processor Board ID JAE2150086E

  Device name: N7...
  bootflash:    3932160 kB
  slot0:              0 kB (expansion flash)

Kernel uptime is 2 day(s), 7 hour(s), 31 minute(s), 20 second(s)

Last reset at 419340 usecs after Mon Mar  6 08:38:30 2017
  Reason: Reset Requested by CLI command reload
  System version: 8.3(0)SK(0.47)

  Core Plugin, Ethernet Plugin
Switch hardware ID information

Switch is booted up
  Switch type is : Nexus7700 C... (... Slot) Chassis
  Model number is N77-C7...
  H/W version is 0.2
  Part Number is 73-15311-01
  Part Revision is 04
  Manufacture Date is Year 17 Week 21
  Serial number is JAF1721ADPE
  CLEI code is 

Chassis has ... Module slots and … Fabric slots

Module1  empty

Module2  ok
  Module type is : 100 Gbps Ethernet Module
  0 submodules are present
  Model number is N77-F430CQ-36
  H/W version is 0.203
  Part Number is 73-101350-02
  Part Revision is 05
  Manufacture Date is Year 21 Week 43
  Serial number is JAE214303LY
  CLEI code is

Module3  ok
  Module type is : Supervisor module-3
  0 submodules are present
  Model number is N77-SUP3E
  H/W version is 0.909
  Part Number is 73-16310-09
  Part Revision is 09
  Manufacture Date is Year 21 Week 50
  Serial number is JAE2150086E
  CLEI code is  

Module4  ok
  Module type is : 10/40 Gbps Ethernet Module
  0 submodules are present
  Model number is N77-M324FQ-25L
  H/W version is 0.4
  Part Number is 73-17257-05
  Part Revision is 08
  Manufacture Date is Year 19 Week 48
  Serial number is JAE194804JX
  CLEI code is 
Xbar1  ok
  Module type is : Fabric card module
  0 submodules are present
  Model number is N77-C7706-FAB-3
  H/W version is 0.705
  Part Number is 73-16031-07
  Part Revision is 05
  Manufacture Date is Year 21 Week 36
  Serial number is JAE213604M9
  CLEI code is 
Chassis has ... PowerSupply Slots

PS1 ok
  Power supply type is: 3000.00W 220v AC
  Model number is N77-AC-3KW
  H/W version is 1.0
  Part Number is 341-0600-01
  Part Revision is B0 
  Manufacture Date is Year 17 Week 17
  Serial number is DTM171700CR

PS2 absent

PS3 absent

PS4 absent

Chassis has ... Fan slots

Fan1(sys_fan1) ok
  Model number is N77-C7...-FAN-2
  H/W version is 0.100
  Part Number is 73-101408-01
  Part Revision is 01
  Manufacture Date is Year 20 Week 51
  Serial number is NCV2051T036
  CLEI code is 

Displaying the Hardware Inventory for a Switch

To display information about the field replaceable units (FRUs), including product IDs, serial numbers, and version IDs, use the show inventory command.


Enter the show inventory command.


switch# show inventory
NAME: "Chassis",  DESCR: "Nexus7700 C7706 (6 Slot) Chassis "     
PID: N77-C7706           ,  VID: V00 ,  SN: JAF1721ADPE          
NAME: "Slot 1",  DESCR: "100 Gbps Ethernet Module"              
PID: N77-F430CQ-36       ,  VID: V00 ,  SN: JAE214303LW          
NAME: "Slot 2",  DESCR: "100 Gbps Ethernet Module"              
PID: N77-F430CQ-36       ,  VID: V00 ,  SN: JAE214303LY          
NAME: "Slot 3",  DESCR: "Supervisor Module-3"                   
PID: N77-SUP3E           ,  VID: V00 ,  SN: JAE2150086E          
NAME: "Slot 5",  DESCR: "100 Gbps Ethernet Module"              
PID: N77-F430CQ-36       ,  VID: V00 ,  SN: JAE214303MP          
NAME: "Slot 6",  DESCR: "100 Gbps Ethernet Module"              
PID: N77-F430CQ-36       ,  VID: V00 ,  SN: JAE214303N8          
NAME: "Slot 7",  DESCR: "Fabric card module"                    
PID: N77-C7706-FAB-3     ,  VID: V00 ,  SN: JAE213604M9          
NAME: "Slot 8",  DESCR: "Fabric card module"                    
PID: N77-C7706-FAB-3     ,  VID: V00 ,  SN: JAE212106WA          
NAME: "Slot 9",  DESCR: "Fabric card module"                    
PID: N77-C7706-FAB-3     ,  VID: V00 ,  SN: JAE212106VM          
NAME: "Slot 10",  DESCR: "Fabric card module"                    
PID: N77-C7706-FAB-3     ,  VID: V00 ,  SN: JAE212106W6          
NAME: "Slot 11",  DESCR: "Fabric card module"                    
PID: N77-C7706-FAB-3     ,  VID: V00 ,  SN: JAE212106WX          
NAME: "Slot 12",  DESCR: "Fabric card module"                    
PID: N77-C7706-FAB-3     ,  VID: V00 ,  SN: JAE212106X3          
NAME: "Slot 33",  DESCR: "Nexus7700 C7706 (6 Slot) Chassis Power Supply"
PID: N77-AC-3KW          ,  VID: V01 ,  SN: DTM1719010D          
NAME: "Slot 34",  DESCR: "Nexus7700 C7706 (6 Slot) Chassis Power Supply"
PID: N77-AC-3KW          ,  VID: V03 ,  SN: ART201970EG          
NAME: "Slot 35",  DESCR: "Nexus7700 C7706 (6 Slot) Chassis Power Supply"
PID: N7K-AC-3KW          ,  VID: V00 ,  SN: DTM162703N9          
NAME: "Slot 36",  DESCR: "Nexus7700 C7706 (6 Slot) Chassis Power Supply"
PID: N77-AC-3KW          ,  VID: V01 ,  SN: DTM192301YP          
NAME: "Slot 37",  DESCR: "Nexus7700 C7706 (6 Slot) Chassis Fan Module"
PID: N77-C7706-FAN-2     ,  VID: V01 ,  SN: NCV2108V01Y          
NAME: "Slot 38",  DESCR: "Nexus7700 C7706 (6 Slot) Chassis Fan Module"
PID: N77-C7706-FAN-2     ,  VID: V01 ,  SN: NCV2108V02D          
NAME: "Slot 39",  DESCR: "Nexus7700 C7706 (6 Slot) Chassis Fan Module"
PID: N77-C7706-FAN-2     ,  VID: V01 ,  SN: NCV2108V026      

Displaying the Backplane and Serial Number Information

You can display the backplane information, including the serial number for the switch, by using the show sprom backplane command.


Enter the show sprom backplane command.


switch# show sprom backplane 1
DISPLAY backplane sprom contents:
Common block:
Block Signature : 0xabab
Block Version   : 3
Block Length    : 160
Block Checksum  : 0x1360
EEPROM Size     : 65535
Block Count     : 5
FRU Major Type  : 0x6001
FRU Minor Type  : 0x0
OEM String      : Cisco Systems, Inc.
Product Number  : N77-C7706
Serial Number   : JAF1726ALCL
Part Number     : 73-15311-01
Part Revision   : 06
Mfg Deviation   :
H/W Version     : 0.2
Mfg Bits        : 0
Engineer Use    : 0
snmpOID         :
Power Consump   : 0
RMA Code        : 0-0-0-0
CLEI Code       :
VID             : V00
Chassis specific block:
Block Signature : 0x6001
Block Version   : 3
Block Length    : 39
Block Checksum  : 0x52e
Feature Bits    : 0x0
HW Changes Bits : 0x0
Stackmib OID    : 0
MAC Addresses   : 54-7f-ee-eb-e9-80
Number of MACs  : 128
OEM Enterprise  : 9
OEM MIB Offset  : 5
MAX Connector Power: 0
WWN software-module specific block:
Block Signature : 0x6005
Block Version   : 1
Block Length    : 0
Block Checksum  : 0x66
wwn usage bits:
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00
License software-module specific block:
Block Signature : 0x6006
Block Version   : 1
Block Length    : 16
Block Checksum  : 0x17f
lic usage bits:
c8 40 00 00 00 00 00 00
Second Serial number specific block:
Block Signature : 0x6007
Block Version   : 1
Block Length    : 28
Block Checksum  : 0x339
Serial Number   : JAF1724ALDE

Displaying Environmental Information for a Switch

You can display all of the environment-related switch information by using the show environment command.


Enter the show environment command.


switch# show environment
Power Supply:
Voltage: 50 Volts
Power                              Actual       Total
Supply    Model                    Output     Capacity    Status 
                                  (Watts )     (Watts )
-------  -------------------  -----------  -----------  --------------
1        N77-AC-3KW               538 W       3000 W     Ok
2        N77-AC-3KW               543 W       3000 W     Ok
3        N77-AC-3KW               539 W       3000 W     Ok
                                  Actual       Power
Module    Model                     Draw   Allocated     Status 
                                 (Watts )    (Watts )
-------  ------------------- -----------  -----------   --------------
1        N77-M348XP-23L           429 W         560 W     Powered-Up
2        N77-M348XP-23L           426 W         560 W     Powered-Up
3        N77-SUP3E                100 W         190 W     Powered-Up
4        supervisor               N/A             0 W     Absent
5        N77-F430CQ-36            603 W        1000 W     Powered-Up
6        N77-M348XP-23L           428 W         560 W     Powered-Up
Xb1      N77-C7706-FAB-3           58 W          85 W     Powered-Up
Xb2      N77-C7706-FAB-3           60 W          85 W     Powered-Up
Xb3      N77-C7706-FAB-3           59 W          85 W     Powered-Up
Xb4      N77-C7706-FAB-3           61 W          85 W     Powered-Up
Xb5      N77-C7706-FAB-3           61 W          85 W     Powered-Up
fan1     N77-C77xx-FAN             37 W         900 W     Powered-Up
fan2     N77-C77xx-FAN             37 W         900 W   Powered-Up
fan3     N77-C77xx-FAN             37 W         900 W   Powered-Up

N/A - Per module power not available
Power Usage Summary:
Power Supply redundancy mode (configured)             PS-Redundant
Power Supply redundancy mode (operational)            PS-Redundant
Total Power Capacity (based on configured mode)             45000 W
Total Power of all Inputs (cumulative)                      48000 W
Total Power Output (actual draw)                             8658 W
Total Power Allocated (budget)                              13990 W
Total Power Available for additional modules                31010 W

Clock           Model                  Hw       Status
A               Clock Module           --       NotSupported/None
B               Clock Module           --       NotSupported/None
Fan             Model                Hw         Status
Fan1(sys_fan1)  N77-C77xx-FAN        1.1        Ok
Fan2(sys_fan2)  N77-C77xx-FAN        1.1        Ok
Fan3(fab_fan3)  N77-C77xx-FAN        1.1        Ok
Fan_in_PS1      --                   --         Ok
Fan_in_PS2      --                   --         Ok
Fan_in_PS3      --                   --         Ok
Fan Zone Speed: Zone 1: 0x57

Module   Sensor        MajorThresh   MinorThres    CurTemp    Status 
                       (Celsius)     (Celsius)     (Celsius)
1        Crossbar1(s1)   125             115         48         Ok
1        Crossbar2(s2)   125             115         61         Ok
1        Arb-muxSn0(s3)  125             105         56         Ok
1        Arb-muxSn1(s4)  125             105         58         Ok
1        CPU     (s5)    125             105         54         Ok
1        CPU     (s6)    125             105         54         Ok
1        PCISW   (s7)    110             100         46         Ok
1        L2L3Dev1Sn1(s8) 125             115         60         Ok
1        L2L3Dev1Sn2(s9) 125             115         66         Ok
1        L3Lkup1Sn1(s10) 125             105         59         Ok
1        L3Lkup1Sn2(s11) 125             105         61         Ok
1        L2L3Dev2Sn1(s12 125             115         59         Ok
1        L2L3Dev2Sn2(s13 125             115         68         Ok
1        L3Lkup2Sn1(s14) 125             105         54         Ok
1        L3Lkup2Sn2(s15) 125             105         54         Ok
2        Crossbar1(s1)   125             115         49         Ok
2        Crossbar2(s2)   125             115         64         Ok
2        Arb-muxSn0(s3)  125             105         59         Ok
2        Arb-muxSn1(s4)  125             105         61         Ok
2        CPU     (s5)    125             105         52         Ok
2        CPU     (s6)    125             105         52         Ok
2        PCISW   (s7)    110             100         50         Ok
2        L2L3Dev1Sn1(s8) 125             115         63         Ok
2        L2L3Dev1Sn2(s9) 125             115         68         Ok
2        L3Lkup1Sn1(s10) 125             105         56         Ok
2        L3Lkup1Sn2(s11) 125             105         59         Ok
2        L2L3Dev2Sn1(s12 125             115         60         Ok
2        L2L3Dev2Sn2(s13 125             115         67         Ok
2        L3Lkup2Sn1(s14) 125             105         56         Ok
2        L3Lkup2Sn2(s15) 125             105         59         Ok
3        Crossbar1(s1)   125             115         47         Ok
3        Crossbar2(s2)   125             115         63         Ok
3        Arb-muxSn0(s3)  125             105         57         Ok
3        Arb-muxSn1(s4)  125             105         60         Ok
3        CPU     (s5)    125             105         53         Ok
3        CPU     (s6)    125             105         53         Ok
3        PCISW   (s7)    110             100         51         Ok
3        L2L3Dev1Sn1(s8) 125             115         60         Ok
3        L2L3Dev1Sn2(s9) 125             115         67         Ok
3        L3Lkup1Sn1(s10) 125             105         58         Ok
3        L3Lkup1Sn2(s11) 125             105         58         Ok
3        L2L3Dev2Sn1(s12 125             115         59         Ok
3        L2L3Dev2Sn2(s13 125             115         67         Ok
3        L3Lkup2Sn1(s14) 125             105         55         Ok
3        L3Lkup2Sn2(s15) 125             105         55         Ok
4        Crossbar1(s1)   125             115         57         Ok
4        Crossbar2(s2)   125             115         63         Ok
4        Arb-muxSn0(s3)  125             105         58         Ok
4        Arb-muxSn1(s4)  125             105         60         Ok
4        CPU     (s5)    125             105         53         Ok
4        CPU     (s6)    125             105         53         Ok
4        PCISW   (s7)    110             100         53         Ok
4        L2L3Dev1Sn1(s8) 125             115         61         Ok
4        L2L3Dev1Sn2(s9) 125             115         68         Ok
4        L3Lkup1Sn1(s10) 125             105         55         Ok
4        L3Lkup1Sn2(s11) 125             105         55         Ok
4        L2L3Dev2Sn1(s12 125             115         59         Ok
4        L2L3Dev2Sn2(s13 125             115         66         Ok
4        L3Lkup2Sn1(s14) 125             105         55         Ok
4        L3Lkup2Sn2(s15) 125             105         56         Ok
5        Crossbar1(s1)   125             115         47         Ok
5        Crossbar2(s2)   125             115         63         Ok
5        Arb-muxSn0(s3)  125             105         56         Ok
5        Arb-muxSn1(s4)  125             105         58         Ok
5        CPU     (s5)    125             105         52         Ok
5        CPU     (s6)    125             105         52         Ok
5        PCISW   (s7)    110             100         46         Ok
5        L2L3Dev1Sn1(s8) 125             115         59         Ok
5        L2L3Dev1Sn2(s9) 125             115         64         Ok
5        L3Lkup1Sn1(s10) 125             105         56         Ok
5        L3Lkup1Sn2(s11) 125             105         56         Ok
5        L2L3Dev2Sn1(s12 125             115         59         Ok
5        L2L3Dev2Sn2(s13 125             115         67         Ok
5        L3Lkup2Sn1(s14) 125             105         55         Ok
5        L3Lkup2Sn2(s15) 125             105         56         Ok
6        Crossbar1(s1)   125             115         48         Ok
6        Crossbar2(s2)   125             115         63         Ok
6        Arb-muxSn0(s3)  125             105         57         Ok
6        Arb-muxSn1(s4)  125             105         59         Ok
6        CPU     (s5)    125             105         52         Ok
6        CPU     (s6)    125             105         52         Ok
6        PCISW   (s7)    110             100         47         Ok
6        L2L3Dev1Sn1(s8) 125             115         60         Ok
6        L2L3Dev1Sn2(s9) 125             115         69         Ok
6        L3Lkup1Sn1(s10) 125             105         57         Ok
6        L3Lkup1Sn2(s11) 125             105         58         Ok
6        L2L3Dev2Sn1(s12 125             115         57         Ok
6        L2L3Dev2Sn2(s13 125             115         63         Ok
6        L3Lkup2Sn1(s14) 125             105         54         Ok
6        L3Lkup2Sn2(s15) 125             105         56         Ok
7        Crossbar1(s1)   125             115         49         Ok
7        Crossbar2(s2)   125             115         63         Ok
7        Arb-muxSn0(s3)  125             105         57         Ok
7        Arb-muxSn1(s4)  125             105         59         Ok
7        CPU     (s5)    125             105         51         Ok
7        CPU     (s6)    125             105         51         Ok
7        PCISW   (s7)    110             100         46         Ok
7        L2L3Dev1Sn1(s8) 125             115         59         Ok
7        L2L3Dev1Sn2(s9) 125             115         64         Ok
7        L3Lkup1Sn1(s10) 125             105         56         Ok
7        L3Lkup1Sn2(s11) 125             105         57         Ok
7        L2L3Dev2Sn1(s12 125             115         59         Ok
7        L2L3Dev2Sn2(s13 125             115         63         Ok
7        L3Lkup2Sn1(s14) 125             105         55         Ok
7        L3Lkup2Sn2(s15) 125             105         57         Ok
8        Crossbar1(s1)   125             115         48         Ok
8        Crossbar2(s2)   125             115         63         Ok
8        Arb-muxSn0(s3)  125             105         59         Ok
8        Arb-muxSn1(s4)  125             105         61         Ok
8        CPU     (s5)    125             105         56         Ok
8        CPU     (s6)    125             105         56         Ok
8        PCISW   (s7)    110             100         47         Ok
8        L2L3Dev1Sn1(s8) 125             115         58         Ok
8        L2L3Dev1Sn2(s9) 125             115         65         Ok
8        L3Lkup1Sn1(s10) 125             105         56         Ok
8        L3Lkup1Sn2(s11) 125             105         57         Ok
8        L2L3Dev2Sn1(s12 125             115         59         Ok
8        L2L3Dev2Sn2(s13 125             115         66         Ok
8        L3Lkup2Sn1(s14) 125             105         55         Ok
8        L3Lkup2Sn2(s15) 125             105         56         Ok
9        Inlet  (s1)     60              42          17         Ok
9        Crossbar(s2)    125             115         64         Ok
9        L2L3Dev1(s3)    125             110         42         Ok
9        Arbiter (s4)    125             105         57         Ok
9        CPU1CORE1(s5)   85              75          29         Ok
9        CPU1CORE2(s6)   85              75          27         Ok
9        CPU1CORE3(s7)   85              75          30         Ok
9        CPU1CORE4(s8)   85              75          29         Ok
9        CPU2CORE1(s9)   85              75          24         Ok
9        CPU2CORE2(s10)  85              75          21         Ok
9        CPU2CORE3(s11)  85              75          23         Ok
9        CPU2CORE4(s12)  85              75          21         Ok
9        DDR3DIMM1(s13)  95              85          28         Ok
9        DDR3DIMM2(s14)  95              85          27         Ok
9        DDR3DIMM4(s16)  95              85          21         Ok
9        DDR3DIMM5(s17)  95              85          22         Ok
10       L2L3Dev1(s3)    125             110         49         Ok
10       Arbiter (s4)    125             105         61         Ok
10       CPU1CORE1(s5)   85              75          41         Ok
10       CPU1CORE2(s6)   85              75          37         Ok
10       CPU1CORE3(s7)   85              75          39         Ok
10       CPU1CORE4(s8)   85              75          38         Ok
10       CPU2CORE1(s9)   85              75          26         Ok
10       CPU2CORE2(s10)  85              75          23         Ok
10       CPU2CORE3(s11)  85              75          24         Ok
10       CPU2CORE4(s12)  85              75          22         Ok
10       DDR3DIMM1(s13)  95              85          30         Ok
10       DDR3DIMM2(s14)  95              85          28         Ok
10       DDR3DIMM4(s16)  95              85          25         Ok
10       DDR3DIMM5(s17)  95              85          26         Ok


Displaying Temperatures for Modules

Each supervisor, I/O, and fabric module has temperature sensors with two thresholds:

  • Minor temperature threshold—When a minor threshold is exceeded, a minor alarm occurs and the following actions occur for all four sensors:

    • Displays system messages

    • Sends Call Home alerts (if configured)

    • Sends SNMP notifications (if configured)

  • Major temperature threshold—When a major threshold is exceeded, a major alarm occurs and the following actions occur:

    • For sensors 1, 3, and 4 (outlet and onboard sensors), the following actions occur:

    • For sensor 2 (intake sensor), the following actions occur:

      • If the threshold is exceeded in a switching module, only that module is shut down.

      • If the threshold is exceeded in an active supervisor module with HA-standby or standby present, only that supervisor module is shut down and the standby supervisor module takes over.

      • If you do not have a standby supervisor module in your switch, you have up to 2 minutes to decrease the temperature. During this interval, the software monitors the temperature every 5 seconds and continuously sends system messages as configured.


        We recommend that you install dual supervisor modules. If you are using a switch without dual supervisor modules, we recommend that you immediately replace the fan module if just one fan is not working.


A threshold value of -127 indicates that no thresholds are configured or applicable.

You can display temperature readings for module temperature sensors by using the show environment temperature command.


Enter the show environment temperature command.


switch# show environment temperature
Module   Sensor        MajorThresh   MinorThres   CurTemp     Status
                       (Celsius)     (Celsius)    (Celsius)
1        Crossbar(s5)    105             95          60         Ok
1        QEng1Sn1(s12)   115             110         70         Ok
1        QEng1Sn2(s13)   115             110         68         Ok
1        QEng1Sn3(s14)   115             110         67         Ok
1        QEng1Sn4(s15)   115             110         68         Ok
1        QEng2Sn1(s16)   115             110         70         Ok
1        QEng2Sn2(s17)   115             110         68         Ok
1        QEng2Sn3(s18)   115             110         68         Ok
1        QEng2Sn4(s19)   115             110         68         Ok
1        L2Lookup(s27)   115             105         57         Ok
1        L3Lookup(s28)   120             110         62         Ok
2        Crossbar(s5)    105             95          65         Ok
2        QEng1Sn1(s12)   115             110         70         Ok
2        QEng1Sn2(s13)   115             110         68         Ok
2        QEng1Sn3(s14)   115             110         67         Ok
2        QEng1Sn4(s15)   115             110         68         Ok
2        QEng2Sn1(s16)   115             110         69         Ok
2        QEng2Sn2(s17)   115             110         68         Ok
2        QEng2Sn3(s18)   115             110         67         Ok
2        QEng2Sn4(s19)   115             110         68         Ok
2        L2Lookup(s27)   115             105         56         Ok
2        L3Lookup(s28)   120             110         63         Ok
5        Outlet1 (s1)    125             125         49         Ok
5        Outlet2 (s2)    125             125         37         Ok
5        Intake  (s3)    60              42          32         Ok
5        EOBC_MAC(s4)    105             95          43         Ok
5        CPU     (s5)    105             95          40         Ok
5        Crossbar(s6)    105             95          61         Ok
5        Arbiter (s7)    110             100         67         Ok
5        CTSdev1 (s8)    115             105         43         Ok
5        InbFPGA (s9)    105             95          44         Ok
5        QEng1Sn1(s10)   115             105         60         Ok
5        QEng1Sn2(s11)   115             105         59         Ok
5        QEng1Sn3(s12)   115             105         56         Ok
5        QEng1Sn4(s13)   115             105         57         Ok
xbar-1   Outlet  (s1)    125             125         38         Ok
xbar-1   Intake  (s2)    60              42          32         Ok
xbar-1   Crossbar(s3)    105             95          56         Ok
xbar-2   Outlet  (s1)    125             125         39         Ok
xbar-2   Intake  (s2)    62              42          31         Ok
xbar-2   Crossbar(s3)    105             95          56         Ok

Connecting to a Module

At any time, you can connect to any module by using the attach module command. Once you are at the module prompt, you can obtain further details about the module by using module-specific commands in EXEC mode.

You can also use the attach module command to display the standby supervisor module information, although you cannot configure the standby supervisor module using this command.


Step 1

Enter the attach module slot_number command.


switch# attach module 4

Provides direct access to the specified module (in this example, the standby supervisor module is in slot 6).

Step 2

dir bootflash


switch(standby)# dir bootflash
switch# dir bootflash:
   80667580     Feb 21 22:04:59 2008  n7700-s2-kickstart.7.3.0.DX.1.bin
   22168064     Feb 21 22:04:19 2008  n7700-s2-dk9.7.3.0.DX.1.bin
      16384     Jan 03 19:56:00 2005  lost+found/
Usage for bootflash://sup-local
  234045440 bytes used
 1684602880 bytes free
 1918648320 bytes total

Provides the available space information for the standby supervisor module.


To exit the module-specific prompt, use the exit command.

Saving the Module Configuration

To save the new configuration along with the non-default VDC configuration to nonvolatile storage, use the copy running-config startup-config vdc-all command from EXEC mode. Once you enter these commands, the running and the startup copies of the configuration are identical.

The following table lists various scenarios when module configurations are preserved or lost.



A particular switching module is removed and you used the copy running-config startup-config vdc-all command again.

The configured module information is lost.

A particular switching module is removed and the same switching module is replaced before you enter the copy running-config startup-config vdc-all command again.

The configured module information is preserved.

A particular switching module is removed and replaced with the same type switching module, and you entered the reload module slot_number command.

The configured module information is preserved.

A particular switching module is reloaded when you enter the reload module slot_number command.

The configured module information is preserved.

Displaying Power Usage Information

To display the power usage information for the entire switch, use the show environment power command. This command shows the power usage for many of the modules installed in the switch. For the older modules that do not have the capability to output this information, the output is shown as N/A.


Power usage is reserved for both supervisor modules regardless of whether one or both supervisor modules are present.


Enter the show environment power command.

Reloading a Module

You can reset a module by using the reload module command and specifying the module by its slot number in the chassis.


Reloading a module disrupts traffic through the module.


Step 1

Enter the configure terminal command to enter the configuration terminal mode.


switch# configure terminal
Step 2

Specify the slot number for the module that you are resetting by entering the reload module slot_number command.


switch(config)# reload module 1

Rebooting the Switch

To reboot or reload the switch, use the reload command without any options. When you use this command, you reboot the switch.


If you need to use the reload command, be sure to save the running configuration by using the copy running-config startup-config vdc-all command beforehand.


Step 1

Start the configuration mode by entering the configure terminal command.


switch# configure terminal
Step 2

Save the running configuration by entering the copy running-config startup-config vdc-all command.


switch(config)# copy running-config startup-config vdc-all
Step 3

Reload the switch by entering the reload command.


switch(config)# reload

Overview of Supervisor Modules

The switch has one or two supervisor modules of the following types:

  • Supervisor 2 Enhanced (N77-SUP2E)

  • Supervisor 3 Enhanced (N77-SUP3E)


You can use only one type of supervisor module in a switch.

When a switch has two supervisors, one supervisor is automatically active while the other is in standby mode. If the active supervisor goes down or is disconnected for replacement, the standby supervisor automatically becomes active. If you need to replace one of two installed supervisor modules with another module, you can do this without interrupting operations—the supervisor that you are not replacing becomes the active supervisor and retains the kickstart configuration while you replace the other supervisor.

If the switch has just one supervisor, you can install the new supervisor in the open supervisor slot during operations and make that supervisor active after the installation.

Supervisor modules are automatically powered up and started with the switch.

Shutting Down a Supervisor Module

To shut down a supervisor module, use the out-of-service module command to specify the chassis slot with that module.


Step 1

Start the configuration mode by entering the configure terminal command.


switch# configure terminal
Step 2

Take the supervisor module out of service by entering the out-of-service module slot_number command.


switch(config)# out-of-service module 3

Overview of I/O Module Support

The following table lists the I/O modules supported by the switch.

I/O Module

Supported Cisco Nexus FEX Models
2224TP 2232PP 2232TM 2232TM-E 2248PQ 2248TP 2248TP-E

F2-Series Enhanced 48-port 1- and 10-GE with XL (N77-F248XP-23E)








F3-Series Enhanced 48-port 1-/10-GE with XL (N77-F348XP-23)








F3-Series Enhanced 24-port 40-GE with XL (N77-F324FQ-25)








F3-Series Enhanced 12-port 100-GE with XL (N77-F312CK-26)








F4-Series 30-port 100-Gigabit Ethernet I/O module (N77-F430CQ-36)








M3-Series 48-port 1-/10-GE (N77-M348XP-23L)








M3-Series 24-port 40-GE (N77-M324FQ-25L)








M3-Series 12-port 100-GE (N77-M312CQ-26L)








The following F3-Series modules are supported by the Cisco Nexus 7700 Series switches:

  • F3-Series Enhanced 48-port 1-/10-G Ethernet with XL (N77-F348XP-23)

  • F3-Series Enhanced 24-port 40-G Ethernet with XL (N77-F324FQ-25)

  • F3-Series Enhanced 12-port 100-G Ethernet with XL (N77-F312CK-26)

The following F4-Series module is supported by the Cisco Nexus 7700 Series switches:

  • F4-Series 30-port 100-G Ethernet (N77-F430CQ-36)

The following M3 Series modules are supported by the Cisco Nexus 7700 Series switches:

  • M3-Series 48-port 1-/10-G Ethernet (N77-M348XP-23L)

  • M3-Series 24-port 40-G Ethernet (N77-M324FQ-25L)

  • M3-Series 12-port 100-G Ethernet (N77-M312CQ-26L)

Accessing an I/O Module through a Console

You can troubleshoot bootup problems for an I/O module by accessing the module through its console port. This action establishes a console mode that you must exit in order to use other Cisco NX-OS commands.

To attach to the console port for an I/O module, use the attach console module command to specify the module you need to work with. Specify a slot from 1 to2 or from 5 to 6.


To exit the console mode, enter the ~ , command.


Attach to the console port for the I/O module by entering the attach console module slot_number command.


switch# attach console module 1
Escape character is `~,' (tilde comma]

Displaying Information for the Installed Modules

You can display information about the modules installed in the switch chassis by using the show module command. This information includes module type, bootup status, MAC addresses, serial numbers, software versions, and hardware versions. You can use this command in the following ways to display information about all of the installed module or specific modules:

  • For information on all modules, use the show module command.

  • For information on a specific supervisor or I/O module, use the show module slot_number command to specify a slot number.

  • For information on a specific fabric module, use the show module xbar slot_number command to specify a slot number.

For a description of the module status indicated by one of the above show module commands, see the following table.

I/O Module State Description

powered up

The hardware has electrical power. When the hardware is powered up, the software begins booting.


The module has established connection with the supervisor and the module is performing bootup diagnostics.


The diagnostics have completed successfully and the configuration is being downloaded.


The switch detects a module failure upon initialization and automatically attempts to power-cycle the module three times. After the third attempt, the module powers down.


The switch is ready to be configured.


The switch detects insufficient power for an I/O module to power up.


This module is the active supervisor module and the switch is ready to be configured.


The HA switchover mechanism is enabled on the standby supervisor module.


Displaying Information for All Installed Modules

switch# show module
Mod  Ports  Module-Type                         Model              Status
---  -----  ----------------------------------- ------------------ ----------
1    48     1/10 Gbps Ethernet Module           N77-M348XP-23L      ok
2    24     10/40 Gbps Ethernet Module          N77-M324FQ-25L      ok
3    0      Supervisor Module-3                 N77-SUP3E          active *
4    0      Supervisor Module-3                 N77-SUP3E          ha-standby

5    30     100 Gbps Ethernet Module            N77-F430CQ-36       ok
6    48     1/10 Gbps Ethernet Module           N77-F348XP-23       ok

Mod  Sw              Hw
---  --------------  ------
1    8.3(0)SK(0.47)  0.203
2    8.3(0)SK(0.47)  0.203
3    8.3(0)SK(0.47)  0.909
4    8.3(0)SK(0.47)  0.203
5    8.3(0)SK(0.47)  0.203
6    8.3(0)SK(0.47)  0.203
Mod  MAC-Address(es)                         Serial-Num
---  --------------------------------------  ----------
1    50-06-ab-91-05-a0 to 50-06-ab-91-05-d3  JAE194108S6
2    00-57-d2-0a-9c-c0 to 00-57-d2-0a-9d-23  JAE194507M4
3    0c-68-03-28-d9-58 to 0c-68-03-28-d9-6a  JAE172704C3
4    1c-df-0f-79-17-6d to 1c-df-0f-79-17-7f  JAE171807ZJ
5    00-27-90-a1-9a-20 to 00-27-90-a1-9a-83  JAE214303MP
6    e8-ed-f3-e4-c8-e8 to e8-ed-f3-e4-c9-1f  JAE17360CZA
Mod  Online Diag Status
---  ------------------
1    Pass
2    Pass
3    Pass
4    Pass
5    Pass
6    Pass
Xbar Ports  Module-Type                         Model              Status
---  -----  ----------------------------------- ------------------ ----------
1    0      Fabric Module 3                     N77-C7706-FAB-3    ok
2    0      Fabric Module 3                     N77-C7706-FAB-3    ok
3    0      Fabric Module 3                     N77-C7706-FAB-3    ok
4    0      Fabric Module 3                     N77-C7706-FAB-3    ok
5    0      Fabric Module 3                     N77-C7706-FAB-3    ok
6    0      Fabric Module 3                     N77-C7706-FAB-3    ok
Xbar Sw              Hw
---  --------------  ------
1    NA              0.705
2    NA              0.703
3    NA              0.703
4    NA              0.703
5    NA              0.703
6    NA              0.703
Xbar MAC-Address(es)                         Serial-Num
---  --------------------------------------  ----------
1    NA                                      JAE213604M9
2    NA                                      JAE212106WA
3    NA                                      JAE212106VM
4    NA                                      JAE212106W6
5    NA                                      JAE212106WX
6    NA                                      JAE212106X3
* this terminal session
switch# show module 1
Mod  Ports  Module-Type                       Model            Status
---  -----  --------------------------------- ---------------- ------
1    30     100 Gbps Ethernet Module            N77-F430CQ-36       ok

Mod  Sw              Hw
---  --------------  ------
1    8.3(0)SK(0.47)  0.203  

Mod  MAC-Address(es)                         Serial-Num
---  --------------------------------------  ----------
1    00-27-90-a1-ab-50 to 00-27-90-a1-ab-b3  JAE214303LW

Mod  Online Diag Status
---  ------------------
1    Pass

Chassis Ejector Support: Enabled 
Ejector Status: 
Left ejector CLOSE, Right ejector CLOSE, Module HW does support  
ejector based shutdown, Ejector policy enabled.
switch# show module xbar 1
Xbar Ports  Module-Type                         Model              Status
---  -----  ----------------------------------- ------------------ ------
1    0      Fabric Module 3                     N77-C7706-FAB-3    ok

Xbar Sw              Hw
---  --------------  ------
1    NA              0.705   

Xbar MAC-Address(es)                         Serial-Num
---  --------------------------------------  ----------
1    NA                                      JAE213604M9

Chassis Ejector Support: Enabled 
Ejector Status: 
Top ejector OPEN, Bottom ejector OPEN, Module HW does not support ejector 
based shutdown, Ejector policy disabled.

Purging the Module Configuration

You can clear the running configuration for an I/O slot that is not functioning by using the purge module command in EXEC mode.


This command does not work on supervisor slots nor on any I/O slot that currently has a powered-up module.

Before you begin

Verify that either the I/O slot is empty or the I/O module installed in the slot is powered down.


Clear the running configuration by using the purge module slot_number running-config command.


switch# purge module 1 running-config


For example, suppose you create an IP storage configuration with a 48-port 10/100/1000 Ethernet I/O module in slot 3 of Switch A. This module uses an IP address. You decide to remove this I/O module and move it to Switch B, and you no longer need the IP address. If you try to configure this unused IP address, you will receive an error message that prevents you from proceeding with the configuration. In this case, you need to enter the purge module 3 running-config command to clear the old configuration in Switch A before using the IP address.

Shut Down or Power Up an I/O Module

You can shutdown or power up an I/O module by using the poweroff module or no poweroff module command to specify the module by its slot number in the chassis.


Step 1

Start the configuration mode by entering the configure terminal command.


switch# configure terminal
Step 2

Shutdown the module by entering the [no] shutdown module slot_number command.


switch(config)# poweroff module 1


switch(config)# no poweroff module 1

Overview of Fabric Module Support

This switch supports the following fabric modules:

  • Fabric 2 (N77-C7706-FAB-2)

  • Fabric 3 (N77-C7706-FAB-3)


You can replace a Fabric 2 module with a Fabric 3 module during operations, but while there is a mix of fabric module types, all of the fabric modules perform as Fabric 2 modules. If you reload a switch with Fabric 2 and Fabric 3 modules installed, only the Fabric 3 modules will power up. To utilize the Fabric 3 module capabilities, all of the installed fabric modules must be Fabric 3 modules.

Change the Amount of Power Reserved for Fabric Modules

By default, each switch reserves enough power for the maximum quantity of fabric modules that can be installed in its chassis. If you have installed fewer than the maximum number of fabric modules and need to free up unused reserve power for I/O modules, you can power down the unused slots and specify a smaller maximum number of modules.

To specify a different maximum number of fabric modules for your system, use the hardware fabrics max number command. To verify the status of the installed fabric modules, use the show module xbar command. To verify the amount of reserved power, use the show environment power command.

Before you begin

  • Make sure that the fabric modules that you are using are installed in slots 1 through x where x is the new maximum number of fabric modules.

    You do not have to fill all of the fabric slots, but the fabric modules that you install must be in slots 1 through x. For example, if you specify 4 as the new maximum number of fabric modules, you must make sure that the fabric modules that you are using are in slots 1 through 4.

  • Make sure that each of the installed fabric modules is powered up by using the no poweroff xbar slot_number command (see Shutting Down or Powering Up a Fabric Module).

  • Power down the unused slots by using the poweroff xbar slot_number command (see Shutting Down or Powering Up a Fabric Module).


Step 1

Start the configuration mode by entering the configure terminal command.


switch# configure terminal
Step 2

Power off specific a specific fabric module by using the hardware fabrics max quantity command. Use a digit between 1 and 6, inclusive.


switch(config)#  hardware fabrics max 4

Shutting Down or Powering Up a Fabric Module

To shut down a fabric module, use either the out-of-service xbar command or the poweroff xbar command. If you use the poweroff xbar command, the slot remains in that state until you use the no poweroff command. If you use the out-of-service xbar command, the out-of-service state remains in effect until you do something like remove the module and replace it with another module.


If you are going to limit the maximum number of fabric modules, make sure that powered-on fabric modules are in the first n fabric module slots, where n is the new maximum number of fabric modules. For example, if you are limiting the maximum number of fabric modules to 4, you must make sure that the four powered-on fabric modules are in fabric slots 1 through 4.

If you are powering up more fabric modules than allowed by the current maximum number of fabric modules, then make sure that the fabric modules that you are powering up are installed in the first n fabric slots (slots 1 through n), power-on those modules with the no poweroff xbar command, and change the maximum number of fabric modules to n (see Change the Amount of Power Reserved for Fabric Modules).


Step 1

Start the configuration mode by entering the configure terminal command.


switch# configure terminal
Step 2

Shut down or power up the specified fabric module by entering the [no] shutdown xbar slot_number command.


switch(config)# poweroff xbar 1


switch(config)# no poweroff xbar 1

Power Modes Overview

You can configure one of the following power modes to either use the combined power provided by the installed power supply units (no power redundancy) or to provide power redundancy when there is a power loss:

Combined mode

This mode allocates the combined power of all power supplies to active power for switch operations. This mode does not allocate reserve power for power redundancy in case of power outages or power supply failures.

Power-supply (n+1) redundancy mode

This mode allocates one power supply as a reserve power supply in case an available power supply fails. The remaining power supplies are allocated for available power. The reserve power supply must be at least as powerful as each power supply used for the available power.

Input-source (grid) redundancy mode

This mode allocates half of the power to available power and the other half to reserve power. You must use a different power source for the active and reserve power sources so that if the power source used for active power fails, the other power source used for the reserve power can provide power for the switch.

Full redundancy mode

This mode provides both power-supply (n+1) and input-source (grid) redundancies. As happens with the input-source redundancy mode, this mode allocates half of the power supplies to provide available power and the other half of the power supplies to provide the reserve power. One of the reserve power supplies can alternatively be used to provide power if a power supply supplying the available power fails.

Guidelines for Configuring Power Redundancy Modes

The amounts of available and reserve power depend on the power redundancy mode that you specify and the number of power supplies installed in the switch. For each redundancy mode, consider the following:

Combined mode

The available power equals the combined output of all installed power supplies. There is no reserve power. You activate this mode by using the power redundancy-mode combined command.

Power supply (n+1) redundancy mode

The power supply that outputs the most power provides the reserve power so that it can take over for any other power supply that fails, and all of the other installed power supplies provide the available power. You activate this power mode by using the power redundancy-mode ps-redundant command.

Input-source (grid) redundancy mode

The available power is provided by one power source and the reserve power is provided by the other power source. If the power source providing the available power fails, the switch uses the reserve power source to provide its required power. You activate this power mode by using the power redundancy-mode insrc_redundant command.

Full redundancy mode

Full redundancy provides both power-supply redundancy and input-source redundancy. For power-supply redundancy, the power supply with the most output provides reserve power and the other power supplies provide the available power. For input-source redundancy, the available power is provided by one power source and the reserve power is provided by another power source. You activate this power mode by using the power redundancy-mode redundant command.

Configuring the Power Mode

You can configure the power supply mode by using the power redundancy-mode command.


To display the current power supply configuration, use the show environment power command.


Step 1

Start the configuration mode by entering the configure terminal command.


switch# configure terminal
Step 2

Specify one of the following power modes by entering the power redundancy-mode mode command:

  • For combined mode, include the combined keyword.

  • For power supply redundancy mode, include the ps-redundant keyword.

  • For input source redundancy mode, include the insrc_redundant keyword.

  • For full redundancy mode, include the redundant keyword.


switch(config)# power redundancy-mode redundant

Maximum Power Available for 3-kW AC Power Supplies

The maximum power available for operations depends on the input power from your power source, the number and output capabilities of your power supplies, and the power redundancy mode that you use. The following table lists the amount of power available for 3-kW AC power supplies depending on power inputs, numbers of power supplies, and the mode used.

Power Inputs

Power Supplies

Combined Mode

Power Supply Redundancy Mode

Input Source Redundancy Mode

Full Redundancy Mode

1 input (220 V)


3000 W


6000 W

3000 W

3000 W

3000 W


9000 W

6000 W

3000 W

3000 W


12000 W

9000 W

6000 W

6000 W

1 input (110 V)


1450 W


2900 W

1450 W

1450 W

1450 W


4350 W

2900 W

1450 W

1450 W


5800 W

4350 W

2900 W

2900 W

Maximum Power Available for 3-kW DC Power Supplies

The maximum power available for operations depends on the input power from your power source, the number and output capabilities of your power supplies, and the power redundancy mode that you use. The following table lists the amount of power available for 3-kW DC power supplies depending on power inputs, numbers of power supplies, and the mode used.

Power Inputs

Power Supplies

Combined Mode

Power Supply Redundancy Mode

Input Source Redundancy Mode

Full Redundancy Mode

1 input


3000 W


6000 W

3000 W

3000 W

3000 W


9000 W

6000 W

3000 W

3000 W


12000 W

9000 W

6000 W

6000 W

Maximum Power Available for 3.5-kW Inputs (AC)

The maximum power available for operations depends on the input power from your power source, the number and output capabilities of your power supplies, and the power redundancy mode that you use. The following table lists the amount of power available for 3.5-kW HVAC/HVDC power supplies depending on AC power inputs, number of power supplies, and the mode used.

Power Inputs

Power Supplies

Combined Mode

Power Supply Redundancy Mode

Input Source Redundancy Mode

Full Redundancy Mode

1 input (277 V)


3500 W


7000 W

3500 W

3500 W

3500 W


10,500 W

7000 W

3500 W

3500 W


14,000 W

10,500 W

7000 W

7000 W

1 input (220/230 V)


3500 W


7000 W

3500 W

3500 W

3500 W


10,500 W

7000 W

3500 W

3500 W


14,000 W

10,500 W

7000 W

7000 W

1 input (210 V)


3100 W


6200 W

3100 W

3100 W

3100 W


9300 W

6200 W

3100 W

3100 W


12,400 W

9300 W

6200 W

6200 W

1 input (110 V)


1500 W


3000 W

1500 W

1500 W

1500 W


4500 W

3000 W

1500 W

1500 W


6000 W

4500 W

3000 W

3000 W


A combination of 3-kW AC and 3.5-kW HVAC/HVDC power supplies can be used.

Maximum Power Available for 3.5-kW Inputs (DC)

The maximum power available for operations depends on the input power from your power source, the number and output capabilities of your power supplies, and the power redundancy mode that you use. The following table lists the amount of power available for 3.5-kW HVAC/HVDC power supplies depending on DC power inputs, number of power supplies, and the mode used.

Power Inputs

Power Supplies

Combined Mode

Power Supply Redundancy Mode

Input Source Redundancy Mode

Full Redundancy Mode

1 input (380 V)


3,500 W


7,000 W

3,500 W

3,500 W

3,500 W


10,500 W

7,000 W

3,500 W

3,500 W


14,000 W

10,500 W

7,000 W

7,000 W

1 input (220/240 V)


3,500 W


7,000 W

3,500 W

3,500 W

3,500 W


10,500 W

7,000 W

3,500 W

3,500 W


14,000 W

10,500 W

7,000 W

7,000 W

1 input (210 V)


3,100 W


6,200 W

3,100 W

3,100 W

3,100 W


9,300 W

6,200 W

3,100 W

3,100 W


12,400 W

9,300 W

6,200 W

6,200 W


A combination of 3-kW DC and 3.5-kW HVAC/HVDC power supplies can be used.

Overview of Fan Trays

The Cisco Nexus 7706 switch supports two types of fan trays:
  • 38 mm Gen 1 Fan Tray (N77-C7706-FAN)

  • 76 mm Gen 2 Fan Tray (N77-C7706-FAN-2)—Use this fan tray for Network Equipment Building System (NEBS) compliance when the Cisco Nexus 7700 M3-Series 12-port 100-Gigabit Ethernet I/O module (N77-M312CQ-26L) or the Cisco Nexus 7700 F4-Series 30-port 100-Gigabit Ethernet I/O module (N77-F430CQ-36) is installed on the switch.


During normal switch operations, all 3 fan trays in a switch should be of the same type.

Fan trays provide airflow through a switch for cooling. Each fan tray contains multiple fans to provide redundancy. The switch can continue functioning in the following situations:

  • One or more fans fail within a fan tray—Even with multiple fan failures, the switch can continue functioning. When a fan fails within a tray, the functioning fans in the module increase their speed to compensate for the failed fans. If a fan fails, the failed fan has to be replaced.

    The following is a sample output displaying a fan failure, along with the associated syslogs:
    switch# show environment fan
    Fan                Model                Hw         Status
    Fan1(sys_fan1)     N77-C7706-FAN-2      1.0        Failure(Failed Fanlets: 2 )
    Fan2(sys_fan2)     N77-C7706-FAN-2      1.0        Ok
    Fan3(sys_fan3)     N77-C7706-FAN-2      1.0        Ok
    Fan_in_PS1         --                   --         Ok
    Fan_in_PS2         --                   --         Ok
    Fan_in_PS3         --                   --         Shutdown
    Fan_in_PS4         --                   --         Ok
    --More--2017 Mar 15 01:45:40 switch-m3100scale %$ VDC-1 %$ %PLATFORM-1-PFM_ALERT: FAN_BAD: fan1
    Fan Zone Speed %(Hex): Zone 1: 100.00(0xff)
  • The fan tray is removed for replacement—The fan tray is designed to be removed and replaced while a switch is operating, without presenting an electrical hazard or damage to the switch. Starting from Cisco NX-OS Release 7.2(0)D1(1), use the hardware fan-tray maintenance-mode [long | medium | short] command to put the switch in fan tray maintenance mode to prepare for fan tray removal and replacement. For more information, see Fan Tray Maintenance Mode.You have up to 72 hours to replace a fan tray as long as the switch air-inlet temperature does not exceed 86° Fahrenheit (30° C). If the temperature exceeds 86° Fahrenheit (30° C), the switch will shut down in 3 minutes.


    The switch will shut down if a mix of Gen 1 (N77-C7706-FAN) and Gen 2 (N77-C7706-FAN-2) fan trays are present in the same switch for more than 21600 seconds (6 hours). The syslog message "PLATFORM-0-FAN_MISMATCH_TIME: Mismatch of Fan modules. Both Gen1 and Gen2 fans are present in the fantray for <number> seconds" will be displayed at regular intervals when both Gen 1 and Gen 2 fan trays are present in the same switch.

  • If you remove more than one fan tray at a time, the switch can operate up to three minutes before shutting down. To prevent a shutdown, remove only one fan tray at a time.


    • We recommend that you do not remove more than one fan tray at a time.

    • When a fan fails or when you remove a fan tray, the remaining operating fans speed up to compensate for the loss of fans. This can increase the noise made by the fan trays until you replace the missing fan tray or replace the defective fan tray.

    • When replacing a failed fan tray in a running system, be sure to promptly replace the fan tray.


If one or more fans fail within a fan tray, the Fan Status LED turns red. A fan failure could lead to temperature alarms if not corrected immediately.

The fan status is continuously monitored by the software. In case of a fan failure, the following actions occur:

Each of the three fan trays cover two fabric modules as follows:

  • Fan tray in slot 41 covers the fabric modules in slots 21 and 22.

  • Fan tray in slot 42 covers the fabric modules in slots 23 and 24.

  • Fan tray in slot 43 covers the fabric modules in slots 25 and 26.

If you need to replace a fabric module, you must remove the fan tray covering the fabric module before you replace the fabric module. You must replace the fabric module and its covering fan tray within three minutes or an overtemperature condition can occur.

Displaying the Status for the Fan Trays


Enter the show environment fan command.


switch# show environment fan
Fan             Model                Hw         Status
Fan1(sys_fan1)  N77-C7706-FAN-2      0.100      Ok
Fan2(sys_fan2)  N77-C7706-FAN-2      0.100      Ok
Fan3(sys_fan3)  N77-C7706-FAN-2      0.100      Ok
Fan_in_PS1      --                   --         Ok
Fan_in_PS2      --                   --         Ok
Fan_in_PS3      --                   --         Ok
Fan_in_PS4      --                   --         Ok
Fan Zone Speed %(Hex): Zone 1: 45.88(0x75)