Provisioning Certificates

The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol secures the network communication and allows data to be encrypted before transmission and provides security. Many application servers and web servers support the use of keystores for SSL configuration. The use of SSL between the switches and KMC requires provisioning of Public Key Infrastructure.

This chapter includes the following topics:

Information About Public Key Infrastructure Certificates

A certificate is an electronic document that you use to identify a server, a company, or some other entity and to associate that identity with a public key.

Certificate authority (CA) are entities that validate identities and issue certificates. The certificate that the CA issues binds a particular public key to the name of the entity that the certificate identifies (such as the name of a server or device). Only the public key that the certificate certifies works with the corresponding private key that is possessed by the entity that the certificate identifies. Certificates help prevent the use of fake public keys for impersonation.

Prerequisites for SSL

Before configuring SSL, consider the following:

  • You must install a third-party tool such as the freely available OpenSSL application to generate keys, certificates, and certificate signing requests. Download OpenSSL for Windows from the following link:


    After installing in Windows, by default, openssl.exe is located at c:\openssl\bin.

  • Ensure that the time in all the switches, DCNM-SAN and the system running the OpenSSL commands, are all synchronized.

  • Provide different identities for the CA certificate and KMC certificate.

  • Only JRE1.6 JAVA keytool is supported for importing PKCS12 certificates to Java Keystores (JKS) files.

Configuring SSL Using CLI

This section describes the following SSL configuration topics:

Creating the CA Certificate

Your organization might already have a CA certificate. If you are requesting the CA from a security administrator, indicate that you need the CA certificate in PEM format, and you will need them to sign certificates as part of configuring SME. If you do not have or want to use an existing CA, you can create a new one by using an OpenSSL command.

This command is used to create the Certificate Authority (CA). This command creates a certificate (identify plus public key) and a private key. The private key must always be protected. In a typical enterprise organization, the private key should already exist.

Create a CA certificate using the OpenSSL application. Enter the following command for the 365-day certificate:

OpenSSL> req -x509 -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -out cacert.pem -outform PEM

This command creates two files: a cacert.pem file and a privkey.pem file in the directory with OpenSSL.exe. The cacert.pem file is the certificate. The privkey.pem file must be stored in a safe location.

Configuring Trust points

This sequence of steps must be done for all of the switches managed by a DCNM-SAN server. Ensure that the same trustpoint name is used for all the switches.

To configure truspoints, follow these steps:

    Step 1   Enter the configuration mode.
    switch# configure terminal
    Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
    Step 2   Create a trust point named my_ca.
    switch(config)# crypto ca trustpoint my_ca
    Step 3   Create an RSA key pair for the switch in the trustpoint submode.
    switch(config-trustpoint)# rsakeypair my_ca_key 2048
    Step 4   Exit the trustpoint submode.
    switch(config-trustpoint)# exit
    Step 5   Authenticate the cacert.pem file for the trustpoint by cutting and pasting the contents of the cacert.pem created in Step 1.
    switch(config)# crypto ca authenticate my_ca
    input (cut & paste) CA certificate (chain) in PEM format;
    end the input with a line containing only END OF INPUT :
    Fingerprint(s): MD5 Fingerprint=1E:18:10:69:7B:C1:CC:EA:82:08:67:FB:90:7D:58:EB
    Do you accept this certificate? [yes/no]:yes
    Step 6   Generate a certificate request for enrolling with the trustpoint created in Step 2. This request will be used by the CA sign the switch’s certificate.
    switch(config)# crypto ca enroll my_ca
    Create a challenge password. You will need to verbally provide this
    password to the CA Administrator in order to revoke your certificate.
    For security reasons your password will not be saved in the configuration.
    Please make a note of it.
    The subject name in the certificate will be:
    Include the switch serial number in the subject name? [yes/no]:no
    Include an IP address in the subject name [yes/no]:no
    The certificate request will be displayed...
    Step 7   Create a file named switch.csr in the OpenSSL.exe directory. Cut and paste the certificate request created in Step 6.

    Ensure that you include the BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST and END CERTIFICATE REQUEST lines in the file content.

    Step 8   Generate a certificate using the switch certificate request in the OpenSSL application by entering the following command:

    OpenSSL> x509 -req -days 365 -in switch.csr -CA cacert.pem -CAkey privkey.pem -set_serial 01 -out switch.pem

    This is the switch’s public certificate, now signed by the CA.

    Note    If your security administrator controls the CA, you will need to send them the switch.csr file and request that they complete this step and respond with the switch.pem file.
    Step 9   Import the signed certificate on the switch by cutting and pasting the contents of the switch.pem file that was created in Step 8.
    switch(config)# crypto ca import my_ca certificate
    input (cut & paste) certificate in PEM format:

    You now have a fully configured trustpoint on the switch: A defined trustpoint, a recognized CA, a public/private key pair, and a CA signed certificate identifying the switch. The signed certificate can be used for PKI communications with all entities that recognize the CA. Repeat steps 1 through 9 for every switch in the fabric.

    Removing Trustpoints

    This sequence of steps must be done for all of the switches to remove the crypto CA signed trustpoints.

    To remove the trustpoints, follow these steps:

      Step 1   Enter the configuration mode.

      switch# configure terminal
      Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
      Step 2   Enter into the trustpoint mode.

      switch(config)# crypto ca trustpoint my_ca 
      Step 3   Remove the certificate corresponding to the trustpoint.

      switch(config-trustpoint)# delete certificate force 
      Step 4   Remove an RSA keypair for the switch in the trustpoint submode.

      switch(config-trustpoint)# no rsakeypair my_ca_key 
      Step 5   Remove the CA certificate corresponding to the trustpoint.

      switch(config-trustpoint)# delete ca-certificate 
      Step 6   Exit the trustpoint submode.

      switch(config-trustpoint)# exit 
      Step 7   Removing the trustpoint that is configured.

      switch(config)# no crypto ca trustpoint my_ca 

      Generating KMC Certificate

      To generate the KMC certificate, follow these steps. Generate KMC certificate by entering the following commands in the OpenSSL application:

        Step 1   Create the KCM Server’s private key.

        OpenSSL> genrsa -out sme_kmc_server.key 2048

        Step 2   Create a certificate signing request using the private key from Step 1.

        OpenSSL> req -new -key sme_kmc_server.key -out sme_kmc_server.csr -config openssl.conf

        Step 3   Using the certificate and private key, create a signed certificate for the KMC Server.

        OpenSSL> x509 -req -days 365 -in sme_kmc_server.csr -CA cacert.pem -CAkey privkey.pem -CAcreateserial -out sme_kmc_server.cert

        Note    If your security administrator controls the CA, you will need to send them the sme_kmc_server.csr and request that they complete this step and respond with the sme_kmc_server.cert.
        Step 4   Export the signed KMC certificate to pkcs12 format.

        OpenSSL> pkcs12 -export -in sme_kmc_server.cert -inkey sme_kmc_server.key -out sme_kmc_server.p12

        Step 5   Import this PKCS12 keystore to Java Keystores using JAVA keytool (JRE 1.6).

        "<JAVA_HOME>\bin\keytool" -importkeystore -srckeystore sme_kmc_server.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -destkeystore sme_kmc_server.jks -deststoretype JKS

        Note    Remember the password because it needs to be updated in the properties file.
        Step 6   Import the CA certificate to Java Keystores using JAVA keytool (JRE 1.6).

        "<JAVA_HOME>\bin\keytool" -importcert -file cacert.pem -keystore sme_kmc_trust.jks -storetype JKS

        Step 7   Place these keystore files in the <install path>dcm\fm\conf\cert directory.
        Step 8   Modify the KMC SSL settings in the Key Manager Settings in DCNM-SAN Web Client.
        Step 9   Restart the DCNM-SAN server.
        Note    You can also use sme_kmc_server.p12 as KMC certificate and cacert.pem as KMC trust certificate instead of using Java keystores created in Step 5 and 6.
        Note    User need to place the keystore files for every DCNM upgrade if a cluster is up and running with SSL ON Option. DCNM Upgrade donot retain keystore files.

        Feature History for SSL

        The below table lists the release history for this feature.

        Table 1 Feature History for SSL

        Feature Name


        Feature Information

        Software change


        In Release 5.2(1), Fabric Manager is changed to DCNM for SAN (DCNM-SAN).


        In Release 4.1(1b) and later, the MDS SAN-OS software is changed to MDS NX-OS software. The earlier releases are unchanged and all references are retained.

        Generating and installing self-signed certificates


        In Release 4.1(1c) and later, the SSL configuration when KMC is separated from Fabric Manager Server.

        Introduction to Secure Socket Layer (SSL)


        Describes how to configure SSL for SME and edit SSL settings in the SME wizard.