Caching Services Module Commands

cluster name

To perform operations on a previously-configured cluster, use the cluster name command in SVC configuration mode.

cluster name cluster-name flash-copy fc-grp-name [prepare | start | stop]

cluster name cluster-name remote-copy rc-grp-name {failover | start [aux | clean | force] | stop aux-enable}

cluster name cluster-name shutdown [node node-name]

cluster name cluster-name start discovery

cluster name cluster-name upgrade svc-system force

Syntax Description


Provides access to cluster commands

name cluster-name

Identifies a previously created cluster to perform an operation.

flash-copy fc-grp-name

Specifies a previously-configured FlashCopy relationship.


Prepares the FlashCopy consistency group.


Starts the FlashCopy for the specified cluster.

Starts the background copy for the specified remote copy group


Stops the FlashCopy for the specified cluster.

Stops the remote copy relationships for the specified remote copy group.

remote-copy rc-grp-name

Specifies the remote copy consistency group name.


Reverses to using the auxiliary VDisks for the specified relationship.


Shuts down the entire cluster (gracefully).

node node-name

Specifies a particular node for a graceful shutdown.

start discovery

Starts the background copy for the specified remote copy group.


Makes the auxiliary VDisks as primary.


Marks the intended secondary VDisks as clean.

upgrade svc-system

Upgrades the specified cluster. The new version of the software image is specified to the FTP:, SCP:, SFTP:, TFTP:, bootflash:, or slot0: directories


Permits the remote copy operation to start—even if it leads to the loss of data consistency between the primary and secondary.


Enables write access o the secondary (or auxiliary) VDisks.

Command Default


Command Modes

SVC configuration mode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines



The following example enters the SVC configuration mode and displays all options under the cluster name command.

switch# svc-config
switch(svc)# cluster name SampleCluster ?
  flash-copy   Flash-copy
  remote-copy  Remote copy
  shutdown     Shutdown
  start        Start discovery
  upgrade      Upgrade uri
switch(svc)# cluster name SampleCluster flash-copy f1 prepare 
switch(svc)# cluster name SampleCluster flash-copy f1 start 
switch(svc)# cluster name SampleCluster flash-copy f1 stop
switch(svc)# cluster name SampleCluster remote-copy f1 failover 
switch(svc)# cluster name SampleCluster remote-copy f1 start 
switch(svc)# cluster name SampleCluster remote-copy f1 stop
switch(svc)# cluster name SampleCluster shutdownn
switch(svc)# cluster name SampleCluster shutdown node svc2/1
switch(svc)# cluster name SampleCluster start discovery
switch(svc)# cluster name SampleCluster upgrade svc-system bootflash:m9000-ek9-csm-svc_mz.1.3.1.bin

cluster config

To manage cluster configurations on a specified cluster, use the cluster config configuration submode.

cluster config cluster-name

Syntax Description


Provides access to cluster commands

config cluster-name

Places a previously created cluster in the cluster configuration submode (switch(svc-cluster)#).

Command Default


Command Modes

SVC configuration mode—cluster configuration submode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines



The following example enters the SVC configuration mode and adds a cluster called SampleCluster.

switch(svc)# cluster config SampleCluster

cluster add

To create a cluster with a specified SVC node, use the cluster add command in SVC configuration mode.

cluster add cluster-name ip ip-address node svc slot-number/node-number

Syntax Description


Provides access to cluster commands

add cluster-name

Specifies a new cluster addition. The cluster name must start with an alphabet and is restricted to 15 alphanumeric characters, including dash (-) and underscore (_). The cluster name cannot be ClusterX , where X is a number.

ip ip-address

Specifies the IP address of the specified cluster. The IP address must be in the same subnet as the switch management IP address.

node svc

Specifies the node’s SVC interface


Specifies the slot number of the Caching Service Module (CSM).


Specifies the node number of the SVC instance running on the CSM. This number ranges from 1 to 2 nodes per module.

Command Default


Command Modes

SVC configuration mode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines

Enter this command while connected to the switch management IP address of a node at which the cluster is being created.


The following example enters the SVC configuration mode, verifies the status of previously-configured clusters, and adds a cluster called SampleCluster.

switch# svc-config
switch(svc)# show nodes local
Node             cluster           config   cluster      node            sw
                                   node     status       status          version
svc2/1                             No       unconfigured free            1.3(1)
svc2/2                             No       unconfigured free            1.3(1)
switch(svc)# cluster add SampleCluster ip node svc 2/1
cluster creation going on. Please wait....

The status of the newly-added cluster can be verified using the show nodes local command.

switch(svc)# show nodes local
Node 			cluster					config		cluster				node 			sw
								node		status				status 			version
svc2/1 			SampleCluster 					Yes		active				active			1.3(1)
svc2/2								No		unconfigured				free			1.3(1)

feature enable

To enable a specified feature in a cluster, use the feature enable command in the cluster configuration submode.

cluster config cluster-name

feature enable {capacity number | flash-copy | remote-copy}

Syntax Description


Provides access to cluster commands

config cluster-name

Places a previously created cluster in the cluster configuration submode.

feature enable

Enables a specified feature on this cluster. Three features can be enabled: capacity , flash-copy, or remote-copy


Configures the virtualization capacity of this cluster.


Provides a range from 1- 1677215 Gigabytes.


Enables the flash-copy feature for this cluster.


Enables the remote-copy feature for this cluster.

Command Default


Command Modes

SVC configuration mode—cluster configuration submode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines

The cluster configuration submode prompt is (switch(svc-cluster)#).

By default, flash-copy and remote-copy are disabled and 0 (zero) GB of virtualization capacity is enabled.


The following example enters the cluster configuration submode for the SampleCluster cluster and assigns a size of 4000 Gigabytes. The next two commands enables the flash-copy and remote-copy features for this cluster.

switch(svc)# cluster config SampleCluster
switch(svc-cluster)# feature enable ?
  capacity     Cluster enable feature capacity
  flash-copy   Cluster enable feature flash-copy
  remote-copy  Cluster enable feature remote-copy
switch(svc-cluster)# feature enable capacity ?
  <0-2147483647>  Enter the capacity
switch(svc-cluster)# feature enable capacity 4000
switch(svc-cluster)# feature enable flash-copy
switch(svc-cluster)# feature enable remote-copy


To create a snapshot (or point-in-time copy) of a specified VDisk or group of VDisks, use the flash-copy command in the cluster configuration submode.

cluster config cluster-name

flash-copy add fcopy-name

{flash-copy name fcopy-name map src-vdisk vdisk-name dst-vdisk vdisk-name | [mode copy-on-write | full rate rate]}

flash-copy rename old-name newname new-name

Syntax Description


Provides access to cluster commands

config cluster-name

Places a previously created cluster in the cluster configuration submode.

flash-copy add fcopy-name

Creates a FlashCopy instance.

flash-copy fcopy-name

Enters the FlashCopy submode for an existing copy name.


Creating a mapping between the source and destination VDisks.

src-vdisk vdisk-name

Specifies the source VDisk for the flash copy.

dst-vdisk vdisk-name

Specifies the destination VDisk for the flash copy.


Controls the FlashCopy mode.


Copies to the source VDisk only if new information in written to it after FlashCopy is initiated (default).

full rate rate

Specifies the background copy rate (ranges from 1 to 100) at which the source VDisk is copied to the destination VDisk even if no new information is written to the source.

Command Default


Command Modes

SVC configuration mode—cluster configuration submode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines

The cluster configuration submode prompt is (switch(svc-cluster)#.

The flash-copy submode prompt is switch(svc-cluster-flash-copy)#.


The following example enters the enters the cluster configuration mode for the SampleCluster 1 cluster.

switch(svc)# cluster config SampleCluster
switch(svc-cluster)# flash-copy f2
switch(svc-cluster-flash-copy)# ?
Submode Commands:
  exit  Exit from this mode
  map   Flash-copy map
  mode  Flash-copy mode
  no    Negate a command or set its defaults
switch(svc-cluster-flash-copy)# map src-vdisk VDISK1 dst-vdisk DDISK1
switch(svc-cluster-flash-copy)# mode copy-on-write
switch(svc-cluster-flash-copy)# exit
switch(svc-cluster)# flash-copy add FlashC2
switch(svc-cluster)# exit
switch(svc)# show SampleCluster flash-copy
name             status
fccstgrp0        idle_or_copied    
f2               idle_or_copied    
switch(svc)# show SampleCluster flash-copy f2
Flash-copy mapping 1:
    src vdisk is v2
    dest vdisk is v3
    state is idle_or_copied
    copy rate is 50
    progress 0% done


To create or configure hosts, use the host command in the cluster configuration submode.

cluster config cluster-name

host add host-name hostport port-wwn

{host name host-name hostport port-wwn | map vdisk vdisk-name [SCSI-lun lun-number]}

Syntax Description


Provides access to cluster commands

config cluster-name

Places a previously created cluster in the cluster configuration submode.

host add host-name

Creates a host with one port and assigns the host name.

hostport port-wwn

Specifies a port using the port WWN

host name host-name

Enters the host submode for an existing host name.


Maps a previously configured disk to this host.

vdisk vdisk-name

Specifies the VDisk to be mapped to the host.

SCSI-lun lun-number

Specifies a LUN to map the host port. If the LUN number is not specified, the next available number is assigned automatically.

Command Default


Command Modes

SVC configuration mode—cluster configuration submode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines

The cluster configuration submode prompt is (switch(svc-cluster)#).

The host submode prompt is switch (svc-cluster-host)#


The following example enters the cluster configuration mode for SampleCluster and creates a host called Host 1with one port, adds a second port, and maps the VDisk for Host1, and verifies the configured information for Host1.

switch(svc)# cluster config SampleCluster
switch(svc-cluster)# host add Host1 hostport 11:22:33:44:aa:bb:cc:dd
switch(svc-cluster)# host Host1
switch(svc-cluster-host)# ?
Submode Commands:
  exit      Exit from this mode
  hostport  Add pWWN to host
  map       Map vdisk to host
  no        Negate a command or set its defaults
switch(svc-cluster-host)# hostport 22:11:33:55:11:aa:bb:cc 
switch(svc-cluster)# host add Host1 hostport 35:66:11:22:aa:bb:22:cc
switch(svc-cluster)# host Host1
switch(svc-cluster-host)# hostport 35:66:11:22:aa:bb:22:11 
switch(svc-cluster-host)# map vdisk Vdisk1
switch(svc-cluster-host)# map vdisk Vdisk1 ssci-lun 10

install module node

To install the SVC node image, use the install module node command.

install module module-number node node-number image svc-system [ bootflash: | slot0: | ftp: | sftp: | scp: | svc-image]

Syntax Description

install module

Installs the specified image for the CSM.


Switching modules:From slot 1 to 4 and 7 to 9 in a Cisco MDS 9500 Series switch.For slot 2 in a Cisco MDS 9200 Series switch.

Supervisor modules:Slot 5 or 6—only on the active supervisor module in a Cisco MDS 9500 Series switch.Slot 1—upgrades both the supervisor and switching parts of the module in a Cisco MDS 9200 Series switch.


Selects the SVC node to install the image.


Specifies the node number.

image svc-system

Specifies the file name of an SVC image.


Source location for internal bootflash memory


URI containing SVC Image.


URI containing SVC Image.


URI containing SVC Image.


URI containing SVC Image.


Source location for the CompactFlash memory or PCMCIA card.


The name of the SAN Volume Controller (SVC) image.

Command Default


Command Modes

EXEC mode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.0(3).

Usage Guidelines

The install module module-number node command installs the new image in the specified node on the CSM module. All previous data in that node is lost.


The following example shows how to install a new image on an SVC node.

switch# install module 2 node 1 image svc-system scp://root@
SVC reimage going on. Please wait
root@'s password:
sb-svc.bin        100% |*****************************| 45408 KB    00:53    
svc 2/1 software reimage succeeded

interface svc

To configure a SAN Volume Controller (SVC) interface on the Cisco MDS 9000 Family of switches, use the interface svc command.

interface svc slot_number/node-number

interface svc slot_number/node-number initiator | mgmt | nwwn nwwn-id target vsan vsan-id

interface svc slot_number/node-number [switchport description | shutdown]

Syntax Description


Configures a new interface.


Specifies the new interface to be a SVC interface.


Specifies the slot number of the Caching Service Module (CSM).


Specifies the node number of the SVC instance running on the CSM. This number ranges from 1 to 2 nodes per module.


Configures the initiator or port in the specified VSAN.


Configures the management or port in the specified VSAN.


Configures the target or port in the specified VSAN.

vsan vsan-id

Specifies the VSAN ID ranging from 1 to 4093.


Enables or disables an interface.

nwwn nwwn-id

Configured a non-system allocated nWWN for SVC Node.

switchport description

Assigns a description to the switchport. Restricted to 80 alphanumeric characters.

Command Default


Command Modes

Configuration mode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines

By default, all three N-port types (initiator, mgmt, and target) are in VSAN 1. Explicitly remove it from VSAN 1 if this is not required by your network.

The VSAN number can be any number from 1 to 4096. Only 64 VSANs for all initiator/mgmt/target are allowed (meaning, you can have initiator in VSANs 1-30, target in VSANs 31-60, and mgmt in VSANs 61-64). If the target, initiator, and mgmt overlap in VSANs, each overlap is also included in the total VSAN count.

A mgmt N-port can only exist in 4 of these 64 VSANs.

You can specify a range of interfaces by issuing a command with the following example format:

interface svc 1/1 space , space svc 2/1-2

This command configures Slot 1 Node 1 as an SVC interface and simultaneously configures Slot 2, Nodes 1and 2 as SVC interfaces.

Place the disk, host, and other SVC nodes in the appropriate VSAN for any configuration to be completely established


The following example configures the initiator N-port on VSAN 1, the target N-port on VSAN 2, and the management N-port on VSAN 3.

switch# config terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# interface svc 2/1
switch(config-if)# ?
Interface configuration commands:
	do         EXEC command
	exit       Exit from this submode
	initiator   Configure Initiator traffic for SVC Node
	mgmt        Configure traffic for communication with other SVC Nodes
	no          Negate a command or set its defaults
	nwwn        Configured a non-system allocated nWWN for SVC Node
	shutdown    Enable/disable an interface
	switchport  Configure switchport parameters
 	target      Configure Target traffic for SVC Node
switch(config-if)# initiator vsan 1
switch(config-if)# target vsan 2
switch(config-if)# mgmt vsan 3


To assign a name to I/O groups, use the iogroup command in the cluster configuration submode. Use the no form of this command to delete the configured I/O group alias.

cluster config cluster-name

iogroup group-id alias alias-name

Syntax Description


Provides access to cluster commands

config cluster-name

Places a previously created cluster in the cluster configuration submode.

iogroup group-id

Identifies one of four I/O groups in the specified cluster. The ID ranges from 1 to 4.

alias alias-name

Assigns a name to the selected I/O group. The name is restricted to 15 alphanumeric characters.

Command Default


Command Modes

SVC configuration mode—cluster configuration submode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines

The no iogroup command deletes the alias name, not the I/O group itself.

The cluster configuration submode prompt is (switch(svc-cluster)#).


The following example enters the cluster configuration mode for SampleCluster and configures a new I/O group. The created group is verified using the show cluster name iogroup command

switch(svc)# cluster config SampleCluster
switch(svc-cluster)# iogroup 1 alias SampleIOgroup
switch(svc-cluster)# exit


To modify the IP address for a cluster, use the ip command in the cluster configuration submode.

cluster config cluster-name

ip ip-address

Syntax Description


Provides access to cluster commands

config cluster-name

Places a previously created cluster in the cluster configuration submodes.

ip ip-address

Specifies the IP address of the cluster.

Command Default


Command Modes

SVC configuration mode—cluster configuration submode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines

The IP address of the cluster can be changed, but not deleted. If you connect using the current cluster IP address, that session is lost when the command completes. You must then reconnect using the new IP address.

The no form of this command is not allowed.

The cluster configuration submode prompt is (switch(svc-cluster)#).


The following example enters the cluster configuration mode for SampleCluster, configures the IP address, and verifies by displaying this information

switch(svc)# cluster config SampleCluster
switch(svc-cluster)# ip 
switch(svc)# show cluster SampleCluster ip
cluster ip address is 


To create and configure a mdsik group, use the mdisk-grp command in the cluster configuration submode.

cluster config cluster-name

mdisk-grp add grp-name extent size

mdisk-grp name grp-name --> mdisk id mdisk-id

Syntax Description


Provides access to cluster commands

config cluster-name

Places a previously created cluster in the cluster configuration submode.

mdisk-grp addgrp-name

Adds a mdisk group.

extent size

Assigns the extent size of the storage allocation for MDisks in this cluster. The extent size can be 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, or 512 MB.

mdisk-grp name grp-name

Enters the mdisk submode of an existing MDisk group.

mdisk id mdisk-id

Assigns the disk ID ranging from 1 to 4096 to the mdisk in the MDisk group submode.

Command Default


Command Modes

SVC configuration mode—cluster configuration submode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines

The cluster configuration submode prompt is (switch(svc-cluster)#).

The submode prompt for the MDisk group is switch (svc-cluster-mdisk-grp)#


The following example enters the cluster configuration mode for SampleCluster, creates an MDisk group, and adds an MDisk to the group.

switch(svc)# cluster config SampleCluster
switch(svc-cluster)# mdisk-grp add Mdisk1 extent 512
switch(svc-cluster)# mdisk-grp name Mdisk1
switch(svc-cluster-mdisk-grp)# mdisk id 3
switch(svc)# show cluster SampleCluster mdisk-grp 
name             Capacity      free     extent   number    number    status
                                        size(MB) of mdisks of vdisks
finance          7.56 GB       7.56 GB  16       5 
        0         online
marketing        6.48 GB       6.48 GB  16       5
         0         online

migrate vdisk

To configure data migration from a VDisk, use the migrate vdisk command in the cluster configuration submode.

cluster config cluster-name

migrate vdisk vdisk-name new-mdisk-grp grp-name

migrate vdisk vdisk-name src-mdisk id mdisk-id num-extents number tgt-mdisk id mdisk-id

Syntax Description


Provides access to cluster commands

config cluster-name

Places a previously created cluster in the cluster configuration submode.

migrate vdisk vdisk-name

Migrates data from the specified VDisk to a MDisk or MDisk group.

new-mdisk-grp grp-name

Migrates data to a newly specified MDisk group.

src-mdisk id mdisk-id

Specifies the source MDisk for data migration.

num-extents number

Specifies the extents of a VDisk for data migration.

tgt-mdisk id mdisk-id

Specifies the target MDisk for data migration.

Command Default


Command Modes

SVC configuration mode—cluster configuration submode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines

The cluster configuration submode prompt is (switch(svc-cluster)#).


The following example enters the cluster configuration mode for SampleCluster, migrates a VDisk to a new MDisk group.

switch(svc)# cluster config SampleCluster
switch(svc-cluster)# migrate vdisk Vdisk2 new-mdisk-grp Group5
switch(svc-cluster)# migrate vdisk Vdisk2 src-mdisk id 3 num-extents 2 tgt-mdisk id 4


To add a node to a cluster or to assign a name to a preconfigured node, use the node command in the cluster configuration submode.

cluster config cluster-name

node name node-name

node nwwn node-wwn

node iogroup group-id [alias alias-name]

Syntax Description

cluster config

Provides access to cluster commands


Adds a specified node to the cluster being configured.

name node-name

Specifies the node using a 15 alphanumeric characters.

nwwn node-wwn

Specifies the node using the nWWN with the format hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh.

iogroup group-id

Identifies one of four I/O groups in the specified cluster. The ID ranges from 1 to 4.

alias alias-name

Assigns a name to the selected node. The name is restricted to 156 alphanumeric characters.

Command Default


Command Modes

SVC configuration mode—cluster configuration submode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines

The cluster configuration submode prompt is (switch(svc-cluster)#).

The node must first be added before assigning an alias name.

The no form of the command deletes the node from the cluster.


The following example enters the cluster configuration mode for SampleCluster, adds a node by assigning the nWWN, and associates the node with an alias.

switch(svc)# cluster config SampleCluster
switch(svc-cluster)# node nwwn 20:00:00:04:cf:e6:e4:df iogroup 1
switch(svc-cluster)# node nwwn 20:00:00:04:cf:e6:e4:df alias NodeAlias

node svc delete

To delete all cluster configurations from a specific node, use the node svc delete command in SVC configuration mode.

node svc slot-number/node-number delete

Syntax Description

node svc

Specifies the node’s SVC interface


Specifies the slot number of the Caching Service Module (CSM).


Specifies the node number of the SVC instance running on the CSM. This number ranges from 1 to 2 nodes per module.


Deletes a cluster information from the specified node.

Command Default


Command Modes

SVC configuration mode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines

Use this command if the node has lost communication with a configured cluster.


The following example enters the SVC configuration mode and adds a cluster called SampleCluster.

switch# svc-config
switch(svc)# node svc 2/1 delete

node svc recover

To initiate cluster recovery on a specified SVC node, use the recover cluster command in SVC configuration mode.

node svc slot-number/node-number recover

Syntax Description

node svc

Specifies the node’s SVC interface


Specifies the slot number of the Caching Service Module (CSM).


Specifies the node number of the SVC instance running on the CSM. This number ranges from 1 to 2 nodes per module.


Initiates recovery for a specified node.

Command Default


Command Modes

SVC configuration mode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to initiate cluster recovery after a failure. If the output of the show nodes local command displays recovery pause in the node status column.


The following example initiates recovery for the SVC node 1 in slot 2.

switch# svc-config
switch(svc)# node svc 2/1 recover 

node svc servicemode

To place a node in service mode, use the servicemode node svc command in SVC configuration mode. Use the no form of the command to remove a node from service mode.

node svc slot-number/node-number servicemode

Syntax Description

node svc

Specifies the node’s SVC interface


Specifies the slot number of the Caching Service Module (CSM).


Specifies the node number of the SVC instance running on the CSM. This number ranges from 1 to 2 nodes per module.


Places a node in service mode.

Command Default


Command Modes

SVC configuration mode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines



The following example enters the SVC configuration mode and places the specified node in service mode.

switch# svc-config
switch(svc)# node svc 2/2 servicemode

node svc upgrade

To upgrade the software on a specified SVC node, use the upgrade node svc command in SVC configuration mode.

node svc slot-number/node-number url upgrade svc-system url

Syntax Description

node svc

Specifies the node’s SVC interface


Specifies the slot number of the Caching Service Module (CSM).


Specifies the node number of the SVC instance running on the CSM. This number ranges from 1 to 2 nodes per module.


Upgrades the image on the specified node.

svc-system url

Specifies the SVC image to be used. The new version of the software image is specified to the FTP:, SCP:, SFTP:, TFTP:, bootflash:, or slot0: directories

Command Default


Command Modes

SVC configuration mode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines

This command is valid only if the node is in service mode or the node has been shutdown.


The following example enters the SVC configuration mode and displays all options in this mode.

switch# svc-config
switch(svc)# node svc 2/1 upgrade svc-system ?
  bootflash:  URI containing the system image for SVC
  ftp:        URI containing the system image for SVC
  scp:        URI containing the system image for SVC
  sftp:       URI containing the system image for SVC
  slot0:      URI containing the system image for SVC
  tftp:       URI containing the system image for SVC


To set the quorum disk for a cluster, use the quorum command in the cluster configuration submode.

cluster config cluster-name

quorum disk [1 | 2 | 3] mdisk disk-id

Syntax Description


Provides access to cluster commands

config cluster-name

Places a previously created cluster in the cluster configuration submode.

quorum disk id

Configures one of three quorum disks for the specified cluster. The quorum ID ranges from 1 to 3.

mdisk mdisk-id

Specifies the MDisk ID (ranges form 1 to 4096).

Command Default


Command Modes

SVC configuration mode—cluster configuration submode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines

The cluster configuration submode prompt is (switch(svc-cluster)#).

You can assign one of 3 possible quorum IDs in any desired order.


The following example enters the cluster configuration mode for SampleCluster and sets the quorum disk ID.

switch(svc)# cluster config SampleCluster
switch(svc-cluster)# quorum disk 2 mdisk 1


To create a synchronous copy of a specified VDisk or group of VDisks, use the remote-copy command in the cluster configuration submode.

cluster config cluster-name

remote-copy add rcopy-name [cluster rcluster-name]

remote-copy rcopy-name map src-vdisk vdisk-name aux-vdisk vdisk-name

Syntax Description


Provides access to cluster commands

config cluster-name

Places a previously created cluster in the cluster configuration submode.

remote-copy add rcopy-name

Creates a remote copy instance and assigns a name.

remote-copy cluster rcluster-name

Specifies the remote cluster name for the consistency group.

remote-copy rcopy-name

Enters the remote-copy submode for an existing copy object.


Establishes a relationship between the source and destination VDisks.

src-vdisk vdisk-name

Specifies the source VDisk for the copy creation.

aux-vdisk vdisk-name

Specifies a VDisk in the remote copy cluster.

Command Default


Command Modes

SVC configuration mode—cluster configuration submode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines

The cluster configuration submode prompt is (switch(svc-cluster)#).

The remote-copy submode prompt is switch(svc-cluster-remote-copy)#


The following example enters the cluster configuration mode for SampleCluster and creates a synchronous copy of a specified disk.

switch(svc)# cluster config SampleCluster
switch(svc-cluster)# remote-copy add Rcopy1
switch(svc-cluster)# remote-copy r1
switch(svc-cluster-remote-copy)# ?
Submode Commands:
  exit  Exit from this mode
  map   Remote-copy map
  no    Negate a command or set its defaults
switch(svc-cluster-remote-copy)# map src-vdisk SrcVdisk1 aux-vdisk AuxVdisk1
switch(svc-cluster)# remote-copy add Rcopy1 cluster remote-cluster
switch(svc-cluster)# remote-copy name Rcopy1

show cluster flash-copy

To display configured FlashCopy information for a specified cluster, use the show cluster cluster-name flash-copy command.

show cluster cluster-name flash-copy [fcopy-name]

Syntax Description

show cluster cluster-name

Specifies a previously created cluster name.

flash-copy fcopy-name

Displays FlashCopy relationships configured for the specified FlashCopy object.

Command Default


Command Modes

SVC configuration mode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines



The following examples display configured cluster information.

switch(svc)# show cluster SampleCluster flash-copy
name             status
fccstgrp0        idle_or_copied    
f2               idle_or_copied    
switch(svc)# show cluster SampleCluster flash-copy f2
Flash-copy mapping 1:
    src vdisk is v2
    dest vdisk is v3
    state is idle_or_copied
    copy rate is 50
    progress 0% done

show cluster host

To display configured host information for a specific cluster, use the show cluster cluster-name host command.

show cluster cluster-name host [host-name | candidate]

Syntax Description

show cluster cluster-name

Specifies a previously created cluster name.


Displays information about hosts and host ports.


Lists all candidates that are not part of this entity but are visible to the cluster.


Displays information about the specified host.

Command Default


Command Modes

SVC configuration mode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines



The following examples display configured cluster host information.

switch(svc)# show SampleCluster host
name             number of ports
oasis15          1
Host1            2
switch(svc)# show SampleCluster host Host1
host Host1:
    Number of port is 2
    Port WWN is 11:22:33:44:aa:bb:cc:dd
    Port WWN is 22:11:33:55:11:aa:bb:cc
	LUN 0: 		vdisk V1
	LUN 10: vdisk V2
switch(svc)# show cluster SampleCluster host candidate 
id       pwwn
1        21:00:00:e0:8b:09:e7:04

show cluster iogroup

To display configured I/O group information for a specified cluster, use the show cluster cluster-name iogroup command.

show cluster cluster-name iogroup [group-id]

Syntax Description

show cluster cluster-name

Specifies a previously created cluster name.


Identifies one of four I/O groups in the specified cluster.


Specifies the iogroup ID (ranges from 1 to 4).

Command Default


Command Modes

SVC configuration mode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines



The following examples display configured cluster iogroup information.

switch(svc)# show SampleCluster iogroup
ID   NAME                             NODE-COUNT       VLUN_COUNT
1    Sampleio1                        2                3
2    io_grp1                          0                0
3    io_grp2                          0                0
4    io_grp3                          0                0
5    recovery_io_grp                  0                0


Only four IDs can be used, the fifth I/O group is internally created and is only used for cluster recovery.

switch(svc)# show SampleCluster iogroup id 2
Io group id 2:
    Node count is 0
    Host LUN count is 0
    Contains no nodes

show cluster ip

To displays configured ip information for a specified cluster, use the show cluster-name ip command.

show cluster cluster-name ip

Syntax Description

show cluster cluster-name

Specifies a previously created cluster name.


Displays the IP address of the specified cluster.

Command Default


Command Modes

SVC configuration mode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines



The following example displays configured cluster ip information.

switch(svc)# show SampleCluster ip
cluster ip address is 

show cluster mdisk

To display configured MDisk information for a specified cluster, use the show cluster cluster-name mdisk command.

show cluster cluster-name mdisk {candidate | id mdisk-id [extent]}

Syntax Description

show cluster cluster-name

Specifies a previously created cluster name.


Displays MDisk specific information.


Displays all MDisks that are not assigned to a group.

id mdisk-id

Displays details of the specified MDisk ID.


Displays information about the specified MDisk’s extent.

Command Default


Command Modes

SVC configuration mode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines



The following examples display configured cluster MDisk information.

switch(svc)# show SampleCluster mdisk
id       nwwn                    mdisk-grp       capacity      status
1        20:00:00:04:cf:e6:1b:5b mg1             68.37 GB      online
2        20:00:00:04:cf:e6:e5:32 mg1             68.37 GB      online
3        20:00:00:04:cf:e6:21:a2 mg1             68.37 GB      online
4        20:00:00:04:cf:e6:e1:81 mg1             68.37 GB      online
5        20:00:00:04:cf:e6:e4:df                 68.37 GB      online
6        20:00:00:04:cf:e6:1c:fb                 68.37 GB      online
7        20:00:00:04:cf:e6:1a:4c                 68.37 GB      online
8        20:00:00:04:cf:e6:e4:6b                 68.37 GB      online
switch(svc)# show SampleCluster mdisk candidate
id       nwwn                    capacity
5        20:00:00:04:cf:e6:e4:df 68.37 GB
6        20:00:00:04:cf:e6:1c:fb 68.37 GB
7        20:00:00:04:cf:e6:1a:4c 68.37 GB
8        20:00:00:04:cf:e6:e4:6b 68.37 GB
switch(svc)# show cluster SampleCluster mdisk id 1
mdisk id 1 is online
   Is member of mdisk-grp mg1
   Controller node WWN is 20:00:00:04:cf:e6:e4:6b
   Controller port WWN is 22:00:00:04:cf:e6:e4:6b, LUN 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
   Controller serial number is 3HZ0KZ8W
   Capacity is 68.37 GB
   Number of free extents is 2231
switch(svc)# show cluster SampleCluster mdisk id 1 extent
vdisk            number of extents
v1              2144

show cluster mdsik-grp

To display configured MDisk group information for a specified cluster, use the show cluster cluster-name mdisk-grp command.

show cluster cluster-name mdisk-grp [grp-name]

Syntax Description

show cluster cluster-name

Specifies a previously created cluster name.

mdisk-grp grp-name

Displays information about a specified MDisk group.

Command Default


Command Modes

SVC configuration mode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines



The following examples display configured cluster information for a MDisk group.

switch(svc)# show cluster SampleCluster mdisk-grp
name				Capacity				free			extent   			number    			number    			status
                                        											size(MB) 			of mdisks 			of vdisks
mg1 				410.16 GB				309.16 GB			16			6			1 			online
switch(svc)# show cluster SampleCluster mdisk-grp mg1
mdisk-grp mg1 is online
   Total capacity is 410.16 GB
   Free capacity is 309.16 GB
   Extent size is 16 MB
   Number of mdisks is 6
   Number of vdisks using this group is 1

show cluster nodes

To display configured node information for a specified cluster, use the show cluster cluster-name nodes command.

show cluster cluster-name nodes [candidate]

Syntax Description

show cluster cluster-name

Specifies a previously created cluster name.


Displays information about nodes in this cluster.


Lists all candidates that are not part of this entity but are visible to the cluster.

Command Default


Command Modes

SVC configuration mode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines



The following example displays configured cluster information for a specified node.

switch(svc)# show cluster SampleCluster nodes
Node node1 is online(3)
    Node WWN is 20:06:00:0b:be:57:73:42
    Serial number is JAB072705JH
    Unique id is 01:00:07:27:30:35:4a:48
    Node is in config mode
    Node is part of iogroup id 1 name io_grp0
Node node2 is online(3)
    Node WWN is 20:08:00:0b:be:57:73:42
    Serial number is JAB076605JH
    Unique id is 01:00:07:66:30:35:4a:48
    Node is in non config mode
    Node is part of iogroup id 1 name io_grp0
switch1(svc)# show cluster SampleCluster nodes candidate
NODE                             NWWN
switch1.2.1                   20:06:00:05:30:00:8d:e0

show cluster remote-copy

To display configured remote-copy information for a specified cluster, use the show cluster cluster-name remote-copy command.

show cluster cluster-name remote-copy [rcopy-name]

Syntax Description

show cluster cluster-name

Specifies a previously created cluster name.


Displays remote copy relationships configured for a specified cluster.


Displays the specified remote copy object.

Command Default


Command Modes

SVC configuration mode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines



The following example displays configured cluster information for the specified copy instance.

switch(svc)# show cluster SampleCluster remote-copy r1
Remote-copy mapping 1:
    master cluster is SampleCluster
    master vdisk is v6
    aux cluster is c1
    aux vdisk is v7
    status is inconsistent_stopped
    progress 0% done
Remote-copy mapping 2:
    master cluster is SampleCluster
    master vdisk is v8
    aux cluster is c1
    aux vdisk is v9
    status is inconsistent_stopped
    progress 0% done

show cluster remote-copy-cluster

To display configured remote-copy partnership information for a specified cluster, use the show cluster cluster-name remote-copy-cluster command.

show cluster cluster-name remote-copy-cluster [rcopy-name]

Syntax Description

show cluster cluster-name

Specifies a previously created cluster name.


Displays remote copy relationships configured for a specified cluster.


Displays the specified remote copy object.

Command Default


Command Modes

SVC configuration mode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines



The following example displays configured cluster information for the specified copy instance.

switch(svc)# show cluster SampleCluster remote-copy-cluster 
Cluster          Local/remote     Bandwidth
local-cluster    local             10 
remote-cluster   remote            50

show cluster status

To displays progress information for a specified cluster, use the show cluster cluster-name status command.

show cluster cluster-name status [flash-copy fcopy-name | remote-copy rcopy-name]

Syntax Description

show cluster cluster-name

Specifies a previously created cluster name.


Displays the status of a upgrade or copy process.


Displays FlashCopy relationships configured for the specified cluster.


Displays the specified FlashCopy object.


Displays remote copy relationships configured for a specified cluster.


Displays the specified remote copy object.

Command Default


Command Modes

SVC configuration mode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines



The following examples display configured cluster information.

switch(svc)# show cluster SampleCluster status flash-copy fc1 
src vdisk        dest vdisk       progress
v1               v2               100% done
v3               v4               100% done
switch(svc)# show cluster SampleCluster status remote-copy rc1 
src vdisk        aux vdisk        progress
v5               v6               100% done
v7               v8               100% done

show cluster vdisk

To display configured VDisk information for a specified cluster, use the show cluster cluster-name vdisk command.

show cluster cluster-name vdisk vdisk-id [extent | mapped_hosts]

Syntax Description

show cluster cluster-name

Specifies a previously created cluster name.


Displays configured VDisks in the cluster


Displays details of the specified VDisk ID.


Displays information about the specified MDisk’s extent.


Displays information about which hosts are mapped to the specified VDisk.

Command Default


Command Modes

SVC configuration mode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines



The following examples display configured cluster information for VDisks.

switch(svc)# show cluster SampleCluster vdisk v1 extent
mdisk id  number of extents
1         2144
2         2144
3         2144
5         11
6         11
7         10
switch(svc)# show cluster SampleCluster vdisk v1 mapped_hosts
host             LUN
oasis15          0

show environment battery

To display status of a battery module for the Caching Services Module (CSM), use the show environment battery command.

show environment battery module slot-number [detail]

Syntax Description

show environment

Displays the hardware environment in any Cisco MDS 9000 Family switch.


Displays the status of the battery in a CSM.

module slot-number

Specifies the slot number of the CSM.


Provides detailed information about the CSM battery status.

Command Default


Command Modes

EXEC mode.

This command was modified in Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines



The following example displays the current contents of the boot variable.

switch# show environment battery module 2
Battery 1:
Voltage             : 10.343 V
Current             : 0.000 A
Temperature         : 23.7 C
Current Capacity    : 1571 mAHr
Full Capacity       : 2057 mAHr
CySampleClustere Count         : 3
Last conditioned in : Week 22 2003
Serial Num          : AMB0722009C
Battery 2:
Voltage             : 10.596 V
Current             : 0.000 A
Temperature         : 26.6 C
Current Capacity    : 1701 mAHr
Full Capacity       : 2032 mAHr
CySampleClustere Count         : 6
Last conditioned in : Week 22 2003
Serial Num          : AMB0722009R
switch## show environment battery module 2 detail
Battery 1:
Voltage             : 10.338 V
Current             : 0.000 A
Temperature         : 23.7 C
Current Capacity    : 1571 mAHr
Full Capacity       : 2057 mAHr
Caching Capacity    : 6463 MB
CySampleClustere Count         : 3
Last conditioned in : Week 22 2003
Serial Num          : AMB0722009C
EEPROM version      : 1
Manufacturer Access            : 0x0
Remaining Capacity Alarm       : 0xc8
Remaining Time Alarm           : 0xa
Battery Mode                   : 0x6000
AtRate                         : 0x0
AtRate Time To Full            : 0xffff
AtRate Time To Empty           : 0xffff
AtRate OK                      : 0x1
Temperature                    : 0xb97
Voltage                        : 0x2862
Current                        : 0xd
Average Current                : 0x6
Max Error                      : 0x2
Relative State of Charge       : 0x4c
Absolute State of Charge       : 0x4f
Remaining Capacity             : 0x623
Full Charge Capacity           : 0x809
Run Time To Empty              : 0xffff
Average Time To Empty          : 0xffff
Average Time To Full           : 0x13f2
Charging Current               : 0x44c
Charging Voltage               : 0x3840
Battery Status                 : 0xc0
CySampleClustere Count                    : 0x3
Design Capacity                : 0x7d0
Design Voltage                 : 0x2580
Specification Info             : 0x21
Manufacture Date               : 0x3037
Serial Number                  : 0x0
Manufacturer Name              : 0x430a
Device Name                    : 0x4207
Device Chemistry               : 0x4e04
Manufacturer Data              : 0x7507
Pack Status & Configuration    : 0x2020
VCELL4                         : 0x0
VCELL3                         : 0x0
VCELL2                         : 0x0
VCELL1                         : 0x0

show interface svc

You can check the status of a SVC interface at any time by using the show interface svc command.

show interface svc slot-number/node-number [ brief | counters | description]

Syntax Description

interface range

Displays the interfaces in the specified range.


Displays brief info of interface.


Displays the interface counter information.


Displays a description of interface.


Displays the SAN Volume Controller (SVC) interface.


Specifies the slot number of the Caching Service Module (CSM).


Specifies the node number of the SVC instance running on the CSM. This number ranges from 1 to 2 nodes per module.

Command Default


Command Modes


This command was modified in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines



The following examples display configured SVC interface information.

switch# show interface svc 2/1
svc2/1 is up
    Node WWN is 10:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
    Fabric WWN is 20:41:00:05:30:00:33:1e
    Target N-port WWN is 27:39:00:05:30:00:33:2a, vsan is 1, FCID is 0x010006
    Initiator N-port WWN is 27:3a:00:05:30:00:33:2a, vsan is 1, FCID is 0x010007
    Mgmt N-port WWN is 27:3b:00:05:30:00:33:2a, vsan is 1, FCID is 0x010008
    5 minutes input rate 16 bits/sec, 2 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec
    5 minutes output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec
      7 frames input, 736 bytes
        0 discards, 0 errors
      3 frames output, 276 bytes
        0 discards, 0 errors 
switch# show interface svc 8/1-2
svc8/1 is down (Administratively down)
    Node WWN is 23:34:00:05:30:00:00:02
    Fabric WWN is 21:c1:00:05:30:00:00:00
    Target N-port WWN is 23:2e:00:05:30:00:00:02, vsan is 1, FCID is 0x000000
    Initiator N-port WWN is 23:2f:00:05:30:00:00:02, vsan is 1, FCID is 0x000000
    Mgmt N-port WWN is 23:30:00:05:30:00:00:02, vsan is 1, FCID is 0x000000
    5 minutes input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec
    5 minutes output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec
      0 frames input, 0 bytes
        0 discards, 0 errors
      0 frames output, 0 bytes
        0 discards, 0 errors
svc8/2 is up
    Node WWN is 23:35:00:05:30:00:00:02
    Fabric WWN is 21:c2:00:05:30:00:00:00
    Target N-port WWN is 23:31:00:05:30:00:00:02, vsan is 1, FCID is 0x650003
    Initiator N-port WWN is 23:32:00:05:30:00:00:02, vsan is 1, FCID is 0x650004
    Mgmt N-port WWN is 23:33:00:05:30:00:00:02, vsan is 1, FCID is 0x650005
    5 minutes input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec
    5 minutes output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec
      3268061 frames input, 6602103068 bytes
        0 discards, 2 errors
      3208131 frames output, 6598470800 bytes
        0 discards, 0 errors
switch# show interface brief
Interface  Vsan   Admin  Admin   Status          FCOT   Oper  Oper   Port
                  Mode   Trunk                          Mode  Speed  Channel
                         Mode                                 (Gbps)
fc8/1      1      FX     --      fcotAbsent       --     --           --
fc8/32     1      FX     --      fcotAbsent       --     --           --
Interface          Status                            Speed
sup-fc0            up                                1
Interface               Status     IP Address        Speed        MTU
mgmt0                   up   100 Mbps     1500
Interface          Status
svc2/1             down
svc2/2             up
svc4/1             up
svc4/2             up
switch# show interface svc 2/1 counters 
    5 minutes input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec 0 ios/sec
    5 minutes output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec 0 ios/sec
    272 frames input, 89764 bytes
      39 input session management frames
        19 plogi, 1 plogi_acc, 13 prli, 1 prli_acc
        2 logo, 0 logo_acc, 0 prlo, 0 prlo_acc
        3 abts, 0 ba_acc, 0 ls_rjt
      28 input I/Os, 28 cmd complete, 0 cmd fail
        24 reads, 4 writes
        0 input errors
        0 input discards
          FCP cmd errors 
            0 sess not up, 0 no resources, 0 bad frames
            0 up layer rjt, 0 out of order, 0 proc unexp exch st
            0 drop unexp exch st, 0 no exch match
          FCP Xrdy errors 
            0 sess not up, 0 no resources, 0 bad frames
            0 up layer rjt, 0 out of order, 0 proc unexp exch st
            0 drop unexp exch st, 0 no exch match
          FCP status errors 
            0 sess not up, 0 no resources, 0 bad frames
            0 up layer rjt, 0 out of order, 0 proc unexp exch st
            0 drop unexp exch st, 0 no exch match
          FCP Data errors 
            0 sess not up, 0 no resources, 0 bad frames
            0 up layer rjt, 0 out of order, 0 proc unexp exch st
            0 drop unexp exch st, 0 no exch match
          0 Incoming Aborts
    232 frames output, 84176 bytes
      35 output session management frames
        6 plogi, 13 plogi_acc, 1 prli, 12 prli_acc
        0 logo, 0 logo_acc, 0 prlo, 0 prlo_acc
        1 abts, 2 ba_acc, 0 ls_rjt
      103 out I/Os, 103 cmd complete, 0 cmd fail
        63 reads, 4 writes
      0 output errors
      0 output discards
        0 out ls aborts
           LS requests while sess not up
             0 cmds 0 data xfers 0 status xfers 0 ds xfers
switch# show interface svc 4/2 description
Interface          Description
svc4/2             SampleInt1

show nodes

To displays configured information for the CSM, use the show svc command.

show nodes { local [detail] | svc slot_number/node-number | version}

Syntax Description

nodes show nodes

Displays information about the specified nodes.


Displays SVC nodes in the switch.


Displays detailed node information.


Displays node information specific to the SVC interface.


Specifies the slot number of the Caching Service Module (CSM).


Specifies the node number of the SVC instance running on the CSM. This number ranges from 1 to 2 nodes per module.


Displays software version information for each node.

Command Default


Command Modes

SVC configuration mode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines



The following example display configured SVC information and statistics.

switch(svc)# show nodes local detail
  Is a config node for cluster SampleCluster
  cluster Status is active
  Node Status is active
  Is member of cluster SampleCluster
  cluster Status is active
  Node Status is active
switch(svc)# show nodes ?
  local    Show nodes in the switch
  svc      SVC Interface
  version  Show node sw versions in the switch
  <cr>     Carriage Return
switch(svc)# show nodes svc 2/2
  Is not a member of any cluster
  Cluster Status is unconfigured
  Node Status is free
switch(svc)# show nodes version
Node             sw version       state
svc2/1           1.3(1)       Runtime code    (5)
svc2/2           1.3(1)       Runtime code    (5)

show svc

To displays configured information for the CSM, use the show svc command.

show svc port svc slot_number/node-number [ detail | initiator | mgmt | target [ detail | vsan vsan-id]] | session [ detail | initiator | mgmt | peer-wwn pwwn-id | target [ detail | vsan vsan-id]] | stats xipc [ interface svc slot_number/node-number ] | [ module slot-number]

Syntax Description

show svc

Displays configured SVC information.


Displays N-port specific SVC information.


Specifies the new interface to be a SVC interface.


Specifies the slot number of the Caching Service Module (CSM).


Specifies the node number of the SVC instance running on the CSM. This number ranges from 1 to 2 nodes per module.


Displays detailed information for all N ports


Displays a SVC node as an initiator in the specified VSAN.


Displays a SVC node as a management node in the specified VSAN.


Displays a SVC node as a target in the specified VSAN.


Specifies the VSAN ID ranging from 1 to 4093.


Displays information specific to the SVC session.

peer-pwwn pwwn-id

Specifies the port WWN of the target or host, with the format hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh.


Displays SVC statistical information generally used for debugging.

module slot-number

Specifies the slot number containing the CSM.

Command Default


Command Modes

EXEC mode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines



The following examples display configured SVC information and statistics.

switch# show svc session svc 2/1
   Target N-port WWN is 21:00:00:05:30:00:8d:e0, vsan is 2, FCID is 0x610100
     pWWN 21:00:00:e0:8b:09:f0:04, nWWN 20:00:00:e0:8b:09:f0:04, FCID 0x610000
   Initiator N-port WWN is 20:01:00:05:30:00:8d:e0, vsan is 1, FCID is 0xec0100
     pWWN 22:00:00:04:cf:e6:e4:6b, nWWN 20:00:00:04:cf:e6:e4:6b, FCID 0xec00d4
     pWWN 22:00:00:04:cf:e6:1a:4c, nWWN 20:00:00:04:cf:e6:1a:4c, FCID 0xec00d5
     pWWN 22:00:00:04:cf:e6:1c:fb, nWWN 20:00:00:04:cf:e6:1c:fb, FCID 0xec00d6
     pWWN 22:00:00:04:cf:e6:e1:81, nWWN 20:00:00:04:cf:e6:e1:81, FCID 0xec00d9
     pWWN 22:00:00:04:cf:e6:e4:df, nWWN 20:00:00:04:cf:e6:e4:df, FCID 0xec00da
     pWWN 22:00:00:04:cf:e6:21:a2, nWWN 20:00:00:04:cf:e6:21:a2, FCID 0xec00dc
     pWWN 22:00:00:04:cf:e6:e5:32, nWWN 20:00:00:04:cf:e6:e5:32, FCID 0xec00e0
     pWWN 22:00:00:04:cf:e6:1b:5b, nWWN 20:00:00:04:cf:e6:1b:5b, FCID 0xec00e1
   Mgmt N-port WWN is 21:02:00:05:30:00:8d:e0, vsan is 3, FCID is 0x7a0000
     pWWN 21:03:00:05:30:00:8d:e0, nWWN 20:07:00:05:30:00:8d:e0, FCID 0x7a0001
switch# show svc session svc 2/1 peer-pwwn 22:00:00:04:cf:e6:e4:6b detail
    Initiator N-port WWN is 20:01:00:05:30:00:8d:e0, vsan is 1, FCID is 0xec0102
      pWWN 22:00:00:04:cf:e6:e4:6b, nWWN 20:00:00:04:cf:e6:e4:6b, FCID 0xec00d4
        47 frames input, 920 data bytes
          2 ELS pkts, 0 BLS pkts
          0 FCP commands, 0 FCP xfer ready
          20 FCP data frames, 25 FCP status
          0 FCP overrun, 15 FCP underrun
          0 aborts, 0 bad FC2 drops
          0 data excess
        27 frames output, 0 data bytes
          2 ELS pkts, 0 BLS pkts
          25 FCP commands, 0 FCP xfer ready
          0 FCP data frames, 0 FCP status
          0 aborts
        0 open exchanges
switch#  show svc port svc 2/1
    Target N-port in vsan 2 is up
      Port WWN is 21:00:00:05:30:00:8d:e0, FCID is 0x610101
    Initiator N-port in vsan 1 is up
      Port WWN is 20:01:00:05:30:00:8d:e0, FCID is 0xec0102
    Mgmt N-port in vsan 1 is up
      Port WWN is 20:02:00:05:30:00:8d:e0, FCID is 0xec0103
switch# show svc port svc 2/1 target detail 
    Target N-port in vsan 1 is up
      Port WWN is 27:39:00:05:30:00:33:2a, FCID is 0x010006
      0 sessions, 0 closed, 0 in transition
        5 minutes input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec 0 ios/sec
        5 minutes output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 bytes/sec, 0 frames/sec 0 ios/sec
      9 frames input, 1064 bytes
        0 input session management frames
          0 plogi, 0 prli
          0 logo, 0 logo_acc
          0 prlo, 0 prlo_acc
          0 abts, 0 ls_rjt
        0 input I/Os, 0 cmd complete, 0 cmd fail
          0 reads, 0 writes
        0 input errors
        0 input discards
      5 frames output, 388 bytes
        0 output session management frames
          0 plogi_acc, 0 prli_acc
          0 logo, 0 logo_acc
          0 prlo, 0 prlo_acc
          0 ba_acc, 0 ls_rjt
        0 output I/Os, 0 cmd complete, 0 cmd fail
        0 output errors
        0 output discards
switch# show svc session svc 2/1 peer-pwwn 27:46:00:05:30:00:33:2a detail 
    Mgmt N-port WWN is 27:3b:00:05:30:00:33:2a, vsan is 1, FCID is 0x010008
      pWWN 27:46:00:05:30:00:33:2a, nWWN 27:48:00:05:30:00:33:2a, FCID 0x010011
        19 frames input, 16517 data bytes
          2 ELS pkts, 0 BLS pkts
          3 FCP commands, 1 FCP xfer ready
          10 FCP data frames, 3 FCP status
          0 FCP overrun, 2 FCP underrun
          0 aborts, 0 bad FC2 drops
          0 data excess
        19 frames output, 16520 data bytes
          2 ELS pkts, 0 BLS pkts
          3 FCP commands, 1 FCP xfer ready
          10 FCP data frames, 3 FCP status
          0 aborts
        0 open exchanges
        FCP Error Stats
          FCP cmd errors 
            0 sess not up, 0 no resources, 0 bad frames
            0 up layer rjt, 0 out of order, 0 proc unexp exch st
            0 drop unexp exch st, 0 no exch match
          FCP Xfer Rdy errors 
            0 sess not up, 0 no resources, 0 bad frames
            0 up layer rjt, 0 out of order, 0 proc unexp exch st
            0 drop unexp exch st, 0 no exch match
          FCP Status errors 
            0 sess not up, 0 no resources, 0 bad frames
            0 up layer rjt, 0 out of order, 0 proc unexp exch st
            0 drop unexp exch st, 0 no exch match
          FCP Data errors 
            0 sess not up, 0 no resources, 0 bad frames
            0 up layer rjt, 0 out of order, 0 proc unexp exch st
            0 drop unexp exch st, 0 no exch match 


To perform SAN Volume Controller (SVC) configurations, use the svc-config command.


Syntax Description


Enters the SVC configuration mode.


Provides access to cluster commands.


Provides access to node commands.


Displays configured SVC information for the specified node.

Command Default


Command Modes

EXEC mode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines



The following example enters the SVC configuration mode and displays all options in this mode.

switch# svc-config
switch-sw6(svc)# ?
Submode Commands:
  cluster  Cluster commands
  exit     Exit from this mode
  no       Negate a command or set its defaults
  node     Node commands
  show     Show


To perform SAN Volume Controller (SVC) configurations by using IBM’s CLI, use the svc-ibmcli command.

svc-ibmcli { cluster-name cluster-name [ IBM-CLI-command ] | node svc slot-number/node-number [ IBM-CLI-command ] }

Syntax Description


Enters the IBM CLI configuration mode.


Specifies a new cluster.


Specifies a cluster name.

node svc

Specifies a node in the SVC interface.


Specifies the slot number of the Caching Service Module (CSM).


Specifies the node number of the SVC instance running on the CSM. This number ranges from 1 to 2 nodes per module.


Specifies the IBM TotalStorage command to be executed

Command Default


Command Modes

EXEC mode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines

When you enter the IBM TotalStorage shell, all future commands are interpreted directly by this shell. Type exit to return to the Cisco MDS switch prompt.


The following example enters the SVC configuration mode and displays all options in this mode.

switch# svc-ibmcli cluster-name SampleCluster
Attaching to config node for cluster SampleCluster
To exit type 'exit', to abort type '$.'
switch# svc-ibmcli node svc 2/1
Attaching to node 2/1
To exit type 'exit', to abort type '$.'

svc-purge-wwn module

To remove all configured WWNs for the CSM from the running configuration, use the svc-purge-wwn module command.

svc-purge-wwn module module-number

Syntax Description


Purges the WWN for the CSM.

module module-number

Specifies the slot number for the CSM.

Command Default


Command Modes

EXEC mode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines

This command also purges all system allocated pWWNs and nWWNs from the system and will never be used again (by the system or by SVC interfaces). New system values will be allocated for all pWWN/nWWNs for the module.


The following example enters the SVC configuration mode and displays all options in this mode.

switch# svc purge-wwn module 2
!!!WARNING!  This command will purge all SVC system allocated
    WWNs for the specified module.  These WWNs will be lost.
    All user configured WWNs will be removed from the
    running-config, but not from the startup-config.
This operation can take a long time.  Other CLI commands
    on the system may be stopped while this operation is
    in progress.
Are you sure you want to do this? [Y/N] [N] y


To create a new VDisk or access a new VDisk, use the vdisk command in the cluster configuration submode.

cluster config cluster-name

{vdisk add vdisk-name iogroup group-id mdisk-grp grp-name capacity number | import [clean | mdisk-list | preferred-node | sequential]}

vdisk name vdisk-name -> expand [ capacity | extent mdisk disk-id offset number ] | io-throttle number [ MB] | iogroup | shrink

Syntax Description


Provides access to cluster commands

config cluster-name

Places a previously created cluster in the cluster configuration submode.

vdisk add vdisk-name

Creates a VDisk of the specified name.

iogroup group-id

Identifies one of four I/O groups in the specified cluster. The ID ranges from 1 to 4. The I/O for the VDisk is serviced by node belonging to that I/O group.


Specifies an existing MDisk group from which the VDisk storage originates.


Configures the size of this VDisk.


Provides a range from 0- 1677215 Gigabytes.


Imports a previously unmanaged disk that contains SVC virtualization data.


Clears all data in the VDisk.


Specifies a list of MDisks. All disks in this list must be part of the MDisk group


specifies the preferred node within the two nodes in this group to send I/Os for this VDisk


Specifies a sequential virtualization policy. If this option is not specified, the striped (default) virtualization policy is used.

vdisk vdisk-name

Enters the VDisk submode of an existing VDisk.

expand capacity

Expands the MDisk capacity.


Expands the MDisk by a single extent.


Offsets the extent.


Limits the amount of I/Os allowed for this VDisk. If MB is not specified, the unit is calculated in I/Os per second.


Specifies the I/O throttling in Megabytes.


Shrinks the capacity of the VDisk as specified.

Command Default


Command Modes

SVC configuration mode—cluster configuration submode.

This command was introduced in Cisco MDS SAN-OS Release 1.3(1).

Usage Guidelines

The cluster configuration submode prompt is (switch(svc-cluster)#).

The VDisk submode prompt is switch (svc-cluster-vdisk)#

Extents are allowed from all MDisks in the list


The following example enters the cluster configuration mode for SampleCluster and ---

switch(svc)# cluster config SampleCluster
switch(svc-cluster)# vdisk add Vdisk1 iogroup 1 mdisk-grp Mdisk1 ?
  capacity  Vdisk add name iogroup mdisk-grp
  import    Vdisk add import
switch(svc-cluster)# vdisk add Vdisk1 iogroup 1 mdisk-grp Mdisk1 capacity ?
  <0-2147483647>  Enter the capacity
switch(svc-cluster)# vdisk add Vdisk1 iogroup 1 mdisk-grp Mdisk1 capacity 5000 ?
  gb  Vdisk add name iogroup mdisk-grp capacity
  mb  Vdisk add name iogroup mdisk-grp capacity
  pb  Vdisk add name iogroup mdisk-grp capacity
  tb  Vdisk add name iogroup mdisk-grp capacity
switch(svc-cluster)# vdisk add Vdisk1 iogroup 1 mdisk-grp Mdisk1 capacity 5000 gb ?
  clean           Vdisk add clean
  mdisk-list      Vdisk add mdisk-list
  preferred-node  Vdisk add sequential mdisk
  sequential      Vdisk add sequential
  <cr>            Carriage Return
switch(svc-cluster)# vdisk add VDISK1 iogroup 1 mdisk-grp Mdisk1 capacity 0 gb
switch(svc-cluster)# vdisk VDISK1
switch(svc-cluster-vdisk)# ?
Submode Commands:
  exit         Exit from this mode
  expand       Expand
  io-throttle  Io throttle
  iogroup      Move vdisk to iogroup
  no           Negate a command or set its defaults
  shrink       Shrink capacity
switch(svc-cluster-vdisk)# expand ?
  capacity  Expand capacity
  extent    Expand extent
switch(svc-cluster-vdisk)# io-throttle 0
switch(svc-cluster-vdisk)# shrink capacity 1 ?
  gb  Expand capacity
  mb  Expand capacity
  pb  Expand capacity
  tb  Expand capacity
switch(svc-cluster-vdisk)# exit
switch(svc)# show cluster SampleCluster vdisk
name             capacity     iogroup mdisk-grp name    policy      status
Vdisk1           100.00 GB    1       Group1            striped     online
Vdisk2           50.00 GB     1       Group2            striped     online
switch(svc)# show cluster SampleCluster vdisk Vdisk1
vdisk Vdisk1 is online
    Capacity is 100.00 GB
    Using storage from mdisk-grp Group1
    Processed by io group 1
    Virtualization policy is striped
    Preferred node is 2
switch(svc)# show cluster SampleCluster vdisk Vdisk1 extent
mdisk id  number of extents
1         2134
2         2133
3         2133
switch(svc)# show cluster SampleCluster vdisk Vdisk1 mapped_hosts
host             LUN
Host1            0