Configuring VSM Backup and Recovery

This chapter contains the following sections:

Information About VSM Backup and Recovery

You can use the VSM backup and recovery procedure to create a template from which the VSMs can be re-created in the event that both VSMs fail in a high availability (HA) environment.


We recommend that you do periodic backups after the initial backup to ensure that you have the most current configuration. See the Performing a Periodic Backup section for more information.

Guidelines and Limitations

VSM backup and recovery has the following configuration guidelines and limitations:

  • Backing up the VSM VM is a onetime task.

  • Backing up the VSM VM requires coordination between the network administrator and the server administrator.

  • These procedures are not for upgrades and downgrades.

  • These procedures require that the restoration is done on the VSM with the same release as the one from which the backup was made.

  • Configuration files do not have enough information to re-create a VSM.

  • It is not recommended to take VSM snapshots as this could cause unpredictable behavior in the system.

Configuring VSM Backup and Recovery

This section includes the following topics:

  • Performing a Backup of the VSM VM

  • Performing a Periodic Backup

  • Recovering the VSM


Be aware that Cisco NX-OS commands might differ from the Cisco IOS commands.

Backing Up the VSM

This section provides information and procedure to back up the VSM on ESX and Cisco Nexus Cloud Services Platform. This section includes the following topics:

Follow the section based on your platform.

Backing Up the VSM on ESX Server

This section includes the following topics:

  • Performing a Backup of the VSM VM

  • Performing a Periodic Backup

Performing a Backup of the VSM VM

This section describes how to create a backup of the VSM VM.

Before You Begin

Before beginning this procedure, you must know or do the following:

  • Ensure that you are on ESX platform. If you want to perform this procedure on Cisco Nexus Cloud Services Platform refer to Exporting a Backup VSB Configuration on Cisco Nexus Cloud Services Platform Server.

  • If the VSM is on a Virtual Ethernet Module (VEM) host, you must configure the management VLAN as a system VLAN.

  • Enter the copy running-config startup-config command at the VSM before beginning this procedure.

  • This procedure is required when there is a Certificate change, Extension key change, after an upgrade to a new release, and installation of the license.

    Step 1   Open the vSphere Client.
    The vSphere Client window opens as displayed in the following illustration.
    Figure 1. vSphere Client Window

    Step 2   In the left navigation pane, right-click the standby VSM. A drop-down list is displayed.
    Step 3   Choose Power > Power Off.
    The action is displayed in the Clone to Template Window.
    Figure 2. Clone to Template Window

    Step 4   In the left navigation pane, right-click the standby VSM.

    A drop-down list is displayed.

    Step 5   Choose Template > Clone to Template.
    The Clone Virtual Machine to Template window opens.
    Figure 3. Clone Virtual Machine to Template Window

    Step 6   In the Template Name field, enter a name.
    Step 7   In the Template Inventory Location pane, choose a location for the template.
    Step 8   Click Next.
    The Choosing the Host Window opens.
    Figure 4. Host Window

    Step 9   Choose the host on which the template will be stored.
    Step 10   Click Next.
    The Choosing a Datastore window opens.
    Figure 5. Choosing a Datastore Window

    Step 11   In the Select a format in which to store the virtual machine’s virtual disks drop-down list, choose Same format as source.
    Step 12   Choose a datastore.
    Step 13   Click Next.
    The Confirming the Settings window opens.
    Figure 6. Confirming the Settings Window

    Step 14   Confirm the settings for the new virtual machine and click Finish.

    The backup template is created and appears under the Virtual Machines tab.

    Step 15   The Template Virtual Machine window opens.
    The template creation is complete.
    Figure 7. Template Virtual Machine Window

    Performing a Periodic Backup

    This section describes how to back up the active VSM after the initial backup of the standby VSM has been performed.

    Before You Begin

    The following lists some instances when you should run this procedure:

    • You are on ESX platform.

    • You have performed an upgrade.

    • You have made a significant change to the configuration.

    Enter the command copy running-config scp://root@ to back up the VSM.

    switch# copy running-config scp://root@
    Enter destination filename: [switch-running-config]
    Enter vrf (If no input, current vrf 'default' is considered):
    The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
    RSA key fingerprint is 29:bc:4c:26:e3:6f:53:91:d4:b9:fe:d8:68:4a:b4:a3.
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
    Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
    root@'s password:
    switch-running-config 100% 6090 6.0KB/s 00:00

    Exporting a Backup VSB Configuration on Cisco Nexus Cloud Services Platform Server

    You can export or import a VSB on the Cisco Nexus Cloud Services Platforms by creating a copy of the VSB backup file. You can store the backup copy remotely to use as a recovery mechanism or when you need to move a VSB between Cisco Nexus Cloud Services Platforms. Use the procedures in the following sections to export and import a VSB on the Cisco Nexus Cloud Services Platform.

    Exporting a VSB

    You can create a file for exporting a VSB.


    You can create multiple files. Do not change the file suffix for numbering purposes. If you change the prefix for one file, you must change it for all files.

    Before You BeginBefore beginning this procedure, you must know or do the following:
    • Ensure that you are on Cisco Nexus Cloud Services Platform. If you want to perform this procedure on ESX platform refer to Performing a Backup of the VSM VM.

    • Log in to the CLI of theCisco Nexus Cloud Services Platform in EXEC mode.

    • Know the name of the VSB for which you are creating a file to export.

    • Verify that the bootflash: export-import directory is empty. If files are present in this directory, you must delete them before starting this procedure.

    • Enter the copy running-config startup-config command at the VSB before beginning this procedure.

    • Shut down the VSB that you want to back up before creating the file to export. This procedure includes a step for shutting down the VSB and then a step to restart the VSB after creating the file.

       Command or ActionPurpose
      Step 1 switch # dir bootflash:export-import  

      Displays the contents of the export-import directory for verification that the directory is empty. If there is anything in this directory, you must use the next step to delete it before proceeding.

      Step 2switch (config-vsb-config) # delete bootflash:export-import foldername  

      (Optional) Deletes the VSB compressed tar file and its folder created for export.

      Step 3switch # configure terminal  

      Enters global configuration mode.

      Step 4switch (config) # virtual-service-blade name  

      Enters the configuration mode for the named virtual service blade.

      Step 5switch (config-vsb-config) # shutdown [primary | secondary]  

      Shuts down the VSB that you are exporting from. If you have a redundant pair of Cisco Nexus Cloud Services Platforms, you must specify whether to shut down the primary or secondary.

      Step 6switch (config-vsb-config)# show virtual-service-blade summary  

      (Optional) Displays the virtual service blade configuration for verification.

      Step 7switch (config-vsb-config) # export [primary | secondary]  

      Creates a directory named for the slot ID of the exported VSB that contains a compressed tar image of the VSB.

      If exporting from a redundant pair of Cisco Nexus Cloud Services Platforms, you must specify whether you are exporting from the primary or secondary.

      The export command does not move the configuration file off of the Cisco Nexus Cloud Services Platform. The export command creates a backup copy that you must then copy to the remote storage location.


      Step 8switch (config-vsb-config) # dir bootflash:export-import  

      Displays the contents of the bootflash: export-import directory, including the directory name of the folder that contains the compressed tar image of the VSB, for verification.

      You need this folder name in Step 11.

      Step 9switch (config-vsb-config) # no shutdown [primary | secondary]  

      Powers on the VSB that was powered off when creating the file for export. If you have a redundant pair of Cisco Nexus Cloud Services Platforms, you must specify primary or secondary.

      Step 10switch (config-vsb-config)# show virtual-service-blade summary  

      Displays the virtual service blade configuration for verification.

      Step 11switch (config-vsb-config) # dir bootflash:export-import /directory-name  
      Displays the contents of the Cisco Nexus Cloud Services Platform export folder, including the filename of the VSB compressed tar image.
      1. You identified this folder name in Step 8.

      2. You can create multiple files. Do not change the file suffix for numbering purposes. If you change the prefix for one file, then you must change it for all files.


      The following example shows how to create a VSB Backup file:

      switch# dir bootflash:export-import
      DOCS-CPPA# dir export-import
      Usage for bootflash://sup-local
        496164864 bytes used
       3495215104 bytes free
       3991379968 bytes total
      switch-1(config-vsb-config)# delete bootflash:/export-import/1/*.*
      switch-1(config-vsb-config)# delete bootflash:/export-import/1 
      switch-1# configure terminal
      switch-1(config)# virtual-service-blade vsm-1
      switch-1(config-vsb-config)# shutdown secondary
      switch-1(config-vsb-config)# show virtual-service-blade summary 
      Name                Role        State                    Nexus1010-Module
      VSM1                 PRIMARY     VSB POWERED ON          Nexus1010-PRIMARY
      VSM1                 SECONDARY   VSB POWERED OFF          Nexus1010-SECONDARY
      Example of a successful completion of a VSB 
      switch-1(config-vsb-config)# export secondary 
      Note: export started..
      Note: please be patient..
      Note: please be patient..
      Note: please be patient..
      Note: export completed...switch-1(config-vsb-config)#
      Example of an error condition while exporting a VSB
      switch-1(config-vsb-config)# export primary 
      ERROR: Please clean export-import directory first, then proceed.
      Example of an error condition while exporting a secondary VSB
      switch-1(config-vsb-config)# export secondary 
      ERROR: Cannot export active virtual-service-blade, please shut and retry.
      switch-1(config-vsb-config)# dir bootflash:export-import
           4096      Sep 08 19:12:52 2011 1/
      Usage for bootflash://sup-local
      310870016 bytes used
      3680509952 bytes free
      3991379968 bytes total
      switch-1(config-vsb-config)# no shutdown secondary
      switch-1(config-vsb-config)# show virtual-service-blade summary 
      Name                Role        State                    Nexus1010-Module
      VSM1                 PRIMARY     VSB POWERED ON          Nexus1010-PRIMARY
      VSM1                 SECONDARY   VSB POWERED ON          Nexus1010-SECONDARY
      switch-1(config-vsb-config)# dir bootflash:export-import/1
        279955021     Sep 08 19:13:21 2011  Vdisk1.img.tar.00
      Usage for bootflash://sup-local
        310870016 bytes used
       3680509952 bytes free
       3991379968 bytes total
      Copying the Exported VSB to an External Storage Location

      • You can copy a VSB configuration file to a remote storage location and then delete the folder created for this purpose from the Cisco Nexus Cloud Services Platform.

      Before You Begin
      • You have created a file to export using the Exporting a VSB section and you know the name of this file and the name of the folder it resides in.


        You can create multiple files. If so, use the first filename in this procedure. Do not change the file suffix for numbering purposes. If you change the prefix for one file, you must change it for all files.

      • Log in to the CLI of the Cisco Nexus Cloud Services Platform in EXEC mode.

      • Know the name of the path to a remote storage location.

      • After copying the export backup file, delete the contents, including the files and folders, of the export-import directory. Do not delete the export-import folder.

         Command or ActionPurpose
        Step 1 switch # copy bootflash:export-import /folder-name /filename ftp:  

        Copies the VSB image from the Cisco Nexus Cloud Services Platform export-import folder to a remote storage location.

        Step 2switch # delete bootflash:export-import foldername  

        Deletes the VSB compressed tar file and its folder created for export.

        Step 3 switch # dir  

        Displays the contents of the export-import directory for verification.


        The following example shows how to copy a VSB file to an external location:

        switch# copy bootflash:export-import/1/Vdisk1.img.tar.00 ftp:
        Enter vrf (If no input, current vrf 'default' is considered): 
        Enter hostname for the ftp server:
        Enter username: administrator
        ***** Transfer of file Completed Successfully ***** 
        switch# delete bootflash:/export-import/1/Vdisk1.img.tar.00 
        switch# delete bootflash:/export-import/1 
        switch# dir

        Recovering the VSM

        This section describes how to deploy a VSM on ESX platform by using the backup template and on Cisco Nexus Cloud Services Platform by importing a backup configuration file. This section includes the following topics:

        Recovering the VSM on ESX Server

        This section describes how to deploy a VSM by using the backup template. This section includes the following topics:

        • Deploying the Backup VSM VM

        • Erasing the Old Configuration

        • Restoring the Backup Configuration on the VSM

        Deploying the Backup VSM VM

        This section describes how to deploy the backup VSM VM when the primary and secondary VSMs are not present.


        This procedure is for ESX platform only. If you want to perform this procedure on Cisco Nexus Cloud Services Platform refer to Recovering a VSM with a Backup Configuration File.


        While deploying the VSM VM, do not power it on.

          Step 1   Open the vSphere Client.

          The vSphere Client window opens.

          Step 2   In the left navigation pane, choose the host of the standby VSM.
          Step 3   Click the Virtual Machines tab.
          Step 4   Right-click the template_VSM.
          Step 5   Choose Deploy Virtual Machine from this Template.

          The Deploy Template Wizard window opens.

          Figure 8. Deploy Template Wizard Window

          Step 6   In the Name field, enter a name for the VSM.
          Step 7   In the Inventory Location pane, choose a cluster.
          Step 8   Click Next.
          The Choosing a Host Window opens.
          Figure 9. Choosing a Host Window

          Step 9   Choose a host.
          Step 10  

          Example:Click Next.

          The Choosing a Datastore window opens.

          Figure 10. Choosing a Datastore Window

          Step 11   In the Select a format in which to store the virtual machine’s virtual disks drop-down list, choose Same format as source.
          Step 12   Choose a datastore
          Step 13   Click Next.

          The Guest Customization window opens. Make sure that the Power on this virtual machine after creation check box is not checked.

          Figure 11. Guest Customization Window

          Step 14   Click Next.

          The Deploy Template - Ready to Complete window opens.

          Figure 12. Guest Customization Window

          Step 15   Confirm the settings for the new virtual machine and click Finish. If the management VLAN is not available on the VEM, you must add the management interface to the vSwitch.
          Step 16   Right-click the newly deployed VM.
          Step 17   Choose Edit Settings.

          The Virtual Machine Properties window opens.

          Figure 13. Guest Customization Window

          Step 18   In the Hardware / Summary pane, choose Network adapter 1.
          Step 19   Uncheck the Connect at power on check box.
          Step 20   Choose Network adapter 2.
          Step 21   In the Device Status area, uncheck the Connect at power on check box.
          Step 22   Click OK.

          The Power On window opens.

          Figure 14. Guest Customization Window

          Step 23   Right-click the newly deployed VSM.

          A drop-down list appears.

          Step 24   Choose Power > Power On.

          Deploying the backup VSM VM is complete.

          Erasing the Old Configuration

          This section describes how to erase the startup configuration of the newly deployed VSM.

            Step 1   Launch the virtual machine console of the newly deployed VSM.
            Step 2   Set the redundancy role to primary by entering the following command:
            Step 3   Copy the running configuration to the startup configuration by entering the following command:
            Step 4   Erase the startup configuration by entering the following command:
            Step 5   Reboot the primary and secondary VSMs by entering the following command:

            This example describes how to erase the startup configuration of the newly deployed VSM

            switch# system redundancy role primary 
            Setting will be activated on next reload
            switch# copy running-config startup-config
            scp:        sftp:           startup-config
            [####################################] 100%
            switch# write erase
            Warning: The command will erase the startup-configurations.
            Do you wish to proceed anyway? (y/n) [n] y
            switch# reload 
            This command will reboot the system. (y/n)? [n] y
            switch# reload 
            This command will reboot the system. (y/n)? [n] y
            Restoring the Backup Configuration on the VSM

            This section describes how to restore the backup configuration on the VSM.

              Step 1   When the VSM reboots, the System Admin Account Setup window opens.
              Figure 15. System Admin Account Setup Window

              Step 2   Enter and confirm the Administrator password.

              ---- System Admin Account Setup ----
              Enter the password for "admin": 
              Confirm the password for "admin":
              Step 3   Enter the domain ID.

              Enter the domain id<1-4095>: 50
              Step 4   Enter the HA role. If you do not specify a role, standalone is assigned by default.

              Enter HA role[standalone/primary/secondary]: primary
              [#########################################] 100%
                       ---- Basic System Configuration Dialog ----
              This setup utility will guide you through the basic configuration of
              the system. Setup configures only enough connectivity for management
              of the system.
              Press Enter at anytime to skip a dialog. Use ctrl-c at anytime
              to skip the remaining dialogs.
              Step 5   Enter yes when you are prompted to enter the basic configuration dialog.

              Would you like to enter the basic configuration dialog (yes/no): yes
              Step 6   Enter no when asked to create another Login account.

              Create another login account (yes/no) [n]: no
              Step 7   Enter no when asked to configure a read-only SNMP community string.

              Configure read-only SNMP community string (yes/no) [n]: no
              Step 8   Enter no when asked to configure a read-write SNMP community string.

              Configure read-write SNMP community string (yes/no) [n]: no
              Step 9   Enter a name for the switch.

              Enter the switch name:
              Step 10   Enter yes, when asked to configure out-of-band management and then enter the mgmt0 IPv4 address and subnet mask.

              Continue with Out-of-band (mgmt0) management configuration? [yes/no] [y]: yes
              Mgmt0 IPv4 address:
              Mgmt0 IPv4 netmask:
              Step 11   Enter no when asked to configure the default gateway.

              Configure the default-gateway: (yes/no) [y]: no 
                  IPv4 address of the default gateway :
              Step 12   Enter yes when asked to enable the Telnet service.

              Enable the telnet service? (yes/no) [y]: yes
              Step 13   Enter yes when asked to enable the SSH service, and then enter the key type and number of key bits. For more information, see the Cisco Nexus 1000V Security Configuration Guide.

              Enable the ssh service? (yes/no) [y]: yes
              Type of ssh key you would like to generate (dsa/rsa) : rsa
              Number of key bits <768-2048> : 1024
              Step 14   Enter yes when asked to enable the HTTP server.

              Enable the http-server? (yes/no) yes
              Step 15   Enter no when asked to configure the NTP server

              Configure NTP server? (yes/no) [n]: no
              Step 16   Enter no when asked to configure the VEM feature level.

              Vem feature level will be set to 4.2(1)SV1(4a). 
              Do you want to reconfigure? (yes/no) [n] no

              The system now summarizes the complete configuration and prompts you to edit it.

              The following configuration will be applied:
               interface Mgmt0
              ip address
              no shutdown
              vrf context management
              ip route
                no telnet server enable
                ssh key rsa 1024 force
                ssh server enable
                feature http-server
                  svs mode L2
                  control vlan 1
                  packet vlan 1
                  domain id 1
              Step 17   Enter no when asked if you would like to edit the configuration.

              Would you like to edit the configuration? (yes/no) [n]: no
              Enter SVS Control mode (L2 / L3) : L2
              Enter control vlan <1-3967, 4048-4093> : 100
              Enter packet vlan <1-3967, 4048-4093> : 101
              Step 18   Enter yes when asked to use and save this configuration.

              Use this configuration and save it? (yes/no) [y]: yes
              [########################################] 100%

              If you do not save the configuration now, then none of your changes are part of the configuration the next time the switch is rebooted. Enter yes to save the new configuration. This ensures that the kickstart and system images are also automatically configured.

              Step 19   In the vSphere Client, right-click the VSM and choose Edit Settings.

              The VSM Virtual Machine Properties window opens.

              Figure 16. VSM Virtual Machine Properties Window

              Step 20   In the Hardware/Summary pane, choose Network adapter 2.
              Step 21   Check the Connect at power on check box.
              Step 22   Log in to the VSM.
              Step 23   Copy the backup configuration to the VSM bootflash by entering the following command:

              switch# copy scp://root@
              Enter vrf (If no input, current vrf 'default' is considered):
              The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
              RSA key fingerprint is 29:bc:4c:26:e3:6f:53:91:d4:b9:fe:d8:68:4a:b4:a3.
              Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
              Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
              root@'s password:
              switch-running-config 100%
              6090 6.0KB/s 00:00
              Step 24   Copy the backup configuration to the running configuration by entering the following command:

              switch# copy bootflash:VSM-Backup-running-config running-config
              Disabling ssh: as its enabled right now:
              Can't disable ssh for key generation:Current user is logged in through ssh
              Please do a "copy running startup" to ensure the new setting takes effect
              on next reboot
              LACP Offload Status can be verified using "show lacp offload status"
              Change in LACP Offload Status takes effect only on the next VSM Reboot
              This can potentially cause modules with LACP uplinks to flap
              Syntax error while parsing 'limit-resource m4route-mem minimum 58 maximum 58'
              Syntax error while parsing 'limit-resource m6route-mem minimum 8 maximum 8'
              Syntax error while parsing 'interface Ethernet3/2'
              Syntax error while parsing 'inherit port-profile uplink-cdp'
              Warning: Config saved but not pushed to vCenter Server due to inactive connection!
              Warning: Config saved but not pushed to vCenter Server due to inactive connection!
              Warning: Config saved but not pushed to vCenter Server due to inactive connection!
              Warning: Config saved but not pushed to vCenter Server due to inactive connection!
              command failed. Invalid ip address.
              Syntax error while parsing 'log-level '
              Syntax error while parsing 'no ip dhcp relay'

              The Virtual Machine Properties window displays.

              Figure 17. Virtual Machine Properties Window

              Step 25   In the Hardware / Summary pane, choose Network adapter 1.
              Step 26   In the Device Status area, check the Connect at power on check box.
              Step 27   Confirm that the VEMs are attached to the VSM by entering the following command:

              switch# show module
              Mod Ports Module-Type Model Status
              --- ----- -------------------------------- ------------------ ------------
              1 0 Virtual Supervisor Module Nexus1000V active *
              3 248 Virtual Ethernet Module NA ok
              Mod Sw Hw
              --- ---------------- ------------------------------------------------
              1 4.2(1)SV1(4a) 0.0
              3 4.2(1)SV1(4a) VMware ESXi 4.0.0 Releasebuild-261974 (1.20)
              Mod MAC-Address(es) Serial-Num
              --- -------------------------------------- ----------
              1 00-19-07-6c-5a-a8 to 00-19-07-6c-62-a8 NA
              3 02-00-0c-00-03-00 to 02-00-0c-00-03-80 NA
              Mod Server-IP Server-UUID Server-Name
              --- --------------- ------------------------------------ --------------------
              1 NA NA
              3 0e973f80-e804-11de-956e-4bc311a28ede VEM-186-KLU2
              * this terminal session
              Step 28   Copy the backup configuration to the running configuration by entering the following command:

              switch# switch# copy bootflash:VSM-Backup-running-config running-config
              Disabling ssh: as its enabled right now:
              Can't disable ssh for key generation:Current user is logged in through ssh
              2011 Apr 26 12:21:22 switch %KERN-3-SYSTEM_MSG: redun_platform_ioctl :
              Entered - kernel
              2011 Apr 26 12:21:22 switch %KERN-3-SYSTEM_MSG: redun_platform_ioctl : Host
              name is set switch - kernel
              2011 Apr 26 12:21:22 switch %KERN-3-SYSTEM_MSG: redun_platform_ioctl :
              Entered - kernel
              2011 Apr 26 12:21:22 switch %KERN-3-SYSTEM_MSG: redun_platform_ioctl : Host
              name is set switch - kernel
              ERROR: Flow Record: Record is in use. Remove from all clients before modifying.
              ERROR: Flow Record: Record is in use. Remove from all clients before modifying.
              ERROR: Flow Record: Record is in use. Remove from all clients before modifying.
              Please do a "copy running startup" to ensure the new setting takes effect
              on next reboot
              LACP Offload Status can be verified using "show lacp offload status"
              Change in LACP Offload Status takes effect only on the next VSM Reboot
              This can potentially cause modules with LACP uplinks to flap
              2011 Apr 26 12:21:23 switch %VMS-5-DVS_NAME_CHANGE: Changed dvswitch
              name to 'switch' on the vCenter Server.
              Syntax error while parsing 'limit-resource m4route-mem minimum 58 maximum 58'
              Syntax error while parsing 'limit-resource m6route-mem minimum 8 maximum 8'
              ERROR: Port-channel interface has non-zero members!
              2011 Apr 26 12:21:34 switch %MSP-5-DOMAIN_CFG_SYNC_DONE: Domain config
              successfully pushed to the management server.
              ERROR: Cannot change connection configuration in 'Enabled' state.
              ERROR: Cannot change connection configuration in 'Enabled' state.
              ERROR: Cannot change the data-center name in connected state.
              command failed. Invalid ip address.
              Syntax error while parsing 'log-level '
              Syntax error while parsing 'no ip dhcp relay'
              switch# 2011 Apr 26 12:21:35 switch last message repeated 3 times
              2011 Apr 26 12:21:35 switch %ETHPORT-5-SPEED: Interface port-channel1,
              operational speed changed to 1 Gbps
              2011 Apr 26 12:21:35 switch %ETHPORT-5-IF_DUPLEX: Interface port-channel1,
              operational duplex mode changed to Full
              2011 Apr 26 12:21:35 switch %ETHPORT-5-IF_RX_FLOW_CONTROL: Interface portchannel1,
              operational Receive Flow Control state changed to on
              2011 Apr 26 12:21:35 switch %ETHPORT-5-IF_TX_FLOW_CONTROL: Interface portchannel1,
              operational Transmit Flow Control state changed to on
              VSM backup and Recovery Procedure EDCS-1017832Cisco Systems Pvt Ltd Internal Document April-27-2011
              2011 Apr 26 12:21:35 switch %ETH_PORT_CHANNEL-5-PORT_UP: port-channel1:
              Ethernet3/2 is up
              2011 Apr 26 12:21:35 switch %ETH_PORT_CHANNEL-5-FOP_CHANGED: portchannel1:
              first operational port changed from none to Ethernet3/2
              2011 Apr 26 12:21:35 switch %ETHPORT-5-IF_UP: Interface Ethernet3/2 is up in
              mode trunk
              2011 Apr 26 12:21:35 switch %ETHPORT-5-IF_UP: Interface port-channel1 is up in
              mode trunk

              This step is necessary if features are configured directly through the interface configuration mode for Ethernet interfaces and for features like ERSPAN/NFM.

              Step 29   Copy the running-configuration to the startup-configuration by entering the following command:

              switch# copy running-config startup-config
              [########################################] 100%
              Step 30   Create the standby VSM by using the OVA/OVF files to form an HA pair.
              See the “Installing the Software from an OVA or OVF Image” section in the Cisco Nexus 1000V Installation and Upgrade Guide.
              • For release 4.2(1)SV1(4) and later releases, deploy the OVF template from the VMware vSphere Client and choose Nexus 1000V Secondary from the Configuration drop-down list.

              • For release 4.0(4)SV1(2) through release 4.0(4)SV1(3d), choose Manual Install of Nexus 1000V from the Configuration drop-down list and assign the HA role of secondary in the System Admin Setup of the VSM.

              The recovery is complete.

              Recovering a VSM with a Backup Configuration File on Cisco Nexus Cloud Services Platform Server


              This procedure is only for Cisco Nexus Cloud Services Platform. If you want to perform this procedure on ESX platform refer to Deploying the Backup VSM VM.
              You can import a previously saved location backup copy of a VSB from a remote storage location to the Cisco Nexus Cloud Services Platform to recover a VSM. This section includes:
              Importing a VSB

              Before You Begin

              • Log in to the CLI of the activeCisco Nexus Cloud Services Platformin EXEC mode.

              • You have previously created and saved a copy of the VSB configuration in a remote storage location using the Exporting a Backup VSB Configuration.


                You can create multiple. If so, use only the first filename with the import command. Do not change the file suffix for numbering purposes. If you change the prefix for one file, then you must change it for all files.

              • Know the name of the VSB and the path to the remote storage location.

              • Verify that the bootflash: export-import directory is empty. If files are present in this directory, you must delete them before importing a VSB configuration file.

                 Command or ActionPurpose
                Step 1 switch # dir bootflash:export-import  

                Displays the contents of the export-import directory for verification that the directory is empty. If there is anything in this directory, you must use the next step to delete it before proceeding.

                Step 2switch (config-vsb-config) # (optional)delete bootflash:export-import foldername  

                (Optional) Deletes the VSB compressed tar file and its folder created for export.

                Step 3switch # copy ftp:filenamebootflash:export-import  

                Copies the exported image file from a remote storage location into the Cisco Nexus Cloud Services Platform export-import folder in the bootflash: repository.

                • The filename argument is the name of the export file. Multiple files may have been created. If so, copy these files into export-import directory and use only the first filename with the import command. Do not change the file suffix for numbering purposes. If you change the prefix for one file, then you must change it for all.

                Step 4 switch # configure terminal  

                Enters the global configuration mode.

                Step 5switch (config) # virtual-service-blade name  

                Enters the configuration mode for the named virtual service blade.

                Step 6switch (config-vsb-config) # import primary filename  

                Powers off the primary VSB, imports the specified VSB configuration file, and then removes the configuration file from the export-import folder.

                • The filename argument is the name of the export file that you copied from the remote server to the bootflash: repository.

                Step 7switch (config-vsb-config)# show virtual-service-blade summary  

                (Optional) Displays a summary of all VSB configurations by type name, such as VSM or NAM. Verify that the primary VSB is powered off.

                Step 8Configure the network uplinks by completing the following set of tasks. These tasks might vary based on the network toplogy and uplink types:
                • Modifying the uplink type
                • Migrating from static to flexible uplink
                • Migrating from flexible to static uplink
                • Configuring port channels
                • Assigning uplinks to a VSB Interface

                Configures your network uplinks with the procedures listed in Configuring Network Uplink Types section.

                Step 9switch # no shutdown primary filename  

                Powers on the primary VSB and imports the primary VSB configuration. The filename argument is the name of the imported primary VSB

                Step 10switch (config-vsb-config) # show virtual-service-blade name name  

                Displays the virtual service blade information for verification. From the command output, make a note of the control and management VSB Ethernet interfaces.

                Step 11switch (config-vsb-config) # copy running-config startup-config  

                Saves the running configuration persistently through reboots and restarts by copying it to the startup configuration.


                The following example shows how to import a VSB backup file:

                switch# dir bootflash export-import
                DOCS-CPPA# dir export-import
                Usage for bootflash://sup-local
                  496164864 bytes used
                 3495215104 bytes free
                 3991379968 bytes total
                switch-1(config-vsb-config)# delete Vdisk1.img.tar.00
                switch# copy ftp:Vdisk1.img.tar.00 bootflash:export-import
                Enter vrf (If no input, current vrf 'default' is considered): 
                Enter hostname for the ftp server:
                Enter username: administrator
                ***** Transfer of file Completed Successfully ***** 
                switch-1# configure terminal
                switch-1(config)# virtual-service-blade vsm-5
                switch-1(config-vsb-config)# import primary Vdisk1.img.tar.00
                Note: import started..
                Note: please be patient..
                Note: Import cli returns check VSB status for completion
                switch-1(config-vsb-config)# show virtual-service-blade summary 
                Name                Role        State                    Nexus1010-Module
                VSM1                PRIMARY     VSB POWERED OFF          Nexus1010-PRIMARY
                VSM1                SECONDARY   VSB POWERED ON           Nexus1010-SECONDARY	
                switch-1(config)# virtual-service-blade VSM1
                switch-1(config)# no shutdown primary
                switch-1(config-vsb-config)# show virtual-service-blade name VSM1
                virtual-service-blade VSM1
                  Slot id:        1
                  Host Name:      
                  Management IP:   
                  VSB Type Name :  VSM-1.1
                  vCPU:           1
                  Ramsize:        2048
                  Disksize:       3
                  Heartbeat:      0
                  HA Admin role: Primary  
                    HA Oper role: NONE
                    Status:       VSB POWERED OFF
                    Location:     PRIMARY
                    SW version:   
                  VsbEthernet1/1/1:   control    vlan:   1306    state:     up
                  VsbEthernet1/1/2:  management    vlan:   1304    state:     up
                  VsbEthernet1/1/3:    packet    vlan:   1307    state:     up
                  Interface:         internal    vlan:     NA    state:     up
                  HA Admin role: Secondary  
                    HA Oper role: NONE
                    Status:       VSB POWERED ON
                    Location:     SECONDARY
                    SW version:   
                  VSB Info:  
                switch-1(config-vsb-config)# copy running-config startup-config
                Recovering a VSM with a Backup Configuration File

                You can recover a VSM using a backup configuration file.

                Before You Begin

                • You have imported your backup copy of the configuration file using the instructions in Importing a VSB.

                • You have a copy of the VSM running configuration in remote storage location.

                • Log in to the CLI of the Cisco Nexus Cloud Services Platform in EXEC mode.

                • This procedure includes a step for updating Cisco Nexus 1000V licenses. For more information, see the Cisco Nexus 1000V License Configuration Guide.

                • This procedure requires you to shut down the VSM management and control ports to prevent communication with VEMs and vCenter during the recovery. You must know the IDs of the VSM control and management ports and the VSB serial port.

                • This procedure requires you to setup the VSM software. You must have the following information available for the VSM VSB:

                  • Admin password

                  • Domain ID

                  • HA role (must be set to the same role as that of the VSM on which it is imported)

                  • Management 0 IP address

                  • Management 0 netmask

                  • Default gateway IP address

                  Step 1   From the Cisco Nexus Cloud Services Platform, shut down the control and management interfaces of the VSM VSB.

                  The VSM management and control interfaces are no longer communicating with VEMs and vCenter.

                  Step 2   Verify that the control and management interfaces are down.
                  Step 3   Power on the VSB VSM.
                  Step 4   Log in to the Cisco Nexus Cloud Services Platform serial port of the primary VSM.
                  Step 5   Erase the startup configuration.

                  The previous configuration is erased. You will replace it with the previously-saved backup of your running configuration in Step 11.

                  Step 6   Reboot the system.

                  The Cisco Nexus Cloud Services Platform boots up and the setup wizard starts.

                  Step 7   Use the setup wizard to configure the VSM. Accept defaults for all except the following:
                  • Admin password

                  • Domain ID

                  • HA Role (must be set to the same role as that of the VSM on which it is imported)

                  • Management 0 IP address

                  • Management 0 netmask

                  • Default gateway IP address

                  The system summarizes the new setup configuration.

                  Step 8   Copy the running configuration to the startup configuration using the copy running-config startup-configcommand.
                  Step 9   Reopen the management interface of the VSM VSB.

                  The VSM management interface is again communicating with VEMs and vCenter.

                  Step 10   Verify that the management interface is up.
                  Step 11   Copy your saved running configuration backup to the VSM bootflash using the copy bootflash: filenamecommand.
                  Step 12   Copy the running configuration to the startup configuration.
                  Step 13   Reopen the control interface of the VSM VSB.

                  The VSM control interface is again communicating with VEMs and vCenter.

                  Step 14   Verify that the control interface is up.
                  Step 15   Check the modules at the VSM CLI.
                  Step 16   Enable the HA peer.

                  The VSM is again operating in HA mode with a primary and secondary module.

                  switch-1# configure terminal
                  switch-1(config)# interface vethernet1/1
                  switch-1(config-if)# shut
                  switch-1(config)# show virtual-service-blade name VSM1
                  virtual-service-blade VSM1
                    Slot id:        1
                    Host Name:      
                    Management IP:   
                    VSB Type Name :  VSM-1.1
                    vCPU:           1
                    Ramsize:        2048
                    Disksize:       3
                    Heartbeat:      0
                    HA Admin role: Primary  
                      HA Oper role: NONE
                      Status:       VSB POWERED OFF
                      Location:     PRIMARY
                      SW version:   
                    VsbEthernet1/1/1:   control    vlan:   1306    state:     down
                    VsbEthernet1/1/2:  management    vlan:   1304    state:     down
                    VsbEthernet1/1/3:    packet    vlan:   1307    state:     up
                    Interface:         internal    vlan:     NA    state:     up
                    HA Admin role: Secondary  
                      HA Oper role: NONE
                      Status:       VSB POWERED ON
                      Location:     SECONDARY
                      SW version:   
                    VSB Info: 
                  switch-1(config)# virtual-service-blade VSM1
                  switch-1(config)# no shutdown primary
                  n1000v# configure terminal
                  n1000v(config)# write erase
                  Warning: This command will erase the startup-configuration.
                  Do you wish to proceed anyway? (y/n)  [n] y
                  n1000v# reload
                  This command will reboot the system. (y/n)? [n] y
                  2009 Oct 30 21:51:34 s1 %$ VDC-1 %$ %PLATFORM-2-PFM_SYSTEM_RESET: Manual system restart 
                  from Command Line Interface
                  ---- System Admin Account Setup ----
                  Enter the password for "admin": 
                  Confirm the password for "admin": 
                  Enter the domain id<1-4095>: 152 
                  Enter HA role[standalone/primary/secondary]: primary 
                  [#########################################] 100% 
                           ---- Basic System Configuration Dialog ----
                  This setup utility will guide you through the basic configuration of
                  the system. Setup configures only enough connectivity for management
                  of the system.
                  *Note: setup is mainly used for configuring the system initially,
                  when no configuration is present. So setup always assumes system
                  defaults and not the current system configuration values.
                  Press Enter at anytime to skip a dialog. Use ctrl-c at anytime
                  to skip the remaining dialogs.
                  Would you like to enter the basic configuration dialog (yes/no): yes
                  Create another login account (yes/no) [n]: no
                  Configure read-only SNMP community string (yes/no) [n]: no
                  Configure read-write SNMP community string (yes/no) [n]: no
                  Enter the switch name: n1000v
                  Continue with Out-of-band (mgmt0) management configuration? [yes/no] [y]: yes 
                  Mgmt0 IPv4 address: 
                  Mgmt0 IPv4 netmask:
                  Configure the default-gateway: (yes/no) [y]: yes  
                              IPv4 address of the default gateway :
                  Enable the telnet service? (yes/no) [y]: no
                  Enable the ssh service? (yes/no) [y]: no 
                  Enable the http-server? (yes/no) [y]: no
                  Configure NTP server? (yes/no) [n]: no
                  Configure svs domain parameters? (yes/no) [y]: no
                  Vem feature level will be set to 4.2(1)SV1(4),  
                  Do you want to reconfigure? (yes/no) [n] no
                  n1000v# copy running-config startup-config
                  [########################################] 100%
                  switch-1# configure terminal
                  switch-1(config)# interface vethernet1/2
                  switch-1(config-if)# no shut
                  switch-1(config)# show virtual-service-blade name VSM1
                  virtual-service-blade VSM1
                  . . . 
                  VsbEthernet1/1/1:   control    vlan:   1306    state:     down
                    VsbEthernet1/1/2:  management    vlan:   1304    state:     up
                    VsbEthernet1/1/3:    packet    vlan:   1307    state:     up
                    Interface:         internal    vlan:     NA    state:     up
                  . . . 
                  switch-1(config)# copy bootflash:VSM1-periodic-startup-config.txt running-config
                  n1000v# copy running-config startup-config
                  [########################################] 100%
                  config t
                  interface vethernet slot/port
                  no shut
                  switch-1# config t
                  switch-1(config)# interface vethernet1/1
                  switch-1(config-if)# no shut
                  switch-1(config)# show virtual-service-blade name VSM1
                  virtual-service-blade VSM1
                  . . . 
                  VsbEthernet1/1/1:   control    vlan:   1306    state:     up
                    VsbEthernet1/1/2:  management    vlan:   1304    state:     up
                    VsbEthernet1/1/3:    packet    vlan:   1307    state:     up
                    Interface:         internal    vlan:     NA    state:     up
                  . . .
                  n1000v(config)# show module
                  Mod Ports Module-Type                      Model              Status
                  --- ----- -------------------------------- ------------------ ------------
                  1   0     Virtual Supervisor Module        Nexus1000V         active *
                  2   0     Virtual Supervisor Module        Nexus1000V         ha-standby
                  3   248   Virtual Ethernet Module          NA                 ok
                  4   248   Virtual Ethernet Module          NA                 ok
                  Mod Sw               Hw 
                  --- ---------------- ------------------------------------------------ 
                  1   4.2(1)SV1(4a)    0.0 
                  2   4.2(1)SV1(4a)    0.0 
                  3   4.2(1)SV1(4a)    VMware ESXi 4.0.0 Releasebuild-208167 (1.9) 
                  4   4.2(1)SV1(4a)    VMware ESX 4.1.0 Releasebuild-260247 (2.0) 
                  Mod MAC-Address(es) Serial-Num
                  --- -------------------------------------- ----------
                  1 00-19-07-6c-5a-a8 to 00-19-07-6c-62-a8 NA
                  2 00-19-07-6c-5a-a8 to 00-19-07-6c-62-a8 NA
                  3 02-00-0c-00-03-00 to 02-00-0c-00-03-80 NA
                  4 02-00-0c-00-04-00 to 02-00-0c-00-04-80 NA
                  Mod Server-IP       Server-UUID                          Server-Name
                  --- --------------- ------------------------------------ --------------------
                  1    NA                                   NA
                  2    NA                                   NA
                  3    44454c4c-4300-1046-8043-b6c04f563153
                  4    44454c4c-3300-1056-8057-b3c04f583153
                  * this terminal session 
                  switch-1(config)# enable secondary
                  Verifying the Export and Import of a VSB


                     Command or ActionPurpose
                    Step 1 dir bootflash:export-import/folder-name 

                    Displays the contents of the export-import directory folder.

                    Step 2show virtual-service-blade summary  Displays the redundancy state (active or standby) and the redundancy role (primary or secondary) for each VSB. 
                    Step 3show virtual-service-blade [name name]  Displays the configuration for a specific virtual service blade. 
                    The following example shows export-import Directory:
                    switch-1(config-vsb-config)# dir bootflash:export-import/1
                    279955021 Sep 08 19:13:21 2011 Vdisk1.img.tar.00
                    Usage for bootflash://sup-local
                    310870016 bytes used
                    3680509952 bytes free
                    3991379968 bytes total
                    The following example shows Virtual Service Blade Summary:
                    switch-1(config-vsb-config)# show virtual-service-blade summary
                    Name Role State Nexus1010-Module
                    VSM1 PRIMARY VSB POWERED OFF Nexus1010-PRIMARY
                    VSM1 SECONDARY VSB POWERED ON Nexus1010-SECONDARY
                    switch# show virtual-service-blade name VSM1
                    virtual-service-blade VSM1
                    Slot id: 1
                    Host Name:
                    Management IP:
                    VSB Type Name : VSM-1.1
                    vCPU: 1
                    Ramsize: 2048
                    Disksize: 3
                    Heartbeat: 0
                    HA Admin role: Primary
                    HA Oper role: NONE
                    Status: VSB POWERED OFF
                    Location: PRIMARY
                    SW version:
                    VsbEthernet1/1/1: control vlan: 1306 state: down
                    VsbEthernet1/1/2: management vlan: 1304 state: down
                    VsbEthernet1/1/3: packet vlan: 1307 state: up
                    Interface: internal vlan: NA state: up
                    HA Admin role: Secondary
                    HA Oper role: NONE
                    Status: VSB POWERED ON
                    Location: SECONDARY
                    SW version:
                    VSB Info:

                    Feature History for VSM Backup and Recovery

                    This section provides the VSM backup and Recovery feature release history.

                    Feature Name


                    Feature Information

                    VSM Backup and Recovery


                    This feature was introduced.