Configuring the Embedded Event Manager

This chapter contains the following sections:

Information About Embedded Event Manager

The ability to detect and handle critical events in the Cisco NX-OS system is important for high availability. The Embedded Event Manager (EEM) provides a central, policy-driven framework to detect and handle events in the system by monitoring events that occur on your device and taking action to recover or troubleshoot these events, based on your configuration..

EEM consists of three major components:

Event statements

Events to monitor from another Cisco NX-OS component that may require some action, workaround, or notification.

Action statements

An action that EEM can take, such as sending an e-mail or disabling an interface, to recover from an event.


An event paired with one or more actions to troubleshoot or recover from the event.

Without EEM, each individual component is responsible for detecting and handling its own events. For example, if a port flaps frequently, the policy of "putting it into errDisable state" is built into ETHPM.

Embedded Event Manager Policies

An EEM policy consists of an event statement and one or more action statements. The event statement defines the event to look for as well as the filtering characteristics for the event. The action statement defines the action EEM takes when the event occurs.

For example, you can configure an EEM policy to identify when a card is removed from the device and log the details related to the card removal. By setting up an event statement that tells the system to look for all instances of card removal and an then with an action statement that tells the system to log the details.

You can configure EEM policies using the command line interface (CLI) or a VSH script.

EEM gives you a device-wide view of policy management. Once EEM policies are configured, the corresponding actions are triggered. All actions (system or user-configured) for triggered events are tracked and maintained by the system.

Preconfigured System Policies

Cisco NX-OS has a number of preconfigured system policies. These system policies define many common events and actions for the device. System policy names begin with two underscore characters (__).

Some system policies can be overridden. In these cases, you can configure overrides for either the event or the action. The overrides that you configure take the place of the system policy.


Override policies must include an event statement. Override policies without event statements override all possible events for the system policy.

To view the preconfigured system polices and determine which polices you can override, use the show event manager system-policy command.

User-Created Policies

User-created policies allow you to customize EEM policies for your network. If a user policy is created for an event, actions in the policy are triggered only after EEM triggers the system policy actions related to the same event.

Log Files

The log file that contains data that is related to EEM policy matches is maintained in the event_archive_1 log file located in the /log/event_archive_1 directory.

Event Statements

Any device activity for which some action, such as a workaround or notification, is taken is considered an event by EEM. In many cases, events are related to faults in the device, such as when an interface or a fan malfunctions.

Event statements specify which event or events triggers a policy to run.


YOu can configure EEM to trigger an EEM policy that is based on a combination of events by creating and differentiating multiple EEM events in the policy and then defining a combination of events to trigger a custom action.

EEM defines event filters so that only critical events or multiple occurrences of an event within a specified time period trigger an associated action.

Some commands or internal events trigger other commands internally. These commands are not visible, but will still match the event specification that triggers an action. You cannot prevent these commands from triggering an action, but you can check which event triggered an action.

Supported Events

EEM supports the following events in event statements:

  • Counter events

  • Fan absent events

  • Fan bad events

  • Memory thresholds events

  • Events being used in overridden system policies.

  • SNMP notification events

  • Syslog events

  • System manager events

  • Temperature events

  • Track events

Action Statements

Action statements describe the action that is triggered by a policy when an event occurs. Each policy can have multiple action statements. If no action is associated with a policy, EEM still observes events but takes no actions.

In order for triggered events to process default actions, you must configure the EEM policy to allow the default action. For example, if you match a CLI command in a match statement, you must add the event-default action statement to the EEM policy or EEM does not allow the command to execute.


When configuring action statements within your user policy or overriding policy, it is important that you confirm that action statements do not negate each other or adversely affect the associated system policy.

Supported Actions

EEM supports the following actions in action statements:

  • Execute any CLI commands

  • Update a counter

  • Reload the device

  • Generate a syslog message

  • Generate an SNMP notification

  • Use the default action for the system policy

VSH Script Policies

You can write policies in a VSH script, by using a text editor. Policies that are written using a VSH script have an event statement and action statement(s) just as other policies, and these policies can either augment or override system policies.

After you define your VSH script policy, copy it to the device and activate it.

Licensing Requirements for Embedded Event Manager

This feature does not require a license. Any feature not included in a license package is bundled with the Cisco NX-OS system images and is provided at no extra charge to you. For a complete explanation of the Cisco NX-OS licensing scheme, see the Cisco NX-OS Licensing Guide.

Prerequisites for Embedded Event Manager

You must have network-admin privileges to configure EEM.

Guidelines and Limitations for Embedded Event Manager

When you plan your EEM configuration, consider the following:

  • The maximum number of configurable EEM policies is 500.

  • Action statements within your user policy or overriding policy should not negate each other or adversely affect the associated system policy.

  • If you want to allow a triggered event to process any default actions, you must configure the EEM policy to allow the default action. For example, if you match a command in a match statement, you must add the event-default action statement to the EEM policy or EEM does not allow the command to execute.

  • An override policy that consists of an event statement and no action statement triggers no action and no notification of failures.

  • An override policy without an event statement overrides all possible events in the system policy.

  • In regular command expressions: all keywords must be expanded, and only the asterisk (*) symbol can be used for replace the arguments.

  • EEM event correlation supports up to four event statements in a single policy. The event types can be the same or different, but only these event types are supported: cli, counter, snmp, syslog, and track.

  • When more than one event statement is included in an EEM policy, each event statement must have a tag keyword with a unique tag argument.

  • EEM event correlation does not override the system default policies.

  • Default action execution is not supported for policies that are configured with tagged events.

  • If your event specification matches a CLI pattern, you can use SSH-style wild card characters.

    For example, if you want to match all show commands, enter the show * command. Entering the show . * command does not work.

  • If your event specification is a regular expression for a matching syslog message, you can use a proper regular expression.

    For example, if you want to detect ADMIN_DOWN events on any port where a syslog is generated, use .ADMIN_DOWN.. Entering the ADMIN_DOWN command does not work.

  • In the event specification for a syslog, the regex does not match any syslog message that is generated as an action of an EEM policy.

  • If an EEM event matches a show command in the CLI and you want the output for that show command to display on the screen (and to not be blocked by the EEM policy), you must specify the event-default command for the first action for the EEM policy.

Default Settings for Embedded Event Manager

Table 1 Default EEM Parameters
Parameters Default
System Policies Active

Configuring Embedded Event Manager

Defining an Environment Variable

Defining an environment variable is an optional step but is useful for configuring common values for repeated use in multiple policies.

     Command or ActionPurpose
    Step 1configure terminal

    switch# configure terminal

    Enters global configuration mode.

    Step 2event manager environment variable-name variable-value

    switch(config) # event manager
    environment emailto ""

    Creates an environment variable for EEM.

    The variable-name can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 29 characters.

    The variable-value can be any quoted case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 39 characters.

    Step 3show event manager environment {variable-name | all}

    switch(config) # show event manager
    environment all

    Displays information about the configured environment variables.

    Step 4copy running-config startup-config

    switch(config)# copy running-config startup-config

    Saves the change persistently through reboots and restarts by copying the running configuration to the startup configuration.

    What to Do Next

    Configure a User Policy.

    Defining a User Policy Using the CLI

       Command or ActionPurpose
      Step 1configure terminal

      switch# configure terminal

      Enters global configuration mode.

      Step 2 event manager applet applet-name

      switch(config)# event manager applet monitorShutdown

      Registers the applet with EEM and enters applet configuration mode.

      The applet-name can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 29 characters.

      Step 3 description policy-description

      switch(config-applet)# description "Monitors interface shutdown."

      Configures a descriptive string for the policy.

      The string can be any alphanumeric string up to 80 characters. Enclose the string in quotation marks.

      Step 4 event event-statement

      switch(config-applet)# event cli match "shutdown"

      Configures the event statement for the policy.

      Step 5 tag tag {and | andnot | or} tag [and | andnot | or {tag}] {happens occurs in seconds}

      switch(config-applet)# tag one or two happens 1 in 10000

      Correlates multiple events in the policy.

      The range for the occurs argument is from 1 to 4294967295.

      The range for the seconds argument is from 0 to 4294967295 seconds.

      Step 6 action number[.number2] action-statement

      switch(config-applet)# action 1.0 cli show interface e 3/1

      Configures an action statement for the policy. Repeat this step for multiple action statements.

      Step 7 show event manager policy-state name [module module-id]

      switch(config-applet)# show event manager policy-state monitorShutdown

      Displays information about the status of the configured policy.

      Step 8copy running-config startup-config

      switch(config)# copy running-config startup-config

      Saves the change persistently through reboots and restarts by copying the running configuration to the startup configuration.

      What to Do Next

      Configure event statements and action statements.

      Configuring Event Statements

      Use one of the following commands in EEM configuration mode (config-applet) to configure an event statement:

      Before You Begin

      Define a user policy.

         Command or ActionPurpose
        Step 1 event cli [tag tag] match expression [count repeats | time seconds

        switch(config-applet) # event cli match "shutdown"

        Triggers an event if you enter a command that matches the regular expression.

        The tag tag keyword-argument pair identifies this specific event when multiple events are included in the policy.

        The repeats range is from 1 to 65000.

        The time range is from 0 to 4294967295, where 0 indicates no time limit.

        Step 2 event counter [tag tag] name counter entry-val entry entry-op {eq | ge | gt | le | lt | ne} {exit-val exit exit-op {eq | ge | gt | le | lt | ne}

        switch(config-applet) # event counter name mycounter entry-val 20 gt

        Triggers an event if the counter crosses the entry threshold based on the entry operation. The event resets immediately. Optionally, you can configure the event to reset after the counter passes the exit threshold.

        The tag tag keyword-argument pair identifies this specific event when multiple events are included in the policy.

        The counter name can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 28 characters.

        The entry and exit value ranges are from 0 to 2147483647.

        Step 3 event fanabsent [fan number] time seconds

        switch(config-applet) # event fanabsent time 300

        Triggers an event if a fan is removed from the device for more than the configured time, in seconds.

        The number range is is from 1 to 1 and is module-dependent.

        The seconds range is from 10 to 64000.

        Step 4 event fanbad [fan number] time seconds

        switch(config-applet) # event fanbad time 3000

        Triggers an event if a fan fails for more than the configured time, in seconds.

        The number range is module-dependent.

        The seconds range is from 10 to 64000.

        Step 5 event memory {critical | minor | severe}

        switch(config-applet) # event memory critical

        Triggers an event if a memory threshold is crossed.

        Step 6 event policy-default count repeats [time seconds]

        switch(config-applet) # event policy-default count 3

        Uses the event configured in the system policy. Use this option for overriding policies.

        The repeats range is from 1 to 65000.

        The seconds range is from 0 to 4294967295, where 0 indicates no time limit.

        Step 7 event snmp [tag tag] oid oid get-type {exact | next} entry-op {eq | ge | gt | le | lt | ne} entry-val entry [exit-comb {and | or}]exit-op {eq | ge | gt | le | lt | ne} exit-val exit exit-time time polling-interval interval

        switch(config-applet) # event snmp oid get-type next 
        entry-op lt 300 entry-val 0 exit-op eq 400 
        exit-time 30 polling-interval 300

        Triggers an event if the SNMP OID crosses the entry threshold based on the entry operation. The event resets immediately, or optionally you can configure the event to reset after the counter passes the exit threshold. The OID is in dotted decimal notation.

        The tag tag keyword-argument pair identifies this specific event when multiple events are included in the policy.

        The entry and exit value ranges are from 0 to 18446744073709551615.

        The time, in seconds, is from 0 to 2147483647.

        The interval, in seconds, is from 0 to 2147483647.

        Step 8 event sysmgr memory [module module-num] major major-percent minor minor-percent clear clear-percent

        switch(config-applet) # event sysmgr memory minor 80

        Triggers an event if the specified system manager memory threshold is exceeded.

        The percent range is from 1 to 99.

        Step 9 event temperature [module slot] [sensor number] threshold {any | down | up}

        switch(config-applet) # event temperature module 2 threshold any

        Triggers an event if the temperature sensor exceeds the configured threshold.

        The sensor range is from 1 to 18.

        Step 10 event track [tag tag] object-number state {any | down | up

        switch(config-applet) # event track 1 state down

        Triggers an event if the tracked object is in the configured state.

        The tag tag keyword-argument pair identifies this specific event when multiple events are included in the policy.

        The object-number range is from 1 to 500.

        What to Do Next

        Configure action statements.

        If you have already configured action statements or choose not to, complete any of the optional tasks:

        • Define a policy using a VSH script. Then, register and activate a VSH script policy.

        • Configure memory thresholds

        • Configure the syslog as an EEM publisher.

        • Verify your EEM configuration.

        Configuring Action Statements

        You can configure an action by using one of the following commands in EEM configuration mode (config-applet):


        If you want to allow a triggered event to process any default actions, you must configure the EEM policy to allow the default action.

        For example, if you match a command in a match statement, you must add the event-default action statement to the EEM policy or EEM does not allow the command to execute. You can use the terminal event-manager bypass command to allow all EEM policies with matches to execute the command.

        Before You Begin

        Define a user policy.

           Command or ActionPurpose
          Step 1 action number[.number2] cli command1[command2.] [local]

          switch(config-applet) # action 1.0 cli "show interface e 3/1"

          Runs the configured commands. You can optionally run the commands on the module where the event occurred.

          The action label is in the format number1.number2.

          The number can be any number from 1 to 16 digits.

          The range for number2 is from 0 to 9.

          Step 2 action number[.number2] counter name counter value val op {dec | inc | nop | set}

          switch(config-applet) # action 2.0 counter name mycounter value 20 op inc

          Modifies the counter by the configured value and operation.

          The action label is in the format number1.number2.

          The number can be any number from 1 to 16 digits.

          The range for number2 is from 0 to 9.

          The counter can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 28 characters.

          The val can be an integer from 0 to 2147483647 or a substituted parameter.

          Step 3 action number[.number2] event-default

          switch(config-applet) # action 1.0 event-default

          Completes the default action for the associated event.

          The action label is in the format number1.number2.

          The number can be any number from 1 to 16 digits.

          The range for number2 is from 0 to 9.

          Step 4 action number[.number2] policy-default

          switch(config-applet) # action 1.0 policy-default

          Completes the default action for the policy that you are overriding.

          The action label is in the format number1.number2.

          The number can be any number from 1 to 16 digits.

          The range for number2 is from 0 to 9.

          Step 5 action number[.number2] reload [module slot [- slot]]

          switch(config-applet) # action 1.0 reload module 3-5

          Forces one or more modules to the entire system to reload.

          The action label is in the format number1.number2.

          The number can be any number from 1 to 16 digits.

          The range for number2 is from 0 to 9.

          Step 6 action number[.number2] snmp-trap [intdata1 integer-data1] [intdata2 integer-data2] [strdata string-data]

          switch(config-applet) # action 1.0 snmp-trap strdata "temperature problem"

          Sends an SNMP trap with the configured data. The action label is in the format number1.number2.

          The number can be any number from 1 to 16 digits.

          The range for number2 is from 0 to 9.

          The data elements can be any number up to 80 digits.

          The string can be any alphanumeric string up to 80 characters.

          Step 7 action number[.number2] syslog [priority prio-val] msg error-message

          switch(config-applet) # action 1.0 syslog priority notifications msg "cpu high"

          Sends a customized syslog message at the configured priority.

          The action label is in the format number1.number2.

          The number can be any number from 1 to 16 digits.

          The range for number2 is from 0 to 9.

          The error-message can be any quoted alphanumeric string up to 80 characters.

          What to Do Next

          Configure event statements.

          If you have already configured event statements or choose not to, complete any of the optional tasks:

          • Define a policy using a VSH script. Then, register and activate a VSH script policy.

          • Configure memory thresholds

          • Configure the syslog as an EEM publisher.

          • Verify your EEM configuration.

          Defining a Policy Using a VSH Script

          This is an optional task. Complete the following steps if you are using a VSH script to write EEM policies:

            Step 1   In a text editor, list the commands that define the policy.
            Step 2   Name the text file and save it.
            Step 3   Copy the file to the following system directory: bootflash://eem/user_script_policies

            What to Do Next

            Register and activate a VSH script policy.

            Registering and Activating a VSH Script Policy

            This is an optional task. Complete the following steps if you are using a VSH script to write EEM policies.

            Before You Begin

            Define a policy using a VSH script and copy the file to the system directory.

               Command or ActionPurpose
              Step 1configure terminal

              switch# configure terminal

              Enters global configuration mode.

              Step 2event manager policy policy-script

              switch(config)# event manager policy moduleScript

              Registers and activates an EEM script policy.

              The policy-script can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 29 characters.

              Step 3event manager policy internal name

              switch(config)# event manager policy internal moduleScript

              Registers and activates an EEM script policy.

              The policy-script can be any case-sensitive alphanumeric string up to 29 characters.

              Step 4copy running-config startup-config

              switch(config)# copy running-config startup-config

              Saves the change persistently through reboots and restarts by copying the running configuration to the startup configuration.

              What to Do Next

              Complete any of the following, depending on your system requirements:

              • Configure memory thresholds.

              • Configure the syslog as an EEM publisher.

              • Verify your EEM configuration.

              Overriding a System Policy

                 Command or ActionPurpose
                Step 1configure terminal

                switch# configure terminal

                Enters global configuration mode.

                Step 2show event manager policy-state system-policy

                switch(config-applet)# show event
                manager policy-state __ethpm_link_flap
                Policy __ethpm_link_flap
                   Cfg count : 5
                   Cfg time interval : 10.000000
                   Hash default, Count 0

                Displays information about the system policy that you want to override, including thresholds. Use the show event manager system-policy command to find the system policy names.

                Step 3event manager applet applet-name override system-policy

                switch(config-applet)# event manager applet
                ethport override __ethpm_link_flap

                Overrides a system policy and enters applet configuration mode.

                The applet-name can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 80 characters.

                The system-policy must be one of the system policies.

                Step 4description policy-description

                switch(config-applet)# description
                "Overrides link flap policy"

                Configures a descriptive string for the policy.

                The policy-description can be any case-sensitive, alphanumeric string up to 80 characters, but it must be enclosed in quotation marks.

                Step 5event event-statement

                switch(config-applet)# event
                policy-default count 2 time 1000

                Configures the event statement for the policy.

                Step 6section number action-statement

                switch(config-applet)# action 1.0 syslog
                priority warnings msg "Link is

                Configures an action statement for the policy. For multiple action statements, repeat this step.

                Step 7show event manager policy-state name

                switch(config-applet)# show event
                manager policy-state ethport

                Displays information about the configured policy.

                Step 8copy running-config startup-config

                switch(config)# copy running-config startup-config

                Saves the change persistently through reboots and restarts by copying the running configuration to the startup configuration.


                Configuring Memory Thresholds

                Memory thresholds are used to trigger events and set whether the operating system should stop processes if it cannot allocate memory.

                   Command or ActionPurpose
                  Step 1configure terminal

                  switch# configure terminal

                  Enters global configuration mode.

                  Step 2system memory-thresholds minor minor severe severe critical critical

                  switch(config)# system memory-thresholds minor 60 severe 70 critical 80

                  Configures the system memory thresholds that generate EEM memory events.

                  The default values are as follows:

                  • Minor—85

                  • Severe—90

                  • Critical—95

                  When these memory thresholds are exceeded, the system generates the following syslogs:

                  • 2009 May 7 17:06:30 switch %$ VDC-1 %$ %PLATFORM-2-MEMORY_ALERT: Memory Status Alert : MINOR

                  • 2009 May 7 17:06:30 switch %$ VDC-1 %$ %PLATFORM-2-MEMORY_ALERT: Memory Status Alert : SEVERE

                  • 2009 May 7 17:06:30 switch %$ VDC-1 %$ %PLATFORM-2-MEMORY_ALERT: Memory Status Alert : CRITICAL

                  • 2009 May 7 17:06:35 switch %$ VDC-1 %$ %PLATFORM-2-MEMORY_ALERT: Memory Status Alert : MINOR ALERT RECOVERED

                  • 2009 May 7 17:06:35 switch %$ VDC-1 %$ %PLATFORM-2-MEMORY_ALERT: Memory Status Alert : SEVERE ALERT RECOVERED

                  • 2009 May 7 17:06:35 switch %$ VDC-1 %$ %PLATFORM-2-MEMORY_ALERT: Memory Status Alert : CRITICAL ALERT RECOVERED

                  Step 3system memory-thresholds threshold critical no-process-kill

                  switch(config)# system memory-thresholds threshold critical no-process-kill

                  Configures the system to not stop processes when the memory cannot be allocated.

                  The default value is to allow the system to stop processes, starting with the one that consumes the most memory.

                  Step 4show running-config | include "system memory"

                  switch(config)# show running-config | include "system memory"

                  Displays information about the system memory configuration.

                  Step 5copy running-config startup-config

                  switch(config)# copy running-config startup-config

                  Saves the change persistently through reboots and restarts by copying the running configuration to the startup configuration.

                  What to Do Next

                  Complete any of the following, depending on your system requirements:

                  • Configure the syslog as an EEM publisher.

                  • Verify your EEM configuration.

                  Configuring Syslog as an EEM Publisher

                  Configuring syslog as an EEM publisher allows you to monitor syslog messages from the switch.


                  The maximum number of searchable strings to monitor syslog messages is 10.

                  Before You Begin
                  • Confirm that EEM is available for registration by the syslog.

                  • Confirm that the syslog daemon is configured and executed.

                     Command or ActionPurpose
                    Step 1configure terminal

                    switch# configure terminal

                    Enters global configuration mode.

                    Step 2event manager applet applet-name

                    switch(config)# event manager applet abc
                    switch (config-appliet)#

                    Registers an applet with EEM and enters applet configuration mode.

                    Step 3event syslog [tag tag] {occurs number | period seconds | pattern msg-text | priority priority}

                    switch(config-applet)# event syslog occurs 10

                    Registers an applet with EEM and enters applet configuration mode.

                    Step 4copy running-config startup-config

                    switch(config)# copy running-config startup-config

                    Saves the change persistently through reboots and restarts by copying the running configuration to the startup configuration.

                    What to Do Next

                    Verify your EEM configuration.

                    Verifying the Embedded Event Manager Configuration

                    Use one of the following commands to verify the configuration:

                    Command Purpose

                    show event manager environment [variable-name | all]

                    Displays information about the event manager environment variables.

                    show event manager event-types [event | all | module slot]

                    Displays information about the event manager event types.

                    show event manager history events [detail] [maximum num-events] [severity {catastrophic | minor | moderate | severe}]

                    Displays the history of events for all policies.

                    show event manager policy internal [policy-name] [inactive]

                    Displays information about the configured policies.

                    show event manager policy-state policy-name

                    Displays information about the policy state, including thresholds.

                    show event manager script system [policy-name | all]

                    Displays information about the script policies.

                    show event manager system-policy [all]

                    Displays information about the predefined system policies.

                    show running-config eem

                    Displays information about the running configuration for EEM.

                    show startup-config eem

                    Displays information about the startup configuration for EEM.

                    Configuration Examples for Embedded Event Manager

                    The following example shows how to override the __lcm_module_failure system policy by changing the threshold for only module 3 hitless upgrade failures. It also sends a syslog message. The settings in the system policy, __lcm_module_failure, apply in all other cases.

                    event manager applet example2 override __lcm_module_failure
                    event module-failure type hitless-upgrade-failure module 3 count 2
                       action 1 syslog priority errors msg module 3 "upgrade is not a hitless upgrade!"
                       action 2 policy-default

                    The following example shows how to override the __ethpm_link_flap system policy and shut down the interface:

                    event manager applet ethport override __ethpm_link_flap
                       event policy-default count 2 time 1000
                       action 1 cli conf t
                       action 2 cli int et1/1
                       action 3 cli no shut

                    The following example shows how to create an EEM policy that allows the command to execute but triggers an SNMP notification when a user enters configuration mode on the device:

                    event manager applet TEST
                       event cli match "conf t"
                       action 1.0 snmp-trap strdata "Configuration change"
                       action 2.0 event-default


                    You must add the event-default action statement to the EEM policy or EEM does not allow the command to execute.

                    The following example shows how to correlate multiple events in an EEM policy and execute the policy based on a combination of the event triggers. In this example, the EEM policy is triggered if one of the specified syslog patterns occurs within 120 seconds.

                    event manager applet eem-correlate
                       event syslog tag one pattern "copy bootflash:.* running-config.*"
                       event syslog tag two pattern "copy run start"
                       event syslog tag three pattern "hello" 
                       tag one or two or three happens 1 in 120
                       action 1.0 reload module 1

                    Additional References

                    Related Documents

                    Related Topic Document Title

                    EEM commands

                    Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS System Management Command Reference


                    There are no new or modified standards supported by this feature, and support for existing standards has not been modified by this feature.

                    Feature History for EEM

                    Table 2 Feature History for EEM
                    Feature Name Release Feature Information
                    EEM 5.0(3)U3(1) Feature added.