Managing the Switch

Displaying Information About the Installed Hardware Modules

You can display information about the switch hardware and the hardware modules that are installed in the switch by using the show hardware command.

switch# show hardwareCisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software
TAC support:
Copyright (C) 2002-2022, Cisco and/or its affiliates.
All rights reserved.
The copyrights to certain works contained in this software are
owned by other third parties and used and distributed under their own
licenses, such as open source.  This software is provided "as is," and unless
otherwise stated, there is no warranty, express or implied, including but not
limited to warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Certain components of this software are licensed under
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A copy of each such license is available at and and and

  BIOS: version 05.35
 NXOS: version 9.2(1) [build 9.2(2z)IHP8(0.355)]
  BIOS compile time:  02/08/2019
  NXOS image file is: bootflash:///nxos.9.2.2z.IHP8.0.355.bin
  NXOS compile time:  4/9/2019 20:00:00 [04/09/2019 20:05:07]

  cisco Nexus9000 N9K-C9408 Chassis 
  Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU D-1528 @ 1.90GHz with 32827712 kB of memory.
  Processor Board ID FOC23086N6A

  Device name: inno-fs1
  bootflash:  115343360 kB
Kernel uptime is 0 day(s), 14 hour(s), 12 minute(s), 38 second(s)

Last reset at 496687 usecs after 1555540049
  Reason: Reset Requested by CLI command reload
  System version: 9.2(1)

  Core Plugin, Ethernet Plugin
Switch hardware ID information

Switch is booted up
  Switch type is : Nexus9000 N9K-C9408 Chassis
  Model number is N9K-C9408
  H/W version is 0.0
  Part Number is 73-19248-01
  Part Revision is 1
  Manufacture Date is Year 2022 Week 8
  Serial number is FOC23086N6A
  CLEI code is 12345678

Chassis has 0 Module slots
Module1  ok
  Module type is : Supervisor
  0 submodules are present
  Model number is N9K-C9408
  H/W version is 0.0
  Part Number is 73-19248-01
  Part Revision is 1
  Manufacture Date is Year 2022 Week 8
  Serial number is FOC23086N6A
  CLEI code is 12345678

Chassis has 2 PowerSupply Slots

PS1 ok
  Power supply type is: 2000.00W 220v AC
  Model number is NXA-PAC-2KW-PI
  H/W version is 0
  Part Number is 341-1888-01
  Part Revision is A0
  Manufacture Date is Year 2022 Week 38
  Serial number is POG2238JA4S

PS2 ok
  Power supply type is: 2000.00W 220v AC
  Model number is NXA-PAC-2KW-PI
  H/W version is 0
  Part Number is 341-1888-01
  Part Revision is A0
  Manufacture Date is Year 2022 Week 45
  Serial number is POG2245JA1C

Chassis has 3 Fan slots

Fan1 ok

Fan2 ok

Fan3 ok


Displaying the Hardware Inventory for the Switch

You can display information about the field replaceable units (FRUs), that are installed in the switch by using the show inventory command.

switch# show inventory
NAME: "Chassis",  DESCR: "Nexus9408 N9K-C9408 Chassis"         
PID: N9K-C9408         ,  VID: V01 ,  SN: FOC23086N6A          

NAME: "Switch Card",  DESCR: "Switch Card"
PID: N9K-C9400-SW-GX2A   ,  VID: V01 ,  SN: FDO262200E

1NAME: "Slot 1",  DESCR: "Supervisor"                            
PID: N9K-C9400-SUP-A       ,  VID: V01 ,  SN: FOC23086N6A          

NAME: "LEM 1",  DESCR: "8x400G Ethernet Module"               
PID: N9K-X9400-8D            ,  VID: V01 ,  SN: FOC223620GT          

NAME: "LEM 2",  DESCR: "8x400G Ethernet Module"                
PID: N9K-X9400-8D              ,  VID: V01 ,  SN: FOC224291Q8          

NAME: "LEM 4",  DESCR: "8x400G Ethernet Module"                
PID: N9K-X9400-8D              ,  VID: V01 ,  SN: FOC224291TA          

NAME: "Power Supply 1",  DESCR: "Nexus9408 N9K-C9408 Chassis Power Supply"
PID: NXA-PAC-2KW-PI      ,  VID: V01 ,  SN: POG2238JA4S          

NAME: "Power Supply 2",  DESCR: "Nexus9408 N9K-C9408 Chassis Power Supply"
PID: NXA-PAC-2KW-PI      ,  VID: V01 ,  SN: POG2245JA1C          

NAME: "Fan 1",  DESCR: "Nexus9408 N9K-C9408 Chassis Fan Module"
PID: N9K-C9400-FAN-PI   ,  VID: V01 ,  SN: N/A                  

NAME: "Fan 2",  DESCR: "Nexus9408 N9K-C9408 Chassis Fan Module"
PID: N9K-C9400-FAN-PI   ,  VID: V01 ,  SN: N/A                  

NAME: "Fan 3",  DESCR: "Nexus9408 N9K-C9408 Chassis Fan Module"
PID: N9K-C9400-FAN-PI   ,  VID: V01 ,  SN: N/A                  


Displaying the Modules for the Switch

You can display information about the modules, that are installed in the switch by using the show module command.

switch# show module
Mod Ports             Module-Type                       Model          Status
--- ----- ------------------------------------- --------------------- ---------
1    0    Supervisor                            N9K-C9408-SUP-A           active * 
27   0    Virtual Supervisor Module             N9K-C9400-SUP-A           active *

Mod  Sw                       Hw    Slot
---  ----------------------- ------ ----
1    10.3(2)                  0.4    LC1 
27   10.3(2)                  0.4    SUP1

Mod  MAC-Address(es)                         Serial-Num
---  --------------------------------------  ----------
1    60-26-aa-48-c8-40 to 60-26-aa-48-c8-7f  FDO262208WX
27   60-26-aa-48-c8-40 to 60-26-aa-48-c8-7f  FDO262208WX

Mod  Online Diag Status
---  ------------------
1    Pass
27   Pass

* this terminal session 
Lem Ports             Module-Type                       Model          Status
--- ----- ------------------------------------- --------------------- ---------
1    16   16x200G Ethernet Module               N9K-X9400-8D              ok       
2    8    8x400G Ethernet Module                N9K-X9400-8D              ok       
4    8    8x400G Ethernet Module                N9K-X9400-16W             ok       

Mod  Sw                       Hw    Slot
---  ----------------------- ------ ----
1    NA                       0.1010 LC1 
2    NA                       0.1010 LC2 
4    NA                       0.1010 LC4 

Lem  MAC-Address(es)                         Serial-Num
---  --------------------------------------  ----------
1    0c-75-bd-37-2c-fe to 0c-75-bd-37-2d-1d  FOC223620GT
2    0c-75-bd-37-2d-1e to 0c-75-bd-37-2d-3d  FOC224291Q8
4    0c-75-bd-37-2d-5e to 0c-75-bd-37-2d-7d  FOC224291TA

Lem  Online Diag Status
---  ------------------
1    Pass
2    Pass
4    Pass

Displaying the Serial PROM (SPROM) for the Switch

You can display information about the SPROM, for the switch by using the show sprom command.

switch# show sprom backplane 1 
DISPLAY backplane sprom contents:
Common block:
 Block Signature : 0xABAB
 Block Version   : 3
 Block Length    : 160
 Block Checksum  : 0x168E
 EEPROM Size     : 65535
 Block Count     : 3
 FRU Major Type  : 0x6002
 FRU Minor Type  : 0x0
 OEM String      : Cisco Systems, Inc
 Product Number  : N9K-C9408
 Serial Number   : FOC23086N6A
 Part Number     : 73-19248-01
 Part Revision   : 1
 Mfg Deviation   : 0
 H/W Version     : 0.0
 Mfg Bits        : 0
 Engineer Use    : 0
 snmpOID         :
 Power Consump   : -6200
 RMA Code        : 0-0-0-0
 CLEI Code       : 12345678
 VID             : V01
Chassis specific block:
 Block Signature : 0x6001
 Block Version   : 3
 Block Length   : 39
 Block Checksum  : 0x419
 Feature Bits    : 0x0
 HW Changes Bits : 0x0
 Stackmib OID    : 0
 MAC Addresses   : 00-00-ab-cd-dc-ba
 Number of MACs  : 128
 OEM Enterprise  : 0
 OEM MIB Offset  : 0
 MAX Connector Power: 0
WWN software-module specific block:
 Block Signature : 0x6005
 Block Version   : 1
 Block Length    : 0
 Block Checksum  : 0x66
 wwn usage bits:
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
 00 00
License software-module specific block:
 Block Signature : 0x0
 Block Version   : 0
 Block Length    : 0
 Block Checksum  : 0x0
 lic usage bits:
 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Second Serial number specific block:
 Block Signature : 0x0
 Block Version   : 0
 Block Length    : 0
 Block Checksum  : 0x0
 Serial Number   : 

Displaying Environmental Information for the Switch

You can display information about the environment, for the switch by using the show environment command.

switch# show environment
Fan             Model                Hw     Direction       Status
Fan1(sys_fan1)  N9K-C9400-FAN-PI    --     front-to-back   Ok 
Fan2(sys_fan2)  N9K-C9400-FAN-PI    --     front-to-back   Ok 
Fan3(sys_fan3)  N9K-C9400-FAN-PI    --     front-to-back   Ok 
Fan_in_PS1      --                   --     front-to-back   Ok
Fan_in_PS2      --                   --     front-to-back   Ok
Fan Zone Speed: Zone 1: 0xff
Fan Air Filter : NotSupported

Power Supply:
Voltage: 12 Volts
Power                      Actual             Actual        Total
Supply    Model            Output             Input      Capacity       Status
                           (Watts )           (Watts )     (Watts )
-------  ----------  ---------------  ------  ----------  --------------------
1        NXA-PAC-2KW-PI        368 W              409 W      2000 W      Ok
2        NXA-PAC-2KW-PI        416 W              460 W      2000 W      Ok

Power Usage Summary:
Power Supply redundancy mode (configured)                PS-Redundant
Power Supply redundancy mode (operational)               PS-Redundant

Total Power Capacity (based on configured mode)            2000.00 W
Total Grid-A (first half of PS slots) Power Capacity       2000.00 W
Total Grid-B (second half of PS slots) Power Capacity      2000.00 W
Total Power of all Inputs (cumulative)                     4000.00 W
Total Power Output (actual draw)                            784.00 W
Total Power Input (actual draw)                             869.00 W
Total Power Allocated (budget)                                N/A   
Total Power Available for additional modules                  N/A   

Module   Sensor        MajorThresh   MinorThres   CurTemp     Status
                       (Celsius)     (Celsius)    (Celsius)         
1        CPU             105             95          33         Ok             
1        TeralynxM       110             90          26         Ok             
1        TeralynxR       110             90          54         Ok             
LEM-1    Local           110             90          35         Ok             
LEM-1    Remote          110             90          28         Ok             
LEM-2    Local           110             90          23         Ok             
LEM-2    Remote          110             90          23         Ok             
LEM-4    Local           110             90          25         Ok             
LEM-4    Remote          110             90          25         Ok             

Displaying Environment Temperature for the Switch

You can display information about the environment, for the switch by using the show environment temperature command.

switch# show environment temperature
how environment temperature
Module   Sensor        MajorThresh   MinorThres   CurTemp     Status
                       (Celsius)     (Celsius)    (Celsius)         
1        CPU             105             95          34         Ok             
1        TeralynxM       110             90          25         Ok             
1        TeralynxR       110             90          54         Ok             
LEM-1    Local           110             90          35         Ok             
LEM-1    Remote          110             90          28         Ok             
LEM-2    Local           110             90          23         Ok             
LEM-2    Remote          110             90          23         Ok             
LEM-4    Local           110             90          25         Ok             
LEM-4    Remote          110             90          25         Ok             