About the NX-SDK
The Cisco NX-OS SDK (NX-SDK) is a C++ abstraction and plug-in library-layer that streamlines access to infrastructure for automation and custom native application creation, such as generating custom:
Event and Error managers
Inter-application communication
High availability (HA)
Route manager
The NX-SDK also supports Python bindings.
For more information on Cisco NX-SDK, go to https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/NX-SDK were you can find release and documentation information. Click the versions.md link to get information on features and details on each supported release.
The NX-SDK has the following requirements:
A Linux environment (either Ubuntu 14.04 or higher, or CentOS 6.7 or higher).
Cisco SDK (optional) build environment.
The Cisco SDK is required to start applications in VSH. VSH requires that all applications be installed through RPMs, which requires that you build them in the Cisco SDK.
The Cisco SDK is not required for Python applications.
The Cisco SDK is not required for C++ application, but is still recommended. Using g++ to build applications and then copying the built files to the switch may pose stability risks as g++ is not supported.