Spare Parts Table

Spares Support Table


Chassis Height (Rack Units)

Power Supply Options

Fan Options

Accessory Kits

Nexus 3548-10G, 3548-10GX, 3548P-XL, and 3524

1 RU

AC port-side exhaust (N2200-PAC-400W=)

AC port-side intake (N2200-PAC-400W-B=)

DC port-side exhaust (N2200-PDC-400W=)

DC port-side intake (N3K-PDC-350W-B=) 1

Port-side exhaust (NXA-FAN-30CFM-F)

Port-side intake (NXA-FAN-30CFM-B)

Accessory kit (N9K-C9300-ACK)

Rack mount kit (N3K-C3064-ACC-KIT)

Filler blank module (N2200-P-BLNK)

1 The N3K-PDC-350W-B power supply is the same as the N2200-PDC-350-B power supply and they are interchangeable.