Configuring User Accounts and RBAC

This chapter contains the following sections:

Information About User Accounts and RBAC

Cisco Nexus Series switches use role-based access control (RBAC) to define the amount of access that each user has when the user logs into the switch.

With RBAC, you define one or more user roles and then specify which management operations each user role is allowed to perform. When you create a user account for the switch, you associate that account with a user role, which then determines what the individual user is allowed to do on the switch.

User Roles

User roles contain rules that define the operations allowed for the user who is assigned the role. Each user role can contain multiple rules and each user can have multiple roles. For example, if role1 allows access only to configuration operations, and role2 allows access only to debug operations, users who belong to both role1 and role2 can access configuration and debug operations. You can also limit access to specific VLANs, and interfaces.

The switch provides the following default user roles:

network-admin (superuser)

Complete read and write access to the entire switch.


Complete read access to the switch.


If you belong to multiple roles, you can execute a combination of all the commands permitted by these roles. Access to a command takes priority over being denied access to a command. For example, suppose a user has RoleA, which denied access to the configuration commands. However, the user also has RoleB, which has access to the configuration commands. In this case, the user has access to the configuration commands.


The rule is the basic element of a role. A rule defines what operations the role allows the user to perform. You can apply rules for the following parameters:


A command or group of commands defined in a regular expression.


Commands that apply to a function provided by the Cisco Nexus Series switch. Enter the show role feature command to display the feature names available for this parameter.

Feature group

Default or user-defined group of features. Enter the show role feature-group command to display the default feature groups available for this parameter.

These parameters create a hierarchical relationship. The most basic control parameter is the command. The next control parameter is the feature, which represents all commands associated with the feature. The last control parameter is the feature group. The feature group combines related features and allows you to easily manage the rules.

You can configure up to 256 rules for each role. The user-specified rule number determines the order in which the rules are applied. Rules are applied in descending order. For example, if a role has three rules, rule 3 is applied before rule 2, which is applied before rule 1.

User Role Policies

You can define user role policies to limit the switch resources that the user can access, or to limit access to interfaces and VLANs.

User role policies are constrained by the rules defined for the role. For example, if you define an interface policy to permit access to specific interfaces, the user does not have access to the interfaces unless you configure a command rule for the role to permit the interface command.

If a command rule permits access to specific resources (interfaces, VLANs), the user is permitted to access these resources, even if the user is not listed in the user role policies associated with that user.

User Account Configuration Restrictions

The following words are reserved and cannot be used to configure users:

  • adm
  • bin
  • daemon
  • ftp
  • ftpuser
  • games
  • gdm
  • gopher
  • halt
  • lp
  • mail
  • mailnull
  • man
  • mtsuser
  • news
  • nobody
  • shutdown
  • sync
  • sys
  • uucp
  • xfs


The Cisco Nexus Series switch does not support all numeric usernames, even if those usernames were created in TACACS+ or RADIUS. If an all numeric username exists on an AAA server and is entered during login, the switch rejects the login request.

User Password Requirements

Cisco Nexus Series passwords are case sensitive and can contain alphanumeric characters only. Special characters, such as the dollar sign ($) or the percent sign (%), are not allowed.

If a password is trivial (such as a short, easy-to-decipher password), the Cisco Nexus Series switch rejects the password. Be sure to configure a strong password for each user account. A strong password has the following characteristics:

  • At least eight characters long
  • Does not contain many consecutive characters (such as "abcd")
  • Does not contain many repeating characters (such as "aaabbb")
  • Does not contain dictionary words
  • Does not contain proper names
  • Contains both uppercase and lowercase characters
  • Contains numbers

The following are examples of strong passwords:

  • If2CoM18
  • 2009AsdfLkj30
  • Cb1955S21


For security reasons, user passwords do not display in the configuration files.

Guidelines and Limitations for User Accounts

Consider the following guidelines and limitations when configuring user accounts and RBAC:

  • Up to 256 rules can be added to a user role.
  • A maximum of 64 user roles can be assigned to a user account.
  • You can assign a user role to more that one user account.
  • Predefined roles such as network-admin, network-operator, and san-admin are not editable.
  • Add, delete, and editing of rules is not supported for the SAN admin user role.
  • The interface, VLAN, and/or VSAN scope cannot be changed for the SAN admin user role.


A user account must have at least one user role.

Configuring User Accounts


Changes to user account attributes do not take effect until the user logs in and creates a new session.

      Command or Action Purpose
    Step 1 switch# configure terminal 

    Enters global configuration mode.

    Step 2 switch(config)# show role   (Optional)

    Displays the user roles available. You can configure other user roles, if necessary.

    Step 3 switch(config) # username user-id [password password] [expire date] [role role-name]  

    Configures a user account.

    The user-id is a case-sensitive, alphanumeric character string with a maximum of 28 characters.

    The default password is undefined.


    If you do not specify a password, the user might not be able to log into the switch.

    The expire date option format is YYYY-MM-DD. The default is no expiry date.

    Step 4 switch(config) # exit 

    Exists global configuration mode.

    Step 5 switch# show user-account   (Optional)

    Displays the role configuration.

    Step 6 switch# copy running-config startup-config

    Copies the running configuration to the startup configuration.


    The following example shows how to configure a user account:

    switch# configure terminal
    switch(config)# username NewUser password 4Ty18Rnt
    switch(config)# exit
    switch# show user-account

    Configuring RBAC

    Creating User Roles and Rules

    The rule number that you specify determines the order in which the rules are applied. Rules are applied in descending order. For example, if a role has three rules, rule 3 is applied before rule 2, which is applied before rule 1.

        Command or Action Purpose
      Step 1 switch# configure terminal 

      Enters global configuration mode.

      Step 2 switch(config) # role name role-name  

      Specifies a user role and enters role configuration mode.

      The role-name argument is a case-sensitive, alphanumeric character string with a maximum of 16 characters.

      Step 3 switch(config-role) # rule number {deny | permit} command command-string  

      Configures a command rule.

      The command-string can contain spaces and regular expressions. For example, interface ethernet * includes all Ethernet interfaces.

      Repeat this command for as many rules as needed.

      Step 4 switch(config-role)# rule number {deny | permit} {read | read-write}  

      Configures a read-only or read-and-write rule for all operations.

      Step 5 switch(config-role)# rule number {deny | permit} {read | read-write} feature feature-name  

      Configures a read-only or read-and-write rule for a feature.

      Use the show role feature command to display a list of features.

      Repeat this command for as many rules as needed.

      Step 6 switch(config-role)# rule number {deny | permit} {read | read-write} feature-group group-name  

      Configures a read-only or read-and-write rule for a feature group.

      Use the show role feature-group command to display a list of feature groups.

      Repeat this command for as many rules as needed.

      Step 7 switch(config-role)# description text   (Optional)

      Configures the role description. You can include spaces in the description.

      Step 8 switch(config-role)# end 

      Exits role configuration mode.

      Step 9 switch# show role   (Optional)

      Displays the user role configuration.

      Step 10 switch# copy running-config startup-config  (Optional)

      Saves the change persistently through reboots and restarts by copying the running configuration to the startup configuration.


      This example shows how to create user roles and specify rules:

      switch# configure terminal
      switch(config)# role name UserA
      switch(config-role)# rule deny command clear users
      switch(config-role)# rule deny read-write
      switch(config-role)# description This role does not allow users to use clear commands
      switch(config-role)# end
      switch(config)# show role

      Creating Feature Groups

          Command or Action Purpose
        Step 1 switch# configure terminal 

        Enters global configuration mode.

        Step 2 switch(config) # role feature-group group-name  

        Specifies a user role feature group and enters role feature group configuration mode.

        The group-name is a case-sensitive, alphanumeric character string with a maximum of 32 characters.

        Step 3 switch(config) # exit  

        Exits global configuration mode.

        Step 4 switch# show role feature-group   (Optional)

        Displays the role feature group configuration.

        Step 5 switch# copy running-config startup-config  (Optional)

        Saves the change persistently through reboots and restarts by copying the running configuration to the startup configuration.


        This example shows how to create a feature group:

        switch# configure terminal
        switch(config) # role feature-group group1
        switch(config) # exit
        switch# show role feature-group
        switch# copy running-config startup-config

        Changing User Role Interface Policies

        You can change a user role interface policy to limit the interfaces that the user can access. Specify a list of interfaces that the role can access. You can specify it for as many interfaces as needed.

            Command or Action Purpose
          Step 1 switch# configure terminal 

          Enters global configuration mode.

          Step 2 switch(config) # role name role-name  

          Specifies a user role and enters role configuration mode.

          Step 3 switch(config-role) # interface policy deny  

          Enters role interface policy configuration mode.

          Step 4 switch(config-role-interface) # permit interface interface-list  

          Specifies a list of interfaces that the role can access.

          Repeat this command for as many interfaces as needed.

          For this command, you can specify Ethernet interfaces.

          Step 5 switch(config-role-interface) # exit  

          Exits role interface policy configuration mode.

          Step 6 switch(config-role) # show role   (Optional)

          Displays the role configuration.

          Step 7 switch(config-role) # copy running-config startup-config   (Optional)

          Copies the running configuration to the startup configuration.


          The following example shows how to change a user role interface policy to limit the interfaces that the user can access:

          switch# configure terminal
          switch(config)# role name UserB
          switch(config-role)# interface policy deny
          switch(config-role-interface)# permit interface ethernet 2/1
          switch(config-role-interface)# permit interface fc 3/1
          switch(config-role-interface)# permit interface vfc 30/1 

          Changing User Role VLAN Policies

          You can change a user role VLAN policy to limit the VLANs that the user can access.

              Command or Action Purpose
            Step 1 switch# configure terminal 

            Enters global configuration mode.

            Step 2 switch(config) # role name role-name  

            Specifies a user role and enters role configuration mode.

            Step 3 switch(config-role )# vlan policy deny  

            Enters role VLAN policy configuration mode.

            Step 4 switch(config-role-vlan # permit vlan vlan-list  

            Specifies a range of VLANs that the role can access.

            Repeat this command for as many VLANs as needed.

            Step 5 switch(config-role-vlan) # exit 

            Exits role VLAN policy configuration mode.

            Step 6 switch# show role

            Displays the role configuration.

            Step 7 switch# copy running-config startup-config  (Optional)

            Saves the change persistently through reboots and restarts by copying the running configuration to the startup configuration.


            Verifying the User Accounts and RBAC Configuration

            Use one of the following commands to verify the configuration:



            show role [role-name]

            Displays the user role configuration

            show role feature

            Displays the feature list.

            show role feature-group

            Displays the feature group configuration.

            show startup-config security

            Displays the user account configuration in the startup configuration.

            show running-config security [all]

            Displays the user account configuration in the running configuration. The all keyword displays the default values for the user accounts.

            show user-account

            Displays user account information.

            Configuring User Accounts Default Settings for the User Accounts and RBAC

            The following table lists the default settings for user accounts and RBAC parameters.

            Table 1  Default User Accounts and RBAC Parameters



            User account password


            User account expiry date


            Interface policy

            All interfaces are accessible.

            VLAN policy

            All VLANs are accessible.

            VFC policy

            All VFCs are accessible.

            VETH policy

            All VETHs are accessible.