Understanding the Command-Line Interface

This chapter contains the following sections:

Finding Feature Information

Your software release might not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and feature information, see the Bug Search Tool at https:/​/​tools.cisco.com/​bugsearch/​ and the release notes for your software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the “New and Changed Information” chapter.

Information About the CLI Prompt

Once you have successfully accessed the device, the CLI prompt displays in the terminal window of your console port or remote workstation as shown in the following example:

User Access Verification 
login: admin
Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software 
TAC support: http://www.cisco.com/tac 
Copyright (c) 2002-2009, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 
The copyrights to certain works contained in this software are 
owned by other third parties and used and distributed under 
license. Certain components of this software are licensed under 
the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2.0 or the GNU 
Lesser General Public License (LGPL) Version 2.1. A copy of each 
such license is available at 
http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php and 

You can change the default device hostname.

From the CLI prompt, you can do the following:

  • Use CLI commands for configuring features

  • Access the command history

  • Use command parsing functions


In normal operation, usernames are case sensitive. However, when you are connected to the device through its console port, you can enter a login username in all uppercase letters regardless of how the username was defined. As long as you provide the correct password, the device logs you in.

Command Modes

This section describes command modes in the Cisco NX-OS CLI.

EXEC Command Mode

When you first log in, the Cisco NX-OS software places you in EXEC mode. The commands available in EXEC mode include the show commands that display the device status and configuration information, the clear commands, and other commands that perform actions that you do not save in the device configuration.

Global Configuration Command Mode

Global configuration mode provides access to the broadest range of commands. The term indicates characteristics or features that affect the device as a whole. You can enter commands in global configuration mode to configure your device globally or to enter more specific configuration modes to configure specific elements such as interfaces or protocols.


    1.    configure terminal

     Command or ActionPurpose
    Step 1 configure terminal

    switch# configure terminal

    Enters global configuration mode.


    The CLI prompt changes to indicate that you are in global configuration mode.


    Interface Configuration Command Mode

    One example of a specific configuration mode that you enter from global configuration mode is interface configuration mode. To configure interfaces on your device, you must specify the interface and enter interface configuration mode.

    You must enable many features on a per-interface basis. Interface configuration commands modify the operation of the interfaces on the device, such as Ethernet interfaces or management interfaces (mgmt 0).

    For more information about configuring interfaces, see the Cisco Nexus interfaces guide for your device.


      1.    configure terminal

      2.    interface type number

       Command or ActionPurpose
      Step 1 configure terminal

      switch# configure terminal

      Enters global configuration mode.

      Step 2 interface type number

      Example: switch(config)# interface ethernet 2/2 switch(config-if)#  

      Specifies the interface that you want to configure.

      The CLI places you into interface configuration mode for the specified interface.


      The CLI prompt changes to indicate that you are in interface configuration mode.


      Subinterface Configuration Command Mode

      From global configuration mode, you can access a configuration submode for configuring VLAN interfaces called subinterfaces. In subinterface configuration mode, you can configure multiple virtual interfaces on a single physical interface. Subinterfaces appear to a protocol as distinct physical interfaces.

      Subinterfaces also allow multiple encapsulations for a protocol on a single interface. For example, you can configure IEEE 802.1Q encapsulation to associate a subinterface with a VLAN.

      For more information about configuring subinterfaces, see the Cisco Nexus interfaces guide for your device. For details about the subinterface commands, see the command reference guide for your device.


        1.    configure terminal

        2.    interface type number.subint

         Command or ActionPurpose
        Step 1 configure terminal

        switch# configure terminal

        Enters global configuration mode.

        Step 2 interface type number.subint

        switch(config)# interface ethernet 2/2.1

        Specifies the VLAN interface to be configured.

        The CLI places you into a subinterface configuration mode for the specified VLAN interface.


        The CLI prompt changes to indicate that you are in global configuration mode.


        Saving and Restoring a Command Mode

        The Cisco NX-OS software allows you to save the current command mode, configure a feature, and then restore the previous command mode. The push command saves the command mode and the pop command restores the command mode.

        This example shows how to save and restore a command mode:
        switch# configure terminal
        switch(config)# event manager applet test 
        switch(config-applet)# push 
        switch(config-applet)# configure terminal  
        switch(config)# username testuser password newtest
        switch(config)# pop 

        Exiting a Configuration Command Mode

        To exit from any configuration command mode, perform one of the following tasks:


          1.    exit

          2.    end

          3.    (Optional) Ctrl-Z

           Command or ActionPurpose
          Step 1 exit

          switch(config-if)# exit 

          Exits from the current configuration command mode and returns to the previous configuration command mode.

          Step 2 end

          switch(config-if)# end 

          Exits from the current configuration command mode and returns to EXEC mode.

          Step 3 Ctrl-Z

          switch(config-if)# ^Z 

          Exits the current configuration command mode and returns to EXEC mode.


          If you press Ctrl-Z at the end of a command line in which a valid command has been typed, the CLI adds the command to the running configuration file. In most cases, you should exit a configuration mode using the exit or end command.


          Command Mode Summary

          This table summarizes information about the main command modes.

          Table 1  Command Mode Summary


          Access Method


          Exit Method


          From the login prompt, enter your username and password.


          To exit to the login prompt, use the exit command.

          Global configuration

          From EXEC mode, use the configure terminal command.


          To exit to EXEC mode, use the end or exit command or press Ctrl-Z.

          Interface configuration

          From global configuration mode, use an interface command and specify an interface with an interface command.


          To exit to global configuration mode, use the exit command.

          To exit to EXEC mode, use the exit command or press Ctrl-Z.

          Subinterface configuration

          From global configuration mode, specify a subinterface with an interface command.


          To exit to global configuration mode, use the exit command.

          To exit to EXEC mode, use the end command or press Ctrl-Z.

          Special Characters

          This table lists the characters that have special meaning in Cisco NX-OS text strings and should be used only in regular expressions or other special contexts.

          Table 2  Special Characters






          Pound, hash, or number




          Vertical bar

          < >

          Less than or greater than

          [ ]


          { }


          Keystroke Shortcuts

          This table lists command key combinations that can be used in both EXEC and configuration modes.

          Table 3  Keystroke Shortcuts




          Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line.


          Moves the cursor one character to the left. When you enter a command that extends beyond a single line, you can press the Left Arrow or Ctrl-B keys repeatedly to scroll back toward the system prompt and verify the beginning of the command entry, or you can press the Ctrl-A key combination.


          Cancels the command and returns to the command prompt.


          Deletes the character at the cursor.


          Moves the cursor to the end of the line.


          Moves the cursor one character to the right.


          Exits to the previous command mode without removing the command string.


          Deletes all characters from the cursor to the end of the command line.


          Redisplays the current command line.


          Displays the next command in the command history.


          Clears the terminal screen.


          Displays the previous command in the command history.


          Redisplays the current command line.


          Transposes the character under the cursor with the character located to the right of the cursor. The cursor is then moved one character to the right.


          Deletes all characters from the cursor to the beginning of the command line.


          Removes any special meaning for the following keystroke. For example, press Ctrl-V before entering a question mark (?) in a regular expression.


          Deletes the word to the left of the cursor.

          Ctrl-X, H

          Lists the history of commands you have entered.

          When using this key combination, press and release the Ctrl and X keys together before pressing H.


          Recalls the most recent entry in the buffer (press keys simultaneously).


          Ends a configuration session, and returns you to EXEC mode.

          When used at the end of a command line in which a valid command has been typed, the resulting configuration is first added to the running configuration file.

          Up arrow key

          Displays the previous command in the command history.

          Down arrow key

          Displays the next command in the command history.

          Right arrow key

          Left arrow key

          Moves your cursor through the command string, either forward or backward, allowing you to edit the current command.


          Displays a list of available commands.


          Completes the word for you after you enter the first characters of the word and then press the Tab key. All options that match are presented.

          Use tabs to complete the following items:

          • Command names

          • Scheme names in the file system

          • Server names in the file system

          • Filenames in the file system


          switch(config)# xm<Tab>
          switch(config)# xml<Tab>
          switch(config)# xml server


          switch(config)# c<Tab>
          callhome  class-map  clock  cts
          cdp       cli        control-plane
          switch(config)# cl<Tab>
          class-map   cli         clock 
          switch(config)# cla<Tab> 
          switch(config)# class-map


          switch# cd bootflash:<Tab>
          bootflash:             bootflash://sup-1/ 
          bootflash:///          bootflash://sup-2/ 
          bootflash://module-5/  bootflash://sup-active/ 
          bootflash://module-6/  bootflash://sup-local/


          switch# cd bootflash://mo<Tab> 
          bootflash://module-5/  bootflash://module-6/cv
          switch# cd bootflash://module-

          Abbreviating Commands

          You can abbreviate commands and keywords by entering the first few characters of a command. The abbreviation must include sufficient characters to make it unique from other commands or keywords. If you are having trouble entering a command, check the system prompt and enter the question mark (?) for a list of available commands. You might be in the wrong command mode or using incorrect syntax.

          This table lists examples of command abbreviations.

          Table 4 Examples of Command Abbreviations



          configure terminal

          conf t

          copy running-config startup-config

          copy run start

          interface ethernet 1/2

          int e 1/2

          show running-config

          sh run

          Completing a Partial Command Name

          If you cannot remember a complete command name, or if you want to reduce the amount of typing you have to perform, enter the first few letters of the command, and then press the Tab key. The command line parser will complete the command if the string entered is unique to the command mode. If your keyboard does not have a Tab key, press Ctrl-I instead.

          The CLI recognizes a command once you have entered enough characters to make the command unique. For example, if you enter conf in EXEC mode, the CLI will be able to associate your entry with the configure command, because only the configure command begins with conf.

          In the following example, the CLI recognizes the unique string for conf in EXEC mode when you press the Tab key:

          switch# conf<Tab>
          switch# configure

          When you use the command completion feature the CLI displays the full command name. The CLI does not execute the command until you press the Return or Enter key. This feature allows you to modify the command if the full command was not what you intended by the abbreviation. If you enter a set of characters that could indicate more than one command, a list of matching commands displays.

          For example, entering co<Tab> lists all commands available in EXEC mode beginning with co:

          switch# co<Tab>
          configure   copy
          switch# co 

          Note that the characters you entered appear at the prompt again to allow you to complete the command entry.

          Identifying Your Location in the Command Hierarchy

          Some features have a configuration submode hierarchy nested more than one level. In these cases, you can display information about your present working context (PWC).


            1.    where detail

             Command or ActionPurpose
            Step 1 where detail

            switch# configure terminal
            switch(config)# interface mgmt0
            switch(config-if)# where detail
            mode:                conf
                                     interface mgmt0
              username:            admin

            Displays the PWC.


            Using the no Form of a Command

            Almost every configuration command has a no form that can be used to disable a feature, revert to a default value, or remove a configuration. The Cisco NX-OS command reference publications describe the function of the no form of the command whenever a no form is available.

            This example shows how to disable a feature:

            switch# configure terminal 
            switch(config)# feature tacacs+
            switch(config)# no feature tacacs+

            This example shows how to revert to the default value for a feature:

            switch# configure terminal 
            switch(config)# banner motd #Welcome to the switch# 
            switch(config)# show banner motd
            Welcome to the switch 
            switch(config)# no banner motd
            switch(config)# show banner motd
            User Access Verification

            This example shows how to remove the configuration for a feature:

            switch# configure terminal
            switch(config)# radius-server host
            switch(config)# show radius-server
            retransmission count:0 
            timeout value:1 
            deadtime value:1 
            total number of servers:1 
            following RADIUS servers are configured:
                            available for authentication on port:1812
                            available for accounting on port:1813
                            available for authentication on port:1812
                            available for accounting on port:1813
            switch(config)# no radius-server host
            switch(config)# show radius-server
            retransmission count:0 
            timeout value:1 
            deadtime value:1 
            total number of servers:1 
            following RADIUS servers are configured:
                            available for authentication on port:1812
                            available for accounting on port:1813

            This example shows how to use the no form of a command in EXEC mode:

            switch# cli var name testinterface ethernet1/2 
            switch# show cli variables
            switch# cli no var name testinterface
            switch# show cli variables

            Configuring CLI Variables

            This section describes CLI variables in the Cisco NX-OS CLI.

            About CLI Variables

            The Cisco NX-OS software supports the definition and use of variables in CLI commands.

            You can refer to CLI variables in the following ways:

            • Entered directly on the command line.
            • Passed to a script initiated using the run-script command. The variables defined in the parent shell are available for use in the child run-script command process.

            CLI variables have the following characteristics:

            • Cannot have nested references through another variable
            • Can persist across switch reloads or exist only for the current session

            Cisco NX-OS supports one predefined variable: TIMESTAMP. This variable refers to the current time when the command executes in the format YYYY-MM-DD-HH.MM.SS.


            The TIMESTAMP variable name is case sensitive. All letters must be uppercase.

            Configuring CLI Session-Only Variables

            You can define CLI session variables to persist only for the duration of your CLI session. These variables are useful for scripts that you execute periodically. You can reference the variable by enclosing the name in parentheses and preceding it with a dollar sign ($), for example $(variable-name).

            SUMMARY STEPS

              1.    cli var name variable-name variable-text

              2.    (Optional) show cli variables

            DETAILED STEPS
               Command or ActionPurpose
              Step 1 cli var name variable-name variable-text

              switch# cli var name testinterface ethernet 2/1

              Configures the CLI session variable. The variable-name argument is alphanumeric, case sensitive, and has a maximum length of 31 characters. The variable-text argument is alphanumeric, case sensitive, can contain spaces, and has a maximum length of 200 characters.

              Step 2 show cli variables

              switch# show cli variables

              Displays the CLI variable configuration.


              Configuring Persistent CLI Variables

              You can configure CLI variables that persist across CLI sessions and device reloads.

              SUMMARY STEPS

                1.    configure terminal

                2.    cli var name variable-name variable-text

                3.    exit

                4.    (Optional) show cli variables

                5.    (Optional) copy running-config startup-config

              DETAILED STEPS
                 Command or ActionPurpose
                Step 1 configure terminal

                switch# configure terminal

                Enters global configuration mode.

                Step 2 cli var name variable-name variable-text

                switch(config)# cli var name testinterface ethernet 2/1

                Configures the CLI persistent variable. The variable name is a case-sensitive, alphanumeric string and must begin with an alphabetic character. The maximum length is 31 characters.

                Step 3 exit

                switch(config)# exit

                Exits global configuration mode.

                Step 4 show cli variables

                switch# show cli variables

                Displays the CLI variable configuration.

                Step 5 copy running-config startup-config

                switch(config)# copy running-config startup-config

                Copies the running configuration to the startup configuration.


                Command Aliases

                This section provides information about command aliases.

                About Command Aliases

                You can define command aliases to replace frequently used commands. The command aliases can represent all or part of the command syntax.

                Command alias support has the following characteristics:

                • Command aliases are global for all user sessions.

                • Command aliases persist across reboots if you save them to the startup configuration.

                • Command alias translation always takes precedence over any keyword in any configuration mode or submode.

                • Command alias configuration takes effect for other user sessions immediately.

                • The Cisco NX-OS software provides one default alias, alias, which is the equivalent to the show cli alias command that displays all user-defined aliases.

                • You cannot delete or change the default command alias alias.

                • You can nest aliases to a maximum depth of 1. One command alias can refer to another command alias that must refer to a valid command, not to another command alias.

                • A command alias always replaces the first command keyword on the command line.

                • You can define command aliases for commands in any command mode.

                • If you reference a CLI variable in a command alias, the current value of the variable appears in the alias, not the variable reference.

                • You can use command aliases for show command searching and filtering.

                Defining Command Aliases

                You can define command aliases for commonly used commands.

                SUMMARY STEPS

                  1.    configure terminal

                  2.    cli alias name alias-name alias-text

                  3.    exit

                  4.    (Optional) alias

                  5.    (Optional) copy running-config startup-config

                DETAILED STEPS
                   Command or ActionPurpose
                  Step 1 configure terminal

                  switch# configure terminal

                  Enters global configuration mode.

                  Step 2 cli alias name alias-name alias-text

                  switch(config)# cli alias name ethint interface ethernet

                  Configures the command alias. The alias name is an alphanumeric string that is not case sensitive and must begin with an alphabetic character. The maximum length is 30 characters.

                  Step 3 exit

                  switch(config)# exit

                  Exits global configuration mode.

                  Step 4 alias

                  switch# alias

                  Displays the command alias configuration.

                  Step 5 copy running-config startup-config

                  switch# copy running-config startup-config

                  Copies the running configuration to the startup configuration.


                  Configuring Command Aliases for a User Session

                  You can create a command alias for the current user session that is not available to any other user on the Cisco NX-OS device. You can also save the command alias for future use by the current user account.

                  SUMMARY STEPS

                    1.    terminal alias [persist] alias-name command -string

                  DETAILED STEPS
                     Command or ActionPurpose
                    Step 1terminal alias [persist] alias-name command -string

                    switch# terminal alias shintbr show interface brief

                    Configures a command alias for the current user session. Use the persist keyword to save the alias for future use by the user account.


                    Do not abbreviate the persist keyword.


                    Command Scripts

                    This section describes how you can create scripts of commands to perform multiple tasks.

                    Running a Command Script

                    You can create a list of commands in a file and execute them from the CLI. You can use CLI variables in the command script.


                    You cannot create the script files at the CLI prompt. You can create the script file on a remote device and copy it to the bootflash:, slot0:, or volatile: directory on the Cisco NX-OS device.

                    SUMMARY STEPS

                      1.    run-script [bootflash: | slot0: | volatile:]filename

                    DETAILED STEPS
                       Command or ActionPurpose
                      Step 1 run-script [bootflash: | slot0: | volatile:]filename

                      switch# run-script testfile

                      Executes the commands in the file on the default directory.


                      Echoing Information to the Terminal

                      You can echo information to the terminal, which is particularly useful from a command script. You can reference CLI variables and use formatting options in the echoed text.

                      This table lists the formatting options that you can insert in the text.

                      Table 5  Formatting Options for the echo Command

                      Formatting Option



                      Inserts back spaces.


                      Removes the new line character at the end of the text string.


                      Inserts a form feed character.


                      Inserts a new line character.


                      Returns to the beginning of the text line.


                      Inserts a horizontal tab character.


                      Inserts a vertical tab character.


                      Displays a backslash character.


                      Displays the corresponding ASCII octal character.

                      SUMMARY STEPS

                        1.    echo [backslash-interpret] [text]

                      DETAILED STEPS
                         Command or ActionPurpose
                        Step 1 echo [backslash-interpret] [text]

                        switch# echo This is a test.
                        This is a test.

                        The backslash-interpret keyword indicates that the text string contains formatting options. The text argument is alphanumeric, case sensitive, and can contain blanks. The maximum length is 200 characters. The default is a blank line.


                        Delaying Command Action

                        You can delay a command action for a period of time, which is particularly useful within a command script.

                        SUMMARY STEPS

                          1.    sleep seconds

                        DETAILED STEPS
                           Command or ActionPurpose
                          Step 1 sleep seconds

                          switch# sleep 30

                          Causes a delay for a number of seconds. The range is from 0 to 2147483647.


                          Context-Sensitive Help

                          The Cisco NX-OS software provides context-sensitive help in the CLI. You can use a question mark (?) at any point in a command to list the valid input options.

                          CLI uses the caret (^) symbol to isolate input errors. The ^ symbol appears at the point in the command string where you have entered an incorrect command, keyword, or argument.

                          This table shows example outputs of context sensitive help.

                          Table 6  Context-Sensitive Help Example

                          Example Outputs


                          switch# clock ?
                            set  HH:MM:SS Current Time 
                          switch# clock

                          Displays the command syntax for the clock command in EXEC mode.

                          The switch output shows that the set keyword is required for using the clock command.

                          switch# clock set ?
                            WORD  HH:MM:SS Current Time 
                          switch# clock set 

                          Displays the command syntax for setting the time.

                          The help output shows that the current time is required for setting the clock and how to format the time.

                          switch# clock set 13:32:00<CR> 
                          % Incomplete command 

                          Adds the current time.

                          The CLI indicates the command is incomplete.

                          switch# <Ctrl-P>
                          switch# clock set 13:32:00

                          Displays the previous command that you entered.

                          switch# clock set 13:32:00 ?
                            <1-31>     Day of the month
                          switch# clock set 13:32:00

                          Displays the additional arguments for the clock set command.

                          switch# clock set 13:32:00 18 ?
                            April      Month of the year
                            August     Month of the year
                            December   Month of the year
                            February   Month of the year
                            January    Month of the year
                            July       Month of the year
                            June       Month of the year
                            March      Month of the year
                            May        Month of the year
                            November   Month of the year
                            October    Month of the year
                            September  Month of the year 
                          switch# clock set 13:32:00 18

                          Displays the additional arguments for the clock set command.

                          switch# clock set 13:32:00 18 April 08<CR>
                          % Invalid input detected at '^' marker.

                          Adds the date to the clock setting.

                          The CLI indicates an error with the caret symbol (^) at 08.

                          switch# clock set 13:32:00 18 April ?
                            <2000-2030>  Enter the year (no abbreviation) 
                          switch# clock set 13:32:00 18 April

                          Displays the correct arguments for the year.

                          switch# clock set 13:32:00 18 April 2008<CR>

                          Enters the correct syntax for the clock set command.

                          Understanding Regular Expressions

                          The Cisco NX-OS software supports regular expressions for searching and filtering in CLI output, such as the show commands. Regular expressions are case sensitive and allow for complex matching requirements.

                          Special Characters

                          You can also use other keyboard characters (such as ! or ~) as single-character patterns, but certain keyboard characters have special meanings when used in regular expressions.

                          This table lists the keyboard characters that have special meanings.

                          Table 7 Special Characters with Special Meaning


                          Special Meaning


                          Matches any single character, including white space.


                          Matches 0 or more sequences of the pattern.


                          Matches 1 or more sequences of the pattern.


                          Matches 0 or 1 occurrences of the pattern.


                          Matches the beginning of the string.


                          Matches the end of the string.

                          _ (underscore)

                          Matches a comma (,), left brace ({), right brace (}), left parenthesis ( ( ), right parenthesis ( ) ), the beginning of the string, the end of the string, or a space.


                          The underscore is only treated as a regular expression for BGP related commands.

                          To use these special characters as single-character patterns, remove the special meaning by preceding each character with a backslash (\). This example contains single-character patterns that match a dollar sign ($), an underscore (_), and a plus sign (+), respectively:

                          \$ \_ \+

                          Multiple-Character Patterns

                          You can also specify a pattern that contains multiple characters by joining letters, digits, or keyboard characters that do not have special meanings. For example, a4% is a multiple-character regular expression.

                          With multiple-character patterns, the order is important. The regular expression a4% matches the character a followed by a 4 followed by a percent sign (%). If the string does not have a4%, in that order, pattern matching fails. The multiple-character regular expression a. (the character a followed by a period) uses the special meaning of the period character to match the letter a followed by any single character. With this example, the strings ab, a!, or a2 are all valid matches for the regular expression.

                          You can remove the special meaning of a special character by inserting a backslash before it. For example, when the expression a\. is used in the command syntax, only the string a. will be matched.


                          You can match a regular expression pattern against the beginning or the end of the string by anchoring these regular expressions to a portion of the string using the special characters.

                          This table lists the special characters that you can use for anchoring.

                          Table 8 Special Characters Used for Anchoring




                          Matches the beginning of the string.


                          Matches the end of the string.

                          For example, the regular expression ^con matches any string that starts with con, and sole$ matches any string that ends with sole.


                          The ^ symbol can also be used to indicate the logical function "not" when used in a bracketed range. For example, the expression [^abcd] indicates a range that matches any single letter, as long as it is not a, b, c, or d.

                          Searching and Filtering show Command Output

                          Often, the output from show commands can be lengthy and cumbersome. The Cisco NX-OS software provides the means to search and filter the output so that you can easily locate information. The searching and filtering options follow a pipe character (|) at the end of the show command. You can display the options using the CLI context-sensitive help facility:

                          switch# show running-config | ? 
                            cut      Print selected parts of lines.
                            diff     Show difference between current and previous invocation (creates temp files:
                                     remove them with 'diff-clean' command and don't use it on commands with big
                                     outputs, like 'show tech'!)
                            egrep    Egrep - print lines matching a pattern
                            grep     Grep - print lines matching a pattern
                            head     Display first lines
                            human    Output in human format
                            last     Display last lines
                            less     Filter for paging
                            no-more  Turn-off pagination for command output
                            perl     Use perl script to filter output
                            section  Show lines that include the pattern as well as the subsequent lines that are
                                     more indented than matching line
                            sed      Stream Editor
                            sort     Stream Sorter
                            sscp     Stream SCP (secure copy)
                            tr       Translate, squeeze, and/or delete characters
                            uniq     Discard all but one of successive identical lines
                            vsh      The shell that understands cli command
                            wc       Count words, lines, characters
                            xml      Output in xml format (according to .xsd definitions)
                            begin    Begin with the line that matches
                            count    Count number of lines
                            end      End with the line that matches
                            exclude  Exclude lines that match
                            include  Include lines that match

                          Filtering and Searching Keywords

                          The Cisco NX-OS CLI provides a set of keywords that you can use with the show commands to search and filter the command output.

                          This table lists the keywords for filtering and searching the CLI output.

                          Table 9  Filtering and Searching Keywords

                          Keyword Syntax


                          begin string

                          show version | begin Hardware

                          Starts displaying at the line that contains the text that matches the search string. The search string is case sensitive.


                          show running-config | count

                          Displays the number of lines in the command output.

                          cut [-d character] {-b | -c | -f | -s}

                          show file testoutput | cut -b 1-10

                          Displays only part of the output lines. You can display a number of bytes (-b), characters (-vcut [-d character] {-b | -c | -f | -s}), or fields (-f). You can also use the -d keyword to define a field delimiter other than the tag character default. The -s keyword suppresses the display of the lines that do not contain the delimiter.

                          end string

                          show running-config | end interface

                          Displays all lines up to the last occurrence of the search string.

                          exclude string

                          show interface brief | exclude down

                          Displays all lines that do not include the search string. The search string is case sensitive.

                          head [lines lines]

                          show logging logfile | head lines 50

                          Displays the beginning of the output for the number of lines specified. The default number of lines is 10.


                          show version | human

                          Displays the output in normal format if you have previously set the output format to XML using the terminal output xml command.

                          Note    The terminal output xml command, having 1.0 and 6.x / 7.x versions is used to set the schema (.xsd) file while validating xml. Setting 1.0, the switch will validate /isan/etc/schema/<comp>.xsd file, and if 6.x / 7.x the switch validates /isan/ect/schema/6.x/<comp>.xsd file and /isan/ect/schema/7.x/<comp>.xsd file accordingly based on the version of the image, the switch is running.

                          include string

                          show interface brief | include up

                          Displays all lines that include the search string. The search string is case sensitive.

                          last [lines]

                          show logging logfile | last 50

                          Displays the end of the output for the number of lines specified. The default number of lines is 10.


                          show interface brief | no-more

                          Displays all the output without stopping at the end of the screen with the ––More–– prompt.

                          sscp SSH-connection-name filename

                          show version | sscp MyConnection 

                          Redirects the output using streaming secure copy (sscp) to a named SSH connection. You can create the SSH named connection using the ssh name command.

                          wc [bytes | lines | words]

                          show file testoutput | wc bytes

                          Displays counts of characters, lines, or words. The default is to display the number of lines, words, and characters.


                          show version | xml

                          Displays the output in XML format.

                          diff Utility

                          You can compare the output from a show command with the output from the previous invocation of that command.

                          diff-clean [all-session] [all-users]

                          This table describes the keywords for the diff utility.
                          Keyword Description
                          all-sessions Removes diff temporary files from all sessions (past and present sessions) of the current user.
                          all-users Removes diff temporary files from all sessions (past and present sessions) of all users.

                          The Cisco NX-OS software creates temporary files for the most current output for a show command for all current and previous users sessions. You can remove these temporary files using the diff-clean command.

                          diff-clean [all-sessions | all-users]

                          By default, the diff-clean command removes the temporary files for the current user's active session. The all-sessions keyword removes temporary files for all past and present sessions for the current user. The all-users keyword removes temporary files for all past and present sessions for the all users.

                          grep and egrep Utilities

                          You can use the Global Regular Expression Print (grep) and Extended grep (egrep) command-line utilities to filter the show command output.

                          The grep and egrep syntax is as follows:

                          {grep | egrep} [count] [ignore-case] [invert-match] [line-exp] [line-number] [next lines] [prev lines] [word-exp] expression}]

                          This table lists the grep and egrep parameters.

                          Table 10 grep and egrep Parameters




                          Displays only the total count of matched lines.


                          Specifies to ignore the case difference in matched lines.


                          Displays lines that do not match the expression.


                          Displays only lines that match a complete line.


                          Specifies to display the line number before each matched line.

                          next lines

                          Specifies the number of lines to display after a matched line. The default is 0. The range is from 1 to 999.

                          prev lines

                          Specifies the number of lines to display before a matched line. The default is 0. The range is from 1 to 999.


                          Displays only lines that match a complete word.


                          Specifies a regular expression for searching the output.

                          less Utility

                          You can use the less utility to display the contents of the show command output one screen at a time. You can enter less commands at the : prompt. To display all less commands you can use, enter h at the : prompt.

                          sed Utility

                          You can use the Stream Editor (sed) utility to filter and manipulate the show command output as follows:

                          sed command

                          The command argument contains sed utility commands.

                          sort Utility

                          You can use the sort utility to filter show command output.

                          The sort utility syntax is as follows:

                          sort [-M] [-b] [-d] [-f] [-g] [-i] [-k field-number[.char-position][ordering]] [-n] [-r] [-t delimiter] [-u]

                          This table describes the sort utility parameters.

                          Table 11 sort Utility Parameters




                          Sorts by month.


                          Ignores leading blanks (space characters). The default sort includes the leading blanks.


                          Sorts by comparing only blanks and alphanumeric characters. The default sort includes all characters.


                          Folds lowercase characters into uppercase characters.


                          Sorts by comparing a general numeric value.


                          Sorts only using printable characters. The default sort includes nonprintable characters.

                          -k field-number[.char-position][ordering]

                          Sorts according to a key value. There is no default key value.


                          Sorts according to a numeric string value.


                          Reverses order of the sort results. The default sort output is in ascending order.

                          -t delimiter

                          Sorts using a specified delimiter. The default delimiter is the space character.


                          Removes duplicate lines from the sort results. The sort output displays the duplicate lines.

                          Searching and Filtering from the --More-- Prompt

                          You can search and filter output from --More–- prompts in the show command output.

                          This table describes the --More-- prompt commands.

                          Table 12  --More-- Prompt Commands




                          Displays output lines for either the specified number of lines or the current screen size.


                          Displays output lines for either the specified number of lines or the current screen size. If you use the lines argument, that value becomes the new default screen size.


                          Displays output lines for either the specified number of lines or the current default number of lines. The initial default is 1 line. If you use the optional lines argument, that value becomes the new default number of lines to display for this command.

                          [lines]d or [lines]Ctrl+shift+D

                          Scrolls through output lines for either the specified number of lines or the current default number of lines. The initial default is 11 lines. If you use the optional lines argument, that value becomes the new default number of lines to display for this command.

                          q or Q or Ctrl-C

                          Exits the --More-- prompt.


                          Skips forward in the output for either the specified number of lines or the current default number of lines and displays a screen of lines. The default is 1 line.


                          Skips forward in the output for either the specified number of screens or the current default number of screens and displays a screen of lines. The default is 1 screen.


                          Displays the current line number.


                          Skips to the line that matches the regular expression and displays a screen of output lines. Use the optional count argument to search for lines with multiple occurrences of the expression. This command sets the current regular expression that you can use in other commands.


                          Skips to the next line that matches the current regular expression and displays a screen of output lines. Use the optional count argument to skip past matches.

                          {! | :![shell-cmd]}

                          Executes the command specified in the shell-cmd argument in a subshell.


                          Repeats the previous command.

                          Using the Command History

                          The Cisco NX-OS software CLI allows you to access the command history for the current user session. You can recall and reissue commands, with or without modification. You can also clear the command history.

                          Recalling a Command

                          You can recall a command in the command history to optionally modify and enter again.

                          This example shows how to recall a command and reenter it:

                          switch(config)# show cli history
                          0  11:04:07   configure terminal
                          1  11:04:28   show interface ethernet 2/24
                          2  11:04:39     interface ethernet 2/24
                          3  11:05:13       no shutdown
                          4  11:05:19     exit
                          5  11:05:25   show cli history
                          switch(config)# !1
                          switch(config)# show interface ethernet 2/24

                          You can also use the Ctrl-P and Ctrl-N keystroke shortcuts to recall commands.

                          Controlling CLI History Recall

                          You can control the commands that you recall from the CLI history using the Ctrl-P and Ctrl-N keystroke shortcuts. TheBy default, the Cisco NX-OS software recalls all commands from the current command mode and higher command modes. For example, if you are working in global configuration mode, the command recall keystroke shortcuts recall both EXEC mode and global configuration mode commands. Using the terminal history no-exec-in-config command, you can avoid recalling EXEC mode commands when you are in a configuration mode.

                          SUMMARY STEPS

                            1.    [no] terminal history no-exec-in-config

                          DETAILED STEPS
                             Command or ActionPurpose
                            Step 1 [no] terminal history no-exec-in-config

                            switch# terminal history no-exec-in-config

                            Configures the CLI history to remove the EXEC commands when you use the recall keystroke shortcuts in a configuration mode. The default recalls EXEC commands. You can revert to the default using the no form of the command.


                            Configuring the CLI Edit Mode

                            You can recall commands from the CLI history using the Ctrl-P and Ctrl-N keystroke shortcuts and edit them before reissuing them. The default edit mode is emacs. You can change the edit mode to vi.

                            SUMMARY STEPS

                              1.    [no] terminal edit-mode vi [persist]

                            DETAILED STEPS
                               Command or ActionPurpose
                              Step 1 [no] terminal edit-mode vi [persist]

                              switch# terminal edit-mode vi

                              Changes the CLI edit mode to vi for the user session. The persist keyword makes the setting persistent across sessions for the current username.

                              Use the no to revert to using emacs.


                              Displaying the Command History

                              You can display the command history using the show cli history command.

                              The show cli history command has the following syntax:

                              show cli history [lines] [unformatted]

                              show cli history [lines] [config-only | exec-only | this-mode-only] [unformatted]

                              By default, the number of lines displayed is 12 and the output includes the command number and timestamp.

                              The example shows how to display default number of lines of the command history:

                              switch# show cli history

                              The example shows how to display 20 lines of the command history:

                              switch# show cli history 20

                              The example shows how to display only the configuration commands in the command history:

                              switch(config)# show cli history config-only

                              The example shows how to display only the EXEC commands in the command history:

                              switch(config)# show cli history exec-only

                              The example shows how to display only the commands in the command history for the current command mode:

                              switch(config-if)# show cli history this-mode-only

                              The example shows how to display only the commands in the command history without the command number and timestamp:

                              switch(config)# show cli history unformatted

                              Enabling or Disabling the CLI Confirmation Prompts

                              For many features, the Cisco NX-OS software displays prompts on the CLI that ask for confirmation before continuing. You can enable or disable these prompts. The default is enabled.

                              SUMMARY STEPS

                                1.    [no] terminal dont-ask [persist]

                              DETAILED STEPS
                                 Command or ActionPurpose
                                Step 1 [no] terminal dont-ask [persist]

                                switch# terminal dont-ask

                                Disables the CLI confirmation prompt. The persist keyword makes the setting persistent across sessions for the current username. The default is enabled.

                                Use the no form of the command to enable the CLI confirmation prompts.


                                Setting CLI Display Colors

                                You can change the CLI colors to display as follows:

                                • The prompt displays in green if the previous command succeeded.
                                • The prompt displays in red of the previous command failed.
                                • The user input displays in blue.
                                • The command output displays in the default color.

                                The default colors are those set by the terminal emulator software.

                                SUMMARY STEPS

                                  1.    terminal color [evening] [persist]

                                DETAILED STEPS
                                   Command or ActionPurpose
                                  Step 1 terminal color [evening] [persist]

                                  switch# terminal color

                                  Sets the CLI display colors for the terminal session. The evening keyword is not supported. The persist keyword makes the setting persistent across sessions for the current username. The default setting is not persistent.


                                  Sending Commands to Modules

                                  You can send commands directly to modules from the supervisor module session using the slot command.

                                  The slot has the following syntax:

                                  slot slot-number [quoted] command-string

                                  By default, the keyword and arguments in the command-string argument are separated by a space. To send more than one command to a module, separate the commands with a space character, a semicolon character (;), and a space character.

                                  Thequoted keyword indicates that the command string begins and ends with double quotation marks ("). Use this keyword when you want to redirect the module command output to a filtering utility, such as diff, that is supported only on the supervisor module session.

                                  The following example shows how to display and filter module information:

                                  switch# slot 2 show version | grep lc

                                  This example shows how to filter module information on the supervisor module session:

                                  switch# slot 2 quoted "show version" | diff
                                  switch# slot 4 quoted "show version" | diff -c
                                  *** /volatile/vsh_diff_1_root_8430_slot__quoted_show_version.old        Wed Apr 29 20:10:41 2009
                                  --- -   Wed Apr 29 20:10:41 2009
                                  *** 1,5 ****
                                  ! RAM 1036860 kB
                                  ! lc2
                                      BIOS:      version 1.10.6
                                      system:    version 4.2(1) [build 4.2(0.202)]
                                  --- 1,5 ----
                                  ! RAM 516692 kB
                                  ! lc4
                                      BIOS:      version 1.10.6
                                      system:    version 4.2(1) [build 4.2(0.202)]
                                  *** 12,16 ****
                                        bootflash: 0 blocks (block size 512b)
                                  !    uptime is 0 days 1 hours 45 minute(s) 34 second(s)
                                  --- 12,16 ----
                                        bootflash: 0 blocks (block size 512b)
                                  !    uptime is 0 days 1 hours 45 minute(s) 42 second(s)

                                  BIOS Loader Prompt

                                  When the supervisor modules power up, a specialized BIOS image automatically loads and tries to locate a valid kickstart image for booting the system. If a valid kickstart image is not found, the following BIOS loader prompt displays:


                                  For information on how to load the Cisco NX-OS software from the <loader> prompt, see the Cisco Nexus troubleshooting guide for your device.

                                  Examples Using the CLI

                                  This section includes examples of using the CLI.

                                  Defining Command Aliases

                                  This example shows how to define command aliases:

                                  cli alias name ethint interface ethernet 
                                  cli alias name shintbr show interface brief 
                                  cli alias name shintupbr shintbr | include up | include ethernet

                                  This example shows how to use a command alias:

                                  switch# configure terminal
                                  switch(config)# ethint 2/3

                                  Using CLI Session Variables

                                  You can reference a variable using the syntax $(variable-name).

                                  This example shows how to reference a user-defined CLI session variable:

                                  switch# show interface $(testinterface)
                                  Ethernet2/1 is down (Administratively down)
                                    Hardware is 10/100/1000 Ethernet, address is 0000.0000.0000 (bia 0019.076c.4dac)
                                    MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec,
                                       reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
                                    Encapsulation ARPA
                                    auto-duplex, auto-speed
                                    Beacon is turned off
                                    Auto-Negotiation is turned on
                                    Input flow-control is off, output flow-control is off
                                    Auto-mdix is turned on
                                    Switchport monitor is off
                                    Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
                                    5 minute input rate 0 bytes/sec, 0 packets/sec
                                    5 minute output rate 0 bytes/sec, 0 packets/sec
                                    L3 in Switched:
                                      ucast: 0 pkts, 0 bytes - mcast: 0 pkts, 0 bytes
                                    L3 out Switched:
                                      ucast: 0 pkts, 0 bytes - mcast: 0 pkts, 0 bytes
                                      0 input packets 0 unicast packets 0 multicast packets
                                      0 broadcast packets 0 jumbo packets 0 storm suppression packets
                                      0 bytes
                                      0 output packets 0 multicast packets
                                      0 broadcast packets 0 jumbo packets
                                      0 bytes
                                      0 input error 0 short frame 0 watchdog
                                      0 no buffer 0 runt 0 CRC 0 ecc
                                      0 overrun  0 underrun 0 ignored 0 bad etype drop
                                      0 bad proto drop 0 if down drop 0 input with dribble
                                      0 input discard
                                      0 output error 0 collision 0 deferred
                                      0 late collision 0 lost carrier 0 no carrier
                                      0 babble
                                      0 Rx pause 0 Tx pause 0 reset

                                  Using the System-Defined Timestamp Variable

                                  This example uses $(TIMESTAMP) when redirecting show command output to a file:

                                  switch# show running-config > rcfg.$(TIMESTAMP)
                                  Preparing to copy....done
                                  switch# dir
                                         12667     May 01 12:27:59 2008  rcfg.2008-05-01-12.27.59
                                  Usage for bootflash://sup-local
                                  8192 bytes used
                                  20963328 bytes free
                                  20971520 bytes total

                                  Running a Command Script

                                  This example displays the CLI commands specified in the script file:

                                  switch# show file testfile
                                  configure terminal
                                  interface ethernet 2/1
                                  no shutdown
                                  show interface ethernet 2/1

                                  This example displays the run-script command execution output:

                                  switch# run-script testfile
                                  `configure terminal` 
                                  `interface ethernet 2/1` 
                                  `no shutdown` 
                                  `show interface ethernet 2/1 ` 
                                  Ethernet2/1 is down (Link not connected)
                                    Hardware is 10/100/1000 Ethernet, address is 0019.076c.4dac (bia 0019.076c.4dac)
                                    MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec,
                                       reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255
                                    Encapsulation ARPA
                                    Port mode is trunk
                                    auto-duplex, auto-speed
                                    Beacon is turned off
                                    Auto-Negotiation is turned on
                                    Input flow-control is off, output flow-control is off
                                    Auto-mdix is turned on
                                    Switchport monitor is off
                                    Last clearing of "show interface" counters 1d26.2uh
                                    5 minute input rate 0 bytes/sec, 0 packets/sec
                                    5 minute output rate 0 bytes/sec, 0 packets/sec
                                      0 input packets 0 unicast packets 0 multicast packets
                                      0 broadcast packets 0 jumbo packets 0 storm suppression packets
                                      0 bytes
                                      0 output packets 0 multicast packets
                                      0 broadcast packets 0 jumbo packets
                                      0 bytes
                                      0 input error 0 short frame 0 watchdog
                                      0 no buffer 0 runt 0 CRC 0 ecc
                                      0 overrun  0 underrun 0 ignored 0 bad etype drop
                                      0 bad proto drop 0 if down drop 0 input with dribble
                                      0 input discard
                                      0 output error 0 collision 0 deferred
                                      0 late collision 0 lost carrier 0 no carrier
                                      0 babble
                                      0 Rx pause 0 Tx pause 0 reset

                                  Additional References for the CLI

                                  This section includes additional information related to the CLI.

                                  Related Documents for the CLI

                                  Related Topic

                                  Document Title

                                  Cisco NX-OS Licensing

                                  Cisco NX-OS Licensing Guide

                                  Command reference

                                  Cisco Nexus 5000 Series NX-OS Command Reference