This chapter contains the following QoS commands:


To define a traffic classification match criteria for the specified class-map name, use the class command in policy-map configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to delete an existing class map.

class {class-map-name | class-default}

no class {class-map-name | class-default}

Syntax Description


The class map name.


Refers to a system default class that matches unclassified packets.

Command Default

No policy map class-maps are defined.

Command Modes

Policy-map configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.2SE

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Before using the class command, you must use the policy-map global configuration command to identify the policy map and enter policy-map configuration mode. After specifying a policy map, you can configure a policy for new classes or modify a policy for any existing classes in that policy map. You attach the policy map to a port by using the service-policy interface configuration command.

After entering the class command, you enter the policy-map class configuration mode. These configuration commands are available:

  • admit —Admits a request for Call Admission Control (CAC)

  • bandwidth —Specifies the bandwidth allocated to the class.

  • exit —Exits the policy-map class configuration mode and returns to policy-map configuration mode.

  • no —Returns a command to its default setting.

  • police —Defines a policer or aggregate policer for the classified traffic. The policer specifies the bandwidth limitations and the action to take when the limits are exceeded. For more information about this command, see Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Command Reference available on Cisco.com.

  • priority —Assigns scheduling priority to a class of traffic belonging to a policy map.

  • queue-buffers —Configures the queue buffer for the class.

  • queue-limit —Specifies the maximum number of packets the queue can hold for a class policy configured in a policy map.

  • service-policy —Configures a QoS service policy.

  • set —Specifies a value to be assigned to the classified traffic. For more information, see set

  • shape —Specifies average or peak rate traffic shaping. For more information about this command, see Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Command Reference available on Cisco.com.

To return to policy-map configuration mode, use the exit command. To return to privileged EXEC mode, use the end command.

The class command performs the same function as the class-map global configuration command. Use the class command when a new classification, which is not shared with any other ports, is needed. Use the class-map command when the map is shared among many ports.

You can configure a default class by using the class class-default policy-map configuration command. Unclassified traffic (traffic that does not meet the match criteria specified in the traffic classes) is treated as default traffic.

You can verify your settings by entering the show policy-map privileged EXEC command.


This example shows how to create a policy map called policy1. When attached to the ingress direction, it matches all the incoming traffic defined in class1, sets the IP Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) to 10, and polices the traffic at an average rate of 1 Mb/s and bursts at 20 KB. Traffic exceeding the profile is marked down to a DSCP value gotten from the policed-DSCP map and then sent.

Device(config)# policy-map policy1
Device(config-pmap)# class class1
Device(config-pmap-c)# set dscp 10
Device(config-pmap-c)# police 1000000 20000 conform-action
Device(config-pmap-c)# police 1000000 20000 exceed-action
Device(config-pmap-c)# exit

This example shows how to configure a default traffic class to a policy map. It also shows how the default traffic class is automatically placed at the end of policy-map pm3 even though class-default was configured first:

Device# configure terminal 
Device(config)# class-map cm-3
Device(config-cmap)# match ip dscp 30
Device(config-cmap)# exit

Device(config)# class-map cm-4
Device(config-cmap)# match ip dscp 40
Device(config-cmap)# exit

Device(config)# policy-map pm3
Device(config-pmap)# class class-default
Device(config-pmap-c)# set dscp 10
Device(config-pmap-c)# exit

Device(config-pmap)# class cm-3
Device(config-pmap-c)# set dscp 4
Device(config-pmap-c)# exit

Device(config-pmap)# class cm-4
Device(config-pmap-c)# set precedence 5
Device(config-pmap-c)# exit
Device(config-pmap)# exit

Device# show policy-map pm3
Policy Map pm3
  Class cm-3
    set dscp 4
  Class cm-4
    set precedence 5
  Class class-default
    set dscp af11


To create a class map to be used for matching packets to the class whose name you specify and to enter class-map configuration mode, use the class-map command in global configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to delete an existing class map and to return to global or policy map configuration mode.

class-map class-map name { match-any | match-all}

no class-map class-map name { match-any | match-all}

Syntax Description


(Optional) Perform a logical-OR of the matching statements under this class map. One or more criteria must be matched.


(Optional) Performs a logical-AND of the matching statements under this class map. All criterias must match.


The class map name.

Command Default

No class maps are defined.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Policy map configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.2SE

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to specify the name of the class for which you want to create or modify class-map match criteria and to enter class-map configuration mode.

The class-map command and its subcommands are used to define packet classification, marking, and aggregate policing as part of a globally named service policy applied on a per-port basis.

After you are in quality of service (QoS) class-map configuration mode, these configuration commands are available:

  • description—Describes the class map (up to 200 characters). The show class-map privileged EXEC command displays the description and the name of the class map.

  • exit—Exits from QoS class-map configuration mode.

  • match—Configures classification criteria.

  • no—Removes a match statement from a class map.

If you enter the match-any keyword, you can only use it to specify an extended named access control list (ACL) with the match access-group class-map configuration command.

To define packet classification on a physical-port basis, only one match command per class map is supported.

The ACL can have multiple access control entries (ACEs).


This example shows how to configure the class map called class1 with one match criterion, which is an access list called 103:

Device(config)# access-list 103 permit ip any any dscp 10
Device(config)# class-map class1
Device(config-cmap)# match access-group 103
Device(config-cmap)# exit

This example shows how to delete the class map class1:

Device(config)# no class-map class1

You can verify your settings by entering the show class-map privileged EXEC command.

match (class-map configuration)

To define the match criteria to classify traffic, use the match command in class-map configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to remove the match criteria.

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.x and Earlier Releases

match {access-group {nameacl-name | acl-index} | class-map class-map-name | cos cos-value | dscp dscp-value | [ ip ] dscp dscp-list | [ip] precedence ip-precedence-list | precedence precedence-value1...value4 | qos-group qos-group-value | vlan vlan-id}

no match {access-group {nameacl-name | acl-index} | class-map class-map-name | cos cos-value | dscp dscp-value | [ ip ] dscp dscp-list | [ip] precedence ip-precedence-list | precedence precedence-value1...value4 | qos-group qos-group-value | vlan vlan-id}

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.6.x and Later Releases

match {access-group {name acl-name | acl-index} | cos cos-value | dscp dscp-value | [ ip ] dscp dscp-list | [ ip ] precedence ip-precedence-list | mpls experimental-value | non-client-nrt | precedence precedence-value1...value4 | protocol protocol-name | qos-group qos-group-value | vlan vlan-id | wlan wlan-id}

no match {access-group {name acl-name | acl-index} | cos cos-value | dscp dscp-value | [ ip ] dscp dscp-list | [ ip ] precedence ip-precedence-list | mpls experimental-value | non-client-nrt | precedence precedence-value1...value4 | protocol protocol-name | qos-group qos-group-value | vlan vlan-id | wlan wlan-id}

Syntax Description


Specifies an access group.

name acl-name

Specifies the name of an IP standard or extended access control list (ACL) or MAC ACL.


Specifies the number of an IP standard or extended access control list (ACL) or MAC ACL. For an IP standard ACL, the ACL index range is 1 to 99 and 1300 to 1999. For an IP extended ACL, the ACL index range is 100 to 199 and 2000 to 2699.

class-map class-map-name

Uses a traffic class as a classification policy and specifies a traffic class name to use as the match criterion.


This command is not supported in Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.1a.

cos cos-value

Matches a packet on the basis of a Layer 2 class of service (CoS)/Inter-Switch Link (ISL) marking. The cos-value is from 0 to 7. You can specify up to four CoS values in one match cos statement, separated by a space.

dscp dscp-value

Specifies the parameters for each DSCP value. You can specify a value in the range 0 to 63 specifying the differentiated services code point value.

ip dscp dscp-list

Specifies a list of up to eight IP Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) values to match against incoming packets. Separate each value with a space. The range is 0 to 63. You also can enter a mnemonic name for a commonly used value.

ip precedence ip-precedence-list

Specifies a list of up to eight IP-precedence values to match against incoming packets. Separate each value with a space. The range is 0 to 7. You also can enter a mnemonic name for a commonly used value.

precedence precedence-value1...value4

Assigns an IP precedence value to the classified traffic. The range is 0 to 7. You also can enter a mnemonic name for a commonly used value.

qos-group qos-group-value

Identifies a specific QoS group value as a match criterion. The range is 0 to 31.

vlan vlan-id

Identifies a specific VLAN as a match criterion. The range is 1 to 4094.

mpls experimental-value

Specifies Multi Protocol Label Switching specific values.


Matches a non-client NRT (non-real-time).

protocol protocol-name

Specifies the type of protocol.

wlan wlan-id

Identifies 802.11 specific values.

Command Default

No match criteria are defined.

Command Modes

Class-map configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.2SE

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE 3.3SE

The class-map class-map-name , cos cos-value , qos-group qos-group-value , and vlan vlan-id keywords are added.

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.6.1

The class-map class-map-name keyword is removed.

The mpls experimental-value , non-client-nrt , protocol protocol-name , and wlan wlan-id keywords are added.

Usage Guidelines

The match command is used to specify which fields in the incoming packets are examined to classify the packets. Only the IP access group or the MAC access group matching to the Ether Type/Len are supported.

If you enter the class-map match-anyclass-map-name global configuration command, you can enter the following match commands:

  • match access-group name acl-name


    The ACL must be an extended named ACL.

  • match ip dscp dscp-list

  • match ip precedence ip-precedence-list

The match access-group acl-index command is not supported.

To define packet classification on a physical-port basis, only one match command per class map is supported. In this situation, the match-any keyword is equivalent.

For the match ip dscp dscp-list or the match ip precedence ip-precedence-list command, you can enter a mnemonic name for a commonly used value. For example, you can enter the match ip dscp af11 command, which is the same as entering the match ip dscp 10 command. You can enter the match ip precedence critical command, which is the same as entering the match ip precedence 5 command. For a list of supported mnemonics, enter the match ip dscp ? or the match ip precedence ? command to see the command-line help strings.

Use the input-interface interface-id-list keyword when you are configuring an interface-level class map in a hierarchical policy map. For the interface-id-list , you can specify up to six entries.


This example shows how to create a class map called class2, which matches all the incoming traffic with DSCP values of 10, 11, and 12:

Device(config)# class-map class2
Device(config-cmap)# match ip dscp 10 11 12
Device(config-cmap)# exit

This example shows how to create a class map called class3, which matches all the incoming traffic with IP-precedence values of 5, 6, and 7:

Device(config)# class-map class3
Device(config-cmap)# match ip precedence 5 6 7 
Device(config-cmap)# exit

This example shows how to delete the IP-precedence match criteria and to classify traffic using acl1:

Device(config)# class-map class2
Device(config-cmap)# match ip precedence 5 6 7 
Device(config-cmap)# no match ip precedence
Device(config-cmap)# match access-group acl1
Device(config-cmap)# exit

This example shows how to specify a list of physical ports to which an interface-level class map in a hierarchical policy map applies:

Device(config)# class-map match-any class4
Device(config-cmap)# match cos 4
Device(config-cmap)# exit

This example shows how to specify a range of physical ports to which an interface-level class map in a hierarchical policy map applies:

Device(config)# class-map match-any class4
Device(config-cmap)# match cos 4
Device(config-cmap)# exit

You can verify your settings by entering the show class-map privileged EXEC command.

match non-client-nrt

To match non-client NRT (non-real-time), use the match non-client-nrt command in class-map configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to return to the default setting.

match non-client-nrt

no match non-client-nrt

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes


Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE 3.2SE

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines



This example show how you can configure non-client NRT:

Device(config)# class-map test_1000
Device(config-cmap)# match non-client-nrt


To create or modify a policy map that can be attached to multiple physical ports or switch virtual interfaces (SVIs) and to enter policy-map configuration mode, use the policy-map command in global configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to delete an existing policy map and to return to global configuration mode.

policy-map policy-map-name

no policy-map policy-map-name

Syntax Description


Name of the policy map.

Command Default

No policy maps are defined.

Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.2SE

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

After entering the policy-map command, you enter policy-map configuration mode, and these configuration commands are available:

  • class —Defines the classification match criteria for the specified class map.

  • description —Describes the policy map (up to 200 characters).

  • exit —Exits policy-map configuration mode and returns you to global configuration mode.

  • no —Removes a previously defined policy map.

  • sequence-interval —Enables sequence number capability.

To return to global configuration mode, use the exit command. To return to privileged EXEC mode, use the end command.

Before configuring policies for classes whose match criteria are defined in a class map, use the policy-map command to specify the name of the policy map to be created, added to, or modified. Entering the policy-map command also enables the policy-map configuration mode in which you can configure or modify the class policies for that policy map.

You can configure class policies in a policy map only if the classes have match criteria defined for them. To configure the match criteria for a class, use the class-map global configuration and match class-map configuration commands. You define packet classification on a physical-port basis.

Only one policy map per ingress port is supported. You can apply the same policy map to multiple physical ports.

You can apply a nonhierarchical policy maps to physical ports. A nonhierarchical policy map is the same as the port-based policy maps in the device.

A hierarchical policy map has two levels in the format of a parent-child policy. The parent policy cannot be modified but the child policy (port-child policy) can be modified to suit the QoS configuration.

In VLAN-based QoS, a service policy is applied to an SVI interface.


Not all MQC QoS combinations are supported for wired ports. For information about these restrictions, see chapters "Restrictions for QoS on Wired Targets" in the QoS configuration guide.


This example shows how to create a policy map called policy1. When attached to the ingress port, it matches all the incoming traffic defined in class1, sets the IP DSCP to 10, and polices the traffic at an average rate of 1 Mb/s and bursts at 20 KB. Traffic less than the profile is sent.

Device(config)# policy-map policy1
Device(config-pmap)# class class1
Device(config-pmap-c)# set dscp 10
Device(config-pmap-c)# police 1000000 20000 conform-action transmit
Device(config-pmap-c)# exit

This example show you how to configure hierarchical polices:

Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# class-map c1
Device(config-cmap)# exit

Device(config)# class-map c2
Device(config-cmap)# exit

Device(config)# policy-map child
Device(config-pmap)# class c1
Device(config-pmap-c)# priority level 1
Device(config-pmap-c)# police rate percent 20 conform-action transmit exceed action drop
Device(config-pmap-c-police)# exit
Device(config-pmap-c)# exit

Device(config-pmap)# class c2
Device(config-pmap-c)# bandwidth 20000
Device(config-pmap-c)# exit

Device(config-pmap)# class class-default
Device(config-pmap-c)# bandwidth 20000
Device(config-pmap-c)# exit
Device(config-pmap)# exit

Device(config)# policy-map parent
Device(config-pmap)# class class-default
Device(config-pmap-c)# shape average 1000000
Device(config-pmap-c)# service-policy child
Deviceconfig-pmap-c)# end


This example shows how to delete a policy map:

Device(config)# no policy-map policymap2

You can verify your settings by entering the show policy-map privileged EXEC command.


To assign priority to a class of traffic belonging to a policy map, use the priority command in policy-map class configuration mode. To remove a previously specified priority for a class, use the no form of this command.

priority [ Kbps [ burst -in-bytes] | level level-value [ Kbps [ burst -in-bytes] ] | percent percentage [ Kb/s [ burst -in-bytes] ] ]

no priority [ Kb/s [ burst -in-bytes] | level level value [ Kb/s [ burst -in-bytes] ] | percent percentage [ Kb/s [ burst -in-bytes] ] ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Guaranteed allowed bandwidth, in kilobits per second (kbps), for the priority traffic. The amount of guaranteed bandwidth varies according to the interface and platform in use. Beyond the guaranteed bandwidth, the priority traffic will be dropped in the event of congestion to ensure that the nonpriority traffic is not starved. The value must be between 1 and 2,000,000 kbps.

burst -in-bytes

(Optional) Burst size in bytes. The burst size configures the network to accommodate temporary bursts of traffic. The default burst value, which is computed as 200 milliseconds of traffic at the configured bandwidth rate, is used when the burst argument is not specified. The range of the burst is from 32 to 2000000 bytes.

level level-value

(Optional) Assigns priority level. Available values for level-value are 1 and 2. Level 1 is a higher priority than Level 2. Level 1 reserves bandwidth and goes first, so latency is very low.

percent percentage

(Optional) Specifies the amount of guaranteed bandwidth to be specified by the percent of available bandwidth.

Command Default

No priority is set.

Command Modes

Policy-map class configuration (config-pmap-c)

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE 3.2SE

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE 3.3SE

The Kbps , burst -in-bytes , and percent percentage keywords were added.

Usage Guidelines

The priority command allows you to set up classes based on a variety of criteria (not just User Datagram Ports [UDP] ports) and assign priority to them, and is available for use on serial interfaces and permanent virtual circuits (PVCs). A similar command, the ip rtp priority command, allows you to stipulate priority flows based only on UDP port numbers and is not available for PVCs.

The bandwidth and priority commands cannot be used in the same class, within the same policy map. However, these commands can be used together in the same policy map.

Within a policy map, you can give one or more classes priority status. When multiple classes within a single policy map are configured as priority classes, all traffic from these classes is queued to the same, single, priority queue.

When the policy map containing class policy configurations is attached to the interface to stipulate the service policy for that interface, available bandwidth is assessed. If a policy map cannot be attached to a particular interface because of insufficient interface bandwidth, the policy is removed from all interfaces to which it was successfully attached.


The following example shows how to configure the priority of the class in policy map policy1:

Device(config)# class-map cm1
Device(config-cmap)#match precedence 2

Device(config)#class-map cm2
Device(config-cmap)#match dscp 30

Device(config)# policy-map policy1
Device(config-pmap)# class cm1
Device(config-pmap-c)# priority level 1
Device(config-pmap-c)# police 1m

Device(config)#policy-map policy1
Device(config-pmap)#class cm2
Device(config-pmap-c)#priority level 2
Device(config-pmap-c)#police 1m

queue-buffers ratio

To configure the queue buffer for the class, use the queue-buffers ratio command in policy-map class configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to remove the ratio limit.

queue-buffers ratio ratio limit

no queue-buffers ratio ratio limit

Syntax Description

ratio limit

(Optional) Configures the queue buffer for the class. Enter the queue buffers ratio limit (0-100).

Command Default

No queue buffer for the class is defined.

Command Modes

Policy-map class configuration (config-pmap-c)

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE 3.2SE

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Either the bandwidth , shape , or priority command must be used before using this command. For more information about these commands, see Cisco IOS Quality of Service Solutions Command Reference available on Cisco.com

The allows you to allocate buffers to queues. If buffers are not allocated, then they are divided equally amongst all queues. You can use the queue-buffer ratio to divide it in a particular ratio. The buffers are soft buffers because Dynamic Threshold and Scaling (DTS) is active on all queues by default.


The following example sets the queue buffers ratio to 10 percent:

Device(config)# policy-map policy_queuebuf01
Device(config-pmap)# class-map class_queuebuf01
Device(config-cmap)# exit
Device(config)# policy policy_queuebuf01
Device(config-pmap)# class class_queuebuf01
Device(config-pmap-c)# bandwidth percent 80
Device(config-pmap-c)# queue-buffers ratio 10
Device(config-pmap)# end

You can verify your settings by entering the show policy-map privileged EXEC command.


To specify or modify the maximum number of packets the queue can hold for a class policy configured in a policy map, use the queue-limit policy-map class configuration command. To remove the queue packet limit from a class, use the no form of this command.

queue-limit queue-limit-size [packets] {cos cos-value | dscp dscp-value} percent percentage-of-packets

no queue-limit queue-limit-size [packets] {cos cos-value | dscp dscp-value} percent percentage-of-packets

Syntax Description


The maximum size of the queue. The maximum varies according to the optional unit of measure keyword specified ( bytes, ms, us, or packets).

cos cos-value

Specifies parameters for each cos value. CoS values are from 0 to 7.

dscp dscp-value

Specifies parameters for each DSCP value.

You can specify a value in the range 0 to 63 specifying the differentiated services code point value for the type of queue limit .

percent percentage-of-packets

A percentage in the range 1 to 100 specifying the maximum percentage of packets that the queue for this class can accumulate.

Command Default


Command Modes

Policy-map class configuration (policy-map-c)

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE 3.2SE

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Although visible in the command line help-strings, the packets unit of measure is not supported; use the percent unit of measure.


This command is supported only on wired ports in the egress direction.

Weighted fair queuing (WFQ) creates a queue for every class for which a class map is defined. Packets satisfying the match criteria for a class accumulate in the queue reserved for the class until they are sent, which occurs when the queue is serviced by the fair queuing process. When the maximum packet threshold you defined for the class is reached, queuing of any further packets to the class queue causes tail drop.

You use queue limits to configure Weighted Tail Drop (WTD). WTD ensures the configuration of more than one threshold per queue. Each class of service is dropped at a different threshold value to provide for QoS differentiation.

You can configure the maximum queue thresholds for the different subclasses of traffic, that is, DSCP and CoS and configure the maximum queue thresholds for each subclass.


The following example configures a policy map called port-queue to contain policy for a class called dscp-1. The policy for this class is set so that the queue reserved for it has a maximum packet limit of 20 percent:

Device(config)# policy-map policy11
Device(config-pmap)# class dscp-1
Device(config-pmap-c)# bandwidth percent 20
Device(config-pmap-c)# queue-limit dscp 1 percent 20

service-policy (Wired)

To apply a policy map to a physical port or a switch virtual interface (SVI), use the service-policy command in interface configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to remove the policy map and port association.

service-policy { input | output} policy-map-name

no service-policy { input | output} policy-map-name

Syntax Description

input policy-map-name

Apply the specified policy map to the input of a physical port or an SVI.

output policy-map-name

Apply the specified policy map to the output of a physical port or an SVI.

Command Default

No policy maps are attached to the port.

Command Modes

WLAN interface configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.2SE

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

A policy map is defined by the policy map command.

Only one policy map is supported per port, per direction. In other words, only one input policy and one output policy is allowed on any one port.

You can apply a policy map to incoming traffic on a physical port or on an SVI. QoS Configuration Guide (Catalyst 3850 Switches).


Though visible in the command-line help strings, the history keyword is not supported, and you should ignore the statistics that it gathers.


This example shows how to apply plcmap1 to an physical ingress port:

Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet2/0/1
Device(config-if)# service-policy input plcmap1

This example shows how to remove plcmap2 from a physical port:

Device(config)# interface gigabitethernet2/0/2
Device(config-if)# no service-policy input plcmap2

The following example displays a VLAN policer configuration. At the end of this configuration, the VLAN policy map is applied to an interface for QoS:

Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# class-map vlan100
Device(config-cmap)# match vlan 100
Device(config-cmap)# exit
Device(config)# policy-map vlan100
Device(config-pmap)# policy-map class vlan100
Device(config-pmap-c)# police 100000 bc conform-action transmit exceed-action drop
Device(config-pmap-c-police)# end
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# interface gigabitEthernet1/0/5
Device(config-if)#  service-policy input vlan100

You can verify your settings by entering the show running-config privileged EXEC command.


To classify IP traffic by setting a Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) or an IP-precedence value in the packet, use the set command in policy-map class configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to remove traffic classification.

set cos | dscp | precedence | ip | qos-group

set cos {cos-value } | {cos | dscp | precedence | qos-group} [table table-map-name]

set dscp {dscp-value } | {cos | dscp | precedence | qos-group} [table table-map-name]

set ip {dscp | precedence}

set precedence {precedence-value } | {cos | dscp | precedence | qos-group} [table table-map-name]

set qos-group {qos-group-value | dscp [table table-map-name] | precedence [table table-map-name]}

Syntax Description


Sets the Layer 2 class of service (CoS) value or user priority of an outgoing packet. You can specify these values:

  • cos-value —CoS value from 0 to 7. You also can enter a mnemonic name for a commonly used value.

  • Specify a packet-marking category to set the CoS value of the packet. If you also configure a table map for mapping and converting packet-marking values, this establishes the "map from" packet-marking category. Packet-marking category keywords:

    • cos —Sets a value from the CoS value or user priority.

    • dscp —Sets a value from packet differentiated services code point (DSCP).

    • precedence —Sets a value from packet precedence.

    • qos-group —Sets a value from the QoS group.

  • (Optional)table table-map-name —Indicates that the values set in a specified table map are used to set the CoS value. Enter the name of the table map used to specify the CoS value. The table map name can be a maximum of 64 alphanumeric characters.

    If you specify a packet-marking category but do not specify the table map, the default action is to copy the value associated with the packet-marking category as the CoS value. For example, if you enter the set cos precedence command, the precedence (packet-marking category) value is copied and used as the CoS value.


Sets the differentiated services code point (DSCP) value to mark IP(v4) and IPv6 packets. You can specify these values:

  • cos-value —Number that sets the DSCP value. The range is from 0 to 63. You also can enter a mnemonic name for a commonly used value.

  • Specify a packet-marking category to set the DSCP value of the packet. If you also configure a table map for mapping and converting packet-marking values, this establishes the "map from" packet-marking category. Packet-marking category keywords:

    • cos —Sets a value from the CoS value or user priority.

    • dscp —Sets a value from packet differentiated services code point (DSCP).

    • precedence —Sets a value from packet precedence.

    • qos-group —Sets a value from the QoS group.

  • (Optional)table table-map-name —Indicates that the values set in a specified table map will be used to set the DSCP value. Enter the name of the table map used to specify the DSCP value. The table map name can be a maximum of 64 alphanumeric characters.

    If you specify a packet-marking category but do not specify the table map, the default action is to copy the value associated with the packet-marking category as the DSCP value. For example, if you enter the set dscp cos command, the CoS value (packet-marking category) is copied and used as the DSCP value.


Sets IP values to the classified traffic. You can specify these values:

  • dscp —Specify an IP DSCP value from 0 to 63 or a packet marking category.

  • precedence —Specify a precedence-bit value in the IP header; valid values are from 0 to 7 or specify a packet marking category.


Sets the precedence value in the packet header. You can specify these values:

  • precedence-value — Sets the precedence bit in the packet header; valid values are from 0 to 7. You also can enter a mnemonic name for a commonly used value.

  • Specify a packet marking category to set the precedence value of the packet.
    • cos —Sets a value from the CoS or user priority.

    • dscp —Sets a value from packet differentiated services code point (DSCP).

    • precedence —Sets a value from packet precedence.

    • qos-group —Sets a value from the QoS group.

  • (Optional)table table-map-name —Indicates that the values set in a specified table map will be used to set the precedence value. Enter the name of the table map used to specify the precedence value. The table map name can be a maximum of 64 alphanumeric characters.

    If you specify a packet-marking category but do not specify the table map, the default action is to copy the value associated with the packet-marking category as the precedence value. For example, if you enter the set precedence cos command, the CoS value (packet-marking category) is copied and used as the precedence value.


Assigns a QoS group identifier that can be used later to classify packets.

  • qos-group-value —Sets a QoS value to the classified traffic. The range is 0 to 31. You also can enter a mnemonic name for a commonly used value.

  • dscp —Sets the original DSCP field value of the packet as the QoS group value.

  • precedence —Sets the original precedence field value of the packet as the QoS group value.
  • (Optional)table table-map-name —Indicates that the values set in a specified table map will be used to set the DSCP or precedence value. Enter the name of the table map used to specify the value. The table map name can be a maximum of 64 alphanumeric characters.

    If you specify a packet-marking category (dscp or precedence ) but do not specify the table map, the default action is to copy the value associated with the packet-marking category as the QoS group value. For example, if you enter the set qos-group precedence command, the precedence value (packet-marking category) is copied and used as the QoS group value.

Command Default

No traffic classification is defined.

Command Modes

Policy-map class configuration

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.2SE

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE 3.3SE

The cos , dscp , qos-group , wlan table table-map-name , keywords were added.

Usage Guidelines

For the set dscp dscp-value command, the set cos cos-value command, and the set ip precedence precedence-value command, you can enter a mnemonic name for a commonly used value. For example, you can enter the set dscp af11 command, which is the same as entering the set dscp 10 command. You can enter the set ip precedence critical command, which is the same as entering the set ip precedence 5 command. For a list of supported mnemonics, enter the set dscp ? or the set ip precedence ? command to see the command-line help strings.

When you configure the set dscp cos command, note the following: The CoS value is a 3-bit field, and the DSCP value is a 6-bit field. Only the three bits of the CoS field are used.

When you configure the set dscp qos-group command, note the following:
  • The valid range for the DSCP value is a number from 0 to 63. The valid value range for the QoS group is a number from 0 to 99.
  • If a QoS group value falls within both value ranges (for example, 44), the packet-marking value is copied and the packets is marked.
  • If QoS group value exceeds the DSCP range (for example, 77), the packet-marking value is not be copied and the packet is not marked. No action is taken.

The set qos-group command cannot be applied until you create a service policy in policy-map configuration mode and then attach the service policy to an interface or ATM virtual circuit (VC).

To return to policy-map configuration mode, use the exit command. To return to privileged EXEC mode, use the end command.


This example shows how to assign DSCP 10 to all FTP traffic without any policers:

Device(config)# policy-map policy_ftp
Device(config-pmap)# class-map ftp_class
Device(config-cmap)# exit
Device(config)# policy policy_ftp
Device(config-pmap)# class ftp_class
Device(config-pmap-c)# set dscp 10
Device(config-pmap)# exit

You can verify your settings by entering the show policy-map privileged EXEC command.

show class-map

To display quality of service (QoS) class maps, which define the match criteria to classify traffic, use the show class-map command in EXEC mode.

show class-map [ class-map-name | type control subscriber { all | class-map-name} ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Class map name.

type control subscriber

(Optional) Displays information about control class maps.


(Optional) Displays information about all control class maps.

Command Modes


Privileged EXEC

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.2SE

This command was introduced.


This is an example of output from the show class-map command:

Device# show class-map
 Class Map match-any videowizard_10-10-10-10 (id 2)
   Match access-group name videowizard_10-10-10-10

 Class Map match-any class-default (id 0)
   Match any
 Class Map match-any dscp5 (id 3)
   Match ip dscp 5

show platform hardware fed switch

To display device-specific hardware information, use the show platform hardware fed switchswitch_number command.

This topic elaborates only the QoS-specific options, that is, the options available with the show platform hardware fed switch { switch_num | active | standby } qos command.

show platform hardware fed switch {switch_num | active | standby} qos {afd | {config type type | [asic asic_num] | stats clients {all | bssid id | wlanid id }} | dscp-cos counters {iifd_id id | interfacetype number} | le-info | {iifd_id id | interface type number} | policer config {iifd_id id | interface type number} | queue | {config | {iifd_id id | interface type number | internal port-type type {asic number [port_num]}} | label2qmap | [aqmrepqostbl | iqslabeltable | sqslabeltable] | {asicnumber} | stats | {iifd_id id | interface type number | internal {cpu policer | port-type type asic number} {asicnumber [port_num]}}} | resource}

Syntax Description

switch { switch_num | active | standby }

Switch for which you want to display information. You have the following options:

  • switch_num —ID of the switch.

  • active —Displays information relating to the active switch.

  • standby —Displays information relating to the standby switch, if available.


Displays QoS hardware information. You must choose from the following options:

  • afd —Displays Approximate Fair Drop (AFD) information in hardware.

  • dscp-cos —Displays information dscp-cos counters for each port.

  • leinfo —Displays logical entity information.

  • policer —Displays QoS policer information in hardware.

  • queue —Displays queue information in hardware.

  • resource —Displays hardware resource information.

afd { config type | stats client }

You must choose from the options under config type or stats client :

config type :

  • client —Displays wireless client information

  • port —Displays port-specific information

  • radio —Displays wireless radio information

  • ssid —Displays wireless SSID information

stats client :

  • all —Displays statistics of all client.

  • bssid —Valid range is from 1 to 4294967295.

  • wlanid —Valid range is from to 1 4294967295


(Optional) ASIC number. Valid range is from 0 to 255.

dscp-cos counters { iifd_id id | interface type number }

Displays per port dscp-cos counters. You must choose from the following options under dscp-cos counters :

  • iif_id id —The target interface ID. Valid range is from 1 to 4294967295.

  • interface type number —Target interface type and ID.


You must choose from the following options under dscp-cos counters :

  • iif_id id —The target interface ID. Valid range is from 1 to 4294967295.

  • interface type number —Target interface type and ID.

policer config

Displays configuration information related to policers in hardware. You must choose from the following options:

  • iif_id id —The target interface ID. Valid range is from 1 to 4294967295.

  • interface type number —Target interface type and ID.

queue { config { iif_id id | interface type number | internal} | label2qmap | stats}

Displays queue information in hardware. You must choose from the following options:

  • config —Configuration information. You must choose from the following options:

    • iif_id id —The target interface ID. Valid range is from 1 to 4294967295.

    • interface type number —Target interface type and ID.

    • internal —Displays internal queue related information.

  • label2qmap —Displays hardware label to queue mapping information. You can choose from the following options:

    • (Optional) aqmrepqostbl — AQM REP QoS label table lookup.

    • (Optional) iqslabeltable —IQS QoS label table lookup.

    • (Optional) sqslabeltable —SQS and local QoS label table lookup.

  • stats —Displays queue statistics. You must choose from the following options:

    • iif_id id —The target interface ID. Valid range is from 1 to 4294967295.

    • interface type number —Target interface type and ID.

    • internal { cpu policer | port_type port_type asic asic_num [ port_num port_num ] } —Displays internal queue related information.


Displays hardware resource usage information. You must enter the following keyword: usage

Command Modes


Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE 3.2SE

This command was introduced.


This is an example of output from theshow platform hardware fed switchswitch_numberqos queue stats internal cpu policer command

Device#show platform hardware fed switch 3 qos queue stats internal cpu policer

                                              (default)  (set)      
QId PlcIdx  Queue Name                Enabled   Rate     Rate      Drop
0    11     DOT1X Auth                  No      1000      1000        0
1    1      L2 Control                  No      500       500         0
2    14     Forus traffic               No      1000      1000        0
3    0      ICMP GEN                    Yes     200       200         0
4    2      Routing Control             Yes     1800      1800        0
5    14     Forus Address resolution    No      1000      1000        0
6    3      ICMP Redirect               No      500       500         0
7    6      WLESS PRI-5                 No      1000      1000        0
8    4      WLESS PRI-1                 No      1000      1000        0
9    5      WLESS PRI-2                 No      1000      1000        0
10   6      WLESS PRI-3                 No      1000      1000        0
11   6      WLESS PRI-4                 No      1000      1000        0
12   0      BROADCAST                   Yes     200       200         0
13   10     Learning cache ovfl         Yes     100       100         0
14   13     Sw forwarding               Yes     1000      1000        0
15   8      Topology Control            No      13000     13000       0
16   12     Proto Snooping              No      500       500         0
17   16     DHCP Snooping               No      1000      1000        0
18   9      Transit Traffic             Yes     500       500         0
19   10     RPF Failed                  Yes     100       100         0
20   15     MCAST END STATION           Yes     2000      2000        0
21   13     LOGGING                     Yes     1000      1000        0
22   7      Punt Webauth                No      1000      1000        0
23   10     Crypto Control              Yes     100       100         0
24   10     Exception                   Yes     100       100         0
25   3      General Punt                No      500       500         0
26   10     NFL SAMPLED DATA            Yes     100       100         0
27   2      SGT Cache Full              Yes     1800      1800        0
28   10     EGR Exception               Yes     100       100         0
29   16     Show frwd                   No      1000      1000        0
30   9      MCAST Data                  Yes     500       500         0
31   10     Gold Pkt                    Yes     100       100         0

show platform software fed switch qos

To display device-specific software information, use the show platform hardware fed switch switch_number command.

This topic elaborates only the QoS-specific options available with the show platform software fed switch { switch_num | active | standby } qos command.

show platform software fed switch {switch number | active | standby}qos {avc | internal | label2qmap | nflqos | policer | policy | qsb | tablemap}

Syntax Description

switch { switch_num | active | standby }
The device for which you want to display information.
  • switch_num —Enter the switch ID. Displays information for the specified switch.

  • active —Displays information for the active switch.

  • standby —Displays information for the standby switch, if available.

Displays QoS software information. Choose one the following options:
  • avc —Displays Application Visibility and Control (AVC) QoS information.

  • internal —Displays internal queue-related information.

  • label2qmap —Displays label to queue map table information.

  • nflqos —Displays NetFlow QoS information.

  • policer —Displays QoS policer information in hardware.

  • policy —Displays QoS policy information.

  • qsb —Displays QoS sub-block information.

  • tablemap —Displays table mapping information for QoS egress and ingress queues.

Command Modes


Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Denali 16.1.1

This command was introduced.

show platform software fed switch qos qsb

To display QoS sub-block information, use the show platform software fed switch switch_number qos qsb command.

show platform software fed switch {switch number | active | standby}qosqsb {brief | [all | type | {client | client_id | port | port_number | radio | radio_type | ssid | ssid}] | iif_id | id | interface | {Auto-Template | interface_number | BDI | interface_number | Capwap | interface_number | GigabitEthernet | interface_number | InternalInterface | interface_number | Loopback | interface_number | Null | interface_number | Port-channel | interface_number | TenGigabitEthernet | interface_number | Tunnel | interface_number | Vlan | interface_number}}

Syntax Description

switch { switch_num | active | standby }

The switch for which you want to display information.

  • switch_num —Enter the ID of the switch. Displays information for the specified switch.

  • active —Displays information for the active switch.

  • standby —Displays information for the standby switch, if available.

qos qsb

Displays QoS sub-block software information.

qsb {brief | iif_id | interface}


  • all —Displays information for all client.

  • type —Displays qsb information for the specified target type:

    • client —Displays QoS qsb information for wireless clients

    • port —Displays port-specific information

    • radio —Displays QoS qsb information for wireless radios

    • ssid —Displays QoS qsb information for wireless networks

iif_id —Displays information for the iif_ID

interface —Displays QoS qsb information for the specified interface:

  • Auto-Template —Auto-template interface between 1 and 999.

  • BDI —Bridge-domain interface between 1 and 16000.

  • Capwap —CAPWAP interface between 0 and 2147483647.

  • GigabitEthernet —GigabitEthernet interface between 0 and 9.

  • InternalInterface —Internal interface between 0 and 9.

  • Loopback —Loopback interface between 0 and 2147483647.

  • Null —Null interface 0-0

  • Port-Channel —Port-channel interface between 1 and 128.

  • TenGigabitEthernet —TenGigabitEthernet interface between 0 and 9.

  • Tunnel —Tunnel interface between 0 and 2147483647.

  • Vlan —VLAN interface between 1 and 4094.

Command Modes


Privileged EXEC

Command History

Cisco IOS XE Denali 16.1.1

This command was introduced.


This is an example of the output for theshow platform software fed switchswitch_numberqos qsb command

Device#sh pl so fed sw 3 qos qsb interface g3/0/2

  QoS subblock information:
  Name:GigabitEthernet3/0/2 iif_id:0x0000000000007b iif_type:ETHER(146)
  qsb ptr:0xffd8573350
  Port type = Wired port
  asic_num:0 is_uplink:false init_done:true
  FRU events: Active-0, Inactive-0
  def_qos_label:0 def_le_priority:13
  trust_enabled:false trust_type:TRUST_DSCP ifm_trust_type:1
  LE priority:13 LE trans_index(in, out): (0,0)
  Stats (plc,q) export counters (in/out): 0/0
  Policy Info:
    Ingress Policy: pmap::{(0xffd8685180,AutoQos-4.0-CiscoPhone-Input-Policy,1083231504,)}
     tcg::{0xffd867ad10,GigabitEthernet3/0/2 tgt(0x7b,IN) level:0 num_tccg:4 num_child:0}, status:VALID,SET_INHW
    Egress Policy: pmap::{(0xffd86857d0,AutoQos-4.0-Output-Policy,1076629088,)}
     tcg::{0xffd8685b40,GigabitEthernet3/0/2 tgt(0x7b,OUT) level:0 num_tccg:8 num_child:0}, status:VALID,SET_INHW
    TCG(in,out):(0xffd867ad10, 0xffd8685b40) le_label_id(in,out):(2, 1)
  Policer Info:
    num_ag_policers(in,out)[1r2c,2r3c]: ([0,0],[0,0])
    num_mf_policers(in,out): (0,0)
    [ag_plc_handle(in,out) = (0xd8688220,0)]
    [mf_plc_handle(in,out)=((nil),(nil)) num_mf_policers:(0,0)
      base:(0xffffffff,0xffffffff) rc:(0,0)]
  Queueing Info:
    def_queuing = 0, shape_rate:0 interface_rate_kbps:1000000
    Port shaper:false
    Physical qparams:
      Queue Config: NodeType:Physical Id:0x40000049 parent:0x40000049 qid:0 attr:0x1 defq:0
        PARAMS: Excess Ratio:1 Min Cir:1000000 QBuffer:0
        Queue Limit Type:Single Unit:Percent Queue Limit:44192
        SHARED Queue

show policy-map

To display quality of service (QoS) policy maps, which define classification criteria for incoming traffic, use the show policy-map command in EXEC mode.

show policy-map [policy-map-name | interface interface-id]

show policy-map interface { Auto-template | Capwap | GigabitEthernet | GroupVI | InternalInterface | Loopback | Lspvif | Null | Port-channel | TenGigabitEthernet | Tunnel | Vlan | brief | class | input | output

Syntax Description


(Optional) Name of the policy-map.

interface interface-id

(Optional) Displays the statistics and the configurations of the input and output policies that are attached to the interface.

Command Modes


Privileged EXEC

Command History



Cisco IOS XE 3.2SE

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE 3.3SE

The interface interface-id keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

Policy maps can include policers that specify the bandwidth limitations and the action to take if the limits are exceeded.


Though visible in the command-line help string, the control-plane , session , and type keywords are not supported, and the statistics shown in the display should be ignored.


This is an example of the output for the show policy-map interface command.
Device# show policy-map interface gigabitethernet1/0/48GigabitEthernet1/0/48

  Service-policy output: port_shape_parent

    Class-map: class-default (match-any)
      191509734 packets
      Match: any

      (total drops) 524940551420
      (bytes output) 14937264500
      shape (average) cir 250000000, bc 2500000, be 2500000
      target shape rate 250000000

      Service-policy : child_trip_play

        queue stats for all priority classes:
          priority level 1

          (total drops) 524940551420
          (bytes output) 14937180648

        queue stats for all priority classes:
          priority level 2

          (total drops) 0
          (bytes output) 0

        Class-map: dscp56 (match-any)
          191508445 packets
          Match:  dscp cs7 (56)
            0 packets, 0 bytes
            5 minute rate 0 bps
          Priority: Strict,

          Priority Level: 1
              cir 10 %
              cir 25000000 bps, bc 781250 bytes
            conformed 0 bytes; actions: >>>>>counters not supported
            exceeded 0 bytes; actions:
            conformed 0000 bps, exceeded 0000 bps  >>>>>counters not supported

trust device

To configure trust for supported devices connected to an interface, use the trust device command in interface configuration mode. Use the no form of this command to disable trust for the connected device.

trust device { cisco-phone | cts | ip-camera | media-player}

no trust device { cisco-phone | cts | ip-camera | media-player}

Syntax Description


Configures a Cisco IP phone


Configures a Cisco TelePresence System


Configures an IP Video Surveillance Camera (IPVSC)


Configures a Cisco Digital Media Player (DMP)

Command Default

Trust disabled

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE 3.2SE

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the trust device command on the following types of interfaces:

  • Auto— auto-template interface

  • Capwap—CAPWAP tunnel interface

  • GigabitEthernet—Gigabit Ethernet IEEE 802

  • GroupVI—Group virtual interface

  • Internal Interface—Internal interface

  • Loopback—Loopback interface

  • Null—Null interface

  • Port-channel—Ethernet Channel interface

  • TenGigabitEthernet--10-Gigabit Ethernet

  • Tunnel—Tunnel interface

  • Vlan—Catalyst VLANs

  • rangeinterface range command


The following example configures trust for a Cisco IP phone in Interface GigabitEthernet 1/0/1:

Device(config)# interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
Device(config-if)# trust device cisco-phone

You can verify your settings by entering the show interface status privileged EXEC command.