- Preface
- Command-Line Interface
- action to channel-group
- channel-protocol to class-map
- clear cable-diagnostics tdr to copy /noverify
- define interface-range to duplex
- eigrp event-log-size to mls exclude
- mls flow to pagp port
- platform ip features pisa to process-min-time percent
- rcv-queue to show bootvar
- show cable-diagnostics to show ip cache
- show ip cef to show mls asic
- show mls cef to show qm-sp
- show queueing to show vtp
- shutdown vlan to test cable-diagnostics
- tunnel udlr address-resolution to username
- verify to wrr-queue
- wrr-queue cos-trap to wrr-queue threshold
- Acronyms
- Acknowledgments for Open-Source Software
Cisco IOS Commands for the Catalyst 6500 Series Switches with the Supervisor Engine 32 PISA
This chapter contains an alphabetical listing of Cisco IOS commands that are unique to the Catalyst 6500 series switches that are configured with the Supervisor Engine 32 and the Programmable Intelligent Services Accelerator (PISA). For information about Cisco IOS commands that are not contained in this publication, refer to the current Cisco IOS documentation including:
•Cisco IOS Release 12.2 Configuration Fundamentals Configuration Guide
•Cisco IOS Release 12.2 Command Reference
To set the packet action clause, use the action command. To remove an action clause, use the no form of this command.
action {{drop [log]} | {forward [capture]} | {redirect {interface interface-number}} | {port-channel channel-id} {interface interface-number} | {port-channel channel-id} ...}
no action {{drop [log]} | {forward [capture]} | {redirect {interface interface-number}} | {port-channel channel-id} {interface interface-number} | {port-channel channel-id} ...}
Syntax Description
This command has no default settings.
Command Modes
VLAN access-map submode
Command History
12.2(18)ZY |
Support for this command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
The interface-number argument designates the module and port number. Valid values for interface-number depend on the specified interface type and the chassis and module that are used. For example, if you specify a Gigabit Ethernet interface and have a 48-port 10/100BASE-T Ethernet module that is installed in a 13-slot chassis, valid values for the module number are from 1 to 13 and valid values for the port number are from 1 to 48.
Each redirect action allows you to specify a list of up to five destination interfaces. There is also a limit of up to 255 different interface lists that can be used by redirect actions.
The redirect action supports interface lists instead of single interfaces as shown in the following example:
[...] {redirect {{ethernet | gigabitethernet | tengigabitethernet} slot/port} | {port-channel channel-id}}
The action clause specifies the action to be taken when a match occurs.
The forwarded packets are subject to any applied Cisco IOS ACLs. The capture keyword sets the capture bit in VACL-forwarded packets. Ports with the capture function enabled can receive VACL-forwarded packets that have the capture bit set. Only VACL-forwarded packets that have the capture bit set can be captured.
When the log keyword is specified, dropped packets are logged in the software. Only dropped IP packets can be logged. The redirect keyword allows you to specify up to five interfaces, which can be physical interfaces or EtherChannels. An EtherChannel member is not allowed to be a redirect interface.
VACLs on WAN interfaces support only the action forward capture command.
The action clause in a VACL can be forward, drop, capture, or redirect. Traffic can also be logged. VACLs applied to WAN interfaces do not support the redirect or log actions.
The redirect interface must be in the VLAN for which the VACL map is configured.
In a VLAN access map, if at least one ACL is configured for a packet type (IP, IPX, or MAC), the default action for the packet type is drop (deny).
If an ACL is not configured for a packet type, the default action for the packet type is forward (permit).
If an ACL for a packet type is configured and the ACL is empty or undefined, the configured action will be applied to the packet type.
This example shows how to define a drop and log action:
Router(config-access-map)# action drop log
This example shows how to define a forward action:
Router(config-access-map)# action forward
Related Commands
To implement the proposed new VLAN database, increment the database configuration number, save it in NVRAM, and propagate it throughout the administrative domain, use the apply command.
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
This command has no default settings.
Command Modes
VLAN configuration
Command History
12.2(18)ZY |
Support for this command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
The apply command implements the configuration changes that you made after you entered VLAN database mode and uses them for the running configuration. This command keeps you in VLAN database mode.
You cannot use this command when the Catalyst 6500 series switch is in the VTP client mode.
You can verify that VLAN database changes have occurred by entering the show vlan command in privileged EXEC mode.
This example shows how to implement the proposed new VLAN database and recognize it as the current database:
Related Commands
arp access-list
To configure an ARP ACL for ARP inspection and QoS filtering and enter the ARP ACL configuration submode, use the arp access-list command. To remove the ARP ACL, use the no form of this command.
arp access-list name
no arp access-list name
Syntax Description
name |
Name of the access list. |
This command has no default settings.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
12.2(18)ZY |
Support for this command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
Once you are in the ARP ACL configuration submode, you can add permit or deny clauses to permit or deny QoS to the flows. The following syntax is available in the ARP QoS ACL configuration submode for QoS filtering; all other configurations will be rejected at the time of the policy-map attachment to the interfaces:
{permit | deny} {ip {any | {host sender-ip [sender-ip-mask]}}} {mac any}
no {permit | deny} {ip {any | {host sender-ip [sender-ip-mask]}}} {mac any}
Once you are in the ARP ACL configuration submode, the following configuration commands are available for ARP inspection:
•default—Sets a command to its defaults. You can use the deny and permit keywords and arguments to configure the default settings.
•deny—Specifies the packets to reject.
•exit—Exits the ACL configuration mode.
•no—Negates a command or sets its defaults.
•permit— Specifies the packets to forward.
You can enter the permit or deny keywords to configure the permit or deny clauses to forward or drop ARP packets based on some matching criteria. The syntax for the permit and deny keywords are as follows:
{permit | deny} ip {any | {host {sender-ip | {sender-ip sender-ip-mask}}}} mac {any | {host {sender-mac | {sender-mac sender-mac-mask}}}} [log]
{permit | deny} request ip {any | {host {sender-ip | {sender-ip sender-ip-mask}}}} mac {any | {host {sender-mac | {sender-mac sender-mac-mask}}}} [log]
{permit | deny} response ip {any | {host {sender-ip | {sender-ip sender-ip-mask}}}} [{any | {host {target-ip | {target-ip target-ip-mask}}}}] mac {any | {host {sender-mac | {sender-mac sender-mac-mask}}}} [any | {host {target-mac | {target-mac target-mac-mask}}]} [log]
If you enter the ip keyword without the request or response keywords, the configuration applies to both requests and responses.
Once you define an ARP ACL, you can apply it to VLANs using the ip arp inspection filter command for ARP inspection.
Incoming ARP packets are compared against the ARP access list, and packets are permitted only if the access list permits them. If access lists deny packets because of explicit denies, they are dropped. If packets get denied because of the implicit deny, they are matched against the list of DHCP bindings, unless the access list is static or the packets are not compared against the bindings.
When an ARP access list is applied to a VLAN for dynamic ARP inspection, the ARP packets containing only IP-to-Ethernet MAC bindings are compared against the ACLs. All other packet types are bridged in the incoming VLAN without any validation.
ACL entries are scanned in the order that you enter them. The first matching entry is used. To improve performance, place the most commonly used entries near the beginning of the ACL.
An implicit deny any ip mac any entry exists at the end of an ACL unless you include an explicit permit ip any mac any entry at the end of the list.
All new entries to an existing list are placed at the end of the list. You cannot add entries to the middle of a list.
This example shows how to create a new ARP ACL or enter the submode of an existing ARP ACL:
Router(config)# arp access-list arpacl22
This example shows how to create an ARP ACL named arp_filtering that denies QoS but permits MAC-layer ARP traffic:
Router(config)# arp access-list arp_filtering
Router(config-arp-nacl)# permit ip host mac any
Router(config-arp-nacl)# deny any ip mac any
Related Commands
Displays information about the ARP table. |
To connect to a specific module from a remote location, use the attach command.
attach num
Syntax Description
num |
Module number; see the "Usage Guidelines" section for valid values. |
This command has no default settings.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
12.2(18)ZY |
Support for this command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
The valid values for num depend on the chassis that is used. For example, if you have a 13-slot chassis, valid values for the module number are from 1 to 13.
This command is supported on the supervisor engine only.
When you execute the attach num command, the prompt changes to Switch-sp#.
The attach command is identical to the remote login module num command.
There are two ways to end this session:
•You can enter the exit command as follows:
Switch-sp# exit
[Connection to Switch closed by foreign host]
•You can press Ctrl-C three times as follows:
Switch-sp# ^C
Switch-sp# ^C
Switch-sp# ^C
Terminate remote login session? [confirm] y
[Connection to Switch closed by local host]
This example shows how to log in remotely to the supervisor engine:
attach 5
Trying Switch ...
Entering CONSOLE for Switch
Type "^C^C^C" to end this session
Terminate remote login session? [confirm] yes
[Connection to Switch closed by local host]
Related Commands
Accesses the Catalyst 6500 series switch console or a specific module. |
To enable automatic synchronization of the configuration files in NVRAM, use the auto-sync command. To disable automatic synchronization, use the no form of this command.
auto-sync {startup-config | config-register | bootvar | running-config | standard}
no auto-sync {startup-config | config-register | bootvar | standard}
Syntax Description
Automatic synchronization of the running configuration.
Command Modes
Main-cpu redundancy
Command History
12.2(18)ZY |
Support for this command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
If you enter the no auto-sync standard command, no automatic synchronizations occur. If you want to enable any of the keywords, you have to enter the appropriate command for each keyword.
This example shows how (from the default configuration) to enable automatic synchronization of the configuration register in the main CPU:
configure terminal
Router (config)#
Router (config-r)#
Router (config-r-mc)#
no auto-sync standard
Router (config-r-mc)#
auto-sync config-register
Router (config-r-mc)#
Related Commands
Enters redundancy configuration mode. |
bgp regexp deterministic
To configure Cisco IOS software to use the deterministic processing time regular expression engine, use the bgp regexp deterministic command. To configure Cisco IOS software to use the default regular expression engine, use the no form of this command.
bgp regexp deterministic
no bgp regexp deterministic
Syntax Description
This command has no keywords or arguments.
The default regular expression engine is enabled.
Command Modes
Router configuration
Command History
12.2(18)ZY |
Support for this command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
The default Cisco IOS regular expression engine uses a recursive algorithm. This engine is effective but uses more system resources as the complexity of regular expressions increases. The recursive algorithm works well for simple regular expressions, but is less efficient when processing very complex regular expressions because of the backtracking that is required by the default engine to process partial matches. In some cases, CPU watchdog timeouts and stack overflow traces have occurred because of the length of time that the default engine requires to process very complex regular expressions.
The deterministic processing time regular expression engine does not replace the default regular expression engine. The new engine employs an improved algorithm that eliminates excessive backtracking and greatly improves performance when processing complex regular expressions. When the new engine is enabled, complex regular expressions are evaluated more quickly, and CPU watchdog timeouts and stack overflow traces will not occur. However, the new regular expression engine takes longer to process simple regular expressions than the default engine.
We recommend that you use the new regular expression engine if you need to evaluate complex regular expressions or if you have observed problems related to evaluating regular expressions. We recommend that you use the default regular expression engine if you use only simple regular expressions. The new engine can be enabled by entering the bgp regexp deterministic command under a BGP routing process. The default regular expression engine can be reenabled by entering the no form of this command.
This example shows how to configure Cisco IOS software to use the deterministic processing time regular expression engine:
Router(config)# router bgp 1
Router(config-router)# bgp regexp deterministic
This example shows how to configure Cisco IOS software to use the default regular expression engine:
Router(config)# router bgp 1
Router(config-router)# no bgp regexp deterministic
boot config
To specify the device and filename of the configuration file from which the system configures itself during initialization (startup), use the boot config command. To remove the specification, use the no form of this command.
boot config {device:file-name}
no boot config
Syntax Description
device: |
Device identification; see the "Usage Guidelines" section for a list of the valid values. |
file-name |
Configuration filename. |
The configuration file is located in NVRAM.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
12.2(18)ZY |
Support for this command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
The valid values for device: are as follows:
–One external CompactFlash Type II slot
–Supports CompactFlash Type II flash PC cards
–Supervisor Engine 32 256-MB internal CompactFlash flash memory
–From the Supervisor Engine 32 ROMMON, it is bootdisk:
–PISA 256-MB internal CompactFlash flash memory
–Not accessible from the Supervisor Engine 32 ROMMON
When you use the boot config command, you affect only the running configuration. You must save the environment variable setting to your startup configuration to place the information under ROM monitor control and to have the environment variable function as expected. Use the copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config command to save the environment variable from your running configuration to your startup configuration.
The software displays an error message and does not update the CONFIG_FILE environment variable in the following situations:
•You specify nvram: as the file system, and it contains only a distilled version of the configuration. (A distilled configuration does not contain access lists.)
•You specify a configuration file in the filename argument that does not exist or is not valid.
During initialization, the NVRAM configuration is used when the CONFIG_FILE environment variable does not exist or when it is null (such as at a first-time startup). If the software detects a problem with NVRAM or the configuration it contains, the device enters setup mode.
When you use the no form of this command, the NVRAM configuration is used as the startup configuration.
You can view the contents of the BOOT, BOOTLDR, and the CONFIG_FILE environment variables using the show bootvar command. This command displays the settings for these variables as they exist in the startup configuration as well as in the running configuration if a running configuration setting differs from a startup configuration setting.
This example shows how to set the configuration file that is located in the internal flash memory to configure itself during initialization. The third line copies the specification to the startup configuration, ensuring that this specification takes effect upon the next reload.
Router (config)# boot config disk0:router-config
Router (config)# end
Router# copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config
Related Commands
boot system
To specify the system image that loads at startup, use the boot system command. To remove the startup system image specification, use the no form of this command.
boot system filename
boot system flash [flash-fs:][partition-number:][filename]
no boot system [filename]
no boot system flash [flash-fs:][partition-number:][filename]
Syntax Description
If you configure the switch to boot from a network server but do not specify a system image file with the boot system command, the switch uses the configuration register settings to determine the default system image filename. The switch forms the default boot filename by starting with the word cisco and then appending the octal equivalent of the boot field number in the configuration register, followed by a hyphen (-) and the processor type name (cisconn-cpu). Refer to the appropriate hardware installation guide for details on the configuration register and default filename. See also the config-register or confreg command.
Command Modes
Global configuration
Command History
12.2(18)ZY |
Support for this command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
This command will not work unless you set the config-register command properly.
TFTP boot is not supported on the Catalyst 6500 series switches.
If you do not enter the ip-address argument, this value defaults to the IP broadcast address of
The colon is required when entering the flash-fs: argument.
If you omit all arguments that follow the flash keyword, the system searches the internal flash memory for the first bootable image.
When using the partition-number: argument, if you do not specify a filename, the route processor loads the first valid file in the specified partition of flash memory. This argument is valid only on route processors that can be partitioned.
The filename argument is case sensitive. If you do not specify a filename, the switch loads the first valid file in the following:
•The specified flash file system
•The specified partition of flash memory
•The default flash file system if you also omitted the flash-fs: argument
Enter several boot system commands to provide a fail-safe method for booting your route processor. The route processor stores and executes the boot system commands in the order in which you enter them in the configuration file. If you enter multiple boot commands of the same type (for example, if you enter two commands that instruct the route processor to boot from different network servers), the route processor tries them in the order in which they appear in the configuration file. If a boot system command entry in the list specifies an invalid device, the route processor omits that entry. Use the boot system rom command to specify use of the ROM system image as a backup to other boot commands in the configuration.
For some platforms, you must load the boot image before you load the system image. However, on many platforms, the boot image that you specify loads only if the route processor is booting from a network server or if you do not specify the flash file system. If you specify the file system, the route processor boots faster because it does not need to load the boot image first.
For detailed information, refer to the Cisco IOS Release 12.2 Command Reference.
Note When you use the boot system command, you affect only the running configuration. You must save the BOOT variable settings to your startup configuration to place the information under ROM monitor control and to have the variable function as expected. Use the copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config EXEC command to save the variable from your running configuration to your startup configuration.
To view the contents of the BOOT variable, use the show bootenv EXEC command.
This example shows a system filename with the ROM software as a backup:
Router(config)# boot system flash config1
Router(config)# boot system rom
This example shows how to boot the system image filenamed igs-bpx-l from partition 2 of the flash device:
Router(config)# boot system flash:2:igs-bpx-l
Related Commands
To enable BPDU translation, use the bridge-domain command.
bridge-domain {vlan | {PE-vlan dot1qtunnel}} [ignore-bpdu-pid] {pvst-tlv CE-vlan}
Syntax Description
Command Modes
VC or DLCI configuration
Command History
12.2(18)ZY |
Support for this command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
The CE-vlan argument does not have to be the same as the PE-vlan argument.
When connecting to a device that is completely RFC-1483 compliant, in which the IEEE BPDUs are sent using a PID of 0x000E, you must use the ignore-bpdu-pid keywords in the bridge-domain command.
If you do not enter the ignore-bpdu-pid keyword, the PVC between the devices operates in an RFC-1483 compliant topology, which is referred to as strict mode. Entering the ignore-bpdu-pid keyword enters the loose mode. Both modes are described as follows:
•Without the ignore-bpdu-pid keywords, in strict mode, IEEE BPDUs are sent out using a PID of 0x00-0E, which complies with RFC 1483.
•With the ignore-bpdu-pid keywords, in loose mode, IEEE BPDUs are sent out using a PID of 0x00-07, which is normally reserved for RFC-1483 data.
Cisco-proprietary PVST+ BPDUs are always sent out on data frames using a PID of 0x00-07, regardless of whether you enter the ignore-bpdu-pid keywords.
Use the ignore-bpdu-pid keywords when connecting to devices (such as ATM DSL modems) that send PVST (or 802.1D) BPDUs with PID: 00-07.
The pvst-tlv keyword enables BPDU translation when interoperating with devices that understand only PVST or IEEE Spanning Tree Protocol. Because the Catalyst 6500 series switch ATM modules support PVST+ only, you must use the pvst-tlv keyword when connecting to a Catalyst 5000 family switch, which only understands PVST on its ATM modules, or when connecting with other Cisco IOS route processors, which understand IEEE format only.
When transmitting, the pvst-tlv keyword translates PVST+ BPDUs into IEEE BPDUs.
When receiving, the pvst-tlv keyword translates IEEE BPDUs into PVST+ BPDUs.
This example shows how to enable BPDU translation when a Catalyst 6500 series switch is connected to a a device that only understand IEEE BPDUs in an RFC-1483 compliant topology:
Router(config-if-atm-vc)# bridge-domain 100 pvst-tlv 150
The ignore-bpdu-pid keyword is not used because the device operates in an RFC-1483 compliant topology for IEEE BPDUs.
This example shows how to enable BPDU translation when a Catalyst 5500 ATM module is a device that only understands PVST BPDUs in a non-RFC1483 compliant topology. When a Catalyst 6500 series switch is connected to a Catalyst 5500 ATM module, you must enter both keywords:
Router(config-if-atm-vc)# bridge-domain 100 ignore-bpdu-pid pvst-tlv 150
To enable BPDU translation for the Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling (L2PT) topologies, use the following command line:
Router(config-if-atm-vc)# bridge-domain 100 dot1qtunnel ignore-bpdu-pid pvst-tlv 150
To change the default directory or file system, use the cd command.
cd [filesystem:][directory]
Syntax Description
Initial default file system is disk0:
Command Modes
Command History
12.2(18)ZY |
Support for this command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
The valid values for filesystem: are bootflash:, disk0: and disk1:.
For all EXEC commands that have an optional filesystem argument, the system uses the file system that is specified by the cd command when you omit the optional filesystem argument. For example, the dir command, which displays a list of files on a file system, contains an optional filesystem argument. When you omit this argument, the system lists the files on the file system that is specified by the cd command.
If you do not specify a directory on a file system, the default is the root directory on that file system.
This example sets the default file system to the flash PC card that is inserted in disk 0:
Router# cd disk0:
Router# pwd
Related Commands
To assign and configure an EtherChannel interface to an EtherChannel group, use the channel-group command. To remove the channel-group configuration from the interface, use the no form of this command.
channel-group number mode {active | on | {auto [non-silent]} | {desirable [non-silent]} | passive}
no channel-group number
Syntax Description
No channel groups are assigned.
Command Modes
Interface configuration
Command History
12.2(18)ZY |
Support for this command was introduced. |
Usage Guidelines
Note You cannot make any changes to the configuration of the Supervisor Engine 32 PISA EtherChannel.
Note After the port becomes a member of the Supervisor Engine 32 PISA EtherChannel, only the no channel-group 256 mode on command has any effect on the port until the port is no longer a member of the PISA EtherChannel. While the port is a member of the PISA EtherChannel, all port configuration commands except the no channel-group 256 mode on command are ignored.
By default, the Supervisor Engine 32 PISA EtherChannel (port channel interface 256, which is automatically configured with the pisa-channel command) is a 1-Gps EtherChannel.
Note The pisa-channel command is visible in the configuration file, but it is not user configurable.
The channel-group number is global and is shared between all the channeling protocols. If a specific channel number is used for the PAgP-enabled interfaces of a channel group, that same channel number cannot be used for configuring a channel that has LACP-enabled interfaces or vice versa.
Entering the auto or desirable keyword enables PAgP on the specified interface; the command will be rejected if it is issued on an LACP-enabled interface.
The active and passive keywords are valid on PAgP-disabled interfaces only.
You can change the mode for an interface only if it is the only interface that is designated to the specified channel group.
The on keyword forces the bundling of the interface on the channel without any negotiation.
You can manually configure a switch with PAgP on one side and LACP on the other side in the on mode.
With the on mode, a usable EtherChannel exists only when a port group in on mode is connected to another port group in on mode.
If you enter the channel group command on an interface that is added to a channel with a different protocol than the protocol you are entering, the command is rejected.
If the interface belongs to a channel, the no form of this command is rejected.
All ports in the same channel group must use the same protocol; you cannot run two protocols on one channel group.
PAgP and LACP are not compatible; both ends of a channel must use the same protocol.
You can change the protocol at any time, but this change causes all existing EtherChannels to reset to the default channel mode for the new protocol.
Configure all ports in an EtherChannel to operate at the same speed and duplex mode (full duplex only for LACP mode).
You do not have to create a port-channel interface before assigning a physical interface to a channel group. A port-channel interface is created automatically when the channel group gets its first physical interface, if it is not already created.
You do not have to disable the IP address that is assigned to a physical interface that is part of a channel group, but it is highly recommended.
You can create both Layer 2 and Layer 3 port channels by entering the interface port-channel command or when the channel group gets its first physical interface assignment. The port channels are not created at runtime or dynamically.
Any configuration or attribute changes that you make to the port-channel interface are propagated to all interfaces within the same channel group as the port channel (for example, configuration changes are also propagated to the physical interfaces that are not part of the port channel but are part of the channel group).
When configuring Layer 2 EtherChannels, you cannot put Layer 2 LAN ports into manually created port-channel logical interfaces.
You cannot use the channel-group command on GE-WAN interfaces if MPLS is configured. You must remove all IP, MPLS, and other Layer 3 configuration commands before using the channel-group command with GE-WAN interfaces.
Note You can enter the channel-group command again to delete the interface from the old group and move it to the new group. For GE-WAN ports, however, you must manually remove the interface from the group by entering the no channel-group command before assigning it to a new group.
For a complete list of guidelines, refer to the "Configuring EtherChannel" section of the Catalyst Supervisor Engine 32 PISA Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide—Release 12.2ZY.
This example shows how to add EtherChannel interface 1/0 to the EtherChannel group that is specified by port-channel 1:
channel-group 1 mode on
Related Commands
Creates a port-channel virtual interface and enters interface configuration mode. |
Displays the EtherChannel information for a channel. |
show interfaces port-channel |
Displays the traffic that is seen by a specific port channel. |