Troubleshooting the Software Configuration

This chapter describes how to identify and resolve software problems related to the Cisco IOS software on the switch. Depending on the nature of the problem, you can use the command-line interface (CLI), Device Manager, or Network Assistant to identify and solve problems.

Additional troubleshooting information, such as LED descriptions, is provided in the hardware installation guide.

Information About Troubleshooting the Software Configuration

Software Failure on a Switch

Switch software can be corrupted during an upgrade by downloading the incorrect file to the switch, and by deleting the image file. In all of these cases, there is no connectivity.

Lost or Forgotten Password on a Device

The default configuration for the device allows an end user with physical access to the device to recover from a lost password by interrupting the boot process during power-on and by entering a new password. These recovery procedures require that you have physical access to the device.


On these devices, a system administrator can disable some of the functionality of this feature by allowing an end user to reset a password only by agreeing to return to the default configuration. If you are an end user trying to reset a password when password recovery has been disabled, a status message reminds you to return to the default configuration during the recovery process.


You cannot recover encryption password key, when Cisco WLC configuration is copied from one Cisco WLC to another (in case of an RMA).

Follow the steps described in the section Recovering from a Lost or Forgotten Password to recover from a lost or forgotten password.


The Device supports IP ping, which you can use to test connectivity to remote hosts. Ping sends an echo request packet to an address and waits for a reply. Ping returns one of these responses:

  • Normal response—The normal response (hostname is alive) occurs in 1 to 10 seconds, depending on network traffic.

  • Destination does not respond—If the host does not respond, a no-answer message is returned.

  • Unknown host—If the host does not exist, an unknown host message is returned.

  • Destination unreachable—If the default gateway cannot reach the specified network, a destination-unreachable message is returned.

  • Network or host unreachable—If there is no entry in the route table for the host or network, a network or host unreachable message is returned.

Refere the section Executing Ping to understand how ping works.

Layer 2 Traceroute

The Layer 2 traceroute feature allows the switch to identify the physical path that a packet takes from a source device to a destination device. Layer 2 traceroute supports only unicast source and destination MAC addresses. Traceroute finds the path by using the MAC address tables of the Device in the path. When the Device detects a device in the path that does not support Layer 2 traceroute, the Device continues to send Layer 2 trace queries and lets them time out.

The Device can only identify the path from the source device to the destination device. It cannot identify the path that a packet takes from source host to the source device or from the destination device to the destination host.

Layer 2 Traceroute Guidelines

  • Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) must be enabled on all the devices in the network. For Layer 2 traceroute to function properly, do not disable CDP.

    If any devices in the physical path are transparent to CDP, the switch cannot identify the path through these devices.

  • A device is reachable from another device when you can test connectivity by using the ping privileged EXEC command. All devices in the physical path must be reachable from each other.

  • The maximum number of hops identified in the path is ten.

  • You can enter the traceroute mac or the traceroute mac ip privileged EXEC command on a device that is not in the physical path from the source device to the destination device. All devices in the path must be reachable from this switch.

  • The traceroute mac command output shows the Layer 2 path only when the specified source and destination MAC addresses belong to the same VLAN. If you specify source and destination MAC addresses that belong to different VLANs, the Layer 2 path is not identified, and an error message appears.

  • If you specify a multicast source or destination MAC address, the path is not identified, and an error message appears.

  • If the source or destination MAC address belongs to multiple VLANs, you must specify the VLAN to which both the source and destination MAC addresses belong. If the VLAN is not specified, the path is not identified, and an error message appears.

  • The traceroute mac ip command output shows the Layer 2 path when the specified source and destination IP addresses belong to the same subnet. When you specify the IP addresses, the device uses the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) to associate the IP addresses with the corresponding MAC addresses and the VLAN IDs.

    • If an ARP entry exists for the specified IP address, the device uses the associated MAC address and identifies the physical path.

    • If an ARP entry does not exist, the device sends an ARP query and tries to resolve the IP address. If the IP address is not resolved, the path is not identified, and an error message appears.

  • When multiple devices are attached to one port through hubs (for example, multiple CDP neighbors are detected on a port), the Layer 2 traceroute feature is not supported. When more than one CDP neighbor is detected on a port, the Layer 2 path is not identified, and an error message appears.

  • This feature is not supported in Token Ring VLANs.

  • Layer 2 traceroute opens a listening socket on the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port 2228 that can be accessed remotely with any IPv4 address, and does not require any authentication. This UDP socket allows to read VLAN information, links, presence of particular MAC addresses, and CDP neighbor information, from the device. This information can be used to eventually build a complete picture of the Layer 2 network topology.

  • Layer 2 traceroute is enabled by default and can be disabled by running the no l2 traceroute command in global configuration mode. To re-enable Layer 2 traceroute, use the l2 traceroute command in global configuration mode.

IP Traceroute

You can use IP traceroute to identify the path that packets take through the network on a hop-by-hop basis. The command output displays all network layer (Layer 3) devices, such as routers, that the traffic passes through on the way to the destination.

Your Device can participate as the source or destination of the traceroute privileged EXEC command and might or might not appear as a hop in the traceroute command output. If the Device is the destination of the traceroute, it is displayed as the final destination in the traceroute output. Intermediate Device do not show up in the traceroute output if they are only bridging the packet from one port to another within the same VLAN. However, if the intermediate Device is a multilayer Device that is routing a particular packet, this Device shows up as a hop in the traceroute output.

The traceroute privileged EXEC command uses the Time To Live (TTL) field in the IP header to cause routers and servers to generate specific return messages. Traceroute starts by sending a User Datagram Protocol (UDP) datagram to the destination host with the TTL field set to 1. If a router finds a TTL value of 1 or 0, it drops the datagram and sends an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) time-to-live-exceeded message to the sender. Traceroute finds the address of the first hop by examining the source address field of the ICMP time-to-live-exceeded message.

To identify the next hop, traceroute sends a UDP packet with a TTL value of 2. The first router decrements the TTL field by 1 and sends the datagram to the next router. The second router sees a TTL value of 1, discards the datagram, and returns the time-to-live-exceeded message to the source. This process continues until the TTL is incremented to a value large enough for the datagram to reach the destination host (or until the maximum TTL is reached).

To learn when a datagram reaches its destination, traceroute sets the UDP destination port number in the datagram to a very large value that the destination host is unlikely to be using. When a host receives a datagram destined to itself containing a destination port number that is unused locally, it sends an ICMP port-unreachable error to the source. Because all errors except port-unreachable errors come from intermediate hops, the receipt of a port-unreachable error means that this message was sent by the destination port.

Go to Example: Performing a Traceroute to an IP Host to see an example of IP traceroute process.

Debug Commands


Because debugging output is assigned high priority in the CPU process, it can render the system unusable. For this reason, use debug commands only to troubleshoot specific problems or during troubleshooting sessions with Cisco technical support staff. It is best to use debug commands during periods of lower network traffic and fewer users. Debugging during these periods decreases the likelihood that increased debug command processing overhead will affect system use.

All debug commands are entered in privileged EXEC mode, and most debug commands take no arguments.

System Report

System reports or crashinfo files save information that helps Cisco technical support representatives to debug problems that caused the Cisco IOS image to fail (crash). It is necessary to quickly and reliably collect critical crash information with high fidelity and integrity. Further, it is necessary to collect this information and bundle it in a way that it can be associated or identified with a specific crash occurrence.

System reports are generated in case of a switchover: System reports are generated only on high availability (HA) member switches. Reports are not generated for non-HA members.

The system does not generate reports in case of a reload.

During a process crash, the following is collected locally from the switch:

  1. Full process core

  2. Tracelogs

  3. IOS syslogs (not guaranteed in case of non-active crashes)

  4. System process information

  5. Bootup logs

  6. Reload logs

  7. Certain types of /proc information

This information is stored in separate files which are then archived and compressed into one bundle. This makes it convenient to get a crash snapshot in one place, and can be then moved off the box for analysis. This report is generated before the switch goes down to rommon/bootloader.

Except for the full core and tracelogs, everything else is a text file.

Use the request platform software process core fed switch active command to generate the core dump.

Device# request platform software process core fed switch active
SUCCESS: Core file generated.

Device# dir bootflash:/core
Directory of bootflash:/core/
16430   -rw-         10941657   Apr 6 2022 00:15:20 +00:00  Switch_1_RP_0_fed_18469_20220406-001511-UTC.core.gz
16812   -rw-                1   Apr 6 2022 00:01:48 +00:00  .callhome
16810   drwx             4096  Jan 18 2022 21:10:35 +00:00  modules

Crashinfo Files

By default the system report file will be generated and saved into the /crashinfo directory. Ifit cannot be saved to the crashinfo partition for lack of space, then it will be saved to the /flash directory.

To display the files, enter the dir crashinfo: command. The following is sample output of a crashinfo directory:

System reports are located in the crashinfo directory in the following format:

system-report_[switch number]_[date]-[timestamp]-UTC.gz

After a switch crashes, check for a system report file. The name of the most recently generated system report file is stored in the last_systemreport file under the crashinfo directory. The system report and crashinfo files assist TAC while troubleshooting the issue.

The system report generated can be further copied using TFTP, HTTP and few other options.

Device# copy crashinfo: ?
crashinfo:     Copy to crashinfo: file system 
flash:         Copy to flash: file system
ftp:           Copy to ftp: file system 
http:          Copy to http: file system 
https:         Copy to https: file system 
null:          Copy to null: file system
nvram:         Copy to nvram: file system
rcp:           Copy to rcp: file system
running-config Update (merge with) current system configuration
scp:           Copy to scp: file system
startup-config Copy to startup configuration
syslog:        Copy to syslog: file system
system:        Copy to system: file system
tftp:          Copy to tftp: file system
tmpsys:        Copy to tmpsys: file system

The general syntax for copying onto TFTP server is as follows:

Device# copy crashinfo: tftp:
Source filename [system-report_1_20150909-092728-UTC.gz]?
Address or name of remote host []?
Destination filename [system-report_1_20150909-092728-UTC.gz]?

The tracelogs can be collected by issuing a trace archive command. This command provides time period options. The command syntax is as follows:

Device# request platform software trace archive ?
last     Archive trace files of last x days
target   Location and name for the archive file

The tracelogs stored in crashinfo: or flash: directory from within the last 3650 days can be collected.

Device# request platform software trace archive last ?
<1-3650> Number of days (1-3650)
Switch#request platform software trace archive last 3650 days target ?
crashinfo: Archive file name and location
flash:     Archive file name and location


It is important to clear the system reports or trace archives from flash or crashinfo directory once they are copied out, in order to have space available for tracelogs and other purposes.

Onboard Failure Logging on the Switch

You can use the onboard failure logging (OBFL) feature to collect information about the Device. The information includes uptime, temperature, and voltage information and helps Cisco technical support representatives to troubleshoot Device problems. We recommend that you keep OBFL enabled and do not erase the data stored in the flash memory.

By default, OBFL is enabled. It collects information about the Device and small form-factor pluggable (SFP) modules. The Device stores this information in the flash memory:

  • CLI commands—Record of the OBFL CLI commands that are entered on a standalone Device.

  • Message—Record of the hardware-related system messages generated by a standalone Device .

  • Power over Ethernet (PoE)—Record of the power consumption of PoE ports on a standalone Device .

  • Temperature—Temperature of a standalone Device .

  • Uptime data—Time when a standalone Device starts, the reason the Device restarts, and the length of time the Device has been running since it last restarted.

  • Voltage—System voltages of a standalone Device .

You should manually set the system clock or configure it by using Network Time Protocol (NTP).

When the Device is running, you can retrieve the OBFL data by using the show logging onboard privileged EXEC commands. If the Device fails, contact your Cisco technical support representative to find out how to retrieve the data.

When an OBFL-enabled Device is restarted, there is a 10-minute delay before logging of new data begins.

Possible Symptoms of High CPU Utilization

Excessive CPU utilization might result in these symptoms, but the symptoms might also result from other causes, some of which are the following:

  • Spanning tree topology changes

  • EtherChannel links brought down due to loss of communication

  • Failure to respond to management requests (ICMP ping, SNMP timeouts, slow Telnet or SSH sessions)

  • UDLD flapping

  • IP SLAs failures because of SLAs responses beyond an acceptable threshold

  • DHCP or IEEE 802.1x failures if the switch does not forward or respond to requests

How to Troubleshoot the Software Configuration

Recovering from a Lost or Forgotten Password

The default configuration for the switch allows an end user with physical access to the switch to recover from a lost password by interrupting the boot process during power-on and by entering a new password. These recovery procedures require that you have physical access to the switch.


On these switches, a system administrator can disable some of the functionality of this feature by allowing an end user to reset a password only by agreeing to return to the default configuration. If you are an end user trying to reset a password when password recovery has been disabled, a status message shows this during the recovery process.


  1. Connect a terminal or PC to the switch.
  2. Set the line speed on the emulation software to 9600 baud.
  3. Power off the standalone switch or the entire switch stack.
  4. Reconnect the power cord to the switch or the active switch. As soon as the System LED blinks, press and release the Mode button 2-3 times. The switch enters the ROMMON mode.
  5. After recovering the password, reload the switch or the active switch.


Step 1

Connect a terminal or PC to the switch.

  • Connect a terminal or a PC with terminal-emulation software to the switch console port.

  • Connect a PC to the Ethernet management port.

Step 2

Set the line speed on the emulation software to 9600 baud.

Step 3

Power off the standalone switch or the entire switch stack.

Step 4

Reconnect the power cord to the switch or the active switch. As soon as the System LED blinks, press and release the Mode button 2-3 times. The switch enters the ROMMON mode.

The following console messages are displayed during the reload:

Initializing Hardware...

System Bootstrap, Version xx.x.1r [FC1], RELEASE SOFTWARE (P) 
Compiled Tue 09/29/2020 18:05:06 by rel

Current ROMMON image : Primary
C9200-24P platform with 4194304 Kbytes of main memory

Preparing to autoboot. [Press Ctrl-C to interrupt]  4    (interrupted) <-------- break sequence to be pressed

Proceed to the Procedure with Password Recovery Enabled section, and follow the steps.

Step 5

After recovering the password, reload the switch or the active switch.

On a switch:

Switch> reload
Proceed with reload? [confirm] y

Procedure with Password Recovery Enabled


Step 1

Enable manual boot mode.

Device: MANUAL_BOOT=yes

Step 2

Ignore the startup configuration with the following command:


Step 3

Boot the switch with the packages.conf file from flash.

Device: boot flash:packages.conf

Step 4

Terminate the initial configuration dialog by answering No.

Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no]: No

Step 5

At the switch prompt, enter privileged EXEC mode.

Device> enable      

Step 6

Copy the startup configuration to running configuration.

Device# copy startup-config running-config Destination filename [running-config]?

Press Return in response to the confirmation prompts. The configuration file is now reloaded, and you can change the password.

Step 7

Enter global configuration mode and change the enable password.

Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# enable secret password

Step 8

Set the SWITCH_IGNORE_STARTUP_CFG parameter to 0.

Device(config)# no system ignore startupconfig switch all
Device(config)# end

Step 9

Write the running configuration to the startup configuration file and save the configuration.

Device# copy running-config startup-config

Device# write memory     

Step 10

Confirm that manual boot mode is enabled.

Device# show boot
 BOOT variable = flash:packages.conf;
 Manual Boot = yes
 Enable Break = yes

Step 11

Reload the device.

Device# reload

Step 12

Boot the device with the packages.conf file from flash.

Device: boot flash:packages.conf

Step 13

After the device boots up, disable manual boot on the device.

Device(config)# no boot manual

Procedure with Password Recovery Disabled

If the password-recovery mechanism is disabled, this message appears:

The password-recovery mechanism has been triggered, but
is currently disabled.  Access to the boot loader prompt
through the password-recovery mechanism is disallowed at
this point.  However, if you agree to let the system be
reset back to the default system configuration, access
to the boot loader prompt can still be allowed.

Would you like to reset the system back to the default configuration (y/n)?


Returning the device to the default configuration results in the loss of all existing configurations. We recommend that you contact your system administrator to verify if there are backup device and VLAN configuration files.

  • If you enter n (no), the normal boot process continues as if the Mode button had not been pressed; you cannot access the boot loader prompt, and you cannot enter a new password. You see the message:

    Press Enter to continue........
  • If you enter y (yes), the configuration file in flash memory and the VLAN database file are deleted. When the default configuration loads, you can reset the password.


Step 1

Choose to continue with password recovery and delete the existing configuration:

Would you like to reset the system back to the default configuration (y/n)? Y 

Step 2

Display the contents of flash memory:

Device: dir flash:

The device file system appears.

Step 3

Boot up the system:

Device: boot

You are prompted to start the setup program. To continue with password recovery, enter N at the prompt:

Continue with the configuration dialog? [yes/no]: N

Step 4

At the device prompt, enter privileged EXEC mode:

Device> enable

Step 5

Enter global configuration mode:

Device# configure terminal

Step 6

Change the password:

Device(config)# enable secret password

The secret password can be from 1 to 25 alphanumeric characters, can start with a number, is case sensitive, and allows spaces but ignores leading spaces.

Step 7

Return to privileged EXEC mode:

Device(config)# exit



Before continuing to Step 9, power on any connected stack members and wait until they have completely initialized.

Step 8

Write the running configuration to the startup configuration file:

Device# copy running-config startup-config

The new password is now in the startup configuration.

Step 9

You must now reconfigure the device. If the system administrator has the backup device and VLAN configuration files available, you should use those.

Preventing Switch Stack Problems

To prevent switch stack problems, you should do the following:
  • Make sure that the Device that you add to or remove from the switch stack are powered off. For all powering considerations in switch stacks, see the “Switch Installation” chapter in the hardware installation guide.
  • Press the Mode button on a stack member until the Stack mode LED is on. The last two port LEDs on the Device should be green. Depending on the Device model, the last two ports are either 10/100/1000 ports or small form-factor pluggable (SFP) module. If one or both of the last two port LEDs are not green, the stack is not operating at full bandwidth.
  • We recommend using only one CLI session when managing the switch stack. Be careful when using multiple CLI sessions to the active switch . Commands that you enter in one session are not displayed in the other sessions. Therefore, it is possible that you might not be able to identify the session from which you entered a command.
  • Manually assigning stack member numbers according to the placement of the Device in the stack can make it easier to remotely troubleshoot the switch stack. However, you need to remember that the Device have manually assigned numbers if you add, remove, or rearrange Device later. Use the switch current-stack-member-number renumber new-stack-member-number global configuration command to manually assign a stack member number.

If you replace a stack member with an identical model, the new Device functions with the exact same configuration as the replaced Device. This is also assuming the new Device is using the same member number as the replaced Device.

Removing powered-on stack members causes the switch stack to divide (partition) into two or more switch stacks, each with the same configuration. If you want the switch stacks to remain separate, change the IP address or addresses of the newly created switch stacks. To recover from a partitioned switch stack, follow these steps:

  1. Power off the newly created switch stacks.

  2. Reconnect them to the original switch stack through their StackWise Plus ports.

  3. Power on the Device.

For the commands that you can use to monitor the switch stack and its members, see the Displaying Switch Stack Information section.

Preventing Autonegotiation Mismatches

The IEEE 802.3ab autonegotiation protocol manages the device settings for speed (10 Mb/s, 100 Mb/s, and 1000 Mb/s, excluding SFP module ports) and duplex (half or full). There are situations when this protocol can incorrectly align these settings, reducing performance. A mismatch occurs under these circumstances:

  • A manually set speed or duplex parameter is different from the manually set speed or duplex parameter on the connected port.

  • A port is set to autonegotiate, and the connected port is set to full duplex with no autonegotiation.

To maximize the device performance and ensure a link, follow one of these guidelines when changing the settings for duplex and speed:

  • Let both ports autonegotiate both speed and duplex.

  • Manually set the speed and duplex parameters for the ports on both ends of the connection.


If a remote device does not autonegotiate, configure the duplex settings on the two ports to match. The speed parameter can adjust itself even if the connected port does not autonegotiate.

Troubleshooting SFP Module Security and Identification

Cisco small form-factor pluggable (SFP) modules have a serial EEPROM that contains the module serial number, the vendor name and ID, a unique security code, and cyclic redundancy check (CRC). When an SFP module is inserted in the Device, the Device software reads the EEPROM to verify the serial number, vendor name and vendor ID, and recompute the security code and CRC. If the serial number, the vendor name or vendor ID, the security code, or CRC is invalid, the software generates a security error message and places the interface in an error-disabled state.


The security error message references the GBIC_SECURITY facility. The Device supports SFP modules and does not support GBIC modules. Although the error message text refers to GBIC interfaces and modules, the security messages actually refer to the SFP modules and module interfaces.

If you are using a non-Cisco SFP module, remove the SFP module from the Device, and replace it with a Cisco module. After inserting a Cisco SFP module, use the errdisable recovery cause gbic-invalid global configuration command to verify the port status, and enter a time interval for recovering from the error-disabled state. After the elapsed interval, the Device brings the interface out of the error-disabled state and retries the operation. For more information about the errdisable recovery command, see the command reference for this release.

If the module is identified as a Cisco SFP module, but the system is unable to read vendor-data information to verify its accuracy, an SFP module error message is generated. In this case, you should remove and reinsert the SFP module. If it continues to fail, the SFP module might be defective.

Executing Ping

If you attempt to ping a host in a different IP subnetwork, you must define a static route to the network or have IP routing configured to route between those subnets.

IP routing is disabled by default on all Device.


Though other protocol keywords are available with the ping command, they are not supported in this release.

Use this command to ping another device on the network from the Device:



ping ip host | address

Device# ping

Pings a remote host through IP or by supplying the hostname or network address.

Monitoring Temperature

The Device monitors the temperature conditions and uses the temperature information to control the fans.

Monitoring the Physical Path

You can monitor the physical path that a packet takes from a source device to a destination device by using one of these privileged EXEC commands:

Table 1. Monitoring the Physical Path
Command Purpose

tracetroute mac [interface interface-id] {source-mac-address} [interface interface-id] {destination-mac-address} [vlan vlan-id] [detail]

Displays the Layer 2 path taken by the packets from the specified source MAC address to the specified destination MAC address.

tracetroute mac ip {source-ip-address | source-hostname}{destination-ip-address | destination-hostname} [detail]

Displays the Layer 2 path taken by the packets from the specified source IP address or hostname to the specified destination IP address or hostname.

Executing IP Traceroute


Though other protocol keywords are available with the traceroute privileged EXEC command, they are not supported in this release.



traceroute ip host

Device# traceroute ip

Traces the path that packets take through the network.

Redirecting Debug and Error Message Output

By default, the network server sends the output from debug commands and system error messages to the console. If you use this default, you can use a virtual terminal connection to monitor debug output instead of connecting to the console port .

Possible destinations include the console, virtual terminals, internal buffer, and UNIX hosts running a syslog server. The syslog format is compatible with 4.3 Berkeley Standard Distribution (BSD) UNIX and its derivatives.


Be aware that the debugging destination you use affects system overhead. When you log messages to the console, very high overhead occurs. When you log messages to a virtual terminal, less overhead occurs. Logging messages to a syslog server produces even less, and logging to an internal buffer produces the least overhead of any method.

For more information about system message logging, see Configuring System Message Logging.

Using the show platform Command

The output from the show platform privileged EXEC command provides some useful information about the forwarding results if a packet entering an interface is sent through the system. Depending upon the parameters entered about the packet, the output provides lookup table results and port maps used to calculate forwarding destinations, bitmaps, and egress information.

Most of the information in the output from the command is useful mainly for technical support personnel, who have access to detailed information about the Device application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs). However, packet forwarding information can also be helpful in troubleshooting.

Using the show debug command

The show debug command is entered in privileged EXEC mode. This command displays all debug options available on the switch.

To view all conditional debug options run the command show debug condition The commands can be listed by selecting either a condition identifier <1-1000> or all conditions.

To disable debugging, use the no debug all command.


Because debugging output is assigned high priority in the CPU process, it can render the system unusable. For this reason, use debug commands only to troubleshoot specific problems or during troubleshooting sessions with Cisco technical support staff. Moreover, it is best to use debug commands during periods of lower network traffic and fewer users. Debugging during these periods decreases the likelihood that increased debug command processing overhead will affect system use.

Verifying Troubleshooting of the Software Configuration

Displaying OBFL Information

Example: Verifying the Problem and Cause for High CPU Utilization

To determine if high CPU utilization is a problem, enter the show processes cpu sorted privileged EXEC command. Note the underlined information in the first line of the output example.

Device# show processes cpu sorted
CPU utilization for five seconds: 8%/0%; one minute: 7%; five minutes: 8%
PID Runtime(ms) Invoked uSecs 5Sec 1Min 5Min TTY Process 
309 42289103 752750 56180 1.75% 1.20% 1.22% 0 RIP Timers 
140 8820183 4942081 1784 0.63% 0.37% 0.30% 0 HRPC qos request 
100 3427318 16150534 212 0.47% 0.14% 0.11% 0 HRPC pm-counters 
192 3093252 14081112 219 0.31% 0.14% 0.11% 0 Spanning Tree 
143 8 37 216 0.15% 0.01% 0.00% 0 Exec 
<output truncated>

This example shows normal CPU utilization. The output shows that utilization for the last 5 seconds is 8%/0%, which has this meaning:

  • The total CPU utilization is 8 percent, including both time running Cisco IOS processes and time spent handling interrupts.

  • The time spent handling interrupts is zero percent.

Table 2. Troubleshooting CPU Utilization Problems

Type of Problem


Corrective Action

Interrupt percentage value is almost as high as total CPU utilization value.

The CPU is receiving too many packets from the network.

Determine the source of the network packet. Stop the flow, or change the switch configuration. See the section on “Analyzing Network Traffic.”

Total CPU utilization is greater than 50% with minimal time spent on interrupts.

One or more Cisco IOS process is consuming too much CPU time. This is usually triggered by an event that activated the process.

Identify the unusual event, and troubleshoot the root cause. See the section on “Debugging Active Processes.”

Scenarios for Troubleshooting the Software Configuration

Scenarios to Troubleshoot Power over Ethernet (PoE)

Table 3. Power over Ethernet Troubleshooting Scenarios

Symptom or Problem

Possible Cause and Solution

Only one port does not have PoE.

Trouble is on only one switch port. PoE and non-PoE devices do not work on this port, but do on other ports.

Verify that the powered device works on another PoE port.

Use the show run , or show interface status user EXEC commands to verify that the port is not shut down or error-disabled.



Most switches turn off port power when the port is shut down, even though the IEEE specifications make this optional.

Verify that power inline never is not configured on that interface or port.

Verify that the Ethernet cable from the powered device to the switch port is good: Connect a known good non-PoE Ethernet device to the Ethernet cable, and make sure that the powered device establishes a link and exchanges traffic with another host.



Cisco powered device works only with straight cable and not with crossover one.

Verify that the total cable length from the switch front panel to the powered device is not more than 100 meters.

Disconnect the Ethernet cable from the switch port. Use a short Ethernet cable to connect a known good Ethernet device directly to this port on the switch front panel (not on a patch panel). Verify that it can establish an Ethernet link and exchange traffic with another host, or ping the port VLAN SVI. Next, connect a powered device to this port, and verify that it powers on.

If a powered device does not power on when connected with a patch cord to the switch port, compare the total number of connected powered devices to the switch power budget (available PoE). Use the show power inline command to verify the amount of available power.

No PoE on all ports or a group of ports.

Trouble is on all switch ports. Nonpowered Ethernet devices cannot establish an Ethernet link on any port, and PoE devices do not power on.

If there is a continuous, intermittent, or reoccurring alarm related to power, replace the power supply if possible it is a field-replaceable unit. Otherwise, replace the switch.

If the problem is on a consecutive group of ports but not all ports, the power supply is probably not defective, and the problem could be related to PoE regulators in the switch.

Use the show log privileged EXEC command to review alarms or system messages that previously reported PoE conditions or status changes.

If there are no alarms, use the show interface status command to verify that the ports are not shut down or error-disabled. If ports are error-disabled, use the shut and no shut interface configuration commands to reenable the ports.

Use the show env power and show power inline privileged EXEC commands to review the PoE status and power budget (available PoE).

Review the running configuration to verify that power inline never is not configured on the ports.

Connect a nonpowered Ethernet device directly to a switch port. Use only a short patch cord. Do not use the existing distribution cables. Enter the shut and no shut interface configuration commands, and verify that an Ethernet link is established. If this connection is good, use a short patch cord to connect a powered device to this port and verify that it powers on. If the device powers on, verify that all intermediate patch panels are correctly connected.

Disconnect all but one of the Ethernet cables from switch ports. Using a short patch cord, connect a powered device to only one PoE port. Verify the powered device does not require more power than can be delivered by the switch port.

Use the show power inline privileged EXEC command to verify that the powered device can receive power when the port is not shut down. Alternatively, watch the powered device to verify that it powers on.

If a powered device can power on when only one powered device is connected to the switch, enter the shut and no shut interface configuration commands on the remaining ports, and then reconnect the Ethernet cables one at a time to the switch PoE ports. Use the show interface status and show power inline privileged EXEC commands to monitor inline power statistics and port status.

If there is still no PoE at any port, a fuse might be open in the PoE section of the power supply. This normally produces an alarm. Check the log again for alarms reported earlier by system messages.

Cisco pre-standard powered device disconnects or resets.

After working normally, a Cisco phone intermittently reloads or disconnects from PoE.

Verify all electrical connections from the switch to the powered device. Any unreliable connection results in power interruptions and irregular powered device functioning such as erratic powered device disconnects and reloads.

Verify that the cable length is not more than 100 meters from the switch port to the powered device.

Notice what changes in the electrical environment at the switch location or what happens at the powered device when the disconnect occurs.

Notice whether any error messages appear at the same time a disconnect occurs. Use the show log privileged EXEC command to review error messages.

Verify that an IP phone is not losing access to the Call Manager immediately before the reload occurs. (It might be a network problem and not a PoE problem.)

Replace the powered device with a non-PoE device, and verify that the device works correctly. If a non-PoE device has link problems or a high error rate, the problem might be an unreliable cable connection between the switch port and the powered device.

IEEE 802.3af-compliant or IEEE 802.3at-compliant powered devices do not work on Cisco PoE switch.

A non-Cisco powered device is connected to a Cisco PoE switch, but never powers on or powers on and then quickly powers off. Non-PoE devices work normally.

Use the show power inline command to verify that the switch power budget (available PoE) is not depleted before or after the powered device is connected. Verify that sufficient power is available for the powered device type before you connect it.

Use the show interface status command to verify that the switch detects the connected powered device.

Use the show log command to review system messages that reported an overcurrent condition on the port. Identify the symptom precisely: Does the powered device initially power on, but then disconnect? If so, the problem might be an initial surge-in (or inrush) current that exceeds a current-limit threshold for the port.

Configuration Examples for Troubleshooting Software

Example: Pinging an IP Host

This example shows how to ping an IP host:

Device# ping

Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echoes to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/2/4 ms
Table 4. Ping Output Display Characters




Each exclamation point means receipt of a reply.


Each period means the network server timed out while waiting for a reply.


A destination unreachable error PDU was received.


A congestion experienced packet was received.


User interrupted test.


Unknown packet type.


Packet lifetime exceeded.

To end a ping session, enter the escape sequence (Ctrl-^ X by default). Simultaneously press and release the Ctrl, Shift, and 6 keys and then press the X key.

Example: Performing a Traceroute to an IP Host

This example shows how to perform a traceroute to an IP host:

Device# traceroute ip

Type escape sequence to abort.
Tracing the route to

  1 0 msec 0 msec 4 msec
  2 12 msec 8 msec 0 msec
  3 4 msec 0 msec 0 msec
  4 0 msec 4 msec 0 msec

The display shows the hop count, the IP address of the router, and the round-trip time in milliseconds for each of the three probes that are sent.

Table 5. Traceroute Output Display Characters




The probe timed out.


Unknown packet type.


Administratively unreachable. Usually, this output means that an access list is blocking traffic.


Host unreachable.


Network unreachable.


Protocol unreachable.


Source quench.


Port unreachable.

To end a trace in progress, enter the escape sequence (Ctrl-^ X by default). Simultaneously press and release the Ctrl, Shift, and 6 keys and then press the X key.

Feature History for Troubleshooting Software Configuration

This table provides release and related information for features explained in this module.

These features are available on all releases subsequent to the one they were introduced in, unless noted otherwise.



Feature Information

Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.2

Troubleshooting Software Configuration

Troubleshooting software configuration describes how to identify and resolve software problems related to the Cisco IOS software on the switch.

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform and software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to