Stack Manager and High Availability Commands

debug platform stack-manager

To enable debugging of the stack manager software, use the debug platform stack-manager command in privileged EXEC mode. To disable debugging, use the no form of this command.

debug platform stack-manager {level1 | level2 | level3 | sdp | serviceability | sim | ssm | trace} [switch switch-number]

no debug platform stack-manager {level1 | level2 | level3 | sdp | serviceability | sim | ssm | trace} [switch switch-number]

Syntax Description


Enables level 1 debug logs.


Enables level 2 debug logs.


Enables level 3 debug logs.


Displays the Stack Discovery Protocol (SDP) debug messages.


Displays stack manager serviceability debug messages.


Displays the stack information module debug messages.


Displays the stack state-machine debug messages.


Traces the stack manager entry and exit debug messages.

switch switch-number

(Optional) Specifies the stack member number to enable debugging on. The range is 1 to 9.

Command Default

Debugging is disabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.1a

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is supported only on stacking-capable switches.

The undebug platform stack-manager command is the same as the no debug platform stack-manager command.


To create a maintenance template, use the maintenance-template template_name command in the global configuration mode. To delete the template, use the no form of the command.

maintenance-template template_name

no maintenance-template template_name

Syntax Description


Creates a template for GIR with a specific name.


Name of the maintanence template.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.6.1

This command was introduced.



The following example shows how to configure a maintenance template with the name g1:

Device(config)# maintenance template g1


To enter the redundancy main configuration submode and enable the standby switch, use the main-cpu command in redundancy configuration mode.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Redundancy configuration (config-red)

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.1a

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

From the redundancy main configuration submode, use the standby console enable command to enable the standby switch.


This example shows how to enter the redundancy main configuration submode and enable the standby switch:

Device(config)# redundancy
Device(config-red)# main-cpu
Device(config-r-mc)# standby console enable

mode sso

To set the redundancy mode to stateful switchover (SSO), use the mode sso command in redundancy configuration mode.

mode sso

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Redundancy configuration

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.1a

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The mode sso command can be entered only from within redundancy configuration mode.

Follow these guidelines when configuring your system to SSO mode:

  • You must use identical Cisco IOS images on the switches in the stack to support SSO mode. Redundancy may not work due to differences between the Cisco IOS releases.

  • If you perform an online insertion and removal (OIR) of the module, the switch resets during the stateful switchover and the port states are restarted only if the module is in a transient state (any state other than Ready).

  • The forwarding information base (FIB) tables are cleared on a switchover. Routed traffic is interrupted until route tables reconverge.


This example shows how to set the redundancy mode to SSO:

Device(config)# redundancy
Device(config-red)# mode sso

policy config-sync prc reload

To reload the standby switch if a parser return code (PRC) failure occurs during configuration synchronization, use the policy config-sync reload command in redundancy configuration mode. To specify that the standby switch is not reloaded if a parser return code (PRC) failure occurs, use the no form of this command.

policy config-sync {bulk | lbl} prc reload

no policy config-sync {bulk | lbl} prc reload

Syntax Description


Specifies bulk configuration mode.


Specifies line-by-line (lbl) configuration mode.

Command Default

The command is enabled by default.

Command Modes

Redundancy configuration (config-red)

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.1a

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to specify that the standby switch is not reloaded if a parser return code (PRC) failure occurs during configuration synchronization:

Device(config-red)# no policy config-sync bulk prc reload


To enter redundancy configuration mode, use the redundancy command in global configuration mode.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.1a

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The redundancy configuration mode is used to enter the main CPU submode, which is used to enable the standby switch.

To enter the main CPU submode, use the main-cpu command while in redundancy configuration mode.

From the main CPU submode, use the standby console enable command to enable the standby switch.

Use the exit command to exit redundancy configuration mode.


This example shows how to enter redundancy configuration mode:

(config)# redundancy

This example shows how to enter the main CPU submode:

(config)# redundancy
(config-red)# main-cpu

redundancy config-sync mismatched-commands

To allow the standby switch to join the stack if a configuration mismatch occurs between the active and standby switches, use the redundancy config-sync mismatched-commands command in privileged EXEC mode.

redundancy config-sync {ignore | validate} mismatched-commands

Syntax Description


Ignores the mismatched command list.


Revalidates the mismatched command list with the modified running-configuration.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.1a

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If the command syntax check in the running configuration of the active switch fails while the standby switch is booting, use the redundancy config-sync mismatched-commands command to display the Mismatched Command List (MCL) on the active switch and to reboot the standby switch.

The following is a log entry example for mismatched commands:

00:06:31: Config Sync: Bulk-sync failure due to Servicing Incompatibility. Please check full list of mismatched commands via:
show redundancy config-sync failures mcl
00:06:31: Config Sync: Starting lines from MCL file:
interface GigabitEthernet7/7
! <submode> "interface"
- ip address
! </submode> "interface"

To display all mismatched commands, use the show redundancy config-sync failures mcl command.

To clean the MCL, follow these steps:

  1. Remove all mismatched commands from the running configuration of the active switch.

  2. Revalidate the MCL with a modified running configuration by using the redundancy config-sync validate mismatched-commands command.

  3. Reload the standby switch.

You can ignore the MCL by doing the following:

  1. Enter the redundancy config-sync ignore mismatched-commands command.

  2. Reload the standby switch; the system changes to SSO mode.


    If you ignore the mismatched commands, the out-of-sync configuration at the active switch and the standby switch still exists.

  3. Verify the ignored MCL with the show redundancy config-sync ignored mcl command.

If SSO mode cannot be established between the active and standby switches because of an incompatibility in the configuration file, a mismatched command list (MCL) is generated at the active switch and a reload into route processor redundancy (RPR) mode is forced for the standby switch.


This example shows how to revalidate the mismatched command list with the modified configuration:

# redundancy config-sync validate mismatched-commands

redundancy force-switchover

To force a switchover from the active switch to the standby switch, use the redundancy force-switchover command in privileged EXEC mode.

redundancy force-switchover

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.1a

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the redundancy force-switchover command to manually switch over to the redundant switch. The redundant switch becomes the new active switch that runs the Cisco IOS XE image, and the modules are reset to their default settings. The old active switch reboots with the new image.

If you use the redundancy force-switchover command on the active switch, the switchports on the active switch go down.

If you use this command on a switch that is in a partial ring stack, the following warning message appears:

Device# redundancy force-switchover

Stack is in Half ring setup; Reloading a switch might cause stack split
This will reload the active unit and force switchover to standby[confirm]


This example shows how to manually switch over from the active to the standby supervisor engine:

Device# redundancy force-switchover

redundancy reload

To force a reload of one or all of the switches in the stack, use the redundancy reload command in privileged EXEC mode.

redundancy reload {peer | shelf}

Syntax Description


Reloads the peer unit.


Reboots all switches in the stack.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.1a

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Before using this command, see the “Performing a Software Upgrade” section of the for additional information.

Use the redundancy reload shelf command to reboot all the switches in the stack.


This example shows how to manually reload all switches in the stack:

# redundancy reload shelf


To reload the stack member and to apply a configuration change, use the reload command in privileged EXEC mode.

reload [/noverify | /verify] [LINE | at | cancel | in | slot stack-member-number | standby-cpu]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specifies to not verify the file signature before the reload.


(Optional) Verifies the file signature before the reload.


(Optional) Reason for the reload.


(Optional) Specifies the time in hh:mm for the reload to occur.


(Optional) Cancels the pending reload.


(Optional) Specifies a time interval for reloads to occur.


(Optional) Saves the changes on the specified stack member and then restarts it.


(Optional) Stack member number on which to save the changes. The range is 1 to 8.


(Optional) Reloads the standby route processor (RP).

Command Default

Immediately reloads the stack member and puts a configuration change into effect.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.1a

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If there is more than one switch in the switch stack, and you enter the reload slot stack-member-number command, you are not prompted to save the configuration.


This example shows how to reload the switch stack:

Device# reload
System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]: yes
Reload command is being issued on Active unit, this will reload the whole stack
Proceed with reload? [confirm] yes

This example shows how to reload a specific stack member:

Device# reload slot 6
Proceed with reload? [confirm] y

This example shows how to reload a single-switch switch stack (there is only one member switch):

Device# reload slot 3
System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]: y
Proceed to reload the whole Stack? [confirm] y

router routing protocol shutdown l2

To create instances that should be isolated within a maintenance template, use the router routing_protocol instance_id | shutdown l2 command in the maintenance template configuration mode. To delete the instance, use the no form of the command.

{ router routing_protocol instance_id | shutdown l2 }

no{ router routing_protocol instance_id | shutdown l2 }

Syntax Description


Configures instance associated with routing protocol.


Routing protocol defined for the template.


Instance ID associated with the routing protocol.

shutdown l2

Configures instance to shut down layer 2 interfaces.

Command Default


Command Modes

Maintenance template configuration (config-maintenance-temp)

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.6.1

This command was introduced.



The following example shows how to create an instance for ISIS with an instance ID of one under maintenance template temp1:

Device(config)# maintenance template g1
Device(config-maintenance-templ)# router isis 1

The following example shows how to create an instance for shutting down layer 2 interfaces under maintenance template g1:

Device(config)# maintenance template g1
Device(config-maintenance-templ)# shutdown l2


To access the diagnostic shell of a specific stack member or to access the Cisco IOS prompt of the standby use the session command in privileged EXEC mode on the active .

session {standby ios | switch [stack-member-number]}

Syntax Description

standby ios

Accesses the Cisco IOS prompt of the standby .



You cannot configure the standby using this command.


Accesses the diagnostic shell of a stack member.


(Optional) Stack member number to access from the active switch. The range is 1 to 8.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.1a

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When you access the Cisco IOS prompt on the standby , -stby is appended to the system prompt. You cannot configure the standby at the -stby> prompt.

When you access the diagnostic shell of a stack member, (diag) is appended to the system prompt.


This example shows how to access stack member 3:

# session switch 3

This example shows how to access the standby :

# session standby ios

show redundancy

To display redundancy facility information, use the show redundancy command in privileged EXEC mode

show redundancy [clients | config-sync | counters | history [reload | reverse] | slaves [slave-name] {clients | counters} | states | switchover history [domain default]]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays information about the redundancy facility client.


(Optional) Displays a configuration synchronization failure or the ignored mismatched command list (MCL).


(Optional) Displays information about the redundancy facility counter.


(Optional) Displays a log of past status and related information for the redundancy facility.

history reload

(Optional) Displays a log of past reload information for the redundancy facility.

history reverse

(Optional) Displays a reverse log of past status and related information for the redundancy facility.


(Optional) Displays all standby switches in the redundancy facility.


(Optional) The name of the redundancy facility standby switch to display specific information for. Enter additional keywords to display all clients or counters in the specified standby switch.


Displays all redundancy facility clients in the specified secondary switch.


Displays all counters in the specified standby switch.


(Optional) Displays information about the redundancy facility state, such as disabled, initialization, standby or active.

switchover history

(Optional) Displays information about the redundancy facility switchover history.

domain default

(Optional) Displays the default domain as the domain to display switchover history for.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.1a

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to display information about the redundancy facility:

Device# show redundancy

Redundant System Information :
       Available system uptime = 6 days, 5 hours, 28 minutes
Switchovers system experienced = 0
              Standby failures = 0
        Last switchover reason = none

                 Hardware Mode = Duplex
    Configured Redundancy Mode = sso
     Operating Redundancy Mode = sso
              Maintenance Mode = Disabled
                Communications = Up

Current Processor Information :
               Active Location = slot 5
        Current Software state = ACTIVE
       Uptime in current state = 6 days, 5 hours, 28 minutes
                 Image Version = Cisco IOS Software, Catalyst L3 Switch Software
(CAT9K_IOSXE),Experimental Version 16.x.x [S2C-build-v16x_throttle-4064-/
nobackup/mcpre/BLD-BLD_V16x_THROTTLE_LATEST 102]
Copyright (c) 1986-201x by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 07-Oct-xx 03:57 by mcpre
                          BOOT = bootflash:packages.conf;
        Configuration register = 0x102

Peer Processor Information :
              Standby Location = slot 6
        Current Software state = STANDBY HOT 
       Uptime in current state = 6 days, 5 hours, 25 minutes
                 Image Version = Cisco IOS Software, Catalyst L3 Switch Software
(CAT9K_IOSXE), Experimental Version 16.x.x [S2C-build-v16x_throttle-4064-/
nobackup/mcpre/BLD-BLD_V16x_THROTTLE_LATEST_20191007_000645 102]
Copyright (c) 1986-201x by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Mon 07-Oct-xx 03:57 by mcpre
                          BOOT = bootflash:packages.conf;
                   CONFIG_FILE = 
        Configuration register = 0x102

This example shows how to display redundancy facility client information:

Device# show redundancy clients

Group ID =     1
     clientID = 29       clientSeq = 60       Redundancy Mode RF
     clientID = 139      clientSeq = 62       IfIndex
     clientID = 25       clientSeq = 71       CHKPT RF
     clientID = 10001    clientSeq = 85       QEMU Platform RF
     clientID = 77       clientSeq = 87       Event Manager
     clientID = 1340     clientSeq = 104      RP Platform RF
     clientID = 1501     clientSeq = 105      CWAN HA
     clientID = 78       clientSeq = 109      TSPTUN HA
     clientID = 305      clientSeq = 110      Multicast ISSU Consolidation RF
     clientID = 304      clientSeq = 111      IP multicast RF Client
     clientID = 22       clientSeq = 112      Network RF Client
     clientID = 88       clientSeq = 113      HSRP
     clientID = 114      clientSeq = 114      GLBP
     clientID = 225      clientSeq = 115      VRRP
     clientID = 4700     clientSeq = 118      COND_DEBUG RF
     clientID = 1341     clientSeq = 119      IOSXE DPIDX
     clientID = 1505     clientSeq = 120      IOSXE SPA TSM
     clientID = 75       clientSeq = 130      Tableid HA
     clientID = 501      clientSeq = 137      LAN-Switch VTP VLAN

<output truncated>

The output displays the following information:

  • clientID displays the client’s ID number.

  • clientSeq displays the client’s notification sequence number.

  • Current redundancy facility state.

This example shows how to display the redundancy facility counter information:

Device# show redundancy counters

Redundancy Facility OMs
               comm link up = 0 
             comm link down = 0 

          invalid client tx = 0 
          null tx by client = 0 
                tx failures = 0 
      tx msg length invalid = 0 

      client not rxing msgs = 0 
 rx peer msg routing errors = 0 
           null peer msg rx = 0 
        errored peer msg rx = 0 

                 buffers tx = 135884 
     tx buffers unavailable = 0 
                 buffers rx = 135109 
      buffer release errors = 0 

 duplicate client registers = 0 
  failed to register client = 0 
       Invalid client syncs = 0 


This example shows how to display redundancy facility history information:

Device# show redundancy history

00:00:04 client added: Redundancy Mode RF(29) seq=60
00:00:04 client added: IfIndex(139) seq=62
00:00:04 client added: CHKPT RF(25) seq=71
00:00:04 client added: QEMU Platform RF(10001) seq=85
00:00:04 client added: Event Manager(77) seq=87
00:00:04 client added: RP Platform RF(1340) seq=104
00:00:04 client added: CWAN HA(1501) seq=105
00:00:04 client added: Network RF Client(22) seq=112
00:00:04 client added: IOSXE SPA TSM(1505) seq=120
00:00:04 client added: LAN-Switch VTP VLAN(501) seq=137
00:00:04 client added: XDR RRP RF Client(71) seq=139
00:00:04 client added: CEF RRP RF Client(24) seq=140
00:00:04 client added: MFIB RRP RF Client(306) seq=150
00:00:04 client added: RFS RF(520) seq=163
00:00:04 client added: klib(33014) seq=167
00:00:04 client added: Config Sync RF client(5) seq=168
00:00:04 client added: NGWC FEC Rf client(10007) seq=173
00:00:04 client added: LAN-Switch Port Manager(502) seq=190
00:00:04 client added: Access Tunnel(530) seq=192
00:00:04 client added: Mac address Table Manager(519) seq=193
00:00:04 client added: DHCPC(100) seq=238
00:00:04 client added: DHCPD(101) seq=239
00:00:04 client added: SNMP RF Client(34) seq=251
00:00:04 client added: CWAN APS HA RF Client(1502) seq=252
00:00:04 client added: History RF Client(35) seq=261

<output truncated>

This example shows how to display information about the redundancy facility standby switches:

Device# show redundancy slaves

Group ID =   1
Slave/Process ID =  6107   Slave Name = [installer]
Slave/Process ID =  6109   Slave Name = [eicored]
Slave/Process ID =  6128   Slave Name = [snmp_subagent]
Slave/Process ID =  8897   Slave Name = [wcm]
Slave/Process ID =  8898   Slave Name = [table_mgr]
Slave/Process ID =  8901   Slave Name = [iosd]


This example shows how to display information about the redundancy facility state:

Device# show redundancy states

       my state = 13 -ACTIVE 
     peer state = 8  -STANDBY HOT 
           Mode = Duplex
           Unit = Primary
        Unit ID = 5

Redundancy Mode (Operational) = sso
Redundancy Mode (Configured)  = sso
Redundancy State              = sso
     Maintenance Mode = Disabled
    Manual Swact = enabled
 Communications = Up

   client count = 115
 client_notification_TMR = 30000 milliseconds
           RF debug mask = 0x0


show redundancy config-sync

To display a configuration synchronization failure or the ignored mismatched command list (MCL), if any, use the show redundancy config-sync command in EXEC mode.

show redundancy config-sync {failures {bem | mcl | prc} | ignored failures mcl}

Syntax Description


Displays MCL entries or best effort method (BEM)/Parser Return Code (PRC) failures.


Displays a BEM failed command list, and forces the standby switch to reboot.


Displays commands that exist in the switch’s running configuration but are not supported by the image on the standby switch, and forces the standby switch to reboot.


Displays a PRC failed command list and forces the standby switch to reboot.

ignored failures mcl

Displays the ignored MCL failures.

Command Default


Command Modes


Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.1a

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When two versions of Cisco IOS images are involved, the command sets supported by two images might differ. If any of those mismatched commands are executed on the active switch, the standby switch might not recognize those commands, which causes a configuration mismatch condition. If the syntax check for the command fails on the standby switch during a bulk synchronization, the command is moved into the MCL and the standby switch is reset. To display all the mismatched commands, use the show redundancy config-sync failures mcl command.

To clean the MCL, follow these steps:

  1. Remove all mismatched commands from the active switch's running configuration.

  2. Revalidate the MCL with a modified running configuration by using the redundancy config-sync validate mismatched-commands command.

  3. Reload the standby switch.

Alternatively, you could ignore the MCL by following these steps:

  1. Enter the redundancy config-sync ignore mismatched-commands command.

  2. Reload the standby switch; the system transitions to SSO mode.


    If you ignore the mismatched commands, the out-of-synchronization configuration on the active switch and the standby switch still exists.

  3. You can verify the ignored MCL with the show redundancy config-sync ignored mcl command.

Each command sets a return code in the action function that implements the command. This return code indicates whether or not the command successfully executes. The active switch maintains the PRC after executing a command. The standby switch executes the command and sends the PRC back to the active switch. A PRC failure occurs if these two PRCs do not match. If a PRC error occurs at the standby switch either during bulk synchronization or line-by-line (LBL) synchronization, the standby switch is reset. To display all PRC failures, use the show redundancy config-sync failures prc command.

To display best effort method (BEM) errors, use the show redundancy config-sync failures bem command.


This example shows how to display the BEM failures:

Device> show redundancy config-sync failures bem
BEM Failed Command List

 The list is Empty

This example shows how to display the MCL failures:

Device> show redundancy config-sync failures mcl
Mismatched Command List

The list is Empty

This example shows how to display the PRC failures:

Device# show redundancy config-sync failures prc
PRC Failed Command List

 The list is Empty

show switch

To display information that is related to the stack member or the switch stack, use the show switch command in EXEC mode.

show switch [stack-member-number | detail | neighbors | stack-ports [summary]]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Number of the stack member. The range is 1 to 9.


(Optional) Displays detailed information about the stack ring.


(Optional) Displays the neighbors of the entire switch stack.


(Optional) Displays port information for the entire switch stack.


(Optional) Displays the stack cable length, the stack link status, and the loopback status.

Command Default


Command Modes


Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.1a

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays these states:

  • Initializing—A switch has been just added to the stack and it has not completed the basic initialization to go to the ready state.

  • HA Sync in Progress—After the standby is elected, the corresponding switch remains in this state until the synchronization is completed.

  • Syncing—A switch that is added to an already existing stack remains in this state until the switch add sequence is complete.

  • Ready—The member has completed loading the system- and interface-level configurations and can forward traffic.

  • V-Mismatch—A switch in version mismatch mode. Version-mismatch mode is when a switch that joins the stack has a software version that is incompatible with the active switch.

  • Provisioned—The state of a preconfigured switch before it becomes an active member of a switch stack. The MAC address and the priority number in the display are always 0 for the provisioned switch.

  • Unprovisioned—The state of a switch when the provisioned switch number was unprovisioned using the no switch switch-number provision command.

  • Removed—A switch that was present in the stack was removed using the reload slot command.

  • Sync not started—When multiple switches are added to an existing stack together, the active switch adds them one by one. The switch that is being added is in the Syncing state. The switches that have not been added yet are in the Sync not started state.

  • Lic-Mismatch—A switch has a different license level than the active switch.

A typical state transition for a stack member (including an active switch) booting up is Waiting > Initializing > Ready.

A typical state transition for a stack member in version mismatch (VM) mode is Waiting > Ver Mismatch.

You can use the show switch command to identify whether the provisioned switch exists in the switch stack. The show running-config and the show startup-config privileged EXEC commands do not provide this information.

The display also includes stack MAC-persistency wait-time if persistent MAC address is enabled.


This example shows how to display summary stack information:

This example shows how to display detailed stack information:

This example shows how to display the member 6 summary information:

# show switch 6
Switch#  Role      Mac Address     Priority     State
 6       Member     0003.e31a.1e00     1         Ready

This example shows how to display the neighbor information for a stack:

# show switch neighbors
  Switch #    Port A       Port B
  --------    ------       ------
      6        None           8
      8         6            None

This example shows how to display stack-port information:

# show switch stack-ports
  Switch #    Port A       Port B
  --------    ------       ------
    6          Down          Ok
    8           Ok          Down

This example shows the output for the show switch stack-ports summary command. The table that follows describes the fields in the display.

# show switch stack-ports summary
Switch#/  Stack   Neighbor   Cable    Link   Link   Sync      #         In  
 Port#     Port              Length    OK   Active   OK    Changes   Loopback
          Status                                          To LinkOK          
--------  ------  --------  --------  ----  ------  ----  ---------  --------
  1/1     Down      2       50 cm     No     NO      No      10         No
  1/2     Ok        3       1 m       Yes    Yes     Yes     0          No
  2/1     Ok        5       3 m       Yes    Yes     Yes     0          No
  2/2     Down      1       50 cm     No     No      No      10         No
  3/1     Ok        1       1 m       Yes    Yes     Yes     0          No
  3/2     Ok        5       1 m       Yes    Yes     Yes     0          No
  5/1     Ok        3       1 m       Yes    Yes     Yes     0          No 
  5/2     Ok        2       3 m       Yes    Yes     Yes     0          No

Table 1. Show switch stack-ports summary Command Output




Member number and its stack port number.

Stack Port Status

Status of the stack port.

  • Down—A cable is detected, but either no connected neighbor is up, or the stack port is disabled.
  • OK—A cable is detected, and the connected neighbor is up.


Switch number of the active member at the other end of the stack cable.

Cable Length

Valid lengths are 50 cm, 1 m, or 3 m.

If the switch cannot detect the cable length, the value is no cable. The cable might not be connected, or the link might be unreliable.

Link OK

Whether the stack cable is connected and functional. There may or may not be a neighbor connected on the other end.

The link partner is a stack port on a neighbor switch.

  • No—There is no stack cable connected to this port or the stack cable is not functional.
  • Yes—There is a functional stack cable connected to this port.

Link Active

Whether a neighbor is connected on the other end of the stack cable.

  • No—No neighbor is detected on the other end. The port cannot send traffic over this link.
  • Yes—A neighbor is detected on the other end. The port can send traffic over this link.

Sync OK

Whether the link partner sends valid protocol messages to the stack port.

  • No—The link partner does not send valid protocol messages to the stack port.
  • Yes—The link partner sends valid protocol messages to the port.

# Changes to LinkOK

The relative stability of the link.

If a large number of changes occur in a short period of time, link flapping can occur.

In Loopback

Whether a stack cable is attached to a stack port on the member.

  • No— At least one stack port on the member has an attached stack cable.
  • Yes—None of the stack ports on the member has an attached stack cable.

show switch stack-mode

To display and verify the current stack mode on a device, use the show switch stack-mode command in priviledged EXEC mode.

show switch stack-mode

Command Default


Command Modes

priviledged EXEC

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.6.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The show switch stack-mode command displays detailed status of the currently running stack mode. Fields dispalyed for each one of the devices in the stack include: the role of the device, its MAC address, the stack mode after reboot, the current stack mode, and so on.


Device# show switch stack-mode
Switch   Role    Mac Address    Version   Mode    Configured   State
1       Member 3c5e.c357.c880             1+1'     Active'     Ready
*2      Active 547c.69de.cd00    V05      1+1'     Standby'    Ready
3       Member 547c.6965.cf80    V05      1+1'     Member'     Ready

The Mode field indicates the current stack mode

The Configured field refers to the device state expected after a reboot.

Single quotation marks ( ' ) indicate that the stack mode has been changed.

show tech-support stack

To display all switch stack-related information for use by technical support, use the show tech-support stack command in privileged EXEC mode.

show tech-support stack

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.10.1

This command was introduced.

Cisco IOS XE Gibraltar 16.12.1

The output for this command was enhanced to include more stack-related information.

Usage Guidelines

The show tech-support stack command captures the snapshot of stacking states and information for debug issues. Use this command, when stacking issues (such as stack cable issue, silent reload, switch not coming to ready state, stack crash, and so on) occur.

The output of the show tech-support stack command is very long. To better manage this output, you can redirect the output to a file (for example, show tech-support stack | redirect flash:filename ) in the local writable storage file system or remote file system.

The output of the show tech stack command displays the output of the following commands:

Cisco Catalyst 9300 Series Switches
  • show clock

  • show version

  • show running-config

  • show redundancy switchover history

  • show switch stack-ports summary

  • show switch stack-mode

  • show switch stack-ring speed

  • show switch stack-bandwidth

  • show switch detail

  • show switch neighbors

The following commands are only available on stacked switches in ready state

  • show platform software stack-mgr switch

  • show platform software sif switch

  • show platform hardware fed switch

  • dir crashinfo:

  • dir flash:/core

The following commands are only available on non-stackable switches in ready state:

  • show redundancy switchover history

  • show platform software fed switch active

  • show platform software fed switch standby

  • show stackwise-virtual bandwidth

  • show stackwise-virtual dual-active-detection

  • show stackwise-virtual link

  • show stackwise-virtual neighbors

  • dir crashinfo:

  • dir flash:/core


The following is sample output from the show tech-support stack command:

Device# show tech-support stack                                                   
 ------------------show switch stack-ports summary ------------------

Sw#/Port#  Port Status  Neighbor  Cable Length   Link OK   Link Active   Sync OK   #Changes to LinkOK  In Loopback 
1/1        OK           3         50cm           Yes       Yes           Yes       1                   No           
1/2        OK           2         50cm           Yes       Yes           Yes       1                   No           
2/1        OK           1         50cm           Yes       Yes           Yes       1                   No           
2/2        OK           3         50cm           Yes       Yes           Yes       1                   No           
3/1        OK           2         50cm           Yes       Yes           Yes       1                   No           
3/2        OK           1         50cm           Yes       Yes           Yes       1                   No           

------------------ show switch stack-mode ------------------

Switch#  Role    Mac Address     Version   Mode  Configured  State 
*1      Active   046c.9d1e.f380            N+1     None       Ready               
 2      Member   0c75.bd11.5d80    V01     N+1     None       Ready               
 3      Standby  0c75.bd11.59ff    P1A     N+1     None       Ready               

------------------show switch stack-bandwidth ------------------

                   Stack       Current
Switch#   Role     Bandwidth   State
*1       Active    480G        Ready               
 2       Member    480G        Ready               
 3       Standby   480G        Ready               

------------------show switch stack-ring speed ------------------

Stack Ring Speed        : 480G
Stack Ring Configuration: Full
Stack Ring Protocol     : StackWise

------------------ show switch detail ------------------

Switch/Stack Mac Address : 046c.9d1e.f380 - Local Mac Address
Mac persistency wait time: Indefinite
                                             H/W   Current
Switch#   Role    Mac Address     Priority Version  State 
*1       Active   046c.9d1e.f380     1              Ready                
 2       Member   0c75.bd11.5d80     1      V01     Ready                
 3       Standby  0c75.bd11.59ff     1      P1A     Ready                

         Stack Port Status             Neighbors     
Switch#  Port 1     Port 2           Port 1   Port 2 
  1         OK         OK               3        2 
  2         OK         OK               1        3 
  3         OK         OK               2        1 

------------------ show switch neighbors ------------------

  Switch #    Port 1       Port 2
  --------    ------       ------
      1         3             2  
      2         1             3  
      3         2             1  

------------------ show platform software stack-mgr switch 1 R0 oir-states --

Switch#       OIR State               Type                    Provisioned   
1             CHASSIS_COMPATIBLE      C9300-24U               YES           
2             CHASSIS_COMPATIBLE      C9300-48U               YES           
3             CHASSIS_COMPATIBLE      C9300-48U               YES           

------------------ show platform software stack-mgr switch 1 R0 sdp-counters --

Stack Discovery Protocol (SDP) Counters


Message                 Tx Success    Tx Fail       Rx Success    Rx Fail       
Discovery               16            0             27            0             
Neighbor                5             1             5             2             
Keepalive               473           0             945           0             
SEPPUKU                 0             0             0             0             
Standby Elect Req       1             0             0             0             
Standby Elect Ack       0             0             1             0             
Standby IOS State       0             0             2             0             
Reload Req              0             0             0             0             
Reload Ack              0             0             0             0             
SESA Mesg               0             0             0             0             
RTU Msg                 1             0             4             0             
Disc Timer Stop         1             0             2             0             


------------------ show platform software sif switch 1 R0 counters ------------------

Stack Interface (SIF) Counters


Stack Discovery Protocol (SDP) Messages
Message                 Tx Success    Tx Fail       Rx Success    Rx Fail       
Discovery               0             0             0             0             
Neighbor                0             0             0             0             
Forward                 516           0             1040          0             


SIF Management Messages
Message                 Success       Fail          
Link Status             4             0             
Link Management         0             0             
Chassis Num             1             0             
Topo Change             2             0             
Active Declare          1             0             
Template set            0             0             


------------------ show platform software sif switch 1 R0 counters oob ------------------

SIF OOB Statistics
Message                 Count         
TX LSMPI                524           
TX Enq Failed           0             
TX Copy Failed          0             
TX Ring Full            0             
TX Iter                 516           
TX Enq Success          526           
RX Process              1042          
RX Exception            0             
RX Total                1042          
Dequeue Attempts        986           
Dequeue Success         1043          


SIF Netdrv OOB Statistics
Unicast Messages
Switch        Count         
2             42228         
3             79287         
Broadcast messages count: 4


------------------ show platform software sif switch 1 R0 counters cable ------------------

SIF Cable Statistics
Direction     Remove        Insert        
East          0             1             
West          0             1             

SIF Link Statistics
ASIC          Port          State         Changes       
0             1             1             2             
1             2             1             2             


------------------ show platform software sif switch 1 R0 exceptions ------------------

------------------ show platform software sif switch 1 R0 topo ------------------

Stack Interface (SIF) Topology


Stacked Switch List
Chassis#      MAC Adress              Role             
3             0c75.bd11.59ff                           
2             0c75.bd11.5d80                           
1             046c.9d1e.f380          L,A              

L: Local Switch;  A: Active Switch;

The output fields are self-explanatory.

stack-mac persistent timer

To enable the persistent MAC address feature, use the stack-mac persistent timer command in global configuration mode on the switch stack or on a standalone switch. To disable the persistent MAC address feature, use the no form of this command.

stack-mac persistent timer [0 | time-value]

no stack-mac persistent timer

Syntax Description


(Optional) Continues using the MAC address of the current stack's active switch after a new stack's active switch takes over.


(Optional) Time period in minutes before the stack MAC address changes to that of the new active. The range is 1 to 60 minutes.

Command Default

Persistent MAC address is disabled. The MAC address of the stack is always that of the first active switch.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.1a

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

By default, the stack MAC address will always be the MAC address of the first active switch, even if a new active switch takes over. The same behavior occurs when you enter the stack-mac persistent timer command or the stack-mac persistent timer 0 command.


To avoid PAgP flaps, the stack MAC persistent wait timer should be configured as indefinite using the stack-mac persistent timer 0 .

When you enter the stack-mac persistent timer command with a time-value , the stack MAC address will change to that of the new active switch after the period of time that you entered whenever a new switch becomes the active switch. If the previous active switch rejoins the stack during that time period, the stack retains its MAC address for as long as the switch that has that MAC address is in the stack.

If the whole stack reloads the MAC address of the active switch is the stack MAC address.


If you do not change the stack MAC address, Layer 3 interface flapping does not occur. This also means that a foreign MAC address (a MAC address that does not belong to any of the switches in the stack) could be the stack MAC address. If the switch with this foreign MAC address joins another stack as the active switch, two stacks will have the same stack MAC address. You must use the stack-mac update force command to resolve the conflict.


This example shows how to enable a persistent MAC address:

Device(config)# stack-mac persistent timer

You can verify your settings by entering the show running-config privileged EXEC command. If enabled, stack-mac persistent timer is shown in the output.

stack-mac update force

To update the stack MAC address to the MAC address of the active switch, use the stack-mac update force command in EXEC mode on the active switch.

stack-mac update force

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes


Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.1a

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

By default, the stack MAC address is not changed to the MAC address of the new active switch during a high availability (HA) failover. Use the stack-mac update force command to force the stack MAC address to change to the MAC address of the new active switch.

If the switch with the same MAC address as the stack MAC address is currently a member of the stack, the stack-mac update force command has no effect. (It does not change the stack MAC address to the MAC address of the active switch.)


If you do not change the stack MAC address, Layer 3 interface flapping does not occur. It also means that a foreign MAC address (a MAC address that does not belong to any of the switches in the stack) could be the stack MAC address. If the switch with this foreign MAC address joins another stack as the active switch, two stacks will have the same stack MAC address. You must use the stack-mac update force command to resolve the conflict.


This example shows how to update the stack MAC address to the MAC address of the active switch:

> stack-mac update force

You can verify your settings by entering the show switch privileged EXEC command. The stack MAC address includes whether the MAC address is local or foreign.

standby console enable

To enable access to the standby console switch, use the standby console enable command in redundancy main configuration submode. To disable access to the standby console switch, use the no form of this command.

standby console enable

no standby console enable

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default

Access to the standby console switch is disabled.

Command Modes

Redundancy main configuration submode

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.1a

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is used to collect and review specific data about the standby console. The command is useful primarily for Cisco technical support representatives troubleshooting the switch.


This example shows how to enter the redundancy main configuration submode and enable access to the standby console switch:

Device(config)# redundancy
Device(config-red)# main-cpu
Device(config-r-mc)# standby console enable

start maintenance

To put the system into maintenance mode, use the start maintenance command in the privileged EXEC mode.

start maintenance

Syntax Description

start maintenance

Puts the system into maintenance mode.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.6.1

This command was introduced.



The following example shows how to start maintenance mode:

Device# start maintenance

stop maintenance

To put the system out of maintenance mode, use the stop maintenance command in the privileged EXEC mode.

stop maintenance

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.6.1

This command was introduced.



The following example shows how to stop maintenance mode:
Device# stop maintenance

switch clear stack-mode

To change the stack mode to N+1 and remove the active and standby assignemnets of the 1:1 mode, use the switch clear stack-mode command in priviledged EXEC mode.

switch clear stack-mode

Command Default


Command Modes

priviledged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.6.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to disable the 1:1 redundancy mode and set the stack to N+1 mode.


Device> enable
Device# switch clear stack-mode
WARNING: Clearing the chassis HA configuration will result in the chassis coming up in Stand Alone mode after reboot.The HA configuration will remain the same on other chassis. Do you wish to continue? [y/n]? [yes]:

switch switch-number role

To change the role of the device in the stack to either active or standby, use the switch switch-number role command in priviledged EXEC mode.

switch switch-number role { standby | active}

Syntax Description

Syntax Description


Stack member number.


Designates the device as Standby Device for the stack.


Designates the device as Active Device for the stack.

Command Default


Command Modes

priviledged EXEC

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.6.1

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to set a device to active or standby role in the stack. The other devices in the stack remain as members of the stack.


Changing the role of the device results in redundancy mode being configured to 1:1 mode for the stack. If the configured active or standby device does not boot up, then the stack will not be able to boot.


The following example sets the device number 2 as active device and device number 1 as standby device for the stack.

Device> enable
Device# switch 2 role active
WARNING: Changing the switch role may result in redundancy mode being configured to 1+1 mode for this stack. If the configured Active or Standby switch numbers do not boot up, then the stack will not be able to boot. Do you want to continue?[y/n]? : yes

Device# switch 1 role standby
WARNING: Changing the switch role may result in redundancy mode being configured to 1+1 mode for this stack. If the configured Active or Standby switch numbers do not boot up, then the stack will not be able to boot. Do you want to continue?[y/n]? : yes

switch stack port

To disable or enable the specified stack port on the member, use the switch command in privileged EXEC mode on a stack member.

switch stack-member-number stack port port-number {disable | enable}

Syntax Description


Current stack member number. The range is 1 to 8.

stack port port-number

Specifies the stack port on the member. The range is 1 to 2.


Disables the specified port.


Enables the specified port.

Command Default

The stack port is enabled.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.1a

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

A stack is in the full-ring state when all members are connected through the stack ports and are in the ready state.

The stack is in the partial-ring state when the following occurs:

  • All members are connected through their stack ports but some are not in the ready state.
  • Some members are not connected through the stack ports.


Be careful when using the switch stack-member-number stack port port-number disable command. When you disable the stack port, the stack operates at half bandwidth.

If you enter the switch stack-member-number stack port port-number disable privileged EXEC command and the stack is in the full-ring state, you can disable only one stack port. This message appears:

Enabling/disabling a stack port may cause undesired stack changes. Continue?[confirm] 

If you enter the switch stack-member-number stack port port-number disable privileged EXEC command and the stack is in the partial-ring state, you cannot disable the port. This message appears:

Disabling stack port not allowed with current stack configuration.


This example shows how to disable stack port 2 on member 4:

# switch 4 stack port 2 disable

switch priority

To change the stack member priority value, use the switch priority command in EXEC mode on the active switch.

switch stack-member-number priority new-priority-value

Syntax Description


Current stack member number. The range is 1 to 8.


New stack member priority value. The range is 1 to 15.

Command Default

The default priority value is 1.

Command Modes


Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.1a

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The new priority value is a factor when a new active switch is elected. When you change the priority value the active switch is not changed immediately.


This example shows how to change the priority value of stack member 6 to 8:

# switch 6 priority 8
Changing the Switch Priority of Switch Number 6 to 8
Do you want to continue?[confirm]

switch provision

To supply a configuration to a new switch before it joins the switch stack, use the switch provision command in global configuration mode on the active switch. To delete all configuration information that is associated with the removed switch (a stack member that has left the stack), use the no form of this command.

switch stack-member-number provision type

no switch stack-member-number provision

Syntax Description


Stack member number. The range is 1 to 8.


Switch type of the new switch before it joins the stack.

Command Default

The switch is not provisioned.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.1a

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

For type , enter the model number of a supported switch that is listed in the command-line help strings.

To avoid receiving an error message, you must remove the specified switch from the switch stack before using the no form of this command to delete a provisioned configuration.

To change the switch type, you must also remove the specified switch from the switch stack. You can change the stack member number of a provisioned switch that is physically present in the switch stack if you do not also change the switch type.

If the switch type of the provisioned switch does not match the switch type in the provisioned configuration on the stack, the switch stack applies the default configuration to the provisioned switch and adds it to the stack. The switch stack displays a message when it applies the default configuration.

Provisioned information appears in the running configuration of the switch stack. When you enter the copy running-config startup-config privileged EXEC command, the provisioned configuration is saved in the startup configuration file of the switch stack.


When you use the switch provision command, memory is allocated for the provisioned configuration. When a new switch type is configured, the previously allocated memory is not fully released. Therefore, do not use this command more than approximately 200 times, or the switch will run out of memory and unexpected behavior will result.


This example shows how to provision a switch with a stack member number of 2 for the switch stack. The show running-config command output shows the interfaces associated with the provisioned switch.

(config)# switch 2 provision WS-xxxx
(config)# end
# show running-config | include switch 2
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/1
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/2
interface GigabitEthernet2/0/3
<output truncated>

You also can enter the show switch user EXEC command to display the provisioning status of the switch stack.

This example shows how to delete all configuration information about stack member 5 when the switch is removed from the stack:

(config)# no switch 5 provision

You can verify that the provisioned switch is added to or removed from the running configuration by entering the show running-config privileged EXEC command.

switch renumber

To change the stack member number, use the switch renumber command in EXEC mode on the active switch.

switch current-stack-member-number renumber new-stack-member-number

Syntax Description


Current stack member number. The range is 1 to 8.


New stack member number for the stack member. The range is 1 to 8.

Command Default

The default stack member number is 1.

Command Modes


Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.1a

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If another stack member is already using the member number that you just specified, the active switch assigns the lowest available number when you reload the stack member.


If you change the number of a stack member, and no configuration is associated with the new stack member number, that stack member loses its current configuration and resets to its default configuration.

Do not use the switch current-stack-member-number renumber new-stack-member-number command on a provisioned switch. If you do, the command is rejected.

Use the reload slot current stack member number privileged EXEC command to reload the stack member and to apply this configuration change.


This example shows how to change the member number of stack member 6 to 7:

# switch 6 renumber 7
WARNING:Changing the switch number may result in a configuration change for that switch.
The interface configuration associated with the old switch number will remain as a provisioned configuration.
Do you want to continue?[confirm]

switch renumber

To change the stack member number, use the switch renumber command in EXEC mode on the active switch.

switch current-stack-member-number renumber new-stack-member-number

Syntax Description


Current stack member number. The range is 1 to 8.


New stack member number for the stack member. The range is 1 to 8.

Command Default

The default stack member number is 1.

Command Modes


Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.1a

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If another stack member is already using the member number that you just specified, the active switch assigns the lowest available number when you reload the stack member.


If you change the number of a stack member, and no configuration is associated with the new stack member number, that stack member loses its current configuration and resets to its default configuration.

Do not use the switch current-stack-member-number renumber new-stack-member-number command on a provisioned switch. If you do, the command is rejected.

Use the reload slot current stack member number privileged EXEC command to reload the stack member and to apply this configuration change.


This example shows how to change the member number of stack member 6 to 7:

# switch 6 renumber 7
WARNING:Changing the switch number may result in a configuration change for that switch.
The interface configuration associated with the old switch number will remain as a provisioned configuration.
Do you want to continue?[confirm]

system mode maintenance

To enter the system mode maintenance configuration mode, use the system mode maintenance command in the global configuration mode.

system mode maintenance

Syntax Description

system mode maintenance

Enters the maintenance configuration mode.

Command Default


Command Modes

Global configuration (config)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.6.1

This command was introduced.



The following example shows how to enter the maintenance configuration mode:

Device(config)# system mode maintenance