Tracing Commands

Information About Tracing

Information About Trace Management

The tracing functionality logs internal events. Trace files are automatically created and saved on the persistent storage device of specific platforms.

The contents of trace files are useful to troubleshoot if a device has an issue. The trace file outputs provide information that can be used for locating and solving the issue, and helps to get a detailed view of system actions and operations.

To view the most recent trace information for a specific process, use the show logging [process | Profile | process-helper] command. The process uses the name of the process, the profile lists predefined set of process names, and the profile-helper displays the available names.

To change the verbosity in a trace message output, you can adjust the trace level of processes using the set platform software trace level command. You can choose the all keyword to adjust the trace level for all the processes listed or you can select a specific process. When you select a specific process, there is also the option of adjust the trace level for a specific module or the all-modules keyword can be used to adjust all the process's modules.

Tracing Levels

Trace level determines the types of traces outputted. Each trace message is assigned a trace level. If the trace level of a process or its module it set at a greater than or equal to level as the trace message, the trace message is displayed otherwise, it is skipped. For example, the default trace level is Notice level, so all traces with the Notice level and below the notice level are included while the traces above the Notice level are excluded.

The following table shows all of the tracing levels that are available, and provides descriptions of the message that are displayed with each tracing level. The tracing levels listed in the table are from the lowest to the highest order. The default trace level is Notice.

Table 1. Tracing Levels and Descriptions

Tracing Level



The message stating the process is aborted.


The message is regarding an issue that makes the system unusable.


The message indicating that an action must be taken immediately.


The message is regarding a critical event causing loss of important functions.


The message is regarding a system error.


The message is regarding a system warning.


The message is regarding a significant event.


The message is useful for informational purposes only.


The message provides debug-level output.


All possible trace messages are sent.


All possible trace messages for the module are logged.

The noise level is always equal to the highest possible tracing level. Even if a future enhancement to tracing introduces a higher tracing level, the noise level will become equal to the level of that new enhancement.

set platform software trace

To set the trace level for a specific module within a process, use the set platform software trace command in privileged EXEC or user EXEC mode.

set platform software trace process slot module trace-level

Syntax Description


Process whose tracing level is being set. Options include:

  • chassis-manager —The Chassis Manager process.

  • cli-agent —The CLI Agent process.

  • dbm —The Database Manager process.

  • emd —The Environmental Monitoring process.

  • fed —The Forwarding Engine Driver process.

  • forwarding-manager —The Forwarding Manager process.

  • host-manager —The Host Manager process.

  • iomd —The Input/Output Module daemon (IOMd) process.

  • ios —The IOS process.

  • license-manager —The License Manager process.

  • logger —The Logging Manager process.

  • platform-mgr —The Platform Manager process.

  • pluggable-services —The Pluggable Services process.

  • replication-mgr —The Replication Manager process.

  • shell-manager —The Shell Manager process.

  • smd —The Session Manager process.

  • table-manager —The Table Manager Server.

  • wireless —The wireless controller module process.

  • wireshark —The Embedded Packet Capture (EPC) Wireshark process.


Hardware slot where the process for which the trace level is set, is running. Options include:

  • number —Number of the SIP slot of the hardware module where the trace level is set. For instance, if you want to specify the SIP in SIP slot 2 of the switch, enter 2.

  • SIP-slot / SPA-bay—Number of the SIP switch slot and the number of the shared port adapter (SPA) bay of that SIP. For instance, if you want to specify the SPA in bay 2 of the SIP in switch slot 3, enter 3/2.

  • F0 —The Embedded-Service-Processor in slot 0.

  • FP active —The active Embedded-Service-Processor.

  • R0 —The route processor in slot 0.

  • RP active —The active route processor.

  • switch <number> —The switch with its number specified.

  • switch active —The active switch.

  • switch standby —The standby switch.


Module within the process for which the tracing level is set.


Trace level. Options include:

  • debug —Debug level tracing. A debug-level trace message is a non-urgent message providing a large amount of detail about the module.

  • emergency —Emergency level tracing. An emergency-level trace message is a message indicating that the system is unusable.

  • error —Error level tracing. An error-level tracing message is a message indicating a system error.

  • info —Information level tracing. An information-level tracing message is a non-urgent message providing information about the system.

  • noise —Noise level tracing. The noise level is always equal to the highest tracing level possible and always generates every possible tracing message.

    The noise level is always equal to the highest-level tracing message possible for a module, even if future enhancements to this command introduce options that allow users to set higher tracing levels.

  • notice —The message is regarding a significant issue, but the switch is still working normally.

  • verbose —Verbose level tracing. All possible tracing messages are sent when the trace level is set to verbose.

  • warning —Warning messages.

Command Default

The default tracing level for all modules is notice .

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.1a

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The module options vary by process and by hardware-module . Use the ? option when entering this command to see which module options are available with each keyword sequence.

Trace files are stored in the tracelogs directory in the harddisk: file system. These files can be deleted without doing any harm to your switch operation.

Trace file output is used for debugging. The trace level is a setting that determines how much information should be stored in trace files about a module.


This example shows how to set the trace level for all the modules in dbm process:

# set platform software trace dbm R0 all-modules debug

show platform software trace level

To view the trace levels for all the modules under a specific process, use the show platform software trace level command in privileged EXEC or user EXEC mode.

show platform software trace level process slot

Syntax Description


Process whose tracing level is being set. Options include:

  • chassis-manager —The Chassis Manager process.

  • cli-agent —The CLI Agent process.

  • cmm —The CMM process.

  • dbm —The Database Manager process.

  • emd —The Environmental Monitoring process.

  • fed —The Forwarding Engine Driver process.

  • forwarding-manager —The Forwarding Manager process.

  • geo —The Geo Manager process.

  • host-manager —The Host Manager process.

  • interface-manager —The Interface Manager process.

  • iomd —The Input/Output Module daemon (IOMd) process.

  • ios —The IOS process.

  • license-manager —The License Manager process.

  • logger —The Logging Manager process.

  • platform-mgr —The Platform Manager process.

  • pluggable-services —The Pluggable Services process.

  • replication-mgr —The Replication Manager process.

  • shell-manager —The Shell Manager process.

  • sif —The Stack Interface (SIF) Manager process.

  • smd —The Session Manager process.

  • stack-mgr —The Stack Manager process.

  • table-manager —The Table Manager Server.

  • thread-test —The Multithread Manager process.

  • virt-manager —The Virtualization Manager process.

  • wireless —The wireless controller module process.


Hardware slot where the process for which the trace level is set, is running. Options include:

  • number —Number of the SIP slot of the hardware module where the trace level is set. For instance, if you want to specify the SIP in SIP slot 2 of the switch, enter 2.

  • SIP-slot / SPA-bay—Number of the SIP switch slot and the number of the shared port adapter (SPA) bay of that SIP. For instance, if you want to specify the SPA in bay 2 of the SIP in switch slot 3, enter 3/2.

  • F0 —The Embedded Service Processor in slot 0.

  • F1 —The Embedded Service Processor in slot 1.

  • FP active —The active Embedded Service Processor.

  • R0 —The route processor in slot 0.

  • RP active —The active route processor.

  • switch <number> —The switch, with its number specified.

  • switch active —The active switch.

  • switch standby —The standby switch.

    • number —Number of the SIP slot of the hardware module where the trace level is set. For instance, if you want to specify the SIP in SIP slot 2 of the switch, enter 2.

    • SIP-slot / SPA-bay—Number of the SIP switch slot and the number of the shared port adapter (SPA) bay of that SIP. For instance, if you want to specify the SPA in bay 2 of the SIP in switch slot 3, enter 3/2.

    • F0 —The Embedded Service Processor in slot 0.

    • FP active —The active Embedded Service Processor.

    • R0 —The route processor in slot 0.

    • RP active —The active route processor.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.1a

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to view the trace level:

# show platform software trace level dbm switch active R0
Module Name                     Trace Level      
binos                           Notice           
binos/brand                     Notice           
bipc                            Notice           
btrace                          Notice           
bump_ptr_alloc                  Notice           
cdllib                          Notice           
chasfs                          Notice           
dbal                            Informational    
dbm                             Debug            
evlib                           Notice           
evutil                          Notice           
file_alloc                      Notice           
green-be                        Notice           
ios-avl                         Notice           
klib                            Debug            
services                        Notice           
sw_wdog                         Notice           
syshw                           Notice           
tdl_cdlcore_message             Notice           
tdl_dbal_root_message           Notice           
tdl_dbal_root_type              Notice

request platform software trace archive

To archive all the trace logs relevant to all the processes running on a system since the last reload on the switch and to save this in the specified location, use the request platform software trace archive command in privileged EXEC or user EXEC mode.

request platform software trace archive [ last number-of-days [ days [ target location]] | target location]

Syntax Description

last number-of-days

Specifies the number of days for which the trace files have to be archived.

target location

Specifies the location and name of the archive file.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.1a

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This archive file can be copied from the system, using the tftp or scp commands.


This example shows how to archive all the trace logs of the processes running on the switch since the last 5 days:

# request platform software trace archive last 5 days target flash:test_archive

show platform software btrace-manager

To display the most recent UTF/UTM information for a specific module, use the show platform software btrace-manager command in privileged EXEC or user EXEC mode.

show platform software trace filter-binary filter [ status UTF UTM ]

Syntax Description


Shows the UTF binary stream filter.


Shows the status of the binary trace manager filter.


Shows the UTF unified trace file.


Shows the UTM trace encoder.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.1a This command was introduced.


Device# show platform software btrace-manager R0 utf 
Estimated disk usage for UTF storage (mbytes):........61
Disk UTF quota set from: default
Stored preserved UTF time window (current boot):
	[2023/03/17 08:40:00.419987197] - [2023/03/17 20:16:59.895805251]
Stored non-preserved UTF time window (current boot): none
Disk usage for UTF storage (mbytes):..................23
Maximum number of files to retain:....................27
Number of retained UTF files:.........................18
Maximum inflated UTF file size (mbytes):..............20
Maximum number of files to preserve:..................2
Number of preserved UTF files:........................2
Stale messages from stream:...........................0
Compressed file write failures (disk full):...........0


Device# show platform software btrace-manager R0 UTM brief 
Current Time ........................... Fri Mar 17 20:55:25 2023
Unified Consolidated Mode .............. FALSE
Process [Main-ID / Demux-ID / FRU ] .... [6382 / 17304 / RP-FRU]
Number of Processes  ................... 79
Number of Active trace files  .......... 61
Message Rate/Sec [Current/Average/Peak]. 20 / 11 / 10356
Total Messages ......................... 311406

set logging

To display the time zone for logging operations, use the set logging command in privileged EXEC or user EXEC mode.

set logging { backtrace process | marker string | ra { collect } | timezone { UTC | local } | tracelog-number process | tracelog-files-to-preserve number | tracelog-storage-quota size }

Syntax Description

backtrace Displays the backtrace details of a specific process.

Selects the logs corresponding to the specified marker:

  • start last marker — The latest matching marker in the marker list.

  • end marker — The first matching marker after the start marker.


Sets the time zone to be displayed in trace logs.

The time zone set by using the set logging command is displayed for the trace logs of show logging and monitor logging commands. If the time zone is not set for a device, then the trace logss appear in Cordinated Universal Time (UTC).


Sets the RA attributes.


Sets the tracelog number of a specific process.


Set amount of files to preserve from rotation


Set Tracelog files to preserve

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.x

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

In scenarios where the time zone has already been set and the trace logs need to be dispalyed in UTC, use the command set logging timezone UTC and the trace logs will appear in UTC. Note that using this command, you can only configure how you want to see the timestamp for trace logs. The timestamps within the trace file is not modified.


This example shows the trace logs when the time zone is set to UTC .

device_2_9222#show clock *06:14:29.031 IST Fri Oct 4 2019

device_2_9222#show logging process ios
Displaying logs from the last 0 days, 0 hours, 5 minutes, 13 seconds
executing cmd on chassis 1 ...
Collecting files on current[1] chassis.
# of files collected = 15
2019/10/04 06:12:38.051848 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [iosrp] [6107]: (info): *Oct 4 00:42:37.992: %VUDI-6-EVENT: 
[serial number: 9SQTGKYU119], [vUDI: ], vUDI is successfully retrieved from license file
device_2_9222#set logging timezone UTC

device_2_9222#show logging process ios
Displaying logs from the last 0 days, 0 hours, 5 minutes, 40 seconds
executing cmd on chassis 1 ...
Collecting files on current[1] chassis.
# of files collected = 15
2019/10/04 00:42:38.051848 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [iosrp] [6107]: (info): *Oct 4 00:42:37.992: %VUDI-6-EVENT: 
[serial number: 9SQTGKYU119], [vUDI: ], vUDI is successfully retrieved from license file


This example shows the trace logs when the time zone is set to local .

device_2_9222#set logging timezone local

device_2_9222#show logging process ios
Displaying logs from the last 0 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes, 32 seconds
executing cmd on chassis 1 ...
Collecting files on current[1] chassis.
# of files collected = 12
2019/10/04 06:12:38.051848 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [iosrp] [6107]: (info): *Oct 4 00:42:37.992: %VUDI-6-EVENT: [serial number: 9SQTGKYU119], [vUDI: ], vUDI is successfully retrieved from license file

set logging marker

To add a marker trace to all the processes, use the set logging marker command. Use the show logging markers command to see the markers that were set using the set logging marker along with the timestamp.

set logging marker marker-name

Syntax Description


Sets the marker trace in the trace logs of a process. The marker string entered is not case sensitive.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.x

This command was introduced.


This example show how to set a logging marker.

Device# set logging marker global_100

Device# show logging markers 
Timestamp UTC                 Marker
2023/03/13 10:31:34.667836    global_100

show logging

To display the state of system logging (syslog) and the contents of the standard system logging buffer, use the show logging command in privileged EXEC or user EXEC mode.

show logging

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.x

This command was introduced.


This example shows the output of the show logging command:

device# show logging
Syslog logging: enabled (0 messages dropped, 2 messages rate-limited, 0 flushes, 0 overruns, xml disabled, filtering disabled)
No Active Message Discriminator.

No Inactive Message Discriminator.

    Console logging: level debugging, 67 messages logged, xml disabled,
                     filtering disabled
    Monitor logging: level debugging, 0 messages logged, xml disabled,
                     filtering disabled
    Buffer logging:  level debugging, 160 messages logged, xml disabled,
                    filtering disabled
    Exception Logging: size (4096 bytes)
    Count and timestamp logging messages: disabled
    File logging: disabled
    Persistent logging: disabled

No active filter modules.

    Trap logging: level informational, 157 message lines logged
        Logging Source-Interface:       VRF Name:
    TLS Profiles: 
Log Buffer (102400 bytes):

*Mar  9 11:32:47.051: %SMART_LIC-6-AGENT_ENABLED: Smart Agent for Licensing is enabled 
*Mar  9 11:32:50.053: pagp init: platform supports EC/LACP xFSURA Tracing tool registry return: 0
*Mar  9 11:32:50.103: LACP-GR: infra cb, GR_NONE

*Mar  9 11:32:50.104: BFD: brace register success
*Mar  9 11:32:52.617: %CRYPTO-4-AUDITWARN: Encryption audit check could not be performed
*Mar  9 11:32:52.617: %CRYPTO_ENGINE-4-CSDL_COMPLIANCE_DISABLED: Cisco PSB security compliance has been disabled
*Mar  9 11:32:52.630: %SPANTREE-5-EXTENDED_SYSID: Extended SysId enabled for type vlan
*Mar  9 11:32:52.964: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Lsmpi18/3, changed state to up
*Mar  9 11:32:52.976: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface EOBC18/1, changed state to up
*Mar  9 11:32:52.976: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface LI-Null0, changed state to up
*Mar  9 11:32:52.977: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet0/0, changed state to down
*Mar  9 11:32:52.977: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface LIIN18/2, changed state to up
*Mar  9 11:32:52.977: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Bluetooth0/4, changed state to administratively down
*Mar  9 11:32:53.072: %PNP-6-PNP_DISCOVERY_STARTED: PnP Discovery started
*Mar  9 11:32:53.075: %HMANRP-6-HMAN_IOS_CHANNEL_INFO: HMAN-IOS channel event for switch 1: EMP_RELAY: Channel UP!
<output truncated>


This example shows the output of show logging command for switching devices:

device# show logging
Syslog logging: enabled (0 messages dropped, 2 messages rate-limited, 0 flushes, 0 overruns, xml disabled, filtering disabled)

No Active Message Discriminator.

No Inactive Message Discriminator.

    Console logging: level debugging, 97 messages logged, xml disabled,
                     filtering disabled
    Monitor logging: level debugging, 0 messages logged, xml disabled,
                     filtering disabled
    Buffer logging:  level debugging, 190 messages logged, xml disabled,
                    filtering disabled
    Exception Logging: size (4096 bytes)
    Count and timestamp logging messages: disabled
    File logging: disabled
    Persistent logging: disabled

No active filter modules.

    Trap logging: level informational, 187 message lines logged
        Logging Source-Interface:       VRF Name:
    TLS Profiles: 
Log Buffer (102400 bytes):

*Mar  9 11:32:47.051: %SMART_LIC-6-AGENT_ENABLED: Smart Agent for Licensing is enabled 
*Mar  9 11:32:50.053: pagp init: platform supports EC/LACP xFSURA Tracing tool registry return: 0
*Mar  9 11:32:50.103: LACP-GR: infra cb, GR_NONE

*Mar  9 11:32:50.104: BFD: brace register success
*Mar  9 11:32:52.617: %CRYPTO-4-AUDITWARN: Encryption audit check could not be performed
*Mar  9 11:32:52.617: %CRYPTO_ENGINE-4-CSDL_COMPLIANCE_DISABLED: Cisco PSB security compliance has been disabled
*Mar  9 11:32:52.630: %SPANTREE-5-EXTENDED_SYSID: Extended SysId enabled for type vlan
*Mar  9 11:32:52.964: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Lsmpi18/3, changed state to up
*Mar  9 11:32:52.976: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface EOBC18/1, changed state to up
*Mar  9 11:32:52.976: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface LI-Null0, changed state to up
*Mar  9 11:32:52.977: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface GigabitEthernet0/0, changed state to down
*Mar  9 11:32:52.977: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface LIIN18/2, changed state to up
*Mar  9 11:32:52.977: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Bluetooth0/4, changed state to administratively down
*Mar  9 11:32:53.072: %PNP-6-PNP_DISCOVERY_STARTED: PnP Discovery started
*Mar  9 11:32:53.075: %HMANRP-6-HMAN_IOS_CHANNEL_INFO: HMAN-IOS channel event for switch 1: EMP_RELAY: Channel UP!
*Mar  9 11:32:35.689: %STACKMGR-6-STACK_LINK_CHANGE: Switch 1 R0/0: stack_mgr: Stack port 1 on Switch 1 is cable-not-connected
*Mar  9 11:32:35.689: %STACKMGR-6-STACK_LINK_CHANGE: Switch 1 R0/0: stack_mgr: Stack port 2 on Switch 1 is down
*Mar  9 11:32:35.689: %STACKMGR-6-STACK_LINK_CHANGE: Switch 1 R0/0: stack_mgr: Stack port 2 on Switch 1 is cable-not-connected
*Mar  9 11:32:36.114: %STACKMGR-4-SWITCH_ADDED: Switch 1 R0/0: stack_mgr: Switch 1 has been added to the stack.
*Mar  9 11:32:38.537: %STACKMGR-4-SWITCH_ADDED: Switch 1 R0/0: stack_mgr: Switch 1 has been added to the stack.
*Mar  9 11:32:40.548: %STACKMGR-4-SWITCH_ADDED: Switch 1 R0/0: stack_mgr: Switch 1 has been added to the stack.
*Mar  9 11:32:40.548: %STACKMGR-6-ACTIVE_ELECTED: Switch 1 R0/0: stack_mgr: Switch 1 has been elected ACTIVE.
*Mar  9 11:32:53.079: %HMANRP-6-EMP_NO_ELECTION_INFO: Could not elect active EMP switch, setting emp active switch to 0: EMP_RELAY: Could not elect switch with mgmt port UP
*Mar  9 11:32:53.541: %SYS-5-CONFIG_P: Configured programmatically by process MGMT VRF Process from console as vty0
<output truncated>


This example shows the output of show logging command for routing devices:

Syslog logging: enabled (0 messages dropped, 5 messages rate-limited, 0 flushes, 0 overruns, xml disabled, filtering disabled)
No Active Message Discriminator.

No Inactive Message Discriminator.

    Console logging: disabled
    Monitor logging: level debugging, 0 messages logged, xml disabled,
                     filtering disabled
    Buffer logging:  level debugging, 117 messages logged, xml disabled,
                    filtering disabled
    Exception Logging: size (4096 bytes)
    Count and timestamp logging messages: disabled
    Persistent logging: disabled

No active filter modules.

    Trap logging: level informational, 114 message lines logged
        Logging Source-Interface:       VRF Name:
    TLS Profiles: 

Log Buffer (102400 bytes):

*Mar 10 08:51:07.464: %CRYPTO-5-SELF_TEST_START: Crypto algorithms release (Rel5b), Entropy release (3.4.1)
       begin self-test
*Mar 10 08:51:07.687: %CRYPTO-5-SELF_TEST_END: Crypto algorithms self-test completed successfully
       All tests passed.
*Mar 10 08:51:10.262: %SMART_LIC-6-AGENT_ENABLED: Smart Agent for Licensing is enabled 
*Mar 10 08:51:10.428: %SMART_LIC-6-EXPORT_CONTROLLED: Usage of export controlled features is not allowed
*Mar 10 08:51:13.266: SDWAN INFO: sdwan_if subsys init for autonomous mode
*Mar 10 08:51:13.266: SDWAN INFO: Received ctrl_mng_mode Enable event
*Mar 10 08:51:13.483: SDWAN INFO: IOS-SDWAN-RP: Registered for chasfs events, rc 0
*Mar 10 08:51:14.309: %SPANTREE-5-EXTENDED_SYSID: Extended SysId enabled for type vlan
*Mar 10 08:51:14.312: %TLSCLIENT-5-TLSCLIENT_IOS: TLS Client is IOS based
*Mar 10 08:51:14.420: %CRYPTO_ENGINE-5-CSDL_COMPLIANCE_ENFORCED: Cisco PSB security compliance is being enforced
*Mar 10 08:51:14.420: %CRYPTO_ENGINE-5-CSDL_COMPLIANCE_EXCEPTION_ADDED: Cisco PSB security compliance exception has been added by this platform for use of RSA Key Size
*Mar 10 08:51:14.459: %CUBE-3-LICENSING:  SIP trunking (CUBE) licensing is now based on dynamic sessions counting, static license capacity configuration through 'mode border-element license capacity' would be ignored.
*Mar 10 08:51:14.459: %SIP-5-LICENSING: CUBE license reporting period has been set to the minimum value of 8 hours.
*Mar 10 08:51:14.496: %VOICE_HA-7-STATUS: CUBE HA-supported platform detected.pm_platform_init() line :3156 

*Mar 10 08:51:16.689: %IOSXE_RP_ALARM-2-PEM: ASSERT CRITICAL Power Supply Bay 1 Power Supply/FAN Module Missing 
*Mar 10 08:51:16.712: %CRYPTO_SL_TP_LEVELS-6-ROMMON_VAL: Current rommon value: T1
*Mar 10 08:51:16.712: %CRYPTO_SL_TP_LEVELS-6-TIER_BASED_LIC: Tier Based License Support: 1
*Mar 10 08:51:16.713: %CRYPTO_SL_TP_LEVELS-6-TP_THROTTLE_STATE: Crypto throughput is throttled. New level is 250000
*Mar 10 08:51:16.762: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface EOBC0, changed state to up
*Mar 10 08:51:16.779: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Lsmpi0, changed state to up
*Mar 10 08:51:16.779: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface LI-Null0, changed state to up
*Mar 10 08:51:16.780: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface VoIP-Null0, changed state to up
*Mar 10 08:51:16.780: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface SR0, changed state to up
*Mar 10 08:51:16.781: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface LIIN0, changed state to up
*Mar 10 08:51:16.929: %PNP-6-PNP_DISCOVERY_STARTED: PnP Discovery started
*Mar 10 08:50:14.051: %IOSXE-6-PLATFORM: R0/0: disk-module: Number of disks detected:1
*Mar 10 08:50:24.124: %IOSXE-6-PLATFORM: R0/0: disk-module: forcing config of LVM in non-raid-enable case
*Mar 10 08:50:24.143: %IOSXE-6-PLATFORM: R0/0: disk-module: /obfl is not mounted yet, sleeping...
*Mar 10 08:50:25.152: %IOSXE-6-PLATFORM: R0/0: disk-module: /obfl is not mounted yet, sleeping...
*Mar 10 08:50:26.161: %IOSXE-6-PLATFORM: R0/0: disk-module: /obfl is not mounted yet, sleeping...
*Mar 10 08:50:27.171: %IOSXE-6-PLATFORM: R0/0: disk-module: /obfl is not mounted yet, sleeping...
*Mar 10 08:50:28.181: %IOSXE-6-PLATFORM: R0/0: disk-module: /obfl is not mounted yet, sleeping...
*Mar 10 08:50:29.200: %IOSXE-6-PLATFORM: R0/0: disk-module: /obfl is not mounted yet, sleeping...
*Mar 10 08:50:31.555: %IOSXE-6-PLATFORM: R0/0: disk-module: check_lvm_mismatch: disk_count=1, pv_count=1, db_pv_uuid=PVUUID:vcxG9z-fWQg-Q1yS-eeFk-kEVA-hmTX-Wiklni uuid_count=1
*Mar 10 08:50:31.783: %IOSXE-6-PLATFORM: R0/0: disk-module: no mismatch found
*Mar 10 08:50:32.138: %IOSXE-6-PLATFORM: R0/0: disk-module: Volume group alredy existing
<output truncated>


This example shows the output of show logging command for wireless devices:

device#show logging 
Syslog logging: enabled (0 messages dropped, 5 messages rate-limited, 0 flushes, 0 overruns, xml disabled, filtering disabled)
No Active Message Discriminator.

No Inactive Message Discriminator.

    Console logging: disabled
    Monitor logging: level debugging, 0 messages logged, xml disabled,
                     filtering disabled
    Buffer logging:  level debugging, 130 messages logged, xml disabled,
                    filtering disabled
    Exception Logging: size (4096 bytes)
    Count and timestamp logging messages: disabled
    Persistent logging: disabled

No active filter modules.

    Trap logging: level informational, 130 message lines logged
        Logging Source-Interface:       VRF Name:
    TLS Profiles: 

Log Buffer (102400 bytes):

*Mar 10 08:50:59.304: %CRYPTO-5-SELF_TEST_START: Crypto algorithms release (Rel5b), Entropy release (3.4.1)
       begin self-test
*Mar 10 08:50:59.606: %CRYPTO-5-SELF_TEST_END: Crypto algorithms self-test completed successfully
       All tests passed.
*Mar 10 08:51:02.432: %SMART_LIC-6-AGENT_ENABLED: Smart Agent for Licensing is enabled 
*Mar 10 08:51:02.661: %SMART_LIC-6-EXPORT_CONTROLLED: Usage of export controlled features is not allowed
*Mar 10 08:51:05.434: SDWAN INFO: sdwan_if subsys init for autonomous mode
*Mar 10 08:51:05.434: SDWAN INFO: Received ctrl_mng_mode Enable event
*Mar 10 08:51:05.710: SDWAN INFO: IOS-SDWAN-RP: Registered for chasfs events, rc 0
*Mar 10 08:51:06.812: %SPANTREE-5-EXTENDED_SYSID: Extended SysId enabled for type vlan
*Mar 10 08:51:06.816: %TLSCLIENT-5-TLSCLIENT_IOS: TLS Client is IOS based
*Mar 10 08:51:06.938: %CRYPTO_ENGINE-5-CSDL_COMPLIANCE_ENFORCED: Cisco PSB security compliance is being enforced
*Mar 10 08:51:06.938: %CRYPTO_ENGINE-5-CSDL_COMPLIANCE_EXCEPTION_ADDED: Cisco PSB security compliance exception has been added by this platform for use of RSA Key Size
*Mar 10 08:51:06.982: %CUBE-3-LICENSING:  SIP trunking (CUBE) licensing is now based on dynamic sessions counting, static license capacity configuration through 'mode border-element license capacity' would be ignored.
*Mar 10 08:51:06.982: %SIP-5-LICENSING: CUBE license reporting period has been set to the minimum value of 8 hours.
*Mar 10 08:51:07.032: %VOICE_HA-7-STATUS: CUBE HA-supported platform detected.pm_platform_init() line :3156 

*Mar 10 08:51:09.341: %IOSXE_RP_ALARM-2-PEM: ASSERT CRITICAL Power Supply Bay 1 Power Supply/FAN Module Missing 
*Mar 10 08:51:09.378: %CRYPTO_SL_TP_LEVELS-6-ROMMON_VAL: Current rommon value: 1000000
*Mar 10 08:51:09.378: %CRYPTO_SL_TP_LEVELS-6-TIER_BASED_LIC: Tier Based License Support: 1
<output truncated>

show logging process

To view messages logged by binary trace for a process or processes, use the show logging process command in privileged EXEC or user EXEC mode.

show logging process process-name

Syntax Description


You can choose a certain process for which the logs need to be displayed. Example: dbm , sman , ios , btman and so on. The process name is not case sensitive.

Command Default

The default tracing level for all modules is notice .

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.x

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to display the logs below the notice level.

device#show logging process ios level notice
Logging display requested on 2022/10/27 09:38:29 (PDT) for Hostname: [vwlc_1_9222], Model: [C9800-CL-K9], Version: [17.11.01], SN: [9ZY0U03YBM0], MD_SN: [9ZY0U03YBM0]

Displaying logs from the last 0 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes, 0 seconds
executing cmd on chassis 1 ...
Unified Decoder Library Init .. DONE
Found 1 UTF Streams

2022/10/27 09:31:52.835197577 {iosrp_R0-0}{1}: [parser_cmd] [26471]: (note): id= console@console:user= cmd: 'show logging process ios' SUCCESS 2022/10/27 08:31:48.762 PST
2022/10/27 09:31:59.651965736 {iosrp_R0-0}{1}: [parser_cmd] [26471]: (note): id= console@console:user= cmd: 'show logging process ios internal' SUCCESS 2022/10/27 08:31:56.485 PST
2022/10/27 09:32:14.066181552 {iosrp_R0-0}{1}: [parser_cmd] [26471]: (note): id= console@console:user= cmd: 'show logging process ios' SUCCESS 2022/10/27 08:32:06.271 PST
2022/10/27 09:38:16.803577389 {iosrp_R0-0}{1}: [parser_cmd] [26471]: (note): id= console@console:user= cmd: 'show logging process ios level error' SUCCESS 2022/10/27 08:38:14.411 PST
======= Unified Trace Decoder Information/Statistics ======
----------------- Decoder Input Information ---------------
 Num of Unique Streams .. 1
 Total UTF To Process ... 1
 Total UTM To Process ... 77004
 UTM Process Filter ..... ios
 MRST Filter Rules ...... 48
----------------- Decoder Output Information --------------
 First UTM TimeStamp ............... 2022/10/27 02:21:47.048461994
 Last UTM TimeStamp ................ 2022/10/27 09:38:28.248097600
 UTM [Skipped / Rendered / Total] .. 77000 / 4 / 77004
 UTM [ENCODED] ..................... 76864
 UTM [PLAIN TEXT] .................. 97
 UTM [DYN LIB] ..................... 0
 UTM [MODULE ID] ................... 0
 UTM [TDL TAN] ..................... 43
 UTM [APP CONTEXT] ................. 0
 UTM [MARKER] ...................... 0
 UTM [PCAP] ........................ 0
 UTM [LUID NOT FOUND] .............. 0


This example shows the traces for a process with the process name ios .

device#show logging process ios         
Logging display requested on 2022/10/27 09:32:06 (PDT) for Hostname: [vwlc_1_9222], Model: [C9800-CL-K9], Version: [17.11.01], SN: [9ZY0U03YBM0], MD_SN: [9ZY0U03YBM0]

Displaying logs from the last 0 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes, 0 seconds
executing cmd on chassis 1 ...
Unified Decoder Library Init .. DONE
Found 1 UTF Streams

2022/10/27 09:31:52.835197577 {iosrp_R0-0}{1}: [parser_cmd] [26471]: (note): id= console@console:user= cmd: 'show logging process ios' SUCCESS 2022/10/27 08:31:48.762 PST
2022/10/27 09:31:59.651965736 {iosrp_R0-0}{1}: [parser_cmd] [26471]: (note): id= console@console:user= cmd: 'show logging process ios internal' SUCCESS 2022/10/27 08:31:56.485 PST
======= Unified Trace Decoder Information/Statistics ======
----------------- Decoder Input Information ---------------
 Num of Unique Streams .. 1
 Total UTF To Process ... 1
 Total UTM To Process ... 75403
 UTM Process Filter ..... ios
 MRST Filter Rules ...... 4
----------------- Decoder Output Information --------------
 First UTM TimeStamp ............... 2022/10/27 02:21:47.048461994
 Last UTM TimeStamp ................ 2022/10/27 09:32:04.919540850
 UTM [Skipped / Rendered / Total] .. 75401 / 2 / 75403
 UTM [ENCODED] ..................... 75266
 UTM [PLAIN TEXT] .................. 94
 UTM [DYN LIB] ..................... 0
 UTM [MODULE ID] ................... 0
 UTM [TDL TAN] ..................... 43
 UTM [APP CONTEXT] ................. 0
 UTM [MARKER] ...................... 0
 UTM [PCAP] ........................ 0
 UTM [LUID NOT FOUND] .............. 0


This example shows the traces for a process with the process name dbman .

device# show logging process dbman
Logging display requested on 2023/03/10 10:12:53 (UTC) for Hostname: [FABRIEK], Model: [C8300-1N1S-4T2X], Version: [17.12.01], SN: [FDO24190V85], MD_SN: [FDO2451M13G]

Displaying logs from the last 0 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes, 0 seconds
executing cmd on chassis local ...
Unified Decoder Library Init .. DONE
Found 1 UTF Streams

======= Unified Trace Decoder Information/Statistics ======
----------------- Decoder Input Information ---------------
 Num of Unique Streams .. 1
 Total UTF To Process ... 1
 Total UTM To Process ... 62792
 UTM Process Filter ..... dbman
 MRST Filter Rules ...... 1
----------------- Decoder Output Information --------------
 First UTM TimeStamp ............... 2023/03/10 08:50:15.477092062
 Last UTM TimeStamp ................ 2023/03/10 10:12:51.936845381
 UTM [Skipped / Rendered / Total] .. 62792 / 0 / 62792
 UTM [ENCODED] ..................... 0
 UTM [PLAIN TEXT] .................. 0
 UTM [DYN LIB] ..................... 0
 UTM [MODULE ID] ................... 0
 UTM [TDL TAN] ..................... 0
 UTM [APP CONTEXT] ................. 0
 UTM [MARKER] ...................... 0
 UTM [PCAP] ........................ 0
 UTM [LUID NOT FOUND] .............. 0
 UTM Level [EMERGENCY / ALERT / CRITICAL / ERROR] .. 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
 UTM Level [WARNING / NOTICE / INFO / DEBUG] ....... 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
 UTM Level [VERBOSE / NOISE / INVALID] ............. 0 / 0 / 0


This example shows the traces for Cisco SD-WAN processes.

Device# show logging process fpmd internal start last boot
Logging display requested on 2020/11/09 07:13:08 (UTC) for Hostname: [Device], Model: [ISR4451-X/K9], Version: [17.04.01], SN: [FOC23125GHG], MD_SN: [FGL231432EQ]

Displaying logs from the last 7 days, 0 hours, 14 minutes, 55 seconds
executing cmd on chassis local ...

2020/11/02 07:00:59.314166 {fpmd_pman_R0-0}{1}: [btrace] [7403]: (note): Btrace started for process ID 7403 with 512 modules
2020/11/02 07:00:59.314178 {fpmd_pman_R0-0}{1}: [btrace] [7403]: (note): File size max used for rotation of tracelogs: 8192
2020/11/02 07:00:59.314179 {fpmd_pman_R0-0}{1}: [btrace] [7403]: (note): File size max used for rotation of TAN stats file: 8192
2020/11/02 07:00:59.314179 {fpmd_pman_R0-0}{1}: [btrace] [7403]: (note): File rotation timeout max used for rotation of TAN stats file: 600
2020/11/02 07:00:59.314361 {fpmd_pman_R0-0}{1}: [btrace] [7403]: (note): Boot level config file [/harddisk/tracelogs/level_config/fpmd_pman_R0-0] is not available. Skipping
2020/11/02 07:00:59.314415 {fpmd_pman_R0-0}{1}: [benv] [7403]: (note): Environment variable BINOS_BTRACE_LEVEL_MODULE_PMAN is not set
2020/11/02 07:00:59.314422 {fpmd_pman_R0-0}{1}: [benv] [7403]: (note): Environment variable FPMD_BTRACE_LEVEL is not set
2020/11/02 07:00:59.314424 {fpmd_pman_R0-0}{1}: [fpmd_pman] [7403]: (note): BTRACE_FILE_SI

show logging process-helper

To display the logs for a specific process, use the show logging process-helper command in privileged EXEC or user EXEC mode.

show logging process-helper process-name

Syntax Description


You can choose a certain process for which the logs need to be displayed. Example: bt-logger , btrace-manager , ios , dbm , logger , and so on.

Command Default

The default tracing level for all modules is notice .

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.x

This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to display logs for a specific process.

Device# show logging process-helper ios
Logging display requested on 2023/03/13 10:30:29 (UTC) for Hostname: [FABRIEK], Model: [C8300-1N1S-4T2X], Version: [17.12.01], SN: [FDO24190V85], MD_SN: [FDO2451M13G]

Displaying logs from the last 0 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes, 0 seconds
executing cmd on chassis local ...
Unified Decoder Library Init .. DONE
Found 1 UTF Streams

2023/03/13 10:30:16.884663022 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [parser_cmd] [3793]: (note): id= cmd: 'enable' SUCCESS 2023/03/13 10:30:10.721 UTC
======= Unified Trace Decoder Information/Statistics ======
----------------- Decoder Input Information ---------------
 Num of Unique Streams .. 1
 Total UTF To Process ... 1
 Total UTM To Process ... 88985
 UTM Process Filter ..... IOSRP
 MRST Filter Rules ...... 1
----------------- Decoder Output Information --------------
 First UTM TimeStamp ............... 2023/03/13 08:13:19.321653302
 Last UTM TimeStamp ................ 2023/03/13 10:30:27.267645695
 UTM [Skipped / Rendered / Total] .. 88984 / 1 / 88985
 UTM [ENCODED] ..................... 1
 UTM [PLAIN TEXT] .................. 0
 UTM [DYN LIB] ..................... 0
 UTM [MODULE ID] ................... 0
 UTM [TDL TAN] ..................... 0
 UTM [APP CONTEXT] ................. 0
 UTM [MARKER] ...................... 0
 UTM [PCAP] ........................ 0
 UTM [LUID NOT FOUND] .............. 0
 UTM Level [EMERGENCY / ALERT / CRITICAL / ERROR] .. 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
 UTM Level [WARNING / NOTICE / INFO / DEBUG] ....... 0 / 1 / 0 / 0
 UTM Level [VERBOSE / NOISE / INVALID] ............. 0 / 0 / 0

show logging profile

To display the logs for a specific profile, use the show logging profile command in privileged EXEC or user EXEC mode.

show logging profile profile-name

Syntax Description

  • all : Displays the logs for all processes.

  • file : Displays the logs for a specific profile file.

  • hardware-diagnostics : Displays the logs for the hardware-diagnostics specific processes

  • install : Displays the logs for Install-specific processes.

  • netconf-yang : Displays the logs for netconf-yang specific processes.

  • restconf : Displays the logs for restconf-specific processes.

  • sdwan : Displays the logs for SDWAN-specific processes.

  • wireless : Displays the logs for Wireless-specific processes.

Command Default


Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.x This command was introduced.


This examples shows how to display trace logs for all processes:

device# show logging profile all     
Logging display requested on 2023/03/10 17:57:15 (UTC) for Hostname: [FABRIEK], Model: [C8300-1N1S-4T2X], Version: [17.12.01], SN: [FDO24190V85], MD_SN: [FDO2451M13G]

Displaying logs from the last 0 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes, 0 seconds
executing cmd on chassis local ...
Unified Decoder Library Init .. DONE
Found 1 UTF Streams

2023/03/10 17:47:58.925423708 {btman_R0-0}{255}: [utm_main] [6412]: (note): Inserted UTF(2) HT(old):droputil_R0-0[13] lnode /tmp/rp/trace/droputil_R0-0.7159_623.20230310174758.bin PID:7159
2023/03/10 17:47:59.925149151 {btman_R0-0}{255}: [utm_wq] [6412:17298]: (note): Inline sync, enqueue BTF message flags:0x1, PID:17298 BTF:/tmp/rp/trace/droputil_R0-0.7159_622.20230310174708.bin
2023/03/10 17:47:59.932633561 {btman_R0-0}{255}: [utm_wq] [6412]: (note): utm delete /tmp/rp/trace/droputil_R0-0.7159_622.20230310174708.bin
2023/03/10 17:48:48.937338685 {btman_R0-0}{255}: [utm_main] [6412]: (note): Inserted UTF(2) HT(old):droputil_R0-0[13] lnode /tmp/rp/trace/droputil_R0-0.7159_624.20230310174848.bin PID:7159
2023/03/10 17:48:49.937053442 {btman_R0-0}{255}: [utm_wq] [6412:17298]: (note): Inline sync, enqueue BTF message flags:0x1, PID:17298 BTF:/tmp/rp/trace/droputil_R0-0.7159_623.20230310174758.bin
<output truncated>
device#show logging profile all
Logging display requested on 2023/03/10 18:39:56 (UTC) for Hostname: [BRU-C9K-153-05], Model: [C9300-24T], Version: [17.03.05], SN: [FOC24140R40], MD_SN: [FOC2415U0XX]

Displaying logs from the last 0 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes, 0 seconds
executing cmd on chassis 1 ...

2023/03/10 18:32:54.755987 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [iosrp] [22736]: (info):  *Mar 10 18:32:54.755: %SYS-6-TTY_EXPIRE_TIMER: (exec timer expired, tty 1 (, user cisco
2023/03/10 18:32:54.756076 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [iosrp] [22736]: (info):  *Mar 10 18:32:54.756: %SYS-6-LOGOUT: User cisco has exited tty session 1(
2023/03/10 18:33:03.948149 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Job 1023 SAUtilityMeasurementJob, Matching 1023 SAUtilityMeasurementJob
2023/03/10 18:33:03.948170 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Find the Job for removal 0x7FC0BD9A99F0
2023/03/10 18:33:03.948179 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Found the element for removal 0x7FC0BD9BF288 ->0x7FC0BD9BD5A8
2023/03/10 18:33:03.948185 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Removinging Job SAUtilityMeasurementJob 0x7FC0BE3EF590, leaf 0x7FC0ADA357A0
2023/03/10 18:33:03.948191 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Attaching Job SAUtilityMeasurementJob to Exec Queue Head
2023/03/10 18:33:03.948197 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Executing from Queue, Job SAUtilityMeasurementJob (20)
2023/03/10 18:33:03.948214 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Setting SAUtilityMeasurementJob IN PROGRESS False to True
2023/03/10 18:33:03.948221 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-utility measurement start
2023/03/10 18:33:03.948227 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[1], n[3]
2023/03/10 18:33:03.948244 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[2], n[2]
2023/03/10 18:33:03.948251 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[5], n[1]
2023/03/10 18:33:03.948271 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[6], n[0]
2023/03/10 18:33:03.948277 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[1], n[3]
2023/03/10 18:33:03.948283 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[2], n[2]
2023/03/10 18:33:03.948303 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[5], n[1]
2023/03/10 18:33:03.948310 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[6], n[0]
2023/03/10 18:33:03.948315 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Prepare grant request struct - started
2023/03/10 18:33:03.948321 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[1], n[3]
2023/03/10 18:33:03.948327 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[2], n[2]
2023/03/10 18:33:03.948333 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[5], n[1]
2023/03/10 18:33:03.948339 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[6], n[0]
2023/03/10 18:33:03.948345 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Prepare grant request struct - grant[0], numEndPoints: 0
2023/03/10 18:33:03.948350 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Prepare grant request struct - grant[1], numEndPoints: 0
2023/03/10 18:33:03.948385 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Prepare grant request struct - grant list built successfully, numGrant: 2, numEndPoints: 0
2023/03/10 18:33:03.948391 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[1], n[3]
2023/03/10 18:33:03.948397 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[2], n[2]
2023/03/10 18:33:03.948403 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[5], n[1]
2023/03/10 18:33:03.948409 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[6], n[0]

show logging profile wireless

To display the logs for a specific profile, use the show logging profile wireless command in privileged EXEC or user EXEC mode.

show logging profile wireless

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Default


Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.1a This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Ensure that you enable internal keyword using the show logging profile wireless internal command to get the trace output.

Without the internal keyword, only customer curated logs are displayed.


The following example shows how to display logs for the wireless profile.

Device# show logging profile wireless          
Logging display requested on 2023/03/13 09:07:09 (UTC) for Hostname: [FABRIEK], Model: [C8300-1N1S-4T2X], Version: [17.12.01], SN: [FDO24190V85], MD_SN: [FDO2451M13G]

Displaying logs from the last 0 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes, 0 seconds
executing cmd on chassis local ...
Unified Decoder Library Init .. DONE
Found 1 UTF Streams

2023/03/13 08:57:34.084609935 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [parser_cmd] [3793]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless level info' SUCCESS 2023/03/13 08:57:31.376 UTC
2023/03/13 09:07:03.562290152 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [parser_cmd] [3793]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless internal ' SUCCESS 2023/03/13 08:58:51.922 UTC
======= Unified Trace Decoder Information/Statistics ======
----------------- Decoder Input Information ---------------
 Num of Unique Streams .. 1
 Total UTF To Process ... 1
 Total UTM To Process ... 55410
 UTM Process Filter ..... cpp_cp,fman_fp,fman_rp,fman-rp,fman-fp,fed,mobilityd,nmspd,odm_proxy,rogued,rrm,repm,wncd,wncmgrd,wncd_x,IOSRP,smd,odm,wstatsd,linux-iosd-image,wncloudm,locationd
 MRST Filter Rules ...... 24
----------------- Decoder Output Information --------------
 First UTM TimeStamp ............... 2023/03/13 08:13:19.321653302
 Last UTM TimeStamp ................ 2023/03/13 09:07:08.462269864
 UTM [Skipped / Rendered / Total] .. 55408 / 2 / 55410
 UTM [ENCODED] ..................... 2
 UTM [PLAIN TEXT] .................. 0
 UTM [DYN LIB] ..................... 0
 UTM [MODULE ID] ................... 0
 UTM [TDL TAN] ..................... 0
 UTM [APP CONTEXT] ................. 0
 UTM [MARKER] ...................... 0
 UTM [PCAP] ........................ 0
 UTM [LUID NOT FOUND] .............. 0
 UTM Level [EMERGENCY / ALERT / CRITICAL / ERROR] .. 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
 UTM Level [WARNING / NOTICE / INFO / DEBUG] ....... 0 / 2 / 0 / 0
 UTM Level [VERBOSE / NOISE / INVALID] ............. 0 / 0 / 0


The following example example shos how to display logs for the wireless profile

Device# show logging profile wireless
Logging display requested on 2023/03/13 09:18:51 (UTC) for Hostname: [BRU-C9K-153-05], Model: [C9300-24T], Version: [17.03.05], SN: [FOC24140R40], MD_SN: [FOC2415U0XX]

Displaying logs from the last 0 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes, 0 seconds
executing cmd on chassis 1 ...

2023/03/13 09:18:03.943258 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Job 1023 SAUtilityMeasurementJob, Matching 1023 SAUtilityMeasurementJob
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943280 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Find the Job for removal 0x7FC0BE3E8CE0
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943300 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Found the element for removal 0x7FC0BD9BEAA8 ->0x7FC0BD9BE878
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943307 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Removinging Job SAUtilityMeasurementJob 0x7FC0BD9A7C40, leaf 0x7FC0ADA357A0
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943313 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Attaching Job SAUtilityMeasurementJob to Exec Queue Head
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943319 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Executing from Queue, Job SAUtilityMeasurementJob (20)
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943325 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Setting SAUtilityMeasurementJob IN PROGRESS False to True
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943342 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-utility measurement start
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943349 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[1], n[3]
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943355 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[2], n[2]
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943361 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[5], n[1]
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943367 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[6], n[0]
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943373 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[1], n[3]
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943398 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[2], n[2]
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943405 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[5], n[1]
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943411 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[6], n[0]
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943417 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Prepare grant request struct - started
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943423 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[1], n[3]
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943429 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[2], n[2]
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943434 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[5], n[1]
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943440 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[6], n[0]
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943446 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Prepare grant request struct - grant[0], numEndPoints: 0
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943490 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Prepare grant request struct - grant[1], numEndPoints: 0
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943497 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Prepare grant request struct - grant list built successfully, numGrant: 2, numEndPoints: 0
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943503 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[1], n[3]
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943509 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[2], n[2]
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943515 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[5], n[1]
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943521 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[6], n[0]
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943527 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Checking 0 tag[,1.0_bd1da96e-ec1d-412b-a50e-53846b347d53] handle[1] utility[0x7FC0B1BDA340]
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943533 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-process append measurement
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943538 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Returning NULL for item   8
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943586 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-There are 1 Raw Udi's and 1 Unique Udi's
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943593 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[1], n[3]
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943599 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[2], n[2]
2023/03/13 09:18:03.943605 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[5], n[1]
<output truncated>

show logging profile wireless end

To specify log filtering end location timestamp for filtering, use the show logging profile wireless end timestamp command.

show logging profile wireless end timestamp time-stamp

show logging profile wireless end timestamp time-stamp

Syntax Description

time-stamp The timestamp to end the filtering. For example, 2023/02/10 14:41:50.849.

Command Default


Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.x This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Ensure that you enable internal keyword using the show logging profile wireless internal command to get the trace output.

Without the internal keyword, only customer curated logs are displayed.


The following example shows how to specify log filtering start/end location timestamp for filtering:

Device# show logging profile wireless internal start timestamp "2018/07/16 23:09:52.541" end timestamp "2018/07/16 23:19:52.671" to-file test

excuting cmd on chassis 1 ...
Files being merged in the background, result will be in /bootflash/test log file.
Collecting files on current[1] chassis.
Decoding files:
btrace decoder:         number of files: [48]   number of messages: [5736]
         2018-07-16 23:23:51.451 - btrace decoder processed 17%
         2018-07-16 23:23:51.585 - btrace decoder processed 34%
         2018-07-16 23:23:51.832 - btrace decoder processed 52%
         2018-07-16 23:23:52.108 - btrace decoder processed 69%
         2018-07-16 23:23:52.138 - btrace decoder processed 87%
         2018-07-16 23:23:52.222 - btrace decoder processed 98%

show logging profile wireless filter

To specify filter for logs, use the show logging profile wireless filter command.


show logging profile wireless filter { interface | ipv4 | ipv6 | mac | ra | string | uuid }

Syntax Description


Selects logs with specific interface app context.


Selects logs with specific IPv4 address app context.


Selects logs with specific IPv6 address app context.


Selects logs with specific MAC app context.


Selects logs with specific string app context.


Selects logs with specific Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) app context.


Selects the radioactive logs.

Command Default


Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.1a This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Ensure that you enable internal keyword using the show logging profile wireless internal command to get the trace output.

Without the internal keyword, only customer curated logs are displayed.


The following example shows how to specify filter for logs:

Device# show logging profile wireless filter mac ECE1.A9DA.0CE0
excuting cmd on chassis 1 ...
Collecting files on current[1] chassis.
Total # of files collected = 28
Decoding files:
/harddisk/tracelogs/tmp_trace/nmspd_pmanlog_R0-0.3187_0.20171107021702.bin: DECODE(22:0:22:1)
/harddisk/tracelogs/tmp_trace/rrm_pmanlog_R0-0.6868_0.20171107021710.bin: DECODE(22:0:22:1)
/harddisk/tracelogs/tmp_trace/repm_pmanlog_R0-0.5836_0.20171107021708.bin: DECODE(24:0:24:1)
/harddisk/tracelogs/tmp_trace/rogued_pmanlog_R0-0.6232_0.20171107021708.bin: DECODE(22:0:22:1)
/harddisk/tracelogs/tmp_trace/fman_fp_F0-0.1940_1.20171107030724.bin: DECODE(5736:0:5736:5)
/harddisk/tracelogs/tmp_trace/mobilityd_pmanlog_R0-0.388_0.20171107021659.bin: DECODE(22:0:22:1)
/harddisk/tracelogs/tmp_trace/odm_proxy_pmanlog_R0-0.4237_0.20171107021704.bin: DECODE(21:0:21:1)
/harddisk/tracelogs/tmp_trace/mobilityd_R0-0.1045_0.20171107021729.bin: DECODE(141:0:141:17)
/harddisk/tracelogs/tmp_trace/odm_R0-0.4371_0.20171107021707.bin: DECODE(36:0:36:5)
/harddisk/tracelogs/tmp_trace/fman_fp_image_pmanlog_F0-0.1439_0.20171107021700.bin: DECODE(27:0:27:1)
/harddisk/tracelogs/tmp_trace/odm_pmanlog_R0-0.3944_0.20171107021704.bin: DECODE(21:0:21:1)
/harddisk/tracelogs/tmp_trace/smd_R0-0.7893_0.20171107021753.bin: DECODE(397:0:397:16)
/harddisk/tracelogs/tmp_trace/fman_rp_R0-0.29955_0.20171107021745.bin: DECODE(4771:0:4771:20)
/harddisk/tracelogs/tmp_trace/nmspd_R0-0.3536_0.20171107021733.bin: DECODE(16:0:16:6)
/harddisk/tracelogs/tmp_trace/rrm_bg_R0-0.7189_0.20171107021739.bin: DECODE(119:0:119:15)
/harddisk/tracelogs/tmp_trace/fman_rp_pmanlog_R0-0.29615_0.20171107021654.bin: DECODE(22:0:22:1)
/harddisk/tracelogs/tmp_trace/odm_proxy_R0-0.4595_0.20171107021705.bin: DECODE(13:0:13:6)
/harddisk/tracelogs/tmp_trace/wncmgrd_pmanlog_R0-0.9422_0.20171107021715.bin: DECODE(22:0:22:1)
/harddisk/tracelogs/tmp_trace/IOSRP_R0-0.23248_2.20171107035525.bin: DECODE(7:0:7:0)
/harddisk/tracelogs/tmp_trace/wncd_pmanlog_R0-0.9085_0.20171107021714.bin: DECODE(31:0:31:1)
/harddisk/tracelogs/tmp_trace/rogued_R0-0.6521_0.20171107021735.bin: DECODE(65:0:65:13)
/harddisk/tracelogs/tmp_trace/repm_R0-0.6183_0.20171107021710.bin: DECODE(93:0:93:6)
2017/11/07 03:55:14.202 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [apmgr-capwap-join] [9437]: UUID: 1000000000a5a, ra: 15, (info): ece1.a9da.0ce0 Radio slot entries created during join for: Radio Slot: 1, Radio Type: 2 Radio Sub Type: 0, Band Id: 1
2017/11/07 03:55:14.202 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [apmgr-capwap-join] [9437]: UUID: 1000000000a5a, ra: 15, (info): ece1.a9da.0ce0 Radio slot entries created during join for: Radio Slot: 0, Radio Type: 1 Radio Sub Type: 0, Band Id: 0
2017/11/07 03:55:14.202 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [apmgr-db] [9437]: UUID: 1000000000a5a, ra: 15, (info): ece1.a9da.0ce0 AP association tag record is not found. Associate default tags to the AP
2017/11/07 03:55:14.202 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [apmgr-db] [9437]: UUID: 1000000000a5a, ra: 15, (info): ece1.a9da.0ce0 AP Tag information: Policy Tag - default-policy-tag Site Tag - default-site-tag RF Tag - default-rf-tag
2017/11/07 03:55:14.202 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [apmgr-db] [9437]: UUID: 1000000000a5a, ra: 15, (info): ece1.a9da.0ce0 Operation state of AP changed to: Registered
2017/11/07 03:55:14.204 {wncd_x_R0-0}{1}: [capwapac-smgr-srvr] [9437]: UUID: 1000000000a5a, ra: 15, (info): Session-IP:[51099] Mac: ece1.a9da.0ce0 Join processing complete. AP in joined state
2017/11/07 03:55:14.210 {wncmgrd_R0-0}{1}: [hl-core] [9739]: UUID: 1000000000a5c, ra: 15, (debug): Radio information changed for AP ece1.a9da.0ce0 but hyperlocation method is detected as unknown and will not be used for L1 scan list query to CMX.

show logging profile wireless fru

To specify field-replaceable unit (FRU) specific commands, use the show logging profile wireless fru command.

show logging profile wireless fru

Syntax Description


SM-Inter-Processor slot 0


SM-Inter-Processor slot 1


Embedded-Service-Processor slot 0




Route-Processor slot 0



Command Default


Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.x This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Ensure that you enable internal keyword using the show logging profile wireless internal command to get the trace output.

Without the internal keyword, only customer curated logs are displayed.


The following example shows how to specify FRU specific commands:

Device# show logging profile wireless fru switch standby R0
Logging display requested on 2023/03/13 07:39:11 (UTC) for Hostname: [BRU-C9K-153-05], Model: [C9300-24T], Version: [17.03.05], SN: [FOC24140R40], MD_SN: [FOC2415U0XX]

Displaying logs from the last 0 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes, 0 seconds
Unicasting cmd: chassis 1 route-processor 0

2023/03/13 07:29:23.629642 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [parser_cmd] [14504]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless fru 0' FAILURE 07:29:23 UTC Mon Mar 13 2023
2023/03/13 07:29:32.483351 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [parser_cmd] [14504]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless fru switch' FAILURE 07:29:32 UTC Mon Mar 13 2023
2023/03/13 07:33:03.935762 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Job 1023 SAUtilityMeasurementJob, Matching 1023 SAUtilityMeasurementJob
2023/03/13 07:33:03.935782 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Find the Job for removal 0x7FC0BD9A7E20
2023/03/13 07:33:03.935805 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Found the element for removal 0x7FC0BD9BD5A8 ->0x7FC0BD9BF640
2023/03/13 07:33:03.935812 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Removinging Job SAUtilityMeasurementJob 0x7FC0BE3EFB30, leaf 0x7FC0ADA357A0
2023/03/13 07:33:03.935833 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Attaching Job SAUtilityMeasurementJob to Exec Queue Head
2023/03/13 07:33:03.935839 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Executing from Queue, Job SAUtilityMeasurementJob (20)
2023/03/13 07:33:03.935845 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Setting SAUtilityMeasurementJob IN PROGRESS False to True
2023/03/13 07:33:03.935859 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-utility measurement start
2023/03/13 07:33:03.935865 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[1], n[3]
2023/03/13 07:33:03.935872 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[2], n[2]
2023/03/13 07:33:03.935877 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[5], n[1]
2023/03/13 07:33:03.935883 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[6], n[0]
2023/03/13 07:33:03.935889 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[1], n[3]
2023/03/13 07:33:03.935895 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[2], n[2]
2023/03/13 07:33:03.935901 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[5], n[1]
2023/03/13 07:33:03.935906 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[6], n[0]
2023/03/13 07:33:03.935923 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Prepare grant request struct - started
2023/03/13 07:33:03.935929 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[1], n[3]
2023/03/13 07:33:03.935935 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[2], n[2]
2023/03/13 07:33:03.935945 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[5], n[1]
2023/03/13 07:33:03.935953 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[6], n[0]
2023/03/13 07:33:03.935959 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Prepare grant request struct - grant[0], numEndPoints: 0
2023/03/13 07:33:03.935965 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Prepare grant request struct - grant[1], numEndPoints: 0
2023/03/13 07:33:03.935970 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Prepare grant request struct - grant list built successfully, numGrant: 2, numEndPoints: 0
2023/03/13 07:33:03.935976 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[1], n[3]
2023/03/13 07:33:03.936003 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[2], n[2]
2023/03/13 07:33:03.936010 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[5], n[1]
2023/03/13 07:33:03.936016 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[6], n[0]

show logging profile wireless internal

To select all the logs, use the show logging profile wireless internal command.

show logging profile wireless internal

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.x This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Ensure that you enable internal keyword using the show logging profile wireless internal command to get the trace output.

Without the internal keyword, only customer curated logs are displayed.


The following example shows how to display all the logs:

Device #show logging profile wireless internal             
Logging display requested on 2023/03/13 07:47:30 (UTC) for Hostname: [BRU-C9K-153-05], Model: [C9300-24T], Version: [17.03.05], SN: [FOC24140R40], MD_SN: [FOC2415U0XX]

Displaying logs from the last 0 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes, 0 seconds
executing cmd on chassis 1 ...

2023/03/13 07:37:33.213009 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [parser_cmd] [14504]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless fru switch active instance ' FAILURE 07:37:33 UTC Mon Mar 13 2023
2023/03/13 07:38:04.219243 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [parser_cmd] [14504]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless fru switch active' FAILURE 07:38:04 UTC Mon Mar 13 2023
2023/03/13 07:38:09.775467 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [parser_cmd] [14504]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless fru switch active ' FAILURE 07:38:09 UTC Mon Mar 13 2023
2023/03/13 07:38:21.523864 {fman_fp_F0-0}{1}: [fman] [21369]: (note): Got test request from gold server
2023/03/13 07:38:21.523873 {fman_fp_F0-0}{1}: [fman] [21369]: (note): Sending gold response msg 29453, test 14, result 1
2023/03/13 07:38:21.523891 {fman_fp_F0-0}{1}: [fman] [21369]: (note): marshalled tx ok
2023/03/13 07:38:21.523892 {fman_fp_F0-0}{1}: [fman] [21369]: (note): marshalled done msg
2023/03/13 07:38:21.523894 {fman_fp_F0-0}{1}: [fman] [21369]: (note): fmanfp gold got new test req, with req id 14, msg id = 29453
2023/03/13 07:38:21.524058 {fman_fp_F0-0}{1}: [fman] [21369]: (note): success, err obj NOT found.
2023/03/13 07:38:21.524059 {fman_fp_F0-0}{1}: [fman] [21369]: (note): Sending gold response msg 29453, test 14, result 1
2023/03/13 07:38:21.524067 {fman_fp_F0-0}{1}: [fman] [21369]: (note): marshalled tx ok
2023/03/13 07:38:21.524068 {fman_fp_F0-0}{1}: [fman] [21369]: (note): marshalled done msg
2023/03/13 07:38:21.524270 {fman_fp_F0-0}{1}: [fman] [21369]: (note): Got test request from gold server
2023/03/13 07:38:21.524272 {fman_fp_F0-0}{1}: [fman] [21369]: (note): Sending gold response msg 29454, test 15, result 1
2023/03/13 07:38:21.524283 {fman_fp_F0-0}{1}: [fman] [21369]: (note): marshalled tx ok
2023/03/13 07:38:21.524283 {fman_fp_F0-0}{1}: [fman] [21369]: (note): marshalled done msg
2023/03/13 07:38:21.524284 {fman_fp_F0-0}{1}: [fman] [21369]: (note): fmanfp gold got new test req, with req id 15, msg id = 29454
2023/03/13 07:38:21.524420 {fman_fp_F0-0}{1}: [fman] [21369]: (note): success, err obj NOT found.
2023/03/13 07:38:21.524421 {fman_fp_F0-0}{1}: [fman] [21369]: (note): Sending gold response msg 29454, test 15, result 1
2023/03/13 07:38:21.524427 {fman_fp_F0-0}{1}: [fman] [21369]: (note): marshalled tx ok
2023/03/13 07:38:21.524428 {fman_fp_F0-0}{1}: [fman] [21369]: (note): marshalled done msg
2023/03/13 07:38:21.524605 {fman_fp_F0-0}{1}: [fman] [21369]: (note): Got test request from gold server
2023/03/13 07:38:21.524607 {fman_fp_F0-0}{1}: [fman] [21369]: (note): Sending gold response msg 29455, test 16, result 1
2023/03/13 07:38:21.524617 {fman_fp_F0-0}{1}: [fman] [21369]: (note): marshalled tx ok
2023/03/13 07:38:21.524618 {fman_fp_F0-0}{1}: [fman] [21369]: (note): marshalled done msg
2023/03/13 07:38:21.524619 {fman_fp_F0-0}{1}: [fman] [21369]: (note): fmanfp gold got new test req, with req id 16, msg id = 29455
2023/03/13 07:38:21.524754 {fman_fp_F0-0}{1}: [fman] [21369]: (note): success, err obj NOT found.
2023/03/13 07:38:21.524755 {fman_fp_F0-0}{1}: [fman] [21369]: (note): Sending gold response msg 29455, test 16, result 1
2023/03/13 07:38:21.524761 {fman_fp_F0-0}{1}: [fman] [21369]: (note): marshalled tx ok
2023/03/13 07:38:21.524762 {fman_fp_F0-0}{1}: [fman] [21369]: (note): marshalled done msg
2023/03/13 07:38:25.492553 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [parser_cmd] [14504]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless fru switch active 0' SUCCESS 07:38:25 UTC Mon Mar 13 2023


The following example shows how to display all the logs:

Device# show logging profile wireless internal 
Logging display requested on 2023/03/13 08:58:51 (UTC) for Hostname: [FABRIEK], Model: [C8300-1N1S-4T2X], Version: [17.12.01], SN: [FDO24190V85], MD_SN: [FDO2451M13G]

Displaying logs from the last 0 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes, 0 seconds
executing cmd on chassis local ...
Unified Decoder Library Init .. DONE
Found 1 UTF Streams

2023/03/13 08:48:56.203638311 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [parser_cmd] [3793]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless to-file' FAILURE 2023/03/13 08:48:56.202 UTC
2023/03/13 08:49:52.077502587 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [parser_cmd] [3793]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless to-file mylog.txt' SUCCESS 2023/03/13 08:49:52.075 UTC
2023/03/13 08:50:55.161355814 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [parser_cmd] [3793]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless to-file mylog 12' FAILURE 2023/03/13 08:50:55.159 UTC
2023/03/13 08:51:33.810030189 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [parser_cmd] [3793]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless reverse ' SUCCESS 2023/03/13 08:51:27.690 UTC
2023/03/13 08:53:08.782896142 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [parser_cmd] [3793]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless module dbal ' SUCCESS 2023/03/13 08:53:08.257 UTC
2023/03/13 08:57:34.084609935 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [parser_cmd] [3793]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless level info' SUCCESS 2023/03/13 08:57:31.376 UTC
======= Unified Trace Decoder Information/Statistics ======
----------------- Decoder Input Information ---------------
 Num of Unique Streams .. 1
 Total UTF To Process ... 1
 Total UTM To Process ... 52029
 UTM Process Filter ..... cpp_cp,fman_fp,fman_rp,fman-rp,fman-fp,fed,mobilityd,nmspd,odm_proxy,rogued,rrm,repm,wncd,wncmgrd,wncd_x,IOSRP,smd,odm,wstatsd,linux-iosd-image,wncloudm,locationd
 MRST Filter Rules ...... 24
----------------- Decoder Output Information --------------
 First UTM TimeStamp ............... 2023/03/13 08:13:19.321653302
 Last UTM TimeStamp ................ 2023/03/13 08:58:50.044495790
 UTM [Skipped / Rendered / Total] .. 52023 / 6 / 52029
 UTM [ENCODED] ..................... 6
 UTM [PLAIN TEXT] .................. 0

show logging profile wireless level

To select logs above a specific level, use the show logging profile wireless level command.

show logging profile wireless level { debug | error | info | notice | verbose | warning }

Syntax Description


Selects the debug-level trace messages.


Selects the error-level trace messages.


Selects the informational-level trace messages.


Selects the notice-level trace messages.


Selects the verbose-level trace messages.


Selects the warning-level trace messages.

Command Default

The default tracing level for all modules is notice .

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.x This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

  • Ensure that you enable internal keyword using the show logging profile wireless internal command to get the trace output. Without the internal keyword, only customer curated logs are displayed.

  • Trace level determines the types of traces outputted. Each trace message is assigned a trace level. If the trace level of a process or its module it set at a greater than or equal to level as the trace message, the trace messag is displayed otherwise, it is skipped. For example, the default trace level is Notice level, so all traces with the Notice level and below the Notice level are included while the traces above the Notice level are excluded.


The following example shows how to select logs above a specific level:

Device# show logging profile wireless level notice
Logging display requested on 2023/03/13 08:00:47 (UTC) for Hostname: [BRU-C9K-153-05], Model: [C9300-24T], Version: [17.03.05], SN: [FOC24140R40], MD_SN: [FOC2415U0XX]

Displaying logs from the last 0 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes, 0 seconds
executing cmd on chassis 1 ...

2023/03/13 07:58:04.437001 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [parser_cmd] [14504]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless internal' SUCCESS 07:58:04 UTC Mon Mar 13 2023
2023/03/13 07:59:55.365574 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [iosrp] [22736]: (note):  *Mar 13 07:59:55.365: %SEC_LOGIN-5-LOGIN_SUCCESS: Login Success [user: cisco] [Source:] [localport: 22] at 07:59:55 UTC Mon Mar 13 2023
2023/03/13 08:00:33.338004 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [parser_cmd] [14504]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless level debug' SUCCESS 08:00:33 UTC Mon Mar 13 2023


The following example shows how to select logs above a specific level:

Device# show logging profile wireless level info
Logging display requested on 2023/03/13 08:57:31 (UTC) for Hostname: [FABRIEK], Model: [C8300-1N1S-4T2X], Version: [17.12.01], SN: [FDO24190V85], MD_SN: [FDO2451M13G]

Displaying logs from the last 0 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes, 0 seconds
executing cmd on chassis local ...
Unified Decoder Library Init .. DONE
Found 1 UTF Streams

2023/03/13 08:48:56.203638311 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [parser_cmd] [3793]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless to-file' FAILURE 2023/03/13 08:48:56.202 UTC
2023/03/13 08:49:52.077502587 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [parser_cmd] [3793]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless to-file mylog.txt' SUCCESS 2023/03/13 08:49:52.075 UTC
2023/03/13 08:50:55.161355814 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [parser_cmd] [3793]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless to-file mylog 12' FAILURE 2023/03/13 08:50:55.159 UTC
2023/03/13 08:51:33.810030189 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [parser_cmd] [3793]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless reverse ' SUCCESS 2023/03/13 08:51:27.690 UTC
2023/03/13 08:53:08.782896142 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [parser_cmd] [3793]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless module dbal ' SUCCESS 2023/03/13 08:53:08.257 UTC
======= Unified Trace Decoder Information/Statistics ======
----------------- Decoder Input Information ---------------
 Num of Unique Streams .. 1
 Total UTF To Process ... 1
 Total UTM To Process ... 47422
 UTM Process Filter ..... cpp_cp,fman_fp,fman_rp,fman-rp,fman-fp,fed,mobilityd,nmspd,odm_proxy,rogued,rrm,repm,wncd,wncmgrd,wncd_x,IOSRP,smd,odm,wstatsd,linux-iosd-image,wncloudm,locationd
 MRST Filter Rules ...... 336
----------------- Decoder Output Information --------------
 First UTM TimeStamp ............... 2023/03/13 08:13:19.321653302
 Last UTM TimeStamp ................ 2023/03/13 08:57:28.983753618
 UTM [Skipped / Rendered / Total] .. 47417 / 5 / 47422
 UTM [ENCODED] ..................... 5
 UTM [PLAIN TEXT] .................. 0
 UTM [DYN LIB] ..................... 0
 UTM [MODULE ID] ................... 0
 UTM [TDL TAN] ..................... 0
 UTM [APP CONTEXT] ................. 0
 UTM [MARKER] ...................... 0
 UTM [PCAP] ........................ 0
 UTM [LUID NOT FOUND] .............. 0
 UTM Level [EMERGENCY / ALERT / CRITICAL / ERROR] .. 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
 UTM Level [WARNING / NOTICE / INFO / DEBUG] ....... 0 / 5 / 0 / 0
 UTM Level [VERBOSE / NOISE / INVALID] ............. 0 / 0 / 0

show logging profile wireless module

To select logs for specific modules, use the show logging profile wireless module command.

show logging profile wireless module module-name

Syntax Description


List the module names separated by commas or space. For example, dbal, tdllib or "dbal tdllib".

Command Default


Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.x This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Ensure that you enable internal keyword using the show logging profile wireless internal command to get the trace output.

Without the internal keyword, only customer curated logs are displayed.


The following example shows how to select logs for specific modules:

Device# show logging profile wireless module dbal
Logging display requested on 2023/03/13 08:53:08 (UTC) for Hostname: [FABRIEK], Model: [C8300-1N1S-4T2X], Version: [17.12.01], SN: [FDO24190V85], MD_SN: [FDO2451M13G]

Displaying logs from the last 0 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes, 0 seconds
executing cmd on chassis local ...
Unified Decoder Library Init .. DONE
Found 1 UTF Streams

======= Unified Trace Decoder Information/Statistics ======
----------------- Decoder Input Information ---------------
 Num of Unique Streams .. 1
 Total UTF To Process ... 1
 Total UTM To Process ... 45244
 UTM Process Filter ..... cpp_cp,fman_fp,fman_rp,fman-rp,fman-fp,fed,mobilityd,nmspd,odm_proxy,rogued,rrm,repm,wncd,wncmgrd,wncd_x,IOSRP,smd,odm,wstatsd,linux-iosd-image,wncloudm,locationd
 MRST Filter Rules ...... 24
----------------- Decoder Output Information --------------
 First UTM TimeStamp ............... 2023/03/13 08:13:19.321653302
 Last UTM TimeStamp ................ 2023/03/13 08:53:05.793309753
 UTM [Skipped / Rendered / Total] .. 45244 / 0 / 45244
 UTM [ENCODED] ..................... 0
 UTM [PLAIN TEXT] .................. 0
 UTM [DYN LIB] ..................... 0
 UTM [MODULE ID] ................... 0
 UTM [TDL TAN] ..................... 0
 UTM [APP CONTEXT] ................. 0
 UTM [MARKER] ...................... 0
 UTM [PCAP] ........................ 0
 UTM [LUID NOT FOUND] .............. 0
 UTM Level [EMERGENCY / ALERT / CRITICAL / ERROR] .. 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
 UTM Level [WARNING / NOTICE / INFO / DEBUG] ....... 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
 UTM Level [VERBOSE / NOISE / INVALID] ............. 0 / 0 / 0

show logging profile wireless reverse

To view logs in reverse chronological order, use the show logging profile wireless reverse command.

show logging profile wireless reverse

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.x This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Ensure that you enable internal keyword using the show logging profile wireless internal command to get the trace output.

Without the internal keyword, only customer curated logs are displayed.


The following example shows how to view logs in reverse chronological order:

Device# show logging profile wireless reverse
Logging display requested on 2023/03/13 08:18:40 (UTC) for Hostname: [BRU-C9K-153-05], Model: [C9300-24T], Version: [17.03.05], SN: [FOC24140R40], MD_SN: [FOC2415U0XX]

Displaying logs from the last 0 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes, 0 seconds
executing cmd on chassis 1 ...

2023/03/13 08:18:14.945968 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAOpModelJob-platform policy not available.
2023/03/13 08:18:14.945682 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAOpModelJob-platform policy not available.
2023/03/13 08:18:14.945339 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAOpModelJob-platform policy not available.
2023/03/13 08:18:14.944594 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Setting SAOperationalModelJob IN PROGRESS False to True
2023/03/13 08:18:14.944588 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Executing from Queue, Job SAOperationalModelJob (37)
2023/03/13 08:18:14.944582 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Attaching Job SAOperationalModelJob to Exec Queue Head
2023/03/13 08:18:14.944575 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Removinging Job SAOperationalModelJob 0x7FC0BD9B3860, leaf 0x7FC0ADA35838
2023/03/13 08:18:14.944555 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Find the Job for removal 0x7FC0BD9A68E0
2023/03/13 08:18:14.944536 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Job 1023 SAOperationalModelJob, Matching 1023 SAOperationalModelJob
2023/03/13 08:18:13.964201 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAStorage-Get Sys Data from PI Success
2023/03/13 08:18:13.962069 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAStorage-Attempt to release Write Lock.
2023/03/13 08:18:13.946593 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAStorage-Attempt to obtain Write Lock.
2023/03/13 08:18:13.946586 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAStorage-Writing to the Path <TS>/currentRUMReports.rum
2023/03/13 08:18:13.946562 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAStorage-Writing TS: ChkPt SmartAgentHaMethodTsPath, tsErasedOccurred False, numTsPaths 1
2023/03/13 08:18:13.946553 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAStorage-DeQueueing a TS Group currentRUMReports.rum
2023/03/13 08:18:13.944890 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAStorage-Initial TS Queue size 1 rc NoError(0)
2023/03/13 08:18:13.944884 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilRepSave-Setting SAUtilityReportsSaveJob IN PROGRESS True to False
2023/03/13 08:18:13.944874 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilRepSave-nextQ 0x7FC0BE3EBFD0, for job SAUtilityReportsSaveJob jobData 0x7FC0BD9BD420, tcId 1023
2023/03/13 08:18:13.944867 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilRepSave-Successfully start job SAOperationalModelJob timer leaf 1 Seconds
2023/03/13 08:18:13.944814 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilRepSave-Attach job SAOperationalModelJob to XDM Leaf 0x7FC0ADA35838
2023/03/13 08:18:13.944808 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilRepSave-JobFlag 0x111 not having the right prerequeset 0x02 for 0x20
2023/03/13 08:18:13.944802 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (ERR): SAUtilRepSave-Tenant 1023 Job SAOperationalModelJob, attached flag set, but not in list
2023/03/13 08:18:13.944787 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilRepSave-About to Attach SAOperationalModelJob
2023/03/13 08:18:13.944781 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilRepSave-Scheduling Sending the oper model notification for job name SAUtilityReportsSaveJob
2023/03/13 08:18:13.944775 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilRepSave-Successfully start job SAUtilityReportsSaveJob timer leaf 3600 Seconds
2023/03/13 08:18:13.944760 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilRepSave-Attach job SAUtilityReportsSaveJob to XDM Leaf 0x7FC0ADA312C0
2023/03/13 08:18:13.944754 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilRepSave-JobFlag 0x115 not having the right prerequeset 0x02 for 0x20
2023/03/13 08:18:13.944748 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (ERR): SAUtilRepSave-Tenant 1023 Job SAUtilityReportsSaveJob, attached flag set, but not in list
2023/03/13 08:18:13.944724 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilRepSave-About to Attach SAUtilityReportsSaveJob
2023/03/13 08:18:13.944718 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilRepSave-commit reports to storage from reportsaveCB: Success
2023/03/13 08:18:13.944682 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilRepSave-RUM report commit: Success
2023/03/13 08:18:13.944164 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilRepSave-Queueing Up TS Group currentRUMReports.rum 0x7FC0BD9A68E0
2023/03/13 08:18:13.944158 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilRepSave-erase 1, force 1, anyChgd 1


Device# show logging profile wireless reverse ?        
  |     Output modifiers
  <cr>  <cr>

FABRIEK#show logging profile wireless reverse 
Logging display requested on 2023/03/13 08:51:27 (UTC) for Hostname: [FABRIEK], Model: [C8300-1N1S-4T2X], Version: [17.12.01], SN: [FDO24190V85], MD_SN: [FDO2451M13G]

Displaying logs from the last 0 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes, 0 seconds
executing cmd on chassis local ...
 UTM Level [VERBOSE / NOISE / INVALID] ............. 0 / 0 / 0
 UTM Level [WARNING / NOTICE / INFO / DEBUG] ....... 0 / 5 / 0 / 0
 UTM Level [EMERGENCY / ALERT / CRITICAL / ERROR] .. 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
 UTM [LUID NOT FOUND] .............. 0
 UTM [PCAP] ........................ 0
 UTM [MARKER] ...................... 0
 UTM [APP CONTEXT] ................. 0
 UTM [TDL TAN] ..................... 0
 UTM [MODULE ID] ................... 0
 UTM [DYN LIB] ..................... 0
 UTM [PLAIN TEXT] .................. 0
 UTM [ENCODED] ..................... 5
 UTM [Skipped / Rendered / Total] .. 44439 / 5 / 44444
 Last UTM TimeStamp ................ 2023/03/13 08:51:26.723961142
 First UTM TimeStamp ............... 2023/03/13 08:13:19.321653302
----------------- Decoder Output Information --------------
 MRST Filter Rules ...... 24
 UTM Process Filter ..... cpp_cp,fman_fp,fman_rp,fman-rp,fman-fp,fed,mobilityd,nmspd,odm_proxy,rogued,rrm,repm,wncd,wncmgrd,wncd_x,IOSRP,smd,odm,wstatsd,linux-iosd-image,wncloudm,locationd
 Total UTM To Process ... 44444
 Total UTF To Process ... 1
 Num of Unique Streams .. 1
----------------- Decoder Input Information ---------------
======= Unified Trace Decoder Information/Statistics ======
2023/03/13 08:50:55.161355814 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [parser_cmd] [3793]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless to-file mylog 12' FAILURE 2023/03/13 08:50:55.159 UTC
2023/03/13 08:49:52.077502587 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [parser_cmd] [3793]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless to-file mylog.txt' SUCCESS 2023/03/13 08:49:52.075 UTC
2023/03/13 08:48:56.203638311 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [parser_cmd] [3793]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless to-file' FAILURE 2023/03/13 08:48:56.202 UTC
2023/03/13 08:44:04.543044606 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [parser_cmd] [3793]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless start last 455' SUCCESS 2023/03/13 08:43:52.478 UTC
2023/03/13 08:43:36.172434464 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [parser_cmd] [3793]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless start' FAILURE 2023/03/13 08:43:36.170 UTC

Found 1 UTF Streams
Unified Decoder Library Init .. DONE

show logging profile wireless start

To specify log filtering start location, use the show logging profile wireless start command.

show logging profile wireless start { last | marker | timestamp }

Syntax Description

last Display the logs since last event.
marker The marker to start filtering from. It must match with previously set marker


The timestamp for filtering. for example, "2023/02/10 14:41:50.849".

Command Default


Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.x This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Ensure that you enable internal keyword using the show logging profile wireless internal command to get the trace output.

Without the internal keyword, only customer curated logs are displayed.


The following example shows how to specify log filtering from a specific marker:

Device# show logging profile wireless start marker global
Logging display requested on 2023/03/13 08:57:50 (UTC) for Hostname: [BRU-C9K-153-05], Model: [C9300-24T], Version: [17.03.05], SN: [FOC24140R40], MD_SN: [FOC2415U0XX]

Start marker [global] at timestamp ["2023/03/10 14:12:41.685027" UTC] found
executing cmd on chassis 1 ...

2023/03/10 14:12:41.686658 {smd_R0-0}{1}: [btrace] [0]: (mark): global
2023/03/10 14:12:41.690920 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [parser_cmd] [14504]: (note): id= cmd: 'set logging marker global' SUCCESS 14:12:41 UTC Fri Mar 10 2023
2023/03/10 14:12:57.134650 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [parser_cmd] [14504]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging marker global' FAILURE 14:12:57 UTC Fri Mar 10 2023
2023/03/10 14:18:03.930420 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Job 1023 SAUtilityMeasurementJob, Matching 1023 SAUtilityMeasurementJob
2023/03/10 14:18:03.930440 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Find the Job for removal 0x7FC0BE3EC110
2023/03/10 14:18:03.930464 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Found the element for removal 0x7FC0BD9BED80 ->0x7FC0BD9BD260
2023/03/10 14:18:03.930471 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Removinging Job SAUtilityMeasurementJob 0x7FC0BD9A6430, leaf 0x7FC0ADA357A0
2023/03/10 14:18:03.930489 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Attaching Job SAUtilityMeasurementJob to Exec Queue Head
2023/03/10 14:18:03.930495 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Executing from Queue, Job SAUtilityMeasurementJob (20)
2023/03/10 14:18:03.930501 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAMsgThread-Setting SAUtilityMeasurementJob IN PROGRESS False to True
2023/03/10 14:18:03.930519 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-utility measurement start
2023/03/10 14:18:03.930526 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[1], n[3]
2023/03/10 14:18:03.930532 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[2], n[2]
2023/03/10 14:18:03.930538 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[5], n[1]
2023/03/10 14:18:03.930544 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[6], n[0]
2023/03/10 14:18:03.930549 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[1], n[3]
2023/03/10 14:18:03.930555 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[2], n[2]
2023/03/10 14:18:03.930561 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[5], n[1]
2023/03/10 14:18:03.930567 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[6], n[0]
2023/03/10 14:18:03.930583 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Prepare grant request struct - started
2023/03/10 14:18:03.930589 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[1], n[3]
2023/03/10 14:18:03.930595 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[2], n[2]
2023/03/10 14:18:03.930601 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[5], n[1]
2023/03/10 14:18:03.930607 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[6], n[0]
2023/03/10 14:18:03.930613 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Prepare grant request struct - grant[0], numEndPoints: 0
2023/03/10 14:18:03.930619 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Prepare grant request struct - grant[1], numEndPoints: 0
2023/03/10 14:18:03.930624 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Prepare grant request struct - grant list built successfully, numGrant: 2, numEndPoints: 0
2023/03/10 14:18:03.930630 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[1], n[3]
2023/03/10 14:18:03.930654 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[2], n[2]
2023/03/10 14:18:03.930660 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[5], n[1]
2023/03/10 14:18:03.930666 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Get Handle List: next_id[6], n[0]
2023/03/10 14:18:03.930672 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-Checking 0 tag[,1.0_bd1da96e-ec1d-412b-a50e-53846b347d53] handle[1] utility[0x7FC0B1BDA340]
2023/03/10 14:18:03.930678 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [smart-agent] [22736]: (note): SAUtilMeasurement-process append measurement


The following example shows how to specify log filtering from the last event:

Device# show logging profile wireless start last 455
Logging display requested on 2023/03/13 08:43:52 (UTC) for Hostname: [FABRIEK], Model: [C8300-1N1S-4T2X], Version: [17.12.01], SN: [FDO24190V85], MD_SN: [FDO2451M13G]

Displaying logs from the last 0 days, 0 hours, 7 minutes, 35 seconds
executing cmd on chassis local ...
Unified Decoder Library Init .. DONE
Found 1 UTF Streams

2023/03/13 08:40:29.117013228 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [parser_cmd] [3793]: (note): id= cmd: 'enable' SUCCESS 2023/03/13 08:40:24.272 UTC
2023/03/13 08:41:00.611072184 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [parser_cmd] [3793]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless switch ' FAILURE 2023/03/13 08:41:00.609 UTC
2023/03/13 08:41:17.724209224 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [parser_cmd] [3793]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless ' SUCCESS 2023/03/13 08:41:14.335 UTC
2023/03/13 08:43:36.172434464 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [parser_cmd] [3793]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless start' FAILURE 2023/03/13 08:43:36.170 UTC
======= Unified Trace Decoder Information/Statistics ======
----------------- Decoder Input Information ---------------
 Num of Unique Streams .. 1
 Total UTF To Process ... 1
 Total UTM To Process ... 41218
 UTM Process Filter ..... cpp_cp,fman_fp,fman_rp,fman-rp,fman-fp,fed,mobilityd,nmspd,odm_proxy,rogued,rrm,repm,wncd,wncmgrd,wncd_x,IOSRP,smd,odm,wstatsd,linux-iosd-image,wncloudm,locationd
 MRST Filter Rules ...... 24
----------------- Decoder Output Information --------------
 First UTM TimeStamp ............... 2023/03/13 08:13:19.321653302
 Last UTM TimeStamp ................ 2023/03/13 08:43:51.407251687
 UTM [Skipped / Rendered / Total] .. 41214 / 4 / 41218
 UTM [ENCODED] ..................... 4
 UTM [PLAIN TEXT] .................. 0
 UTM [DYN LIB] ..................... 0
 UTM [MODULE ID] ................... 0
 UTM [TDL TAN] ..................... 0
 UTM [APP CONTEXT] ................. 0
 UTM [MARKER] ...................... 0
 UTM [PCAP] ........................ 0
 UTM [LUID NOT FOUND] .............. 0
 UTM Level [EMERGENCY / ALERT / CRITICAL / ERROR] .. 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
 UTM Level [WARNING / NOTICE / INFO / DEBUG] ....... 0 / 4 / 0 / 0
 UTM Level [VERBOSE / NOISE / INVALID] ............. 0 / 0 / 0

show logging profile wireless switch

To specify the switch to look for logs, use the show logging profile wireless switch command.

show logging profile wireless switch { <switch-nmber> | active | standby }

Syntax Description

Chasis-number The chasis number.
active Selects the active instance.


Selects the standby instance.

Command Default


Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.x This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Ensure that you enable internal keyword using the show logging profile wireless internal command to get the trace output.

Without the internal keyword, only customer curated logs are displayed.


The following example shows how to specify the chassis number to look for logs:

Device# show logging profile wireless switch 1            
Logging display requested on 2023/03/13 08:31:03 (UTC) for Hostname: [BRU-C9K-153-05], Model: [C9300-24T], Version: [17.03.05], SN: [FOC24140R40], MD_SN: [FOC2415U0XX]

Displaying logs from the last 0 days, 0 hours, 10 minutes, 0 seconds
executing cmd on chassis 1 ...

2023/03/13 08:23:38.572830 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [parser_cmd] [14504]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless reverse' SUCCESS 08:23:38 UTC Mon Mar 13 2023
2023/03/13 08:23:47.635492 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [parser_cmd] [14504]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless switch' FAILURE 08:23:47 UTC Mon Mar 13 2023
2023/03/13 08:28:58.495768 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [parser_cmd] [14504]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless switch 11' SUCCESS 08:28:58 UTC Mon Mar 13 2023
2023/03/13 08:29:05.679730 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [parser_cmd] [14504]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless switch 3' SUCCESS 08:29:05 UTC Mon Mar 13 2023
2023/03/13 08:29:12.043540 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [parser_cmd] [14504]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless switch 4' SUCCESS 08:29:12 UTC Mon Mar 13 2023
2023/03/13 08:29:23.347112 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [parser_cmd] [14504]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless switch 4 active ' FAILURE 08:29:23 UTC Mon Mar 13 2023
2023/03/13 08:29:44.820050 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [parser_cmd] [14504]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless switch active' SUCCESS 08:29:44 UTC Mon Mar 13 2023
2023/03/13 08:30:22.698250 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [parser_cmd] [14504]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless switch standby metadata ' SUCCESS 08:30:22 UTC Mon Mar 13 2023
2023/03/13 08:30:36.009511 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [parser_cmd] [14504]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless switch standby to-file' FAILURE 08:30:36 UTC Mon Mar 13 2023
2023/03/13 08:30:49.762440 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [parser_cmd] [14504]: (note): id= cmd: 'show logging profile wireless switch standby reverse' SUCCESS 08:30:49 UTC Mon Mar 13 2023

show logging profile wireless to-file

To decode files stored in disk and write the output to a file, use the show logging profile wireless to-file command.

show logging profile wireless to-file output-file-name

Syntax Description


Output file name. File with this name will be created in the flash/bootflash/crashinfo/harddisk memory.

Command Default


Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.x This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Ensure that you enable internal keyword using the show logging profile wireless internal command to get the trace output.

Without the internal keyword, only customer curated logs are displayed.


The following example shows how to decode files stored in disk and write the output to a file:

Device# show logging profile wireless to-file mylog.txt
excuting cmd on chassis 1 ...
Files being merged in the background, result will be in /bootflash/mylog.txt log file.
Device#dir bootflash:mylog.txt
Directory of bootflash:/mylog.txt
   39  -rw-          1698598  Oct 31 2017 05:29:11 +00:00  mylog.txt
7897796608 bytes total (3338383360 bytes free)

show logging profile sdwan

To view messages logged by binary trace for Cisco-SD-WAN-specific processes and process modules, use the show logging profile sdwan command in the privileged EXEC mode. The messages are displayed in chronological order.

show logging profile sdwan [ extract-pcap to-file path | [ end timestamp ts ] [ module name ] [ internal ] [ start { last { n { days | hours | minutes | seconds } clear boot } | timestamp ts } [ end { last { n { days | hours | minutes | seconds } clear boot } | timestamp ts } ] ] [ level level ] [ fru slot ] [ reverse | [ trace-on-failure | metadata ] [ to-file path ] ] ]

Syntax Description

extract-pcap to-file path

Extracts pcap data to a file.

end timestamp ts

Shows logs up to the specified timestamp.

module name

Selects logs for specific modules.


Selects all logs.

start{ last { n {days | hours | minutes | seconds} | clear | boot} | timestamp ts}[end{ last { n {days | hours | minutes | seconds} | clear | boot} | timestamp ts}]

Shows logs collected between the specified start and end times.

level level

Shows logs for the specified and higher levels.

fru slot

Shows logs from a specific FRU.


Shows logs in reverse chronological order.

to-file path

Decodes files stored in disk and writes output to file.


Shows the trace on failure summary.


Shows metadata for every log message.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification

Cisco IOS XE Release 17.4.1a

Command support introduced for select Cisco SD-WAN processes.

Usage Guidelines

Table 2. Supported Cisco SD-WAN Daemons

Cisco SD-WAN Daemons

Supported from Release

  • fpmd

  • ftm

  • ompd

  • vdaemon

  • cfgmgr

Cisco IOS XE Release 17.4.1a


The following example shows a truncated output of the show logging profile sdwan start last boot internal command. From the timestamps, we can see that the messages are shown in a chronological order.

Device# show logging profile sdwan start last boot internal
Logging display requested on 2020/11/18 18:59:16 (UTC) for Hostname: [Device], Model: [ISR4451-X/K9], Version: [17.04.01], SN: [FOC23125GHG], MD_SN: [FGL231432EQ]

Displaying logs from the last 1 days, 10 hours, 0 minutes, 20 seconds
executing cmd on chassis local …
2020/11/20 10:25:52.195149 {vdaemon_R0-0}{1}: [misc] [10969]: (ERR): Set chassis-number - ISR4451-X/K9-FOC23125GHG in confd
2020/11/20 10:25:52.198958 {vdaemon_R0-0}{1}: [misc] [10969]: (ERR): Root-CA file exists - Set it in CDB
2020/11/20 10:25:52.200462 {vdaemon_R0-0}{1}: [vipcommon] [10969]: (debug): chasfs property_create success sw-vip-vdaemon-done
2020/11/20 10:25:52.201467 {vip_confd_startup_sh_R0-0}{1}: [btrace_sh] [6179]: (note): INOTIFY /tmp/chassis/local/rp/chasfs/rp/0/0/confd/ CREATE sw-vip-vdaemon-done
2020/11/20 10:25:52.202184 {vip_confd_startup_sh_R0-0}{1}: [btrace_sh] [6179]: (note): INOTIFY /tmp/chassis/local/rp/chasfs/rp/0/0/confd/ CLOSE_WRITE-CLOSE sw-vip-vdaemon-done
2020/11/20 10:25:52.238625 {vdaemon_R0-0}{1}: [vipcommon] [10969]: (debug): [/usr/sbin/iptables -w -A LOGGING -m limit --limit 5/m -j LOG --log-prefix "iptables-dropped:" --log-level 6] exited with ret: 2, output: iptables v1.8.3 (legacy): Couldn't load match `limit':No such file or directory
2020/11/20 10:25:52.242402 {vdaemon_R0-0}{1}: [vipcommon] [10969]: (debug): [/usr/sbin/ip6tables -w -A LOGGING -m limit --limit 5/m -j LOG --log-prefix "ip6tables-dropped:" --log-level 6] exited with ret: 2, output: ip6tables v1.8.3 (legacy): Couldn't load match `limit':No such file or directory
2020/11/20 10:25:52.254181 {vdaemon_R0-0}{1}: [misc] [10969]: (ERR): Error removing /usr/share/viptela/proxy.crt
2020/11/20 10:25:52.692474 {vdaemon_R0-0}{1}: [confd] [10969]: (ERR): Flags=1, device-type=1, vbond-dns=0, domain-id=0, site-id=0, system-ip=0, wan-intf=0, org-name=0, cert-inst=0, root-cert-inst=0, port-offset=0, uuid=0
2020/11/20 10:25:52.692486 {vdaemon_R0-0}{1}: [confd] [10969]: (ERR): Returning 0
2020/11/20 10:26:24.669716 {fpmd_pmanlog_R0-0}{1}: [btrace] [14140]: (note): Btrace started for process ID 14140 with 512 modules
2020/11/20 10:26:24.669721 {fpmd_pmanlog_R0-0}{1}: [btrace] [14140]: (note): File size max used for rotation of tracelogs: 8192
2020/11/20 10:26:25.001528 {fpmd_R0-0}{1}: [fpmd] [14271]: (note): FPMD BTRACE INIT DONE
2020/11/20 10:26:25.001551 {fpmd_R0-0}{1}: [vipcommon] [14271]: (note): Vipcommon btrace init done
2020/11/20 10:26:25.001563 {fpmd_R0-0}{1}: [chmgr_api] [14271]: (note): Chmgr_api btrace init done
2020/11/20 10:26:25.022479 {ftmd_pmanlog_R0-0}{1}: [btrace] [14364]: (note): Btrace started for process ID 14364 with 512 modules
2020/11/20 10:26:25.022484 {ftmd_pmanlog_R0-0}{1}: [btrace] [14364]: (note): File size max used for rotation of tracelogs: 8192
2020/11/20 10:26:25.022484 {ftmd_pmanlog_R0-0}{1}: [btrace] [14364]: (note): File size max used for rotation of TAN stats file: 8192
2020/11/20 10:26:25.022485 {ftmd_pmanlog_R0-0}{1}: [btrace] [14364]: (note): File rotation timeout max used for rotation of TAN stats file: 600
2020/11/20 10:26:25.022590 {ftmd_pmanlog_R0-0}{1}: [btrace] [14364]: (note): Boot level config file [/harddisk/tracelogs/level_config/ftmd_pmanlog_R0-0] is not available. Skipping
2020/11/20 10:26:25.022602 {ftmd_pmanlog_R0-0}{1}: [btrace] [14364]: (note): Setting level to 5 from [BINOS_BTRACE_LEVEL_MODULE_BTRACE_SH]=[NOTICE]
2020/11/20 10:26:25.037903 {fpmd_R0-0}{1}: [cyan] [14271]: (warn): program path package name rp_security does not match .pkginfo name mono
2020/11/20 10:26:25.038036 {fpmd_R0-0}{1}: [cyan] [14271]: (note): Successfully initialized cyan library for /tmp/sw/rp/0/0/rp_security/mount/usr/binos/bin/fpmd with /tmp/cyan/0/mono.cdb
2020/11/20 10:26:26.206844 {ftmd_R0-0}{1}: [tdllib] [14517]: (note): Flag tdlh stale epoch for all tdl handles
2020/11/20 10:26:26.206853 {ftmd_R0-0}{1}: [tdllib] [14517]: (note): Detect newly epoch file generated: /tmp/tdlresolve/epoch_dir/active, new epoch: /tmp/tdlresolve/epoch_dir//2020_11_20_10_23_8925.epoch
2020/11/20 10:26:26.206866 {ftmd_R0-0}{1}: [tdllib] [14517]: (note): epoch file read /tmp/tdlresolve/epoch_dir//2020_11_20_10_23_8925.epoch
2020/11/20 10:26:26.334529 {plogd_R0-0}{1}: [plogd] [5353]: (debug):   Sending: facility 16. %Cisco-SDWAN-RP_0-CFGMGR-4-WARN-300001: R0/0: CFGMGR: Connection to ftm is up
2020/11/20 10:26:26.334580 {plogd_R0-0}{1}: [plogd] [5353]: (debug):   Sending: facility 16. %Cisco-SDWAN-Atlantis-B4-FTMD-4-WARN-1000007: R0/0: FTMD: Connection to TTM came up. p_msgq 0x564c7606bc30 p_ftm 0x564c7514d8b0
2020/11/20 10:26:26.335175 {IOSRP_R0-0}{1}: [iosrp] [15606]: (warn):  *Nov 20 10:26:26.335: %Cisco-SDWAN-RP_0-CFGMGR-4-WARN-300001: R0/0: CFGMGR: Connection to ftm is up

show logging profile sdwan internal

To view messages logged by binary trace for Cisco-SD-WAN-specific processes and process modules, use the show logging profile sdwan internal command in the privileged EXEC mode. The messages are displayed in chronological order.

show logging profile sdwan internal

Syntax Description

end timestamp ts

Shows logs up to the specified timestamp.

start{ last { n {days | hours | minutes | seconds} | clear | boot} | timestamp ts}[end{ last { n {days | hours | minutes | seconds} | clear | boot} | timestamp ts}]

Shows logs collected between the specified start and end times.

level level

Shows logs for the specified and higher levels.

fru slot

Shows logs from a specific FRU.


Shows logs in reverse chronological order.

to-file path

Decodes files stored in disk and writes output to file.


Shows the trace on failure summary.


Shows metadata for every log message.

Command Default


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release Modification
Cisco IOS XE Release 17.4.1a

Command support introduced for select Cisco SD-WAN processes.

Usage Guidelines

Table 3. Supported Cisco SD-WAN Daemons

Cisco SD-WAN Daemons

Supported from Release

  • fpmd

  • ftm

  • ompd

  • vdaemon

  • cfgmgr

Cisco IOS XE Release 17.4.1a


Device# show logging profile sdwan internal start last boot 
Logging display requested on 2023/03/17 20:24:21 (UTC) for Hostname: [FABRIEK], Model: [C8300-1N1S-4T2X], Version: [17.12.01], SN: [FDO24190V85], MD_SN: [FDO2451M13G]

Displaying logs from the last 0 days, 11 hours, 43 minutes, 34 seconds
executing cmd on chassis local ...
Unified Decoder Library Init .. DONE
Found 1 UTF Streams

2023/03/17 08:40:49.204368658 {binos_R0-0}{255}: [btrace_sh] [7615]: (note): Device mode is autonomous
2023/03/17 08:40:49.207063476 {binos_R0-0}{255}: [btrace_sh] [7615]: (note): Device mode is autonomous
2023/03/17 08:40:49.222900086 {binos_R0-0}{255}: [btrace_sh] [7615]: (note): Image is unified
2023/03/17 08:40:49.227106778 {binos_R0-0}{255}: [btrace_sh] [7615]: (note): Image allows controller mode
2023/03/17 08:40:49.227163533 {binos_R0-0}{255}: [btrace_sh] [7615]: (note): continue in AUTONOMOUS mode
2023/03/17 08:40:49.348891716 {binos_R0-0}{255}: [btrace_sh] [7615]: (note): setting device mode to autonomous in rommon
2023/03/17 08:40:49.349197442 {binos_R0-0}{255}: [btrace_sh] [7615]: (note): setting device mode to autonomous in chasfs
2023/03/17 08:40:51.145357889 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [btrace] [3693]: (note): Btrace started for process IOSRP ID 3693 with 446 modules
2023/03/17 08:40:51.145360439 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [btrace] [3693]: (note): File size max used for rotation of tracelogs: 1048576
2023/03/17 08:40:51.145360722 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [btrace] [3693]: (note): File size max used for rotation of TAN stats file: 1048576
2023/03/17 08:40:51.145360907 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [btrace] [3693]: (note): File rotation timeout max used for rotation of TAN stats file: 600
2023/03/17 08:40:51.145361152 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [btrace] [3693]: (note): Bproc Name:IOSRP pman:0
2023/03/17 08:40:51.145469793 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [btrace] [3693]: (note): Boot level config file [/harddisk/tracelogs/level_config/IOSRP_R0-0] is not available. Skipping
2023/03/17 08:40:51.145480353 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [btrace] [3693]: (note): module init: (iosrp), huffman code len=27, code:
2023/03/17 08:40:51.358147091 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [btrace] [3693]: (note): module init: (syshw), huffman code len=38, code: 0x03.74.87.8a.
2023/03/17 08:40:51.358352395 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [syshw] [3693]: (ERR): syshw build device: could not add register 5 dev: /sys/bus/platform/devices/cpld/phys_slot_number (No such file or directory) due to No such file or directory
2023/03/17 08:40:51.358372681 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [syshw] [3693]: (ERR): syshw build device: could not add register 7 dev: /sys/bus/platform/devices/cpld/reg_rp_sku_register (No such file or directory) due to No such file or directory
2023/03/17 08:40:51.358507185 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [btrace] [3693]: (note): module init: (flash), huffman code len=28, code: 0x3d.
2023/03/17 08:40:51.359001716 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [flash] [3693]: (note): Neptune/Radium/Thallium platform detected - use NEPTUNE/RADIUM/THALLIUM flash offset values
2023/03/17 08:40:51.359019217 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [flash] [3693]: (note): Flashlib: using native flash read/writes
2023/03/17 08:40:51.364902464 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [btrace] [3693]: (note): module init: (prelib), huffman code len=32, code: 0xfe.96.c7.a8.
2023/03/17 08:40:51.369704568 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [btrace] [3693]: (note): module init: (thpool), huffman code len=34, code:
2023/03/17 08:40:51.370335191 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [btrace] [3693:14198]: (note): module init: (services), huffman code len=40, code: 0x05.d1.
2023/03/17 08:40:51.379647650 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [chasfs] [3693]: (ERR): property open: property console does not exist: /tmp/chassis/local/rp/chasfs/rp/console
2023/03/17 08:40:52.210928762 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [btrace] [3693]: (note): module init: (evlib), huffman code len=29, code: 0x53.36.3d.
2023/03/17 08:40:52.246163846 {plogd_R0-0}{255}: [btrace] [4760]: (note): Btrace started for process plogd ID 4760 with 512 module

2023/03/17 08:40:52.246167612 {plogd_R0-0}{255}: [btrace] [4760]: (note): File size max used for rotation of tracelogs: 131072
2023/03/17 08:40:52.246168032 {plogd_R0-0}{255}: [btrace] [4760]: (note): File size max used for rotation of TAN stats file: 131072
2023/03/17 08:40:52.246168329 {plogd_R0-0}{255}: [btrace] [4760]: (note): File rotation timeout max used for rotation of TAN stats file: 600
2023/03/17 08:40:52.246168702 {plogd_R0-0}{255}: [btrace] [4760]: (note): Bproc Name:plogd pman:0
2023/03/17 08:40:52.246332428 {plogd_R0-0}{255}: [btrace] [4760]: (note): Boot level config file [/harddisk/tracelogs/level_config/plogd_R0-0] is not available. Skipping
2023/03/17 08:40:52.246334622 {plogd_R0-0}{255}: [plogd] [4760]: (note): Starting plogd from /tmp/sw/rp/0/0/rp_security/mount/usr/binos/bin/plogd as pid 4760
2023/03/17 08:40:52.246423255 {plogd_R0-0}{255}: [btrace] [4760]: (note): module init: (evlib), huffman code len=29, code: 0x53.36.3d.
2023/03/17 08:40:52.246615549 {plogd_R0-0}{255}: [btrace] [4760]: (note): module init: (services), huffman code len=40, code: 0x05.d1.
2023/03/17 08:40:52.246738253 {plogd_R0-0}{255}: [btrace] [4760]: (note): module init: (cyan), huffman code len=30, code: 0x43.
2023/03/17 08:40:52.246802268 {plogd_R0-0}{255}: [cyan] [4760]: (warn): program path package name rp_security does not match .pkginfo name mono
<output truncated>

show log file

To display the log files in bootflash:, crashinfo:, flash:, harddisk:, or webui:, use the show log file command.

show log file

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.x

This command was introduced.


This example shows how to display binary encoded logs on the /harddisk/tracelogs directory:

# show log file flash:tracelogs/wncmgrd_R0-0.31953_1984.20171030025730.bin

excuting cmd on chassis 1 ...
Decoding files:

2017/10/30 02:57:30.189 {wncmgrd_R0-0}{1}: [hl-core] [31953]: UUID: 1000000042b94, ra: 15, (debug): AP ece1.a9da.0ce0 is detected as unknown and is ignored for L1
2017/10/30 02:57:30.190 {wncmgrd_R0-0}{1}: [hl-core] [31953]: UUID: 1000000042b95, ra: 15, (debug): AP ece1.a9da.0ce0 is detected as unknown and is ignored for L1
2017/10/30 02:57:30.655 {wncmgrd_R0-0}{1}: [capwapac-srvr] [31953]: UUID: 1000000042b9d, ra: 15, (info): MAC: ece1.a9da.0ce0  IP:[51099], Discovery Request received
2017/10/30 02:57:30.655 {wncmgrd_R0-0}{1}: [capwapac-srvr] [31953]: UUID: 1000000042b9d, ra: 15, 

monitor logging

To monitor log generation in real-time for a process or a profile, use the monitor logging command in privileged EXEC or user EXEC mode.

monitor logging

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.x This command was introduced.


This example shows how to monitor logs for a device:

Device# monitor logging
Displaying traces starting from 2023/03/13 13:54:44.000000.  If no traces are present, the command will wait until one is.
Unified Decoder Library Init .. DONE
Found 1 UTF Streams

2023/03/13 13:55:02.400420159 {btman_R0-0}{255}: [utm_main] [6459]: (note): Inserted UTF(2) HT(old):droputil_R0-0[13] lnode /tmp/rp/trace/droputil_R0-0.7048_399.20230313135502.bin PID:7048
2023/03/13 13:55:03.400515639 {btman_R0-0}{255}: [utm_wq] [6459:17299]: (note): Inline sync, enqueue BTF message flags:0x1, PID:17299 BTF:/tmp/rp/trace/droputil_R0-0.7048_398.20230313135402.bin
2023/03/13 13:55:03.405782937 {btman_R0-0}{255}: [utm_wq] [6459]: (note): utm delete /tmp/rp/trace/droputil_R0-0.7048_398.20230313135402.bin
2023/03/13 13:55:04.830270054 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [parser_cmd] [3793]: (note): id= cmd: 'enable' SUCCESS 2023/03/13 13:55:01.824 UTC
2023/03/13 13:55:14.147669445 {btman_R0-0}{255}: [utm_main] [6459]: (note): Inserted UTF(1) HT(new):in_telnetd_R0-0[15] lnode /tmp/rp/trace/in_telnetd_R0-0.17897_0.20230313135514.bin:56 PID:17897
2023/03/13 13:55:14.385316198 {btman_R0-0}{255}: [utm_main] [6459]: (note): Inserted UTF(1) HT(new):brelay_R0-0[11] lnode /tmp/rp/trace/brelay_R0-0.18013_0.20230313135514.bin:52 PID:18013
2023/03/13 13:55:14.602737720 {btman_R0-0}{255}: [utm_main] [6459]: (note): Inserted UTF(1) HT(old):utd_R0-0[8] lnode /tmp/rp/trace/utd_R0-0.18072_0.20230313135514.bin PID:18072 
2023/03/13 13:55:52.416339579 {btman_R0-0}{255}: [utm_main] [6459]: (note): Inserted UTF(2) HT(old):droputil_R0-0[13] lnode /tmp/rp/trace/droputil_R0-0.7048_400.20230313135552.bin PID:7048
2023/03/13 13:55:53.416432464 {btman_R0-0}{255}: [utm_wq] [6459:17299]: (note): Inline sync, enqueue BTF message flags:0x1, PID:17299 BTF:/tmp/rp/trace/droputil_R0-0.7048_399.20230313135502.bin
2023/03/13 13:55:53.438909953 {btman_R0-0}{255}: [utm_wq] [6459]: (note): utm delete /tmp/rp/trace/droputil_R0-0.7048_399.20230313135502.bin
<output truncated>

monitor logging filter

To specify filter for monitorin logs, use the monitor logging command.

monitor logging filter { interface | ipv4 | ipv6 | mac | ra | string | uuid }

Syntax Description


Selects logs with specific interface app context.


Selects logs with specific IPv4 address app context.


Selects logs with specific IPv6 address app context.


Selects logs with specific MAC app context.


Selects logs with specific string app context.


Selects logs with specific Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) app context.


Selects the radioactive logs.

Command Default


Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.x This command was introduced.


The following example show how to specify filter for monitoring logs.

Device# monitor logging filter mac ECE1.A9DA.0CE0
Device# monitor logging filter uuid 0x1f00000000014

monitor logging level

To monitor logs above a specific level, use the monitor logging level command.

monitor logging level { debug | error | info | notice | verbose | warning }

Syntax Description


Selects the debug-level trace messages.


Selects the error-level trace messages.


Selects the informational-level trace messages.


Selects the notice-level trace messages.


Selects the verbose-level trace messages.


Selects the warning-level trace messages.

Command Default

The default tracing level for all modules is notice .

Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.x This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to monitor logs above a specific level.

Device# monitor logging level debug

monitor logging metadata

To display metadata for every log message, use the monitor logging metadata command.

monitor logging metadata

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Default


Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.x This command was introduced.


The following example show how to view the metadata of a log message.

#monitor logging metadata 
Displaying traces starting from 2023/03/13 16:14:38.000000.  If no traces are present, the command will wait until one is.
Unified Decoder Library Init .. DONE
Found 1 UTF Streams

2023/03/13 16:14:45.726520594 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [iosrp] [3816]: (note):  *Mar 13 16:14:45.726: %SEC_LOGIN-5-LOGIN_SUCCESS: Login Success [user: admin] [Source:] [localport: 23] at 16:14:45 UTC Mon Mar 13 2023
2023/03/13 16:14:50.707027420 {btman_R0-0}{255}: [utm_main] [6384]: Message type: 0, Flags: 0x4 [ TAC ], LUID: 1499fee71564e6679f585021b0d556fe98b60007, UUID: 0, ra: 0 (note): Inserted UTF(2) HT(old):droputil_R0-0[13] lnode /tmp/rp/trace/droputil_R0-0.7083_514.20230313161450.bin PID:7083
2023/03/13 16:14:51.706580987 {btman_R0-0}{255}: [utm_wq] [6384:17368]: Message type: 0, Flags: 0x4 [ TAC ], LUID: f93d6ec90236d75c9dd60da9a0021ac8645c0004, UUID: 0, ra: 0 (note): Inline sync, enqueue BTF message flags:0x1, PID:17368 BTF:/tmp/rp/trace/droputil_R0-0.7083_513.20230313161400.bin
2023/03/13 16:14:51.715837324 {btman_R0-0}{255}: [utm_wq] [6384]: Message type: 0, Flags: 0x4 [ TAC ], LUID: e284a7bb15a631e5236149d09c16335330c10006, UUID: 0, ra: 0 (note): utm delete /tmp/rp/trace/droputil_R0-0.7083_513.20230313161400.bin
2023/03/13 16:15:07.678586985 {btman_R0-0}{255}: [utm_main] [6384]: Message type: 0, Flags: 0x4 [ TAC ], LUID: 1499fee71564e6679f585021b0d556fe98b60007, UUID: 0, ra: 0 (note): Inserted UTF(2) HT(old):in_telnetd_R0-0[15] lnode /tmp/rp/trace/in_telnetd_R0-0.9365_0.20230313161507.bin PID:9365
<output truncated>

monitor logging process-helper

To monitor log generation in real-time for a process or a profile, use the monitor logging command in privileged EXEC or user EXEC mode.

monitor logging process-helper process-name

Syntax Description


You can choose a certain process for which the logs need to be monitored. Example: bt-logger , btrace-manager , ios , dbm , logger , and so on.

Command Default


Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.x This command was introduced.


The following example shows how to monitor logs for a specific process.

Device# monitor logging process-helper ios
Displaying traces starting from 2023/03/13 16:38:08.000000.  If no traces are present, the command will wait until one is.
Unified Decoder Library Init .. DONE
Found 1 UTF Streams

2023/03/13 16:38:13.126431871 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [parser_cmd] [3793]: (note): id= cmd: 'enable' SUCCESS 2023/03/13 16:38:09.727 UTC


monitor logging

To monitor logs for a profile, use the monitor logging command.

monitor logging profile profile-name

Syntax Description

  • all : Displays the logs for all processes.

  • file : Displays the logs for a specific profile file (bootflash:, crashinfo:, flash:, harddisk:, or webui:).

  • hardware-diagnostics : Displays the logs for the hardware-diagnostics specific processes

  • install : Displays the logs for Install-specific processes.

  • netconf-yang : Displays the logs for netconf-yang specific processes.

  • restconf : Displays the logs for restconf-specific processes.

  • sdwan : Displays the logs for SDWAN-specific processes.

  • wireless : Displays the logs for Wireless-specific processes.

Command Default


Command Modes

User EXEC (>)

Privileged EXEC (#)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.9.x This command was introduced.


This examples shows how to monitor logs for the process wireless .

Device# monitor logging profile wireless 
Displaying traces starting from 2023/03/13 17:14:42.000000.  If no traces are present, the command will wait until one is.
Unified Decoder Library Init .. DONE
Found 1 UTF Streams

2023/03/13 17:14:50.019699421 {iosrp_R0-0}{255}: [iosrp] [3816]: (note):  *Mar 13 17:14:50.019: %SEC_LOGIN-5-LOGIN_SUCCESS: Login Success [user: admin] [Source:] [localport: 23] at 17:14:50 UTC Mon Mar 13 2023