Configuring Weighted Random Early Detection

Avoiding Network Congestion

Heterogeneous networks include different protocols used by applications, giving rise to the need to prioritize traffic in order to satisfy time-critical applications while still addressing the needs of less time-dependent applications, such as file transfer. If your network is designed to support different traffic types that share a single data path between devices in a network, implementing congestion avoidance mechanisms ensures fair treatment across the various traffic types and avoids congestion at common network bottlenecks. Congestion avoidance mechanism is achieved through packet dropping.

Random Early Detection (RED) is a commonly used congestion avoidance mechanism in a network.

Tail Drop

Tail drop treats all traffic equally and does not differentiate within a class of service. When the output queue is full and tail drop is in effect, packets are dropped until the congestion is eliminated and the queue is no longer full.

Weighted Random Early Detection

The RED mechanism takes advantage of the congestion control mechanism of TCP. Packets are randomly dropped prior to periods of high congestion. Assuming the packet source uses TCP, it decreases its transmission rate until all the packets reach their destination, indicating that the congestion is cleared. You can use RED as a way to cause TCP to slow down transmission of packets. TCP not only pauses, but also restarts quickly and adapts its transmission rate to the rate that the network can support.

WRED is the Cisco implementation of RED. It combines the capabilities of RED algorithm with IP Precedence or Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) or Class of Service (COS) values.

How WRED Works

WRED reduces the chances of tail drop by selectively dropping packets when the output interface begins to show signs of congestion. WRED drops some packets early rather than waiting until the queue is full. Thus it avoids dropping large number of packets at once and minimizes the chances of TCP global synchronization.

Approximate Fair Drop (AFD) is an Active Queue Management (AQM) algorithm that determines the packet drop probability. The probability of dropping packets depends upon the arrival rate calculation of a flow at ingress and the current queue length.

AFD based WRED is implemented on wired network ports.

AFD based WRED emulates the preferential dropping behavior of WRED. This preferential dropping behavior is achieved by changing the weights of AFD sub-classes based on their corresponding WRED drop thresholds. Within a physical queue, traffic with larger weight incurs less drop probability than that of smaller weight.

  • Each WRED enabled queue has high and low thresholds.

  • A sub-class of higher priority has a larger AFD weight.

  • The sub-classes are sorted in ascending order, based on lowest of WRED minThreshold.

  • Wired ports support a maximum of eight physical queues. You can configure WRED on all the eight physical queues. C9500-3QC, C9500-32C, C9500-48Y4C, and C9500-24Y4C models of the Cisco Catalyst 9500 series switches support a maximum of eight physical queues. C9500-12Q-E, C9500-12Q-A, C9500-24Q-E, C9500-24Q-A, C9500-40X-E, and C9500-40X-A models of the Cisco Catalyst 9500 series switches support a maximum of four physical queues.

WRED Weight Calculation

AFD weight is calculated using low and high threshold values; AFD is an adjsuted index of the average of WRED high and WRED low threshold values.

When a packet arrives at an interface, the following events occur:

  1. The drop probability is calculated. The drop probability increases as the AFD weight decreases. That means, if the average of low and high threshold values is less, the drop probability is more.

  2. WRED consideres the priority of packet flows and the threshold values before deciding to drop the packet. The CoS, DSCP or IP Precedence values are mapped to the specified thresholds. Once these thresholds are exceeded, packets with the configured values that are mapped to these thresholds are eligible to be dropped. Other packets with CoS, DSCP or IP Precedence values assigned to the higher thresholds are en-queued. This process keeps the higher priority flows intact and minimises the latency in packet transmission.

  3. If packets are not dropped using WRED, they are tail-dropped.

Limitations for WRED Configuration

  • Weighted Tail Drop (WTD) is enabled by default on all the queues.

  • WRED can be enabled / disabled per queue. When WRED is disabled, WTD is adapted on the target queue. Policy-map with WRED profile is configured only on physical ports as output policy.

  • WRED is supported only in network port queues and is not supported on internal CPU queues and stack queues.

  • Each WRED physical queue can support three subqueues, with unique WRED threshold pair configuration.

  • Ensure that you configure bandwidth or shape in the policy-map along with WRED.

  • Specify all the WRED thresholds only in percentage mode.

  • Map the WRED threshold pairs by mapping class-map filter with corresponding match filters.

    We recommend the class-map with match “any” filter.

  • WRED for priority traffic is not supported.

  • WRED and queue limit are not supported for the same policy.

  • Wired ports support a maximum of eight physical queues, of which you can configure WRED only on four physical queues, each with three threshold pairs. The remaining queues are configured with WTD. Policies with more than four WRED queues are rejected.

Usage Guidelines for WRED

To configure AFD based WRED feature, specify the policy map and add the class. Use the random-detect command to specify the method (using the dscp-based / cos-based / precedence-based arguments) that you want WRED to use to calculate the drop probability.


You can modify the policy on the fly. The AFD weights are automatically recalculated.

WRED can be configured for any kind of traffic like IPv4/IPv6, Multicast, and so on. WRED is supported on all 8 queueing classes.

Consider the following points when you are configuring WRED with random-detect command:

  • With dscp-based argument, WRED uses the DSCP value to calculate drop probability.

  • With cos-based argument, WRED uses the COS value to calculate drop probability.

  • By default, WRED uses the IP Precedence value to calculate drop probability. precedence-based argument is the default and it is not displayed in the CLI.


    show run policy-map policy-map command does not display “precedence” though precedence is configured with random-detect command.

  • The dscp-based and precedence-based arguments are mutually exclusive.

  • Each of the eight physical queues can be configured with different WRED profiles. C9500-3QC, C9500-32C, C9500-48Y4C, and C9500-24Y4C models of the Cisco Catalyst 9500 series switches support a maximum of eight physical queues. C9500-12Q-E, C9500-12Q-A, C9500-24Q-E, C9500-24Q-A, C9500-40X-E, and C9500-40X-A models of the Cisco Catalyst 9500 series switches support a maximum of four physical queues

Configuring WRED

Configuring WRED based on DSCP Values

Use the following steps to configure WRED profile based on DSCP values in packet mode:


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

class-map match-criteria class-name


device(config)# class-map match-any CS

Configures match criteria for the class map.

Recommended match-criteria is match-any

Step 2

match class-map-name


device(config-cmap)#match dscp CS1

Match a class-map.

Step 3

policy-map name


device(config)#policy-map PWRED 

Specifies the name of the WRED profile policy to be created.

Step 4

class class-name


device(config-pmap)#class CS

Specifies the name of the Class to be associated with the policy.

Step 5

Use either bandwidth {kbps| remaining percentage | percent percentage} or shape { average | peak }cir


device(config-pmap-c)#bandwidth percent 10

Specify either the bandwidth allocated for a class belonging to a policy map or the traffic shaping.

Step 6

random-detect dscp-based


device(config-pmap-c)#random-detect dscp-based

Configures WRED to use the DSCP value when it calculates the drop probability for the packet.

Step 7

random-detect dscp dscp-value percent minThreshold maxThreshold


device(config-pmap-c)#random-detect dscp cs1 percent 10 20

Specifies the minimum and maximum thresholds, in percentage.

Step 8

interface interface-name


device(config)#interface HundredGigE1/0/2

Enters the interface configuration mode.

Step 9

service-policy output policy-map


device(config-if)#service-policy output pwred

Attaches the policy map to an output interface.

Configuring WRED based on Class of Service Values

Use the following steps to configure WRED profile based on Class of Service (COS) values in packet mode:


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

class-map match-criteria class-name


device(config)# class-map match-any CS

Configures match criteria for the class map.

Recommended match-criteria is match-any

Step 2

match class-map-name


device(config-cmap)#match cos 3

Match a class-map.

Step 3

policy-map name


device(config)#policy-map PWRED 

Specifies the name of the WRED profile policy to be created.

Step 4

class class-name


device(config-pmap)#class CS

Specifies the name of the Class to be associated with the policy.

Step 5

bandwidth {kbps| remaining percentage | percent percentage}


device(config-pmap-c)#bandwidth percent 10

Specifies the bandwidth allocated for a class belonging to a policy map.

Step 6

random-detect cos-based


device(config-pmap-c)#random-detect cos-based

Configures WRED to use the CoS value when it calculates the drop probability for the packet.

Step 7

random-detect cos cos-value percent minThreshold maxThreshold


device(config-pmap-c)#random-detect cos 3 percent 10 20

Specifies the minimum and maximum thresholds, in percentage.

Step 8

interface interface-name


device(config)# interface HundredGigE1/0/2

Enters the interface configuration mode.

Step 9

service-policy output policy-map


device(config-if)#service-policy output pwred

Attaches the policy map to an output interface.

Configuring WRED based on IP Precedence Values

Use the following steps to configure WRED profile based on IP precedence values in packet mode:


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

class-map match-criteria class-name


device(config)# class-map match-any CS

Configures match criteria for the class map.

Recommended match-criteria is match-any

Step 2

match class-map-name


device(config-cmap)#match precedence 3

Match a class-map.

Step 3

policy-map name


device(config)#policy-map pwred 

Specifies the name of the WRED profile policy to be created.

Step 4

class class-name


device(config-pmap)#class CS

Specifies the name of the Class to be associated with the policy.

Step 5

bandwidth {kbps| remaining percentage | percent percentage}


device(config-pmap-c)#bandwidth percent 10

Specifies the bandwidth allocated for a class belonging to a policy map.

Step 6

random-detect precedence-based


device(config-pmap-c)#random-detect precedence-based

Configures WRED to use the IP precedence value when it calculates the drop probability for the packet.

Step 7

random-detect precedence precedence-value percent minThreshold maxThreshold


device(config-pmap-c)#random-detect precedence 3 percent 10 20

Specifies the minimum and maximum thresholds, in percentage.

Step 8

interface interface-name


device(config)#interface HundredGigE1/0/2

Enters the interface configuration mode.

Step 9

service-policy output policy-map


device(config-if)#service-policy output pwred

Attaches the policy map to an output interface.

WRED Configuration Example

The following example enables WRED to use DSCP profile for class CS. It configures three sub-classes cs1, cs2, and cs3 with their WRED minimum and maximum thresholds and finally applies the policy to Hundred Gigabit Ethernet interface 8:

Device(config)# class-map match-any CS
Device(config-cmap)# match dscp cs1
Device(config-cmap)# match dscp cs2
Device(config-cmap)# match dscp cs3
Device(config-cmap)# policy-map PWRED
Device(config-pmap)# class CS
Device(config-pmap-c)# bandwidth percent 10
Device(config-pmap-c)# random-detect dscp-based
Device(config-pmap-c)# random-detect dscp cs1 percent 10 20
Device(config-pmap-c)# random-detect dscp cs2 percent 20 30
Device(config-pmap-c)# random-detect dscp cs3 percent 34 44
Device(config-pmap-c)# exit
Device(config-pmap)# exit
Device(config)# interface HundredGigE1/0/8
Device(config-if)# service-policy output PWRED

Support for WRED with Hierarchical QoS

Hierarchical QoS allows you to specify QoS behavior at multiple policy levels, which provides a high degree of granularity in traffic management.

For HQoS, WRED is allowed only on the child policy and not on the parent policy. You can have the shaping configured on the parent policy and WRED on the child.

The following example configures the parent policy pwred-parent with traffic shaped on the basis of 10 percent of the bandwidth, that applies to its child, pwred-child configured for DSCP-based WRED.

policy-map PWRED-CHILD
 class CWRED
    bandwidth percent 10
    random-detect dscp-based
    random-detect dscp 1 percent 10 20
    random-detect dscp 10 percent 20 30
policy-map PWRED-PARENT
  class class-default
  shape average percent 10
  service-policy PWRED-CHILD

The following show command verifies the HQoS WRED configuration:

device# show policy-map PWRED-PARENT
  policy Map PWRED-PARENT
    class class-default
      average Rate Traffic Shaping
      cir 30%   
      service-policy PWRED-CHILD
policy-map PWRED-CHILD
 class CWRED
  bandwidth percent 10
  random-detect dscp-based
  random-detect dscp 1 percent 10 20
  random-detect dscp 10 percent 20 30
policy-map PWRED-PARENT
 class class-default
   shape average percent 30
   service-policy PWRED-CHILD

Verifying WRED Configuration

Use the following show commands to verify WRED Configuration:


Step 1

show policy-map policy-map-name

Displays the WRED and threshold labels.


Device# show policy-map PWRED
  Policy Map PWRED
    Class CS
      bandwidth 10 (%)
       percent-based wred
      dscp    min-threshold    max-threshold
      cs1 (8)      10               20              
      cs2 (16)     20               30              
      cs3 (24)     34               44              
      default (0)   -   
Step 2

show policy-map interface interface-name

Displays WRED AFD Weights, WRED Enq(in Packets and Bytes), WRED Drops(in Packets and Bytes), Configured DSCP labels against the Threshold pairs.


Use this command only after you initiate the traffic. show policy-map interface is updated with WRED configuration only after a traffic is sent.


Device#show policy-map interface HundredGigE 1/0/2

  Service-policy output: PWRED

    Class-map: CS (match-any)  
      0 packets
      Match:  dscp cs1 (8)
      Match:  dscp cs2 (16)
      Match:  dscp cs3 (24)
      (total drops) 27374016
      (bytes output) 33459200081
      bandwidth 10% (1000000 kbps)
Virtual Class   min/max        Transmit                     Random drop                 AFD Weight

   0          10 / 20        (Byte)33459183360             27374016                     12
                             (Pkts)522799759                  427716                     
              dscp : 8

   1          20 / 30          Byte)0                        0                          20
                                (Pkts)0                      0                          
              dscp : 16

   2          34 / 44        (Byte)16721                    0                           31
                               (Pkts)59                     0                          
              dscp : 24

     Total Drops(Bytes)   : 27374016

     Total Drops(Packets) : 427716

    Class-map: class-default (match-any)  
      0 packets
      Match: any 
      (total drops) 0
      (bytes output) 192

Best Practices for WRED Configuration

  • Support for three WRED configuration pairs

    Each WRED Physical Queue (AFD Queue) can support three WRED configuation pairs, with unique WRED threshold pair configuration.

    Policy-map P1
        Class CS
            Random-detect dscp-based
            Random-detect dscp CS1 percent 10 20      // WRED pair 1
            Random-detect dscp CS2  percent 20 30      // WRED pair 2
            Random-detect dscp CS3 percent 30 40      // WRED pair 3
    Class-map match-any CS
            match cs1
            match cs2
            match cs3
  • Appending WRED configuration pairs

    You can add overlapping threshold pairs into the WRED configuration pairs.

    Policy-map P1
        Class CS 
           Random-detect dscp-based
           Random-detect dscp CS1 percent 10 20       // WRED pair 1
           Random-detect dscp CS2 percent 20 30       // WRED pair 2
           Random-detect dscp CS3 percent 30 40       // WRED pair 3
           Random-detect dscp CS4 percent  30 40     ==> belongs to WRED pair 3
           Random-detect dscp CS5 percent 20 30     ==> belongs to WRED pair 2
    Class-map match-any CS
           match cs1
           match cs2
           match cs3
           match cs4  >>
           match cs5  >>
  • Default WRED pairs

    If less than three WRED pairs are configured, any class-map filter participating WRED gets assigned to the third default WRED pair with maximum threshold (100, 100).

    Policy-map P1
        Class CS
            Random-detect dscp-based
            Random-detect dscp CS1 percent 10 20   // WRED pair 1
            Random-detect dscp CS2 percent 20 30   // WRED pair 2
    Class-map match-any CS
            match CS1
            match CS2
            match CS3
            match CS4

    In this case, classes CS3 and CS4 are mapped to WRED pair 3 with threshold (100, 100).

  • Rejection of Mismatched Configuration

    If you configure random-detect without matching filters in a class-map, the policy installation is rejected.

    Class-map match-any CS
           match CS1
           match CS2
           match CS5
    Policy-map P1
        Class CS
            Shape average percent 10
            Random-detect dscp-based
            Random-detect dscp CS1 percent 10 20   // WRED pair 1
            Random-detect dscp CS2 percent 20 30   // WRED pair 2
            Random-detect dscp CS3 percent 30 40   // WRED pair 3  ===> Mismatched sub-class.

    When this policy is applied to the interface on the egress side, the policy fails during installation as the class-map values are incorrect:

    device(config)# int Fo1/0/5
    device(config-if)# service-policy output P1
    *Feb 20 17:33:16.964: %IOSXE-5-PLATFORM: Switch 1 R0/0: fed: WRED POLICY INSTALL FAILURE.Invalid WRED filter mark: 24 in class-map: CS
    *Feb 20 17:33:16.965: %FED_QOS_ERRMSG-3-LABEL_2_QUEUE_MAPPING_HW_ERROR: Switch 1 R0/0: fed: Failed to detach queue-map for FortyGigabitEthernet1/0/5: code 2

Feature History for Weighted Random Early Detection

This table provides release and related information for features explained in this module.

These features are available on all releases subsequent to the one they were introduced in, unless noted otherwise.



Feature Information

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.5.1a

Weighted Random Early Detection mechanism

WRED is a mechanism to avoid congestion in networks. WRED reduces the chances of tail drop by selectively dropping packets when the output interface begins to show signs of congestion, thus avoiding large number of packet drops at once. You can configure WRED to act based on any of the following values:

  • Differentiated Service Code Point

  • IP Precedence

  • Class of Service

Support for this feature was introduced only on the C9500-12Q, C9500-16X, C9500-24Q, C9500-40X models of the Cisco Catalyst 9500 Series Switches.

Cisco IOS XE Fuji 16.8.1a

Weighted Random Early Detection mechanism

Support for this feature was introduced on the C9500-32C, C9500-32QC, C9500-48Y4C, and C9500-24Y4C models of the Cisco Catalyst 9500 Series Switches.

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform and software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to