DHCP Server Commands

This chapter contains the following sections:

address (DHCP Host)

To manually bind an IP address to a DHCP client, use the address command in DHCP Pool Host Configuration mode. To remove the IP address binding to the client, use the no form of this command.


address ip-address {mask | prefix-length} {client-identifier unique-identifier | hardware-address mac-address}

no address


  • address—Specifies the client IP address.

  • mask—Specifies the client network mask.

  • prefix-length—Specifies the number of bits that comprise the address prefix. The prefix is an alternative way of specifying the client network mask. The prefix length must be preceded by a forward slash (/).

  • unique-identifier—Specifies the distinct client identification in dotted hexadecimal notation. Each byte in a hexadecimal character string is two hexadecimal digits. Bytes are separated by a period or colon. For example, 01b7.0813.8811.66.

  • mac-address—Specifies the client MAC address.

Default Configuration

No address are bound.

Command Mode

DHCP Pool Host Configuration mode

User Guidelines

To classify the DHCP client, DHCP server uses either the client identifier passed in Option 61, if the client-identifier keyword is configured or the client MAC address, if the hardware-address keyword is configured.


The following example manually binds an IP address to a DHCP client.

switchxxxxxx(config)# ip dhcp pool host aaaa
switchxxxxxx(config-dhcp)# address client-identifier 01b7.0813.8811.66
switchxxxxxx(config-dhcp)# exit
switchxxxxxx(config)# ip dhcp pool host bbbb
switchxxxxxx(config-dhcp)# address hardware-address 00:01:b7:08:13:88
switchxxxxxx(config-dhcp)# exit

address (DHCP Network)

To configure the subnet number and mask for a DHCP address pool on a DHCP server, use the address command in DHCP Pool Network Configuration mode. To remove the subnet number and mask, use the no form of this command.


address {network-number | low low-address high high-address} {mask | prefix-length}

no address


  • network-number—Specifies the IP address of the DHCP address pool.

  • mask—Specifies the pool network mask.

  • prefix-length—Specifies the number of bits that comprise the address prefix. The prefix is an alternative way of specifying the client network mask. The prefix length must be preceded by a forward slash (/).

  • low low-address—Specifies the first IP address to use in the address range.

  • high high-address—Specifies the last IP address to use in the address range.

Default Configuration

DHCP address pools are not configured.

If the low address is not specified, it defaults to the first IP address in the network.

If the high address is not specified, it defaults to the last IP address in the network.

Command Mode

DHCP Pool Network Configuration mode


The following example configures the subnet number and mask for a DHCP address pool on a DHCP server.

switchxxxxxx(config-dhcp)# address


To enable auto default router, use the auto-default-router command in DHCP Pool Network Configuration mode or in DHCP Pool Host Configuration mode. To disable auto default router, use the no form of this command.



no auto-default-router

Command Mode

DHCP Pool Network Configuration mode

DHCP Pool Host Configuration mode

Default Configuration


User Guidelines

If the feature is enabled then the DHCP server returns an IP address defined on the input interface as a default router when an default router is not configured in the following case:

  • Default router is not configurable.

  • DHCP client is directly connected.

  • IP Routing is enabled.

  • Default router was required by the client.


The following example disable auto default router sending.

switchxxxxxx(config-dhcp)# no auto-default-router


To specify the default boot image file name for a DHCP client, use the bootfile command in DHCP Pool Network Configuration mode or in DHCP Pool Host Configuration mode. To delete the boot image file name, use the no form of this command.


bootfile filename

no bootfile


  • filename—Specifies the file name used as a boot image. (Length: 1–128 characters).

Command Mode

DHCP Pool Network Configuration mode

DHCP Pool Host Configuration mode


The following example specifies boot_image_file as the default boot image file name for a DHCP client.

switchxxxxxx(config-dhcp)# bootfile boot_image_file

clear ip dhcp binding

To delete the dynamic address binding from the DHCP server database, use the clear ip dhcp binding command in Privileged EXEC mode.


clear ip dhcp binding {address | *}


  • address —Specifies the binding address to delete from the DHCP database.

  • * —Clears all dynamic bindings.

Command Mode

Privileged EXEC mode

User Guidelines

Typically, the address supplied denotes the client IP address. If the asterisk (*) character is specified as the address parameter, DHCP clears all dynamic bindings.

Use the no ip dhcp pool Global Configuration mode command to delete a manual binding.


The following example deletes the address binding from a DHCP server database:

switchxxxxxx# clear ip dhcp binding


To define the name of a DHCP client, use the client-name command in DHCP Pool Host Configuration mode. To remove the client name, use the no form of this command.


client-name name

no client-name


  • name—Specifies the client name, using standard ASCII characters. The client name should not include the domain name. For example, the .name Mars should not be specified as mars.yahoo.com. (Length: 1–32 characters).

Command Mode

DHCP Pool Host Configuration mode

Default Configuration

No client name is defined.


The following example defines the string client1 as the client name.

switchxxxxxx(config-dhcp)# client-name client1


To configure the default router list for a DHCP client, use the default-router command in DHCP Pool Network Configuration mode or in DHCP Pool Host Configuration mode. To remove the default router list, use the no form of this command.


default-router ip-address [ip-address2 ... ip-address8]

no default-router


  • ip-address [ip-address2 ... ip-address8]—Specifies the IP addresses of default routers. Up to eight addresses can be specified in one command line.

Command Mode

DHCP Pool Network Configuration mode

DHCP Pool Host Configuration mode

Default Configuration

No default router is defined.

User Guidelines

The router IP address should be on the same subnet as the client subnet.

If the auto-default-router command is configured then the DHCP server returns an IP address defined on the input interface as a default router when an default router is not configured in the following case:

  • Default router is not configurable.

  • DHCP client is directly connected.

  • IP Routing is enabled.

  • Default router was required by the client.


The following example specifies as the default router IP address.

switchxxxxxx(config-dhcp)# default-router


To configure the Domain Name System (DNS) IP server list available to a DHCP client, use the dns-server command in DHCP Pool Network Configuration mode or in DHCP Pool Host Configuration mode. To remove the DNS server list, use the no form of this command.


dns-server ip-address [ip-address2 ... ip-address8]

no dns-server


  • ip-address [ip-address2 ... ip-address8]—Specifies the IP addresses of DNS servers. Up to eight addresses can be specified in one command line.

Command Mode

DHCP Pool Network Configuration mode

DHCP Pool Host Configuration mode

Default Configuration

No DNS server is defined.

User Guidelines

If DNS IP servers are not configured for a DHCP client, the client cannot correlate host names to IP addresses.


The following example specifies as the client domain name server IP address.

switchxxxxxx(config-dhcp)# dns-server


To specify the domain name for a DHCP client, use the domain-name command in DHCP Pool Network Configuration mode or in DHCP Pool Host Configuration mode. To remove the domain name, use the no form of this command.


domain-name domain

no domain-name


  • domain—Specifies the DHCP client domain name string. (Length: 1–32 characters).

Command Mode

DHCP Pool Network Configuration mode

DHCP Pool Host Configuration mode

Default Configuration

No domain name is defined.


The following example specifies yahoo.com as the DHCP client domain name string.

switchxxxxxx(config-dhcp)# domain-name yahoo.com

ip dhcp excluded-address

To specify IP addresses that a DHCP server must not assign to DHCP clients, use the ip dhcp excluded-address command in Global Configuration mode. To remove the excluded IP addresses, use the no form of this command.


ip dhcp excluded-address low-address [high-address]

no ip dhcp excluded-address low-address [high-address]


  • low-address—Specifies the excluded IP address, or first IP address in an excluded address range.

  • high-address—(Optional) Specifies the last IP address in the excluded address range.

Default Configuration

All IP pool addresses are assignable.

Command Mode

Global Configuration mode

User Guidelines

The DHCP server assumes that all pool addresses can be assigned to clients. Use this command to exclude a single IP address or a range of IP addresses.


The following example configures an excluded IP address range from through

switchxxxxxx(config)# ip dhcp excluded-address

ip dhcp pool host

To configure a DHCP static address on a DHCP server and enter the DHCP Pool Host Configuration mode, use the ip dhcp pool host command in Global Configuration mode. To remove the address pool, use the no form of this command.


ip dhcp pool host name

no ip dhcp pool host name


  • name—Specifies the DHCP address pool name. It can be either a symbolic string (such as Engineering) or an integer (such as 8). (Length: 1–32 characters).

Default Configuration

DHCP hosts are not configured.

Command Mode

Global Configuration mode

User Guidelines

During execution of this command, the configuration mode changes to the DHCP Pool Configuration mode. In this mode, the administrator can configure host parameters, such as the IP subnet number and default router list.


The following example configures station as the DHCP address pool:

switchxxxxxx(config)# ip dhcp pool host station

ip dhcp pool network

To configure a DHCP address pool on a DHCP Server and enter DHCP Pool Network Configuration mode, use the ip dhcp pool network command in Global Configuration mode. To remove the address pool, use the no form of this command.


ip dhcp pool network name

no ip dhcp pool network name


  • name—Specifies the DHCP address pool name. It can be either a symbolic string (such as ‘engineering’) or an integer (such as 8). (Length: 1–32 characters).

Default Configuration

DHCP address pools are not configured.

Command Mode

Global Configuration mode

User Guidelines

During execution of this command, the configuration mode changes to DHCP Pool Network Configuration mode. In this mode, the administrator can configure pool parameters, such as the IP subnet number and default router list.


The following example configures Pool1 as the DHCP address pool.

switchxxxxxx(config)# ip dhcp pool network Pool1

ip dhcp server

To enable the DHCP server features on the device, use the ip dhcp server command in Global Configuration mode. To disable the DHCP server, use the no form of this command.


ip dhcp server

no ip dhcp server

Default Configuration

The DHCP server is disabled.

Command Mode

Global Configuration mode


The following example enables the DHCP server on the device:

switchxxxxxx(config)# ip dhcp server


To configure the time duration of the lease for an IP address that is assigned from a DHCP server to a DHCP client, use the lease command in DHCP Pool Network Configuration mode. To restore the default value, use the no form of this command.


lease days [hours [minutes]] | infinite

no lease


  • days—Specifies the number of days in the lease.

  • hours—(Optional) Specifies the number of hours in the lease. A days value must be supplied before configuring an hours value.

  • minutes—(Optional) Specifies the number of minutes in the lease. A days value and an hours value must be supplied before configuring a minutes value.

  • infinite—Specifies that the duration of the lease is unlimited.

Default Configuration

The default lease duration is 1 day.

Command Mode

DHCP Pool Network Configuration mode


The following example shows a 1-day lease.

switchxxxxxx(config-dhcp)# lease 1

The following example shows a one-hour lease.

switchxxxxxx(config-dhcp)# lease 0 1

The following example shows a one-minute lease.

switchxxxxxx(config-dhcp)# lease 0 0 1

The following example shows an infinite (unlimited) lease.

switchxxxxxx(config-dhcp)# lease infinite


To configure the NetBIOS Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) server list that is available to Microsoft DHCP clients, use the netbios-name-server in DHCP Pool Network Configuration mode or in DHCP Pool Host Configuration mode. To remove the NetBIOS name server list, use the no form of this command.


netbios-name-server ip-address [ip-address2 ... ip-address8]

no netbios-name-server


  • ip-address [ip-address2 ... ip-address8]—Specifies the IP addresses of NetBIOS WINS name servers. Up to eight addresses can be specified in one command line.

Command Mode

DHCP Pool Network Configuration mode

DHCP Pool Host Configuration mode

Default Configuration

No bios server is defined.


The following example specifies the IP address of a NetBIOS name server available to the DHCP client.

switchxxxxxx(config-dhcp)# netbios-name-server


To configure the NetBIOS node type for Microsoft DHCP clients, use the netbios-node-type command in DHCP Pool Network Configuration mode or in DHCP Pool Host Configuration mode. To return to default, use the no form of this command.


netbios-node-type {b-node | p-node | m-node | h-node}

no netbios-node-type


  • b-node—Specifies the Broadcast NetBIOS node type.

  • p-node—Specifies the Peer-to-peer NetBIOS node type.

  • m-node—Specifies the Mixed NetBIOS node type.

  • h-node—Specifies the Hybrid NetBIOS node type.

Command Mode

DHCP Pool Network Configuration mode

DHCP Pool Host Configuration mode

Default Configuration

h-node (Hybrid NetBIOS node type).


The following example specifies the client's NetBIOS type as mixed.

switchxxxxxx(config-dhcp)# netbios node-type m-node


To configure the next server (siaddr) in the boot process of a DHCP client, use the next-server command in DHCP Pool Network Configuration mode or in DHCP Pool Host Configuration mode. To remove the next server, use the no form of this command.


next-server ip-address

no next-server


  • ip-address—Specifies the IP address of the next server in the boot process.

Default Configuration

If the next-server command is not used to configure a boot server list, the DHCP server uses inbound interface helper addresses as boot servers.

Command Mode

DHCP Pool Network Configuration mode

DHCP Pool Host Configuration mode

User Guidelines

The client will connect, using the SCP/TFTP protocol, to this server in order to download the configuration file.


The following example specifies as the IP address of the next server:

switchxxxxxx(config-dhcp)# next-server


To configure the next server name (sname) in the boot process of a DHCP client, use the next-server-name command in DHCP Pool Network Configuration mode or in DHCP Pool Host Configuration mode. To remove the boot server name, use the no form of this command.


next-server-name name

no next-server-name


  • name—Specifies the name of the next server in the boot process. (Length: 1–64 characters).

Command Mode

DHCP Pool Network Configuration mode

DHCP Pool Host Configuration mode

Default Configuration

No next server name is defined.

User Guidelines

The client will connect, using the SCP/TFTP protocol, to this server in order to download the configuration file.


The following example specifies www.bootserver.com as the name of the next server in the boot process of a DHCP client.

switchxxxxxx(config-dhcp)# next-server www.bootserver.com


To configure the DHCP server options, use the option command in DHCP Pool Network Configuration mode or in DHCP Pool Host Configuration mode. To remove the options, use the no form of this command.


option code {boolean {false | true} | integer value | ascii string | hex {string | none} | ip {address} | ip-list {ip-address1 [ip-address2 …]}} [description text]

no option code


  • code—Specifies the DHCP option code. The supported values are defined in the User Guidelines.

  • boolean {false | true}—Specifies a boolean value. The values are coded by integer values of one octet: 0 = false and 1 = true.

  • integer value—Specifies an integer value. The option size depends on the option code.

  • ascii string—Specifies a network virtual terminal (NVT) ASCII character string. ASCII character strings that contain white spaces must be delimited by quotation marks. The ASCII value is truncated to the first 160 characters entered.

  • ip address—Specifies an IP address.

  • ip-list {ip-address1 [ip-address2 ...]}—Specifies up to 8 IP addresses.

  • hex string—Specifies dotted hexadecimal data. The hexadecimal value is truncated to the first 320 characters entered. Each byte in hexadecimal character strings is two hexadecimal digits. Each byte can be separated by a period, colon, or white space.

  • hex none—Specifies the zero-length hexadecimal string.

  • description text—User description

Command Mode

DHCP Pool Network Configuration mode

DHCP Pool Host Configuration mode

User Guidelines

The option command enables defining any option that cannot be defined by other special CLI commands. A new definition of an option overrides the previous definition of this option.

The boolean keyword may be configured for the following options: 19, 20, 27, 29-31, 34, 36, and 39.

The integer keyword may be configured for the following options: 2, 13, 22-26, 35, 37-38, 132-134, and 211. The switch checks the value range and builds the value field of the size in accordance with the option definition.

The ascii keyword may be configured for the following options: 14, 17-18, 40, 64, 130, 209, and 210.

The ip keyword may be configured for the following options: 16, 28, 32, 128-129, 131, 135, and 136.

The ip-list keyword may be configured for the following options: 5, 7-11, 33, 41, 42, 45, 48, 49, 65, 68-76, and 150.

The hex keyword may be configured for any option in the range 1-254 except for the following: 1, 3-4, 6, 12, 15, 44, 46, 50-51, 53-54, 56, 66-67, 82, and 255. The switch does not validate the syntax of an option defined by this format.


Example 1. The following example configures DHCP option 19, which specifies whether the client should configure its IP layer for packet forwarding:

switchxxxxxx(config-dhcp)# option 19 boolean true description "IP Forwarding Enable/Disable Option"

Example 2. The following example configures DHCP option 2, which specifies the offset of the client in seconds from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC):

switchxxxxxx(config-dhcp)# option 2 integer 3600

Example 3. The following example configures DHCP option 72, which specifies the World Wide Web servers for DHCP clients. World Wide Web servers and are configured in the following example:

switchxxxxxx(config-dhcp)# option 72 ip-list

show ip dhcp

To display the DHCP configuration, use the show ip dhcp command in User EXEC mode.


show ip dhcp

Command Mode

User EXEC mode


The following example displays the DHCP configuration.

switchxxxxxx# show ip dhcp
DHCP server is enabled.

show ip dhcp allocated

To display the allocated address or all the allocated addresses on the DHCP server, use the show ip dhcp allocated command in User EXEC mode.


show ip dhcp allocated [ip-address]


  • ip-address —(Optional) Specifies the IP address.

Command Mode

User EXEC mode


The following example displays the output of various forms of this command:

switchxxxxxx# show ip dhcp allocated
DHCP server enabled
The number of allocated entries is 3
IP address   Hardware address Lease expiration      Type
----------   ---------------- --------------------  ---------  00a0.9802.32de   Feb 01 1998 12:00 AM  Dynamic 02c7.f800.0422   Infinite              Automatic 02c7.f800.0422   Infinite              Static
switchxxxxxx# show ip dhcp allocated
DHCP server enabled
The number of allocated entries is 2
IP address   Hardware address Lease expiration      Type
----------   ---------------- --------------------  --------  00a0.9802.32de   Feb 01 1998 12:00 AM  Dynamic
switchxxxxxx# show ip dhcp allocated
DHCP server enabled
The number of allocated entries is 2
IP address   Hardware address Lease expiration      Type
----------   ---------------- --------------------  ------- 02c7.f800.0422   Infinite              Static
The following table describes the significant fields shown in the display.



IP address

The host IP address as recorded on the DHCP Server.

Hardware address

The MAC address or client identifier of the host as recorded on the DHCP Server.

Lease expiration

The lease expiration date of the host IP address.


The manner in which the IP address was assigned to the host.

show ip dhcp binding

To display the specific address binding or all the address bindings on the DHCP server, use the show ip dhcp binding command in User EXEC mode.


show ip dhcp binding [ip-address]


  • ip-address—(Optional) Specifies the IP address.

Command Mode

User EXEC mode


The following examples display the DHCP server binding address parameters.

switchxxxxxx# show ip dhcp binding
DHCP server enabled
The number of used (all types) entries is 6
The number of pre-allocated entries is 1
The number of allocated entries is 1
The number of expired entries is 1
The number of declined entries is 2
The number of static entries is 1
The number of dynamic entries is 2
The number of automatic entries is 1
IP address Client Identifier  Lease Expiration Type    State
---------- -----------------  -------------    ------- ---------  00a0.9802.32de     Feb 01 1998     dynamic allocated  02c7.f801.0422     12:00AM         dynamic expired  02c7.f802.0422                     dynamic declined  02c7.f803.0422                     dynamic pre-allocated  02c7.f804.0422                     dynamic declined
switchxxxxxx# show ip dhcp binding
DHCP server enabled
IP address Client Identifier  Lease Expiration  Type    State
---------- -----------------  ----------------- ------- ---------  00a0.9802.32de     Feb 01 1998      dynamic allocated
                              12:00 AM
switchxxxxxx# show ip dhcp binding
IP address Client Identifier   Lease Expiration  Type    State
---------- -----------------   ---------------  ------- ---------  02c7.f802.0422                       dynamic declined

The following table describes the significant fields shown in the display.



IP address

The host IP address as recorded on the DHCP Server.

Client Identifier

The MAC address or client identifier of the host as recorded on the DHCP Server.

Lease expiration

The lease expiration date of the host IP address.


The manner in which the IP address was assigned to the host.


The IP Address state.

show ip dhcp declined

To display the specific declined address or all of the declined addresses on the DHCP server, use the show ip dhcp declined command in User EXEC mode.


show ip dhcp declined [ip-address]


  • ip-address—(Optional) Specifies the IP address.

Command Mode

User EXEC mode


The following example displays the output of various forms of this command:

switchxxxxxx# show ip dhcp declined
DHCP server enabled
The number of declined entries is 2
IP address   Hardware address  00a0.9802.32de 02c7.f800.0422
switchxxxxxx# show ip dhcp declined
DHCP server enabled
The number of declined entries is 2
IP address    Hardware address   00a0.9802.32de

show ip dhcp excluded-addresses

To display the excluded addresses, use the show ip dhcp excluded-addresses command in User EXEC mode.


show ip dhcp excluded-addresses

Command Mode

User EXEC mode


The following example displays excluded addresses.

switchxxxxxx# show ip dhcp excluded-addresses
The number of excluded addresses ranges is 2
Excluded addresses:,

show ip dhcp expired

To display the specific expired address or all of the expired addresses on the DHCP server, use the show ip dhcp expired command in User EXEC mode.


show ip dhcp expired [ip-address]


  • ip-address—(Optional) Specifies the IP.

Command Mode

User EXEC mode


switchxxxxxx# show ip dhcp expired
DHCP server enabled
The number of expired entries is 1
IP address   Hardware address  00a0.9802.32de 02c7.f800.0422
switchxxxxxx# show ip dhcp expired
DHCP server enabled
The number of expired entries is 1
IP address  Hardware address 00a0.9802.32de

show ip dhcp pool host

To display the DHCP pool host configuration, use the show ip dhcp pool host command in User EXEC mode.


show ip dhcp pool host [address | name]


  • address—(Optional) Specifies the client IP address.

  • name—(Optional) Specifies the DHCP pool name. (Length: 1-32 characters)

Command Mode

User EXEC mode


Example 1. The following example displays the configuration of all DHCP host pools:

switchxxxxxx# show ip dhcp pool host
The number of host pools is 1
Name        IP Address  Hardware Address   Client Identifier
----------  ----------  ----------------   -----------------
station 01b7.0813.8811.66

Example 2. The following example displays the DHCP pool host configuration of the pool named station:

switchxxxxxx# show ip dhcp pool host station
Name        IP Address  Hardware Address   Client Identifier
----------  ----------  ----------------   -----------------
station 01b7.0813.8811.66
Auto Default router: enabled
Default router:
Client name: client1
DNS server:
Domain name: yahoo.com
NetBIOS name server:
NetBIOS node type: h-node
Next server:
Bootfile: Bootfile
Time server
Code Type     Len Value             Description 
---  -------  --- ----------------  --------------------------------
2    integer    4 3600
14   ascii     16 qq/aaaa/bbb.txt
19   boolean    1 false                 "IP Forwarding Enable/Disable
21   ip        4
31   ip-list   8,
47   hex       5 02af00aa00

show ip dhcp pool network

To display the DHCP network configuration, use the show ip dhcp pool network command in User EXEC mode.


show ip dhcp pool network [name]


  • name—(Optional) Specifies the DHCP pool name. (Length: 1-32 characters).

Command Mode

User EXEC mode


Example 1—The following example displays configuration of all DHCP network pools:

switchxxxxxx# show ip dhcp pool network
The number of network pools is 2
Name Address range mask Lease
marketing 0d:12h:0m
finance 0d:12h:0m

Example 2—The following example displays configuration of the DHCP network pool marketing:

switchxxxxxx# show ip dhcp pool network marketing
Name Address range mask Lease
--------------------------------- ------------------------
marketing 0d:12h:0m
All-range Available Free Pre-allocated Allocated Expired   Declined
---------- ---------   ----- -------------   --------- --------- --------
162 150 68 50 20        3         9
Auto Default router: enabled
Default router:
DNS server:
Domain name: yahoo.com
NetBIOS name server:
NetBIOS node type: h-node
Next server:
Bootfile: Bootfile
Time server
Code Type     Len Value                 Description 
---  -------  --- --------------------  --------------------------------
2    integer    4 3600
14   ascii     16 qq/aaaa/bbb.txt
19   boolean    1 false                 "IP Forwarding Enable/Disable
21   ip        4
31   ip-list   8,
47   hex       5 02af00aa00

show ip dhcp pre-allocated

To display the specific pre-allocated address or all the pre-allocated addresses on the DHCP server, use the show ip dhcp pre-allocated command in User EXEC mode.


show ip dhcp pre-allocated [ip-address]


  • ip-address—(Optional) Specifies the IP.

Command Mode

User EXEC mode


switchxxxxxx# show ip dhcp pre-allocated
DHCP server enabled
The number of pre-allocated entries is 1
IP address   Hardware address  00a0.9802.32de 02c7.f800.0422
switchxxxxxx# show ip dhcp pre-allocated
DHCP server enabled
The number of pre-allocated entries is 1
IP address   Hardware address  00a0.9802.32de

show ip dhcp server statistics

To display DHCP server statistics, use the show ip dhcp server statistics command in User EXEC mode.


show ip dhcp server statistics

Command Mode

User EXEC mode


The following example displays DHCP server statistics

switchxxxxxx# show ip dhcp server statistics
DHCP server enabled
The number of network pools is 7
The number of excluded pools is 2
The number of used (all types) entries is 7
The number of pre-allocated entries is 1
The number of allocated entries is 3
The number of expired entries is 1
The number of declined entries is 2
The number of static entries is 1
The number of dynamic entries is 2
The number of automatic entries is 1


To specify the time servers list for a DHCP client, use the time-server command in DHCP Pool Network Configuration mode or in DHCP Pool Host Configuration mode. To remove the time servers list, use the no form of this command.


time-server ip-address [ip-address2 ... ip-address8]

no time-server


  • ip-address [ip-address2 ... ip-address8]—Specifies the IP addresses of Time servers. Up to eight addresses can be specified in one command line.

Command Mode

DHCP Pool Network Configuration mode

DHCP Pool Host Configuration mode

Default Configuration

No time server is defined.

User Guidelines

The time server’s IP address should be on the same subnet as the client subnet.


The following example specifies as the time server IP address.

switchxxxxxx(config-dhcp)# time-server