Viewing Logs

This chapter includes the following sections:


Viewing the CIMC Log

  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 Server# scope cimc  

Enters the CIMC command mode.

Step 2 Server /cimc # scope log  

Enters the CIMC log command mode.

Step 3 Server /cimc/log # show entries [detail] 

Displays CIMC events, including timestamp, the software module that logged the event, and a description of the event.


This example displays the log of CIMC events:

Server# scope cimc
Server /cimc # scope log
Server /cimc/log # show entries
Time                Source           Description                              
------------------- ---------------- ---------------------------------------- 
1970 Jan 4 18:55:36 BMC:kernel:-     <7>/build/trunk/bmc/drivers/pilot2_i2c/pilot2_i2c.c:306:I2c Controller-4 DAT is stuck-low, issuing One Clock Pulse. 
1970 Jan 4 18:55:36 BMC:kernel:-     <7>/build/trunk/bmc/drivers/pilot2_i2c/pilot2_i2c.c:301:I2c Controller-4 Loop:[0]. 
1970 Jan 4 18:55:36 BMC:kernel:-     " <7>/build/trunk/bmc/drivers/pilot2_i2c/pilot2_i2c.c:422: Controller-4 has a stuck bus, attempting to clear it now... " 
1970 Jan 4 18:55:36 BMC:kernel:-     " <7>/build/trunk/bmc/drivers/pilot2_i2c/pilot2_i2c.c:402: Controller-4 Initiating I2c recovery sequence. " 
1970 Jan 4 18:55:36 BMC:IPMI:480     last message repeated 22 times           
1970 Jan 4 18:55:28 BMC:IPMI:480     "  mcddI2CDrv.c:850:PI2CWriteRead: ioctl to driver failed to read Bus[f4].Dev[5e]! ErrorStatus[77] " 
1970 Jan 4 18:55:33 BMC:IPMI:486     last message repeated 17 times           
1970 Jan 4 18:55:28 BMC:IPMI:486     "  mcddI2CDrv.c:850:PI2CWriteRead: ioctl to driver failed to read Bus[f4].Dev[b0]! ErrorStatus[77] " 
1970 Jan 4 18:55:31 BMC:IPMI:486     last message repeated 17 times           
1970 Jan 4 18:55:26 BMC:IPMI:486     "  mcddI2CDrv.c:850:PI2CWriteRead: ioctl to driver failed to read Bus[f4].Dev[b2]! ErrorStatus[77] " 
1970 Jan 4 18:55:26 BMC:kernel:-     <7>/build/trunk/bmc/drivers/pilot2_i2c/pilot2_i2c.c:306:I2c Controller-4 DAT is stuck-low, issuing One Clock Pulse. 
1970 Jan 4 18:55:26 BMC:kernel:-     <7>/build/trunk/bmc/drivers/pilot2_i2c/pilot2_i2c.c:301:I2c Controller-4 Loop:[8]. 

Clearing the CIMC Log

  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 Server# scope cimc  

Enters the CIMC command mode.

Step 2 Server /cimc # scope log  

Enters the CIMC log command mode.

Step 3 Server /cimc/log # clear  

Clears the CIMC log.


The following example clears the log of CIMC events:

Server# scope cimc
Server /cimc # scope log
Server /cimc/log # clear

System Event Log

Viewing the System Event Log

  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 Server# scope sel  

Enters the system event log (SEL) command mode.

Step 2 Server /sel # show entries [detail] 

For system events, displays timestamp, the severity of the event, and a description of the event. The detail keyword displays the information in a list format instead of a table format.


This example displays the sysem event log:

Server# scope sel
Server /sel # show entries
Time                Severity      Description                              
------------------- ------------- ---------------------------------------- 
[System Boot]       Informational " LED_PSU_STATUS: Platform sensor, OFF event was asserted" 
[System Boot]       Informational " LED_HLTH_STATUS: Platform sensor, GREEN was asserted" 
[System Boot]       Normal        " PSU_REDUNDANCY: PS Redundancy sensor, Fully Redundant was asserted" 
[System Boot]       Normal        " PSU2 PSU2_STATUS: Power Supply sensor for PSU2, Power Supply input lost (AC/DC) was deasserted" 
[System Boot]       Informational " LED_PSU_STATUS: Platform sensor, ON event was asserted" 
[System Boot]       Informational " LED_HLTH_STATUS: Platform sensor, AMBER was asserted" 
[System Boot]       Critical      " PSU_REDUNDANCY: PS Redundancy sensor, Redundancy Lost was asserted" 
[System Boot]       Critical      " PSU2 PSU2_STATUS: Power Supply sensor for PSU2, Power Supply input lost (AC/DC) was asserted" 
[System Boot]       Normal        " HDD_01_STATUS: Drive Slot sensor, Drive Presence was asserted" 
[System Boot]       Critical      " HDD_01_STATUS: Drive Slot sensor, Drive Presence was deasserted" 
[System Boot]       Informational " DDR3_P2_D1_INFO: Memory sensor, OFF event was asserted" 
2001-01-01 08:30:16 Warning       " PSU2 PSU2_VOUT: Voltage sensor for PSU2, failure event was deasserted" 
2001-01-01 08:30:16 Critical      " PSU2 PSU2_VOUT: Voltage sensor for PSU2, non-recoverable event was deasserted" 
2001-01-01 08:30:15 Informational " LED_PSU_STATUS: Platform sensor, ON event was asserted" 
2001-01-01 08:30:15 Informational " LED_HLTH_STATUS: Platform sensor, AMBER was asserted" 
2001-01-01 08:30:15 Informational " LED_HLTH_STATUS: Platform sensor, FAST BLINK event was asserted" 
2001-01-01 08:30:14 Non-Recoverable " PSU2 PSU2_VOUT: Voltage sensor for PSU2, non-recoverable event was asserted" 
2001-01-01 08:30:14 Critical      " PSU2 PSU2_VOUT: Voltage sensor for PSU2, failure event was asserted" 

Clearing the System Event Log

  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 Server# scope sel  

Enters the system event log command mode.

Step 2 Server /sel # clear  

You are prompted to confirm the action. If you enter y at the prompt, the system event log is cleared.


This example clears the system event log:

Server# scope sel
Server /sel # clear 
This operation will clear the whole sel.