Configuring Persistent Memory Modules Using Cisco IMC CLI

Viewing Persistent Memory Module Properties


  1. Server # scope chassis
  2. Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
  3. Server /chassis/persistent-memory # show detail


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

Server # scope chassis

Enters chassis command mode.

Step 2

Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory

Enters the persistent memory command mode.

Step 3

Server /chassis/persistent-memory # show detail

Displays the persistent memory module details.


This example shows how to view persistent memory module details:

Server # scope chassis
Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # show detail
Persistent Memory Settings:
Persistent Memory Mgmt Mode: imc-managed
Configured State : Configured
Configured Result : Error_NameSpaceCreate
Total Capacity (GiB): 2020
Persistent Memory Capacity (GiB): 2016
Memory Capacity (GiB): 0
Reserved Capacity (GiB): 0
Total Regions : 8
Total DIMMs: 8
Security State: Unlocked-Frozen
Secure Firmware Downgrade: disabled
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # 

Viewing Persistent Memory DIMMs Properties


  1. Server # scope chassis
  2. Server /chassis # show persistent-memory-dimm detail


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

Server # scope chassis

Enters chassis command mode.

Step 2

Server /chassis # show persistent-memory-dimm detail

Displays the persistent memory DIMM details.


This example shows how to view persistent memory DIMM details:

Server # scope chassis
Server /chassis # show persistent-memory-dimm detail
Persistent Memory DIMMs:
    DIMM Locator Id: DIMM_A2
    DIMM UID: 8089-A2-1834-000007BA
    Socket Id: 1
    Total Capacity (GiB): 126
    Persistent Memory Capacity (GiB): 64
    Memory Capacity (GiB): 62
    App Direct Capacity (GiB): 64
    Reserved Capacity (GiB): 0
    Firmware Version:
    Health State: Healthy
    Socket Local DIMM Number: 2
    Serial Number: 000007BA
    Status: Enabled, UnLocked, Frozen, Count not expired
Persistent Memory DIMMs:
    DIMM Locator Id: DIMM_B2
    DIMM UID: 8089-A2-1834-0000057E
    Socket Id: 1
    Total Capacity (GiB): 126
    Persistent Memory Capacity (GiB): 64
    Memory Capacity (GiB): 62
    App Direct Capacity (GiB): 64
    Reserved Capacity (GiB): 0
    Firmware Version:
    Health State: Healthy
    Socket Local DIMM Number: 4
    Serial Number: 0000057E
    Status: Enabled, UnLocked, Frozen, Count not expired
Displays the details of all the available DIMMs
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # 

Viewing Namespace Properties


  1. Server # scope chassis
  2. Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
  3. Server /chassis/persistent-memory # show namespace detail


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

Server # scope chassis

Enters chassis command mode.

Step 2

Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory

Enters the persistent memory command mode.

Step 3

Server /chassis/persistent-memory # show namespace detail

Displays the persistent memory namespace details.


This example shows how to view persistent memory namespace details:

Server # scope chassis
Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # show namespace detail
    Name: ns 1
    Socket Id: 2
    Socket Local DIMM Number: Not applicable
    Region Id:
    Capacity (GiB): 1
    Mode: block
    Block Size:
    Label Version:
    UUID :
    Health State :
    Config State: Pending
    Name: 1
    Socket Id: 1
    Socket Local DIMM Number: Not applicable
    Region Id:
    Capacity (GiB): 2
    Mode: raw
    Block Size:
    Label Version:
    UUID :
    Health State :
    Config State: Pending
    Name: _
    Socket Id: 1
    Socket Local DIMM Number: Not applicable
    Region Id:
    Capacity (GiB): 2
    Mode: raw
    Block Size:
    Label Version:
    UUID :
    Health State :
    Config State: Pending
Displays the details of all the available namespaces
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # 

Viewing Goal Properties


  1. Server # scope chassis
  2. Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
  3. Server /chassis/persistent-memory # show goal detail


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

Server # scope chassis

Enters chassis command mode.

Step 2

Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory

Enters the persistent memory command mode.

Step 3

Server /chassis/persistent-memory # show goal detail

Displays the goal details.


This example shows how to view goal details:

Server # scope chassis
Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # show goal detail
Goal Settings:
    Soket Id: ALL
    Memory Mode: 14
    Persistent Memory Type: app-direct
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # 

Viewing Region Properties


  1. Server # scope chassis
  2. Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
  3. Server /chassis/persistent-memory # show region detail


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

Server # scope chassis

Enters chassis command mode.

Step 2

Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory

Enters the persistent memory command mode.

Step 3

Server /chassis/persistent-memory # show region detail

Displays the persistent memory region details.


This example shows how to view persistent memory region details:

Server # scope chassis
Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # show region detail
    Id: 1
    Socket Local Dimm Number: Not applicable
    Socket Id: 1
    Interleaved Set Id: 5559c3d06c7e8888
    Persistent Memory Type: AppDirect
    Health State : Healthy
    Total Capacity (GiB): 256
    Free Capacity (GiB): 192
    DIMM Locator Ids: DIMM_A2,DIMM_B2,DIMM_D2,DIMM_E2
    Id: 2
    Socket Local Dimm Number: Not applicable
    Socket Id: 2
    Interleaved Set Id: 49e9c3d0f47e8888
    Persistent Memory Type: AppDirect
    Health State : Healthy
    Total Capacity (GiB): 256
    Free Capacity (GiB): 256
    DIMM Locator Ids: DIMM_G2,DIMM_H2,DIMM_K2,DIMM_L2
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # 

Creating a Goal

Before you begin

You must log in with admin privileges to perform this task.


  1. Server # scope chassis
  2. Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
  3. Server /chassis/persistent-memory # create-goal {all-sockets |volatile-memory-percentage |{app-direct | app-direct-non-interleaved}
  4. Enter y at the two confirmation prompts.


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

Server # scope chassis

Enters chassis command mode.

Step 2

Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory

Enters the persistent memory command mode.

Step 3

Server /chassis/persistent-memory # create-goal {all-sockets |volatile-memory-percentage |{app-direct | app-direct-non-interleaved}

  • Enter ALL to create goal for all sockets.

  • Enter the percentage of memory on the persistent memory module that is configured as volatile memory.

  • Choose the type of persistent memory. This can be one of the following:

    • app-direct—Configures one region for all the persistent memory modules connected to a socket.

    • app-direct-non-interleaved—Configures one region for each persistent memory module.


  • The default persistent memory type for UCS C-Series servers is App Direct.

  • The default persistent memory type for UCS M5 S-Series servers is App Direct Non Interleaved.

Initiates goal creation.

Step 4

Enter y at the two confirmation prompts.

A goal on all sockets is created.


This example shows how to create a goal on persistent memory module:

Server # scope chassis
Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # create-goal ALL 14 app-direct
Configuration of goal will clear the existing regions and namespaces.
Do you want to forcefully apply the goal configuration?[y|N]y
Goal is configured
Configuration of Goal will require a reboot.
Do you want to reboot the system?[y|N]y
A system reboot has been initiated.
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # 

Creating a Namespace

Before you begin

You must log in with admin privileges to perform this task.


  1. Server # scope chassis
  2. Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
  3. Server /chassis/persistent-memory # create namespace namespace name
  4. Server /chassis/persistent-memory/namespace *# set capacity value
  5. Server /chassis/persistent-memory/namespace *# set mode {block \ raw}
  6. Server /chassis/persistent-memory/namespace *# set socket-id {1 \ 2 \ 3 \ 4}
  7. Server /chassis/persistent-memory *# set socket-local-dimm-number {2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | 12}
  8. Server /chassis/persistent-memory/namespace * # commit


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

Server # scope chassis

Enters chassis command mode.

Step 2

Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory

Enters the persistent memory command mode.

Step 3

Server /chassis/persistent-memory # create namespace namespace name

Enter the name of the namespace. Initiates the creation of a namespace.

Step 4

Server /chassis/persistent-memory/namespace *# set capacity value

Enter the memory capacity of the namespace in GiBs.

Step 5

Server /chassis/persistent-memory/namespace *# set mode {block \ raw}

Enter mode in which the namespace is created.

Step 6

Server /chassis/persistent-memory/namespace *# set socket-id {1 \ 2 \ 3 \ 4}

The CPU socket ID on which the namespace is created.

Step 7

Server /chassis/persistent-memory *# set socket-local-dimm-number {2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | 12}

The local DIMM number for the region to which this namespace belongs.



This option is available only when the persistent memory type is App Direct Non Interleaved.

Step 8

Server /chassis/persistent-memory/namespace * # commit

Enter y at the confirmation prompt. Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


This example shows how to create a persistent memory namespace:

Server # scope chassis
Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # create namespace test1
Server /chassis/persistent-memory/namespace *# set capacity 12
Server/chassis/persistent-memory/namespace *# set mode block
Server /chassis/persistent-memory/namespace *# set socket-id 2
Server /chassis/persistent-memory/namespace *# set socket-local-dimm-number 4
Server /chassis/persistent-memory/namespace * # commit
Server /chassis/persistent-memory/namespace # 

Modifying a Goal

Before you begin

You must log in with admin privileges to perform this task.


  1. Server # scope chassis
  2. Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
  3. Server /chassis/persistent-memory # scope goal ALL
  4. Server /chassis/persistent-memory/goal # set persistent-memory-type {app-direct | app-direct-non-interleaved}
  5. Server /chassis/persistent-memory/goal* # set volatile-memory-percentage percentage
  6. Server /chassis/persistent-memory/goal* # commit


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

Server # scope chassis

Enters chassis command mode.

Step 2

Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory

Enters the persistent memory command mode.

Step 3

Server /chassis/persistent-memory # scope goal ALL

Enters the goal command mode.

  • Enter ALL to create goal for all sockets.

  • Enter the percentage of memory on the persistent memory module that is configured as volatile memory.

Initiates goal creation.

Step 4

Server /chassis/persistent-memory/goal # set persistent-memory-type {app-direct | app-direct-non-interleaved}

  • Choose the type of persistent memory. This can be one of the following:

    • App Direct—Configures one region for all the persistent memory modules connected to a socket.

    • App Direct Non Interleaved—Configures one region for each persistent memory module.


  • The default persistent memory type for UCS C-Series servers is App Direct.

  • The default persistent memory type for UCS M5 S-Series servers is App Direct Non Interleaved.

Step 5

Server /chassis/persistent-memory/goal* # set volatile-memory-percentage percentage

Enter the percentage of memory on the persistent memory module that is configured as volatile memory.

Step 6

Server /chassis/persistent-memory/goal* # commit

Enter y at the confirmation prompt. Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


This example shows how to modify a goal properties on persistent memory module:

Server # scope chassis
Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # scope goal ALL
Server /chassis/persistent-memory/goal # set persistent-memory-type app-direct
Server /chassis/persistent-memory/goal * # set volatile-memory-percentage 10
Server /chassis/persistent-memory/goal * # commit
Server /chassis/persistent-memory/goal # 

Deleting a Goal

Before you begin

You must log in with admin privileges to perform this task.


  1. Server # scope chassis
  2. Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
  3. Server /chassis/persistent-memory # delete-goal ALL


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

Server # scope chassis

Enters chassis command mode.

Step 2

Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory

Enters the persistent memory command mode.

Step 3

Server /chassis/persistent-memory # delete-goal ALL

Enter y at the confirmation prompt to delete the goal.


This example shows how to delete persistent memory goal:

Server # scope chassis
Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # delete-goal ALL
Do you want to delete the pending goal configuration?[y|N]y
Pending goal configuration is deleted
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # 

Deleting a Namespace

Before you begin

You must log in with admin privileges to perform this task.


  1. Server # scope chassis
  2. Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
  3. Server /chassis/persistent-memory # delete namespace Namespace Name
  4. Server /chassis/persistent-memory * # commit


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

Server # scope chassis

Enters chassis command mode.

Step 2

Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory

Enters the persistent memory command mode.

Step 3

Server /chassis/persistent-memory # delete namespace Namespace Name

Enter the name of the namespace to be deleted.

Step 4

Server /chassis/persistent-memory * # commit

Enter y at the confirmation prompt. Commits the transaction to the system configuration. Deletes the chosen namespace.


This example shows how to delete a namespace:

Server # scope chassis
Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # delete namespace test1
Server /chassis/persistent-memory * # commit
Namespace test1 is deleted
Deletion of namespace will require a reboot.
Do you want to reboot the system?[y|N]y
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # 

Exporting Persistent Memory Configuration

Before you begin

You must log in with admin privileges to perform this task.


  1. Server # scope chassis
  2. Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
  3. Server /chassis/persistent-memory # scope import-export-config
  4. Server /chassis/persistent-memory/import-export-config # export-config {remote-protocol | IP Adderss |Persistent Memory Config file}


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

Server # scope chassis

Enters chassis command mode.

Step 2

Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory

Enters the persistent memory command mode.

Step 3

Server /chassis/persistent-memory # scope import-export-config

Enters the command mode that enables the import or export of persistent memory configuration.

Step 4

Server /chassis/persistent-memory/import-export-config # export-config {remote-protocol | IP Adderss |Persistent Memory Config file}

  • Specifies the protocol to connect to the remote server. It can be of the following types:

    • TFTP

    • FTP

    • SFTP

    • SCP

    • HTTP

  • Note


    The Cisco UCS C-Series server now supports fingerprint confirmation of the server when you update firmware through a remote server. This option is available only if you choose SCP or SFTP as the remote server type.

    If you chose SCP or SFTP as the remote server type while performing this action, a prompt with the message Server (RSA) key fingerprint is <server_finger_print _ID> Do you wish to continue? Click y or n depending on the authenticity of the server fingerprint.

    The fingerprint is based on the host's public key and helps you to identify or verify the host you are connecting to.

  • The IPv4 or IPv6 address, or hostname of the server to which the configuration file will be exported.

  • The path and filename Cisco IMC should use when exporting the file to the remote server.

  • The username the system should use to log in to the remote server. This field does not apply if the protocol is TFTP or HTTP.

  • The password for the remote server username. This field does not apply if the protocol is TFTP or HTTP.

Initiates the export of the persistent memory configuration.


This example exports the persistent memory configuration:

Server # scope chassis
Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # scope import-export-config
Server /chassis/persistent-memory/import-export-config # export-config scp /home/jygSJGkj/
Server (RSA) key fingerprint is xxxxxxxx
Do you wish to continue? [y/N]y
Username: xxxxxx
Password: *******
Persistent Memory Configuration exported successfully
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # 

Importing Persistent Memory Configuration

Before you begin

You must log in with admin privileges to perform this task.


  1. Server # scope chassis
  2. Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
  3. Server /chassis/persistent-memory # scope import-export-config
  4. Server /chassis/persistent-memory/import-export-config # import-config {remote-protocol |IP Adderss |Persistent Memory Config file }


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

Server # scope chassis

Enters chassis command mode.

Step 2

Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory

Enters the persistent memory command mode.

Step 3

Server /chassis/persistent-memory # scope import-export-config

Enters the command mode that enables the import or export of persistent memory configuration.

Step 4

Server /chassis/persistent-memory/import-export-config # import-config {remote-protocol |IP Adderss |Persistent Memory Config file }

  • Specifies the protocol to connect to the remote server. It can be of the following types:

    • TFTP

    • FTP

    • SFTP

    • SCP

    • HTTP

  • Note


    The Cisco UCS C-Series server now supports fingerprint confirmation of the server when you update firmware through a remote server. This option is available only if you choose SCP or SFTP as the remote server type.

    If you chose SCP or SFTP as the remote server type while performing this action, a prompt with the message Server (RSA) key fingerprint is <server_finger_print _ID> Do you wish to continue? Click y or n depending on the authenticity of the server fingerprint.

    The fingerprint is based on the host's public key and helps you to identify or verify the host you are connecting to.

  • The IPv4 or IPv6 address, or hostname of the server to which the configuration file will be imported.

  • The path and filename Cisco IMC should use when importing the file to the remote server.

  • The username the system should use to log in to the remote server. This field does not apply if the protocol is TFTP or HTTP.

  • The password for the remote server username. This field does not apply if the protocol is TFTP or HTTP.

Initiates the import of the persistent memory configuration.


This example imports the persistent memory configuration:

Server # scope chassis
Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # scope import-export-config
Server /chassis/persistent-memory/import-export-config # import-config scp /home/jygSJGkj/AEP_UCSM2BIOS_EXPORT
Server (RSA) key fingerprint is xxxxxxxx
Do you wish to continue? [y/N]y
Username: xxxxxx
Password: *******Persistent Memory Configuration imported successfully
Import of Persistent Memory Configuration will require a reboot.
Do you want to reboot the system?[y|N]N
Configuration will be applied on next reboot.
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # 

Resetting Persistent Memory Module to Factory Defaults

Reset factory defaults feature is used to scrub the persistent memory module. When you perform a reset all the DIMMs will be securely erased (all the configuration and data will be lost) and the DIMMs are restored to 100% memory mode. Security will be disabled.

Before you begin

You must log in with admin privileges to perform this task.


  1. Server # scope chassis
  2. Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
  3. Server /chassis/persistent-memory # factory-default
  4. Enter the passphrase at the prompt.


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

Server # scope chassis

Enters chassis command mode.

Step 2

Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory

Enters the persistent memory command mode.

Step 3

Server /chassis/persistent-memory # factory-default

Enter y at the confirmation prompt to reboot the host. Resets the persistent memory module to factory defaults.


  • Persistent memory will be configured in 100% memory mode after the reboot on C240 M5, C220 M5, and C480 M5 servers.

  • In S3260, Persistent memory will be configured in 0% memory with AppDirectNonInterleaved persistent memory type.

Step 4

Enter the passphrase at the prompt.



You will be prompted to enter passphrase only when security is in enabled state.

Enter y at the confirmation prompt.


  • Persistent memory will be configured in 100% memory mode after the reboot on C240 M5, C220 M5, and C480 M5 servers.

  • In S3260, persistent memory will be configured in 0% memory with AppDirectNonInterleaved persistent memory type.


This example resets the persistent memory module to factory defaults:

Server # scope chassis
Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # factory-default
This operation will reset the persistent memory configuration to factory default and reboot the system.
All your configuration will be lost.
A system reboot has been initiated.
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # 

Enabling Security on Persistent Memory Module

Before you begin

You must log in with admin privileges to perform this task.


  1. Server # scope chassis
  2. Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
  3. Server /chassis/persistent-memory # enable-security
  4. Enter the passphrase and confirm the passphrase at the respective prompts.


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

Server # scope chassis

Enters chassis command mode.

Step 2

Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory

Enters the persistent memory command mode.

Step 3

Server /chassis/persistent-memory # enable-security

Enables security on the persistent memory module.

Step 4

Enter the passphrase and confirm the passphrase at the respective prompts.

Enter y at the confirmation prompt to reboot the host.


This example enables security on persistent memory module:

Server # scope chassis
Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # disable-security
Enter passphrase:********
Confirm passphrase:******** 
Enabling security will reboot the host. Do you want to continue?[y|N]y
A system reboot has been initiated.
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # 

Disabling Security on Persistent Memory DIMMs

Before you begin

You must log in with admin privileges to perform this task.


  1. Server # scope chassis
  2. Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
  3. Server /chassis/persistent-memory # disable-security
  4. Enter the passphrase at the prompts.


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

Server # scope chassis

Enters chassis command mode.

Step 2

Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory

Enters the persistent memory command mode.

Step 3

Server /chassis/persistent-memory # disable-security

Disables security on the persistent memory DIMMs.

Step 4

Enter the passphrase at the prompts.

Enter y at the confirmation prompt to reboot the host.


This example disables security on persistent memory module:

Server # scope chassis
Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # disable-security
Enter passphrase:******** 
Disabling security will reboot the host. Do you want to continue?[y|N]y
A system reboot has been initiated.
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # 

Modifying Passphrase

Before you begin

  • You must log in with admin privileges to perform this task.

  • Security must be in enabled state.


  1. Server # scope chassis
  2. Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
  3. Server /chassis/persistent-memory # modify-passphrase
  4. Enter the Existing Passphrase, New Passphrase, and Confirm New Passphrase at the respective prompts.


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

Server # scope chassis

Enters chassis command mode.

Step 2

Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory

Enters the persistent memory command mode.

Step 3

Server /chassis/persistent-memory # modify-passphrase

Modifies the passphrase.

Step 4

Enter the Existing Passphrase, New Passphrase, and Confirm New Passphrase at the respective prompts.

Enter y at the confirmation prompt to reboot the host.


This example how to modify the passphrase on persistent memory module:

Server # scope chassis
Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # modify-passphrase
Enter Existing Passphrase:********
Enter New Passphrase: ********
Confirm New Passphrase:******** 
Modifying the passphrase will reboot the host. Do you want to continue?[y|N]y
A system reboot has been initiated.
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # 

Performing Secure Erase on Persistent Memory Modules

Before you begin

You must log in with admin privileges to perform this task.


  1. Server # scope chassis
  2. Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
  3. Server /chassis/persistent-memory # secure-erase {Socket ID |Persistent Memory DIMM Number}
  4. Securely erases data on the persistent memory modules. Enter the passphrase at the prompt.


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

Server # scope chassis

Enters chassis command mode.

Step 2

Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory

Enters the persistent memory command mode.

Step 3

Server /chassis/persistent-memory # secure-erase {Socket ID |Persistent Memory DIMM Number}

You can use the following socket ID and IMMs combinations to erase data on the DIMMs:

  • Socket ID as ALL and DIMM IDs as ALL will erase data on all the DIMMs on all sockets.

  • Socket ID and ALL to unlock the all the DIMMs on the chosen socket.

  • Socket ID and DIMM ID to unlock particular DIMMs on the chosen socket.

Step 4

Securely erases data on the persistent memory modules. Enter the passphrase at the prompt.



The passphrase prompt appears only when security is in enabled state.

Enter y at the confirmation prompt to reboot the host.


This example securely erases data on the persistent memory DIMMs 2 and 6 on socket 1:

Server # scope chassis
Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # secure-erase 1 2,6
Enter passphrase:********
All the pending configurations will be discarded and host will be rebooted. 
Do you want to continue with secure erase?[y|N]y
Secure Erase sucessfully completed.
A system reboot has been initiated.
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # 

Unlocking Persistent Memory DIMMs

Scenarios while populating DIMMs:

  • When system security is disabled, after populating a security enabled DIMM the overall security status will be in mixed state. You must unlock the newly populated DIMM with its deployed security key to unlock and disable security of the DIMM.

  • When system security is enabled, after populating a security enabled DIMM the overall security status will be in mixed state. You must unlock the newly populated DIMM with its deployed security key. When you unlock it, the security key of the DIMM changes to the system deployed key.

Before you begin

You must log in with admin privileges to perform this task.


  1. Server # scope chassis
  2. Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
  3. Server /chassis/persistent-memory # unlock-dimm {socket ID |DIMM IDs}
  4. Enter the passphrase at the prompt.


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

Server # scope chassis

Enters chassis command mode.

Step 2

Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory

Enters the persistent memory command mode.

Step 3

Server /chassis/persistent-memory # unlock-dimm {socket ID |DIMM IDs}

You can use the following socket ID and DIMMs combinations to unlock the DIMMs:

  • Socket ID and ALL to unlock the all the DIMMs on the chosen socket.

  • Socket ID and DIMM ID to unlock particular DIMMs on the chosen socket.

Step 4

Enter the passphrase at the prompt.

Enter y at the confirmation prompt. Unlocks the selected persistent memory DIMMs.


This example unlocks the persistent memory DIMMs 2 and 4 on socket 1:

Server # scope chassis
Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # unlock-dimm 1 2,4
Enter passphrase:********
Do you want to unlock the DIMM?[y|N]y
Unlock DIMM successful.
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # 

Setting Persistent Memory Module Management Mode

You can manage persistent memory module configuration using the Cisco IMC interfaces or by the host tools. In the Cisco IMC management mode, you can perform configuration tasks using the Cisco IMC interfaces or by the host tools. When the Cisco IMC management mode is disabled, you cannot perform any configuration using Cisco IMC interfaces.

Cisco recommends you to use Cisco IMC interfaces for all security operations and regions management and use the host tools only for namespace configurations if required.

Before you begin

You must log in with admin privileges to perform this task.


  1. Server # scope chassis
  2. Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
  3. Server /chassis/persistent-memory # set mgmt-mode {host-managed \ imc-managed}
  4. Server /chassis/persistent-memory * # commit


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

Server # scope chassis

Enters chassis command mode.

Step 2

Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory

Enters the persistent memory command mode.

Step 3

Server /chassis/persistent-memory # set mgmt-mode {host-managed \ imc-managed}

Enables you to set the persistent memory management mode. This can be one of the following:

  • host-managed —When you choose this option persistent memory is managed by the host.

  • imc-managed—When you choose this option persistent memory is managed using Cisco IMC.

Step 4

Server /chassis/persistent-memory * # commit

Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


This example shows how to set persistent memory module management to Cisco IMC mode:

Server # scope chassis
Server /chassis # scope persistent-memory
Server /chassis/persistent-memory # set mgmt-mode imc-managed
Server /chassis/persistent-memory * commit# 
Server /chassis/persistent-memory #