Managing Pending Deletions

This chapter includes the following sections:

Pending Deletions for VN-Link Tasks

When you delete a DVS from Cisco UCS Manager, either explicitly or by deleting any parent object in the hierarchy, Cisco UCS Manager initiates a connection with VMware vCenter to start the process of deleting the DVS. Until the DVS is successfully deleted from VMware vCenter, Cisco UCS Manager places the DVS in a pending deletion list.

However, Cisco UCS Manager cannot successfully delete a DVS from VMware vCenter if certain situations occur, including the following:

  • VMware vCenter database was corrupted

  • VMware vCenter was uninstalled

  • The IP address for VMware vCenter was changed

If the DVS cannot be successfully deleted from VMware vCenter, the DVS remains in the pending deletion list until the pending deletion is deleted in Cisco UCS Manager or the properties for that pending deletion are changed in a way that allows the DVS to be successfully deleted from VMware vCenter. When you delete a pending deletion, the DVS is deleted from Cisco UCS Manager but is not deleted from VMware vCenter. If the DVS remains in VMware vCenter, you must delete the DVS manually.

You can view the pending deletion list, delete a pending deletion, or change the properties for a pending deletion in Cisco UCS Manager. For example, you can correct the VMware vCenter IP address for a pending deletion so that Cisco UCS Manager can successfully initiate a connection and delete the DVS from VMware vCenter. You cannot cancel the deletion of a DVS from Cisco UCS Manager.

Viewing Pending Deletions

  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 UCS-A# scope system  

Enters system mode.

Step 2 UCS-A /system # scope vm-mgmt  

Enters system VM management mode.

Step 3 UCS-A /system/vm-mgmt # scope vmware  

Enters system VM management VMware mode.

Step 4 UCS-A /system/vm-mgmt /vmware # show pending-deletion  

Displays the list of pending deletions.


The following example displays the list of pending deletions:

UCS-A# scope system
UCS-A /system # scope vm-mgmt
UCS-A /system/vm-mgmt # scope vmware			 
UCS-A /system/vm-mgmt/vmware # show pending-deletion

Pending Deletion:
    Id         Host                 Distributed Virtual Switch
    ---------- -------------------- --------------------------
    1169232        LabDVS
    1176508       OpsDVS
    1176508         MyDVS
    1176508         OtherDVS

Viewing Properties for a Pending Deletion

  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 UCS-A# scope system  

Enters system mode.

Step 2 UCS-A /system # scope vm-mgmt  

Enters system VM management mode.

Step 3 UCS-A /system/vm-mgmt # scope vmware  

Enters system VM management VMware mode.

Step 4 UCS-A /system/vm-mgmt /vmware # scope pending-deletion deletion-id  

Enters system VM management VMware pending deletion mode for the specified pending deletion.

Step 5 UCS-A /system/vm-mgmt /vmware/pending-deletion # show detail  

Displays the properties for the pending deletion.


The following example displays the properties for pending deletion 1169232:

UCS-A# scope system
UCS-A /system # scope vm-mgmt
UCS-A /system/vm-mgmt # scope vmware			 
UCS-A /system/vm-mgmt/vmware # scope pending-deletion 1169232
UCS-A /system/vm-mgmt/vmware/pending-deletion # show detail

Pending Deletion:
    Id: 1169232
    vCenter: vCenterLab
    Data Center Folder:
    Data center: Lab
    Folder: LabFolder
    Distributed Virtual Switch: LabDVS
    Extension key: Cisco-UCSM-b32cc112-83bb-11de-acc_7
    Current Task: external VM manager deletion from local fabric (FSM-STAGE:sam:dme:ExtvmmSwitchDelTaskRemoveProvider:RemoveLocal)

Deleting a Pending Deletion

When you delete a pending deletion, the DVS is deleted from Cisco UCS Manager but is not deleted from VMware vCenter. If the DVS remains in VMware vCenter, you must delete the DVS manually.

  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 UCS-A# scope system  

Enters system mode.

Step 2 UCS-A /system # scope vm-mgmt  

Enters system VM management mode.

Step 3 UCS-A /system/vm-mgmt # scope vmware  

Enters system VM management VMware mode.

Step 4 UCS-A /system/vm-mgmt /vmware # delete pending-deletiondeletion-id  

Deletes the specified pending deletion.

Step 5 UCS-A /system/vm-mgmt /vmware # commit-buffer  

Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


The following example deletes pending deletion 1169232 and commits the transaction:

UCS-A# scope system
UCS-A /system # scope vm-mgmt
UCS-A /system/vm-mgmt # scope vmware			 
UCS-A /system/vm-mgmt/vmware # delete pending-deletion 1169232
UCS-A /system/vm-mgmt/vmware* # commit-buffer
UCS-A /system/vm-mgmt/vmware #

Changing Properties for a Pending Deletion

You can change the properties of a pending deletion, if necessary, to ensure that Cisco UCS Manager can successfully initiate a connection and delete the DVS from VMware vCenter.

  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1 UCS-A# scope system  

Enters system mode.

Step 2 UCS-A /system # scope vm-mgmt  

Enters system VM management mode.

Step 3 UCS-A /system/vm-mgmt # scope vmware  

Enters system VM management VMware mode.

Step 4 UCS-A /system/vm-mgmt /vmware # scope pending-deletion deletion-id  

Enters system VM management VMware pending deletion mode for the specified pending deletion.

Step 5 UCS-A /system/vm-mgmt /vmware/pending-deletion # set {certificate certificate-name | data-center data-center-name |data-center-folder folder-name | folder folder-name | host {hostname | ip-addr}}  

Changes the specified property for the pending deletion.


If you use a hostname rather than an IP address, you must configure a DNS server in Cisco UCS Manager.

Step 6 UCS-A /system/vm-mgmt /vmware/pending-deletion # commit-buffer  

Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


The following example changes the host IP address to for pending deletion 1169232 and commits the transaction:

UCS-A# scope system
UCS-A /system # scope vm-mgmt
UCS-A /system/vm-mgmt # scope vmware			 
UCS-A /system/vm-mgmt/vmware # scope pending-deletion 1169232
UCS-A /system/vm-mgmt/vmware/pending-deletion # set host
UCS-A /system/vm-mgmt/vmware/pending-deletion* # commit-buffer
UCS-A /system/vm-mgmt/vmware/pending-deletion #