Configuring Network-Related Policies

This chapter includes the following sections:

Configuring vNIC Templates

vNIC Template

The vNIC LAN connectivity policy defines how a vNIC on a server connects to the LAN.

Cisco UCS Manager does not automatically create a VM-FEX port profile with the correct settings when you create a vNIC template. If you want to create a VM-FEX port profile, you must configure the target of the vNIC template as a VM. You must include this policy in a service profile for it to take effect.

You can select VLAN groups in addition to any individual VLAN while creating a vNIC template.


If your server has two Emulex or QLogic NICs (Cisco UCS CNA M71KR-E or Cisco UCS CNA M71KR-Q), you must configure vNIC policies for both adapters in your service profile to get a user-defined MAC address for both NICs. If you do not configure policies for both NICs, Windows still detects both of them in the PCI bus. Then because the second eth is not part of your service profile, Windows assigns it a hardware MAC address. If you then move the service profile to a different server, Windows sees additional NICs because one NIC did not have a user-defined MAC address.

Configuring a vNIC Template

     Command or ActionPurpose
    Step 1UCS-A# scope org org-name  

    Enters the organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, enter / as the org-name.

    Step 2UCS-A /org # create vnic-templ vnic-templ-name [eth-if vlan-name] [fabric {a | b}] [target [adapter | vm]]  

    Creates a vNIC template and enters organization vNIC template mode.

    The target you choose determines whether or not Cisco UCS Manager automatically creates a VM-FEX port profile with the appropriate settings for the vNIC template. This can be one of the following:

    • Adapter—The vNICs apply to all adapters. No VM-FEX port profile is created if you choose this option.

    • VM—The vNICs apply to all virtual machines. A VM-FEX port profile is created if you choose this option.

    Step 3UCS-A /org/vnic-templ # set descr description   (Optional)

    Provides a description for the vNIC template.

    Step 4UCS-A /org/vnic-templ # set fabric {a | a-b | b | b-a}   (Optional)

    Specifies the fabric to use for the vNIC. If you did not specify the fabric when creating the vNIC template in Step 2, you have the option to specify it with this command.

    If you want this vNIC to be able to access the second fabric interconnect if the default one is unavailable, choose a-b (A is the primary) or b-a (B is the primary) .


    Do not enable fabric failover for the vNIC under the following circumstances:

    • If the Cisco UCS domain is running in Ethernet Switch Mode. vNIC fabric failover is not supported in that mode. If all Ethernet uplinks on one fabric interconnect fail, the vNICs do not fail over to the other.

    • If you plan to associate this vNIC to a server with an adapter that does not support fabric failover, such as the Cisco UCS 82598KR-CI 10-Gigabit Ethernet Adapter. If you do so, Cisco UCS Manager generates a configuration fault when you associate the service profile with the server.

    Step 5UCS-A /org/vnic-templ # set mac-pool mac-pool-name  

    The MAC address pool that vNICs created from this vNIC template should use.

    Step 6UCS-A /org/vnic-templ # set mtu mtu-value  

    The maximum transmission unit, or packet size, that vNICs created from this vNIC template should use.

    Enter an integer between 1500 and 9000.


    If the vNIC template has an associated QoS policy, the MTU specified here must be equal to or less than the MTU specified in the associated QoS system class. If this MTU value exceeds the MTU value in the QoS system class, packets may be dropped during data transmission.

    Step 7UCS-A /org/vnic-templ # set nw-control-policy policy-name  

    The network control policy that vNICs created from this vNIC template should use.

    Step 8UCS-A /org/vnic-templ # set pin-group group-name  

    The LAN pin group that vNICs created from this vNIC template should use.

    Step 9UCS-A /org/vnic-templ # set qos-policy policy-name  

    The quality of service policy that vNICs created from this vNIC template should use.

    Step 10UCS-A /org/vnic-templ # set stats-policy policy-name  

    The statistics collection policy that vNICs created from this vNIC template should use.

    Step 11UCS-A /org/vnic-templ # set type {initial-template | updating-template}  

    Specifies the vNIC template update type. If you do not want vNIC instances created from this template to be automatically updated when the template is updated, use the initial-template keyword; otherwise, use the updating-template keyword to ensure that all vNIC instances are updated when the vNIC template is updated.

    Step 12UCS-A /org/vnic-templ # commit-buffer  

    Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


    The following example configures a vNIC template and commits the transaction:

    UCS-A# scope org /
    UCS-A /org* # create vnic template VnicTempFoo
    UCS-A /org/vnic-templ* # set descr "This is a vNIC template example."
    UCS-A /org/vnic-templ* # set fabric a
    UCS-A /org/vnic-templ* # set mac-pool pool137
    UCS-A /org/vnic-templ* # set mtu 8900
    UCS-A /org/vnic-templ* # set nw-control-policy ncp5
    UCS-A /org/vnic-templ* # set pin-group PinGroup54
    UCS-A /org/vnic-templ* # set qos-policy QosPol5
    UCS-A /org/vnic-templ* # set stats-policy ServStatsPolicy
    UCS-A /org/vnic-templ* # set type updating-template
    UCS-A /org/vnic-templ* # commit-buffer
    UCS-A /org/vnic-templ # 

    Redundancy Template Pairs

    Creating vNIC and vHBA template pairs enables you to group vNICs or vHBAs that belong to a specific server. For example, you can create a vNIC or a vHBA template and specify it as the Primary template, then create a different vNIC or vHBA template and specify it as the Secondary template. You can link the two templates to create a pair that share attributes that you define in the Primary template. The Secondary template inherits the attributes from the Primary template and any changes made to the Primary template are propagated to the Secondary template in the template pair. You can also modify any non-shared configurations on each individual template in the pair.

    When creating the pair, you can assign one template, for example the Primary template to Fabric A and the other template, for example the Secondary template to Fabric B or vice versa. This feature eliminates the need to configure vNIC or vHBA pairs independently using one or more templates.

    The number of vNIC and vHBA pairs that can be created using a template pair is only limited by the adapter's maximum capabilities.

    Use the Initial Template type for one time provisioning.

    Use the Updating Template type to have the Primary template drive the changes in the redundancy pair for shared configurations. See the shared configurations listed below.

    Creating vNIC Template Pairs

       Command or ActionPurpose
      Step 1 UCS-A/ org # create vnic-templ vnic-primary .  

      Creates a Primary vNIC template.

      Step 2 UCS-A/ # org vnic-templ set type updating-template .  

      Set the template type to updating, which drives the configurations in the Primary vNIC template for shared configurations to the peer vNIC template. See the shared configurations listed below.

      Step 3UCS-A/ # org vnic-templ [set fabric {a | b}] .  

      Specifies the fabric for the Primary vNIC template. If you specify Fabric A for the Primary vNIC template, the Secondary vNIC template must be Fabric B or vice versa.

      Step 4UCS-A/ # org vnic-templ set descr primaryinredundancypair .  

      Sets the template as the Primary vNIC template.

      Step 5UCS-A/ # org vnic-templ set redundancy-type primary.  

      Sets the redundancy template type as the Primary vNIC template.

      Following are descriptions of the Redundancy Types:

      Primary—Creates configurations that can be shared with the Secondary vNIC template. Any shared changes on the Primary vNIC template are automatically synchronized to the Secondary vNIC template.

      Secondary — All shared configurations are inherited from the Primary template.

      No Redundancy— Legacy vNIC template behavior.

      Following is a list of shared configurations:

      • Network Control Policy

      • QoS Policy

      • Stats Threshold Policy

      • Template Type

      • Connection Policies

      • VLANS

      • MTU

      Following is a list of non-shared configurations:

      • Fabric ID

      • CDN Source

      • MAC Pool

      • Description

      • Pin Group Policy

      Step 6UCS-A/ # org vnic-templ exit .  
      Exits creating the redundancy template pairing.

      Ensure to commit the transaction after linking the Primary vNIC template to a peer Secondary vNIC template to create the redundancy pair.

      Step 7UCS-A/ # org vnic-templ create vNIC-templ vNICsecondary .  

      Creates the Secondary vNIC template.

      Step 8 UCS-A/ # org vnic-templ set type updating-template .  

      Sets the template type to updating, which automatically inherits the configurations from the Primary vNIC template.

      Step 9UCS-A/ org # vnic-templ [set fabric {a | b}] .  

      Specifies the fabric for the Secondary vNIC template. If you specify Fabric A for the Primary vNIC template, the Secondary vNIC template must be Fabric B or vice versa.

      Step 10UCS-A/ # org vnic-templ set descr secondaryredundancypair.  

      Sets the secondary vNIC template as a redundancy pair template.

      Step 11UCS-A/ # org vnic-templ set redundancy-type secondary.  

      Sets the vNIC template type as Secondary.

      Step 12UCS-A/ # org vnic-templ set peer-template-name vNIC-primary.  

      Sets the Primary vNIC template as the peer to the Secondary vNIC template.

      Step 13UCS-A/ # org vnic-templ commit-buffer .  

      Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


      The following example configures a vNIC redundancy template pair and commits the transaction:

      UCS-A /org* # create vnic-template vnic-primary
      UCS-A /org/vnic-templ* # set type updating-template
      UCS-A /org/vnic-templ* # set fabric a
      UCS-A /org/vnic-templ* # set descr primaryinredundancypair
      UCS-A /org/vnic-templ* # set redundancy-type primary
      UCS-A /org/vnic-templ* # exit
      UCS-A /org* # create vnic-templ vnicsecondary
      UCS-A /org/vnic-templ* # set fabric b
      UCS-A /org/vnic-templ* # set descr secondaryinredundancypair
      UCS-A /org/vnic-templ* # set redundancy-type secondary
      UCS-A /org/vnic-templ* # set peer-template-name vnic-primary
      UCS-A /org/vnic-templ* # commit-buffer
      UCS-A /org/vnic-templ # 
      What to Do Next

      After you create the vNIC redundancy template pair, you can use the redundancy template pair to create redundancy vNIC pairs for any service profile in the same organization or sub- organization.

      Undo vNIC Template Pairs

      You can undo the vNIC template pair by changing the Peer Redundancy Template so that there is no peer template for the Primary or the Secondary template. When you undo a vNIC template pair, the corresponding vNIC pairs also becomes undone.

         Command or ActionPurpose
        Step 1UCS-A /org # scope vnic-templ template1.  

        Specifies the name of the vNIc template that you want to undo from the template pair.

        Step 2UCS-A /org/ vnic-templ # set redundancy-type no redundancy.  

        Removes the paring between the peer Primary or Secondary redundancy template used to perform the template pairing.

        Step 3UCS-A /org/vnic-templ* # commit-buffer .  

        Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


        The following example shows how to undo a template pairing:

        UCS-A /org # scope vnic-templ template1
        UCS-A /org/vnic-templ # set redundancy-type no-redundancy
        UCS-A /org/vnic-templ* # commit buffer

        Deleting a vNIC Template

           Command or ActionPurpose
          Step 1UCS-A# scope org org-name  

          Enters the organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, enter / as the org-name.

          Step 2UCS-A /org # delete vnic-templ vnic-templ-name  

          Deletes the specified vNIC template.

          Step 3UCS-A /org # commit-buffer  

          Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


          The following example deletes the vNIC template named VnicTemp42 and commits the transaction:

          UCS-A# scope org /
          UCS-A /org # delete vnic template VnicTemp42
          UCS-A /org* # commit-buffer
          UCS-A /org # 

          Configuring Ethernet Adapter Policies

          Ethernet and Fibre Channel Adapter Policies

          These policies govern the host-side behavior of the adapter, including how the adapter handles traffic. For example, you can use these policies to change default settings for the following:

          • Queues

          • Interrupt handling

          • Performance enhancement

          • RSS hash

          • Failover in a cluster configuration with two fabric interconnects


          For Fibre Channel adapter policies, the values displayed by Cisco UCS Manager may not match those displayed by applications such as QLogic SANsurfer. For example, the following values may result in an apparent mismatch between SANsurfer and Cisco UCS Manager:

          • Max LUNs Per Target—SANsurfer has a maximum of 256 LUNs and does not display more than that number. Cisco UCS Manager supports a higher maximum number of LUNs.

          • Link Down Timeout—In SANsurfer, you configure the timeout threshold for link down in seconds. In Cisco UCS Manager, you configure this value in milliseconds. Therefore, a value of 5500 ms in Cisco UCS Manager displays as 5s in SANsurfer.

          • Max Data Field Size—SANsurfer has allowed values of 512, 1024, and 2048. Cisco UCS Manager allows you to set values of any size. Therefore, a value of 900 in Cisco UCS Manager displays as 512 in SANsurfer.

          • LUN Queue Depth—The LUN queue depth setting is available for Windows system FC adapter policies. Queue depth is the number of commands that the HBA can send and receive in a single transmission per LUN. Windows Storport driver sets this to a default value of 20 for physical miniports and to 250 for virtual miniports. This setting adjusts the initial queue depth for all LUNs on the adapter. Valid range for this value is 1 to 254. The default LUN queue depth is 20. This feature only works with Cisco UCS Manager version 3.1(2) and higher.

          • IO TimeOut Retry—When the target device is not responding to an IO request within the specified timeout, the FC adapter will abort the pending command then resend the same IO after the timer expires. The FC adapter valid range for this value is 1 to 59 seconds. The default IO retry timeout is 5 seconds. This feature only works with Cisco UCS Manager version 3.1(2) and higher.

          Operating System Specific Adapter Policies

          By default, Cisco UCS provides a set of Ethernet adapter policies and Fibre Channel adapter policies. These policies include the recommended settings for each supported server operating system. Operating systems are sensitive to the settings in these policies. Storage vendors typically require non-default adapter settings. You can find the details of these required settings on the support list provided by those vendors.


          We recommend that you use the values in these policies for the applicable operating system. Do not modify any of the values in the default policies unless directed to do so by Cisco Technical Support.

          However, if you are creating an Ethernet adapter policy for a Windows OS (instead of using the default Windows adapter policy), you must use the following formulas to calculate values that work with Windows:

          • Completion Queues = Transmit Queues + Receive Queues
          • Interrupt Count = (Completion Queues + 2) rounded up to nearest power of 2

          For example, if Transmit Queues = 1 and Receive Queues = 8 then:

          • Completion Queues = 1 + 8 = 9
          • Interrupt Count = (9 + 2) rounded up to the nearest power of 2 = 16

          Accelerated Receive Flow Steering

          Accelerated Receive Flow Steering (ARFS) is hardware-assisted receive flow steering that can increase CPU data cache hit rate by steering kernel level processing of packets to the CPU where the application thread consuming the packet is running.

          Using ARFS can improve CPU efficiency and reduce traffic latency. Each receive queue of a CPU has an interrupt associated with it. You can configure the Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) to run on a CPU. The ISR moves the packet from the receive queue to the backlog of one of the current CPUs, which processes the packet later. If the application is not running on this CPU, the CPU must copy the packet to non-local memory, which adds to latency. ARFS can reduce this latency by moving that particular stream to the receive queue of the CPU on which the application is running.

          ARFS is disabled by default and can be enabled through Cisco UCS Manager. To configure ARFS, do the following:
          1. Create an adapter policy with ARFS enabled.

          2. Associate the adapter policy with a service profile.

          3. Enable ARFS on a host.
            1. Turn off Interrupt Request Queue (IRQ) balance.

            2. Associate IRQ with different CPUs.

            3. Enable ntuple by using ethtool.

          Guidelines and Limitations for Accelerated Receive Flow Steering

          • ARFS supports 64 filters per vNIC

          • ARFS is supported on the following adapters:
            • Cisco UCS VIC 1280, 1240, 1340, and 1380

            • Cisco UCS VIC 1225, 1225T, 1285, 1223, 1227, 1227T, 1385, 1387

          • ARFS is supported on the following Operating Systems:
            • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5, and 6.6

            • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 and higher versions

            • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 and SP3

            • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 and higher versions

            • Ubuntu 14.04.2

          Interrupt Coalescing

          Adapters typically generate a large number of interrupts that a host CPU must service. Interrupt coalescing reduces the number of interrupts serviced by the host CPU. This is done by interrupting the host only once for multiple occurrences of the same event over a configurable coalescing interval.

          When interrupt coalescing is enabled for receive operations, the adapter continues to receive packets, but the host CPU does not immediately receive an interrupt for each packet. A coalescing timer starts when the first packet is received by the adapter. When the configured coalescing interval times out, the adapter generates one interrupt with the packets received during that interval. The NIC driver on the host then services the multiple packets that are received. Reduction in the number of interrupts generated reduces the time spent by the host CPU on context switches. This means that the CPU has more time to process packets, which results in better throughput and latency.

          Adaptive Interrupt Coalescing

          Due to the coalescing interval, the handling of received packets adds to latency. For small packets with a low packet rate, this latency increases. To avoid this increase in latency, the driver can adapt to the pattern of traffic flowing through it and adjust the interrupt coalescing interval for a better response from the server.

          Adaptive interrupt coalescing (AIC) is most effective in connection-oriented low link utilization scenarios including email server, databases server, and LDAP server. It is not suited for line-rate traffic.

          Guidelines and Limitations for Adaptive Interrupt Coalescing

          • Adaptive Interrupt Coalescing (AIC) does not provide any reduction in latency when the link utilization is more than 80 percent.

          • Enabling AIC disables static coalescing.

          • AIC is supported on the following Operating Systems:
            • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4 and higher versions

            • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 and higher versions

            • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2 and SP3

            • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12

            • XenServer 6.5

            • Ubuntu 14.04.2

          RDMA Over Converged Ethernet for SMB Direct

          RDMA over Converged Ethernet (RoCE) allows direct memory access over an Ethernet network. RoCE is a link layer protocol, and hence, it allows communication between any two hosts in the same Ethernet broadcast domain. RoCE delivers superior performance compared to traditional network socket implementations because of lower latency, lower CPU utilization and higher utilization of network bandwidth. Windows 2012 R2 and later versions use RDMA for accelerating and improving the performance of SMB file sharing and Live Migration.

          Cisco UCS Manager Release 2.2(4) supports RoCE for Microsoft SMB Direct. It sends additional configuration information to the adapter while creating or modifying an Ethernet adapter policy.

          Guidelines and Limitations for SMB Direct with RoCE

          • Microsoft SMB Direct with RoCE is supported:

            • on Windows 2012 R2 for Cisco UCS Manager release 2.2(4) and later releases.


            • on Windows 2016 for Cisco UCS Manager release 2.2(8) and later releases.


          • Microsoft SMB Direct with RoCE is supported only with third generation Cisco UCS VIC 1340, 1380, 1385, 1387 adapters. Second generation UCS VIC 1225 and 1227 adapters are not supported.

          • RoCE configuration is supported between Cisco adapters. Interoperability between Cisco adapters and third party adapters is not supported.

          • Cisco UCS Manager does not support more than 4 RoCE-enabled vNICs per adapter.

          • Cisco UCS Manager does not support RoCE with NVGRE, VXLAN, NetFlow, VMQ, or usNIC.

          • Maximum number of queue pairs per adapter is 8192.

          • Maximum number of memory regions per adapter is 524288.

          • If you do not disable RoCE before downgrading Cisco UCS Manager from Release 2.2(4), downgrade will fail.

          • Cisco UCS Manager does not support fabric failover for vNICs with RoCE enabled.

          Configuring an Ethernet Adapter Policy

             Command or ActionPurpose
            Step 1UCS-A# scope org org-name  

            Enters organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, type / as the org-name .

            Step 2UCS-A /org # create eth-policy policy-name  

            Creates the specified Ethernet adapter policy and enters organization Ethernet policy mode.

            Step 3UCS-A /org/eth-policy # set arfs accelaratedrfs {enabled | disabled}   (Optional)

            Configures Accelerated RFS.

            Step 4UCS-A /org/eth-policy # set comp-queue count count   (Optional)

            Configures the Ethernet completion queue.

            Step 5UCS-A /org/eth-policy # set descr description   (Optional)

            Provides a description for the policy.


            If your description includes spaces, special characters, or punctuation, you must begin and end your description with quotation marks. The quotation marks will not appear in the description field of any show command output.

            Step 6UCS-A /org/eth-policy # set failover timeout timeout-sec   (Optional)

            Configures the Ethernet failover.

            Step 7UCS-A /org/eth-policy # set interrupt {coalescing-time sec | coalescing-type {idle | min} | count count | mode {intx | msi | msi-x}}   (Optional)

            Configures the Ethernet interrupt.

            Step 8UCS-A /org/eth-policy # set nvgre adminstate {disabled | enabled}   (Optional)

            Configures NVGRE.

            Step 9UCS-A /org/eth-policy # set offload {large-receive | tcp-rx-checksum | tcp-segment | tcp-tx-checksum} {disabled | enabled}   (Optional)

            Configures the Ethernet offload.

            Step 10UCS-A /org/eth-policy # set policy-owner {local | pending}   (Optional)

            Specifies the owner for the Ethernet adapter policy.

            Step 11UCS-A /org/eth-policy # set recv-queue {count count | ring-size size-num}   (Optional)

            Configures the Ethernet receive queue.

            Step 12UCS-A /org/eth-policy # set roce adminstate {disabled | enabled} | memoryregions number-of-memory-regions | queuepairs number-of-queue-pairs | resourcegroups number-of-resource-groups   (Optional)
            Configures RDMA over converged Ethernet (RoCE) by using the following options:
            • adminstate—Enables or disables RoCE.

            • memoryregions—Configures the number of memory regions to be used per adapter. The values range from 1-524288 memory regions, and should be an integer rounded up to the nearest power of 2.

            • queuepairs—Configures the number of queue pairs to be used per adapter. The values range from 1-8192 queue pairs, and should be an integer rounded up to the nearest power of 2.

            • resourcegroups—Configures the number of resource groups to be used. The values range from 1-128 resource groups. The value should be an integer rounded up to the nearest power of 2 and greater than or equal to the number of CPU cores on the system for optimum performance.

            Step 13UCS-A /org/eth-policy # set rss receivesidescaling {disabled | enabled}   (Optional)

            Configures the RSS.

            Step 14UCS-A /org/eth-policy # set trans-queue {count count | ring-size size-num}   (Optional)

            Configures the Ethernet transmit queue.

            Step 15UCS-A /org/eth-policy # set vxlan adminstate {disabled | enabled}   (Optional)

            Configures VXLAN.

            Step 16UCS-A /org/eth-policy # commit-buffer  

            Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


            The following example configures an Ethernet adapter policy, and commits the transaction:

            UCS-A# scope org
            UCS-A /org* # create eth-policy EthPolicy19
            UCS-A /org/eth-policy* # set comp-queue count 16
            UCS-A /org/eth-policy* # set descr "This is an Ethernet adapter policy example."
            UCS-A /org/eth-policy* # set failover timeout 300
            UCS-A /org/eth-policy* # set interrupt count 64
            UCS-A /org/eth-policy* # set offload large-receive disabled
            UCS-A /org/eth-policy* # set recv-queue count 32
            UCS-A /org/eth-policy* # set rss receivesidescaling enabled
            UCS-A /org/eth-policy* # set trans-queue
            UCS-A /org/eth-policy* # commit-buffer
            UCS-A /org/eth-policy # 
            The following example configures an Ethernet adapter policy with RoCE, and commits the transaction:
            UCS-A# scope org
            UCS-A /org* # create eth-policy EthPolicy20
            UCS-A /org/eth-policy* # set roce adminstate enable
            UCS-A /org/eth-policy* # set roce memoryregions 131072
            UCS-A /org/eth-policy* # set roce queuepairs 256
            UCS-A /org/eth-policy* # set roce resourcegroups 32
            UCS-A /org/eth-policy # commit buffer
            UCS-A /org # show eth-policy EthPolicy20 detail expand
            Eth Adapter Policy:
                Name: EthPolicy20
                Policy Owner: Local
                    Accelarated Receive Flow Steering: Disabled
                Ethernet Completion Queue:
                    Count: 2
                Ethernet Failback:
                    Timeout (sec): 5
                Ethernet Interrupt:
                    Coalescing Time (us): 125
                    Coalescing Type: Min
                    Count: 4
                    Driver Interrupt Mode: MSI-X
                    NVGRE: Disabled
                Ethernet Offload:
                    Large Receive: Enabled
                    TCP Segment: Enabled
                    TCP Rx Checksum: Enabled
                    TCP Tx Checksum: Enabled
                Ethernet Receive Queue:
                    Count: 1
                    Ring Size: 512
                    RoCE: Enabled
                    Resource Groups: 32
                    Memory Regions: 131072
                    Queue Pairs: 256
                    VXLAN: Disabled
                Ethernet Transmit Queue:
                    Count: 1
                    Ring Size: 256
                    Receive Side Scaling: Disabled

            Configuring an Ethernet Adapter Policy to Enable eNIC Support for MRQS on Linux Operating Systems

            Cisco UCS Manager includes eNIC support for the Multiple Receive Queue Support (MRQS) feature on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Version 6.x and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Version 11.x.

              Step 1   Create an Ethernet adapter policy.
              Use the following parameters when creating the Ethernet adapter policy:
              • Transmit Queues = 1

              • Receive Queues = n (up to 8)

              • Completion Queues = # of Transmit Queues + # of Receive Queues

              • Interrupts = # Completion Queues + 2

              • Receive Side Scaling (RSS) = Enabled

              • Interrupt Mode = Msi-X

              See Configuring an Ethernet Adapter Policy.

              Step 2   Install an eNIC driver Version or later.

              See Cisco UCS Virtual Interface Card Drivers for Linux Installation Guide.

              Step 3   Reboot the server

              Configuring an Ethernet Adapter Policy to Enable Stateless Offloads with NVGRE

              Cisco UCS Manager supports stateless offloads with NVGRE only with Cisco UCS VIC 1340 and/or Cisco UCS VIC 1380 adapters that are installed on servers running Windows Server 2012 R2 operating systems. Stateless offloads with NVGRE cannot be used with NetFlow, usNIC, or VM-FEX.

                 Command or ActionPurpose
                Step 1UCS-A# scope org org-name  

                Enters organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, type / as the org-name .

                Step 2UCS-A /org # create eth-policy policy-name  

                Creates the specified Ethernet adapter policy and enters organization Ethernet policy mode.

                Step 3To enable stateless offloads with NVGRE, set the following options:  
                • Transmit Queues = 1

                • Receive Queues = n (up to 8)

                • Completion Queues = # of Transmit Queues + # of Receive Queues

                • Interrupts = # Completion Queues + 2

                • Network Virtualization using Generic Routing Encapsulation = Enabled

                • Interrupt Mode = Msi-X

                For more information on creating an Ethernet adapter policy, see Configuring an Ethernet Adapter Policy.

                Step 4UCS-A /org/eth-policy # commit-buffer  

                Commits the transaction to the system configuration.

                Step 5Install an eNIC driver Version or later.  

                For more information, see http:/​/​​c/​en/​us/​td/​docs/​unified_computing/​ucs/​sw/​vic_drivers/​install/​Windows/​b_​Cisco_​VIC_​Drivers_​for_​Windows_​Installation_​Guide.html.

                Step 6Reboot the server.    

                The following example shows how to configure an Ethernet adapter policy to enable stateless offloads with NVGRE and commit the transaction:

                UCS-A# scope org /
                UCS-A /org* # create eth-policy NVGRE
                UCS-A /org/eth-policy* # set descr "Ethernet adapter policy with stateless offloads"
                UCS-A /org/eth-policy* # set nvgre adminstate enabled
                UCS-A /org/eth-policy* # set comp-queue count 16
                UCS-A /org/eth-policy* # set interrupt count 64
                UCS-A /org/eth-policy* # set recv-queue count 32
                UCS-A /org/eth-policy* # set rss receivesidescaling enabled
                UCS-A /org/eth-policy* # set trans-queue 1
                UCS-A /org/eth-policy* # set interrupt mode mxi-x
                UCS-A /org/eth-policy* # commit-buffer
                UCS-A /org/eth-policy # 

                Configuring an Ethernet Adapter Policy to Enable Stateless Offloads with VXLAN

                Cisco UCS Manager supports stateless offloads with VXLAN only with Cisco UCS VIC 1340 and/or Cisco UCS VIC 1380 adapters that are installed on servers running VMWare ESXi Release 5.5 and later releases of the operating system. Stateless offloads with VXLAN cannot be used with NetFlow, usNIC, or VM-FEX.

                   Command or ActionPurpose
                  Step 1UCS-A# scope org org-name  

                  Enters organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, type / as the org-name .

                  Step 2UCS-A /org # create eth-policy policy-name  

                  Creates the specified Ethernet adapter policy and enters organization Ethernet policy mode.

                  Step 3To enable stateless offloads with VXLAN, set the following options:  
                  • Transmit Queues = 1

                  • Receive Queues = n (up to 8)

                  • Completion Queues = # of Transmit Queues + # of Receive Queues

                  • Interrupts = # Completion Queues + 2

                  • Virtual Extensible LAN = Enabled

                  • Interrupt Mode = Msi-X

                  For more information on creating an Ethernet adapter policy, see Configuring an Ethernet Adapter Policy.

                  Step 4UCS-A /org/eth-policy # commit-buffer  

                  Commits the transaction to the system configuration.

                  Step 5Install an eNIC driver Version or later.  

                  For more information, see http:/​/​​c/​en/​us/​td/​docs/​unified_computing/​ucs/​sw/​vic_drivers/​install/​ESX/​2-0/​b_​Cisco_​VIC_​Drivers_​for_​ESX_​Installation_​Guide.html.

                  Step 6Reboot the server.    

                  The following example shows how to configure an Ethernet adapter policy to enable stateless offloads with VXLAN and commit the transaction:

                  UCS-A# scope org /
                  UCS-A /org* # create eth-policy VXLAN
                  UCS-A /org/eth-policy* # set descr "Ethernet adapter policy with stateless offloads"
                  UCS-A /org/eth-policy* # set vxlan adminstate enabled
                  UCS-A /org/eth-policy* # set comp-queue count 16
                  UCS-A /org/eth-policy* # set interrupt count 64
                  UCS-A /org/eth-policy* # set recv-queue count 32
                  UCS-A /org/eth-policy* # set rss receivesidescaling enabled
                  UCS-A /org/eth-policy* # set trans-queue 1
                  UCS-A /org/eth-policy* # set interrupt mode mxi-x
                  UCS-A /org/eth-policy* # commit-buffer
                  UCS-A /org/eth-policy # 

                  Deleting an Ethernet Adapter Policy

                     Command or ActionPurpose
                    Step 1UCS-A# scope org org-name  

                    Enters organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, type / as the org-name .

                    Step 2UCS-A /org # delete eth-policy policy-name  

                    Deletes the specified Ethernet adapter policy.

                    Step 3UCS-A /org # commit-buffer  

                    Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                    The following example deletes the Ethernet adapter policy named EthPolicy19 and commits the transaction:

                    UCS-A# scope org /
                    UCS-A /org # delete eth-policy EthPolicy19
                    UCS-A /org* # commit-buffer
                    UCS-A /org # 

                    Configuring the Default vNIC Behavior Policy

                    Default vNIC Behavior Policy

                    Default vNIC behavior policy allows you to configure how vNICs are created for a service profile. You can choose to create vNICS manually, or you can create them automatically.

                    You can configure the default vNIC behavior policy to define how vNICs are created. This can be one of the following:

                    • NoneCisco UCS Manager does not create default vNICs for a service profile. All vNICs must be explicitly created.

                    • HW Inherit—If a service profile requires vNICs and none have been explicitly defined, Cisco UCS Manager creates the required vNICs based on the adapter installed in the server associated with the service profile.


                    If you do not specify a default behavior policy for vNICs, HW Inherit is used by default.

                    Configuring a Default vNIC Behavior Policy

                       Command or ActionPurpose
                      Step 1UCS-A# scope org / 

                      Enters the root organization mode.

                      Step 2UCS-A/org # scope vnic-beh-policy 

                      Enters default vNIC behavior policy mode.

                      Step 3UCS-A/org/vnic-beh-policy # set action {hw-inherit [template_name name] | none} 

                      Specifies the default vNIC behavior policy. This can be one of the following:

                      • hw-inherit—If a service profile requires vNICs and none have been explicitly defined, Cisco UCS Manager creates the required vNICs based on the adapter installed in the server associated with the service profile.

                        If you specify hw-inherit, you can also specify a vNIC template to create the vNICs.

                      • noneCisco UCS Manager does not create default vNICs for a service profile. All vNICs must be explicitly created.

                      Step 4UCS-A/org/vnic-beh-policy # commit-buffer 

                      Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                      This example shows how to set the default vNIC behavior policy to hw-inherit:

                      UCS-A # scope org /
                      UCS-A/org # scope vnic-beh-policy
                      UCS-A/org/vnic-beh-policy # set action hw-inherit
                      UCS-A/org/vnic-beh-policy* # commit-buffer
                      UCS-A/org/vnic-beh-policy # 

                      Configuring LAN Connectivity Policies

                      About the LAN and SAN Connectivity Policies

                      Connectivity policies determine the connections and the network communication resources between the server and the LAN or SAN on the network. These policies use pools to assign MAC addresses, WWNs, and WWPNs to servers and to identify the vNICs and vHBAs that the servers use to communicate with the network.


                      We do not recommend that you use static IDs in connectivity policies, because these policies are included in service profiles and service profile templates and can be used to configure multiple servers.

                      Privileges Required for LAN and SAN Connectivity Policies

                      Connectivity policies enable users without network or storage privileges to create and modify service profiles and service profile templates with network and storage connections. However, users must have the appropriate network and storage privileges to create connectivity policies.

                      Privileges Required to Create Connectivity Policies

                      Connectivity policies require the same privileges as other network and storage configurations. For example, you must have at least one of the following privileges to create connectivity policies:

                      • admin—Can create LAN and SAN connectivity policies

                      • ls-server—Can create LAN and SAN connectivity policies

                      • ls-network—Can create LAN connectivity policies

                      • ls-storage—Can create SAN connectivity policies

                      Privileges Required to Add Connectivity Policies to Service Profiles

                      After the connectivity policies have been created, a user with ls-compute privileges can include them in a service profile or service profile template. However, a user with only ls-compute privileges cannot create connectivity policies.

                      Interactions between Service Profiles and Connectivity Policies

                      You can configure the LAN and SAN connectivity for a service profile through either of the following methods:

                      • LAN and SAN connectivity policies that are referenced in the service profile

                      • Local vNICs and vHBAs that are created in the service profile

                      • Local vNICs and a SAN connectivity policy

                      • Local vHBAs and a LAN connectivity policy

                      Cisco UCS maintains mutual exclusivity between connectivity policies and local vNIC and vHBA configuration in the service profile. You cannot have a combination of connectivity policies and locally created vNICs or vHBAs. When you include a LAN connectivity policy in a service profile, all existing vNIC configuration is erased, and when you include a SAN connectivity policy, all existing vHBA configuration in that service profile is erased.

                      Creating a LAN Connectivity Policy

                         Command or ActionPurpose
                        Step 1UCS-A# scope org org-name  

                        Enters the organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, enter / as the org-name.

                        Step 2UCS-A /org # create lan-connectivity-policy policy-name  

                        Creates the specified LAN connectivity policy, and enters organization LAN connectivity policy mode.

                        This name can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special characters other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and you cannot change this name after the object is saved.

                        Step 3UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy # set descr policy-name   (Optional)

                        Adds a description to the policy. We recommend that you include information about where and how the policy should be used.

                        Enter up to 256 characters. You can use any characters or spaces except ` (accent mark), \ (backslash), ^ (carat), " (double quote), = (equal sign), > (greater than), < (less than), or ' (single quote).

                        Step 4UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy # commit-buffer  

                        Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                        The following example shows how to create a LAN connectivity policy named LanConnect42 and commit the transaction:

                        UCS-A# scope org /
                        UCS-A /org* # create lan-connectivity-policy LanConnect42
                        UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy* # set descr "LAN connectivity policy"
                        UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy* # commit-buffer
                        UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy #
                        What to Do Next

                        Add one or more vNICs and/or iSCSI vNICs to this LAN connectivity policy.

                        Creating a vNIC for a LAN Connectivity Policy

                        If you are continuing from Creating a LAN Connectivity Policy, begin this procedure at Step 3.

                           Command or ActionPurpose
                          Step 1UCS-A# scope org org-name  

                          Enters the organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, enter / as the org-name.

                          Step 2UCS-A /org # scope lan-connectivity-policy policy-name  

                          Enters LAN connectivity policy mode for the specified LAN connectivity policy.

                          Step 3UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy # create vnic vnic-name [eth-if eth-if-name] [fabric {a | b}]  

                          Creates a vNIC for the specified LAN connectivity policy.

                          This name can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special characters other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and you cannot change this name after the object is saved.

                          Step 4UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic # set fabric {a | a-b | b | b-a}  

                          Specifies the fabric to use for the vNIC. If you did not specify the fabric when you created the vNIC in Step 3, you have the option to specify it with this command.

                          If you want this vNIC to be able to access the second fabric interconnect if the default one is unavailable, choose a-b (A is the primary) or b-a (B is the primary) .


                          Do not enable fabric failover for the vNIC under the following circumstances:

                          • If the Cisco UCS domain is running in Ethernet Switch Mode. vNIC fabric failover is not supported in that mode. If all Ethernet uplinks on one fabric interconnect fail, the vNICs do not fail over to the other.

                          • If you plan to associate this vNIC to a server with an adapter that does not support fabric failover, such as the Cisco UCS 82598KR-CI 10-Gigabit Ethernet Adapter. If you do so, Cisco UCS Manager generates a configuration fault when you associate the service profile with the server.

                          Step 5UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic # set adapter-policy policy-name  

                          Specifies the adapter policy to use for the vNIC.

                          Step 6UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic # set identity {dynamic-mac {mac-addr | derived} | mac-pool mac-pool-name}  

                          Specifies the identity (MAC address) for the vNIC. You can set the identity using one of the following options:

                          • Create a unique MAC address in the form nn: nn:nn:nn :nn:nn.

                          • Derive the MAC address from one burned into the hardware at manufacture.

                          • Assign a MAC address from a MAC pool.

                          Step 7UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic # set mtu size-num  

                          Specifies the maximum transmission unit, or packet size, that this vNIC accepts.

                          Enter an integer between 1500 and 9216.


                          If the vNIC has an associated QoS policy, the MTU specified here must be equal to or less than the MTU specified in the associated QoS system class. If this MTU value exceeds the MTU value in the QoS system class, packets might get dropped during data transmission.

                          Step 8UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic # set nw-control-policy policy-name  

                          Specifies the network control policy that the vNIC should use.

                          Step 9UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic # set order {order-num | unspecified}  

                          Specifies the relative order for the vNIC.

                          Step 10UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic # set pin-group group-name  

                          Specifies the LAN pin group that the vNIC should use.

                          Step 11UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic # set qos-policy policy-name  

                          Specifies the quality of service policy that the vNIC should use.

                          Step 12UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic # set stats-policy policy-name  

                          Specifies the statistics collection policy that the vNIC should use.

                          Step 13UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic # set template-name policy-name  

                          Specifies the dynamic vNIC connectivity policy to use for the vNIC.

                          Step 14UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic # set vcon {1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | any}  

                          Assigns the vNIC to the specified vCon. Use the any keyword to have Cisco UCS Manager automatically assign the vNIC.

                          Step 15UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic # commit-buffer  

                          Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                          The following example shows how to configure a vNIC for a LAN connectivity policy named LanConnect42 and commit the transaction:

                          UCS-A# scope org /
                          UCS-A /org # scope lan-connectivity-policy LanConnect42
                          UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy* # create vnic vnic3 fabric a
                          UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic* # set fabric a-b
                          UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic* # set adapter-policy AdaptPol2
                          UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic* # set identity mac-pool MacPool3
                          UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic* # set mtu 8900
                          UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic* # set nw-control-policy ncp5
                          UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic* # set order 0
                          UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic* # set pin-group EthPinGroup12
                          UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic* # set qos-policy QosPol5
                          UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic* # set stats-policy StatsPol2
                          UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic* # set template-name VnicConnPol3
                          UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic* # set vcon any
                          UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic* # commit-buffer
                          UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic # 
                          What to Do Next

                          If desired, add another vNIC or an iSCSI vNIC to the LAN connectivity policy. If not, include the policy in a service profile or service profile template.

                          Deleting a vNIC from a LAN Connectivity Policy

                             Command or ActionPurpose
                            Step 1UCS-A# scope org org-name  

                            Enters the organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, enter / as the org-name.

                            Step 2UCS-A /org # scope lan-connectivity-policy policy-name  

                            Enters LAN connectivity policy mode for the specified LAN connectivity policy.

                            Step 3UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy # delete vnic vnic-name 

                            Deletes the specified vNIC from the LAN connectivity policy.

                            Step 4UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy # commit-buffer  

                            Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                            The following example shows how to delete a vNIC named vnic3 from a LAN connectivity policy named LanConnect42 and commit the transaction:

                            UCS-A# scope org /
                            UCS-A /org # scope lan-connectivity-policy LanConnect42
                            UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy # delete vnic vnic3
                            UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy* # commit-buffer
                            UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy # 

                            Creating an iSCSI vNIC for a LAN Connectivity Policy

                            If you are continuing from Creating a LAN Connectivity Policy, begin this procedure at Step 3.

                            Before You Begin

                            The LAN connectivity policy must include an Ethernet vNIC that can be used as the overlay vNIC for the iSCSI device.

                               Command or ActionPurpose
                              Step 1UCS-A# scope org org-name  

                              Enters the organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, enter / as the org-name.

                              Step 2UCS-A /org # scope lan-connectivity-policy policy-name  

                              Enters LAN connectivity policy mode for the specified LAN connectivity policy.

                              Step 3UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy # create vnic-iscsi iscsi-vnic-name .  

                              Creates an iSCSI vNIC for the specified LAN connectivity policy.

                              This name can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special characters other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and you cannot change this name after the object is saved.

                              Step 4UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic-iscsi # set iscsi-adaptor-policy iscsi-adaptor-name   (Optional)

                              Specifies the iSCSI adapter policy that you have created for this iSCSI vNIC.

                              Step 5UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic-iscsi # set auth-name authentication-profile-name   (Optional)

                              Sets the authentication profile to be used by the iSCSI vNIC. The authentication profile must already exist for it to be set. For more information, see Creating an Authentication Profile.

                              Step 6UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic-iscsi # set identity { dynamic-mac {dynamic-mac-address | derived } | mac-pool mac-pool-name }  
                              Specifies the MAC address for the iSCSI vNIC.

                              The MAC address is set only for the Cisco UCS NIC M51KR-B Adapters.

                              Step 7UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic-iscsi # set iscsi-identity {initiator-name initiator-name | initiator-pool-name iqn-pool-name}  

                              Specifies the name of the iSCSI initiator or the name of an IQN pool from which the iSCSI initiator name will be provided. The iSCSI initiator name can be up to 223 characters.

                              Step 8UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic-iscsi # set overlay-vnic-name overlay-vnic-name  

                              Specifies the Ethernet vNIC that is used by the iSCSI device as the overlay vNIC. For more information, see Configuring a vNIC for a Service Profile.

                              Step 9UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic-iscsi # create eth-if  

                              Creates an Ethernet interface for a VLAN assigned to the iSCSI vNIC.

                              Step 10UCS-A /org/ex/vnic-iscsi/eth-if # set vlanname vlan-name  

                              Specifies the VLAN name. The default VLAN is default. For the Cisco UCS M81KR Virtual Interface Card and the Cisco UCS VIC-1240 Virtual Interface Card, the VLAN that you specify must be the same as the native VLAN on the overlay vNIC. For the Cisco UCS M51KR-B Broadcom BCM57711 Adapter, the VLAN that you specify can be any VLAN assigned to the overlay vNIC.

                              Step 11UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic-iscsi # commit-buffer  

                              Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                              The following example shows how to configure an iSCSI vNIC for a LAN connectivity policy named LanConnect42 and commit the transaction:

                              UCS-A# scope org /
                              UCS-A /org # scope lan-connectivity-policy LanConnect42
                              UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy # create vnic-iscsi iSCSI1
                              UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic-iscsi* # set iscsi-adaptor-policy iscsiboot
                              UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic-iscsi* # set auth-name initauth
                              UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic-iscsi* # set identity dynamic-mac derived
                              UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic-iscsi* # set iscsi-identity initiator-name iSCSI1
                              UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic-iscsi* # set overlay-vnic-name eth1
                              UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic-iscsi* # create eth-if
                              UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic-iscsi/eth-if* # set vlanname default
                              UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic-iscsi/eth-if* # commit buffer
                              UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy/vnic-iscsi/eth-if
                              What to Do Next

                              If desired, add another iSCI vNIC or a vNIC to the LAN connectivity policy. If not, include the policy in a service profile or service profile template.

                              Deleting an iSCSI vNIC from a LAN Connectivity Policy

                                 Command or ActionPurpose
                                Step 1UCS-A# scope org org-name  

                                Enters the organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, enter / as the org-name.

                                Step 2UCS-A /org # scope lan-connectivity-policy policy-name  

                                Enters LAN connectivity policy mode for the specified LAN connectivity policy.

                                Step 3UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy # delete vnic-iscsi iscsi-vnic-name 

                                Deletes the specified iSCSI vNIC from the LAN connectivity policy.

                                Step 4UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy # commit-buffer  

                                Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                                The following example shows how to delete an iSCSI vNIC named iscsivnic3 from a LAN connectivity policy named LanConnect42 and commit the transaction:

                                UCS-A# scope org /
                                UCS-A /org # scope lan-connectivity-policy LanConnect42
                                UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy # delete vnic-iscsi iscsivnic3
                                UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy* # commit-buffer
                                UCS-A /org/lan-connectivity-policy # 

                                Deleting a LAN Connectivity Policy

                                If you delete a LAN connectivity policy that is included in a service profile, it also deletes all vNICs and iSCSI vNICs from that service profile, and disrupt LAN data traffic for the server associated with the service profile.

                                   Command or ActionPurpose
                                  Step 1UCS-A# scope org org-name  

                                  Enters the organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, enter / as the org-name.

                                  Step 2UCS-A /org # delete lan-connectivity-policy policy-name  

                                  Deletes the specified LAN connectivity policy.

                                  Step 3UCS-A /org # commit-buffer  

                                  Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                                  The following example shows how to delete the LAN connectivity policy named LanConnectiSCSI42 from the root organization and commit the transaction:

                                  UCS-A# scope org /
                                  UCS-A /org # delete lan-connectivity-policy LanConnectiSCSI42
                                  UCS-A /org* # commit-buffer
                                  UCS-A /org # 

                                  Configuring Network Control Policies

                                  Network Control Policy

                                  This policy configures the network control settings for the Cisco UCS domain, including the following:

                                  • Whether the Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) is enabled or disabled

                                  • How the virtual interface ( VIF) behaves if no uplink port is available in end-host mode

                                  • The action that Cisco UCS Manager takes on the remote Ethernet interface, vEthernet interface , or vFibre Channel interface when the associated border port fails

                                  • Whether the server can use different MAC addresses when sending packets to the fabric interconnect

                                  • Whether MAC registration occurs on a per-VNIC basis or for all VLANs

                                  Action on Uplink Fail

                                  By default, the Action on Uplink Fail property in the network control policy is configured with a value of link-down. For adapters such as the Cisco UCS M81KR Virtual Interface Card, this default behavior directs Cisco UCS Manager to bring the vEthernet or vFibre Channel interface down if the associated border port fails. For Cisco UCS systems using a non-VM-FEX capable converged network adapter that supports both Ethernet and FCoE traffic, such as Cisco UCS CNA M72KR-Q and the Cisco UCS CNA M72KR-E, this default behavior directs Cisco UCS Manager to bring the remote Ethernet interface down if the associated border port fails. In this scenario, any vFibre Channel interfaces that are bound to the remote Ethernet interface are brought down as well.


                                  If your implementation includes those types of non-VM-FEX capable converged network adapters mentioned in this section and the adapter is expected to handle both Ethernet and FCoE traffic, we recommend that you configure the Action on Uplink Fail property with a value of warning. Note that this configuration might result in an Ethernet teaming driver not being able to detect a link failure when the border port goes down.

                                  MAC Registration Mode

                                  MAC addresses are installed only on the native VLAN by default, which maximizes the VLAN port count in most implementations.


                                  If a trunking driver is being run on the host and the interface is in promiscuous mode, we recommend that you set the MAC Registration Mode to All VLANs.

                                  NIC Teaming and Port Security

                                  NIC teaming is a grouping together of network adapters to build in redundancy, and is enabled on the host. This teaming or bonding facilitates various functionalities, including load balancing across links and failover. When NIC teaming is enabled and events such as failover or reconfiguration take place, MAC address conflicts and movement may happen.

                                  Port security, which is enabled on the fabric interconnect side, prevents MAC address movement and deletion. Therefore, you must not enable port security and NIC teaming together.

                                  Configuring Link Layer Discovery Protocol for Fabric Interconnect vEthernet Interfaces

                                  Cisco UCS Manager Release 2.2.4 allows you to enable and disable LLDP on a vEthernet interface. You can also retrieve information about these LAN uplink neighbors. This information is useful while learning the topology of the LAN connected to the UCS system and while diagnosing any network connectivity issues from the Fabric Interconnect (FI). The FI of a UCS system is connected to LAN uplink switches for LAN connectivity and to SAN uplink switches for storage connectivity. When using Cisco UCS with Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI), LAN uplinks of the FI are connected to ACI leaf nodes. Enabling LLDP on a vEthernet interface will help the Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) to identify the servers connected to the FI by using vCenter.

                                  To permit the discovery of devices in a network, support for Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP), a vendor-neutral device discovery protocol that is defined in the IEEE 802.1ab standard, is introduced. LLDP is a one-way protocol that allows network devices to advertise information about themselves to other devices on the network. LLDP transmits information about the capabilities and current status of a device and its interfaces. LLDP devices use the protocol to solicit information only from other LLDP devices.

                                  You can enable or disable LLDP on a vEthernet interface based on the Network Control Policy (NCP) that is applied on the vNIC in the service profile.

                                  Configuring a Network Control Policy

                                  MAC address-based port security for Emulex converged Network Adapters (N20-AE0102) is not supported. When MAC address-based port security is enabled, the fabric interconnect restricts traffic to packets that contain the MAC address that it first learns. This is either the source MAC address used in the FCoE Initialization Protocol packet, or the MAC address in an ethernet packet, whichever is sent first by the adaptor. This configuration can result in either FCoE or Ethernet packets being dropped.

                                     Command or ActionPurpose
                                    Step 1UCS-A# scope org org-name  

                                    Enters the organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, enter / as the org-name.

                                    Step 2UCS-A /org # create nw-ctrl-policy policy-name  

                                    Creates the specified network control policy, and enters organization network control policy mode.

                                    Step 3UCS-A /org/nw-ctrl-policy # {disable | enable} cdp  

                                    Disables or enables Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP).

                                    Step 4UCS-A /org/nw-ctrl-policy # {disable | enable} lldp transmit  

                                    Disables or enables the transmission of LLDP packets on an interface.

                                    Step 5UCS-A /org/nw-ctrl-policy # {disable | enable} lldp receive  

                                    Disables or enables the reception of LLDP packets on an interface.

                                    Step 6UCS-A /org/nw-ctrl-policy # set uplink-fail-action {link-down | warning}  

                                    Specifies the action to be taken when no uplink port is available in end-host mode.

                                    Use the link-down keyword to change the operational state of a vNIC to down when uplink connectivity is lost on the fabric interconnect, and facilitate fabric failover for vNICs. Use the warning keyword to maintain server-to-server connectivity even when no uplink port is available, and disable fabric failover when uplink connectivity is lost on the fabric interconnect. The default uplink failure action is link-down.

                                    Step 7UCS-A /org/nw-ctrl-policy # set mac-registration-mode{all-host-vlans | only-native-vlan  

                                    Whether adapter-registered MAC addresses are added only to the native VLAN associated with the interface or added to all VLANs associated with the interface. This can be one of the following:

                                    • Only Native Vlan—MAC addresses are only added to the native VLAN. This option is the default, and it maximizes the port+VLAN count.

                                    • All Host Vlans—MAC addresses are added to all VLANs with which they are associated. Select this option if your VLANs are configured to use trunking but are not running in Promiscuous mode.

                                    Step 8UCS-A /org/nw-ctrl-policy # create mac-security  

                                    Enters organization network control policy MAC security mode

                                    Step 9UCS-A /org/nw-ctrl-policy/mac-security # set forged-transmit {allow | deny}  

                                    Allows or denies the forging of MAC addresses when sending traffic. MAC security is disabled when forged MAC addresses are allowed, and MAC security is enabled when forged MAC addresses are denied. By default, forged MAC addresses are allowed (MAC security is disabled).

                                    Step 10UCS-A /org/nw-ctrl-policy/mac-security # commit-buffer  

                                    Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                                    The following example shows how to create a network control policy named ncp5, enable CDP, enable LLDP transmit and LLDP recive, set the uplink fail action to link-down, deny forged MAC addresses (enable MAC security), and commit the transaction:

                                    UCS-A# scope org /
                                    UCS-A /org # create nw-ctrl-policy ncp5
                                    UCS-A /org/nw-ctrl-policy* # enable cdp
                                    UCS-A /org/nw-ctrl-policy* # enable lldp transmit
                                    UCS-A /org/nw-ctrl-policy* # enable lldp receive
                                    UCS-A /org/nw-ctrl-policy* # set uplink-fail-action link-down   
                                    UCS-A /org/nw-ctrl-policy* # create mac-security
                                    UCS-A /org/nw-ctrl-policy/mac-security* # set forged-transmit deny
                                    UCS-A /org/nw-ctrl-policy/mac-security* # commit-buffer
                                    UCS-A /org/nw-ctrl-policy/mac-security #

                                    Displaying Network Control Policy Details

                                       Command or ActionPurpose
                                      Step 1UCS-A# scope org org-name  

                                      Enters the organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, enter / as the org-name.

                                      Step 2UCS-A /org # scope nw-ctrl-policy {default | policy-name}  

                                      Enters organization network control policy mode for the specified network control policy.

                                      Step 3UCS-A /org/nw-ctrl-policy # show detail  

                                      Displays details about the specified network control policy.


                                      The following example shows how to display the details of a network control policy named ncp5:

                                      UCS-A# scope org /
                                      UCS-A /org # scope nw-ctrl-policy ncp5
                                      UCS-A /org/nw-ctrl-policy* # show detail
                                      Network Control Policy:
                                           Name: ncp5
                                           CDP: Enabled
                                           LLDP Transmit: Enabled
                                           LLDP Receive: Enabled
                                           Uplink fail action: Link Down
                                           Adapter MAC Address Registration: Only Native Vlan
                                           Policy Owner: Local
                                      UCS-A /org/nw-ctrl-policy #

                                      Deleting a Network Control Policy

                                         Command or ActionPurpose
                                        Step 1UCS-A# scope org /  

                                        Enters the root organization mode.

                                        Step 2UCS-A /org # delete nwctrl-policy policy-name  

                                        Deletes the specified network control policy.

                                        Step 3UCS-A /org # commit-buffer  

                                        Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                                        The following example deletes the network control policy named ncp5 and commits the transaction:

                                        UCS-A# scope org /
                                        UCS-A /org # delete nwctrl-policy ncp5
                                        UCS-A /org* # commit-buffer
                                        UCS-A /org #

                                        Configuring Multicast Policies

                                        Multicast Policy

                                        This policy is used to configure Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) snooping and IGMP querier. IGMP Snooping  dynamically determines hosts in a VLAN that should be included in particular multicast transmissions. You can create, modify, and delete a multicast policy that can be associated to one or more VLANs.  When a multicast policy is modified, all VLANs associated with that multicast policy are re-processed to apply the changes. For private VLANs, you can set a multicast policy for primary VLANs but not for their associated isolated VLANs due to a Cisco NX-OS forwarding implementation.

                                        By default, IGMP snooping is enabled and IGMP querier is disabled. When IGMP snooping is enabled, the fabric interconnects send the IGMP queries only to the hosts. They do not send IGMP queries to the upstream network. To send IGMP queries to the upstream, do one of the following:

                                        • Configure IGMP querier on the upstream fabric interconnect with IGMP snooping enabled

                                        • Disable IGMP snooping on the upstream fabric interconnect

                                        • Change the fabric interconnects to switch mode

                                        The following limitations and guidelines apply to multicast policies:

                                        • On a 6200 series fabric interconnect, user-defined multicast policies can also be assigned along with the default multicast policy.

                                        • Only the default multicast policy is allowed for a global VLAN.

                                        • If a Cisco UCS domain includes 6300 and 6200 series fabric interconnects, any multicast policy can be assigned.

                                        • We highly recommend you use the same IGMP snooping state on the fabric interconnects and the associated LAN switches. For example, if IGMP snooping is disabled on the fabric interconnects, it should be disabled on any associated LAN switches as well.

                                        Creating a Multicast Policy

                                        A multicast policy can be created only in the root organization and not in a sub-organization.

                                           Command or ActionPurpose
                                          Step 1UCS-A# scope org  

                                          Enters organization mode for the specified organization.

                                          Step 2UCS-A /org # create mcast-policy policy-name  

                                          Creates a multicast policy with the specified policy name, and enters organization multicast policy mode.

                                          Step 3UCS-A /org/mcast-policy* # commit-buffer  

                                          Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                                          The following example shows how to create a multicast policy named policy1:

                                          UCS-A# scope org /
                                          UCS-A /org # create mcast-policy policy1
                                          UCS-A /org/mcast-policy* # commit-buffer
                                          UCS-A /org/mcast-policy # 

                                          Configuring IGMP Snooping Parameters

                                          You can enable or disable IGMP snooping for a multicast policy. By default, the IGMP snooping state is enabled for a multicast policy. You can also set the IGMP snooping querier state and IPv4 address for the multicast policy.

                                             Command or ActionPurpose
                                            Step 1UCS-A# scope org  

                                            Enters organization mode for the specified organization.

                                            Step 2UCS-A /org # create mcast-policy policy-name  

                                            Creates a new multicast policy with the specified policy name, and enters organization multicast policy mode.

                                            Step 3UCS-A /org/mcast-policy* # set querier{enabled | disabled}  

                                            Enables or disables IGMP snooping querier. By default, IGMP snooping querier is disabled for a multicast policy.

                                            Step 4UCS-A /org/mcast-policy* # set querierip IGMP snooping querier IPv4 address  

                                            Specifies the IPv4 address for the IGMP snooping querier.

                                            Step 5UCS-A /org/mcast-policy* # set snooping{enabled | disabled}  

                                            Enables or disables IGMP snooping. By default, IGMP snooping is enabled for a multicast policy.

                                            Step 6UCS-A /org/mcast-policy* # commit-buffer  

                                            Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                                            The following example shows how to create and enter a multicast policy named policy1:

                                            UCS-A# scope org /
                                            UCS-A /org # create mcast-policy policy1
                                            UCS-A /org/mcast-policy* # set querier enabled
                                            UCS-A /org/mcast-policy* # set querierip
                                            UCS-A /org/mcast-policy* # set snooping enabled
                                            UCS-A /org/mcast-policy* # commit-buffer
                                            UCS-A /org/mcast-policy # 

                                            Modifying Multicast Policy Parameters

                                            You can modify an existing multicast policy to change the state of IGMP snooping or IGMP snooping querier. When a multicast policy is modified, all VLANs associated with that multicast policy are re-processed to apply the changes.

                                               Command or ActionPurpose
                                              Step 1UCS-A# scope org 

                                              Enters organization mode for the specified organization.

                                              Step 2UCS-A /org # scope mcast-policy policy-name  

                                              Enters organization multicast policy mode.

                                              Step 3UCS-A /org/mcast-policy* # set querier{enabled | disabled}  

                                              Enables or disables IGMP snooping querier. By default, IGMP snooping querier is disabled for a multicast policy.

                                              Step 4UCS-A /org/mcast-policy* # set querierip IGMP snooping querier IPv4 address  

                                              Specifies the IPv4 address for the IGMP snooping querier.

                                              Step 5UCS-A /org/mcast-policy* # set snooping{enabled | disabled}  

                                              Enables or disables IGMP snooping. By default, IGMP snooping is enabled for a multicast policy.

                                              Step 6UCS-A /org/mcast-policy* # commit-buffer  

                                              Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                                              The following example shows how to create a multicast policy named policy1:

                                              UCS-A# scope org /
                                              UCS-A /org # scope mcast-policy policy1
                                              UCS-A /org/mcast-policy* # set querier enabled
                                              UCS-A /org/mcast-policy* # set querierip
                                              UCS-A /org/mcast-policy* # set snooping enabled
                                              UCS-A /org/mcast-policy* # commit-buffer
                                              UCS-A /org/mcast-policy # 

                                              Assigning a VLAN Multicast Policy

                                              You can set a multicast policy for a VLAN in the Ethernet uplink fabric mode. You cannot set a multicast policy for an isolated VLAN.

                                              Before You Begin

                                              Create a VLAN.

                                                 Command or ActionPurpose
                                                Step 1UCS-A# scope eth-uplink  

                                                Enters Ethernet uplink mode.

                                                Step 2UCS-A /eth-uplink # scope fabric{a | b}  

                                                Enters Ethernet uplink fabric mode for the specified fabric interconnect.

                                                Step 3UCS-A /eth-uplink/fabric # scope vlan vlan-name  

                                                Enters Ethernet uplink fabric VLAN mode.

                                                Step 4UCS-A /eth-uplink/fabric/vlan # set mcastpolicy policy-name  

                                                Assigns a multicast policy for the VLAN.

                                                Step 5UCS-A /eth-uplink/fabric/vlan # commit-buffer  

                                                Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                                                The following example sets a named VLAN accessible to one fabric interconnect and commits the transaction:

                                                UCS-A# scope eth-uplink
                                                UCS-A /eth-uplink # scope fabric a
                                                UCS-A /eth-uplink/fabric # scope vlan vlan1
                                                UCS-A /eth-uplink/fabric/vlan # set mcastpolicy policy1
                                                UCS-A /eth-uplink/fabric/vlan* # commit-buffer
                                                UCS-A /eth-uplink/fabric/vlan #

                                                Deleting a Multicast Policy


                                                If you assigned a non-default (user-defined) multicast policy to a VLAN and then delete that multicast policy, the associated VLAN inherits the multicast policy settings from the default multicast policy until the deleted policy is re-created.

                                                   Command or ActionPurpose
                                                  Step 1UCS-A# scope org  

                                                  Enters organization mode for the specified organization.

                                                  Step 2UCS-A /org # delete mcast-policy policy-name  

                                                  Deletes a multicast policy with the specified policy name.

                                                  Step 3UCS-A /org # commit-buffer  

                                                  Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                                                  The following example shows how to delete a multicast policy named policy1:

                                                  UCS-A# scope org /
                                                  UCS-A /org # delete mcast-policy policy1
                                                  UCS-A /org* # commit-buffer
                                                  UCS-A /org # 

                                                  LACP Policy

                                                  Link Aggregation combines multiple network connections in parallel to increase throughput and to provide redundancy. Link aggregation control protocol (LACP) provides additional benefits for these link aggregation groups. Cisco UCS Manager enables you to configure LACP properties using LACP policy.

                                                  You can configure the following for a lacp policy:

                                                  • Suspended-individual: If you do not configure the ports on an upstream switch for lacp, the fabric interconnects treat all ports as uplink Ethernet ports to forward packets. You can place the lacp port in suspended state to avoid loops. When you set suspend-individual on a port-channel with LACP, if a port that is part of the port-channel does not receive PDUs from the peer port, it will go into suspended state.

                                                  • Timer values: You can configure rate-fast or rate-normal. In rate-fast configuration, the port is expected to receive 1 PDU every 1 second from the peer port. The time out for this is 3 seconds. In rate-normal configuration, the port is expected to receive 1 PDU every 30 seconds. The timeout for this is 90 seconds.

                                                  System creates a default LACP policy at system start up. You can modify this policy or create a new policy. You can also apply one LACP policy to multiple port-channels.

                                                  Creating a LACP Policy

                                                     Command or ActionPurpose
                                                    Step 1UCS-A# scope org  

                                                    Enters the root organization mode.

                                                    Step 2UCS-A /org # create lacppolicypolicy nam.  

                                                    Creates the specified lacp policy.

                                                    Step 3UCS-A /org # commit-buffer  

                                                    Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                                                    The following example creates the lacp policy and commits the transaction:

                                                    UCS-A# scope org 
                                                    UCS-A /org # create lacppolicy lacp1
                                                    UCS-A /org* # commit-buffer
                                                    UCS-A /org #

                                                    Editing a LACP Policy

                                                       Command or ActionPurpose
                                                      Step 1UCS-A# scope org  

                                                      Enters the root organization mode.

                                                      Step 2UCS-A /org # scope lacppolicy policy-name .  

                                                      Enters the specified lacp policy.

                                                      Step 3UCS-A /org/lacp policy/ policy-name # set suspend-individual true .  

                                                      Sets suspend individual for the policy.

                                                      Step 4UCS-A /org/lacp policy/ policy-name # set lacp-rate fast .  

                                                      Sets LACP rate for the policy.

                                                      Step 5UCS-A /org/lacp policy/ policy-name # commit-buffer  

                                                      Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                                                      The following example modifies the lacp policy and commits transaction:

                                                      UCS-A# scope org
                                                      UCS-A/org # scope lacppolicy policy-name
                                                      UCS-A /org/lacp policy policy-name# set suspend-individual true
                                                      UCS-A/prg/policy policy-name# set lacp-rate fast
                                                      UCS-A /org* # commit-buffer
                                                      UCS-A /org #

                                                      Assigning LACP Policy to Port-Channels

                                                      Default lacp policy is assigned to port channels by default. You can assign a different lacp policy to the port channel. If the assigned policy does not exist, system generates a fault. You can create the same policy to clear the fault.


                                                      You can assign lacp policy to port-channels, FCoE port-channels, and ethernet storage port-channels. This procedures describes assigning the lacp policy to port-channels.

                                                         Command or ActionPurpose
                                                        Step 1UCS-A# scope eth-uplink  

                                                        Enters Ethernet uplink mode.

                                                        Step 2UCS-A /eth-uplink # scope fabric  

                                                        Enters the fabric mode.

                                                        Step 3UCS-A /eth-uplink/fabric # scope port-channel  

                                                        Enters the port-channel mode.

                                                        Step 4UCS-A /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel # set lacp-policy-namepolicy-name  

                                                        Specifies the lacp policy for this port-channel.

                                                        Step 5UCS-A /eth-uplink/ fabric/port-channel commit-buffer  

                                                        Commits the transaction to the system.


                                                        The following example shows assigning a lacp policy to a port-channel:

                                                        UCS-A# scope eth-uplink
                                                        UCS-A UCS-A/eth-uplink # scope fabric
                                                        UCS-A UCS-A/eth-uplink/facric # scope port-channel
                                                        UCS-A UCS-A/eth-uplink/port-channel# set lacp-policy-name
                                                        UCS-A UCS-A/eth-uplink/port-channel# commit-buffer

                                                        Configuring UDLD Link Policies

                                                        Understanding UDLD

                                                        UniDirectional Link Detection (UDLD) is a Layer 2 protocol that enables devices connected through fiber-optic or twisted-pair Ethernet cables to monitor the physical configuration of the cables and detect when a unidirectional link exists. All connected devices must support UDLD for the protocol to successfully identify and disable unidirectional links. When UDLD detects a unidirectional link, it marks the link as unidirectional. Unidirectional links can cause a variety of problems, including spanning-tree topology loops.

                                                        UDLD works with the Layer 1 mechanisms to determine the physical status of a link. At Layer 1, autonegotiation takes care of physical signaling and fault detection. UDLD performs tasks that autonegotiation cannot perform, such as detecting the identities of neighbors and shutting down misconnected interfaces. When you enable both autonegotiation and UDLD, the Layer 1 and Layer 2 detections work together to prevent physical and logical unidirectional connections and the malfunctioning of other protocols.

                                                        A unidirectional link occurs whenever traffic sent by a local device is received by its neighbor but traffic from the neighbor is not received by the local device.

                                                        Modes of Operation

                                                        UDLD supports two modes of operation: normal (the default) and aggressive. In normal mode, UDLD can detect unidirectional links due to misconnected interfaces on fiber-optic connections. In aggressive mode, UDLD can also detect unidirectional links due to one-way traffic on fiber-optic and twisted-pair links and to misconnected interfaces on fiber-optic links.

                                                        In normal mode, UDLD detects a unidirectional link when fiber strands in a fiber-optic interface are misconnected and the Layer 1 mechanisms do not detect this misconnection. If the interfaces are connected correctly but the traffic is one way, UDLD does not detect the unidirectional link because the Layer 1 mechanism, which is supposed to detect this condition, does not do so. In case, the logical link is considered undetermined, and UDLD does not disable the interface. When UDLD is in normal mode, if one of the fiber strands in a pair is disconnected and autonegotiation is active, the link does not stay up because the Layer 1 mechanisms did not detect a physical problem with the link. In this case, UDLD does not take any action, and the logical link is considered undetermined.

                                                        UDLD aggressive mode is disabled by default. Configure UDLD aggressive mode only on point-to-point links between network devices that support UDLD aggressive mode. With UDLD aggressive mode enabled, when a port on a bidirectional link that has a UDLD neighbor relationship established stops receiving UDLD packets, UDLD tries to reestablish the connection with the neighbor and administratively shuts down the affected port. UDLD in aggressive mode can also detect a unidirectional link on a point-to-point link on which no failure between the two devices is allowed. It can also detect a unidirectional link when one of the following problems exists:

                                                        • On fiber-optic or twisted-pair links, one of the interfaces cannot send or receive traffic.

                                                        • On fiber-optic or twisted-pair links, one of the interfaces is down while the other is up.

                                                        • One of the fiber strands in the cable is disconnected.

                                                        Methods to Detect Unidirectional Links

                                                        UDLD operates by using two mechanisms:

                                                        • Neighbor database maintenance

                                                          UDLD learns about other UDLD-capable neighbors by periodically sending a hello packet (also called an advertisement or probe) on every active interface to keep each device informed about its neighbors. When the switch receives a hello message, it caches the information until the age time (hold time or time-to-live) expires. If the switch receives a new hello message before an older cache entry ages, the switch replaces the older entry with the new one.

                                                          UDLD clears all existing cache entries for the interfaces affected by the configuration change whenever an interface is disabled and UDLD is running, whenever UDLD is disabled on an interface, or whenever the switch is reset. UDLD sends at least one message to inform the neighbors to flush the part of their caches affected by the status change. The message is intended to keep the caches synchronized.

                                                        • Event-driven detection and echoing

                                                          UDLD relies on echoing as its detection mechanism. Whenever a UDLD device learns about a new neighbor or receives a resynchronization request from an out-of-sync neighbor, it restarts the detection window on its side of the connection and sends echo messages in reply. Because this behavior is the same on all UDLD neighbors, the sender of the echoes expects to receive an echo in reply.

                                                          If the detection window ends and no valid reply message is received, the link might shut down, depending on the UDLD mode. When UDLD is in normal mode, the link might be considered undetermined and might not be shut down. When UDLD is in aggressive mode, the link is considered unidirectional, and the interface is shut down.

                                                        If UDLD in normal mode is in the advertisement or in the detection phase and all the neighbor cache entries are aged out, UDLD restarts the link-up sequence to resynchronize with any potentially out-of-sync neighbors.

                                                        If you enable aggressive mode when all the neighbors of a port have aged out either in the advertisement or in the detection phase, UDLD restarts the link-up sequence to resynchronize with any potentially out-of-sync neighbor. UDLD shuts down the port if, after the fast train of messages, the link state is still undetermined.

                                                        UDLD Configuration Guidelines

                                                        The following guidelines and recommendations apply when you configure UDLD:

                                                        • A UDLD-capable interface also cannot detect a unidirectional link if it is connected to a UDLD-incapable port of another switch.

                                                        • When configuring the mode (normal or aggressive), make sure that the same mode is configured on both sides of the link.

                                                        • UDLD should be enabled only on interfaces that are connected to UDLD capable devices. The following interface types are supported:

                                                          • Ethernet uplink

                                                          • FCoE uplink

                                                          • Ethernet uplink port channel member

                                                          • FCoE uplink port channel member

                                                        Configuring a Link Profile

                                                           Command or ActionPurpose
                                                          Step 1UCS-A# scope org /  

                                                          Enters the root organization mode.

                                                          Step 2UCS-A /org # create eth-link-profile link-profile-name  

                                                          Creates a link profile with the specified name, and enters link profile mode.

                                                          Step 3UCS-A /org/eth-link-profile # commit-buffer  

                                                          Commits the transaction to the system configuration.

                                                          Step 4UCS-A /org/eth-link-profile # exit  

                                                          Returns to the previous mode.

                                                          Step 5UCS-A /org # scope eth-link-profile link-profile-name  

                                                          Enters link profile mode for the specified link profile.

                                                          Step 6UCS-A /org/eth-link-profile # set udld-link-policy link-policy-name  

                                                          Assigns the specified UDLD link policy to the link profile.

                                                          Step 7UCS-A /org/eth-link-profile # commit-buffer  

                                                          Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                                                          The following example shows how to create a link profile called LinkProfile1 and assign the default UDLD link policy.

                                                          UCS-A# scope org /
                                                          UCS-A /chassis/org # create eth-link-profile LinkProfile1
                                                          UCS-A /chassis/org/eth-link-profile* # commit-buffer
                                                          UCS-A /chassis/org/eth-link-profile # exit
                                                          UCS-A /chassis/org # scope eth-link-profile LinkProfile1
                                                          UCS-A /chassis/org/eth-link-profile # set udld-link-policy default
                                                          UCS-A /chassis/org/eth-link-profile* # commit-buffer

                                                          Configuring a UDLD Link Policy

                                                             Command or ActionPurpose
                                                            Step 1UCS-A# scope org /  

                                                            Enters the root organization mode.

                                                            Step 2UCS-A /org # create udld-link-policy link-policy-name  

                                                            Creates a UDLD link policy with the specified name, and enters UDLD link policy mode.

                                                            Step 3UCS-A /org/udld-link-policy # commit-buffer  

                                                            Commits the transaction to the system configuration.

                                                            Step 4UCS-A /org/udld-link-policy # exit  

                                                            Returns to the previous mode.

                                                            Step 5UCS-A /org # scope udld-link-policy link-policy-name  

                                                            Enters UDLD link policy mode for the specified UDLD link policy.

                                                            Step 6UCS-A /org/udld-link-policy # set mode {aggressive | normal}  

                                                            Specifies the mode for the UDLD link policy.

                                                            Step 7UCS-A /org/udld-link-policy # set admin-state {disabled | enabled}  

                                                            Disables or enables UDLD on the interface.

                                                            Step 8UCS-A /org/udld-link-policy # commit-buffer  

                                                            Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                                                            The following example shows how to create a link profile called UDLDPol1, sets the mode to aggressive, and enables UDLD on the interface.

                                                            UCS-A# scope org /
                                                            UCS-A /chassis/org # create udld-link-policy UDLDPol1
                                                            UCS-A /chassis/org/udld-link-policy* # commit-buffer
                                                            UCS-A /chassis/org/udld-link-policy # exit
                                                            UCS-A /chassis/org # scope udld-link-policy UDLDPol1
                                                            UCS-A /chassis/org/udld-link-policy # set mode aggressive
                                                            UCS-A /chassis/org/udld-link-policy* # set admin-state enabled
                                                            UCS-A /chassis/org/udld-link-policy* # commit-buffer
                                                            UCS-A /chassis/org/udld-link-policy #

                                                            Modifying the UDLD System Settings

                                                               Command or ActionPurpose
                                                              Step 1UCS-A# scope org /  

                                                              Enters the root organization mode.

                                                              Step 2UCS-A /org # show udld-policy  

                                                              Displays the current UDLD system settings.

                                                              Step 3UCS-A /org # scope udld-policy default  

                                                              Enters UDLD policy mode for the global UDLD policy.

                                                              Step 4UCS-A /org/udld-policy # set message-interval seconds  

                                                              Specifies the time interval (in seconds) between UDLD probe messages on ports that are in advertisement mode. Enter an integer between 7 and 60. The default is 15 seconds.

                                                              Step 5UCS-A /org/udld-policy # set recovery-action [reset | none]  

                                                              Specifies the action to be taken on any ports that are disabled when UDLD aggressive mode is enabled. The default is none.

                                                              Step 6UCS-A /org/udld-policy # commit-buffer  

                                                              Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                                                              The following example shows how to update the default UDLD system settings for a 30 second time interval.

                                                              UCS-A# scope org /
                                                              UCS-A /chassis/org # show udld-policy
                                                              UDLD system settings:
                                                                  Name       Message interval (sec) Recovery action
                                                                  ---------- ---------------------- ---------------
                                                                  default    15                     None
                                                              UCS-A /chassis/org # scope udld-policy default
                                                              UCS-A /chassis/org/udld-policy # set message-interval 30
                                                              UCS-A /chassis/org/udld-policy* # commit-buffer
                                                              UCS-A /chassis/org/udld-policy #

                                                              Assigning a Link Profile to a Port Channel Ethernet Interface

                                                                 Command or ActionPurpose
                                                                Step 1UCS-A# scope eth-uplink  

                                                                Enters Ethernet uplink mode.

                                                                Step 2UCS-A /eth-uplink # scope fabric {a | b}  

                                                                Enters Ethernet uplink fabric mode for the specified fabric.

                                                                Step 3UCS-A /eth-uplink/fabric # scope port-channel port-chan-id  

                                                                Enters Ethernet uplink fabric port channel mode for the specified port channel.

                                                                Step 4UCS-A /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel # scope member-port slot-id port-id  

                                                                Enters Ethernet server fabric, fabric port channel mode for the specified member port.

                                                                Step 5UCS-A /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel/member-port # set eth-link-profile link-profile-name  

                                                                Assigns the specified link profile.

                                                                Step 6UCS-A /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel/member-port # commit-buffer  

                                                                Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                                                                The following example shows how to assign link profile LinkProfile1 to a port channel Ethernet interface:

                                                                UCS-A# scope eth-uplink 
                                                                UCS-A /eth-uplink # scope fabric a
                                                                UCS-A /eth-uplink/fabric # scope port-channel 88
                                                                UCS-A /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel # scope member-port 1 31
                                                                UCS-A /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel/member-port # set eth-link-profile LinkProfile1
                                                                UCS-A /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel/member-port* # commit-buffer
                                                                UCS-A /eth-uplink/fabric/port-channel/member-port #

                                                                Assigning a Link Profile to a Port Channel FCoE Interface

                                                                   Command or ActionPurpose
                                                                  Step 1UCS-A# scope fc-uplink  

                                                                  Enters Fibre Channel uplink mode.

                                                                  Step 2UCS-A /fc-uplink # scope fabric {a | b}  

                                                                  Enters Fibre Channel uplink fabric mode for the specified fabric.

                                                                  Step 3UCS-A /fc-uplink/fabric # scope fcoe-port-channel port-chan-id  

                                                                  Enters Fibre Channel uplink fabric port channel mode for the specified port channel.

                                                                  Step 4UCS-A /fc-uplink/fabric/fcoe-port-channel # scope fcoe-member-port slot-id port-id  

                                                                  Enters Fibre Channel server fabric, fabric port channel mode for the specified member port.

                                                                  Step 5UCS-A /fc-uplink/fabric/fcoe-port-channel/fcoe-member-port # set eth-link-profile link-profile-name  

                                                                  Assigns the specified link profile.

                                                                  Step 6UCS-A /fc-uplink/fabric/fcoe-port-channel/fcoe-member-port # commit-buffer  

                                                                  Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                                                                  The following example shows how to assign link profile LinkProfile1 to a port channel FCoE interface:

                                                                  UCS-A# scope fc-uplink 
                                                                  UCS-A /fc-uplink # scope fabric a
                                                                  UCS-A /fc-uplink/fabric # scope fcoe-port-channel 192
                                                                  UCS-A /fc-uplink/fabric/fcoe-port-channel # scope fcoe-member-port 1 20
                                                                  UCS-A /fc-uplink/fabric/fcoe-port-channel/fcoe-member-port # set eth-link-profile LinkProfile1
                                                                  UCS-A /fc-uplink/fabric/fcoe-port-channel/fcoe-member-port* # commit-buffer
                                                                  UCS-A /fc-uplink/fabric/fcoe-port-channel/fcoe-member-port #

                                                                  Assigning a Link Profile to an Uplink Ethernet Interface

                                                                     Command or ActionPurpose
                                                                    Step 1UCS-A# scope eth-uplink  

                                                                    Enters Ethernet uplink mode.

                                                                    Step 2UCS-A /eth-uplink # scope fabric {a | b}  

                                                                    Enters Ethernet uplink fabric mode for the specified fabric.

                                                                    Step 3UCS-A /eth-uplink/fabric # scope interface slot-num port num  

                                                                    Enters the interface command mode for the specified uplink port.

                                                                    Step 4UCS-A /eth-uplink/fabric/interface # set eth-link-profile link-profile-name  

                                                                    Assigns the specified link profile.

                                                                    Step 5UCS-A /eth-uplink/fabric/interface # commit-buffer  

                                                                    Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                                                                    The following example shows how to assign link profile LinkProfile1 to an uplink Ethernet interface:

                                                                    UCS-A# scope eth-uplink 
                                                                    UCS-A /eth-uplink # scope fabric a
                                                                    UCS-A /eth-uplink/fabric # scope interface 2 2
                                                                    UCS-A /eth-uplink/fabric/interface # set eth-link-profile LinkProfile1
                                                                    UCS-A /eth-uplink/fabric/interface* # commit-buffer
                                                                    UCS-A /eth-uplink/fabric/interface #

                                                                    Assigning a Link Profile to an Uplink FCoE Interface

                                                                       Command or ActionPurpose
                                                                      Step 1UCS-A# scope fc-uplink  

                                                                      Enters Fibre Channel uplink mode.

                                                                      Step 2UCS-A /fc-uplink # scope fabric {a | b}  

                                                                      Enters Fibre Channel uplink fabric mode for the specified fabric.

                                                                      Step 3UCS-A /fc-uplink/fabric # scope fcoeinterface slot-num port num  

                                                                      Enters the Fibre Channel interface command mode for the specified uplink port.

                                                                      Step 4UCS-A /fc-uplink/fabric/fcoeinterface # set eth-link-profile link-profile-name  

                                                                      Assigns the specified link profile.

                                                                      Step 5UCS-A /fc-uplink/fabric/fcoeinterface # commit-buffer  

                                                                      Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                                                                      The following example shows how to assign link profile LinkProfile1 to an uplink FCoE interface:

                                                                      UCS-A# scope fc-uplink 
                                                                      UCS-A /fc-uplink # scope fabric a
                                                                      UCS-A /fc-uplink/fabric # scope fcoeinterface 2 2
                                                                      UCS-A /fc-uplink/fabric/fcoeinterface # set eth-link-profile LinkProfile1
                                                                      UCS-A /fc-uplink/fabric/fcoeinterface* # commit-buffer
                                                                      UCS-A /fc-uplink/fabric/fcoeinterface #

                                                                      Configuring VMQ Connection Policies

                                                                      VMQ Connection Policy

                                                                      Cisco UCS Manager enables you to configure VMQ connection policy for a vNIC. VMQ provides improved network performance to the entire management operating system. Configuring a VMQ vNIC connection policy involves the following:

                                                                      • Create a VMQ connection policy

                                                                      • Create a static vNIC in a service profile

                                                                      • Apply the VMQ connection policy to the vNIC

                                                                      If you want to configure the VMQ vNIC on a service profile for a server, at least one adapter in the server must support VMQ. Make sure the servers have at least one the following adapters installed:

                                                                      • UCS-VIC-M82-8P

                                                                      • UCSB-MLOM-40G-01

                                                                      • UCSC-PCIE-CSC-02

                                                                      The following are the supported Operating Systems for VMQ:

                                                                      • Windows 2012

                                                                      • Windows 2012R2

                                                                      You can apply only any one of the vNIC connection policies on a service profile at any one time. Make sure to select one of the three options such as Dynamic, usNIC or VMQ connection policy for the vNIC. When a VMQ vNIC is configured on service profile, make sure you have the following settings:

                                                                      • Select SRIOV in the BIOS policy.

                                                                      • Select Windows in the Adapter policy.

                                                                      Creating a VMQ Connection Policy

                                                                         Command or ActionPurpose
                                                                        Step 1UCS-A# scope org org-name  

                                                                        Enters organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, type / as the org-name.

                                                                        Step 2UCS-A /org # create vmq-conn-policy policy-name  

                                                                        Specifies the name for this VMQ connection policy.

                                                                        Step 3UCS-A /org/vmq-conn-policy* # set queue-countqueue count  

                                                                        Specifies the queue count for the VMQ connection policy.

                                                                        Step 4 UCS-A /org/vmq-conn-policy* # set interrupt-countinterrupt count  

                                                                        Specifies the interrupt count for the VMQ connection policy.

                                                                        Step 5 UCS-A /org/vmq-conn-policy* # commit-buffer  

                                                                        Commits the transaction to the system.


                                                                        The following example creates a VMQ connection policy:

                                                                        UCS-A# scope org
                                                                        UCS-A /org # create vmq-conn-policy policy name
                                                                        UCS-A /org/vmq-conn-policy* # set queue-count queue count (number)
                                                                        UCS-A /org/vmq-conn-policy* # set interrupt-count queue count (number)
                                                                        UCS-A /org/vmq-conn-policy* # commit-buffer

                                                                        Information About NetQueue

                                                                        NetQueue improves traffic performance by providing a network adapter with multiple receive queues. These queues allow the data interrupt processing that is associated with individual virtual machines to be grouped.


                                                                        NetQueue is supported on servers running VMware ESXi operating systems.

                                                                        Configuring NetQueue

                                                                          Step 1   Create a Virtual Machine Queue (VMQ) connection policy.
                                                                          Step 2   Configure NetQueues in a service profile by selecting the VMQ connection policy.

                                                                          Use the following when you are configuring NetQueue:

                                                                          • The default ring size is rx512, tx256

                                                                          • The interrupt count on each VNIC is VMQ count x 2 +2


                                                                            The number of interrupts depends on the number of NetQueues enabled.

                                                                          • The driver supports up to 16 NetQueues per port for standard frame configurations.


                                                                            VMware recommends that you use up to eight NetQueues per port for standard frame configurations.

                                                                          • NetQueue should be enabled only on MSIX systems.

                                                                          • You should disable NetQueue on 1 GB NICs.

                                                                          Step 3   Enable the MSIX mode in the adapter policy for NetQueue.
                                                                          Step 4   Associate the service profile with the server.