Configuring Settings for Faults, Events, and Logs

This chapter includes the following sections:

Configuring Settings for the Fault Collection Policy

Global Fault Policy

The global fault policy controls the lifecycle of a fault in a Cisco UCS domain, including when faults are cleared, the flapping interval (the length of time between the fault being raised and the condition being cleared), and the retention interval (the length of time a fault is retained in the system).

A fault in Cisco UCS has the following lifecycle:

  1. A condition occurs in the system and Cisco UCS Manager raises a fault. This is the active state.

  2. When the fault is alleviated, it enters a flapping or soaking interval that is designed to prevent flapping. Flapping occurs when a fault is raised and cleared several times in rapid succession. During the flapping interval, the fault retains its severity for the length of time specified in the global fault policy.

  3. If the condition reoccurs during the flapping interval, the fault returns to the active state. If the condition does not reoccur during the flapping interval, the fault is cleared.

  4. The cleared fault enters the retention interval. This interval ensures that the fault reaches the attention of an administrator even if the condition that caused the fault has been alleviated and the fault has not been deleted prematurely. The retention interval retains the cleared fault for the length of time specified in the global fault policy.

  5. If the condition reoccurs during the retention interval, the fault returns to the active state. If the condition does not reoccur, the fault is deleted.

Configuring the Fault Collection Policy


    1.    UCS-A# scope monitoring

    2.    UCS-A /monitoring # scope fault policy

    3.    UCS-A /monitoring/fault-policy # set clear-action {delete | retain}

    4.    UCS-A /monitoring/fault-policy # set flap-interval seconds

    5.    UCS-A /monitoring/fault-policy # set retention-interval {days hours minutes seconds | forever}

    6.    UCS-A /monitoring/fault-policy # commit-buffer

     Command or ActionPurpose
    Step 1UCS-A# scope monitoring  

    Enters monitoring mode.

    Step 2UCS-A /monitoring # scope fault policy  

    Enters monitoring fault policy mode.

    Step 3UCS-A /monitoring/fault-policy # set clear-action {delete | retain}  

    Specifies whether to retain or delete all cleared messages. If the retain option is specified, then the length of time that the messages are retained is determined by the set retention-interval command.

    Step 4UCS-A /monitoring/fault-policy # set flap-interval seconds  

    Specifies the time interval (in seconds) the system waits before changing a fault state. Flapping occurs when a fault is raised and cleared several times in rapid succession. To prevent this, the system does not allow a fault to change state until the flapping interval has elapsed after the last state change. If the fault is raised again during the flapping interval, it returns to the active state, otherwise, the fault is cleared.

    Step 5UCS-A /monitoring/fault-policy # set retention-interval {days hours minutes seconds | forever}  

    Specifies the time interval the system retains all cleared fault messages before deleting them. The system can retain cleared fault messages forever, or for the specified number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

    Step 6UCS-A /monitoring/fault-policy # commit-buffer  

    Commits the transaction.


    This example configures the fault collection policy to retain cleared fault messages for 30 days, sets the flapping interval to 10 seconds, and commits the transaction.

    UCS-A# scope monitoring
    UCS-A /monitoring # scope fault policy
    UCS-A /monitoring/fault-policy # set clear-action retain
    UCS-A /monitoring/fault-policy* # set flap-interval 10
    UCS-A /monitoring/fault-policy* # set retention-interval 30 0 0 0 
    UCS-A /monitoring/fault-policy* # commit-buffer
    UCS-A /monitoring/fault-policy # 

    Configuring Fault Suppression

    Fault Suppression

    Fault suppression allows you to suppress SNMP trap and Call Home notifications during a planned maintenance time. You can create a fault suppression task to prevent notifications from being sent whenever a transient fault is raised or cleared.

    Faults remain suppressed until the time duration has expired, or the fault suppression tasks have been manually stopped by the user. After the fault suppression has ended, Cisco UCS Manager will send notifications for any outstanding suppressed faults that have not been cleared.

    Fault suppression uses the following:

    Fixed Time Intervals or Schedules

    You can use the following to specify the maintenance window during which you want to suppress faults.

    • Fixed time intervals allow you to create a start time and a duration when fault suppression is active. Fixed time intervals cannot be reused.

    • Schedules are used for one time occurrences or recurring time periods and can be saved and reused.

    Suppression Policies

    These policies define which causes and types of faults you want to suppress. Only one policy can be assigned to a task. The following policies are defined by Cisco UCS Manager:
    • default-chassis-all-maint—Suppresses faults for the chassis and all components installed into the chassis, including all servers, power supplies, fan modules, and IOMs.

      This policy applies only to chassis.

    • default-chassis-phys-maint—Suppresses faults for the chassis and all fan modules and power supplies installed into the chassis.

      This policy applies only to chassis.

    • default-fex-all-maint—Suppresses faults for the FEX and all power supplies, fan modules, and IOMs in the FEX.

      This policy applies only to FEXes.

    • default-fex-phys-maint—Suppresses faults for the FEX and all fan modules and power supplies in the FEX.

      This policy applies only to FEXes.

    • default-server-maint—Suppresses faults for servers.

      This policy applies to chassis, organizations, and service profiles.


      When applied to a chassis, only servers are affected.

    • default-iom-maint—Suppresses faults for IOMs in a chassis or FEX.

      This policy applies only to chassis, FEXes, and IOMs.


    FEX and IO Modules are not supported by Cisco UCS M-Series Servers.

    Suppression Tasks

    You can use these tasks to connect the schedule or fixed time interval and the suppression policy to a component.


    After you create a suppression task, you can edit the fixed time interval or schedule of the task in both the Cisco UCS Manager GUI and Cisco UCS Manager CLI. However, you can only change between using a fixed time interval and using a schedule in the Cisco UCS Manager CLI.

    Configuring Fault Suppression for a Chassis

    Configuring Fault Suppression Tasks for a Chassis Using a Fixed Time Interval


      1.    UCS-A# scope chassis chassis-num

      2.    UCS-A/chassis # create fault-suppress-task name

      3.    UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # set fault-suppress-policy policy-name

      4.    UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # create local-schedule

      5.    UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # create occurrence single-one-time

      6.    UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date month day-of-month year hour minute seconds

      7.    UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set max-duration {none | num-of-days num-of-hours num-of-minutes num-of-seconds}

      8.    UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # commit-buffer

       Command or ActionPurpose
      Step 1 UCS-A# scope chassis chassis-num  

      Enters chassis mode for the specified chassis.

      Step 2UCS-A/chassis # create fault-suppress-task name 

      Creates a fault-suppress-task on the chassis, and enters fault-suppress-task mode.

      This name can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special characters other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and you cannot change this name after the object has been saved.

      Step 3UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # set fault-suppress-policy policy-name 

      Specifies the fault suppression policy that you want to apply. This can be one of the following:

      • default-chassis-all-maint—Suppresses faults for the chassis and all components installed into the chassis, including all servers, power supplies, fan modules, and IOMs.

      • default-chassis-phys-maint—Suppresses faults for the chassis and all fan modules and power supplies installed into the chassis.

      • default-server-maint—Suppresses faults for servers.


        When applied to a chassis, only servers are affected.

      • default-iom-maint—Suppresses faults for IOMs in a chassis or FEX.

      Step 4UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # create local-schedule 

      Creates a local schedule and enters local-schedule mode.

      Step 5UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # create occurrence single-one-time 

      Creates a one-time occurrence, and enters single-one-time mode.

      Step 6UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date month day-of-month year hour minute seconds 

      Specifies the date and time that this occurrence should run.

      Step 7UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set max-duration {none | num-of-days num-of-hours num-of-minutes num-of-seconds} 

      Specifies the maximum length of time that this task can run. To run the task until it is manually stopped, enter none or omit this step.

      Step 8UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # commit-buffer 

      Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


      The following example shows how to create a fault suppression task called task2 for the chassis, apply the default-chassis-all-maint policy to the task, set the start date to January 1, 2013 at 11:00, and commit the transaction:

      UCS-A# scope chassis 1
      UCS-A/chassis # create fault-suppress-task task2
      UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task* # set fault-suppress-policy default-chassis-all-maint
      UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task* # create local-schedule
      UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule* # create occurrence single-one-time
      UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule* # set date jan 1 2013 11 00 00
      UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule* # commit-buffer

      Configuring Fault Suppression Tasks for a Chassis Using a Schedule


        1.    UCS-A# scope chassis chassis-num

        2.    UCS-A/chassis # create fault-suppress-task name

        3.    UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # set schedule name

        4.    UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # set fault-suppress-policy policy-name

        5.    UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # commit-buffer

         Command or ActionPurpose
        Step 1 UCS-A# scope chassis chassis-num  

        Enters chassis mode for the specified chassis.

        Step 2UCS-A/chassis # create fault-suppress-task name 

        Creates a fault-suppress-task on the chassis, and enters the fault-suppress-task mode.

        This name can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special characters other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and you cannot change this name after the object has been saved.

        Step 3UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # set schedule name 

        Specifies the schedule that you want to use.


        The schedule must exist before you can use it in a fault suppression task. For more information about creating schedules, see Creating a Schedule.

        Step 4UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # set fault-suppress-policy policy-name 

        Selects the fault suppression policy you want to apply. This can be one of the following:

        • default-chassis-all-maint—Suppresses faults for the chassis and all components installed into the chassis, including all servers, power supplies, fan modules, and IOMs.

        • default-chassis-phys-maint—Suppresses faults for the chassis and all fan modules and power supplies installed into the chassis.

        • default-server-maint—Suppresses faults for servers.


          When applied to a chassis, only servers are affected.

        • default-iom-maint—Suppresses faults for IOMs in a chassis or FEX.

        Step 5UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # commit-buffer 

        Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


        The following example shows how to create a fault suppression task called task1 for the chassis, apply the scheduler called weekly_maint and the default-chassis-all-maint policy to the task, and commit the transaction:

        UCS-A# scope chassis 2
        UCS-A/chassis # create fault-suppress-task task1
        UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task* # set schedule weekly_maint
        UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task* # set fault-suppress-policy default-chassis-all-maint
        UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task* # commit-buffer

        Deleting Fault Suppression Tasks for a Chassis


          1.    UCS-A# scope chassis chassis-num

          2.    UCS-A/chassis # delete fault-suppress-task name

          3.    UCS-A/chassis # commit-buffer

           Command or ActionPurpose
          Step 1 UCS-A# scope chassis chassis-num  

          Enters chassis mode for the specified chassis.

          Step 2UCS-A/chassis # delete fault-suppress-task name 

          Deletes the specified fault suppression task.

          Step 3UCS-A/chassis # commit-buffer 

          Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


          The following example shows how to delete the fault suppression task called task1:

          UCS-A# scope chassis 1
          UCS-A/chassis # delete fault-suppress-task task1
          UCS-A/chassis* # commit-buffer

          Modifying Fault Suppression Tasks for a Chassis


            1.    UCS-A# scope chassis chassis-num

            2.    UCS-A/chassis # scope fault-suppress-task name

            3.    UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # set fault-suppress-policy policy-name

            4.    UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # set schedule name

            5.    UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # scope local-schedule

            6.    UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # scope occurrence single-one-time

            7.    UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date month day-of-month year hour minute seconds

            8.    UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set max-duration {none | num-of-days num-of-hours num-of-minutes num-of-seconds}

            9.    UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # commit-buffer

             Command or ActionPurpose
            Step 1 UCS-A# scope chassis chassis-num  

            Enters chassis mode for the specified chassis.

            Step 2UCS-A/chassis # scope fault-suppress-task name 

            Enters fault-suppress-task mode.

            Step 3UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # set fault-suppress-policy policy-name 

            Modifies the fault suppression policy. This can be one of the following:

            • default-chassis-all-maint—Suppresses faults for the chassis and all components installed into the chassis, including all servers, power supplies, fan modules, and IOMs.

            • default-chassis-phys-maint—Suppresses faults for the chassis and all fan modules and power supplies installed into the chassis.

            • default-server-maint—Suppresses faults for servers.

            • default-iom-maint—Suppresses faults for IOMs in a chassis or FEX.


            To apply a different schedule to the fault suppression task, go to Step 4. To change the fixed time interval of the fault suppression task, go to Step 5.

            Step 4UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # set schedule name 

            Applies the schedule you want to use.


            If you change from a fixed time interval to a schedule, the fixed time interval is deleted when you commit.

            If you change from a schedule to a fixed time interval, the reference to the schedule is cleared when you commit.

            Step 5UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # scope local-schedule 

            Enters local-schedule mode.

            Step 6UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # scope occurrence single-one-time 

            Enters single-one-time mode.

            Step 7UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date month day-of-month year hour minute seconds 

            Specifies the date and time that this occurrence should run.

            Step 8UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set max-duration {none | num-of-days num-of-hours num-of-minutes num-of-seconds} 

            Specifies the maximum length of time that this task can run. To run the task until it is manually stopped, enter none or omit this step.

            Step 9UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # commit-buffer 

            Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


            The following example shows how to change the date and the fault suppression policy of the fault suppression task called task2:

            UCS-A# scope chassis 1
            UCS-A/chassis # scope fault-suppress-task task2
            UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # set fault-suppress-policy default-server-maint
            UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task* # scope local-schedule
            UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule* # scope occurrence single-one-time
            UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time* # set date dec 31 2013 11 00 00
            UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time* # commit-buffer

            The following example shows how to apply a different schedule to the fault suppression task called task1:

            UCS-A# scope chassis 1
            UCS-A/chassis # scope fault-suppress-task task1
            UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # set schedule monthly-maint
            UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task* # commit-buffer

            Viewing Suppressed Faults and Fault Suppression Tasks for a Chassis

            SUMMARY STEPS

              1.    UCS-A# scope chassis chassis-num

              2.    UCS-A/chassis # show fault suppressed

              3.    UCS-A/chassis # scope fault-suppress-task name

              4.    UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # show detail expand

            DETAILED STEPS
               Command or ActionPurpose
              Step 1 UCS-A# scope chassis chassis-num  

              Enters chassis mode for the specified chassis.

              Step 2UCS-A/chassis # show fault suppressed 

              Displays the suppressed faults for the chassis.


              Only faults owned by the selected component are displayed.

              Step 3UCS-A/chassis # scope fault-suppress-task name 

              Enters fault-suppress-task mode.

              Step 4UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # show detail expand 

              Displays the schedule or fixed time interval for the task.


              The following example shows how to display the suppressed faults for a chassis:

              UCS-A# scope chassis 1
              UCS-A/chassis # show fault suppressed
              Fault Suppress Task:
              Name               Status             Global Schedule Suppress Policy Name
              ------------------ ------------------ --------------- --------------------
              task1              Active             test_schedule1  Default Chassis Phys Maint
              UCS-A/chassis # 

              The following example shows how to display the fault suppression task called task1:

              UCS-A# scope chassis 1
              UCS-A/chassis # scope fault-suppress-task task1
              UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # show detail expand
              Fault Suppress Task:
                  Name: task1
                  Status: Active
                  Global Schedule: test_schedule1
                  Suppress Policy Name: Default Chassis Phys Maint
              UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # 

              Configuring Fault Suppression for a Server

              Configuring Fault Suppression Tasks for a Server Using a Fixed Time Interval

              The default-server-maint suppression policy is selected by default.

              SUMMARY STEPS

                1.    UCS-A# scope server chassis-id/cartridge-id/server-id

                2.    UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server # create fault-suppress-task name

                3.    UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task # create local-schedule

                4.    UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # create occurrence single-one-time

                5.    UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date month day-of-month year hour minute seconds

                6.    UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set max-duration {none | num-of-days num-of-hours num-of-minutes num-of-seconds}

                7.    UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # commit-buffer

              DETAILED STEPS
                 Command or ActionPurpose
                Step 1UCS-A# scope server chassis-id/cartridge-id/server-id  

                Enters server mode for the specified server.

                Step 2UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server # create fault-suppress-task name  

                Creates a fault-suppress-task on the server, and enters the fault-suppress-task mode.

                This name can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special characters other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and you cannot change this name after the object has been saved.

                Step 3UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task # create local-schedule  

                Creates a local schedule and enters local-schedule mode.

                Step 4UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # create occurrence single-one-time  

                Creates a one-time occurrence, and enters single-one-time mode.

                Step 5UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date month day-of-month year hour minute seconds  

                Specifies the date and time that this occurrence should run.

                Step 6UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set max-duration {none | num-of-days num-of-hours num-of-minutes num-of-seconds}  

                Specifies the maximum length of time that this task can run. To run the task until it is manually stopped, enter none or omit this step.

                Step 7UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # commit-buffer  

                Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                The following example shows how to create a fault suppression task called task2 for the server, set the start date to January 1, 2015 at 11:00, and commit the transaction:

                UCS-A# scope server 1/1/1
                UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server # create fault-suppress-task task2
                UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task* # create local-schedule
                UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule* # create occurrence single-one-time
                UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time* # set date jan 1 2015 11 00 00
                UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time* # commit-buffer

                Configuring Fault Suppression Tasks for a Server using a Schedule

                The default-server-maint suppression policy is selected by default.

                SUMMARY STEPS

                  1.    UCS-A# scope server chassis-id/cartridge-id/server-id

                  2.    UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server # create fault-suppress-task name

                  3.    UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task # set schedule name

                  4.    UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task # commit-buffer

                DETAILED STEPS
                   Command or ActionPurpose
                  Step 1UCS-A# scope server chassis-id/cartridge-id/server-id  

                  Enters server mode for the specified server.

                  Step 2UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server # create fault-suppress-task name  

                  Creates a fault-suppress-task on the server, and enters the fault-suppress-task mode.

                  This name can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special characters other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and you cannot change this name after the object has been saved.

                  Step 3UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task # set schedule name  

                  Specifies the schedule that you want to use.


                  The schedule must exist before you can use it in a fault suppression task. For more information about creating schedules, see Creating a Schedule.

                  Step 4UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task # commit-buffer  

                  Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                  The following example shows how to creates a fault suppression task called task1 for the server, apply the scheduler called weekly_maint to the task, and commit the transaction:

                  UCS-A# scope server 1/1/1
                  UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server # create fault-suppress-task task1
                  UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task* # set schedule weekly_maint
                  UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task* # commit-buffer

                  Deleting Fault Suppression Tasks for a Server

                  SUMMARY STEPS

                    1.    UCS-A# scope server chassis-id/cartridge-id/server-id

                    2.    UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server # delete fault-suppress-task name

                    3.    UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server # commit-buffer

                  DETAILED STEPS
                     Command or ActionPurpose
                    Step 1UCS-A# scope server chassis-id/cartridge-id/server-id  

                    Enters server mode for the specified server.

                    Step 2UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server # delete fault-suppress-task name  

                    Deletes the specified fault suppression task.

                    Step 3UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server # commit-buffer  

                    Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                    The following example shows how to delete the fault suppression task called task1:

                    UCS-A# scope server 1/1/1
                    UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server # delete fault-suppress-task task1
                    UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server* # commit-buffer

                    Modifying Fault Suppression Tasks for a Server

                    SUMMARY STEPS

                      1.    UCS-A# scope server chassis-id/cartridge-id/server-id

                      2.    UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server # scope fault-suppress-task name

                      3.    UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task # set schedule name

                      4.    UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task # scope local-schedule

                      5.    UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # scope occurrence single-one-time

                      6.    UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date month day-of-month year hour minute seconds

                      7.    UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set max-duration {none | num-of-days num-of-hours num-of-minutes num-of-seconds}

                      8.    UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # commit-buffer

                    DETAILED STEPS
                       Command or ActionPurpose
                      Step 1UCS-A# scope server chassis-id/cartridge-id/server-id  

                      Enters server mode for the specified server.

                      Step 2UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server # scope fault-suppress-task name  

                      Enters fault-suppress-task mode.


                      To apply a different schedule to the fault suppression task, go to Step 3. To change the fixed time interval of the fault suppression task, go to Step 4.

                      Step 3UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task # set schedule name  

                      Applies a different schedule.


                      If you change from a fixed time interval to a schedule, the fixed time interval is deleted when you commit.

                      If you change from a schedule to a fixed time interval, the reference to the schedule is cleared when you commit.

                      Step 4UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task # scope local-schedule  

                      Enters local-schedule mode.

                      Step 5UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # scope occurrence single-one-time  

                      Enters single-one-time mode.

                      Step 6UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date month day-of-month year hour minute seconds  

                      Specifies the date and time that this occurrence should run.

                      Step 7UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set max-duration {none | num-of-days num-of-hours num-of-minutes num-of-seconds}  

                      Specifies the maximum length of time that this task can run. To run the task until it is manually stopped, enter none or omit this step.

                      Step 8UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # commit-buffer  

                      Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                      The following example shows how to change the date and the fault suppression policy of the fault suppression task called task2:

                      UCS-A# scope server 1/1/1
                      UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server # scope fault-suppress-task task2
                      UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task # scope local-schedule
                      UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # scope occurrence single-one-time
                      UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date dec 31 2014 11 00 00
                      UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time* # commit-buffer

                      The following example shows how to apply a different schedule to the fault suppression task called task1:

                      UCS-A# scope server 1/1/1
                      UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server # scope fault-suppress-task task1
                      UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task # set schedule monthly-maint
                      UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task* # commit-buffer

                      Viewing Suppressed Faults and Fault Suppression Tasks for a Server

                      SUMMARY STEPS

                        1.    UCS-A# scope server chassis-id/cartridge-id/server-id

                        2.    UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server # show fault suppressed

                        3.    UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server # scope fault-suppress-task name

                        4.    UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task # show detail expand

                      DETAILED STEPS
                         Command or ActionPurpose
                        Step 1UCS-A# scope server chassis-id/cartridge-id/server-id  

                        Enters server mode for the specified server.

                        Step 2UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server # show fault suppressed  

                        Displays the suppressed faults for the server.


                        Only faults owned by the selected component are displayed.

                        Step 3UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server # scope fault-suppress-task name  

                        Enters fault-suppress-task mode.

                        Step 4UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task # show detail expand  

                        Displays the schedule or fixed time interval for the task.


                        The following example shows how to display the suppressed faults for a server:

                        UCS-A# scope server 1/1/1
                        UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server # show fault suppressed
                        Fault Suppress Task:
                        Name               Status             Global Schedule Suppress Policy Name
                        ------------------ ------------------ --------------- --------------------
                        task1              Active             test_schedule1  Default Server Maint
                        UCS-A/server #

                        The following example shows how to display the fault suppression task called task1:

                        UCS-A# scope server 1/1/1
                        UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server # scope fault-suppress-task task1
                        UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task # show detail expand
                        Fault Suppress Task:
                            Name: task1
                            Status: Active
                            Global Schedule: test_schedule1
                            Suppress Policy Name: Default Server Maint
                        UCS-A /chassis/cartridge/server/fault-suppress-task # 

                        Configuring Fault Suppression for a Service Profile

                        Configuring Fault Suppression Tasks for a Service Profile Using a Fixed Time Interval

                        The default-server-maint suppression policy is selected by default.

                        SUMMARY STEPS

                          1.    UCS-A# scope org org-name

                          2.    UCS-A /org # scope service-profile profile-name

                          3.    UCS-A /org/service-profile # create fault-suppress-task name

                          4.    UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task # create local-schedule

                          5.    UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # create occurrence single-one-time

                          6.    UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date month day-of-month year hour minute seconds

                          7.    UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set max-duration {none | num-of-days num-of-hours num-of-minutes num-of-seconds}

                          8.    UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # commit-buffer

                        DETAILED STEPS
                           Command or ActionPurpose
                          Step 1UCS-A# scope org org-name  

                          Enters the organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, enter / as the org-name.

                          Step 2UCS-A /org # scope service-profile profile-name  

                          Enters service profile organization mode for the service profile.

                          Step 3UCS-A /org/service-profile # create fault-suppress-task name 

                          Creates a fault-suppress-task on the chassis, and enters the fault-suppress-task mode.

                          This name can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special characters other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and you cannot change this name after the object has been saved.

                          Step 4UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task # create local-schedule 

                          Creates a local schedule and enters local-schedule mode.

                          Step 5UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # create occurrence single-one-time 

                          Creates a one-time occurrence, and enters single-one-time mode.

                          Step 6UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date month day-of-month year hour minute seconds  

                          Specifies the date and time that this occurrence should run.

                          Step 7UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set max-duration {none | num-of-days num-of-hours num-of-minutes num-of-seconds} 

                          Specifies the maximum length of time that this task can run. To run the task until it is manually stopped, enter none or omit this step.

                          Step 8UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # commit-buffer 

                          Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                          The following example shows how to create a fault suppression task called task2 under the accounting service profile, set the start date to January 1, 2013 at 11:00, and commit the transaction:

                          UCS-A# scope org /
                          UCS-A/org # scope service-profile accounting
                          UCS-A/org/service-profile # create fault-suppress-task task2
                          UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task* # create local-schedule
                          UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule* # create occurrence single-one-time
                          UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time* # set date jan 1 2013 11 00 00
                          UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time* # commit-buffer

                          Configuring Fault Suppression Tasks for a Service Profile Using a Schedule

                          The default-server-maint suppression policy is selected by default.

                          SUMMARY STEPS

                            1.    UCS-A# scope org org-name

                            2.    UCS-A /org # scope service-profile profile-name

                            3.    UCS-A /org/service-profile # create fault-suppress-task name

                            4.    UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task # set schedule name

                            5.    UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task # commit-buffer

                          DETAILED STEPS
                             Command or ActionPurpose
                            Step 1UCS-A# scope org org-name  

                            Enters the organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, enter / as the org-name.

                            Step 2UCS-A /org # scope service-profile profile-name 

                            Enters service profile organization mode for the service profile.

                            Step 3UCS-A /org/service-profile # create fault-suppress-task name 

                            Creates a fault-suppress-task on the chassis, and enters the fault-suppress-task mode.

                            This name can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special characters other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and you cannot change this name after the object has been saved.

                            Step 4UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task # set schedule name 

                            Specifies the schedule that you want to use.


                            The schedule must exist before you can use it in a fault suppression task. For more information about creating schedules, see Creating a Schedule.

                            Step 5UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task # commit-buffer 

                            Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                            The following example shows how to create a fault suppression task called task1 under the accounting service profile, apply the scheduler called weekly_maint to the task, and commit the transaction:

                            UCS-A# scope org /
                            UCS-A/org # scope service-profile accounting
                            UCS-A/org/service-profile # create fault-suppress-task task1
                            UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task* # set schedule weekly_maint
                            UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task* # commit-buffer

                            Deleting Fault Suppression Tasks for a Service Profile

                            SUMMARY STEPS

                              1.    UCS-A# scope org org-name

                              2.    UCS-A /org # scope service-profile profile-name

                              3.    UCS-A/org/service-profile # delete fault-suppress-task name

                              4.    UCS-A/org/service-profile # commit-buffer

                            DETAILED STEPS
                               Command or ActionPurpose
                              Step 1UCS-A# scope org org-name  

                              Enters the organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, enter / as the org-name.

                              Step 2UCS-A /org # scope service-profile profile-name 

                              Enters service profile organization mode for the service profile.

                              Step 3UCS-A/org/service-profile # delete fault-suppress-task name 

                              Deletes the specified fault suppression task.

                              Step 4UCS-A/org/service-profile # commit-buffer 

                              Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                              The following example shows how to delete the fault suppression task called task1:

                              UCS-A# scope org /
                              UCS-A/org # scope service-profile accounting
                              UCS-A/org/service-profile # delete fault-suppress-task task1
                              UCS-A/org/service-profile* # commit-buffer

                              Modifying Fault Suppression Tasks for a Service Profile

                              SUMMARY STEPS

                                1.    UCS-A# scope org org-name

                                2.    UCS-A /org # scope service-profile profile-name

                                3.    UCS-A/org/service-profile # scope fault-suppress-task name

                                4.    UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task # set schedule name

                                5.    UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task # scope local-schedule

                                6.    UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # scope occurrence single-one-time

                                7.    UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date month day-of-month year hour minute seconds

                                8.    UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set max-duration {none | num-of-days num-of-hours num-of-minutes num-of-seconds}

                                9.    UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # commit-buffer

                              DETAILED STEPS
                                 Command or ActionPurpose
                                Step 1UCS-A# scope org org-name  

                                Enters the organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, enter / as the org-name.

                                Step 2UCS-A /org # scope service-profile profile-name  

                                Enters service profile organization mode for the service profile.

                                Step 3UCS-A/org/service-profile # scope fault-suppress-task name 

                                Enters fault-suppress-task mode.


                                To apply a different schedule to the fault suppression task, go to Step 4. To change the fixed time interval of the fault suppression task, go to Step 5.

                                Step 4UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task # set schedule name 

                                Applies a different schedule.


                                If you change from a fixed time interval to a schedule, the fixed time interval is deleted when you commit.

                                If you change from a schedule to a fixed time interval, the reference to the schedule is cleared when you commit.

                                Step 5UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task # scope local-schedule 

                                Enters local-schedule mode.

                                Step 6UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # scope occurrence single-one-time 

                                Enters single-one-time mode.

                                Step 7UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date month day-of-month year hour minute seconds 

                                Specifies the date and time that this occurrence should run.

                                Step 8UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set max-duration {none | num-of-days num-of-hours num-of-minutes num-of-seconds} 

                                Specifies the maximum length of time that this task can run. To run the task until it is manually stopped, enter none or omit this step.

                                Step 9UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # commit-buffer 

                                Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                                The following example shows how to change the date and the fault suppression policy of the fault suppression task called task2:

                                UCS-A# scope org /
                                UCS-A/org # scope service-profile accounting
                                UCS-A/org/service-profile # scope fault-suppress-task task2
                                UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task # scope local-schedule
                                UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # scope occurrence single-one-time
                                UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date dec 31 2013 11 00 00
                                UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time* # commit-buffer

                                The following example shows how to apply a different schedule to the fault suppression task called task1:

                                UCS-A# scope org /
                                UCS-A/org # scope service-profile accounting
                                UCS-A/org/service-profile # scope fault-suppress-task task1
                                UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task # set schedule monthly-maint
                                UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task* # commit-buffer

                                Viewing Suppressed Faults and Fault Suppression Tasks for a Service Profile

                                SUMMARY STEPS

                                  1.    UCS-A# scope org org-name

                                  2.    UCS-A /org # scope service-profile profile-name

                                  3.    UCS-A/org/service-profile # show fault suppressed

                                  4.    UCS-A/org/service-profile # scope fault-suppress-task name

                                  5.    UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task # show detail expand

                                DETAILED STEPS
                                   Command or ActionPurpose
                                  Step 1UCS-A# scope org org-name  

                                  Enters the organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, enter / as the org-name.

                                  Step 2UCS-A /org # scope service-profile profile-name 

                                  Enters service profile organization mode for the service profile.

                                  Step 3UCS-A/org/service-profile # show fault suppressed 

                                  Displays the suppressed faults for the server.


                                  Only faults owned by the selected component are displayed.

                                  Step 4UCS-A/org/service-profile # scope fault-suppress-task name 

                                  Enters fault-suppress-task mode.

                                  Step 5UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task # show detail expand 

                                  Displays the schedule or fixed time interval for the task.


                                  The following example shows how to display the suppressed faults for a service profile:

                                  UCS-A# scope org /
                                  UCS-A/org # scope service-profile accounting
                                  UCS-A/org/service-profile # show fault suppressed
                                  UCS-A/org/service-profile # 
                                  Fault Suppress Task:
                                  Name               Status             Global Schedule Suppress Policy Name
                                  ------------------ ------------------ --------------- --------------------
                                  task1              Active             test_schedule1  Default Server Maint
                                  UCS-A/org/service-profile # 

                                  The following example shows how to display the fault suppression task called task1:

                                  UCS-A# scope org /
                                  UCS-A/org # scope service-profile accounting
                                  UCS-A/org/service-profile # scope fault-suppress-task task1
                                  UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task # show detail expand
                                  Fault Suppress Task:
                                      Name: task1
                                      Status: Active
                                      Global Schedule: test_schedule1
                                      Suppress Policy Name: Default Server Maint
                                  UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task # 

                                  Configuring Fault Suppression for an Organization

                                  Configuring Fault Suppression Tasks for an Organization Using a Fixed Time Interval

                                  The default-server-maint suppression policy is selected by default.

                                  SUMMARY STEPS

                                    1.    UCS-A# scope org org-name

                                    2.    UCS-A/org # create fault-suppress-task name

                                    3.    UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task # create local-schedule

                                    4.    UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # create occurrence single-one-time

                                    5.    UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date month day-of-month year hour minute seconds

                                    6.    UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set max-duration {none | num-of-days num-of-hours num-of-minutes num-of-seconds}

                                    7.    UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # commit-buffer

                                  DETAILED STEPS
                                     Command or ActionPurpose
                                    Step 1UCS-A# scope org org-name  

                                    Enters the organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, enter / as the org-name.

                                    Step 2UCS-A/org # create fault-suppress-task name 

                                    Creates a fault-suppress-task for the organization, and enters fault-suppress-task mode.

                                    This name can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special characters other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and you cannot change this name after the object has been saved.

                                    Step 3UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task # create local-schedule 

                                    Creates a local schedule and enters local-schedule mode.

                                    Step 4UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # create occurrence single-one-time 

                                    Creates a one-time occurrence, and enters single-one-time mode.

                                    Step 5UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date month day-of-month year hour minute seconds  

                                    Specifies the date and time that this occurrence should run.

                                    Step 6UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set max-duration {none | num-of-days num-of-hours num-of-minutes num-of-seconds} 

                                    Specifies the maximum length of time that this task can run. To run the task until it is manually stopped, enter none or omit this step.

                                    Step 7UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # commit-buffer 

                                    Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                                    The following example shows how to create a fault suppression task called task2 under the Root organization, set the start date to January 1, 2013 at 11:00, and commit the transaction:

                                    UCS-A# scope org /
                                    UCS-A/org # create fault-suppress-task task2
                                    UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task* # create local-schedule
                                    UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule* # create occurrence single-one-time
                                    UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time* # set date jan 1 2013 11 00 00
                                    UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time* # commit-buffer

                                    Configuring Fault Suppression Tasks for an Organization Using a Schedule

                                    The default-server-maint suppression policy is selected by default.

                                    SUMMARY STEPS

                                      1.    UCS-A# scope org org-name

                                      2.    UCS-A/org # create fault-suppress-task name

                                      3.    UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task # set schedule name

                                      4.    UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task # commit-buffer

                                    DETAILED STEPS
                                       Command or ActionPurpose
                                      Step 1UCS-A# scope org org-name  

                                      Enters the organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, enter / as the org-name.

                                      Step 2UCS-A/org # create fault-suppress-task name 

                                      Creates a fault-suppress-task for the organization, and enters the fault-suppress-task mode.

                                      This name can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special characters other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and you cannot change this name after the object has been saved.

                                      Step 3UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task # set schedule name  

                                      Specifies the schedule that you want to use.


                                      The schedule must exist before you can use it in a fault suppression task. For more information about creating schedules, see Creating a Schedule.

                                      Step 4UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task # commit-buffer 

                                      Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                                      The following example shows how to create a fault suppression task called task1 under the Root organization, apply the scheduler called weekly_maint to the task, and commit the transaction:

                                      UCS-A# scope org /
                                      UCS-A/org # create fault-suppress-task task1
                                      UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task* # set schedule weekly_maint
                                      UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task* # commit-buffer

                                      Deleting Fault Suppression Tasks for an Organization

                                      SUMMARY STEPS

                                        1.    UCS-A# scope org org-name

                                        2.    UCS-A/org # delete fault-suppress-task name

                                        3.    UCS-A/org # commit-buffer

                                      DETAILED STEPS
                                         Command or ActionPurpose
                                        Step 1UCS-A# scope org org-name  

                                        Enters the organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, enter / as the org-name.

                                        Step 2UCS-A/org # delete fault-suppress-task name 

                                        Deletes the specified fault suppression task.

                                        Step 3UCS-A/org # commit-buffer 

                                        Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                                        The following example shows how to delete the fault suppression task called task1:

                                        UCS-A# scope org /
                                        UCS-A/org # delete fault-suppress-task task1
                                        UCS-A/org* # commit-buffer

                                        Modifying Fault Suppression Tasks for an Organization

                                        SUMMARY STEPS

                                          1.    UCS-A# scope org org-name

                                          2.    UCS-A/org # scope fault-suppress-task name

                                          3.    UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task # set schedule name

                                          4.    UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task # scope local-schedule

                                          5.    UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # scope occurrence single-one-time

                                          6.    UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date month day-of-month year hour minute seconds

                                          7.    UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set max-duration {none | num-of-days num-of-hours num-of-minutes num-of-seconds}

                                          8.    UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # commit-buffer

                                        DETAILED STEPS
                                           Command or ActionPurpose
                                          Step 1UCS-A# scope org org-name  

                                          Enters the organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, enter / as the org-name.

                                          Step 2UCS-A/org # scope fault-suppress-task name 

                                          Enters fault-suppress-task mode.


                                          To apply a different schedule to the fault suppression task, go to Step 3. To change the fixed time interval of the fault suppression task, go to Step 4.

                                          Step 3UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task # set schedule name 

                                          Applies a different schedule.


                                          If you change from a fixed time interval to a schedule, the fixed time interval is deleted when you commit.

                                          If you change from a schedule to a fixed time interval, the reference to the schedule is cleared when you commit.

                                          Step 4UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task # scope local-schedule 

                                          Enters local-schedule mode.

                                          Step 5UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # scope occurrence single-one-time 

                                          Enters single-one-time mode.

                                          Step 6UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date month day-of-month year hour minute seconds 

                                          Specifies the date and time that this occurrence should run.

                                          Step 7UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set max-duration {none | num-of-days num-of-hours num-of-minutes num-of-seconds} 

                                          Specifies the maximum length of time that this task can run. To run the task until it is manually stopped, enter none or omit this step.

                                          Step 8UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # commit-buffer 

                                          Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


                                          The following example shows how to change the date and the fault suppression policy of the fault suppression task called task2:

                                          UCS-A# scope org /
                                          UCS-A/org # scope fault-suppress-task task2
                                          UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task* # scope local-schedule
                                          UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # scope occurrence single-one-time
                                          UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date dec 31 2013 11 00 00
                                          UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time* # commit-buffer

                                          The following example shows how to apply a different schedule to the fault suppression task called task1:

                                          UCS-A# scope org
                                          UCS-A/org # scope fault-suppress-task task1
                                          UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task # set schedule monthly-maint
                                          UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task* # commit-buffer

                                          Viewing Suppressed Faults and Fault Suppression Tasks for an Organization

                                          SUMMARY STEPS

                                            1.    UCS-A# scope org org-name

                                            2.    UCS-A/org # show fault suppressed

                                            3.    UCS-A/org # scope fault-suppress-task name

                                            4.    UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task # show detail expand

                                          DETAILED STEPS
                                             Command or ActionPurpose
                                            Step 1UCS-A# scope org org-name  

                                            Enters the organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, enter / as the org-name.

                                            Step 2UCS-A/org # show fault suppressed 

                                            Displays the suppressed faults for the organization


                                            Only faults owned by the selected component are displayed.

                                            Step 3UCS-A/org # scope fault-suppress-task name 

                                            Enters fault-suppress-task mode.

                                            Step 4UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task # show detail expand 

                                            Displays the schedule or fixed time interval for the task.


                                            The following example shows how to display the suppressed faults for an organization:

                                            UCS-A# scope org Finance
                                            UCS-A/org # show fault suppressed
                                            UCS-A/org # 
                                            Fault Suppress Task:
                                            Name               Status             Global Schedule Suppress Policy Name
                                            ------------------ ------------------ --------------- --------------------
                                            task1              Active             test_schedule1  Default Server Maint
                                            UCS-A/org # 

                                            The following example shows how to display the fault suppression task called task1:

                                            UCS-A# scope org Finance
                                            UCS-A/org # scope fault-suppress-task task1
                                            UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task # show detail expand
                                            Fault Suppress Task:
                                                Name: task1
                                                Status: Active
                                                Global Schedule: test_schedule1
                                                Suppress Policy Name: Default Server Maint
                                            UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task # 

                                            Configuring Settings for the Core File Exporter

                                            Core File Exporter

                                            Cisco UCS uses the Core File Exporter to export core files as soon as they occur to a specified location on the network through TFTP. This functionality allows you to export the tar file with the contents of the core file.

                                            Configuring the Core File Exporter

                                            SUMMARY STEPS

                                              1.    UCS-A# scope monitoring

                                              2.    UCS-A /monitoring # scope sysdebug

                                              3.    UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug # enable core-export-target

                                              4.    UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug # set core-export-target path path

                                              5.    UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug # set core-export-target port port-num

                                              6.    UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug # set core-export-target server-description description

                                              7.    UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug # set core-export-target server-name hostname

                                              8.    UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug # commit-buffer

                                            DETAILED STEPS
                                               Command or ActionPurpose
                                              Step 1UCS-A# scope monitoring  

                                              Enters monitoring mode.

                                              Step 2UCS-A /monitoring # scope sysdebug  

                                              Enters monitoring system debug mode.

                                              Step 3UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug # enable core-export-target  

                                              Enables the core file exporter. When the core file exporter is enabled and an error causes the server to perform a core dump, the system exports the core file via TFTP to the specified remote server.

                                              Step 4UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug # set core-export-target path path  

                                              Specifies the path to use when exporting the core file to the remote server.

                                              Step 5UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug # set core-export-target port port-num  

                                              Specifies the port number to use when exporting the core file via TFTP. The range of valid values is 1 to 65,535.

                                              Step 6UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug # set core-export-target server-description description  

                                              Provides a description for the remote server used to store the core file.

                                              Step 7UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug # set core-export-target server-name hostname  

                                              Specifies the hostname of the remote server to connect with via TFTP.

                                              Step 8UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug # commit-buffer  

                                              Commits the transaction.


                                              The following example enables the core file exporter, specifies the path and port to use when sending the core file, specifies the remote server hostname, provides a description for the remote server, and commits the transaction.

                                              UCS-A# scope monitoring
                                              UCS-A /monitoring # scope sysdebug
                                              UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug # enable core-export-target
                                              UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug* # set core-export-target path /root/CoreFiles/core
                                              UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug* # set core-export-target port 45000
                                              UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug* # set core-export-target server-description CoreFile102.168.10.10
                                              UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug* # set core-export-target server-name
                                              UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug* # commit-buffer
                                              UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug # 

                                              Disabling the Core File Exporter

                                              SUMMARY STEPS

                                                1.    UCS-A# scope monitoring

                                                2.    UCS-A /monitoring # scope sysdebug

                                                3.    UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug # disable core-export-target

                                                4.    UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug # commit-buffer

                                              DETAILED STEPS
                                                 Command or ActionPurpose
                                                Step 1UCS-A# scope monitoring  

                                                Enters monitoring mode.

                                                Step 2UCS-A /monitoring # scope sysdebug  

                                                Enters monitoring system debug mode.

                                                Step 3UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug # disable core-export-target  

                                                Disables the core file exporter. When the core file exporter is disabled core files are not automatically exported.

                                                Step 4UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug # commit-buffer  

                                                Commits the transaction.


                                                The following example disables the core file exporter and commits the transaction.

                                                UCS-A# scope monitoring
                                                UCS-A /monitoring # scope sysdebug
                                                UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug # disable core-export-target
                                                UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug* # commit-buffer
                                                UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug #

                                                Configuring the Syslog

                                                   Command or ActionPurpose
                                                  Step 1UCS-A# scope monitoring  

                                                  Enters monitoring mode.

                                                  Step 2UCS-A /monitoring # {enable | disable} syslog console  

                                                  Enables or disables the sending of syslogs to the console.

                                                  Step 3UCS-A /monitoring # set syslog console level {emergencies | alerts | critical}   (Optional)

                                                  Select the lowest message level that you want displayed. If syslogs are enabled, the system displays that level and above on the console. The level options are listed in order of decreasing urgency.The default level is Critical.

                                                  Step 4UCS-A /monitoring # {enable | disable} syslog monitor  

                                                  Enables or disables the monitoring of syslog information by the operating system.

                                                  Step 5UCS-A /monitoring # set syslog monitor level {emergencies | alerts | critical | errors | warnings | notifications | information | debugging}   (Optional)

                                                  Select the lowest message level that you want displayed. If the monitor state is enabled, the system displays that level and above. The level options are listed in order of decreasing urgency.The default level is Critical.


                                                  Messages at levels below Critical are displayed on the terminal monitor only if you have entered the terminal monitor command.

                                                  Step 6UCS-A /monitoring # {enable | disable} syslog file  

                                                  Enables or disables the writing of syslog information to a syslog file.

                                                  Step 7UCS-A /monitoring # set syslog file name filename  

                                                  The name of the file in which the messages are logged. Up to 16 characters are allowed in the file name.

                                                  Step 8UCS-A /monitoring # set syslog file level {emergencies | alerts | critical | errors | warnings | notifications | information | debugging}   (Optional)

                                                  Select the lowest message level that you want stored to a file. If the file state is enabled, the system stores that level and above in the syslog file. The level options are listed in order of decreasing urgency.The default level is Critical.

                                                  Step 9UCS-A /monitoring # set syslog file size filesize   (Optional)

                                                  The maximum file size, in bytes, before the system begins to write over the oldest messages with the newest ones. The range is 4096 to 4194304 bytes.

                                                  Step 10UCS-A /monitoring # {enable | disable} syslog remote-destination {server-1 | server-2 | server-3}  

                                                  Enables or disables the sending of syslog messages to up to three external syslog servers.

                                                  Step 11UCS-A /monitoring # set syslog remote-destination {server-1 | server-2 | server-3} level{emergencies | alerts | critical | errors | warnings | notifications | information | debugging}   (Optional)

                                                  Select the lowest message level that you want stored to the external log. If the remote-destination is enabled, the system sends that level and above to the external server. The level options are listed in order of decreasing urgency.The default level is Critical.

                                                  Step 12UCS-A /monitoring # set syslog remote-destination {server-1 | server-2 | server-3} hostname hostname  

                                                  The hostname or IP address of the specified remote syslog server. Up to 256 characters are allowed in the hostname.

                                                  Step 13UCS-A /monitoring # set syslog remote-destination {server-1 | server-2 | server-3} facility {local0 | local1 | local2 | local3 | local4 | local5 | local6 | local7}   (Optional)

                                                  The facility level contained in the syslog messages sent to the specified remote syslog server.

                                                  Step 14UCS-A /monitoring # {enable | disable} syslog source {audits | events | faults}  

                                                  This can be one of the following:

                                                  • audits—Enables or disables the logging of all audit log events.

                                                  • events—Enables or disables the logging of all system events.

                                                  • faults—Enables or disables the logging of all system faults.

                                                  Step 15UCS-A /monitoring # commit-buffer  

                                                  Commits the transaction.


                                                  This example shows how to enable the storage of syslog messages in a local file and commits the transaction:

                                                  UCS-A# scope monitoring
                                                  UCS-A /monitoring # disable syslog console
                                                  UCS-A /monitoring* # disable syslog monitor
                                                  UCS-A /monitoring* # enable syslog file
                                                  UCS-A /monitoring* # set syslog file name SysMsgsUCSA
                                                  UCS-A /monitoring* # set syslog file level notifications
                                                  UCS-A /monitoring* # set syslog file size 4194304
                                                  UCS-A /monitoring* # disable syslog remote-destination server-1
                                                  UCS-A /monitoring* # disable syslog remote-destination server-2
                                                  UCS-A /monitoring* # disable syslog remote-destination server-3
                                                  UCS-A /monitoring* # commit-buffer
                                                  UCS-A /monitoring # 

                                                  Viewing Audit Logs

                                                  SUMMARY STEPS

                                                    1.    UCS-A# scope security

                                                    2.    UCS-A /security # show audit-logs

                                                  DETAILED STEPS
                                                     Command or ActionPurpose
                                                    Step 1UCS-A# scope security  

                                                    Enters security mode.

                                                    Step 2UCS-A /security # show audit-logs 

                                                    Displays the audit logs.


                                                    The following example displays the audit logs:

                                                    UCS-A# scope security
                                                    UCS-A /security # show audit-logs
                                                    Audit trail logs:
                                                        Creation Time        User       ID       Action           Description
                                                        -------------------- ---------- -------- ---------------- -----------
                                                                             internal    1055936 Creation         Fabric A: local us
                                                    er admin logge
                                                                             admin       1025416 Creation         Uplink FC VSAN mem
                                                    ber port A/1/3
                                                                             admin       1025417 Deletion         Uplink FC VSAN mem
                                                    ber port A/1/3
                                                                             admin       1025299 Creation         Uplink FC VSAN mem
                                                    ber port A/1/3
                                                                             admin       1025300 Deletion         Uplink FC VSAN mem
                                                    ber port A/1/3
                                                                             admin       1025096 Creation         Uplink FC VSAN mem
                                                    ber port A/1/3
                                                    UCS-A /security # 

                                                    Log File Exporter

                                                    Cisco UCS Manager generates log files for each executable. The log files can be up to 20 MB in size, and up to five backups can be stored on the server. The log file exporter allows you to export the log files to a remote server before they are deleted. The log file names contain the following information:

                                                    • The name of the process

                                                    • Timestamp

                                                    • The name and ID of the fabric interconnect


                                                    If you do not enable log exporting, the oldest log files are deleted whenever the maximum backup file limit is reached.

                                                    Guidelines and Limitations

                                                    • We recommend that you use tftp or password-less scp or sftp for log export. When standard scp or sftp is used, the user password is stored in the configuration file in encrypted format.

                                                    • On a HA setup, the log files from each side are exported separately. If one side fails to export logs, the other side does not compensate.

                                                    Exporting Log Files to a Remote Server

                                                    SUMMARY STEPS

                                                      1.    UCS-A# scope monitoring

                                                      2.    UCS-A /monitoring # scope sysdebug

                                                      3.    UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug # scope log-export-policy

                                                      4.    UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy # set admin-state {disabled | enabled}

                                                      5.    (Optional) UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy # set desc description

                                                      6.    UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy # set hostname hostname

                                                      7.    UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy # set passwd

                                                      8.    UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy # set passwordless-ssh {no | yes}

                                                      9.    UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy # set proto {scp | ftp | sftp | tftp}

                                                      10.    UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy # set path path

                                                      11.    UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy # set user username

                                                      12.    UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy # commit-buffer

                                                    DETAILED STEPS
                                                       Command or ActionPurpose
                                                      Step 1UCS-A# scope monitoring  

                                                      Enters monitoring mode.

                                                      Step 2UCS-A /monitoring # scope sysdebug  

                                                      Enters monitoring system debug mode.

                                                      Step 3UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug # scope log-export-policy  

                                                      Enters log file export mode.

                                                      Step 4UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy # set admin-state {disabled | enabled}  

                                                      Whether log file exporting is enabled.

                                                      Step 5UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy # set desc description   (Optional)

                                                      Provides a description for the log export policy

                                                      Step 6UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy # set hostname hostname  

                                                      Specifies the hostname of the remote server.

                                                      Step 7UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy # set passwd  

                                                      After you press Enter, you are prompted to enter the password.

                                                      Specifies the password for the remote server username. This step does not apply if the TFTP protocol is used.

                                                      Step 8UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy # set passwordless-ssh {no | yes}  

                                                      Enables SSH login without a password.

                                                      Step 9UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy # set proto {scp | ftp | sftp | tftp}  

                                                      Specifies the protocol to use when communicating with the remote server.

                                                      Step 10UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy # set path path  

                                                      Specifies the path on the remote server where the log file is to be saved.

                                                      Step 11UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy # set user username  

                                                      Specifies the username the system should use to log in to the remote server. This step does not apply if the TFTP protocol is used.

                                                      Step 12UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy # commit-buffer  

                                                      Commits the transaction.


                                                      The following example shows how to enable the log file exporter, specify the remote server hostname, set the protocol to scp, enable passwordless login, and commit the transaction.

                                                      UCS-A# scope monitoring
                                                      UCS-A /monitoring # scope sysdebug
                                                      UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug # scope log-export-policy
                                                      UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy # set admin-state enable
                                                      UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy* # set hostname
                                                      UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy* # set path /
                                                      UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy* # set user testuser
                                                      UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy* # set proto scp
                                                      UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy* # set passwd
                                                      UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy* # set passwordless-ssh yes
                                                      UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy* # commit-buffer
                                                      UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy #