Viewing Logs

The UCS-SCU Logs functionality allows you to take corrective action by examining your server logs. UCS-SCU provides the following types of logs:

System Logs

The system log file displays events that are logged by the operating system components. These events are often predetermined by the operating system itself. System log files display information about device changes, device drivers, system changes, events, operations, and more.

To view the system logs, follow these steps:

Step 1 Click Logs on the left navigation pane.

Step 2 Click System Logs.

Step 3 Select a filter from the filter drop-down list.

Step 4 Click Go.

The system log is displayed.


System Event Log

The system event log file displays events that are logged by your server.

To view the system event logs follow these steps:

Step 1 Click Logs on the left navigation pane.

Step 2 Click System Event Log.

Step 3 Select from either the Description or Severity filter from the drop-down list.

  • If you select the Description filter and click Go, all the system event logs with a description and severity are displayed.
  • If you select the Severity filter, you can select the type of severity from the second drop-down list and click Go. A list with the logs of the specified severity type is displayed.
  • Click Clear Filter to clear the filter you applied.