UCS Central Communications - Required Ports

Required Ports

Typically, the IP addresses for all existing Cisco UCS Manager domains exist on a common administrative network.  If not, Cisco UCS Central requires that you assure routing access to all subordinate management domains.  Ensure that you configure any firewalls, proxies, and anything else required to permit read/write access for the following ports, for continuous communications between Cisco UCS Central and all registered UCS domains.

Required Ports for UCSM Domains v2.2(1b) and Earlier

Open the following ports if using UCSM domains v2.2(1b) and below.

Port Value


32803 – Linux NFS lock.


892 – Linux NFS mount.


875 – Linux remote quota server port (NFS).


32805 – Linux – Used by NFS file locking service – lock recovery.


"nfs"(2049) – Linux NFS listening port.


"sunrpc"(111) – Linux RPCBIND listening port (NFS).


”https”(443) – Communications from Cisco UCS Central to UCS domain(s) and Cisco UCS Central GUI (always required).


”http”(80) – Communications from Cisco UCS Central to UCS domain(s). This port is configurable, and is only required for the Flash-based Cisco UCS Central GUI.


Required for communication between the Cisco UCS Central Flash-based UI and the Cisco UCS Central VM. Not required for communication between Cisco UCS Central VM and remote UCSM domains. Port 843 is Not Required if using the new HTML-5 UI.

Port 80 is required for the older Flash-based UI communications. As of Cisco UCS Central release 1.4.1a, it is not possible to turn off port 80 within Cisco UCS Central. However, you can deny port 80 traffic to and from Cisco UCS Central by applying Firewall rules.

Required Ports for UCSM Domains v2.2 (2c) and Subsequent Versions

Open the following ports if using UCSM domains v2.2 (2c) and above.

Port Value


”https”(443) – Communications from Cisco UCS Central to UCS domain(s) and Cisco UCS Manager (always required).


”http”(80) – Communications from Cisco UCS Central to UCS domain(s). This port is configurable, and is only required for the Flash-based Cisco UCS Manager.


Required for communication between the Cisco UCS Central Flash-based UI and the Cisco UCS Central VM. Not required for communication between Cisco UCS Central VM and remote UCSM domains. Port 843 is Not Required if using the new HTML-5 UI.


Port 80 is required for the older flash-based UI communications. As of Cisco UCS Central release 1.4.1a, it is not possible to turn off port 80 within Cisco UCS Central. However, you can deny port 80 traffic to and from Cisco UCS Central by applying firewall rules.


During the registration process if there is a failure in connectivity from Cisco UCS Central to Cisco UCS Manager domain, run the following command to test if port 443 is open:

UCSC(local-mgmt)# test ucsm-connectivity WORD UCSM host IP addr(Min size 0, Max size 510) 

Required Ports for UCSM

Open the following ports so that UCSM works with Cisco UCS Central. Cisco UCS Central accesses the following ports.

Port Value


”https”(443) – Communications from Cisco UCS Central to UCS domain(s) and Cisco UCS Central GUI (always required).


”http”(80) – Communications from Cisco UCS Central to UCS domain(s). This port is configurable, and is only required for the Flash-based Cisco UCS Central GUI.

Port 80 is required for the older Flash-based UI communications. As of Cisco UCS Central release 1.4.1a, it is not possible to turn off port 80 within Cisco UCS Central. However, you can deny port 80 traffic to and from Cisco UCS Central by applying Firewall rules.

Required Ports for Active Directory Server

Open the following ports on the Active Directory server. Cisco UCS Central uses these ports for LDAP Integration with the AD Server.

Port Value

LDAP Port 389

Cisco UCS Central uses for integration and communication with Microsoft Active Directory LDAP


Cisco UCS Central uses for supporting LDAP over SSL/TLS, also uses port 389