Statistics Manager Faults
Communication Service configuration can’t be deployed. Error: [configStatusMessage]
This fault typically occurs because Cisco UCS Manager has detected an invalid communication policy confiuration.
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1 Verify that ports configured across all communication services is unique.
Statistics database connect/read/write error (Possible database connectivity or disk space issue):[[lastDbStatus]] Please check
This fault occurs when the statistics database is configured incorrectly, is down, or ran out of disk space.
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1 Check the statistics database configuration, correct them if required.
Step 2 Check the statistics database to see if it is down or ran out of disk space..
Step 3 If the above action did not resolve the issue, create a show tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.
[name] Trustpoint’s cert-chain is invalid, reason: [certStatus].
This fault occurs when certificate status of TrustPoint has become invalid.
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1 Identify the Trustpoint(s) affected.
Step 2 For affected trust-points, delete those keyrings using this trustpoint. Obtain new CA certificate and install.
[name] Keyring’s certificate is invalid, reason: [certStatus].
This fault occurs when certificate status of Keyring has become invalid.
If you see this fault, take the following actions:
Step 1 Identify the keyring(s) affected.
Step 2 If default keyring certificate is affected, regenerate the certificate.
Step 3 For other keyrings create new cert-req and get it signed by CA and set to keyring.