Fault Collection and Suppression

Global Fault Policy

The global fault policy controls the lifecycle of a fault in a Cisco UCS domain, including when faults are cleared, the flapping interval (the length of time between the fault being raised and the condition being cleared), and the retention interval (the length of time a fault is retained in the system).

A fault in Cisco UCS has the following lifecycle:

  1. A condition occurs in the system and Cisco UCS Manager raises a fault. This is the active state.

  2. When the fault is alleviated, it enters a flapping or soaking interval that is designed to prevent flapping. Flapping occurs when a fault is raised and cleared several times in rapid succession. During the flapping interval, the fault retains its severity for the length of time specified in the global fault policy.

  3. If the condition reoccurs during the flapping interval, the fault returns to the active state. If the condition does not reoccur during the flapping interval, the fault is cleared.

  4. The cleared fault enters the retention interval. This interval ensures that the fault reaches the attention of an administrator even if the condition that caused the fault has been alleviated and the fault has not been deleted prematurely. The retention interval retains the cleared fault for the length of time specified in the global fault policy.

  5. If the condition reoccurs during the retention interval, the fault returns to the active state. If the condition does not reoccur, the fault is deleted.

Configuring the Fault Collection Policy


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope monitoring

Enters monitoring mode.

Step 2

UCS-A /monitoring # scope fault policy

Enters monitoring fault policy mode.

Step 3

UCS-A /monitoring/fault-policy # set clear-action {delete | retain }

Specifies whether to retain or delete all cleared messages. If the retain option is specified, then the length of time that the messages are retained is determined by the set retention-interval command.

Step 4

UCS-A /monitoring/fault-policy # set flap-interval seconds

Specifies the time interval (in seconds) the system waits before changing a fault state. Flapping occurs when a fault is raised and cleared several times in rapid succession. To prevent this, the system does not allow a fault to change state until the flapping interval has elapsed after the last state change. If the fault is raised again during the flapping interval, it returns to the active state, otherwise, the fault is cleared.

Step 5

UCS-A /monitoring/fault-policy # set retention-interval {days hours minutes seconds | forever }

Specifies the time interval the system retains all cleared fault messages before deleting them. The system can retain cleared fault messages forever, or for the specified number of days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

Step 6

UCS-A /monitoring/fault-policy # commit-buffer

Commits the transaction.


This example configures the fault collection policy to retain cleared fault messages for 30 days, sets the flapping interval to 10 seconds, and commits the transaction.

UCS-A# scope monitoring
UCS-A /monitoring # scope fault policy
UCS-A /monitoring/fault-policy # set clear-action retain
UCS-A /monitoring/fault-policy* # set flap-interval 10
UCS-A /monitoring/fault-policy* # set retention-interval 30 0 0 0 
UCS-A /monitoring/fault-policy* # commit-buffer
UCS-A /monitoring/fault-policy # 

Fault Suppression

Fault suppression allows you to suppress SNMP trap and Call Home notifications during a planned maintenance time. You can create a fault suppression task to prevent notifications from being sent whenever a transient fault is raised or cleared.

Faults remain suppressed until the time duration has expired, or the fault suppression tasks have been manually stopped by you. After the fault suppression has ended, Cisco UCS Manager will send notifications for any outstanding suppressed faults that have not been cleared.

You can configure fault suppression using the following methods.

Fixed Time Intervals or Schedules

You can use the following to specify the maintenance window during which you want to suppress faults:

  • Fixed time intervals allow you to create a start time and a duration when fault suppression is active. Fixed time intervals cannot be reused.

  • Schedules are used for one time occurrences or recurring time periods. They can be saved and reused.

Suppression Policies

These policies define which causes and types of faults you want to suppress. Only one policy can be assigned to a task. The following policies are defined by Cisco UCS Manager:
  • default-chassis-all-maint—Suppresses faults for the chassis and all components installed into the chassis, including all servers, power supplies, fan modules, and IOMs.

    This policy applies only to chassis.

  • default-chassis-phys-maint—Suppresses faults for the chassis, all fan modules, and power supplies installed into the chassis.

    This policy applies only to chassis.

  • default-fex-all-maint—Suppresses faults for the FEX, all power supplies, fan modules, and IOMs in the FEX.

    This policy applies only to FEXes.

  • default-fex-phys-maint—Suppresses faults for the FEX, all fan modules and power supplies in the FEX.

    This policy applies only to FEXes.

  • default-server-maint—Suppresses faults for servers.

    This policy applies to chassis, organizations, and service profiles.


    When applied to a chassis, only servers are affected.


    Cisco UCS Manager does not suppress SNMP MIB-2 faults generated by NX-OS network operating system designed to support high performance, high reliability server access switches used in the data center. These SNMP MIB-2 faults have no association with this fault suppression policy.

  • default-iom-maint—Suppresses faults for IOMs in a chassis or FEX.

    This policy applies only to chassis, FEXes, and IOMs.

Suppression Tasks

You can use these tasks to connect the schedule or fixed time interval and the suppression policy to a component.


After you create a suppression task, you can edit the fixed time interval or schedule of the task in both the Cisco UCS Manager GUI and Cisco UCS Manager CLI. However, you can only change between using a fixed time interval and using a schedule in the Cisco UCS Manager CLI.

Configuring Fault Suppression for a Chassis

Configuring Fault Suppression Tasks for a Chassis Using a Fixed Time Interval


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope chassis chassis-num

Enters chassis mode for the specified chassis.

Step 2

UCS-A/chassis # create fault-suppress-task name

Creates a fault-suppress-task on the chassis, and enters fault-suppress-task mode.

This name can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special characters other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and you cannot change this name after the object is saved.

Step 3

UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # set fault-suppress-policy policy-name

Specifies the fault suppression policy that you want to apply. This can be one of the following:

  • default-chassis-all-maint—Suppresses faults for the chassis and all components installed into the chassis, including all servers, power supplies, fan modules, and IOMs.

  • default-chassis-phys-maint—Suppresses faults for the chassis, all fan modules, and power supplies installed into the chassis.

  • default-server-maint—Suppresses faults for servers.


    When applied to a chassis, only servers are affected.

  • default-iom-maint—Suppresses faults for IOMs in a chassis or FEX.

Step 4

UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # create local-schedule

Creates a local schedule and enters local-schedule mode.

Step 5

UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # create occurrence single-one-time

Creates a one-time occurrence, and enters single-one-time mode.

Step 6

UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date month day-of-month year hour minute seconds

Specifies the date and time that this occurrence should run.

Step 7

UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set max-duration {none | num-of-days num-of-hours num-of-minutes num-of-seconds}

Specifies the maximum length of time that this task can run. To run the task until it is manually stopped, enter none or omit this step.

Step 8

UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # commit-buffer

Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


The following example shows how to create a fault suppression task called task2 for the chassis, apply the default-chassis-all-maint policy to the task, set the start date to January 1, 2013 at 11:00, and commit the transaction:

UCS-A# scope chassis 1
UCS-A/chassis # create fault-suppress-task task2
UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task* # set fault-suppress-policy default-chassis-all-maint
UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task* # create local-schedule
UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule* # create occurrence single-one-time
UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule* # set date jan 1 2013 11 00 00
UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule* # commit-buffer

Configuring Fault Suppression Tasks for a Chassis Using a Schedule


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope chassis chassis-num

Enters chassis mode for the specified chassis.

Step 2

UCS-A/chassis # create fault-suppress-task name

Creates a fault-suppress-task on the chassis, and enters the fault-suppress-task mode.

This name can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special characters other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and you cannot change this name after the object is saved.

Step 3

UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # set schedule name

Specifies the schedule that you want to use.


The schedule must exist before you can use it in a fault suppression task. For more information about creating schedules, see Creating a Schedule.

Step 4

UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # set fault-suppress-policy policy-name

Selects the fault suppression policy you want to apply. This can be one of the following:

  • default-chassis-all-maint—Suppresses faults for the chassis and all components installed into the chassis, including all servers, power supplies, fan modules, and IOMs.

  • default-chassis-phys-maint—Suppresses faults for the chassis, all fan modules, and power supplies installed into the chassis.

  • default-server-maint—Suppresses faults for servers.


    When applied to a chassis, only servers are affected.

  • default-iom-maint—Suppresses faults for IOMs in a chassis or FEX.

Step 5

UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # commit-buffer

Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


The following example shows how to create a fault suppression task called task1 for the chassis, apply the scheduler called weekly_maint and the default-chassis-all-maint policy to the task, and commit the transaction:

UCS-A# scope chassis 2
UCS-A/chassis # create fault-suppress-task task1
UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task* # set schedule weekly_maint
UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task* # set fault-suppress-policy default-chassis-all-maint
UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task* # commit-buffer

Modifying Fault Suppression Tasks for a Chassis


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope chassis chassis-num

Enters chassis mode for the specified chassis.

Step 2

UCS-A/chassis # scope fault-suppress-task name

Enters fault-suppress-task mode.

Step 3

UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # set fault-suppress-policy policy-name

Modifies the fault suppression policy. This can be one of the following:

  • default-chassis-all-maint—Suppresses faults for the chassis and all components installed into the chassis, including all servers, power supplies, fan modules, and IOMs.

  • default-chassis-phys-maint—Suppresses faults for the chassis, all fan modules, and power supplies installed into the chassis.

  • default-server-maint—Suppresses faults for servers.

  • default-iom-maint—Suppresses faults for IOMs in a chassis or FEX.


To apply a different schedule to the fault suppression task, go to Step 4. To change the fixed time interval of the fault suppression task, go to Step 5.

Step 4

UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # set schedule name

Applies the schedule you want to use.


If you change from a fixed time interval to a schedule, the fixed time interval is deleted when you commit.

If you change from a schedule to a fixed time interval, the reference to the schedule is cleared when you commit.

Step 5

UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # scope local-schedule

Enters local-schedule mode.

Step 6

UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # scope occurrence single-one-time

Enters single-one-time mode.

Step 7

UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date month day-of-month year hour minute seconds

Specifies the date and time that this occurrence should run.

Step 8

UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set max-duration {none | num-of-days num-of-hours num-of-minutes num-of-seconds}

Specifies the maximum length of time that this task can run. To run the task until it is manually stopped, enter none or omit this step.

Step 9

UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # commit-buffer

Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


The following example shows how to change the date and the fault suppression policy of the fault suppression task called task2:

UCS-A# scope chassis 1
UCS-A/chassis # scope fault-suppress-task task2
UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # set fault-suppress-policy default-server-maint
UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task* # scope local-schedule
UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule* # scope occurrence single-one-time
UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time* # set date dec 31 2013 11 00 00
UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time* # commit-buffer

The following example shows how to apply a different schedule to the fault suppression task called task1:

UCS-A# scope chassis 1
UCS-A/chassis # scope fault-suppress-task task1
UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # set schedule monthly-maint
UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task* # commit-buffer

Viewing Suppressed Faults and Fault Suppression Tasks for a Chassis


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope chassis chassis-num

Enters chassis mode for the specified chassis.

Step 2

UCS-A/chassis # show fault suppressed

Displays the suppressed faults for the chassis.


Only faults owned by the selected component are displayed.

Step 3

UCS-A/chassis # scope fault-suppress-task name

Enters fault-suppress-task mode.

Step 4

UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # show detail expand

Displays the schedule or fixed time interval for the task.


The following example shows how to display the suppressed faults for a chassis:

UCS-A# scope chassis 1
UCS-A/chassis # show fault suppressed
Fault Suppress Task:

Name               Status             Global Schedule Suppress Policy Name
------------------ ------------------ --------------- --------------------
task1              Active             test_schedule1  Default Chassis Phys Maint

UCS-A/chassis # 

The following example shows how to display the fault suppression task called task1:

UCS-A# scope chassis 1
UCS-A/chassis # scope fault-suppress-task task1
UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # show detail expand
Fault Suppress Task:
    Name: task1
    Status: Active
    Global Schedule: test_schedule1
    Suppress Policy Name: Default Chassis Phys Maint

UCS-A/chassis/fault-suppress-task # 

Deleting Fault Suppression Tasks for a Chassis


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope chassis chassis-num

Enters chassis mode for the specified chassis.

Step 2

UCS-A/chassis # delete fault-suppress-task name

Deletes the specified fault suppression task.

Step 3

UCS-A/chassis # commit-buffer

Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


The following example shows how to delete the fault suppression task called task1:

UCS-A# scope chassis 1
UCS-A/chassis # delete fault-suppress-task task1
UCS-A/chassis* # commit-buffer

Configuring Fault Suppression for an I/O Module

Configuring Fault Suppression Tasks for an IOM Using a Fixed Time Interval

The default-iom-maint suppression policy is selected by default.


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope [chassis chassis-num | fex fex-num]

Enters chassis mode for the specified chassis or FEX.

Step 2

UCS-A /chassis|fex # scope iom iom-id

Enters chassis I/O module mode for the selected I/O module.

Step 3

UCS-A/chassis|fex/iom # create fault-suppress-task name

Creates a fault-suppress-task on the IOM, and enters the fault-suppress-task mode.

This name can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special characters other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and you cannot change this name after the object is saved.

Step 4

UCS-A/chassis|fex/iom/fault-suppress-task # create local-schedule

Creates a local schedule and enters local-schedule mode.

Step 5

UCS-A/chassis|fex/iom/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # create occurrence single-one-time

Creates a one-time occurrence, and enters single-one-time mode.

Step 6

UCS-A/chassis|fex/iom/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date month day-of-month year hour minute seconds

Specifies the date and time that this occurrence should run.

Step 7

UCS-A/chassis|fex/iom/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set max-duration {none | num-of-days num-of-hours num-of-minutes num-of-seconds}

Specifies the maximum length of time that this task can run. To run the task until it is manually stopped, enter none or omit this step.

Step 8

UCS-A/chassis|fex/iom/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # commit-buffer

Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


The following example shows how to create a fault suppression task called task2 for the IOM on a chassis, set the start date to January 1, 2013 at 11:00, and commit the transaction:

UCS-A# scope chassis 1
UCS-A/chassis # scope iom a
UCS-A/chassis/iom # create fault-suppress-task task2
UCS-A/chassis/iom/fault-suppress-task* # create local-schedule
UCS-A/chassis/iom/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule* # create occurrence single-one-time
UCS-A/chassis/iom/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time* # set date jan 1 2013 11 00 00
UCS-A/chassis/iom/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time* # commit-buffer

The following example shows how to create a fault suppression task called task2 for the IOM on a FEX, set the start date to January 1, 2013 at 11:00, and commit the transaction:

UCS-A# scope fex 1
UCS-A/fex # scope iom a
UCS-A/fex/iom # create fault-suppress-task task2
UCS-A/fex/iom/fault-suppress-task* # create local-schedule
UCS-A/fex/iom/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule* # create occurrence single-one-time
UCS-A/fex/iom/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time* # set date jan 1 2013 11 00 00
UCS-A/fex/iom/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time* # commit-buffer

Configuring Fault Suppression Tasks for an IOM Using a Schedule

The default-iom-maint suppression policy is selected by default.


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope [chassis chassis-num | fex fex-num]

Enters chassis mode for the specified chassis or FEX.

Step 2

UCS-A /chassis|fex # scope iom iom-id

Enters chassis I/O module mode for the selected I/O module.

Step 3

UCS-A/chassis|fex/iom # create fault-suppress-task name

Creates a fault-suppress-task on the IOM, and enters the fault-suppress-task mode.

This name can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special characters other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and you cannot change this name after the object is saved.

Step 4

UCS-A/chassis|fex/iom/fault-suppress-task # set schedule name

Specifies the schedule that you want to use.


The schedule must exist before you can use it in a fault suppression task. For more information about creating schedules, see Creating a Schedule.

Step 5

UCS-A/chassis|fex/iom/fault-suppress-task # commit-buffer

Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


The following example shows how to create a fault suppression task called task1 for the IOM on a chassis, apply the scheduler called weekly_maint to the task, and commit the transaction:

UCS-A# scope chassis 1
UCS-A/chassis # scope iom a
UCS-A/chassis/iom # create fault-suppress-task task1
UCS-A/chassis/iom/fault-suppress-task* # set schedule weekly_maint
UCS-A/chassis/iom/fault-suppress-task* # commit-buffer

The following example shows how to create a fault suppression task called task1 for the IOM on a FEX, apply the scheduler called weekly_maint to the task, and commit the transaction:

UCS-A# scope fex 1
UCS-A/fex # scope iom a
UCS-A/fex/iom # create fault-suppress-task task1
UCS-A/fex/iom/fault-suppress-task* # set schedule weekly_maint
UCS-A/fex/iom/fault-suppress-task* # commit-buffer

Modifying Fault Suppression Tasks for an IOM


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope [chassis chassis-num | fex fex-num]

Enters chassis mode for the specified chassis or FEX.

Step 2

UCS-A /chassis|fex # scope iom iom-id

Enters chassis I/O module mode for the selected I/O module.

Step 3

UCS-A/chassis|fex/iom # scope fault-suppress-task name

Enters fault-suppress-task mode.


To apply a different schedule to the fault suppression task, go to Step 4. To change the fixed time interval of the fault suppression task, go to Step 5.

Step 4

UCS-A/chassis|fex/iom/fault-suppress-task # set schedule name

Applies a different schedule.


If you change from a fixed time interval to a schedule, the fixed time interval is deleted when you commit.

If you change from a schedule to a fixed time interval, the reference to the schedule is cleared when you commit.

Step 5

UCS-A/chassis|fex/iom/fault-suppress-task # scope local-schedule

Enters local-schedule mode.

Step 6

UCS-A/chassis|fex/iom/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # scope occurrence single-one-time

Enters single-one-time mode.

Step 7

UCS-A/chassis|fex/iom/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date month day-of-month year hour minute seconds

Specifies the date and time that this occurrence should run.

Step 8

UCS-A/chassis|fex/iom/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set max-duration {none | num-of-days num-of-hours num-of-minutes num-of-seconds}

Specifies the maximum length of time that this task can run. To run the task until it is manually stopped, enter none or omit this step.

Step 9

UCS-A/chassis|fex/iom/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # commit-buffer

Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


The following example shows how to change the date and the fault suppression policy of the fault suppression task called task2 for an IOM on a chassis:

UCS-A# scope chassis 1
UCS-A/chassis # scope iom a
UCS-A/chassis/iom # scope fault-suppress-task task2
UCS-A/chassis/iom/fault-suppress-task # scope local-schedule
UCS-A/chassis/iom/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # scope occurrence single-one-time
UCS-A/chassis/iom/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date dec 31 2013 11 00 00
UCS-A/chassis/iom/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time* # commit-buffer

The following example shows how to apply a different schedule to the fault suppression task called task1 for an IOM on a FEX:

UCS-A# scope fex 3
UCS-A/fex # scope iom a
UCS-A/fex/iom # scope fault-suppress-task task1
UCS-A/fex/iom/fault-suppress-task # set schedule monthly-maint
UCS-A/fex/iom/fault-suppress-task* # commit-buffer

Viewing Suppressed Faults and Fault Suppression Tasks for an IOM


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope [chassis chassis-num | fex fex-num]

Enters chassis mode for the specified chassis or FEX.

Step 2

UCS-A /chassis|fex # scope iom iom-id

Enters chassis I/O module mode for the selected I/O module.

Step 3

UCS-A/chassis|fex/iom # show fault suppressed

Displays the suppressed faults for the IOM.


Only faults owned by the selected component are displayed.

Step 4

UCS-A/chassis|fex/iom # scope fault-suppress-task name

Enters fault-suppress-task mode.

Step 5

UCS-A/chassis|fex/iom/fault-suppress-task # show detail expand

Displays the schedule or fixed time interval for the task.


The following example shows how to display the suppressed faults for an IOM on a chassis:

UCS-A# scope chassis 1
UCS-A/chassis # scope iom a
UCS-A/chassis/iom # show fault suppressed
Fault Suppress Task:

Name               Status             Global Schedule Suppress Policy Name
------------------ ------------------ --------------- --------------------
task1              Active             test_schedule1  Default Iom Maint

UCS-A/chassis/iom #

The following example shows how to display the fault suppression task called task1 for an IOM on a chassis:

UCS-A# scope chassis 1
UCS-A/chassis # scope iom a
UCS-A/chassis/iom # scope fault-suppress-task task1
UCS-A/chassis/iom/fault-suppress-task # show detail expand
Fault Suppress Task:
    Name: task1
    Status: Active
    Global Schedule: test_schedule1
    Suppress Policy Name: Default Iom Maint

UCS-A/chassis/iom/fault-suppress-task # 

The following example shows how to display the fault suppression task called task1 for an IOM on a FEX:

UCS-A# scope fex 3
UCS-A/fex # scope iom a
UCS-A/fex/iom # scope fault-suppress-task task1
UCS-A/fex/iom/fault-suppress-task # show detail expand
Fault Suppress Task:
    Name: task1
    Status: Active
    Global Schedule: test_schedule1
    Suppress Policy Name: Default Iom Maint

UCS-A/chassis/iom/fault-suppress-task # 

Deleting Fault Suppression Tasks for an IOM


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope [chassis chassis-num | fex fex-num]

Enters chassis mode for the specified chassis or FEX.

Step 2

UCS-A /chassis|fex # scope iom iom-id

Enters chassis I/O module mode for the selected I/O module.

Step 3

UCS-A/chassis|fex/iom # delete fault-suppress-task name

Deletes the specified fault suppression task.

Step 4

UCS-A/chassis|fex/iom # commit-buffer

Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


The following example shows how to delete the fault suppression task called task1 for an IOM on a chassis:

UCS-A# scope chassis 1
UCS-A/chassis # scope iom a
UCS-A/chassis/iom # delete fault-suppress-task task1
UCS-A/chassis/iom* # commit-buffer

The following example shows how to delete the fault suppression task called task1 for an IOM on a FEX:

UCS-A# scope fex 3
UCS-A/fex # scope iom a
UCS-A/fex/iom # delete fault-suppress-task task1
UCS-A/fex/iom* # commit-buffer

Configuring Fault Suppression for a FEX

Configuring Fault Suppression Tasks for a FEX Using a Fixed Time Interval


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope fex fex-num

Enters fex mode for the specified FEX.

Step 2

UCS-A/fex # create fault-suppress-task name

Creates a fault-suppress-task on the fex, and enters the fault-suppress-task mode.

This name can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special characters other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and you cannot change this name after the object is saved.

Step 3

UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task # set fault-suppress-policy policy-name

Specifies the fault suppression policy you want to apply. This can be one of the following:

  • default-fex-all-maint—Suppresses faults for the FEX, all power supplies, fan modules, and IOMs in the FEX.

  • default-fex-phys-maint—Suppresses faults for the FEX, all fan modules and power supplies in the FEX.

  • default-iom-maint—Suppresses faults for IOMs in a chassis or FEX.

Step 4

UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task # create local-schedule

Creates a local schedule and enters local-schedule mode.

Step 5

UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # create occurrence single-one-time

Creates a one-time occurrence, and enters single-one-time mode.

Step 6

UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date month day-of-month year hour minute seconds

Specifies the date and time that this occurrence should run.

Step 7

UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set max-duration {none | num-of-days num-of-hours num-of-minutes num-of-seconds}

Specifies the maximum length of time that this task can run. To run the task until it is manually stopped, enter none or omit this step.

Step 8

UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # commit-buffer

Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


The following example shows how to create a fault suppression task called task2 for the FEX, apply the default-fex-all-maint policy to the task, set the start date to January 1, 2013 at 11:00, and commit the transaction:

UCS-A# scope fex 1
UCS-A/fex # create fault-suppress-task task2
UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task* # set fault-suppress-policy default-fex-all-maint
UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task* # create local-schedule
UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule* # create occurrence single-one-time
UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time* # set date jan 1 2013 11 00 00
UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time* # commit-buffer

Configuring Fault Suppression Tasks for a FEX Using a Schedule


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope fex fex-num

Enters fex mode for the specified FEX.

Step 2

UCS-A/fex # create fault-suppress-task name

Creates a fault-suppress-task on the fex, and enters the fault-suppress-task mode.

This name can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special characters other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and you cannot change this name after the object is saved.

Step 3

UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task # set schedule name

Specifies the schedule that you want to use.


The schedule must exist before you can use it in a fault suppression task. For more information about creating schedules, see Creating a Schedule.

Step 4

UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task # set fault-suppress-policy policy-name

Specifies the fault suppression policy that you want to apply. This can be one of the following:

  • default-fex-all-maint—Suppresses faults for the FEX, all power supplies, fan modules, and IOMs in the FEX.

  • default-fex-phys-maint—Suppresses faults for the FEX, all fan modules and power supplies in the FEX.

  • default-iom-maint—Suppresses faults for IOMs in a chassis or FEX.

Step 5

UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task # commit-buffer

Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


The following example shows how to create a fault suppression task called task1 for the FEX, apply the scheduler called weekly_maint and the default-fex-all-maint policy to the task, and commit the transaction:

UCS-A# scope fex 1
UCS-A/fex # create fault-suppress-task task1
UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task* # set schedule weekly_maint
UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task* # set fault-suppress-policy default-fex-all-maint
UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task* # commit-buffer

Modifying Fault Suppression Tasks for a FEX


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope fex fex-num

Enters fex mode for the specified FEX.

Step 2

UCS-A/fex # scope fault-suppress-task name

Enters fault-suppress-task mode.

Step 3

UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task # set fault-suppress-policy policy-name

Modifies the fault suppression policy. This can be one of the following:

  • default-fex-all-maint—Suppresses faults for the FEX, all power supplies, fan modules, and IOMs in the FEX.

  • default-fex-phys-maint—Suppresses faults for the FEX, all fan modules and power supplies in the FEX.

  • default-iom-maint—Suppresses faults for IOMs in a chassis or FEX.


To apply a different schedule to the fault suppression task, go to Step 4. To change the fixed time interval of the fault suppression task, go to Step 5.

Step 4

UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task # set schedule name

Applies a different schedule.


If you change from a fixed time interval to a schedule, the fixed time interval is deleted when you commit.

If you change from a schedule to a fixed time interval, the reference to the schedule is cleared when you commit.

Step 5

UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task # scope local-schedule

Enters local-schedule mode.

Step 6

UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # scope occurrence single-one-time

Enters single-one-time mode.

Step 7

UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date month day-of-month year hour minute seconds

Specifies the date and time that this occurrence should run.

Step 8

UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set max-duration {none | num-of-days num-of-hours num-of-minutes num-of-seconds}

Specifies the maximum length of time that this task can run. To run the task until it is manually stopped, enter none or omit this step.

Step 9

UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # commit-buffer

Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


The following example shows how to change the date and the fault suppression policy of the fault suppression task called task2:

UCS-A# scope fex 1
UCS-A/fex # scope fault-suppress-task task2
UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task # set fault-suppress-policy default-iom-maint
UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task* # scope local-schedule
UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule* # scope occurrence single-one-time
UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time* # set date dec 31 2013 11 00 00
UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time* # commit-buffer

The following example shows how to apply a different schedule to the fault suppression task called task1:

UCS-A# scope fex 1
UCS-A/fex # scope fault-suppress-task task1
UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task # set schedule monthly-maint
UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task* # commit-buffer

Viewing Suppressed Faults and Fault Suppression Tasks for a FEX


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope fex fex-num

Enters fex mode for the specified FEX.

Step 2

UCS-A/fex # show fault suppressed

Displays the suppressed faults for the FEX.


Only faults owned by the selected component are displayed.

Step 3

UCS-A/fex # scope fault-suppress-task name

Enters fault-suppress-task mode.

Step 4

UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task # show detail expand

Displays the schedule or fixed time interval for the task.


The following example shows how to display the suppressed faults for a FEX:

UCS-A# scope fex 1
UCS-A/fex # show fault suppressed
Fault Suppress Task:

Name               Status             Global Schedule Suppress Policy Name
------------------ ------------------ --------------- --------------------
task1              Active             test_schedule1  Default FEX Phys Maint

UCS-A/fex # 

The following example shows how to display the fault suppression task called task1:

UCS-A# scope fex 1
UCS-A/fex # scope fault-suppress-task task1
UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task # show detail expand
Fault Suppress Task:
    Name: task1
    Status: Active
    Global Schedule: test_schedule1
    Suppress Policy Name: Default FEX Phys Maint

UCS-A/fex/fault-suppress-task # 

Deleting Fault Suppression Tasks for a FEX


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope fex fex-num

Enters fex mode for the specified FEX.

Step 2

UCS-A/fex # delete fault-suppress-task name

Deletes the specified fault suppression task.

Step 3

UCS-A/fex # commit-buffer

Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


The following example shows how to delete the fault suppression task called task1:

UCS-A# scope fex 1
UCS-A/fex # delete fault-suppress-task task1
UCS-A/fex* # commit-buffer

Configuring Fault Suppression for a Server

Configuring Fault Suppression Tasks for a Server Using a Fixed Time Interval

The default-server-maint suppression policy is selected by default.


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope server [chassis-num/server-num | dynamic-uuid]

Enters server mode for the specified server.

Step 2

UCS-A/server # create fault-suppress-task name

Creates a fault-suppress-task on the server, and enters the fault-suppress-task mode.

This name can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special characters other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and you cannot change this name after the object is saved.

Step 3

UCS-A/server/fault-suppress-task # create local-schedule

Creates a local schedule and enters local-schedule mode.

Step 4

UCS-A/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # create occurrence single-one-time

Creates a one-time occurrence, and enters single-one-time mode.

Step 5

UCS-A/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date month day-of-month year hour minute seconds

Specifies the date and time that this occurrence should run.

Step 6

UCS-A/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set max-duration {none | num-of-days num-of-hours num-of-minutes num-of-seconds}

Specifies the maximum length of time that this task can run. To run the task until it is manually stopped, enter none or omit this step.

Step 7

UCS-A/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # commit-buffer

Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


The following example shows how to create a fault suppression task called task2 for the server, set the start date to January 1, 2013 at 11:00, and commit the transaction:

UCS-A# scope server 1/1
UCS-A/server # create fault-suppress-task task2
UCS-A/server/fault-suppress-task* # create local-schedule
UCS-A/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule* # create occurrence single-one-time
UCS-A/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time* # set date jan 1 2013 11 00 00
UCS-A/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time* # commit-buffer

Configuring Fault Suppression Tasks for a Server using a Schedule

The default-server-maint suppression policy is selected by default.


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope server [chassis-num/server-num | dynamic-uuid]

Enters server mode for the specified server.

Step 2

UCS-A/server # create fault-suppress-task name

Creates a fault-suppress-task on the server, and enters the fault-suppress-task mode.

This name can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special characters other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and you cannot change this name after the object is saved.

Step 3

UCS-A/server/fault-suppress-task # set schedule name

Specifies the schedule that you want to use.


The schedule must exist before you can use it in a fault suppression task. For more information about creating schedules, see Creating a Schedule.

Step 4

UCS-A/server/fault-suppress-task # commit-buffer

Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


The following example shows how to creates a fault suppression task called task1 for the server, apply the scheduler called weekly_maint to the task, and commit the transaction:

UCS-A# scope server 1/1
UCS-A/server # create fault-suppress-task task1
UCS-A/server/fault-suppress-task* # set schedule weekly_maint
UCS-A/server/fault-suppress-task* # commit-buffer

Modifying Fault Suppression Tasks for a Server


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope server [chassis-num/server-num | dynamic-uuid]

Enters server mode for the specified server.

Step 2

UCS-A/server # scope fault-suppress-task name

Enters fault-suppress-task mode.


To apply a different schedule to the fault suppression task, go to Step 3. To change the fixed time interval of the fault suppression task, go to Step 4.

Step 3

UCS-A/server/fault-suppress-task # set schedule name

Applies a different schedule.


If you change from a fixed time interval to a schedule, the fixed time interval is deleted when you commit.

If you change from a schedule to a fixed time interval, the reference to the schedule is cleared when you commit.

Step 4

UCS-A/server/fault-suppress-task # scope local-schedule

Enters local-schedule mode.

Step 5

UCS-A/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # scope occurrence single-one-time

Enters single-one-time mode.

Step 6

UCS-A/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date month day-of-month year hour minute seconds

Specifies the date and time that this occurrence should run.

Step 7

UCS-A/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set max-duration {none | num-of-days num-of-hours num-of-minutes num-of-seconds}

Specifies the maximum length of time that this task can run. To run the task until it is manually stopped, enter none or omit this step.

Step 8

UCS-A/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # commit-buffer

Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


The following example shows how to change the date and the fault suppression policy of the fault suppression task called task2:

UCS-A# scope server 1/1
UCS-A/server # scope fault-suppress-task task2
UCS-A/server/fault-suppress-task # scope local-schedule
UCS-A/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # scope occurrence single-one-time
UCS-A/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date dec 31 2013 11 00 00
UCS-A/server/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time* # commit-buffer

The following example shows how to apply a different schedule to the fault suppression task called task1:

UCS-A# scope server 1/1
UCS-A/server # scope fault-suppress-task task1
UCS-A/server/fault-suppress-task # set schedule monthly-maint
UCS-A/server/fault-suppress-task* # commit-buffer

Creating a Schedule


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope system

Enters system mode.

Step 2

UCS-A /system # create scheduler sched-name

Creates a scheduler and enters scheduler mode.

Step 3

UCS-A /system/scheduler # commit-buffer

Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


The following example creates a scheduler called maintenancesched and commits the transaction:

UCS-A# scope system
UCS-A /system # create scheduler maintenancesched
UCS-A /system/scheduler* # commit-buffer
UCS-A /system/scheduler #

What to do next

Create a one time occurrence or recurring occurrence for the schedule.

Viewing Suppressed Faults and Fault Suppression Tasks for a Server


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope server [chassis-num/server-num | dynamic-uuid]

Enters server mode for the specified server.

Step 2

UCS-A/server # show fault suppressed

Displays the suppressed faults for the server.


Only faults owned by the selected component are displayed.

Step 3

UCS-A/server # scope fault-suppress-task name

Enters fault-suppress-task mode.

Step 4

UCS-A/server/fault-suppress-task # show detail expand

Displays the schedule or fixed time interval for the task.


The following example shows how to display the suppressed faults for a server:

UCS-A# scope server 1/1
UCS-A/server # show fault suppressed
Fault Suppress Task:

Name               Status             Global Schedule Suppress Policy Name
------------------ ------------------ --------------- --------------------
task1              Active             test_schedule1  Default Server Maint

UCS-A/server #

The following example shows how to display the fault suppression task called task1:

UCS-A# scope server 1/1
UCS-A/server # scope fault-suppress-task task1
UCS-A/server/fault-suppress-task # show detail expand
Fault Suppress Task:
    Name: task1
    Status: Active
    Global Schedule: test_schedule1
    Suppress Policy Name: Default Server Maint

UCS-A/server/fault-suppress-task # 

Deleting Fault Suppression Tasks for a Server


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope server [chassis-num/server-num | dynamic-uuid]

Enters server mode for the specified server.

Step 2

UCS-A/server # delete fault-suppress-task name

Deletes the specified fault suppression task.

Step 3

UCS-A/server # commit-buffer

Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


The following example shows how to delete the fault suppression task called task1:

UCS-A# scope server 1/1
UCS-A/server # delete fault-suppress-task task1
UCS-A/server* # commit-buffer

Configuring Fault Suppression for a Service Profile

Configuring Fault Suppression Tasks for a Service Profile Using a Fixed Time Interval

The default-server-maint suppression policy is selected by default.


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope org org-name

Enters the organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, enter / as the org-name .

Step 2

UCS-A /org # scope service-profile profile-name

Enters service profile organization mode for the service profile.

Step 3

UCS-A /org/service-profile # create fault-suppress-task name

Creates a fault-suppress-task on the chassis, and enters the fault-suppress-task mode.

This name can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special characters other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and you cannot change this name after the object is saved.

Step 4

UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task # create local-schedule

Creates a local schedule and enters local-schedule mode.

Step 5

UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # create occurrence single-one-time

Creates a one-time occurrence, and enters single-one-time mode.

Step 6

UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date month day-of-month year hour minute seconds

Specifies the date and time that this occurrence should run.

Step 7

UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set max-duration {none | num-of-days num-of-hours num-of-minutes num-of-seconds}

Specifies the maximum length of time that this task can run. To run the task until it is manually stopped, enter none or omit this step.

Step 8

UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # commit-buffer

Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


The following example shows how to create a fault suppression task called task2 under the accounting service profile, set the start date to January 1, 2013 at 11:00, and commit the transaction:

UCS-A# scope org /
UCS-A/org # scope service-profile accounting
UCS-A/org/service-profile # create fault-suppress-task task2
UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task* # create local-schedule
UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule* # create occurrence single-one-time
UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time* # set date jan 1 2013 11 00 00
UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time* # commit-buffer

Configuring Fault Suppression Tasks for a Service Profile Using a Schedule

The default-server-maint suppression policy is selected by default.


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope org org-name

Enters the organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, enter / as the org-name .

Step 2

UCS-A /org # scope service-profile profile-name

Enters service profile organization mode for the service profile.

Step 3

UCS-A /org/service-profile # create fault-suppress-task name

Creates a fault-suppress-task on the chassis, and enters the fault-suppress-task mode.

This name can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special characters other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and you cannot change this name after the object is saved.

Step 4

UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task # set schedule name

Specifies the schedule that you want to use.


The schedule must exist before you can use it in a fault suppression task. For more information about creating schedules, see Creating a Schedule.

Step 5

UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task # commit-buffer

Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


The following example shows how to create a fault suppression task called task1 under the accounting service profile, apply the scheduler called weekly_maint to the task, and commit the transaction:

UCS-A# scope org /
UCS-A/org # scope service-profile accounting
UCS-A/org/service-profile # create fault-suppress-task task1
UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task* # set schedule weekly_maint
UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task* # commit-buffer

Modifying Fault Suppression Tasks for a Service Profile


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope org org-name

Enters the organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, enter / as the org-name .

Step 2

UCS-A /org # scope service-profile profile-name

Enters service profile organization mode for the service profile.

Step 3

UCS-A/org/service-profile # scope fault-suppress-task name

Enters fault-suppress-task mode.


To apply a different schedule to the fault suppression task, go to Step 4. To change the fixed time interval of the fault suppression task, go to Step 5.

Step 4

UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task # set schedule name

Applies a different schedule.


If you change from a fixed time interval to a schedule, the fixed time interval is deleted when you commit.

If you change from a schedule to a fixed time interval, the reference to the schedule is cleared when you commit.

Step 5

UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task # scope local-schedule

Enters local-schedule mode.

Step 6

UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # scope occurrence single-one-time

Enters single-one-time mode.

Step 7

UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date month day-of-month year hour minute seconds

Specifies the date and time that this occurrence should run.

Step 8

UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set max-duration {none | num-of-days num-of-hours num-of-minutes num-of-seconds}

Specifies the maximum length of time that this task can run. To run the task until it is manually stopped, enter none or omit this step.

Step 9

UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # commit-buffer

Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


The following example shows how to change the date and the fault suppression policy of the fault suppression task called task2:

UCS-A# scope org /
UCS-A/org # scope service-profile accounting
UCS-A/org/service-profile # scope fault-suppress-task task2
UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task # scope local-schedule
UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # scope occurrence single-one-time
UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date dec 31 2013 11 00 00
UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time* # commit-buffer

The following example shows how to apply a different schedule to the fault suppression task called task1:

UCS-A# scope org /
UCS-A/org # scope service-profile accounting
UCS-A/org/service-profile # scope fault-suppress-task task1
UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task # set schedule monthly-maint
UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task* # commit-buffer

Viewing Suppressed Faults and Fault Suppression Tasks for a Service Profile


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope org org-name

Enters the organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, enter / as the org-name .

Step 2

UCS-A /org # scope service-profile profile-name

Enters service profile organization mode for the service profile.

Step 3

UCS-A/org/service-profile # show fault suppressed

Displays the suppressed faults for the server.


Only faults owned by the selected component are displayed.

Step 4

UCS-A/org/service-profile # scope fault-suppress-task name

Enters fault-suppress-task mode.

Step 5

UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task # show detail expand

Displays the schedule or fixed time interval for the task.


The following example shows how to display the suppressed faults for a service profile:

UCS-A# scope org /
UCS-A/org # scope service-profile accounting
UCS-A/org/service-profile # show fault suppressed
UCS-A/org/service-profile # 
Fault Suppress Task:

Name               Status             Global Schedule Suppress Policy Name
------------------ ------------------ --------------- --------------------
task1              Active             test_schedule1  Default Server Maint

UCS-A/org/service-profile # 

The following example shows how to display the fault suppression task called task1:

UCS-A# scope org /
UCS-A/org # scope service-profile accounting
UCS-A/org/service-profile # scope fault-suppress-task task1
UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task # show detail expand
Fault Suppress Task:
    Name: task1
    Status: Active
    Global Schedule: test_schedule1
    Suppress Policy Name: Default Server Maint

UCS-A/org/service-profile/fault-suppress-task # 

Deleting Fault Suppression Tasks for a Service Profile


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope org org-name

Enters the organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, enter / as the org-name .

Step 2

UCS-A /org # scope service-profile profile-name

Enters service profile organization mode for the service profile.

Step 3

UCS-A/org/service-profile # delete fault-suppress-task name

Deletes the specified fault suppression task.

Step 4

UCS-A/org/service-profile # commit-buffer

Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


The following example shows how to delete the fault suppression task called task1:

UCS-A# scope org /
UCS-A/org # scope service-profile accounting
UCS-A/org/service-profile # delete fault-suppress-task task1
UCS-A/org/service-profile* # commit-buffer

Configuring Fault Suppression for an Organization

Configuring Fault Suppression Tasks for an Organization Using a Fixed Time Interval

The default-server-maint suppression policy is selected by default.


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope org org-name

Enters the organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, enter / as the org-name .

Step 2

UCS-A/org # create fault-suppress-task name

Creates a fault-suppress-task for the organization, and enters fault-suppress-task mode.

This name can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special characters other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and you cannot change this name after the object is saved.

Step 3

UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task # create local-schedule

Creates a local schedule and enters local-schedule mode.

Step 4

UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # create occurrence single-one-time

Creates a one-time occurrence, and enters single-one-time mode.

Step 5

UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date month day-of-month year hour minute seconds

Specifies the date and time that this occurrence should run.

Step 6

UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set max-duration {none | num-of-days num-of-hours num-of-minutes num-of-seconds}

Specifies the maximum length of time that this task can run. To run the task until it is manually stopped, enter none or omit this step.

Step 7

UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # commit-buffer

Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


The following example shows how to create a fault suppression task called task2 under the Root organization, set the start date to January 1, 2013 at 11:00, and commit the transaction:

UCS-A# scope org /
UCS-A/org # create fault-suppress-task task2
UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task* # create local-schedule
UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule* # create occurrence single-one-time
UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time* # set date jan 1 2013 11 00 00
UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time* # commit-buffer

Configuring Fault Suppression Tasks for an Organization Using a Schedule

The default-server-maint suppression policy is selected by default.


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope org org-name

Enters the organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, enter / as the org-name .

Step 2

UCS-A/org # create fault-suppress-task name

Creates a fault-suppress-task for the organization, and enters the fault-suppress-task mode.

This name can be between 1 and 16 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use spaces or any special characters other than - (hyphen), _ (underscore), : (colon), and . (period), and you cannot change this name after the object is saved.

Step 3

UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task # set schedule name

Specifies the schedule that you want to use.


The schedule must exist before you can use it in a fault suppression task. For more information about creating schedules, see Creating a Schedule.

Step 4

UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task # commit-buffer

Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


The following example shows how to create a fault suppression task called task1 under the Root organization, apply the scheduler called weekly_maint to the task, and commit the transaction:

UCS-A# scope org /
UCS-A/org # create fault-suppress-task task1
UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task* # set schedule weekly_maint
UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task* # commit-buffer

Modifying Fault Suppression Tasks for an Organization


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope org org-name

Enters the organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, enter / as the org-name .

Step 2

UCS-A/org # scope fault-suppress-task name

Enters fault-suppress-task mode.


To apply a different schedule to the fault suppression task, go to Step 3. To change the fixed time interval of the fault suppression task, go to Step 4.

Step 3

UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task # set schedule name

Applies a different schedule.


If you change from a fixed time interval to a schedule, the fixed time interval is deleted when you commit.

If you change from a schedule to a fixed time interval, the reference to the schedule is cleared when you commit.

Step 4

UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task # scope local-schedule

Enters local-schedule mode.

Step 5

UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # scope occurrence single-one-time

Enters single-one-time mode.

Step 6

UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date month day-of-month year hour minute seconds

Specifies the date and time that this occurrence should run.

Step 7

UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set max-duration {none | num-of-days num-of-hours num-of-minutes num-of-seconds}

Specifies the maximum length of time that this task can run. To run the task until it is manually stopped, enter none or omit this step.

Step 8

UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # commit-buffer

Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


The following example shows how to change the date and the fault suppression policy of the fault suppression task called task2:

UCS-A# scope org /
UCS-A/org # scope fault-suppress-task task2
UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task* # scope local-schedule
UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule # scope occurrence single-one-time
UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time # set date dec 31 2013 11 00 00
UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task/local-schedule/single-one-time* # commit-buffer

The following example shows how to apply a different schedule to the fault suppression task called task1:

UCS-A# scope org
UCS-A/org # scope fault-suppress-task task1
UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task # set schedule monthly-maint
UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task* # commit-buffer

Viewing Suppressed Faults and Fault Suppression Tasks for an Organization


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope org org-name

Enters the organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, enter / as the org-name .

Step 2

UCS-A/org # show fault suppressed

Displays the suppressed faults for the organization


Only faults owned by the selected component are displayed.

Step 3

UCS-A/org # scope fault-suppress-task name

Enters fault-suppress-task mode.

Step 4

UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task # show detail expand

Displays the schedule or fixed time interval for the task.


The following example shows how to display the suppressed faults for an organization:

UCS-A# scope org Finance
UCS-A/org # show fault suppressed
UCS-A/org # 
Fault Suppress Task:

Name               Status             Global Schedule Suppress Policy Name
------------------ ------------------ --------------- --------------------
task1              Active             test_schedule1  Default Server Maint

UCS-A/org # 

The following example shows how to display the fault suppression task called task1:

UCS-A# scope org Finance
UCS-A/org # scope fault-suppress-task task1
UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task # show detail expand
Fault Suppress Task:
    Name: task1
    Status: Active
    Global Schedule: test_schedule1
    Suppress Policy Name: Default Server Maint

UCS-A/org/fault-suppress-task # 

Deleting Fault Suppression Tasks for an Organization


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

UCS-A# scope org org-name

Enters the organization mode for the specified organization. To enter the root organization mode, enter / as the org-name .

Step 2

UCS-A/org # delete fault-suppress-task name

Deletes the specified fault suppression task.

Step 3

UCS-A/org # commit-buffer

Commits the transaction to the system configuration.


The following example shows how to delete the fault suppression task called task1:

UCS-A# scope org /
UCS-A/org # delete fault-suppress-task task1
UCS-A/org* # commit-buffer