Log File Exporter

Log File Exporter

Cisco UCS Manager generates log files for each executable. The log files can be up to 20 MB in size, and up to five backups can be stored on the server. The log file exporter allows you to export the log files to a remote server before they are deleted. The log file names contain the following information:

  • The name of the process

  • Timestamp

  • The name and ID of the fabric interconnect


If you do not enable log exporting, the oldest log files are deleted whenever the maximum backup file limit is reached.

Guidelines and Limitations

  • We recommend that you use tftp or password-less scp or sftp for log export. When standard scp or sftp is used, the user password is stored in the configuration file in encrypted format.

  • On a HA setup, the log files from each side are exported separately. If one side fails to export logs, the other side does not compensate.

Exporting Log Files to a Remote Server


  Command or Action Purpose

Step 1

UCS-A# scope monitoring

Enters monitoring mode.

Step 2

UCS-A /monitoring # scope sysdebug

Enters monitoring system debug mode.

Step 3

UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug # scope log-export-policy

Enters log file export mode.

Step 4

UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy # set admin-state {disabled | enabled}

Whether log file exporting is enabled.

Step 5

(Optional) UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy # set desc description


Provides a description for the log export policy

Step 6

UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy # set hostname hostname

Specifies the hostname of the remote server.

Step 7

UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy # set passwd

After you press Enter, you are prompted to enter the password.

Specifies the password for the remote server username. This step does not apply if the TFTP protocol is used.

Step 8

UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy # set passwordless-ssh {no | yes}

Enables SSH login without a password.

Step 9

UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy # set proto {scp | ftp | sftp | tftp}

Specifies the protocol to use when communicating with the remote server.

Step 10

UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy # set path path

Specifies the path on the remote server where the log file is to be saved.

Step 11

UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy # set user username

Specifies the username the system should use to log in to the remote server. This step does not apply if the TFTP protocol is used.

Step 12

UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy # commit-buffer

Commits the transaction.


The following example shows how to enable the log file exporter, specify the remote server hostname, set the protocol to scp, enable passwordless login, and commit the transaction.

UCS-A# scope monitoring
UCS-A /monitoring # scope sysdebug
UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug # scope log-export-policy
UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy # set admin-state enable
UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy* # set hostname
UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy* # set path /
UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy* # set user testuser
UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy* # set proto scp
UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy* # set passwd
UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy* # set passwordless-ssh yes
UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy* # commit-buffer
UCS-A /monitoring/sysdebug/log-export-policy #