- Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 5100 MCU Access Levels
- Conference List Window
- Viewing Existing Meetings
- Monitoring a Specific Meeting
- Creating a New Meeting
- Conference Control Interface
- Refreshing the Conference Control Interface
- Controlling Conference Settings
- How to Configure Participant Settings
- Muting and Unmuting All Participants Audio Connections
- Muting and Unmuting Individual Participants Audio Connections
- Reconnecting Participants
- Blocking Conference Admission
- Deleting Conference Participants
- Changing the Volume
- Changing Participant Views
- Configuring Sub-conferences
- Blocking the Video Stream
- Changing a Participant Name
- Viewing Participant Call Information
- Configuring Outgoing Bandwidth Settings
- Viewing Conference Statistics
- How to Use Advanced Invitation Settings
- About Cascading Conferences
- Defining Conference Views
- Terminating Conferences
- Signing Out of a Conference
Using the Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 5100 MCU
This section describes how to create, join and manage video conferences on the MCU.
•Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 5100 MCU Access Levels
•Monitoring a Specific Meeting
•Refreshing the Conference Control Interface
•Controlling Conference Settings
•How to Configure Participant Settings
•Viewing Conference Statistics
•How to Use Advanced Invitation Settings
Cisco Unified Videoconferencing 5100 MCU Access Levels
There are four access levels by which you can interact with the MCU user interfaces:
Table 2-1 describes each access level.
Conference List Window
All users can access the Conference List window where they can join an existing conference or create a new conference. Administrator or Operator-level users can use the Conference List window to select conferences to monitor and control from the list of conferences currently running, or create a new conference.
The number of currently-running conferences appears in the Number of Conferences field. The Conference List window displays information about each conference in a table format with the following columns:
•Conference ID—Conference ID number. Each ID number is a hyperlink that you can select to display the Conference Control interface for that conference.
•Description—Description of the conference entered by the user who created it.
•Participants—The number of participants currently attending the conference.
•Media Types—Icons indicate the type of media supported by the conference: voice, video and data.
•Encryption—Indicates the level of encryption currently in use for the conference: best effort or strong encryption required.
•Actions—Indicates the actions that can be taken.
Viewing Existing Meetings
Step 1 Launch your browser and enter the IP address of the MCU.
The MCU login window appears.
Step 2 Enter your name and password.
Step 3 Select Go.
Step 4 Select Manage Conferences.
The list of current meetings appears in the Conference List window.
Monitoring a Specific Meeting
Step 1 Launch your browser and enter the IP address of the MCU.
The MCU login window appears.
Step 2 Select the Create link.
Step 3 Enter the ID and PIN (if necessary) for the meeting you require.
Step 4 Select Go.
Step 5 Select the meeting you require from the Conference List window.
Creating a New Meeting
Step 1 Launch your browser and enter the IP address of the MCU.
The MCU login window appears.
Step 2 Select the Create link.
Step 3 Select Create Conference.
Step 4 Select a service prefix from the list.
Step 5 Enter an ID number for this meeting in the Unique Number field.
Note You cannot use an existing meeting number.
Step 6 (Optional) Enter a PIN for accessing the meeting in the Conference Password field.
Step 7 (Optional) Enter a PIN for moderating the meeting in the Moderator Password field.
Note You can also configure a default moderator PIN for a service profile in the Administrator interface.
Step 8 (Optional) Enter a description of the meeting in the Conference Description field.
Step 9 (Optional) Select Advanced to configure additional settings for the meeting such as conference duration, time-out and dialing policy settings.
Step 10 Select Create to launch your meeting.
Conference Control Interface
From the MCU Conference Control interface, you can:
•View active conferences hosted on the MCU or on cascaded MCUs.
•View conference participant details.
•Create conferences.
•Control conference connections.
•Monitor and manage conference behavior.
While all users can use the Conference Control interface, access to conference management features is controlled by authorization access levels: Administrator, Operator, Moderator and User.
Note The Conference Control interface is best viewed in full screen mode (1024 x 768 fps).
Note You can view multiple Conference Control interface browser windows at the same time to monitor different conferences. We recommend, however, that you close windows you are not currently viewing to avoid confusion and carrying out operations in the wrong conference.
Figure 2-1 shows the Conference Control interface.
Figure 2-2 to Figure 2-5 show the elements of the Conference Control interface in more detail.
Table 2-1 lists these elements in numerical order of the labels in Figure 2-2 to Figure 2-5.
Figure 2-1 Conference Control Interface Elements
Figure 2-2 Conference Control Status Bar
Figure 2-3 Conference Control Toolbar
Figure 2-4 Conference Control Participant List Tab
Figure 2-5 Conference Control Conference View
Refreshing the Conference Control Interface
By default, the Conference Control interface refreshes itself every 2 seconds to provide updated information. To refresh information instantly, select the tab in the interface that you are viewing. You can configure the refresh interval by using the Conference control Web refresh interval advanced command.
Note Do not select Refresh in your web browser. This closes the Conference Control interface and returns you to the access window.
For Microsoft Windows systems, if you have enabled the Start Navigation sound, and a continuous selecting sound is heard when the Conference Control interface automatically refreshes, disable this setting in the Sounds and Multimedia section of the Control Panel.
Controlling Conference Settings
With Moderator-level access, for conferences already in progress, you can control conference activity and initiate events such as inviting participants. When you are a Moderator, you can edit participant connections, create new conferences, and audio sub-conferences, and change video layout and the position of participant images. You can block conference admission, block audio and video streams, and terminate the conference. You can split the existing conference and transfer some participants to the new conference. Moderator-level access also provides additional viewing and configuration options in the Conference Control interface.
The following sections describe the tasks that users with appropriate access levels can perform to control conference activities in the Conference Control interface:
•Becoming a Moderator and Stopping Moderation
•Creating Conferences from the Conference Control Interface
Becoming a Moderator and Stopping Moderation
Moderator access can be PIN-protected. Administrators and Operators can jointly be moderators simultaneously.
Step 1 In the Conference Control interface, select Become Moderator (12 in Figure 2-3) to take control of that conference.
Step 2 A dialog box requesting a PIN might appear if Moderator access is PIN-protected. Enter the PIN.
Step 3 To release control of the conference, select Stop Moderation.
Creating Conferences from the Conference Control Interface
Moderators, Operators, and Administrators can create a new conference from the Conference Control interface.
Step 1 In the Conference Control interface, select Create Conference (8 in Figure 2-3).
Step 2 Follow the steps in the "Creating a New Meeting" section.
How to Configure Participant Settings
•Muting and Unmuting All Participants Audio Connections
•Muting and Unmuting Individual Participants Audio Connections
•Blocking Conference Admission
•Deleting Conference Participants
•Viewing Participant Call Information
•Configuring Outgoing Bandwidth Settings
Muting and Unmuting All Participants Audio Connections
In the Participant List tab, users with moderator-level access can mute or enable the audio connection to the conference of all participants in the conference.
Step 1 Access the Conference Control interface.
Step 2 On the control bar, select Mute/Unmute (16 in Figure 2-4) to mute all participants or enable the audio connection for all participants.
Users with moderator-level access can also mute or enable the audio connection of an individual participant in a conference.
Muting and Unmuting Individual Participants Audio Connections
Users with moderator-level access can also mute or enable the audio connection of an individual participant in a conference.
Step 1 Access the Conference Control interface.
Step 2 In the Participants List section, select a participant.
Step 3 Right select and select Mute mic from the pop-up (35 in Figure 2-4).
Step 4 Select the microphone icon (32 in Figure 2-4) in the Participant List row.
Reconnecting Participants
If participants are disconnected from a conference, users with moderator-level access can reconnect them in the Participant List tab.
Note When the Enable auto-reconnect option is configured in the conference service, then the MCU automatically calls disconnected terminals to attempt a reconnection.
Step 1 Access the Participant List tab.
Step 2 Select Disconnect (21 in Figure 2-4) icon to attempt a reconnection.
Blocking Conference Admission
Users with moderator-level access can block the admission of additional participants in a conference in the Conference Control interface.
Step 1 Access the control bar.
Step 2 Select Conference Admission (11 in Figure 2-3).
No further participants can join the conference. To readmit participants, select Conference Admission again.
Deleting Conference Participants
In the Participant List tab, users with moderator-level access can remove participants from conferences.
Step 1 In the Participants List section, select the participant you want to remove.
Step 2 On the control bar, select Delete Participant (21 in Figure 2-4).
Step 3 In the Participants List section, select a participant.
Step 4 Right select and select View participant info from the pop-up (35 in Figure 2-4).
Changing the Volume
In the Conference Control interface, users with moderator-level access can control the volume of participating endpoints (manual gain control) in a conference. For a regular conference, your setting only affects the location that is connected to a specific MCU port. In a cascaded conference, changing this setting affects all remote participants on other MCU. Once you change this setting, the new setting remains in effect until that endpoint leaves the MCU.
Step 1 In the Participant List tab, select the participant whose volume you want to change.
Step 2 Right select and select Change volume from the pop-up (35 in Figure 2-4).
The gain control scroll bar dialog box appears, with a gain span of -5 to +5.
Step 3 Drag the scroll bar to the right to increase the gain; drag the slide bar to the left to decrease the gain.
Step 4 Close the gain control slide bar dialog box.
Changing Participant Views
In the Participant List tab, if a conference supports multiple views, users with moderator-level access can change the conference view layout for an individual conference participant or all conference participants while the conference is in progress.
Note Multiple view are not available to high definition participants. High definition participants can only see the main participant layout.
Step 1 If you wish to change the conference view for specific conference participants only, select those participant(s) in the Participant List table.
Step 2 Select Change Participants View (17 in Figure 2-4).
Step 3 Select Selected Participants to change the conference view layout for the conference participants you selected in 1
Select All to change the conference view layout for all conference participants.
Step 4 Select OK.
Configuring Sub-conferences
In the Participant List tab, users with moderator-level access can create a sub-conference within a conference. The MCU supports audio sub-conferences to which the Moderator can divert selected participants in the existing conference to a private audio sub-conference session. The connection to the main conference remains active.
Note The MCU can support up to three sub-conferences per conference according to the service configuration.
The MCU hides sub-conference session participants from the other participants in the video layout. They can return to the conference at any time and reoccupy any previously held positions in the main conference video display. While in a sub-conference, participants can continue viewing and hearing the main conference.
Note This option is available only when a conference is configured to support sub-conferences
Step 1 Select the required participant in the Participant List tab.
Step 2 Select Move participants to sub-conference (22 in Figure 2-4).
The Select sub-conference dialog box appears.
Step 3 From the list, select the required sub-conference.
Step 4 Select OK.
A new Sub-conf column appears in the Participant List with a list of all available sub-conferences for that participant.
Step 5 In the Sub-conf column, select a sub-conference for that participant.
Step 6 To return the participant to the main conference, in the Sub-conf list, select Main.
When all participants return to the main conference and none remain in the sub-conference, the Sub-conf column disappears from the Participant List.
Blocking the Video Stream
In the Participant List tab, users with moderator-level access can block the video stream sent by a participant to a conference. For example, a participant video connection might affect conference processing and degrade performance. You can block the participant's video until problems at the participant's endpoint are resolved.
Step 1 In the Participant List tab, select the participant that you want to block.
Step 2 Right select and select Block camera from the pop-up (35 in Figure 2-4)
Select Video Image (29 in Figure 2-4).
Changing a Participant Name
In the Participant List tab, users with moderator-level access can change the name of conference participants.
Step 1 In the Participant List tab, select the participant whose name you want to change.
Step 2 Right select and select Change Name from the pop-up (35 in Figure 2-4).
Step 3 Enter the new name in the Change name field.
Step 4 Select OK.
Viewing Participant Call Information
Users with moderator-level access can view a comprehensive set of participant call statistical information.
Step 1 Select the required participant in the Participant List tab.
Step 2 Right select and select View participant info from the pop-up (35 in Figure 2-4).
Step 3 Select the information icon in the Participants List section for the selected participant.
The Call Information dialog box for the specified participant appears.
Table 2-3 lists the statistics displayed.
Configuring Outgoing Bandwidth Settings
Users with moderator-level access can configure the bandwidth rate at which they invite other participants to the conference.
Step 1 In the Participant List tab
a. Enter the alias or number of the participant being invited in the Invite field (18 in Figure 2-4).
b. Select the required bandwidth in the Rate(Kbps) field (25 in Figure 2-4).
c. Select Invite (23 in Figure 2-4).
Step 2 In the Advanced Invitation tab
a. Enter the alias or number of the participant being invited in the Invite field.
b. Select the required bandwidth in the Kbps field.
c. Select Invite.
Viewing Conference Statistics
Users with moderator-level access, can view a comprehensive set of statistical information in the Statistics tab. Statistics frequently update automatically and enable you to monitor conference performance.
Step 1 In the Participants List section, select Statistics (23 in Figure 2-4) to view conference statistics.
Step 2 Select Update to refresh the information displayed.
How to Use Advanced Invitation Settings
The following sections describe the tasks that users with appropriate access level can perform in the Advanced Invitation tab:
•Using Quick Invites to Invite Conference Participants
•Inviting Participants Using Advanced Settings
Using Quick Invites to Invite Conference Participants
In the Participant List tab of the Conference Control interface, all users can use the quick invite feature to send an invitation to participate in a conference.
Step 1 In the Invite # field, enter the participant number you want to invite. You can invite multiple participants by separating them with the invite sign (**).
Step 2 (Optional) You can select a bandwidth rate lower than the current conference rate at which the invited participant joins the conference. You can thus invite individual participants with lower connection capabilities.
Select a new bandwidth rate in the Rate(kbps) field.
Step 3 Select Invite (26 in Figure 2-4).
Inviting Participants Using Advanced Settings
All users can invite multiple participants into a conference at the same time in the Advanced Invitation tab of the Conference Control interface. As each invite field can accommodate multiple participant numbers with separators, you can use this tab to invite a large number of participants at the same time. All users can also select a lower bandwidth rate with which to connect individual participants.
In the Advanced Invitation tab, all users can also drag and drop participant images into preferred positions in the layout of each conference view that the conference supports. All users can also set the layout which invited participants see when joining a conference.
Step 1 Select Advanced Invitation (24 in Figure 2-4) in the Conference Control interface.
Step 2 Enter the participant contact numbers in the first Invite # field.
You can enter multiple numbers separated by the invite sign (**).
Step 3 Enter the name you want to appear when the participant enters the conference in the Display Name field.
Step 4 Select the bit rate in the Kbps field that the MCU uses when inviting a participant to a conference.
Select default for optimal bit rate performance.
Step 5 Select a cascaded MCU conference in the MCU field to which invited participants connect.
Note This step is only for cascaded conferences.
Step 6 (Optional) To configure advanced features, follow these additional steps;
Additional control features appear in the Advanced Invitation tab (24 in Figure 2-4).
•Select Change (42 in Figure 2-5) in the Conference View section.
A dialog box appears displaying a list of the current layouts available in the current conference.
•Drag and drop the Voice activated frame button (41 in Figure 2-5) into the preferred position in the Layout display frame that appears in the Conference View section.
Note You can set a position for the participant image in all layouts that the conference currently supports.
•At the end of each participant row, choose from the list the number of the conference video layout you want to display to the participant upon entry into the conference.
Step 7 Repeat 1 to 6 for each Invite # field until you configure all required the participant invites.
Step 8 Select Invite (26 in Figure 2-4) to send the invitations.
About Cascading Conferences
Users with moderator-level access can increase MCU call capacity by cascading MCU. This option supports the bridging of several separate conferences to create very large conferences through IP connections (H.323 and SIP) and also through ISDN/PSTN connections (H.320) when operating in conjunction with a gateway.
In the Conference Control interface, cascading a conference works the same way as inviting a single participant into an existing conference. Once you create a cascaded conference, you can use the MCU to set the conference to which invited participants are connected, providing precision control of resources. In a cascaded conference, you can view participants in a tree view that displays each participant according to the conference to which each is connected.
Note If a failure occurs in a cascaded conference, local MCU users can see this status in the Create Conference window or Conference Control interface. This status, however, only appears if it was the local MCU that was lost. If the slave MCU is lost, then the user of the master MCU can view which participants are without audio/video in the Participant List tab. If the master MCU is lost, then slave MCUs do not receive any indication that there has been a failure.
•Creating a Cascaded Conference
•Inviting Participants to a Cascaded Conference
•Viewing Participants in a Cascaded Conference
Creating a Cascaded Conference
Step 1 Access the Participant List tab.
Step 2 Invite another conference on the host MCU or on another MCU by typing the number in the Invite # field and selecting Dial.
The invited conference and connected participants appear in the host conference participant list in the Participant List tab.
Inviting Participants to a Cascaded Conference
All users can invite participants to a cascaded conference in the Advanced Invitation tab of the Conference Control interface.
Step 1 Select Advanced Invitation (24 in Figure 2-4) in the Conference Control interface.
Step 2 In the MCU column, select the conference to which the invited participant connects upon acceptance of the conference invite.
Viewing Participants in a Cascaded Conference
In the Conference Control interface, you can view participants in a cascaded conference in a hierarchical display in one of the following two ways:
•Normal View—All conference participants appear in a single list. Cascaded participants appear without any indication of the cascaded MCU connection.
•Tree View—Conference participants appear in an expandable tree view showing cascaded MCU connections to the conference. Select the plus sign (+) next to the name of the cascaded MCU to expand the tree showing cascaded conference participant details.
Step 1 Access the Participant List tab.
Step 2 Select Normal View (19 in Figure 2-4) to display cascaded conference participants in a single list (20 in Figure 2-4) to display conference participants in a tree view.
Defining Conference Views
The following sections describe the tasks that users with appropriate access level can perform in the Conference View section:
•Enabling or Disabling Dynamic Layouts
•Changing the Main Conference Layout
•Changing a Personal Conference Layout
•Displaying Participant Names in Frames
•Enabling or Disabling Auto-Switch Mode
Enabling or Disabling Dynamic Layouts
Users with moderator-level access can enable or disable dynamic layouts for a conference. A dynamic layout seamlessly switches the conference video image between a wide range of layouts to correspond with the number of participants in attendance at any given time during the conference. The video image switches to a layout with frames equal to the number of participant images, to a maximum of 16. The layout changes accordingly as participants join or leave a conference.
A dynamic layout conserves bandwidth, eliminates the display of empty frames in the video image, and makes optimum use of the video image for displaying participant images. This type of layout switching is suitable for a conference with a high rate of participant traffic joining and leaving the conference or an adaptive service used for a variety of conference sizes.
Step 1 Access the Conference View section of the Participant List tab.
Step 2 Select Change (42 in Figure 2-5).
A pop-up appears, displaying a list of currently available layouts for the current conference.
Step 3 Select Dynamic Layout to enable (if not selected) or disable (if already selected) dynamic layout for this conference.
Changing the Main Conference Layout
In the Conference View section, users with moderator-level access can change the main layout for the current conference.
Step 1 In the Conference View section of the Participant List tab, select Change (42 in Figure 2-5).
A pop-up appears, displaying a list of currently available layouts for the current conference.
Step 2 Select the layout of your choice.
The conference adjusts to the new selection.
Changing a Personal Conference Layout
In the Conference View section, users with can change their own personalized layout for the current conference.
Step 1 Select the required participant in the Participant List tab.
Step 2 Select Location in View (22 in Figure 2-4).
Step 3 Select Personal layout and select the required video display from the listed options.
Displaying Participant Names in Frames
In the Conference View section, users with moderator-level access can optionally display the name of endpoints or participants in specific positions of the video layout frame.
Note This feature is visible when you configure text overlay in the service.
Step 1 Access the Conference View section of the Participant List tab.
Step 2 Select Display participant names in frame (39 in Figure 2-5).
Enabling or Disabling Auto-Switch Mode
In the Conference View section, users with moderator-level access can enable the auto-switch mode for a conference. The auto-switch mode displays all the participants of a large conference in Continuous Presence (CP) mode display in the video layout on a rotating basis. Participant images can be replaced at preset intervals.
Step 1 Access the Conference View section of the Participant List tab.
Step 2 Select Auto-switch (40 in Figure 2-5) to enable (if not already selected) or disable (if already selected) auto-switch mode.
Terminating Conferences
You can disconnect an inactive or unused conference in the Create Conference window.
Step 1 Access the Create Conference window.
Step 2 Select Terminate Conference next to the conference name to end the conference.
Signing Out of a Conference
When you finish configuring or viewing details of the current conference, you can sign out.
Step 1 Access the control toolbar.
Step 2 Select Sign out (14 in Figure 2-3).