A - B - C - D - E - F - I - L - M - O - P - R - S - T - U - V -



adding DNS server 25


backing up module configuration settings 17


checking Cisco IOS release 6

Cisco IOS command

service-module integrated-service-engine 93

show controller integrated-service-engine 95

show interfaces integrated-service-engine 100

Cisco IOS commands 47

Cisco IOS software 2

Cisco ISR 2

CLI environment

entering 7

exiting 8

closing a module session 12


description (storages iscsi) 49

event poll-interval 51, 61

format storages 53

format storages iscsi 55

format storages local 57

login (storages iscsi) 59

service-module 8

session 8

show storages all filesystem 62

show storages iscsi configuration 65

show storages iscsi filesystem 64

show storages iscsi parameter 67

show storages iscsi status 69

show storages nfs configuration 72

show storages nfs filesystem 73

show storages nfs status 74

show video-surveillance 76

state (storages iscsi ) 78

state (storages nfs) 80

storages nfs 81

switch-on-fail (storages nfs) 82

target-ip (storages iscsi) 84

target-ip (storages nfs) 86

telnet 7

timeout-node-session (storages iscsi) 88

video-surveillance task 90

configuration mode, definition 7

configuration tasks, configuring module interface 10

configuring module interface 10


description (storages iscsi) command 49

diagnostic commands 20

disk partition SNMP threshold 24

DNS server

adding 25

cache policy 25


entering CLI environment 7

event poll-interval command 51

exiting CLI environment 8


format storages command 53

format storages iscsi command 55

format storages local command 57

free swap space SNMP threshold 24


idle CPU SNMP threshold 24

IOS command. See Cisco IOS command.


Linux-based application 2

location of module in router 6

logging commands 20

login (storages iscsi) command 59


modes, user EXEC, privileged EXEC, and configuration 7

module location in router 6


opening a module session 12


privileged EXEC mode, definition 7


restoring module configuration settings 17


service-module command 8

service-module integrated-service-engine Cisco IOS command 93

session command 8

show controller integrated-service-engine Cisco IOS command 95

show event poll-interval command 61

show interfaces integrated-service-engine Cisco IOS command 100

show storages all filesystem command 62

show storages iscsi configuration command 65

show storages iscsi filesystem command 64

show storages iscsi parameter command 67

show storages iscsi status command 69

show storages nfs configuration command 72

show storages nfs filesystem command 73

show storages nfs status command 74

show video-surveillance command 76

shutting down the network module 16


disk partition threshold 24

free swap space threshold 24

idle CPU threshold 24

starting up the network module 16

state (storages iscsi) command 78

state (storages nfs) command 80

storage 65

storages nfs command 81

switch-on-fail (storages nfs) command 82

syslog 21


target-ip (storages iscsi) command 84

target-ip (storages nfs) command 86

telnet command 7

Telnet session 7

timeout-node-session (storages iscsi) command 88

trace logs 21


user EXEC mode, definition 7


verifying system status 18

video-surveillance task command 90