Events and Notifications

Revised: April 4, 2012




We prepared this material with specific expectations of you.

  • You monitor events for components of Cisco DMS..



DMS-Admin supports email (SMTP) natively.

In addition, you can purchase and install a license key to activate our SNMP Notifications Module . After you activate this module, you can start to use:

• A network management MIB file called .

• The agent capabilities file that describes which MIB objects we support in this release.

In this framework, you can define alarms that associate system events with methods to deliver notification messages.

Timesaver The Alerts gauge at Administration > Dashboard shows the total count of notification messages delivered in the past 1 hour. Click View Alerts to jump directly to the Alerts page.


  • SNMP features in this release are read-only.

Your NMS can use SNMP to submit queries to DMS-Admin but cannot use SNMP to edit the configuration of any Cisco DMS component.

You cannot edit the (default) community string of your DMM appliance.

• SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c are not secure protocols. You cannot use a firewall to secure SNMP traffic.

• In this release, the SNMP Notification Module does not support:

The SNMPv3 protocol.

Any monitoring of Cisco Digital Media Encoders (DMEs).

Understand SNMP Concepts

Your fully licensed and equipped DMS-Admin software can use SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c to:

• Respond to Cisco DMS MIB schema-compliant queries from your NMS.

• Send notification messages automatically to your NMS whenever predefined system event types occur.

Understand MIB and NMS Concepts

Any dedicated NMS that supports SNMP can load into its MIB browser. CiscoWorks is one example. Your NMS can then send SNMP queries to DMS-Admin and represent its responses correctly to monitor objects from our MIB schema.

• Cisco DMS server appliances.

• Cisco DMPs — in the sense that, when your DMPs report their events to your DMM appliance, it forwards the appropriate SNMP alerts .

• Cisco Digital Media Manager software.

• Cisco Show and Share software.


Our MIB schema models three object groups.

Object Group

DMS Systems Group

Models all distributed component parts of this Cisco DMS installation as a single, abstract system.

DMS Features Group

Categorizes licensed and unlicensed features.

DMS Inventory Group

Lists the devices that constitute your Cisco DMS installation and describes their operational status.

Understand IP Address Conflict Events

An address conflict occurs when a DHCP server assigns to one registered DMP the exact dynamic IP address that some other registered DMP used previously.

When the DMP that previously used the address is no longer in active use, you should delete the record of it in Digital Signs .

When the DMP that previously used the address is one that should remain active, confirm that it is still running and still connected to the network, then restart it and confirm that its DHCP server does not assign IP addresses with expiration dates.

Global Event Categories

Notification Messages

All Internal Events

List all signals exchanged between and among the internal components of Cisco DMS.

Note Most users attribute little or no significance to these events.

All Notifiable Events

List all.

Deployment Failures

Messages list recently failed deployments of content for all components of Cisco DMS.

Deployment Successes

Messages list recently failed deployments of content for all components of Cisco DMS.

DMP Event Categories

Notification Messages


List all registered but unreachable DMPs.


List all registered DMPs that restarted recently.

IP Conflicts

List all registered DMPs with IP address conflicts.

IP Registrations

List all newly registered DMPs.

Show and Share Event Categories

Notification Messages

Show and Share Outages

List registered but unreachable Show and Share appliances.

Show and Share Restarts

List registered Show and Share appliances that restarted recently.

Show and Share Content Publishing Failures

List recently failed deployments of content for use on Show and Share .

Show and Share Content Publishing Successes

List recently successful deployments of content for use on Show and Share .

Failover Cluster Event Categories

Notification Messages

Cluster Node Outages

List instances when either node in any failover pair is not responsive.

Cluster Node Activations

List instances when either node in any failover pair becomes responsive.

WAAS Event Categories

Notification Messages

WAAS Connections

Lists instances when DMM established a connection to a WAAS share.

WAAS Disconnections

Lists instances when DMM lost its connection to a WAAS share.

WAAS Low Disk Space

Lists instances when the WAAS share was low on disk space.

Understand Notification Methods


Activates automatic delivery of email notification messages for all corresponding event types.


Activates automatic delivery of SNMPv2c notification messages to your NMS for all corresponding event types.


Activates automatic delivery of notification messages to your Syslog collector.


All of the above.


Enable or Disable Email

Enable or Disable Email

You can enable or disable the email service (SMTP) on your DMM appliance. When this service is enabled, DMS-Admin can send email notifications automatically to you or other interested parties whenever system events of predefined types occur.

Before You Begin

• To see and use the Settings tab, you must be logged in as an administrator.


Step 1 Choose Settings > External Servers > SMTP .

Step 2 Enter the required values to start or stop email service on your DMM appliance.

You must enter these values or you cannot send notification messages:


Server Status

Click the radio button to enable or disable the email service.


The routable IP address or DNS-resolvable hostname.


The number to identify which TCP port is reserved for SMTP traffic.

Step 3 Click Save .

Step 4 Stop. You have completed this procedure.


Configure SNMP Server Settings for Your DMM Appliance

Cisco DMS can convey its notifications to an external SNMP server.


Step 1 Choose Settings > SNMP .

Step 2 Click the Server Status radio button to enable or disable SNMP monitoring.

Step 3 Enter in the Host field the routable IP address or DNS-resolvable hostname of your NMS.

Step 4 Enter in the Port field the numeric UDP port assignment reserved for SNMP traffic.

Step 5 Apply the community string.

Step 6 Enter in the Community String field the password to identify that community.

Tip The default Community String value is public.

Step 7 Click Save .

Step 8 Stop. You have completed this procedure.


Populate the MIB Browser in Your NMS


Step 1 Log in to your account on .

Step 2 Navigate to .

Timesaver Alternatively, go to

Step 3 Download these files:

Step 4 Load both files into your network management system (NMS).

Tip Manufacturer documentation for your NMS should tell you how to do this.

Step 5 When your NMS prompts you to enter the SNMP port number for your DMM appliance, use the port number 161 .

Step 6 Stop. You have completed this procedure.


Configure Alert Reports and Notification Settings

Define Alert Report Parameters

Define Notification Rules

Define Alert Report Parameters


Step 1 Click the Alerts tab.

Step 2 Click Alert Reports , .

Step 3 Click the radio button to choose a monitoring mode.

    • In Live Monitor Mode , we refresh displayed values in something close to real time.
    • In Snapshot Mode , we do not refresh displayed values.

Step 4 Choose the range of dates.

Step 5 Choose a n event type from the Type list, and then click Apply .

Step 6 Click Save .

Step 7 Stop. You have completed this procedure.


Define Notification Rules

Before You Begin

• Before you can deliver notification messages to any email recipent, you must configure SMTP and enable notification operations for it.

  • Before you can deliver notification messages to any NMS, you must purchase and install a license key that activates the SNMP Notification Module. Then, you must configure SNMP and enable both notification operations and query operations for it.
  • Before you can deliver notification messages to any Syslog collector, you must configure Syslog and enable notification operations for it.


Step 1 Choose Alerts > Notification Rules .

Step 2 Check the check boxes to turn On one or more notification methods for each listed event type.


Uncheck every check box for an event type to stop its delivery of notication messages through any medium or channel.

Step 3 ( Optional ) Did you check Email?

If so, you activated the Recipent field, which is now editable. Enter the email address that should receive notification messages.

Note Enter only one email address in this field. It rejects any entry that contains multiple email addresses (CSCts96411).

Tip You can enter a unique recipient address for each notification rule.

Step 4 Click Save .

Step 5 Stop. You have completed this procedure.



FAQs and Troubleshooting

FAQs and Troubleshooting



Q. What might interfere with the delivery of configured email notifications for events that the Alert Browser shows?

Explanation This might happen when DMM cannot connect to your SMTP server — due to either a misconfiguration or a service outage (SMTP error 421). To determine the cause, get copies of your DMM system logs from AAI and inspect /var/log/dms/EmsService.log file.

Recommended Action Make sure the SMTP server configuration is correct in DMS-Admin. If the configuration is correct, test with a different mail server.


Q. Which SNMP versions does the MIB support?

SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 .

Note This release does not support SNMPv3.

Q. If multiple DMPs become unreachable at the same time, will I receive separate SNMP notifications for each?

Maybe. This can occur when you configure DMS-Admin to send SNMP notifications for unreachable DMPs.

Note This release does not support notification throttling.

Q. Where can I download the MIB and its agent capabilities file?

Log in to your account and go to . Alternatively, go to .

Q. Which object groups does the MIB support?

This release supports:

  • cdmsSystem
  • cdmsFeatures
  • cdmsInventory

To understand these object groups, see the agent capabilities file.

Q. Can I configure the community for my...

  • ... SNMP agent to accept ‘get’ requests?

Yes, from the public community.

  • ... SNMP agent to accept ‘set’ requests?

No, not in this release.

  • ... external SNMP server, which receives traps?

No, not in this release.