Monitoring and Backing Up the BTS

Revised: May 14, 2012, OL-25015-02


This chapter includes overall BTS maintenance strategies.

Detecting and Preventing BTS Congestion

When congested the BTS automatically does the following:

Detects internal messaging congestion caused by traffic overload or other extraordinary events.

Takes preventive action to avoid system failure (including shedding of traffic).

Generates alarms when it detects internal messaging.

Clears the alarms when congestion abates.

Places the access control list (ACL) parameter (indicating congestion) into release messages sent to the SS7 network when the BTS internal call processing engine is congested.

Routes emergency messages. Exact digit strings for emergency calls differ, specify up to ten digit strings (911 and 9911 are included by default). Contact Cisco TAC to do this, it involves a CA restart.

Generates a SS7 termination cause code 42 for billing.

Generates the cable signaling stop event with cause code "resource unavailable" for billing.

See the Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Troubleshooting Guide, Release 6.0.4 for congestion alarms.

Monitoring BTS Hardware

BTS tracks devices and facilities that exceed their settings.

A process exceeds 70 percent of the CPU.

The Call Agent CPU is over 90 percent busy (10 percent idle).

The load average exceeds 5 for at least a 5-minute interval.

Memory is 95 percent exhausted and swap is over 50 percent consumed.

Partitions consumed:

A partition 70 percent consumed generates a minor alarm.

A partition 80 percent consumed generates a major alarm.

A partition 90 percent consumed generates a critical alarm.

Table 3-1 Managing Hardware 

Sample Command

Running node reports

report node node=prica42;

Note Results may take a few minutes to display.

Viewing nodes

status node node=prica42;

Rebooting the host machines

control node node=prica42; action=REBOOT;

Caution Use this command with extreme caution.

Setting the host machine for maintenance

control node node=prica42; action=HALT;

Caution Use local consoleaccess or a power cycle to restart the node.

Checking BTS System Health

Do the following tasks as listed or more frequently if your system administrator recommends it.


Table 3-2 BTS System Health Checklist 


Moving Core Files

as alarms are receieved

Using BTS System-Health Reports


Checking BTS System Time


Checking Traffic Measurements

See Chapter 6 "Using BTS Measurements."


Checking Event and Alarm Reports

See Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Troubleshooting Guide, Release 6.0.4.


Checking the OS Log of Each Host Machine


Backing up the EMS Database


Checking Disk Mirroring on Each Host Machine


Auditing Databases and Tables


Cleaning Filters

See equipment manufacturer's documentation.


Archiving Your Database

See your system administrator

Backing Up the Software Image


Examining Heap Usage


Running Diagnostic Procedures on Trunk Groups

See Chapter 5 "Managing External Resources"


Running Diagnostic Procedures on Subscriber Terminations

See Chapter 5 "Managing External Resources"


Running Network Loopback Tests for NCS/MGCP Endpoints

See equipment manufacturer's documentation.


Creating Numbering Resource Utilization/Forecast (NRUF) Reports


Using BTS System-Health Reports

The BTS allows you to gather data and create a report on its overall state. Use this data to find problems like hardware failures or traffic congestion.

Table 3-3 Using BTS System-Health Reports 

Sample Command

Viewing scheduled reports

show scheduled-command verb=report; noun=system_health

Viewing reports by ID number

show scheduled-command ID=1

Scheduling reports

add scheduled-command verb=report; noun=system_health; 
start-time=2003-10-01 12:22:22; recurrence=DAILY; 
keys=period; key-values=<1 ... 720>;


start-time—When BTS creates report, yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ssss.

recurrenceHow often to run report (none (only once), daily, weekly, monthly

keys=period; key-values=<1 ... 720>;How many hours back to collect data. If not specified, BTS uses default of 24 ( last 24 hours worth of data).

Changing reports

change scheduled-command id=881958666704177006; 
start-time=2003-10-01 14:14:14; recurrence=DAILY; 
keys=period; key-values=24;

Deleting reports

delete scheduled-command id=881958666704177006;

Viewing completed reports

In a web browser enter https://<active EMS IP addr or 

Generating a report immediately

report system-health period=<1 ... 720>;

Note Results may take a few minutes to display.

Checking BTS System Time

BTS clocks must be accurate to 2 seconds.

Caution Do not change the date or time in your BTS host machines while CA, FS, EMS, and BDMS are running. Instead allow the Solaris OS to get the time automatically through NTP services.

Step 1 Log in to the primary and secondary EMSs as root.

Step 2 Enter <hostname># date.

Step 3 On each EMS ensure the following are correct:

a. The time does not deviate more than +/- 2 seconds.

b. Day, month, year, time zone

Step 4 Log in to both the primary and secondary CA as root.

Step 5 Enter <hostname># date.

Step 6 On each CA ensure the following are correct:

a. The time is accurate to within +/-2 seconds of the correct time.

b. Day, month, year, time zone

Checking the OS Log of Each Host Machine

Monitor the OS logs on all four host machines (primary and secondary EMS, primary and secondary CA) for errors or warnings. This report shows you recent messages like memory hits, disk errors, and frequent process restarts.

Step 1 Log in as root.

Step 2 Enter dmesg.

Step 3 For more history edit the /var/adm/messages file.

Checking Disk Mirroring on Each Host Machine

Each procedure takes about 30 minutes.

CA/FS Side A

Before doing this procedure, ensure your BTS platform is connected to controller 1 or controller 0.

Step 1 Log in as root to CA/FS side A using telnet.

Step 2 Enter one of the following:

<hostname># metastat | grep c0


<hostname># metastat | grep c1

Step 3 Verify the return matches the following:

c1t0d0s1          0     No            Okay   Yes  
c1t1d0s1          0     No            Okay   Yes  
c1t0d0s5          0     No            Okay   Yes  
c1t1d0s5          0     No            Okay   Yes  
c1t0d0s6          0     No            Okay   Yes  
c1t1d0s6          0     No            Okay   Yes  
c1t0d0s0          0     No            Okay   Yes  
c1t1d0s0          0     No            Okay   Yes  
c1t0d0s3          0     No            Okay   Yes  
c1t1d0s3          0     No            Okay   Yes  
c1t1d0   Yes    id1,sd@SSEAGATE_ST373307LSUN72G_3HZ9JG7800007518H8WV 
c1t0d0   Yes    id1,sd@SSEAGATE_ST373307LSUN72G_3HZ9JC9N00007518Y15K

If the results differ synchronize the disk mirroring:

<hostname># cd /opt/setup
<hostname># sync_mirror

Verify the results using Step 1 through Step 3.

Caution In case of a mismatch, synchronize once. If the mismatch continues, contact Cisco TAC.

CA/FS Side B

Step 1 Log in as root to CA/FS side B using telnet.

Step 2 Enter <hostname># metastat | grep c0.

Step 3 Verify the return matches the following:

c0t0d0s6 0 No Okay 
c0t1d0s6 0 No Okay 
c0t0d0s1 0 No Okay 
c0t1d0s1 0 No Okay 
c0t0d0s5 0 No Okay 
c0t1d0s5 0 No Okay 
c0t0d0s7 0 No Okay 
c0t1d0s7 0 No Okay 
c0t0d0s0 0 No Okay 
c0t1d0s0 0 No Okay 
c0t0d0s3 0 No Okay 
c0t1d0s3 0 No Okay 

If the results differ synchronize the disk mirroring:

<hostname># cd /opt/setup
<hostname># sync_mirror

Verify the results using Step 1 through Step 3.

Caution In case of a mismatch, synchronize once. If the mismatch continues contact Cisco TAC.

EMS Side A

Step 1 Log in as root to EMS side A using telnet.

Step 2 Enter <hostname># metastat | grep c0.

Step 3 Verify the return matches the following:

c0t0d0s6 0 No Okay 
c0t1d0s6 0 No Okay 
c0t0d0s1 0 No Okay 
c0t1d0s1 0 No Okay 
c0t0d0s5 0 No Okay 
c0t1d0s5 0 No Okay 
c0t0d0s7 0 No Okay 
c0t1d0s7 0 No Okay 
c0t0d0s0 0 No Okay 
c0t1d0s0 0 No Okay 
c0t0d0s3 0 No Okay 
c0t1d0s3 0 No Okay 

If the results differ synchronize the disk mirroring:

<hostname># cd /opt/setup
<hostname># sync_mirror

Verify the results using Step 1 through Step 3.

Caution In case of a mismatch, synchronize once. If the mismatch continues contact Cisco TAC.

EMS Side B

Step 1 Log in as root to EMS side B using telnet.

Step 2 Enter <hostname># metastat | grep c0.

Step 3 Verify the return result matches the following:

c0t0d0s6 0 No Okay 
c0t1d0s6 0 No Okay 
c0t0d0s1 0 No Okay 
c0t1d0s1 0 No Okay 
c0t0d0s5 0 No Okay 
c0t1d0s5 0 No Okay 
c0t0d0s7 0 No Okay 
c0t1d0s7 0 No Okay 
c0t0d0s0 0 No Okay 
c0t1d0s0 0 No Okay 
c0t0d0s3 0 No Okay 
c0t1d0s3 0 No Okay 

If the results differ synchronize the disk mirroring:

<hostname># cd /opt/setup
<hostname># sync_mirror

Verify the results using Step 1 through Step 3.

Caution In case of a mismatch, synchronize once. If the mismatch continues contact Cisco TAC.

Auditing Databases and Tables

Audit either the complete database or entries in every provisionable table in both the Oracle database and shared memory. See the Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Troubleshooting Guide, Release 6.0.4.

Caution Audits are time-intensive. Do only during a maintenance window. Completion time varies with database or table entries.

Table 3-4 Auditing Databases and Tables 

Sample Command

Auditing individual tables

audit trunk type=row-count;

Auditing every entry in each provisionable table

audit database; 

Auditing provisionable tables based on type

audit database type=row-count;  

Note type defaults to full

Auditing provisionable tables based on platform state

audit database platform-state=active; 

Note platform-state defaults to active

Auditing mismatches across network elements

1. Log in as root.

2. Enter:

bts_audit -ems priems01 -ca prica01 -platforms 

Note bts_audit cannot work in certain scenarios, for example, when a termination record points to an invalid mgw

Resolving mismatches across network elements

If a table references a missing row, the mismatch is not resolved. Only synchronize data mismatches between active network elemens.

1. Audit mismatches using bts_audit.

2. Enter:

bts_sync /opt/ems/report/Audit_CA146_root.sql  

bts_sync applies updates directly to the databases.

Exporting Provisioned Data

The CLI Native Data Export feature enables the export of all provisioning data from the BTS 10200 system by the use of a CLI command. Execution of the CLI command stores the exported data in a user-named output file in text format in the export directory. The exported file contains all provisioning data from the BTS 10200. The provisioning data is written into the export file using add and change commands for all supported nouns.

The key attributes of the CLI Native Data Export feature are

The user can run the CLI command to export the BTS 10200 provisioning data.

The provisioning data for all the nouns, which enables the use of verbs as "add" and "change" is exported in text format.

The list of all the nouns related to provisioning is kept in an input file (xml format). Upon execution of the export command, the xml input file reads the nouns and their corresponding verbs (operation type, whether add or change), and exports the provisioning data from the BTS 10200.

The CLI export command is:

CLI > export database outfile = <whatever>

Where the noun is database and the verb is export. Execution of the command exports all of the provisioning data from the BTS 10200. All of the exported data is written in the output file as specified by the user. The output file contains all the add and change commands for the existing native data in the BTS 10200. The exported output file is stored in the /opt/ems/export directory.

The result of the export command is a text file that contains add/change CLI commands. The following is an example output text file:

# BTS Config Export 
# EMS Server: priems26-ora 
# User: optiuser 
# Export Start Time : Tue Jan 22 17:23:54 CST 2008 
##### Add clli_code ##### 
add clli_code ID=ABCD1234567; 
##### Add call_agent ##### 
add call_agent id=CA146;tsap_addr=CA146.A.12345678901234567890123456789012345678 
##### Add feature_server ##### 
add feature_server ID=FSAIN205;TSAP_ADDR=FSAIN.A.1234567890123456789012345678901 
add feature_server ID=FSPTC235;TSAP_ADDR=FSPTC.A.1234567890123456789012345678901 
##### Change billing_acct_addr ##### 
##### Change billing_alarm ##### 
##### Change report_properties ##### 
change report_properties TYPE=EVENT_LOGSIZE;VALUE=30000; 
change report_properties TYPE=ALARM_LOGSIZE;VALUE=30000; 
change report_properties TYPE=EVENT_LEVEL;VALUE=INFO; 
##### Change sup_config ##### 
change sup_config TYPE=refresh_rate;VALUE=86400; 
change sup_config TYPE=priority;VALUE=5; 
change sup_config TYPE=subterm_mgw_block;VALUE=5; 
change sup_config TYPE=subterm_block_pause;VALUE=9000; 
change sup_config TYPE=subterm_status_pause;VALUE=0; 
change sup_config TYPE=trunkterm_tg_block;VALUE=5; 
change sup_config TYPE=trunkterm_block_pause;VALUE=9000; 
change sup_config TYPE=trunkterm_status_pause;VALUE=0; 
change sup_config TYPE=trunkterm_range_block;VALUE=1000; 
change sup_config TYPE=trunkterm_range_pause;VALUE=20000; 
##### Change command_throttle_threshold ##### 
change command_throttle_threshold SESSION_TYPE=CLI;THRESHOLD=100;ENABLE=Y; 
change command_throttle_threshold SESSION_TYPE=CORBA;THRESHOLD=100;ENABLE=Y; 
change command_throttle_threshold SESSION_TYPE=FTP;THRESHOLD=1000;ENABLE=Y; 
change command_throttle_threshold SESSION_TYPE=MNT;THRESHOLD=100;ENABLE=Y; 
change command_throttle_threshold SESSION_TYPE=SNMP;THRESHOLD=100;ENABLE=Y; 
change command_throttle_threshold SESSION_TYPE=SOAP;THRESHOLD=100;ENABLE=Y; 
##### Change config_interval ##### 
change config_interval CONFIG_TYPE=THROTTLE;INTERVAL=15; 
# Export End Time : Tue Jan 22 17:24:14 CST 2008 


Currently the export command is supported only from the CLI interface. The export command is currently not supported from other interfaces such as CORBA and SOAP.

There is a limitation on the size of the /opt/ems/export directory. Currently the size of the export directory is defined in /opt/ems/etc/ as 7500000 ~ 700 MB. During the first run of the export command, if the size of the export file is beyond the threshold limit, a warning message is shown to the user after export is finished. The warning message indicates that the export file size has exceeded the threshold and that the user needs to clean up the export directory before running the command again. During additional runs of the export command, if the export directory size is more then the threshold size, a warning is shown to the user that the space of export directory is insufficient for the export and that the user has to clear the export directory before rerunning the export command.

Creating Numbering Resource Utilization/Forecast (NRUF) Reports

The North American Numbering Plan Association (NANPA) collects, stores, and maintains how telephone numbers are used by 19 countries. Companies, like carriers, that hold telephone numbers must report to NANPA twice a year using the NRUF report. Go to for more information and job aids on submitting reports.

The BTS creates an NRUF report using the Number Block table. This table:

Is a single table that is the sole reference for NANPA audits

Can be customized

Can be updated from data imported from other tables, changes from office-code updates, or manually

Has the following fields:

Number Block: NPA to NPA-NXX-XXXX—For FCC-required NANPA audit compliance, the report input is NPANXX. In markets outside of NANPA, the input can be based on either the combination of the national destination code (NDC) and the exchange code (EC), or just the EC.

Code Holder = Y/N

Block Holder = Y/N

Native = Y/N

Non-Native = Y/N

To generate the following reports, use report dn-summary:

All DNs in NDC and EC

Thousands group in NDC and EC

Operating company number (OCN)

Switch Common Language Location Identifier (CLLI) code

OCN + CLLI code—entries must match LERG data

Creating Reports for Nonrural Primary and Intermediate Carriers

NRUF reporting for nonrural primary and intermediate carriers:

Occurs at a thousands-block level (NPA-NXX-X)

Applies only to NANP

The report returns the following based on the DN2SUBSCRIBER table's STATUS token:

Table 3-5 NRUF Report Data for Nonrural Carriers 

Data Groups
Matching Data from the DN2SUBSCRIBER Table

Assigned DNs

Individual DNs:

ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9][0-9]; (status=assigned) 
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9][0-9]; (status=ported-out) 


ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=xxxx; (status=assigned) AND 
ADMIN-DN=N; X 10000
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=xxxx; (status=ported-out) AND 
ADMIN-DN=N; X 10000
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9]xxx; (status=assigned) AND 
ADMIN-DN=N; X 1000
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9]xxx; (status=ported-out) AND 
ADMIN-DN=N; X 1000
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9]xx; (status=assigned) AND 
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9]xx; (status=ported-out) 
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9][0-9]x; (status=assigned) 
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9][0-9]x; 
(status=ported-out) AND ADMIN-DN=N; X 10


Intermediate Telephone Directory Numbers


Reserved DNs


Aging DNs


ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]; (status=DISC)

Changed Number DNs:

ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]; (status=CN)


ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=xxxx; (status=DISC) X 10000
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9]xxx; (status=DISC) X 1000
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9]xx; (status=DISC) X 100
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9][0-9]x; (status=DISC) X 10

Changed Number DID DNs:

ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=xxxx; (status=CN) X 10000
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9]xxx; (status=CN) X 1000
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9]xx; (status=CN) X 100
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9][0-9]x; (status=CN) X 10

Administrative DNs

Administrative DNs:

ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; status=LRN;
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; status=CLRN
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; status=RACF-DN;
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; status=ANNC;
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; status=TEST-LINE;
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; (ADMIN-DN=Y AND (status=ASSIGNED))
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; (ADMIN-DN=Y AND (status=PORTED-OUT))

Administrative DID DNs:

ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=xxxx; (ADMIN-DN=Y AND 
(status=ASSIGNED)) X 10000
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=xxxx; (ADMIN-DN=Y AND 
(status=PORTED-OUT)) X 10000
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9]xxx (ADMIN-DN=Y AND 
(status=ASSIGNED)) X 1000
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9]xxx (ADMIN-DN=Y AND 
(status=PORTED-OUT)) X 1000
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9]xx; (ADMIN-DN=Y AND 
(status=ASSIGNED)) X 100
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9]xx; (ADMIN-DN=Y AND 
(status=PORTED-OUT)) X 100
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9][0-9]x; (ADMIN-DN=Y AND 
(status=ASSIGNED)) X 10
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9][0-9]x; (ADMIN-DN=Y AND 
(status=PORTED-OUT)) X 10 

Changed Number administrative DNs

Creating Reports for Rural Primary and Intermediate Carriers

This section identifies the DN information that is reported at the NPA-NXX level when the service provider is a code holder. NRUF reporting at the "ndc, ec" level includes dn-groups of varying length. Some countries might support dn-groups of length 1, 2, 3 or 4.

The Rural Primary Carrier (U2 form) NPA-NXX report has:

NPA-NXX (input as ndc, ec)

Rate Center (read from LERG)

State (read from LERG)

Number of Assigned DNs

Number of Intermediate DNs

Number of Reserved DNs

Number of Aging DNs

Number of Administrative DNs

Donated to Pool (always 0)

The Rural Intermediate Carrier (U4 form) report has:

NPA-NXX (input as ndc, ec)

Rate Center (read from LERG)

State (read from LERG)

Number of Assigned DNs

Number of Intermediate DNs

Number of Reserved DNs

Number of Aging DNs

Number of Administrative DNs

Numbers Received (always 0)

The report returns the following based on the DN2SUBSCRIBER table's STATUS token:

Table 3-6 NRUF Report Data for Rural Carriers 

Data Groups
Matching Data from the DN2SUBSCRIBER Table

Assigned DNs

Individual DNs:

ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9][0-9]; (status=assigned) AND 
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9][0-9]; (status=ported-out) 


ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=xxxx; (status=assigned) AND 
ADMIN-DN=N; X 10000
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=xxxx; (status=ported-out) AND 
ADMIN-DN=N; X 10000
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9]xxx; (status=assigned) AND 
ADMIN-DN=N; X 1000
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9]xxx; (status=ported-out) AND 
ADMIN-DN=N; X 1000
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9]xx; (status=assigned) AND 
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9]xx; (status=ported-out) AND 
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9][0-9]x; (status=assigned) 
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9][0-9]x; (status=ported-out) 

Intermediate Telephone Directory Numbers


Reserved DNs


Aging DNs


ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]; (status=DISC)

Changed Number DNs:

ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]; (status=CN) 


ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=xxxx; (status=DISC) X 10000
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9]xxx; (status=DISC) X 1000
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9]xx; (status=DISC) X 100
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9][0-9]x; (status=DISC) X 10

Changed Number DID DNs:

ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=xxxx; (status=CN) X 10000
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9]xxx; (status=CN) X 1000
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9]xx; (status=CN) X 100
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9][0-9]x; (status=CN) X 10

Administrative DNs

Administrative DNs:

ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; status=LRN;
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; status=CLRN
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; status=RACF-DN;
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; status=ANNC;
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; status=TEST-LINE;
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; (ADMIN-DN=Y AND (status=ASSIGNED))
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; (ADMIN-DN=Y AND (status=PORTED-OUT))

Administrative DID DNs:

ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=xxxx; (ADMIN-DN=Y AND 
(status=ASSIGNED)) X 10000
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=xxxx; (ADMIN-DN=Y AND 
(status=PORTED-OUT)) X 10000
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9]xxx (ADMIN-DN=Y AND 
(status=ASSIGNED)) X 1000
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9]xxx (ADMIN-DN=Y AND 
(status=PORTED-OUT)) X 1000
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9]xx; (ADMIN-DN=Y AND 
(status=ASSIGNED)) X 100
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9]xx; (ADMIN-DN=Y AND 
(status=PORTED-OUT)) X 100
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9][0-9]x; (ADMIN-DN=Y AND 
(status=ASSIGNED)) X 10
ndc=<npa>; ec=<nxx>; DN=[0-9][0-9][0-9]x; (ADMIN-DN=Y AND 
(status=PORTED-OUT)) X 10

Backing Up the Software Image

To back up the software image do the following three procedures:

1. Full Database Auditing

2. Checking Shared Memory

3. Backing Up the Full BTS

Full Database Auditing

Step 1 Log in as CLI user on EMS side A.

Step 2 Enter audit database type=full;.

Step 3 Check the audit report and verify that there is no mismatch or error. If errors are found, try to correct the errors. If you cannot make the correction, contact Cisco TAC.

Checking Shared Memory

This task checks shared memory to detect potential data problems.

From CA/FS Side A

Step 1 Log in as root.

Step 2 Enter:

<hostname># cd /opt/OptiCall/CAxxx/bin
<hostname># ca_tiat data

Press Enter.

The result should match the following:

All tables are OK.
For details, see ca_tiat.out 

Caution If the result is not"All tables are OK", stop and contact Cisco TAC. If the result is "All tables are OK", go to Step 3.

Step 3 Enter:

<hostname># cd /opt/OptiCall/FSPTCzzz/bin <Return>
<hostname># potsctx_tiat data <Return>

Press Enter.

The result should match the following:

All tables are OK.
For detail, see potsctx_tiat.out

Caution If the result is not"All tables are OK", stop and contact Cisco TAC. If the result is "All tables are OK", go to Step 4.

Step 4 Enter:

<hostname>#cd /opt/OptiCall/FSAINyyy/bin 
<hostname>#ain_tiat data 

Step 5 Press Enter.

The result should match the following:

All tables are OK.
For detail, see ain_tiat.out

Caution If the result is not"All tables are OK", stop and contact Cisco TAC.

From CA/FS Side B

Step 1 Log in as root.

Step 2 Enter:

<hostname>#cd /opt/OptiCall/CAxxx/bin 
<hostname>#ca_tiat data 

Step 3 Press Enter.

The result should match the following:

All tables are OK.
For detail, see ca_tiat.out

Caution If the result is not"All tables are OK", stop and contact Cisco TAC. If the result is "All tables are OK", go to Step 3.

Step 4 Enter:

<hostname>#cd /opt/OptiCall/FSPTCzzz/bin
<hostname>#potsctx_tiat data  

Step 5 Press Enter:

The result match the following:

All tables are OK.
For detail, see potsctx_tiat.out

Caution If the result is not"All tables are OK", stop and contact Cisco TAC. If the result is "All tables are OK", go to Step 6.

Step 6 Enter:

<hostname>#cd /opt/OptiCall/FSAINyyy/bin 
<hostname>#ain_tiat data  

Step 7 Press Enter:

The result should match the following:

All tables are OK.
For detail, see ain_tiat.out

Caution If the result is not"All tables are OK", stop and contact Cisco TAC.

Backing Up the Full BTS

Do this before and after software upgrades or as routine, always during a maintenance window. Before starting the provisioning process ensure you have the following:

Pre-Provisioning Checklist

NFS server hostname or ip address

Shared directory from NFS server

Root user access

Provisioning blocked

Backing Up the CA/FS

Perform the following steps to back up the secondary CA/FS. Then repeat the procedure on the primary CA/FS.

Step 1 Log in as root on the secondary CA/FS.

Step 2 Verify all platforms are in STANDBY mode, enter <hostname>#nodestat.

Step 3 Remove unnecessary files or directories like /opt/Build and application tar files.

Step 4 Mount the NFS server to the /mnt directory, enter <hostname>#mount <nfs server ip or hostname>:/<share dire> /mnt.

Step 5 Stop all platforms; enter <hostname>#platform stop all.

Step 6 Save all platforms data directory (shared memory) to nfs server

<hostname>#tar -cf - /opt/OptiCall/CAxxx/bin/data |gzip -fast - > /mnt/data.<hostname>.CA
<<hostname>#tar -cf - /opt/OptiCall/CAxxx/bin/data |gzip --fast - > 
<hostname>#tar -cf - /opt/OptiCall/FSAINxxx/bin/data |gzip --fast - > 
<hostname>#tar -cf /opt/OptiCall/FSPTCxxx/bin/data |gzip --fast - > 

where xxx is the instance number

Step 7 Start all platforms by entering <hostname>#platform start.

Step 8 Verify all platforms are in STANDBY mode, enter <hostname>#nodestat.

Step 9 Create an excluded directories file for the flash archive, enter:

<hostname>#vi /tmp/excluded_dir

where xxx is the instance number

Step 10 Back up the system, enter:

<hostname>#mv /bin/date /bin/date.archive
<hostname>#mv /bin/.date /bin/date
<hostname>#flarcreate -n <hostname> -X /tmp/excluded_dir -c /mnt/<hostname>.archive
<hostname>#mv /bin/date /bin/.date
<hostname>#mv /bin/date.archive /bin/date

Step 11 Unmount the NFS server, enter:

<hostname>#umount /mnt

Step 12 From the active EMS switch over all platforms, enter:

<hostname>#ssh optiuser@<hostname>
cli>control feature-server id=FSAINxxx;target-state=standby-active;
cli>control feature-server id=FSPTCxxx;target-state=standby-active;
cli>control call-agent id=CAxxx;target-state=standby-active;

where xxx is the instance number of each platform

Step 13 Repeat this procedure for the primary CA/FS.

Backing up the EMS/BDMS

Do the following to back up the STANDBY EMS/BDMS system.

Step 1 Log in as root.

Step 2 Verify all platforms are in STANDBY mode, enter <hostname>#nodestat.

Step 3 Remove unnecessary files or directories like /opt/Build and application tar files.

Step 4 Mount the NFS server to the /mnt directory, enter <hostname>#mount <nfs server ip or hostname>:/<share dire> /mnt.

Step 5 Stop all platforms, enter <hostname>#platform stop all.

Step 6 Save the Oracle database and MySQL directories, enter:

<hostname>#tar -cf - /data1/oradata |gzip --fast - >/mnt/oradata.<hostname>.gz
<hostname>#tar -cf - /opt/ems/db |gzip --fast - >/mnt/db.<hostname>.gz

Step 7 Create an excluded directories file for the flash archive, enter:

<hostname>#vi /tmp/excluded_dir

Step 8 Start all platforms <hostname>#platform start.

Step 9 Verify all platforms are in STANDBY mode, enter <hostname>#nodestat.

Step 10 Back up the system, enter:

<hostname>#mv /bin/date /bin/date.archive
<hostname>#mv /bin/.date /bin/date
<hostname>#flarcreate -n <hostname> -X /tmp/excluded_dir -c /mnt/<hostname>.archive
<hostname>#mv /bin/date /bin/.date
<hostname>#mv /bin/date.archive /bin/date

Step 11 Unmount the NFS server, enter <hostname>#umount /mnt.

Step 12 From the active EMS switch over all platforms, enter:

<hostname>#ssh optiuser@<hostname>
cli>control bdms id=BDMS01;target-state=standby-active;
cli>control element-manager id=EM01;target-state=standby-active; 

Step 13 Repeat the procedure starting with Step 3 to back up the PRIMARY EMS/BDMS.

Backing up the EMS Database

This procedure is for experienced UNIX users. It tells you how to save the provisioning database from the EMS to a remote server. The remote server must be:

Connected to a corporate LAN.

Backed up daily by default, the daily hot backup is not turned on at installation

The back up processes:

ora_hot_backup.ks—Backs up database data files, control files, and archive logs

ora_arch_backup.ksh—Backs up archive logs

The target backup directory on both primary and secondary EMS systems is /opt/oraback. Backup files in /opt/oraback directory are later transferred to the /opt/backup directory in a remote archive site. After the files are transferred, they are purged from /opt/oraback.

Step 1 Cross check the databases on the primary and secondary EMSs before backing up.

Caution Cross check before ora_hot_backup.ksh and ora_arch_backup.ksh are scheduled. This validates database and archived log files for RMAN processes.

a. Log in as oracle, or su - oracle.

b. Enter dbadm -E backup_crosscheck..

c. Ensure the log file has no errors (except the "validation failed for archived log" messages). Ignore these messages of the /data1/arch/opticalx_yyy.arc files because the validation directs RMAN not to look for *.arc files. ora_purge_archlog.ksh purges *.arc files.

RMAN-06157: validation failed for archived log
RMAN-08514: archivelog filename=/data1/arch/optical1_25.arc recid=1 stamp=461878656

Step 2 Remove the archive log purge process and schedule the backup processes.

Note Do this on the primary and secondary EMSs.

a. Disable the ora_purge_archlog.ksh process.

b. Enable the ora_hot_backup.ksh process.

c. Optional: Enable the ora_arch_backup.ksh process.

d. Log in as oracle, or su - oracle.

e. Enter crontab -e.

f. Modify the crontab file as follows. This is on the primary EMS site, database name optical1.

# Daily Oracle Hot backup - this also include archive log backup
#       Note: Set hot backup process to run at 2:00am every day.
0 2 * * * /opt/oracle/admin/scripts/ora_hot_backup.ksh optical1 > /opt/oracle/t
mp/ora_hot_backup.log 2>&1
# Oracle archive log backups, in addition to daily hot backup.
#       Note: Set one additional archive log backup to run at 6:00pm every day.
0 18 * * * /opt/oracle/admin/scripts/ora_arch_backup.ksh optical1 > /opt/
oracle/tmp/ora_arch_backup.log 2>&1
# Purge archive log files
#     Note: Delete or uncomment this line to stop purging archive log files.
#0 1,3,...,23  * * * /opt/oracle/admin/scripts/ora_purge_archlog.ksh optical1 > 
/opt/oracle/tmp/ora_purge_archlog.log 2>&1 

g. Repeat Step f by replacing optical1 with optical2 on the secondary EMS site.

Step 3 To setup daily file transfer to the remote archive site using FTP, see Using FTP to Setup File Transfer.
To setup daily file transfer to the remote archive site using SFTP, see Using SFTP to Setup File Transfer.

Using FTP to Setup File Transfer

Step 1 Configure the remote site.

a. Verify the oracle user access and create backup directory on FTP server site.

Primary EMS hostname:           priems
Secondary EMS hostname:      secems
  FTP server hostname:              ftpserver
  FTP server Oracle password:  ora00
  FTP server backup directory:    /opt/backup

First, test the connection to the remote FTP server using the oracle user access. If the password of oracle is not `ora00', update the ORA_PW variable in the /opt/oracle/admin/etc/dba.env file.

b. Do this on the primary and secondary EMSs:

telnet ftpserver

c. Log in as oracle and enter the password (in this case, ora00).

d. Create the /opt/backup directory. Ensure the oracle user has write permission to this directory.

mkdir /opt/backup

Note It is your responsibility to archive backup files from the ftp server /opt/backup directory to a tape device or enterprise tape library.

Step 2 Schedule the FTP process.

a. Do this on the primary and secondary EMSs:

Log in as oracle, or su - oracle and enter the following command: crontab -e

b. Add the following line to the Oracle crontab on the primary EMS.

# FTP backup files from primary (optical1) to /opt/backup directory of ftpserver. 
0 6 * * * /opt/oracle/admin/scripts/ora_ftp_backup.ksh optical1 ftpserver /opt/backup > 
/opt/oracle/tmp/ora_ftp_backup.log 2>&1

c. Replace ftpserver with the correct host name of the remote FTP server. Replace /opt/backup with the correct target directory name, if they are different.

Note The 0 6 *** /opt/oracle/admin/scripts/ora_ftp_backup.ksh ......... ora_ftp_backup.log 2>&1 are all typed in the same line.

d. Edit the oracle crontab on secondary EMS site by replacing optical1 with optical2.

Step 3 Verify the backup files, enter:

cd /opt/oraback         Á EMS systems
cd /opt/backup          Á Remote FTP system 

Using SFTP to Setup File Transfer

The following steps generate an SSH key from the primary EMS. Key files are copied to the secondary EMS and remote SFTP server. On the remote SFTP server the "oracle" user is created for login.

Step 1 Generate SSH secure key from primary EMS:

a. Login to the primary EMS:

#  su - oracle
#  /opt/BTSossh/bin/ssh-keygen -t rsa

b. Generating public/private rsa key pair.

c. Enter file in which to save the key (/opt/orahome/.ssh/id_rsa).

d. Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase).

e. Enter same passphrase.
Your identification has been saved in /opt/orahome/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /opt/orahome/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is: d8:4f:b1:8b:f4:ac:2f:78:e9:56:a4:55:56:11:e1:40 oracle@priems79

f. Enter:

#  ls -l /opt/orahome/.ssh

-rw------- 1 oracle orainst 1675 Mar 10 15:42 id_rsa
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle orainst 397 Mar 10 15:42

Step 2 From the secondary EMS, sftp both "id_ssa" and "" files from the primary EMS to the secondary EMS /opt/orahome/.ssh directory. Make the files with "oracle:orainst" ownership.

Step 3 Login to the secondary EMS:

#  su - oracle
$  cd /opt/orahome/.ssh
$  sftp root@priems
sftp> cd /opt/orahome/.ssh
sftp> get id_rsa*
sftp> quit
$  ls -l /opt/orahome/.ssh/id_rsa*

-rw------- 1 oracle orainst 1675 Mar 10 15:42 id_rsa
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle orainst 397 Mar 10 15:42
Now both primary and secondary EMSs have the same "id_rsa" and "" files in /opt/orahome/.ssh directory.

Step 4 Create an oracle user and /opt/backup directory on the remote SFTP server.

a. Login to remote SFTP server as root.

b. Create a user "oracle" with group "orainst" and home directory "/opt/orahome".

c. Create a repository directory "/opt/backup".

# mkdir -p /opt/orahome

# groupadd orainst

# useradd -g orainst -d /opt/orahome -s /bin/ksh oracle

# chown oracle:orainst /opt/orahome

# passwd oracle

New Password: <Enter password>

Re-enter new Password: <Re-enter password>

# mkdir -p /opt/backup

# chown oracle:orainst /opt/backup

# su - oracle

$ mkdir -p /opt/orahome/.ssh

$ chmod 700 /opt/orahome/.ssh

$ chown oracle:orainst /opt/orahome/.ssh

Step 5 Sftp the "id_rsa" and "" files generated in Step 1 to remote SFTP server /opt/orahome/.ssh directory. Make the file owned by "oracle:orainst" owner and group.

Login to remote SFTP server:

# su - oracle

$ cd .ssh

$ sftp root@priems

sftp> cd /opt/orahome/.ssh

sftp> get id_rsa*

sftp> quit

$ cat >> authorized_keys

$ chmod 600 id_rsa* authorized_keys

$ ls -l

-rw------- 1 ora oragrp 788 Mar 10 16:52 authorized_keys

-rw------- 1 ora oragrp 1675 Mar 10 16:48 id_rsa

-rw------- 1 ora oragrp 394 Mar 10 16:48

Step 6 Sftp the "id_rsa" and "" files generated in Step 1 to remote SFTP server /opt/orahome/.ssh directory. Make the file owned by "oracle:orainst" owner and group.

Step 7 Test SSH and SFTP from both the primary and secondary EMSs to the remote SFTP server:

a. From BTS primary EMS:

#  su - oracle
$ sftp_ping oracle SFTPserverName
Connecting to SFTPserverName...
      sftp> quit

Note At the first login, the following message may display:"Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts."

Step 8 To schedule the ora_sftp_backup.ksh process to execute at 5:30am every day in oracle crontab on both the primary and secondary EMS:

a. Log in as oracle, or su - oracle and enter the following:

crontab -e 

b. Add the following line to the Oracle crontab on the primary EMS:

# SFTP backup files from primary (optical1) to /opt/backup directory of SFTPserver.
0 6 * * * /opt/oracle/admin/scripts/ora_sftp_backup.ksh optical1 oracle SFTPserver 
/opt/backup > /opt/oracle/tmp/ora_sftp_backup.log 2>&1

Note Enter 0 6 *** /opt/oracle/admin/scripts/ora_sftp_backup.ksh...ora_sftp_backup.log 2>&1 in the same line.

Step 9 Replace SFTPserver with the correct host name of the remote SFTP server.

Step 10 Replace /opt/backup with the correct target directory name, if different.

Step 11 Edit the oracle crontab on secondary EMS site by replacing optical1 with optical2.

Archiving Your Database

Step 1 Log in as root.

Step 2 Stop all platforms. If this is a primary node, use the CLI command to control the standby forced active.

Step 3 Verify that /var/yp exists. Enter ls -l /var/yp.

If the result is no such file or directory, enter mkdir -p /var/yp

Step 4 Mount the NFS server. Enter mount <nfsserver hostname/ip>:/<share directory> /mnt. Example:

mount /mnt

Step 5 Back up all interfaces. Enter tar -cvf /mnt/<local_hostname>.tar host*. Example:

<hostname>#tar -cvf bts-prica.tar host.*

Step 6 Restore the Solaris "date" command to create the system Flash Archive. Enter:

mv /bin/date /bin/date.orig
mv /bin/.date /bin/date

Step 7 Create the archive. Enter <hostname>#flarcreate -n <archive name> -x /opt -S -c /mnt/<file name>

Note Example archive name: flarcreate -n CCPU-EMS -x /opt -S -c /mnt/secems04.archive

Step 8 Back up the /opt directory. Enter tar -cvf - /opt/* |gzip -c >/opt/<hostname_release>.tar.gz

Step 9 Restore the original configuration. Enter:

mv /bin/date /bin/.date
mv /bin/date.orig /bin/date

Step 10 Unmount the NFS server. Enter umount /mnt


Examining Heap Usage

Heap is memory BTS reserves for data it creates as its applications execute. BTS audits heap usage of all the processes started by a platform, CA, AIN, POTS, EMS and BDMS. Heap auditing is added to the ADP process.

When heap usage of a process goes beyond certain threshold level, BTS generates an alarm. The alarm clears when heap usage goes below the threshold level.

Heap audit does the following:

Monitors traces of heap usage in the last four periods for each process

Measures heap usage of each process started by the platform once a day at 4 a.m

Issues a minor alarm if the heap usage of a process exceeds 70% of its max heap size limit

Clears a minor alarm if the heap usage of a process drops below 68% of its max heap size limit

Issues a major alarm if the heap usage of a process exceeds 80% its max heap size limit

Clears a major alarm if the heap usage of a process drops below 78% its max heap size limit

Issues a critical alarm if the heap usage of a process exceeds 90% its max heap size limit

Clears a critical alarm if the heap usage of a process drops below 88% its max heap size limit

Reports, via trace logs, the last twenty heap measurements, including the time and the value for each process

Clears heap usage alarms when process restarts

Checking the DNS Server

To check the DNS server, do this for all nodes.

Step 1 Log in as root on the active CA.

Step 2 Enter more /etc/resolv.conf.

Note nameserver <ip address>

Step 3 Enter nslookup

This defaults to the first DNS server.

Step 4 Enter a valid gateway name and press Enter.

An IP address associated to gateway appears.

Step 5 Enter server <second dns server ip>

Step 6 Enter a valid gateway name and press Enter.

An IP address associated to gateway appears.

Step 7 Enter exit to quit.

Log Archive Facility (LAF)

The LAF process in Cisco BTS 10200 transports the trace log files to a remote archive server for storage. LAF is a continuously running daemon process on all nodes (components) of the BTS 10200. It wakes up every minute when active and checks if there are any new log files.

The service provider can specify the external archive system, the target directory, host directory, and the disk quota for each trace log directory in the system. If any new log files are in these trace log directories, LAF transfers them by Secure FTP (SFTP) to an external archive server specified by the service provider.

Secure Transfer of Files

BTS 10200 uses Secure FTP to transfer trace log files to the external server. LAF opens an SFTP connection when its ready to transfer log file to the remote server. This connection is not closed even after the transfer is complete. If for some reason the connection closes, the LAF process re-establishes the connection during the next transfer. The connection is persistent till the LAF feature is disabled.

LAF operates on a single SFTP connection and transfer of files occurs one file at a time (using the SFTP put operation). The same connection is used to transfer multiple files. When the LAF process detects a bad connection, it terminates the SFTP session by closing the socket used to talk to the archive server.

The LAF process maintains a linked list for the files that need to be transferred. If the connection is lost during a transfer, the LAF process moves the unsuccessfully transferred file to the end of the list and raises Maintenance Alarm 108.

A re-attempt on a failed file depends on the number of files in the list and the time taken to transfer those files. When there is no file to be transferred (i.e. the list is empty), then there is a gap of 30 seconds before processing the list again.

The LAF process increments a counter, which is specifically used for the number of times the transfer was attempted for this file. If a counter is more than three, the log file is deleted from the list. That is, upon three failed attempts on the same file, the file entry is deleted from the list.

Other Capabilities

This section lists the additional capabilities of the LAF process.

It performs disk space management when 90% of the disk space quota specified for the target directory is reached.

It gracefully recovers from any abnormal conditions and re-initiates the process to continue the transfer of files.

It generates alarms when any unsuccessful scenarios are encountered. These alarms are listed in the Cisco BTS 10200 Troubleshooting Guide.

Provisioning LAF

Caution The values provided by the user for the following parameters will be written into /etc/opticall.cfg file and transported to all the four BTS 10200 nodes.

The following parameters are associated with the LAF process. If they are left blank, the LAF process for a particular platform (such as, CA, FSPTC, FSAIN) is turned off.

To use this feature, you must provision the following parameters with the external archive system, the target directory, and the disk quota (in GB) for each platform.




Note that xxx must be replaced with each platform's instance number.

Example 1

CA146_LAF_PARAMETER="yensid /CA146_trace_log 20"

Example 2

FSPTC235_LAF_PARAMETER="yensid /FSPTC235_trace_log 20"

Example 3

FSAIN205_LAF_PARAMETER="yensid /FSAIN205_trace_log 20"

To enable Log Archive Facility (LAF) process, refer to Enabling LAF Process section.

Enabling LAF Process

To enable the Log Archive Facility (LAF) feature, you must set up the authorization for non-interactive SSH login to the external archive server for the Cisco BTS 10200 system to access and turn the LAF processes to active state. (Immediately after the fresh installation and platform start, the LAF process is in a dormant state).

The steps to set up the authorization in external archive server and turn the LAF processes to active is listed below:

Setup Non-Interactive SSH Login to External Archive Server

Note The external archive system is recommended to be located such that it can be accessed by the management network. In such a case, the static routes in the CA system should be explicitly set so that the traffic to the external archive system is routed through the management network see section ("Adding Static Routes" section for more details). Otherwise, the traffic is routed through the default network (i.e. signaling network) and may not be able to reach the external archive system.

Step 1 Log in to the Cisco BTS 10200 primary EMS as root.

Step 2 From the EMS, login to the external archive server via ssh to get the external archive server added to the /.ssh/known_hosts file.

Step 3 Log off from the external archive server.

Step 4 While still logged in on the primary EMS as root, generate an SSH key.

a. Execute cd /opt/BTSossh/bin.

b. Execute ssh-keygen -t rsa.

c. Press Enter to accept the default file name for the key (/.ssh/id_rsa).

d. Enter y if prompted to choose whether to overwrite the existing file.

e. Press Enter when prompted to enter a passphrase (i.e. no passphrase).

f. Transfer the resulting file (/.ssh/ to a temporary location on the external archive server.

Step 5 Set up the external archive server with the key generated in Step 4.

a. Login to the external archive system as root.

b. If a /.ssh/authorized_keys file does not exist on the external archive system, rename the file (copied from the Cisco BTS 10200 EMS) to /.ssh/authorized_keys. If the file does exist, append the file to it.

Step 6 On the primary EMS, execute

ssh root@abcd

where abcd is the IP address or fully-qualified domain name of the external archive server.

Step 7 Verify that login to the external archive server is successful and that no prompts for username or password are issued.

Step 8 Run enableLAF in EMS platform directories (i.e. /opt/ems/bin and /opt/bdms/bin)

Step 9 Repeat Steps 1-8 for the secondary EMS, primary CA and secondary CA. (In CA, the platform directories are /opt/OptiCall/CAxxx/bin, /opt/OptiCall/FSPTCyyy/bin, /opt/OptiCall/FSAINzzz/bin).

Note Billing has a similar mechanism/steps to SFTP their Call Detail Blocks (CDB) files to an external machine. If the LAF and Billing use the same target machine, then in both EMS, perform Steps 1-7 only once. You must still run Step 8 to enable LAF. And you must still run Steps 1 -9 in CA nodes.

Adding Static Routes

To add static routes to all Cisco BTS 10200 systems, perform the following steps:

Step 1 From the shell or window of the primary call agent, change directory to /opt/utils.

cd /opt/utils

Step 2 Edit S96StaticRoutes using an editor.

Step 3 Add the subnet of NTP server, DNS server, external archive server and any other machine to the file, which user wants to have access to Cisco BTS 10200 system in the following format:

route add -net <destination network> <network gateway>

Note All NTP, DNS traffic, traffic to external archive server, and traffic from other machine to Cisco BTS 10200 system (eg. login), should all go through management networks. (i.e. network gateway in management network). This is particularly important in CA system because CA has both management and signaling network. If user does not specify explicitly in this file, those traffic will be directed to signaling network, because signaling network is the default one in CA/FS.

Step 4 Make sure there is a soft link pointing from /etc/rc3.d/S96StaticRoutes to /opt/utils/S96StaticRoutes.

ls -l /etc/rc3.d/S96StaticRoutes

Step 5 After editing, close the file, and run S96StaticRoutes.


Step 6 Repeat Step 1 to Step 5 on the secondary CA.

Step 7 Verify the connectivity by pinging the DNS server, NTP server, external archive server, or any machine that user just added in that file.

LAF Alarm Information

Refer to the following link to see the LAF alarm information.

Document Name
Link to the Document

Cisco BTS 10200 Troubleshooting Guide

Moving Core Files

BTS creates and stores core files in the bin directory for the binary executable that generated the core. Core files are large (2-4 GB) and eventually cause a disk full condition resulting in a switchover. When a BTS platform system generates a core file, the BTS creates an alarm. The Core File Present—Audit 25 (major) alarm indicates a core is present in the BTS. The primary cause of this alarm is that a network element process crashed.

The BTS automatically removes these core files when disk space is critically low or the core file has aged beyond a maximum allowable time. However, to ensure proper BTS performance move these core files off the BTS to another storage area as soon as they are generated. Refer to the Directory Containing Core Files dataword for the location of the core file.

Use the settings in the cfm.cfg file to configure how to monitor and manage core files.

Table 3-7 Core File Monitor Configuration File Parameters and Conditions 



If set to true, the core file monitor audit is not performed. Default setting is false.


If set to false, the core file monitor alarm is not issued when a core file is found in the network element bin directory. Default setting is true.


This is the minimum free file space in megabytes which will trigger the automatic deletion of the oldest core files. Default is 5 GB.


This is the maximum time in hours that a core file can exist before it is automatically deleted. Default is 72 hours.


If set to true, core files are deleted automatically when their maximum age is reached. Default is true.


If set to to true, the oldest core files are deleted when free file space is low. Default is true.