
Revised: May 14, 2012, OL-25013-02

The purpose of this document is to provide high level description of the provisioning interface for the Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch using the PacketCable provisioning specification (PKT-SP-CMSPROV1.5-I01-050128). This document is not intended to restate the PacketCable specification. However, sufficient detail is provided so that you can understand the relationship between PacketCable objects and the Cisco BTS 10200 command set and database.


The scope of this document is to provide a description of the provisioning interface that is sufficient to allow for you to provision subscribers and to manage services as described in the customer PacketCable Simple Object Access Protocol/Extensible Markup Language (SOAP/XML) Product Requirements Document (PRD). This includes the ability to execute Cisco BTS 10200 XML commands over extensions to the PacketCable interface.


The basic PacketCable specification does not enough definitions for you to manage a Cisco BTS 10200 in its entirety. Using the standards based extensions as defined by the PacketCable specification, sufficient additions are provided in order for a subscriber to manage the Cisco BTS 10200 system. In addition, a standardized format for regular Cisco BTS 10200 command execution is also provided.

Note The reader of this document needs to have a working understanding of the PacketCable specification and of the Web Services general operation.


The PacketCable specification contains common terms and definitions used in this book. Additionally, the following terms are used in this book.

BTS/XML—A Cisco BTS 10200 SOAP/XML implementation using a Cisco BTS 10200 proprietary XML schema derived from the Cisco BTS 10200 command semantics

CLI—Command-line interface

PCSP—Packet Cable Subscriber Provisioning

WSUS—Web Services User Security