- Introduction
- Class of Service Restrictions
- CoS Functional Description
- Exemptions from CoS and OCB Restrictions
- National Call Restrictions (Toll Restrictions)
- Overview—Black and White List Features
- Casual Call (101XXXX) White and Black Lists (Number Blocking)
- National White and Black Lists (Number Blocking)
- International White and Black Lists (Number Blocking)
- Originating Line Information White and Black Lists
- Nature of Dial White and Black Lists
- Blocking Flags
- Account Codes and Authorization Codes
- ANI Screening on Incoming Calls
- Seasonal Suspend Treatment
- Temporary Disconnect Treatment
- CoS Restriction Priorities
- High-Level Flowchart of CoS Screening Process
- Outgoing Call Barring (OCB)
- OCB Highlights
- OCB Subscription and Provisioning
- OCB Activation and User Options
- OCB Deactivation
- OCB Interrogation
- OCB Invocation and Screening
- OCB Lockout Behavior
- How to Coordinate OCB and CoS Provisioning
- OCB Feature Interactions
- Limitations and Restrictions
- Additional Documents with OCB Information
Class of Service Restrictions
and Outgoing Call Barring Features
The Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch supports two suites of call restrictions—Class of Service (CoS) restrictions and Outgoing Call Barring (OCB). The service provider assigns the CoS and OCB features. Individual subscribers can activate, control, and deactivate OCB on their individual lines, but they cannot control the CoS feature.
This chapter includes the following sections:
•Class of Service Restrictions
Note For network features, see Chapter 1, "Network Features."
For lawful intercept and CALEA, see Chapter 2, "Lawful Intercept and Enhanced CALEA Features."
For subscriber features, see Chapter 3, "Subscriber Features."
Class of Service Restrictions
The BTS 10200 supports CoS restrictions on certain call types. The CoS feature is assigned by the service provider and cannot be controlled or deactivated by individual subscribers.
This section covers the following topics:
•Exemptions from CoS and OCB Restrictions
•National Call Restrictions (Toll Restrictions)
•Overview—Black and White List Features
•Casual Call (101XXXX) White and Black Lists (Number Blocking)
•National White and Black Lists (Number Blocking)
•International White and Black Lists (Number Blocking)
•Originating Line Information White and Black Lists
•Nature of Dial White and Black Lists
•Account Codes and Authorization Codes
•ANI Screening on Incoming Calls
•Temporary Disconnect Treatment
•High-Level Flowchart of CoS Screening Process
CoS Functional Description
CoS restrictions prevent certain types of calls from being completed from a particular line or station. The service provider can:
•Provision CoS restrictions for individual subscribers, groups of subscribers, trunk groups (TGs), automatic number identification (ANI), and authorization codes.
•Prohibit calls based on dialing plans and call types. (Call types for CoS screening are contained in the Nature of Dial (NOD) table.)
When a call is blocked, the calling party receives a blocking treatment such as a reorder tone or an announcement.
Exemptions from CoS and OCB Restrictions
Certain types of calls are exempt from both CoS and OCB restrictions:
•Emergency calls (calls with call-type=EMG)—These calls are never subject to CoS and OCB screening. The system always exempts emergency calls from CoS and OCB screening without processing any provisioned parameters. It is possible to provision AMBULANCE, FIRE, and POLICE as subtypes of EMG in the Destination table. If provisioned as subtypes of EMG, these types are given the same treatment as EMG.
•Call types on either of the NOD exception lists—The service provider can provision exception lists to override CoS and OCB screening on certain types of calls. The types of calls on these lists can include, for example, repair calls and toll-free calls. The applicable types of calls are listed in the NOD table. These exceptions are applicable at the switch level (all office codes) and cannot be specified for individual subscribers. There are two NOD exception lists:
–Trigger NOD Escape List table—If the service provider provisions a NOD type/trigger ID pair in the Trigger NOD Escape List (trigger-nod-escape-list) table, that NOD type does not trigger CoS or OCB screening.
–NOD Restrict List—If the service provider provisions a NOD type in the NOD Restrict List (nod-restrict-list) table, that NOD type can trigger CoS or OCB screening, but is exempted at the first screening step.
Tip We recommend that you use the trigger-nod-escape-list to provide this function, because it uses system resources more economically. It is not necessary to provision both lists for this function.
See the complete list of NOD values in the Nature of Dial table in the Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch CLI Database.
National Call Restrictions (Toll Restrictions)
The national call restrictions are used to allow or restrict calls to destinations based on a predefined grouping of local lines, LATA, state, country, or group of countries. Customers can subscribe to one of the following:
•All North American Numbering Plan (NANP) calls—All calls within NANP are allowed.
•National only—Only calls terminating within the country are allowed.
•Intrastate only—Only calls within the state are allowed.
•IntraLATA only—Only calls within the LATA are allowed, including intraLATA toll calls (can be applied only to calls originated in NANP).
•Local only—Only local calls are allowed.
For NANP operator calls (0+NPA-NXX-XXXX), NANP call restriction screening is not performed, even if the NANP call restriction is provisioned in the cos-restrict table for the calling party.
Overview—Black and White List Features
The service provider can provision a list of directory numbers (DNs) to appear on a black list or a white list:
•Black-listed calls do not undergo further screening, and all calls on this list are rejected. This is called number blocking.
•White-listed calls are subject to additional normal OCB restrictions based on call type (if the OCB feature is assigned to the subscriber and activated).
The service provider can also create white and black lists based on originating line information (OLI) and nature of dial (NOD).
Note OCB is a subscriber feature that the service provider can assign to any subscriber line. After OCB is assigned, it is controlled by the individual subscriber. (Typically, OCB is used by service providers outside the North American market.)
For the black/white-list functions of the OCB feature, the service provider should provision the desired black/white-list CoS restrictions for each OCB subscriber, and assign a COS-RESTRICT-ID for the subscriber. This ensures that the black and white list restrictions are in effect, even if the user deactivates OCB. For a complete description of the OCB feature, see the "Outgoing Call Barring (OCB)" section.
The service provider can provision an exception list to override CoS and OCB screening on certain types of calls. See the "Exemptions from CoS and OCB Restrictions" section.
For details on each type of black/white list, see the following sections:
•Casual Call (101XXXX) White and Black Lists (Number Blocking)
•National White and Black Lists (Number Blocking)
•International White and Black Lists (Number Blocking)
•Originating Line Information White and Black Lists
•Nature of Dial White and Black Lists
Casual Call (101XXXX) White and Black Lists (Number Blocking)
The casual call white and black lists are used to allow or restrict calls dialed with a casual code prefix (101XXXX). The applicable CoS can be set up to perform either white-list screening or black-list screening, but not both. The following restrictions can be provisioned:
•No casual calls allowed—User cannot make 101XXXX calls.
•All casual calls allowed—User can make 101XXXX calls.
•101XXXX white list—Only a predefined set of XXXX codes can be dialed.
•101XXXX black list—All XXXX codes can be dialed except for a predefined set.
For NANP operator calls (0+NPA-NXX-XXXX) and international operator calls (01+CC+NN), casual-call screening is not performed, even if the casual-call restriction is provisioned in the cos-restrict table for the calling party.
National White and Black Lists (Number Blocking)
The national white and black lists are used to allow or block national calls based on a predefined list of DNs. The applicable CoS can be set up to perform either white-list screening or black-list screening, but not both. The following restrictions can be applied:
•No restrictions.
•National white list—Only calls on a predefined prefix list can be called. The list can consist of full or partial DNs (for example, NDC or NDC-EC codes, or NPA or NPA-NXX codes for North America).
•National black list—All calls on a predefined prefix list are blocked. The list can consist of full or partial DNs (for example, NDC or NDC-EC codes, or NPA or NPA-NXX codes for North America).
For NANP operator calls (0+NPA-NXX-XXXX), NANP call restriction screening is not performed, even if the NANP call restriction is provisioned in the cos-restrict table for the calling party.
The national white black list table checks telephone numbers only for the following call types: local, intralatatoll, interlatatoll, national (ITU only), toll, intl-wz1, international, casual, 900, premium, 976, da, da-toll, 0-plus, 0-minus, 01-plus, tw, info and non-emergency. The system does not check this list if the NOD is not one of these call types. For example, if an 800 number is added to this table, the number is not checked, since an 800 number is call type toll-free, and toll-free is not a supported call type.
International calls within NANP are screened against the national white and black lists, and not against the international white and black lists.
International White and Black Lists (Number Blocking)
The international white and black lists are used to allow or block calls made outside the country. The applicable CoS can be set up to perform either white-list screening or black-list screening, but not both. The following restrictions can be applied:
•No international calls allowed—Does not allow any international calls.
•International white list—Allows only those calls that have a country code (CC) noted in the white list.
•International black list—Does not allow any calls that have a CC noted in the black list.
•All international calls allowed—No restrictions are applied on international calls.
For international operator calls (01+CC+NN), international call restriction screening is not performed, even if the international call restriction is provisioned in the cos-restrict table for the calling party.
International calls within NANP are screened against the national white and black lists, and not against the international white and black lists.
Originating Line Information White and Black Lists
The originating line information (OLI) white and black lists (also referred to as II white and black lists) are used to allow or block calls made from certain types of lines, such as those from hotels and prisons. This is a Tandem call screening function. You can provision the following CoS screening options for OLI white-list screening and black-list screening:
•No OLI screening performed.
•Use the II white/black screening list as a white list—Allows the specified OLI types to place calls.
•Use the II white/black screening list as a black list—Blocks calls from the specified OLI types.
Note II digits 24 and 25 are exempt from CoS screening (these are translated toll-free 8XX calls from POTS lines).
Nature of Dial White and Black Lists
The nature of dial (NOD) white and black lists (NOD-WB-LIST) are used to allow or block certain categories of calls, such as casual dialing (dialing around), time/weather, international operator assistance, premium calls, toll calls, toll-free calls, and so forth. The following restrictions can be applied:
•No NOD screening performed.
•Use the NOD white/black screening list as white list—Allow the specified NOD types to be called.
•Use the NOD white/black screening list as black list—Block calls to the specified NOD types.
To block international calls that originate within the 48 contiguous United States and terminate in World Zone 1 (outside of the contiguous 48 states but within NANP), set the NOD token to INTL-WZ1 in the NOD White Black List table.
Certain types of calls are exempt from both CoS and OCB restrictions. See the information in the "CoS Functional Description" section.
See the Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch CLI Database for a complete list of NOD types.
Blocking Flags
The service provider can provision the blocking flags listed below. Each blocking flag has the same effect as the provisioning of the NOD black list for the same feature.
Tip All call types that can be blocked using blocking flags can also be blocked by placing that call type on the NOD black list. We recommend using the NOD black list.
•Block 900 (premium) calls—Blocks all calls of the form 1-900-XXX-XXXX.
•Block 976 (local information) calls—Blocks all calls of the form 976-XXXX or NPA-976-XXXX.
•Block info calls—Blocks all calls to information services.
•Block time/weather calls—Blocks all calls to time and weather services.
•Block directory assistance (DA) calls—Blocks all directory assistance calls of the form 411, 1+411, or NPA-555-XXXX.
•Block NANP operator assistance calls—Blocks all calls to an operator within NANP, specifically, 0 calls and 0+ calls (0+NPA-NXX-XXXX).
•Block international calls—The behavior of this flag depends upon the location of the originating station:
–For calls that originate from locations outside NANP, this flag blocks all calls terminating outside the country.
–For calls that originate from locations inside NANP, this flag blocks all calls terminating outside NANP.
Note For calls that originate from locations inside NANP, to block calls terminating outside the country but inside NANP (for example, calls from the United States to Canada), use the INTL-WZ1 token in the NOD White Black List.
•Block international operator assistance calls—Blocks all calls to an operator outside the country, including 01+ calls (01+CC+NN).
Account Codes and Authorization Codes
The BTS 10200 supports account code and authorization code features. These features are part of the CoS features, and include the collection and screening of digits on calls. The individual or business can use this feature to help restrict or block certain types of outgoing calls.
Tone-Based and IVR-Based Options
The service provider can provision the system to use either a tone-based procedure or an IVR-based procedure for collecting and screening the digits.
Note We recommend that you use IVR-based CoS only in cases where the originating MGW or TGW is unable to play tones to the caller. The IVR-based CoS feature for ISDN trunks is for the North American market only. It is not supported for SS7, H.323, or SIP endpoints.
•The tone-based procedure requires that the originating MGW be capable of playing tones to the caller. When an account or authorization code is required during CoS screening, the BTS 10200 instructs the MGW to play the appropriate tones and collect digits. After the digits are collected, the call proceeds or is blocked based on CoS restrictions.
•The IVR-based procedure is used when the originating MGW is not capable of playing tones to the caller. This is typically true of TGWs and devices such as PBXs connected over ISDN PRI trunks at the customer premises. When an account or authorization code is required during CoS screening, an IVR server plays the appropriate prompts and collects digits entered by the handset user. After the digits are collected, the call proceeds or is blocked based on CoS restrictions.
Tone-Based Operation
This section describes the tone-based operation of account codes and authorization codes. It also describes provisionable prompt-delay timers that can be used for certain scenarios involving PBX systems.
Account Codes (Nonverified)—Tone-Based Operation
Account codes provide the collection of 2 to 12 digits to allow call charging to user projects, departments or special accounts. The user activates account codes by dialing a number (usually a long-distance call) that requires an account code for call completion. A prompt tone is issued after the digits are dialed. The user then enters an account code of a specified length. These account codes are not verified. (See the next section for verified account codes.) The account code is provided in the call detail records (CDRs) associated with the call. Account codes are not collected for any of the following call types:
•National operator calls
•International operator calls
•Local calls
The following additional capabilities are provisionable in the feature-config table:
•The system can allow or inhibit the collection of account codes for calls with nature of dial (NOD) types LOCAL, NON-EMG, and TOLL-FREE.
•The system can be provisioned to apply an account-code prompt delay for calls originating from NCS endpoints.
Authorization Codes (Verified Account Codes)—Tone-Based Operation
Authorization codes, also referred to as verified account codes, can be used by an intended user or group to override certain CoS calling restrictions. For example, long-distance calls can be restricted on certain phones, such as phones in a lobby or conference room, unless the user knows a valid authorization code. When an authorization code is required, the user is prompted by a tone. The user can override the restriction by dialing an authorization code that has associated with it the privilege to make long-distance calls. Authorization codes can be from 3 to 23 digits in length.
The user takes the following action when an authorization code is required:
1. Goes off hook and receives a dial tone.
2. Dials a DN. The system determines that an authorization code is required and returns a confirmation tone (2 beeps) to the user.
3. Enters the digits for the authorization code.
–If the user enters the correct authorization code, the call is screened based on CoS assigned to that authorization code. If this authorization code has appropriate privileges, the call is allowed.
–If the user enters a code that is incorrect or does not have appropriate privileges for the call being attempted, or if the associated account is invalid, the call is diverted to a preselected announcement.
Authorization codes can be used to override call category restrictions, but they cannot be used to override black/white lists. For example, an authorization code can be used to override "no international calls allowed," but it cannot be used to override any type of black/white list.
Use of a Prompt-Delay Timer for a PBX System Connected through an IAD
When an account code or authorization code is required, a caller connected to an IAD or MGW is provided with a prompting tone. However, if a caller is connected to a PBX that is connected to an IAD (by the CAS protocol), the PBX might not be capable of cutting through the prompting audio quickly enough for the caller to actually receive the prompt. To help resolve this problem, the BTS 10200 has provisionable tokens that can be used to introduce delay before the account-code or authorization-code prompt is played. When this prompt delay is provisioned appropriately, PBX users are able to hear the confirmation tone when they make calls requiring access codes. The option to delay the MGCP RQNT message applies only to CAS trunk groups without main-subscriber, or CAS trunk groups with main-subscriber whose category is PBX. The delay is provisionable through the CA-CONFIG table:
•ACCT-CODE-PROMPT-DELAY, for introducing delay prior to playing the account code prompt
•AUTH-CODE-PROMPT-DELAY, for introducing delay prior to playing the authorization code prompt
Note The prompt-delay feature is not supported for SS7, H.323, ISDN, or SIP endpoints, or for analog subscriber lines.
For detailed descriptions of these tokens, see the Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch CLI Database. For a list of commands used to provision these features, see the Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Provisioning Guide.
IVR-Based Operation
The system supports IVR-based operation of account codes and authorization codes for SIP subscribers and for ISDN trunks. The feature interfaces with, and is dependent on, the services of a network IVR server. When an account or authorization code is required during CoS screening, an IVR voice path is established between the IVR server and the subscriber. For ISDN, the IVR voice path is established between the IVR server and the ISDN trunk on the TGW/MGW/IAD at the customer site.
Prerequisites for IVR-Based Operation
For IVR-based capabilities, the BTS 10200 interfaces with, and is dependent on, the services of an IVR server. The feature also requires all the network setup for a basic feature call. This feature further requires the PacketCable Basic Audio Package (BAU) interface for managing and controlling IVR endpoints. See PacketCable document PKT-SP-ASP-102-010620.
Restrictions and Limitations for IVR-Based Operation
The following restrictions and limitations apply to the implementation of the IVR-based CoS account and authorization codes:
•The IVR-based account and authorization code capability is supported only for ISDN PRI trunks and only in the North American market.
•The system does not support the IVR-based account and authorization code capability for SS7 and H.323 endpoints.
•The system does not support local IVR capability. (Local-IVR involves using IVR resources of the ingress gateway.)
•In the BTS 10200, authorization and account codes reported by IVR are not appended to the DialedDigit parameter issued to the billing record because the IVR digits are not processed in the Call Agent.
Feature Provisioning
The following tokens in the Class of Service Restrict (cos-restrict) table affect the behavior of this feature:
•To control the type of prompt played to the user, set the PROMPT-METHOD token to TONE (default) or IVR.
Note For SIP endpoints, the system uses only the Interactive Voice Response (IVR)-based method of prompting, not the tone-based method. For account codes and authorization codes, the system applies IVR-based prompts for SIP endpoints, regardless of the values you provision for the PROMPT_METHOD parameter in the cos-restrict table.
•To specify whether to permit calls when an IVR server fails, set the ALLOW-CALLS-ON-IVR-FAILURE token to Y (default) or N.
•Account code parameters—ACCT-CODE-ALLOW and ACCT-CODE-LENGTH.
•Authorization code parameters—AUTH-CODE-ALLOW, AUTH-CODE-LENGTH, and AUTH-CODE-GRP-ID. The following tables are also necessary for authorization code—Authorization Code (auth-code) and Authorization Code Group (auth-code-grp).
The following tokens in the Feature Configuration (feature-config) table can be adjusted if necessary for treatment of account codes:
The following tokens in the Call Agent Configuration (ca-config) table can be adjusted if necessary for treatment of account codes and authorization codes:
For general CoS provisioning, see the Class of Service (CoS) provisioning procedure in the Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Provisioning Guide.
For more details about IVR interactions, see Chapter 6, "Interactive Voice Response Functions."
To provision IVR support for features that use the IVR functionality, see the applicable feature provisioning procedure in the Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Provisioning Guide.
ANI Screening on Incoming Calls
Automatic number identification (ANI) screening is a service commonly found in Tandem switches, and it is used for long-distance access service. The ANI is the number of the calling party (NDC + EC + DN). Full or partial ANIs can be specified for screening. The ANI screening feature validates the ANI on incoming trunk group (TG) calls from the public switched telephone network (PSTN) before routing. All ANIs to be screened are stored in the Feature Server database. The system takes the following actions:
•If an ANI is not available or does not appear in the Feature Server ANI table, the call is considered a casual call. The TG restrictions are checked to see if casual calls are allowed. If casual calls are not allowed, the call is denied and routed to an announcement.
•If the ANI exists in the table, the ANI status is checked next. The ANI status can either be allowed or blocked. If the status is blocked, the call is blocked and routed to an announcement. CoS can also be applied on an ANI basis.
When an incoming call is received over a Trunk Group marked for ANI Screening, the Cisco BTS 10200 screens the incoming number against a provisioned list of ANIs in the ANI-SCREENING table. The ANI-SCREENING-PROFILE-ID provisioned in the Trunk Group table and the received ANI is used to index the ANI-SCREENING table. To provision ANI screening on incoming calls, see the Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch SIP Guide. For more information on the ANI screening table, see the Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch CLI Database.
Seasonal Suspend Treatment
The service provider can designate a subscriber as seasonally suspended (for example, if the subscriber is on an extended vacation) and use CoS screening to limit the types of calls allowed on the line. For example, a special set of CoS restrictions can allow seasonally suspended subscribers to call only emergency and repair numbers and voicemail.
For subscribers with STATUS=SEASONAL-SUSPEND in the Subscriber table, the system ignores the CoS restriction ID for the subscriber (in the Subscriber Profile table), and instead uses the COS-RESTRICT-ID provisioned for the SEAS feature in the in the feature-config table.
Note For a full description, see the "Seasonal Suspend" section in Chapter 3, "Subscriber Features."
Temporary Disconnect Treatment
The service provider can designate a subscriber as temporarily disconnected (for example, for nonpayment of bills) and use CoS screening to limit the types of calls the subscriber is allowed to make. For example, a special set of CoS restrictions can allow temporarily disconnected subscribers to call only the repair number.
For subscribers with STATUS=TEMP-DISCONNECTED in the Subscriber table, the system ignores the CoS restriction ID for the subscriber (in the Subscriber Profile table), and instead uses the TEMP-DISC-COS-RESTRICT-ID token in the Point of Presence (POP) table.
Note For a full description, see the "Temporarily Disconnected Subscriber Status and Soft Dial Tone" section in Chapter 3, "Subscriber Features."
CoS Restriction Priorities
If a combination of call categories is applicable to a call, the system performs black-list and white-list screening first. If the call passes (is allowed from) black-list and white-list screening, the system applies CoS restriction screening.
CoS restrictions can be assigned to any ANI, authorization code, trunk group, or POTS subscriber. When multiple CoS restrictions apply to a trunk call, the system uses this order of precedence:
1. Use the CoS assigned to the ANI if it is found in the ANI screening table.
2. If the ANI is not found in ANI screening table, use the CoS assigned to the TG.
3. If an authorization code is required, use the CoS assigned to authorization code.
When a call is blocked due to CoS screening, the call event shows which type of screening blocked the call. The service provider can provision the treatment of blocked calls and can include, for example, playing an announcement or sending a cause code to the originator.
High-Level Flowchart of CoS Screening Process
Figure 4-1 and Figure 4-2 show a high-level flowchart of the CoS screening process. The flowchart is split into two parts (two drawings) for easier viewing.
Figure 4-1 CoS Screening Process (Part 1)
Figure 4-2 CoS Screening Process (Part 2)
1. Call types on the NOD-RESTRICT-LIST are exempt from CoS screening.
2. II = 24 and 25 are reserved for translated toll-free calls and are exempt from II screening.
3. COS-RESTRICT screening is applicable if either the subscriber or the TG has an associated COS-RESTRICT-ID.
4. Block flags are as follows:
Note NOD-WB-LIST has a higher precedence that the block flags during screening.
5. The initial check of the authorization code is based on the provisioned value for AUTH-CODE-ALLOW in the applicable COS-RESTRICT table.
6. The additional check of authorization code is based on the COS-RESTRICT-ID provisioned in the applicable AUTH-CODE table.
Outgoing Call Barring (OCB)
This section describes the BTS 10200 support for the outgoing call barring (OCB) feature. The OCB feature allows an individual subscriber or business group administrator to restrict certain types of outgoing calls. Once OCB is provisioned and activated on a calling line, the OCB restrictions are transparently invoked on all outgoing calls.
The BTS 10200 support for the OCB feature complies with the International Telecommunications Union standard ITU-T I.255.5, Outgoing Call Barring.
The class of service (CoS) feature is an optional functionality (subset) of OCB. The service provider can provision the CoS feature by itself, without the OCB feature. The details are discussed later in this section.
Certain types of calls are exempt from both CoS and OCB restrictions. See this information in the "CoS Functional Description" section.
This section covers the following topics:
•OCB Subscription and Provisioning
•OCB Activation and User Options
•How to Coordinate OCB and CoS Provisioning
•Additional Documents with OCB Information
OCB Highlights
The following list highlights some of the major functions and behaviors for the OCB feature:
•The range of K-values (call-barring levels) is 1 through 9, and the service provider can provision each of the 9 values for specific call types. The default K-values are K=1 (all calls), K=2 (domestic long distance and international), and K=3 (international). These values are automatically enabled for the handset user when the OCB feature is provisioned by the service provider.
•K-values can be mapped to call types at the POP or at the office level. If K-values are not mapped at the POP level, the software checks to see if they are mapped at the office level. K-value mapping need not be configured per subscriber.
•Only one K-value can be active at any time on a specific subscriber line.
•The service provider can provision three deactivation options for the handset user, including the option to deactivate only if the user enters a currently active K-value. By default, the system deactivates OCB without checking the K-value the user enters.
•If the user attempts to reactivate OCB to the same K-value that is currently active, the system treats the attempt as a new attempt, and provides the same success announcement as for the previous activation. If the user attempts to activate OCB to a different K-value than is currently activated, the system plays the appropriate announcement.
•The PIN length is provisioned by the service provider, cannot be provisioned by the user with the handset, and cannot be changed by the user. The initial PIN setup can be performed either by the service provider or can be provisioned for the user to set up with the handset. However, the initial PIN cannot be changed by the handset user.
•If a user forgets the original password, the service provider (after proper authorization) can reset the password.
OCB Subscription and Provisioning
The service provider sets up OCB service at the request of the subscriber. There are a number of service provider-provisionable parameters that affect the behavior of the feature on the subscriber line:
•Vertical service code (VSC)—An ASCII string that the user must enter to access OCB activation, deactivation, and interrogation options. The recommended values are *54*, #54* and *#54#, which are used in the examples below. However, VSCs are not preprovisioned in the system. The service provider can provision these values with any valid unique ASCII string up to five characters long.
Note The valid formats for VSC ASCII strings are listed in the VSC table specification in the Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch CLI Database.
•Private identification number (PIN)—A digit string that the user must enter for authorization to set OCB activation and deactivation options from his or her local phone.
Initially, the service provider or the user establishes a PIN for the user. Thereafter, the user cannot modify the PIN.
•PIN length (PIN-LEN)—The number of digits required for a valid PIN (can be provisioned as 1 to 8 digits). These parameters are provisioned as follows:
–The PIN and PIN-LEN parameters can be provisioned by the service provider.
–The PIN and PIN-LEN cannot be provisioned or changed by a user with the handset if the OCB-PROFILE has not been provisioned at either the point-of-presence (POP) or at the office level. However, if the OCB-PROFILE has been provisioned and the FREE_SELECT_PIN token has been set to Y (Yes), a subscriber can free-select and register a PIN using a handset at activation if a PIN has not already been assigned and registered.
•Allowed activation and deactivation attempts and lockout parameters—OCB can be provisioned to limit the number of times that a user can enter an incorrect PIN within a specified time. If the limit is exceeded, the system ignores further activation and deactivation attempts for a provisionable length of time (lockout period).
OCB Activation and User Options
OCB activation (OCBA) allows a user to activate OCB and select various call-barring options on the handset (local phone). A user does this by dialing *54*K-VALUE<PIN>#. The trailing # is optional; it signifies the end of the entry. The parameters are defined as follows:
•*54* is the VSC the user enters on the handset to access the OCBA feature.
K-VALUE is the parameter that determines the type of outgoing calls to be barred. OCB can enable K-values up to 9 levels. The K-Value can be mapped to the OCB-K-Value table.
Note Emergency calls (calls with call type set to EMG) are not barred, regardless of the specified K-Value.
•<PIN> is the assigned private digit string that the user must enter. A success announcement is given on a successful activation, and an error announcement, indicating the type of error, is given if activation is unsuccessful.
Note The K-VALUE can be changed when the OCB feature is active if the subscriber performs another activation and enters a different value for the K-VALUE token. The new K-Value overwrites the old one.
If a user enters an incorrect PIN repeatedly in a specified time period, the system can lock out further activation or deactivation attempts, as described in the "OCB Subscription and Provisioning" section.
The following user actions are invalid, and the system provides an appropriate error announcement in response to each:
•The user enters a value for K-VALUE that is not in the range 1 through MAX-K-VALUES (as specified in the OCB-PROFILE table).
If a subscriber attempts an activation and specifies a K-VALUE that is not in the range established by the provisioned MAX-K-VALUE token, the subscriber receives an error announcement. If the MAX-K-VALUES token is not provisioned in the OCB-PROFILE table at either the POP or BTS 10200, by default the valid K-VALUE range is 1 through 3.
The POP table is checked first for the MAX-K-VALUE and then the office level (call agent configuration table).
•The user is not provisioned for the OCB feature.
•The user enters an incorrect PIN.
OCB Deactivation
The Enhanced OCB feature supports three options for OCB deactivation. An option is specified by provisioning the DEACTIVATION-OPTION token in the OCB-PROFILE table.
To select the NO_K_VALUE deactivation option, the subscriber enters <VSC><PIN> without entering a K-VALUE.
The K-VALUE-NO-MATCH deactivation option enables a user to deactivate all OCB on the handset. The user does this by dialing #54*K-VALUE<PIN>#. The parameters are defined as follows:
•#54* is the VSC the user enters on the handset to access the OCBD feature.
•K-VALUE must be entered as a value from 1 through MAX-K-VALUES. However, the actual value is ignored during processing.
•<PIN> is the same as for OCBA.
If the K-VALUE token is not provisioned in the OCB-K-VALUE table at either the POP or softswitch, by default, the K-Value range is 1 through 3.
The K-VALUE-MATCH deactivation option requires the subscriber to enter a K-VALUE that matches the K-VALUE provisioned for the subscriber. If the subscriber enters a K-VALUE that does not match the value provisioned for K-VALUE, the subscriber receives an error announcement.
Additional Deactivation Details
A success announcement is given on a successful deactivation, and an error announcement, indicating the type of error, is given if deactivation is unsuccessful.
Refer to the Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch CLI Database for provisioning details.
If a user enters an incorrect PIN repeatedly in a specified time period, the system can lock out further activation or deactivation attempts, as described in the "OCB Subscription and Provisioning" section.
OCB Interrogation
OCB interrogation allows a user to check the level of outgoing call restrictions on his or her local phone. The dial string for OCB Interrogation is *#54#. No PIN is required to use this feature. The system provides an appropriate announcement to the user.
OCB Invocation and Screening
For a calling party that is subscribed to OCB and has activated the feature, the feature is invoked for every call made after the called party digits are dialed. There is no user driven invocation method involved for the feature. Once provisioned for a calling party, and activated on the calling party's line, the invocation is handled automatically by the BTS 10200.
OCB Lockout Behavior
The LOCK-OUT, TIME-OUT, and FAIL-CNT tokens in the OCB-PROFILE and FEATURE tables are intended to prevent unauthorized changes or bypassing of OCB screening. If a user repeatedly enters the PIN incorrectly on the handset, the system can lock the line against both OCBA and OCBD.
•If the FAIL-CNT (fail count), LOCK-OUT, and TIME-OUT tokens are provisioned in the OCB-PROFILE table, OCB lockout behaves according to those specifications.
•If the OCB-PROFILE table is not provisioned, OCB lockout behaves according to the provisioning of the LOCK-OUT, TIME-OUT, and FAIL-CNT tokens in the FEATURE table.
The tokens control the lockout behavior as described in Table 4-1.
Tip There is no service lockout when either the TIME-OUT or FAIL-CNT token is set to 0.
How to Coordinate OCB and CoS Provisioning
Typically, service providers in North America provide the CoS feature set, but not the OCB feature set, to their customers. In the rest of the world, service providers typically provide OCB. On the BTS 10200, the black/white list functionality of OCB is contained in the CoS module. Therefore, to provide black/white-list functionality with OCB, you must:
•Assign the OCB feature and provision the desired OCB options for each subscriber.
•Provision the desired black/white-list CoS restrictions for each OCB subscriber, and assign a COS-RESTRICT-ID for the subscriber. This ensures that the black and white list restrictions are in effect, even if the user deactivates OCB. It is optional to include the CoS feature in the Subscriber Service Profile table.
Table 4-2 summarizes how to coordinate provisioning options for CoS and OCB.
in the Service Provisioned for the Subscriber |
by the System 1 2 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
No restrictions on outgoing calls. |
n/a |
0 |
0 |
1 |
No restrictions on outgoing calls. |
n/a |
0 |
1 |
0 |
No restrictions on outgoing calls. |
n/a |
0 |
1 |
1 |
Full CoS functionality. No OCB. |
CoS |
1 |
0 |
0 |
OCB, but without black/white list. No CoS. |
1 |
0 |
1 |
OCB with black/white list. To the extent that COS-RESTRICT is configured, additional CoS features apply to the subscriber. In this case, OCB treatment takes precedence over CoS treatment. |
1 |
1 |
0 |
OCB, but without black/white list. No CoS. |
1 |
1 |
1 |
OCB with black/white list. To the extent that COS-RESTRICT is configured, additional CoS features apply to the subscriber. In this case, OCB treatment takes precedence over CoS treatment. |
1 This description assumes that OCB (if provisioned for the subscriber) has been activated by the subscriber. 2 For details of the CoS feature, see the "Class of Service Restrictions" section. |
OCB Feature Interactions
The section describes the interactions of OCB with other features.
OCB Interaction with Call Forwarding
The interaction of OCB and call forwarding features depends upon the sequence in which they are activated.
Note In this section, "CFx" refers to any of the call forwarding features, CFU, CFB, CFNA, or call forwarding combined (CFC).
•If OCB is activated prior to CFx activation—OCB screening is performed on each DN the user enters when attempting to activate CFx. Successful CFx activation depends on the existing OCB K-VALUE and the forward-to DN:
–If the existing OCB K-VALUE is set to block calls to the forward-to DN, then the system does not allow CFx activation. The user receives an error announcement.
–If the OCB K-VALUE allows calls to this DN, then the CFx activation process continues. Once the CFx activation attempt to a specific DN is accepted by the system, it is applicable permanently regardless of any future OCB K-VALUE changes. That is, future changes to the OCB K-VALUE have no effect on CFx invocation. CFx to this DN can be deactivated by the user in the normal manner (#XX#).
•If CFx is activated prior to OCB activation—The user can activate the OCB feature, or change the OCB K-VALUE, regardless of the existing CFx feature. However, invocation of OCB depends upon the type of call:
–User-dialed calls—User-dialed calls can be blocked by OCB (depending on the K-VALUE).
–Forwarded calls—CFx remains active as originally set up by the user, therefore, calls forwarded by the CFx feature are not blocked using OCB screening.
OCB Interaction with CoS Restriction
If the OCB is assigned and active on the subscriber line, the COS-RESTRICT-ID is provisioned for the subscriber, and the black/white-list functionality is also provisioned, the subscriber will receive OCB treatment including black/white-list functionality. The system will apply all provisioned CoS features to the subscriber, but OCB treatment takes precedence over CoS treatment. For more information on coordinating the provisionable features of CoS and OCB, see Table 4-2.
Note The service provider can provision an exception list to override CoS and OCB screening on certain types of calls. See the "Exemptions from CoS and OCB Restrictions" section.
Limitations and Restrictions
This section provides information on limitations and restrictions that apply to certain OCB options.
Limitations on Reporting of Traffic Counters
The BTS 10200 OCB does not support the following traffic counters when it uses the OCB-Profile to block calls:
Special Call Types
Emergency calls (calls with call-type=EMG) are never subject to COS and OCB screening. The system always exempts emergency calls from COS and OCB screening without considering any provisioned parameters. You can provision AMBULANCE, FIRE, and POLICE as subtypes of EMG in the Destination table. If provisioned as subtypes of EMG, these types are given the same treatment as EMG.
SIP Subscribers
If the service provider sets NANP_DIAL_PLAN="Y" in the dial plan for a SIP subscriber, the OCB feature does not operate properly.
Additional Documents with OCB Information
This section describes the OCB feature and the impact of certain provisionable parameters. It should be used in conjunction with the OCB information in the following documents:
For information on all of the CLI parameters, see the Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Provisioning Guide.
For the sequence of commands used to provision this feature, see the OCB provisioning procedure in the Provisioning Guide.
For a list of cause codes and announcements, see the Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Provisioning Guide.
For a list of traffic measurements (counters), see the Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Operations and Maintenance Guide.
For billing procedures and data, see the Cisco BTS 10200 Softswitch Billing Guide.