CLI Basics

CLI Overview

This guide describes CiscoUnifiedOperating System (OS) commands that you can use on the Cisco Emergency Responder (Emergency Responder) platform to perform basic operating system functions. The CiscoUnifiedOS Administration web interface also makes these functions available. Typically, you would use the CLI only when a problem occurs while you are using the CiscoUnifiedOS Administration web interface.


The File I/O Reporting Service (FIOR) provides a kernel-based daemon for collecting file I/O per process. It must be enabled from the CLI; it is disabled by default.

Start CLI Session

You can access the CLI remotely or locally using the following methods:

  • You can access the CLI remotely from a web client workstation, such as the workstation that you use for Emergency Responder administration, by using secure shell (SSH) to connect securely to the Emergency Responder.
  • You can access the CLI locally by using the monitor and keyboard that you used during installation or by using a terminal server that is connected to the serial port. Use this method if a problem exists with the IP address.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have the following information, which is defined during installation:

  • A primary IP address and hostname
  • An administrator ID
  • An administrator password

You need this information to log in to the Emergency Responder platform.


Step 1

Depending on your method of access, do one of the following actions:

  • From a remote system, use SSH to connect securely to the Emergency Responder platform. In your SSH client, enter:

    ssh adminname@hostname

    adminnam specifies the administrator ID and hostname specifies the hostname that was defined during installation.

    For example, ssh admin@cer-1

  • From a direct connection, you receive this prompt automatically:

    cer-1 login: 

    cer-1 represents the host name of the system.

    Enter the administrator ID that was defined during installation.

Step 2

Enter the password that was defined at installation.

The CLI prompt appears. The prompt represents the administrator ID; for example:


You can now use any CLI command.

Command Completion

To complete commands, use Tab:


  • Enter the start of a command and press Tab to complete the command. For example, if you enter se and press Tab, se is expanded to the set command.

  • Enter a full command name and press Tab to display all the commands or subcommands that are available. For example, if you enter set and press Tab, you see all of the set subcommands. An asterisk (*) identifies the commands that have subcommands.

  • PressTab to continue. The current command line repeats; no additional expansion is available.

Obtain Command Help

You can obtain two kinds of help on any command:
  • Detailed help that includes a definition of the command and an example of its use

  • Short query help that includes only command syntax


Step 1

To get detailed help, at the CLI prompt enter the help command which specifies the command name or the command and parameter.


admin:help file list activelog
activelog help:
This will list active logging files

options are:
page - pause output
detail - show detailed listing
reverse - reverse sort order
date - sort by date
size - sort by size

file-spec can contain '*' as wildcards

admin:file list activelog platform detail
02 Dec,2004 12:00:59 <dir> drf
02 Dec,2004 12:00:59 <dir> log
16 Nov,2004 21:45:43 8,557 enGui.log
27 Oct,2004 11:54:33 47,916 startup.log
dir count = 2, file count = 2

Step 2

To query only command syntax, at the CLI prompt enter ?, which represents the command name or the command and parameter.



If you enter a question mark (?) after a menu command, such as set, the question mark functions like the Tab key and lists the commands that are available.


admin:file list activelog?Syntax:
file list activelog file-spec [options]
file-spec mandatory file to view
options optional page|detail|reverse|[date|size]

End CLI Session


To end a CLI session, enter quit at the CLI prompt.

If you are logged in remotely, you are logged off and the SSH session is drops. If you are logged in locally, you are logged off and the login prompt returns.

Unsupported VMware Commands

The following list shows the VMware commands currently not supported.

  • show environment fans

  • show environment power-supply

  • show environment temperatures

  • show memory size

  • show memory count

  • show memory modules all

  • utils create report hardware

  • utils snmp hardware-agents restart

  • utils snmp hardware-agents start

  • utils snmp hardware-agents status

  • utils snmp hardware-agents stop