SAML-Based SSO Configuration


NTP Setup

In SAML SSO, Network Time Protocol (NTP) enables clock synchronization between the Unified Communications applications and IdP. SAML is a time sensitive protocol and the IdP determines the time-based validity of a SAML assertion. If the IdP and the Unified Communications applications clocks are not synchronized, the assertion becomes invalid and stops the SAML SSO feature. The maximum allowed time difference between the IdP and the Unified Communications applications is 3 seconds.


For SAML SSO to work, you must install the correct NTP setup and make sure that the time difference between the IdP and the Unified Communications applications does not exceed 3 seconds.

DNS Setup

Domain Name System (DNS) enables the mapping of host names and network services to IP addresses within a network or networks. DNS server(s) deployed within a network provide a database that maps network services to hostnames and, in turn, hostnames to IP addresses. Devices on the network can query the DNS server and receive IP addresses for other devices in the network, thereby facilitating communication between network devices.

Unified Communications applications can use DNS to resolve fully qualified domain names to IP addresses. The service providers and the IdP must be resolvable by the browser. For example, when the administrator enters the service provider hostname ( in the browser, the browser must resolve the hostname. When the service provider redirects the browser to IdP ( for SAML SSO, the browser must also resolve the IdP hostname. Moreover, when the IdP redirects back to the service provider ACS URL, the browser must resolve that as well.

Directory Setup

LDAP directory synchronization is a prerequisite and a mandatory step to enable SAML SSO across various Unified Communications applications. Synchronization of Unified Communications applications with an LDAP directory allows the administrator to provision users easily by mapping Unified Communications applications data fields to directory attributes.


To enable SAML SSO, the LDAP server must be trusted by the IdP server and supported by Unified Communications applications.

For more information, see the "Directory Integration and Identity Management" chapter of the Cisco Collaboration System Solution Reference Network Designs at:

Certificate Management and Validation


Cisco strongly recommends that server certificates are signed for SAML SSO and that multiserver certificates are used where product support is available.


  • Common Names (CN) and Subject Alternative Names (SAN) are references to the IP address or Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the address that is requested. For instance, if you enter, then the CN or SAN must have "" in the header.

  • If the Unified Communications Manager is already in Mixed/Secure Mode and there are changes made to the certificates, then the CTL certificate must be updated using the secure USB token. Otherwise the Cisco Jabber client will not be able to acquire telephony capability. The CTL token update requires a Unified Communications Manager restart.

In SAML SSO, each entity participating in the SAML message exchange, including the user's web browser, must establish a seamless secure HTTPS connections to the required entities. Cisco strongly recommends that signed certificates issued by a trusted Certificate Authority be configured on each UC product participating in the SAML SSO deployment.

Unified Communications applications use certificate validation to establish secure connections with servers. Certificates are used between end points to build a trust/authentication and encryption of data. This confirms that the endpoints communicate with the intended device and have the option to encrypt the data between the two endpoints.

When attempting to establish secure connections, servers present Unified Communications clients with certificates. If the client cannot validate a certificate, it prompts the user to confirm if they want to accept the certificate.

Certificates Signed by a Certificate Authority

Cisco recommends using server certificates that are signed by one of the following types of Certificate Authority (CA):

  • Public CA - A third-party company verifies the server identity and issues a trusted certificate.
  • Private CA - You create and manage a local CA and issue trusted certificates.

The signing process varies for each product and can vary between server versions. It is beyond the scope of this document to provide detailed steps for every version of each server. Refer the appropriate server documentation for detailed instructions on how to get certificates signed by a CA.

However, the following steps provide a high-level overview of the procedure:


Step 1

Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) on each product that can present a certificate to the client.

Step 2

Submit each CSR to the CA.

Step 3

Upload the certificates that the CA issues to each server.

Every server certificate should have an associated root certificate present in the trust store on client computers. Cisco UC applications validate the certificates that servers present against the root certificates in the trust store.

If you get server certificates signed by a public CA, the public CA should already have a root certificate present in the trust store on the client computer. In this case, you do not need to import root certificates on the client computers.

You should import root certificates if the certificates are signed by a CA that does not already exist in the trust store, such as a private CA.

In SAML SSO, the IdP and service providers must have CA signed certificates with the correct domains in the CN or SAN. If the correct CA certificates are not validated, the browser issues a pop up warning.

For example, when the administrator points the browser to; the Unified Communications Manager portal presents a CA certificate to the browser. When the browser is redirected to , the IdP presents a CA certificate. The browser will check that the certificate presented by the servers contains CN or SAN fields for that domain, and that the certificate is signed by a trusted CA.

Alternatively, if the customer has their own private CA, then that CA must be installed as a root trust anchor on the computers that the administrator is launching their browser from.

SAML SSO Configuration Task Flow

Complete these tasks to configure Unified Communications Manager for SAML SSO.

Before you begin

SAML SSO configuration requires that you configure the Identity provider (IdP) at the same time that you configure Unified Communications Manager. For IdP-specific configuration examples, see:


The above links are examples only. Refer to your IdP documentation for official documentation.


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1

Export UC Metadata from Cisco Unified Communications Manager

To create a trust relationship, you must exchange metadata files between Unified Communications Manager and the IdP.

Step 2

Configure SAML SSO on the Identity Provider (IdP)

Complete the following tasks:

  • Upload the UC metadata file that was exported from Unified Communications Manager in order to complete the Circle of Trust relationship.

  • Configure SAML SSO on the IdP

  • Export an IdP metadata file. This file will be imported into the Unified Communications Manager

Step 3

Enable SAML SSO in Cisco Unified Communications Manager

Import your IdP metadata and enable SAML SSO in Unified Communications Manager.

Step 4

Verify the SAML SSO Configuration

Verify that SAML SSO has been configured successfully.

Export UC Metadata from Cisco Unified Communications Manager

Use this procedure to export a UC metadata file from the Service Provider (Unified Communications Manager). The metadata file will be imported into the Identity Provider (IdP) in order to build a Circle of Trust relationship.


Step 1

From Cisco Unified CM Administration, choose System > SAML Single Sign-On

Step 2

From the SAML Single Sign-On window, choose one of the options for the SSO Mode field:

  • Cluster wide—A single SAML agreement for the cluster.

    If you choose this option, ensure that Tomcat servers for all the nodes in the cluster have the same certificate, which is the multi-server SAN certificate.

  • Per Node—Each node has a separate SAML agreement.
Step 3

From the SAML Single Sign-On window, choose one of the options for the Certificate field.

  • Use system generated self-signed certificate
  • Use Tomcat certificate
Step 4

Click Export All Metadata to export the metadata file.


If you choose the Cluster wide option in Step 3, a single metadata XML file appears for a cluster for download. However, if you choose the Per Node option, one metadata XML file appears for each node of a cluster for download.

What to do next

Complete the following tasks on the IdP:

  • Upload the UC metadata file that was exported from Unified Communications Manager

  • Configure SAML SSO on the IdP

  • Export an IdP metadata file. This file will be imported into the Unified Communications Manager in order to complete the Circle of Trust relationship.

Enable SAML SSO in Cisco Unified Communications Manager

Use this procedure to enable SAML SSO on the Service Provider (Unified Communications Manager). This process includes importing the IdP metadata onto the Unified Communications Manager server.


Cisco recommends that you restart Cisco Tomcat service after enabling or disabling SAML SSO.


The Cisco CallManager Admin, Unified CM IM and Presence Administration, Cisco CallManager Serviceability, and Unified IM and Presence Serviceability services are restarted after you enable or disable SAML SSO.

Before you begin

Prior to completing this procedure, make sure of the following:

  • You require an exported metadata file from your IdP.

  • Make sure that the end-user data is synchronized to the Unified Communications Manager database

  • Verify that the Unified Communications Manager IM and Presence Cisco Sync Agent service has completed data synchronization successfully. Check the status of this test in Cisco Unified CM IM and Presence Administration by choosing Diagnostics > System Troubleshooter The “Verify Sync Agent has sync'ed over relevant data (e.g. devices, users, licensing information)” test indicates a "Test Passed" outcome if data synchronization has completed successfully

  • At least one LDAP synchronized user is added to the Standard CCM Super Users group to enable access to Cisco Unified Administration. For more information about synchronizing end-user data and adding LDAP-synchronized users to a group, see the “System setup” and “End user setup” sections in the Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide


Step 1

From Cisco Unified CM Administration, choose System > SAML Single Sign-On.

Step 2

Click Enable SAML SSO and then click Continue.

A warning message notifies you that all server connections will be restarted.

Step 3

If you have configured the Cluster wide SSO mode, click the Test for Multi-server tomcat certificate button. Otherwise, you can skip this step.

Step 4

Click Next.

A dialog box that allows you to import IdP metadata appears. To configure the trust relationship between the IdP and your servers, you must obtain the trust metadata file from your IdP and import it to all your servers.

Step 5

Import the metadata file that you exported from your IdP:

  1. Browse to locate and select your exported IdP metadata file.

  2. Click Import IdP Metadata.

  3. Click Next.

  4. At the Download Server Metadata and Install on IdP screen, click Next.


    The Next button is enabled only if the IdP metadata file is successfully imported on at least one node in the cluster.

Step 6

Test the connection and complete the configuration:

  1. In the End User Configuration window, choose a user that is LDAP-synchronized and has the permission as "Standard CCM Super User" from the Permissions Information list box

  2. Click Run Test.

    The IdP login window appears.


    You cannot enable SAML SSO until the test succeeds.

  3. Enter a valid username and password.

    After successful authentication, the following message is displayed:

    SSO Test Succeeded

    Close the browser window after you see this message.

    If the authentication fails, or takes more than 60 seconds to authenticate, a "Login Failed" message appears on the IdP login window. The following message is displayed on the SAML Single Sign-On window:

    SSO Metadata Test Timed Out

    To attempt logging in to the IdP again, select another user and run another test.

  4. Click Finish to complete the SAML SSO setup.

    SAML SSO is enabled and all the web applications participating in SAML SSO are restarted. It may take one to two minutes for the web applications to restart.

Verify the SAML SSO Configuration

After you configure SAML SSO on both the Service Provider (Unified Communications Manager) and on the IdP, use this procedure on Unified Communications Manager to confirm that the configuration works.

Before you begin

Confirm the following:

  • The SAML Single Sign-On Configuration window in Unified CM Administration shows that you have successfully imported the IdP Metadata Trust file.

  • The Service Provider metadata files are installed on the IdP.


Step 1

From the Cisco Unified CM Administration, choose System > SAML Single Sign-On and the SAML Single Sign-On Configuration window opens, click Next.

Step 2

Choose an administrative user form the Valid Administrator Usernames area and click the Run SSO Test… button.

The user for the test must have administrator rights and has been added as a user on the IdP server. The Valid Administrator Usernames area displays a list of users, which can be drawn on to run the test.

If the test succeeds, SAML SSO is successfully configured.

Reconfigure OpenAM SSO to SAML SSO After an Upgrade

As of Release 11.0(1), Cisco Unified Communications Manager no longer offers the OpenAM SSO solution. If you have upgraded from an earlier release and had the Open AM SSO solution configured, use this procedure to reconfigure your system to SAML SSO with OpenAM as the Identity Provider.


Cisco collaboration applications support proprietary OpenAM SSO solution from Cisco Unified Communications Manager 8.6 to 10.5. The OpenAM SSO that is deployed using Agent Flow is still available in Release 10.5(1) to facilitate partners who are currently using that solution. You can reuse the existing OpenAM deployment for SAML SSO after you reconfigure OpenAM IdP and Cisco Unified Communications Manager.


From release 10.0(1) and later, Agent Flow SSO is not compatible with FIPS mode.

To reconfigure OpenAM SSO to SAML SSO, the administrator must create a new federation service and service account. For SAML SSO to work as expected, the service provider and IdP must be in the same Circle of Trust (CoT). The administrator needs to configure a trust relationship between the service provider and IdP. Perform the following steps to configure OpenAM SSO to SAML SSO on Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

In this case, you continue to use OpenAM as the IdP. However, you must reconfigure OpenAM to SAML.

Before you begin

For SAML SSO to work, synchronize the Cisco Unified Communications Manager and OpenAM clocks with each other.


Step 1

Enable SAML SSO on those servers.

See the respective Cisco Unified Communications documents on how to enable SAML SSO.
Step 2

Log in to the OpenAM server user interface.

Step 3

Choose the Federation tab and in Circle of Trust, click New.

Step 4

Create a CoT by entering a unique name for the IdP Circle of Trust.

Step 5

To create a hosted IdP, choose the Common Tasks tab and click Create hosted Identity Provider.

Step 6

Use the default values for other parameters and click Save.

You can view the circle of trust that you created in the Circle of Trust section.
Step 7

Choose the Federation tab and in the Entity Providers section, click the Hosted Identity Provider that you created.

Step 8

Choose the Assertion Content tab and in the Certificate Aliases section, enter <test> as an alias for signing SAML assertions in the Signing field .

Step 9

Choose the Federation tab, and in the Entity Providers section, click Import Entity.

Step 10

Upload the Cisco Unified Communications Manager metadata file (sp.xml), and click Save.

The metadata file upload fails if the metadata is signed. In such cases, add the Cisco Unified Communications Manager tomcat certificate to openAMKeystore. Perform the following procedure:
  1. Download the tomcat certificate (tomcat.pem) from the Cisco Unified Communications Manager OS Administration page and the upload the certificate to a location in OpenAM server. For example, /temp/tomcat.pem

  2. Run the following command in OpenAM:

    keytool -import -v -alias aliasname -keystore /root/openam/openam/keystore.jks -trustcacerts -file location_of_cucm_tomcat_cert
  3. Enter the password as <changeit>.

  4. A dialog box appears asking whether you trust the certificate, click Yes. The following message is displayed:

    Certificate was added to keystore

    [Storing /root/openam/openam/keystore.jks]
  5. Restart the tomcat in OpenAM and try to upload the sp.xml metadata file again.

  6. Choose File during Entity provider upload.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager supports metadata upload only through the File option.
Step 11

Choose the entity imported in Step 9.

Step 12

Choose the Assertion Processing tab and add a mapping attribute for uid as per the Directory and OpenAM settings.

While adding the uid attribute, map it to the correct attribute depending on the Directory/User store settings. For example, you can enter uid=sAMAccountName or uid=mail or uid=uid.
Step 13

Choose the Federation tab, and click Circle of Trust.

Step 14

To assign the IdP and the Cisco Unified Communications Manager to be in the same CoT: in the Entity Providers area, move the IdP (OpenAM server) and the Cisco Unified Communications Manager entities from the Available section to the Selected section.

The OpenAM server is configured as IdP.

SAML SSO Deployment Interactions and Restrictions


Feature Interaction

Tomcat Certificate Regeneration

If you regenerate the Tomcat Certificates, generate a new metadata file on the Service Provider and upload that metadata file to the IdP.

Metadata Regeneration

The metadata file regenerates if you perform one of the following:

  • Change Self-Signed Certificates to Tomcat Certificates and vice-versa.

  • Regenerate Tomcat Certificates to ITL Recovery Certificates.

Cisco Unified Communications Manager downloads the regenerated metadata file and uploads to the IdP.