Monitor System Status

View Cluster Nodes Status

Use this procedure to show information about the nodes in your cluster.


Step 1

From Cisco Unified Operating System Administration, choose Show > Cluster.

Step 2

Review the fields in the Cluster window. See the online help for more information about the fields.

View Hardware Status

Use this procedure to show the hardware status and information about hardware resources in your system.


Step 1

From the Cisco Unified Operating System Administration, select Show > Hardware.

Step 2

Review the fields in the Hardware Status window. See the online help for more information about the fields.

View Network Status

Use this procedure to show the network status of your system, such as ethernet and DNS information.

The network status information that is displayed depends on whether Network Fault Tolerance is enabled:

  • If Network Fault Tolerance is enabled, Ethernet port 1 automatically manages network communications if Ethernet port 0 fails.
  • If Network Fault Tolerance is enabled, network status information is displayed for the network ports Ethernet 0, Ethernet 1, and Bond 0.
  • If Network Fault Tolerance is not enabled, status information is displayed for only Ethernet 0.


Step 1

From Cisco Unified Operating System Administration, choose Show > Network.

Step 2

Review the fields in the Network Configuration window. See the online help for more information about the fields.

View Installed Software

Use this procedure to show information about software versions and installed software packages.


Step 1

From Cisco Unified Operating System Administration, choose Show > Software.

Step 2

Review the fields in the Software Packages window. See the online help for more information about the fields.

View System Status

Use this procedure to show the overall system status, such as information about locales, up time, CPU use, and memory use.


Step 1

From Cisco Unified Operating System Administration, choose Show > System.

Step 2

Review the fields in the System Status window. See the online help for more information about the fields.

View IP Preferences

Use this procedure to show a list of registered ports are available to the system.


Step 1

From Cisco Unified Operating System Administration, choose Show > IP Preferences.

Step 2

(Optional) To filter or search records, perform one of the following tasks:

  • From the first list, select a search parameter.
  • From the second list, select a search pattern.
  • Specify the appropriate search text, if applicable.
Step 3

Click Find.

Step 4

Review the fields that appear in the System Status window. See the online help for more information about the fields.

View Last Login Details

When end users (with either local and LDAP credentials) and administrators log in to web applications for Cisco Unified Communications Manager or IM and Presence Service, the main application window displays the last successful and unsuccessful login details.

Users logging in using SAML SSO feature can only view the last successful system login information. The user can refer to the Identity Provider (IdP) application to track the unsuccessful SAML SSO login information.

The following web applications display the login attempt information:

  • Cisco Unified Communications Manager:

    • Cisco Unified CM Administration

    • Cisco Unified Reporting

    • Cisco Unified Serviceability

  • IM and Presence Service

    • Cisco Unified CM IM and Presence Administration

    • Cisco Unified IM and Presence Reporting

    • Cisco Unified IM and Presence Serviceability

Only administrators can login and view the last login details for the following web applications in Cisco Unified Communications Manager:
  • Disaster Recovery System

  • Cisco Unified OS Administration

Ping a Node

Use the Ping Utility to ping another node in the network. These results can help you verify or troubleshoot device connectivity.


Step 1

From Cisco Unified Operating System Administration, choose Services > Ping.

Step 2

Configure the fields on the Ping Configuration window. See the online help for more information about the fields and their configuration options.

Step 3

Choose Ping.

The ping results are displayed.

Display Service Parameters

You may need to compare all service parameters that belong to a particular service on all servers in a cluster. You may also need to display only out-of-sync parameters (that is, service parameters for which values differ from one server to another) or parameters that have been modified from the suggested value.

Use the following procedure to display the service parameters for a particular service on all servers in a cluster.


Step 1

Choose System > Service Parameters.

Step 2

From the Server drop-down list box, choose a server.

Step 3

From the Service drop-down list box, choose the service for which you want to display the service parameters on all servers in a cluster.


The Service Parameter Configuration window displays all services (active or not active).

Step 4

In the Service Parameter Configuration window that displays, choose Parameters for All Servers in The Related Links Drop-down List Box; then, click Go.

The Parameters for All Servers window displays. For the current service, the list shows all parameters in alphabetical order. For each parameter, the suggested value displays next to the parameter name. Under each parameter name, a list of servers that contain this parameter displays. Next to each server name, the current value for this parameter on this server displays.

For a given parameter, click on the server name or on the current parameter value to link to the corresponding service parameter window to change the value. Click Previous and Next to navigate between Parameters for All Servers windows.

Step 5

If you need to display out-of-sync service parameters, choose Out of Sync Parameters for All Servers in the Related Links drop-down list box, then click Go.

The Out of Sync Parameters for All Servers window displays. For the current service, service parameters that have different values on different servers display in alphabetical order. For each parameter, the suggested value displays next to the parameter name. Under each parameter name, a list of servers that contain this parameter displays. Next to each server name, the current value for this parameter on this server displays.

For a given parameter, click the server name or the current parameter value to link to the corresponding service parameter window to change the value. Click Previous and Next to navigate between Out of Sync Parameters for All Servers windows.

Step 6

If you need to display service parameters that have been modified from the suggested value, choose Modified Parameters for All Servers in the Related Links drop-down list box; then, click Go.

The Modified Parameters for All Servers window displays. For the current service, service parameters that have values that differ from the suggested values display in alphabetical order. For each parameter, the suggested value displays next to the parameter name. Under each parameter name, a list of servers that have different values from the suggested values displays. Next to each server name, the current value for this parameter on this server displays.

For a given parameter, click the server name or the current parameter value to link to the corresponding service parameter window to change the value. Click Previous and Next to navigate between Modified Parameters for All Servers windows.