Gateway Insertions

This chapter provides information to insert Cisco-supported gateways into Cisco Unified Communications Manager database.

CSV Data File Creation for Cisco VG200 Gateways

You can create a CSV data file to insert Cisco VG200 gateways and ports in the database. Use either the BAT spreadsheet or a text editor to create the CSV data file.

Create CSV Data Files for Cisco VG200 Gateways and T1 CAS, T1 PRI, E1 PRI, FXS or FXO Ports Using BAT Spreadsheet

Use the BAT spreadsheet to create the CSV data file that contains the details, such as domain name, MGCP description, and port identifier, for individual T1 CAS, T1 PRI, E1 PRI, FXS or FXO ports.

For T1 CAS only, the ports that you specify in the BAT spreadsheet must be the same ports that you specified in the VG200 template. In the CSV data file, you can specify none, some, or all ports that were configured in the template. Do not configure any ports in the CSV data file that were not also configured in the template, or an error will result when you attempt to insert the BAT VG200 template and the CSV file.

For example, if you configured ports 1,2,3, and 4 in the template, you could configure none of the ports, or ports 1, 2, 3, and 4, or only ports 1 and 2 in the CSV file, and the insertion would be accepted. But if you configured ports 5 and 6 in the CSV file when they are not configured in the template, you will receive an insertion error in BAT.

After you are finished editing the fields for the gateway ports in the BAT spreadsheet, export the file. The system saves the file to C:\XLSDataFiles or to your choice of another existing folder on your local workstation using the following default filename:


where "timestamp" represents the precise date and time that the file was created.


If you enter a comma in one of the fields, BAT.xlt encloses that field entry in double quotes when you export to BAT format. If you enter a blank row in the spreadsheet, the system treats the empty row as the end of the file. Data that is entered after a blank line does not get converted to the BAT format.


Step 1

To open the BAT spreadsheet, locate and double-click BAT.xlt file

Step 2

When prompted, click Enable Macros to use the spreadsheet capabilities.

Step 3

Click the VG200 T1-Pri T1-Cas E1-Pri FXSFXO tab.

Step 4

For T1 CAS endpoints only, scroll to the right until you see the Number of Port Identifiers field. Enter the number of port identifiers that you want to add for each Cisco VG200 gateway. If you want only one port identifier, skip this step.

Step 5

Provide the information for the following fields.

Table 1. VG200 gateway T1 CAS, T1-PRI, E1-PRI, FXS and FXO ports field settings



MGCP Domain Name

Enter a name, from 1 to 64 characters that identifies the gateway. Use the Domain Name System (DNS) host name if it is configured to resolve correctly; otherwise, use the host name as defined on the Cisco MGCP gateway.

The host name must match the host name that is configured on the Cisco IOS gateway. For example, if the host name is configured on the gateway to resolve to vg200-1 and the IP domain name is not configured, enter the host name in this field (in this case, vg200-1). If the host name is configured on the gateway as vg200-1 and the IP domain name is configured on the gateway as, enter in this field.

MGCP Description

Enter a description, up to 100 characters for the gateway. Use a specific description that helps you locate the gateway.

Port Description

Enter a description for port 1, up to 50 characters. Use a description to help identify the port in a list of ports. This applies to the description field for port 2 through port 4.

Port Directory Number

Enter the directory number, up to 24 numerals and special characters, for this port. This applies to the directory number field for port 2 through port 4.



Port 1 Directory Number and Partition fields are required for FXS ports only. For FXO ports, leave these fields blank.


Enter the slot number that you are trying to configure. For VG200, it is always 1.


Enter an integer for the subunit value.

Port Number

Enter an integer for the Port Number.

Step 6

To transfer the data from the BAT Excel spreadsheet into a CSV file, click Export to BAT Format.

The system saves the file using the default filename VG200Gateways#timestamp.txt to C:\XLSDataFiles or to your choice of another existing folder on your local workstation, where "timestamp" represents the precise date and time that the file was created.



For information on how to read the exported CSV data file, click the link to View Sample File in the Insert Gateways window in BAT.

What to do next

You must upload the CSV data file to the first node of the server, so BAT can access the data input file.

Create CSV Data File for Cisco Catalyst 6000 (FXS) Ports

You can create the CSV data file to insert Cisco Catalyst 6000 (FXS) ports, such as directory number and a description of the port, in the database. Use either the BAT spreadsheet or a text editor to create the CSV data file.


Step 1

To open the BAT Spreadsheet, locate and double-click BAT.xlt file.

Step 2

When prompted, click Enable Macros to use the spreadsheet capabilities.

Step 3

Click the Catalyst 6000 (FXS) Ports tab.

Step 4

Enter information for each port record in a row.

Complete all mandatory fields and any relevant, optional fields. Each column heading specifies the length of the field.

  • MAC Address—Enter the 12-character MAC address for the gateway.

  • Port Number—Enter the numeric port number (1 through 24) that you want to add to the gateway.

  • Directory Number—Enter a directory number, up to 24 numerals and special characters, for this port. You must enter a directory number if you have specified a partition.(Optional)

  • Partition—Enter the route partition, up to 50 characters, to which you want this port to belong. Do not specify a partition unless you also have specified a directory number. (Optional).



The system treats blank rows in the spreadsheet as End of File and discards subsequent records.

Step 5

To transfer the data from the BAT Excel spreadsheet into a CSV file, click Export to BAT Format.

The system saves the file to C:\XLSDataFiles\ or to your choice of another existing folder.



For information on how to read the exported CSV data file, click the link to View Sample File in the Insert Gateways window in BAT.

What to do next

You must upload the CSV data file to the first node of the server, so BAT can access the data input file. For more information, see Upload and Download Files.

CSV Data Files Creation for Cisco VG224 Gateways and Ports

You can create a CSV data file to insert VG224 gateways and ports in the database. Use either the BAT spreadsheet or a text editor to create the CSV data file.

Create CSV Data Files for Cisco VG224 FXS Gateways and Ports Using BAT Spreadsheet

Use the BAT spreadsheet to create the CSV data file that contains the details, such as domain name, MGCP description, and port identifier, for individual FXS ports.

After you are finished editing the fields for the gateway ports in the BAT spreadsheet, export the file. The system saves the file to C:\XLSDataFiles or to your choice of another existing folder on your local workstation using the following default filename:


where "timestamp" represents the precise date and time that the file was created.


If you enter a comma in one of the fields, BAT.xlt encloses that field entry in double quotes when you export to BAT format. If you enter a blank row in the spreadsheet, the system treats the empty row as the end of the file. Data that is entered after a blank line does not get converted to the BAT format.


Step 1

To open the BAT spreadsheet, locate and double-click BAT.xlt file.

Step 2

When prompted, click Enable Macros to use the spreadsheet capabilities.

Step 3

Click the VG224 tab.

  1. For MGCP protocol, click the MGCP radio button.

  2. For SCCP protocol, click the SCCP radio button.

Step 4

Do one of the following:

  1. If you choose MGCP, skip to Step 5.

  2. If you choose SCCP, a Create File Format button appears in the spreadsheet.

    1. Click Create File Format, the Field Selection window displays.

    2. From the Device Fields box, select the required device fields and click on the >> button to move them to the Selected Device Fields box.

    3. From the Line Fields box, select the line fields and click the >> button to move them to the Selected Line Fields box.

    4. Click the Up and Down buttons to rearrange the selected fields.

    5. Click the << button to remove any of the selected fields from the selected fields list.

    6. Click Create to add the selected fields to the VG224 sheet.

Step 5

Provide the information for the following fields:

  • Domain Name—Enter a name, from 1 to 64 characters that identifies the gateway. Use the Domain Name System (DNS) host name if it is configured to resolve correctly; otherwise, use the host name as defined on the Cisco MGCP gateway.

    The host name must match the host name that is configured on the Cisco IOS gateway. For example, if the host name is configured on the gateway to resolve to vg224-1 and the IP domain name is not configured, enter the host name in this field (in this case, vg224-1). If the host name is configured on the gateway as vg224-1 and the IP domain name is configured on the gateway as, enter in this field.

  • Description—Enter a description, up to 100 characters for the gateway. Use a specific description that helps you locate the gateway.

  • Port Description—Enter a description for port 1, up to 50 characters. Use a description to help identify the port in a list of ports. This applies to the description field for port 2 to port 4.

  • Port Directory Number—Enter the directory number, up to 24 numerals and special characters, for this port. This applies to the directory number field for port 2 to port 4.



    Port 1 Directory Number and Partition fields are required for FXS ports only. For FXO ports, leave these fields blank.

  • Slot 2—Enter the slot number that you are trying to configure. For VG224, the slot is always 2.

  • Subunit—Enter an integer for the subunit value. For VG224, the subunit is always 0.

  • Port Number—Enter an integer for the Port Number.

Step 6

To transfer the data from the BAT Excel spreadsheet into a CSV file, click Export to BAT Format.

The system saves the file using the default filename VG224Gateways#timestamp.txt to C:\XLSDataFiles or to your choice of another existing folder on your local workstation.



For information on how to read the exported CSV data file, click the link to View Sample File in the Insert Gateways window in BAT.

What to do next

You must upload the CSV data file to the first node of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager server, so BAT can access the data input file.

CSV Data File Creation for Cisco VG202 and VG204 Gateways

You can create a CSV data file to insert VG202 and VG204 gateways and ports in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database. Use either the BAT spreadsheet or a text editor to create the CSV data file.

Create CSV Data Files for Cisco VG202 and VG204 FXS Gateways and Ports Using BAT Spreadsheet

Use the BAT spreadsheet to create the CSV data file that contains the details, such as domain name, MGCP description, and port identifier, for individual FXS ports.

After you are finished editing the fields for the gateway ports in the BAT spreadsheet, export the file. The system saves the file to C:\XLSDataFiles or to your choice of another existing folder on your local workstation using the following default filename:

VG202Gateways#timestamp.txt or VG204Gateways#timestamp.txt

where "timestamp" represents the precise date and time at which the file was created.


If you enter a comma in one of the fields, BAT.xlt encloses that field entry in double quotes when you export to BAT format. If you enter a blank row in the spreadsheet, the system treats the empty row as the end of the file. Data that is entered after a blank line does not get converted to the BAT format.


Step 1

To open the BAT spreadsheet, locate and double-click BAT.xlt file.

Step 2

When prompted, click Enable Macros to use the spreadsheet capabilities.

Step 3

Click the VG202-VG204 tab.

  1. For MGCP, click the MGCP radio button.

  2. For SCCP, click the SCCP radio button.

Step 4

Do one of the following:

  1. If you choose MGCP, proceed to Step 5.

  2. If you choose SCCP, a Create File Format button appears in the spreadsheet.

    1. Click Create File Format; the Field Selection window displays.

    2. From the Device Fields box, select the required device fields and click on the >> button to move them to the Selected Device Fields box.

    3. From the Line Fields box, select the line fields and click the >> button to move them to the Selected Line Fields box.

    4. Click the Up and Down buttons to rearrange the selected fields.

    5. Click the << button to remove any of the selected fields from the selected fields list.

    6. Click Create to add the selected fields to the VG224 sheet.

Step 5

Provide the information for the following fields:

  • Domain Name/MAC Address—Enter a name from 1 to 64 characters, that identifies the gateway. Use the Domain Name System (DNS) host name if it is configured to resolve correctly; otherwise, use the host name as defined on the Cisco MGCP gateway. For SCCP gateways, use the MAC address.

    The host name must match exactly the host name that is configured on the Cisco IOS gateway. For example, if the host name is configured on the gateway to resolve to vg204-1 and the IP domain name is not configured, enter the host name in this field (in this case, vg204-1). If the host name is configured on the gateway as vg204-1 and the IP domain name is configured on the gateway as, enter in this field.

  • Description—Enter a description up to 100 characters for the gateway. Use a specific description that helps you locate the gateway.

  • Slot—Enter the slot number that you are trying to configure. For VG202 and VG204, the slot always equals 0.

  • Subunit—Enter an integer for the subunit value. For VG202 and VG204, the subunit always equals 0.

  • Port Directory Number—Enter the directory number up to 24 numerals and special characters for this port. This applies to the directory number field for port 2 to port 4.



    Be aware that Port 1 Directory Number and Partition fields are required for FXS ports only.

  • Port Number—Enter an integer for the Port Number.

  • Port Description—Enter a description for port 1 up to 50 characters. Use a description to identify the requried port in a list of ports. This applies to the description field for port 2 to port 4.

Step 6

To transfer the data from the BAT Excel spreadsheet into a CSV file, click Export to BAT Format.

The system saves the file using the default filename VG202Gateways#timestamp.txt or VG204Gateways#timestamp.txt to C:\XLSDataFiles on your local workstation or to your choice of another existing folder.



For information on how to read the exported CSV data file, click the link to View Sample File in the Insert Gateways window in BAT.

What to do next

You must upload the CSV data file to the first node of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager server, so BAT can access the data input file.

CSV Data Files Creation for Cisco VG310 Gateways and Ports

You can create a CSV data file to insert VG310 gateways and ports in the database. Use either the BAT spreadsheet or a text editor to create the CSV data file.

Create CSV Data Files for Cisco VG310 FXS Gateways and Ports Using BAT Spreadsheet

Use the BAT spreadsheet to create the CSV data file that contains the details, such as domain name, MGCP description, and port identifier, for individual FXS ports.

After you are finished editing the fields for the gateway ports in the BAT spreadsheet, export the file. The system saves the file to C:\XLSDataFiles or to your choice of another existing folder on your local workstation using the following default filename:


where "timestamp" represents the precise date and time that the file was created.


If you enter a comma in one of the fields, BAT.xlt encloses that field entry in double quotes when you export to BAT format. If you enter a blank row in the spreadsheet, the system treats the empty row as the end of the file. Data that is entered after a blank line does not get converted to the BAT format.


Step 1

To open the BAT spreadsheet, locate and double-click BAT.xlt file.

Step 2

When prompted, click Enable Macros to use the spreadsheet capabilities.

Step 3

Click the VG310 tab.

  1. For MGCP protocol, click the MGCP radio button.

  2. For SSCP protocol, click the SCCP radio button.

Step 4

Do one of the following:

  1. If you choose MGCP, skip to Step 5.

  2. If you choose SCCP, a Create File Format button appears in the spreadsheet.

    1. Click Create File Format, the Field Selection window displays.

    2. From the Device Fields box, select the required device fields and click on the >> button to move them to the Selected Device Fields box.

    3. From the Line Fields box, select the line fields and click the >> button to move them to the Selected Line Fields box.

    4. Click the Up and Down buttons to rearrange the selected fields.

    5. Click the << button to remove any of the selected fields from the selected fields list.

    6. Click Create to add the selected fields to the VG310 sheet when you have selected the required fields

Step 5

Provide the information for the following fields:

  • Domain Name—Enter a name from 1 to 64 characters that identifies the gateway. Use the Domain Name System (DNS) host name if it is configured to resolve correctly; otherwise, use the host name as defined on the Cisco MGCP gateway.

    The host name must match the host name that is configured on the Cisco IOS gateway. For example, if the host name is configured on the gateway to resolve to VG310-1 and the IP domain name is not configured, enter the host name in this field (in this case, VG310-1). If the host name is configured on the gateway as VG310-1 and the IP domain name is configured on the gateway as, enter in this field.

  • Description—Enter a description up to 100 characters for the gateway. Use a specific description that helps you locate the gateway.

  • Port Description—Enter a description for port 1 up to 50 characters. Use a description to help identify the port in a list of ports. This applies to the description field for port 2 to port 4.

  • Port Directory Number—Enter the directory number up to 24 numerals and special characters for this port. This applies to the directory number field for port 2 to port 4.


    Port 1 Directory Number and Partition fields are required for FXS ports only. For FXO ports, leave these fields blank.
  • Slot 2—Enter the slot number that you are trying to configure. For VG310, the slot is always 2.

  • Subunit—Enter an integer for the subunit value. For VG310, the subunit is always 0.

  • Port Number—Enter an integer for the Port Number.

Step 6

To transfer the data from the BAT Excel spreadsheet into a CSV file, click Export to BAT Format.

The system saves the file using the default filename VG310Gateways#timestamp.txt to C:\XLSDataFiles or to your choice of another existing folder on your local workstation.


For information on how to read the exported CSV data file, click the link to View Sample File in the Insert Gateways window in BAT.

What to do next

You must upload the CSV data file to the first node of the Unified Communications Manager server, so BAT can access the data input file.

CSV Data Files Creation for Cisco VG320 Gateways and Ports

You can create a CSV data file to insert VG320 gateways and ports in the database. Use either the BAT spreadsheet or a text editor to create the CSV data file.

Create CSV Data Files for Cisco VG320 FXS Gateways and Ports Using BAT Spreadsheet

Use the BAT spreadsheet to create the CSV data file that contains the details, such as domain name, MGCP description, and port identifier, for individual FXS ports.

After you are finished editing the fields for the gateway ports in the BAT spreadsheet, export the file. The system saves the file to C:\XLSDataFiles or to your choice of another existing folder on your local workstation using the following default filename:


where "timestamp" represents the precise date and time that the file was created.


If you enter a comma in one of the fields, BAT.xlt encloses that field entry in double quotes when you export to BAT format. If you enter a blank row in the spreadsheet, the system treats the empty row as the end of the file. Data that is entered after a blank line does not get converted to the BAT format.


Step 1

To open the BAT spreadsheet, locate and double-click BAT.xlt file.

Step 2

When prompted, click Enable Macros to use the spreadsheet capabilities.

Step 3

Click the VG320 tab.

  1. For MGCP protocol, click the MGCP radio button.

  2. For SCCP protocol, click the SCCP radio button.

Step 4

Do one of the following:

  1. If you choose MGCP, skip to Step 5.

  2. If you choose SCCP, a Create File Format button appears in the spreadsheet.

    1. Click Create File Format, the Field Selection window displays.

    2. From the Device Fields box, select the required device fields and click on the >> button to move them to the Selected Device Fields box.

    3. From the Line Fields box, select the line fields and click the >> button to move them to the Selected Line Fields box.

    4. Click the Up and Down buttons to rearrange the selected fields.

    5. Click the << button to remove any of the selected fields from the selected fields list.

    6. Click Create to add the selected fields to the VG320 sheet when you have selected the required fields.

Step 5

Provide the information for the following fields:

  • Domain Name—Enter a name from 1 to 64 characters that identifies the gateway. Use the Domain Name System (DNS) host name if it is configured to resolve correctly; otherwise, use the host name as defined on the Cisco MGCP gateway.

    The host name must exactly the host name that is configured on the Cisco IOS gateway. For example, if the host name is configured on the gateway to resolve to VG320-1 and the IP domain name is not configured, enter the host name in this field (in this case, VG320-1). If the host name is configured on the gateway as VG320-1 and the IP domain name is configured on the gateway as, enter in this field.

  • Description—Enter a description, up to 100 characters for the gateway. Use a specific description that helps you locate the gateway.

  • Port Description—Enter a description for port 1 up to 50 characters. Use a description to help identify the port in a list of ports. This applies to the description field for port 2 to port 4.

  • Port Directory Number—Enter the directory number, up to 24 numerals and special characters, for this port. This applies to the directory number field for port 2 to port 4.


    Port 1 Directory Number and Partition fields are required for FXS ports only. For FXO ports, leave these fields blank.
  • Slot 2—Enter the slot number that you are trying to configure. For VG320, the slot is always 2.

  • Subunit—Enter an integer for the subunit value. For VG320, the subunit is always 0.

  • Port Number—Enter an integer for the Port Number.

Step 6

To transfer the data from the BAT Excel spreadsheet into a CSV file, click Export to BAT Format.

The system saves the file using the default filename VG320Gateways#timestamp.txt to C:\XLSDataFiles or to your choice of another existing folder on your local workstation.


For information on how to read the exported CSV data file, click the link to View Sample File in the Insert Gateways window in BAT.

What to do next

You must upload the CSV data file to the first node of the Unified Communications Manager server, so BAT can access the data input file.

CSV Data Files Creation for Cisco VG350 Gateways and Ports

You can create a CSV data file to insert VG350 gateways and ports in the Unified Communications Manager database. Use either the BAT spreadsheet or a text editor to create the CSV data file.

Create CSV Data Files for Cisco VG350 FXS Gateways and Ports Using BAT Spreadsheet

Use the BAT spreadsheet to create the CSV data file that contains the details, such as domain name, MGCP description, and port identifier, for individual FXS ports.

After you are finished editing the fields for the gateway ports in the BAT spreadsheet, export the file. The system saves the file to C:\XLSDataFiles or to your choice of another existing folder on your local workstation using the following default filename:


where "timestamp" represents the precise date and time that the file was created.


If you enter a comma in one of the fields, BAT.xlt encloses that field entry in double quotes when you export to BAT format. If you enter a blank row in the spreadsheet, the system treats the empty row as the end of the file. Data that is entered after a blank line does not get converted to the BAT format.


Step 1

To open the BAT spreadsheet, locate and double-click BAT.xlt file.

Step 2

When prompted, click Enable Macros to use the spreadsheet capabilities.

Step 3

Click the VG350 tab.

  1. For MGCP protocol, click the MGCP radio button.

  2. For SCCP protocol, click the SCCP radio button.

Step 4

Do one of the following:

  1. If you choose MGCP, skip to Step 5.

  2. If you choose SCCP, a Create File Format button appears in the spreadsheet.

    1. Click Create File Format, the Field Selection window displays.

    2. From the Device Fields box, select the required device fields and click on the >> button to move them to the Selected Device Fields box.

    3. From the Line Fields box, select the line fields and click the >> button to move them to the Selected Line Fields box.

    4. Click the Up and Down buttons to rearrange the selected fields.

    5. Click the << button to remove any of the selected fields from the selected fields list.

    6. Click Create to add the selected fields to the VG350 sheet when you have selected the required fields.

Step 5

Provide the information for the following fields:

  • Domain Name—Enter a name from 1 to 64 characters that identifies the gateway. Use the Domain Name System (DNS) host name if it is configured to resolve correctly; otherwise, use the host name as defined on the Cisco MGCP gateway.

    The host name must match the host name that is configured on the Cisco IOS gateway. For example, if the host name is configured on the gateway to resolve to VG350-1 and the IP domain name is not configured, enter the host name in this field (in this case, VG350-1). If the host name is configured on the gateway as VG350-1 and the IP domain name is configured on the gateway as, enter in this field.

  • Description—Enter a description up to 100 characters for the gateway. Use a specific description that helps you locate the gateway.

  • Port Description—Enter a description for port 1 up to 50 characters. Use a description to help identify the port in a list of ports. This applies to the description field for port 2 through port 4.

  • Port Directory Number—Enter the directory number up to 24 numerals and special characters for this port. This applies to the directory number field for port 2 through port 4.


    Port 1 Directory Number and Partition fields are required for FXS ports only. For FXO ports, leave these fields blank.
  • Slot 2—Enter the slot number that you are trying to configure. For VG350, the slot is always 2.

  • Subunit—Enter an integer for the subunit value. For VG350, the subunit is always 0.

  • Port Number—Enter an integer for the Port Number.

Step 6

To transfer the data from the BAT Excel spreadsheet into a CSV file, click Export to BAT Format.

The system saves the file using the default filename VG350Gateways#timestamp.txt to C:\XLSDataFiles or to your choice of another existing folder on your local workstation.


For information on how to read the exported CSV data file, click the link to View Sample File in the Insert Gateways window in BAT.

What to do next

You must upload the CSV data file to the first node of the Unified Communications Manager server, so BAT can access the data input file.

CSV Data File Creation for Cisco VG420 Gateways

You can create a CSV data file to insert VG420 gateways and ports in the Unified Communications Manager database. Use either the BAT spreadsheet or a text editor to create the CSV data file.

Create CSV Data Files for Cisco VG420 Gateways Using BAT Spreadsheet

Use the BAT spreadsheet to create the CSV data file that contains the details, such as domain name, MGCP description, and port identifier, for individual FXS ports.

After you are complete editing the fields for the gateway ports in the BAT spreadsheet, export the file. The system saves the file to C:\XLSDataFiles or to your choice of another existing folder on your local workstation using the following default filename:


where "timestamp" represents the precise date and time that the file was created.


If you enter a comma in one of the fields, BAT.xlt encloses that field entry in double quotes when you export to BAT format. If you enter a blank row in the spreadsheet, the system treats the empty row as the end of the file. Data that is entered after a blank line does not get converted to the BAT format.


Step 1

To open the BAT spreadsheet, locate and double-click BAT.xlt file.

Step 2

When prompted, click Enable Macros to use the spreadsheet capabilities.

Step 3

Click the VG420 tab.

  1. For MGCP protocol, click the MGCP radio button.

  2. For SCCP protocol, click the SCCP radio button.

  3. For SIP protocol, click the SIP radio button.

Step 4

Do one of the following:

  1. If you choose MGCP, skip to step 6

  2. If you choose SCCP or SIP, a Create File Format button appears in the spreadsheet.

    1. Click Create File Format, the Field Selection window displays.

    2. From the Device Fields box, select the required device fields and click the >> button to move them to the Selected Device Fields box.

    3. From the Line Fields box, select the line fields and click the >> button to move them to the Selected Line Fields box.

    4. Click the Up and Down buttons to rearrange the selected fields.

    5. Click the << button to remove any of the selected fields from the selected fields list.

    6. Click Create to add the selected fields to the VG420 sheet when you have selected the required fields.

Step 5

Provide the information in the following fields:

  • Domain Name—Enter a name from 1 to 64 characters that identifies the gateway. Use the Domain Name System (DNS) hostname if it is configured to resolve correctly; otherwise, use the hostname as defined on the Cisco MGCP gateway.

    The hostname must match the hostname that is configured on the Cisco IOS gateway. For example, if the hostname is configured on the gateway to resolve to VG420-1 and the IP domain name is not configured, enter the hostname in this field (in this case, VG420-1). If the hostname is configured on the gateway as VG420-1 and the IP domain name is configured on the gateway as, enter in this field.

  • Description—Enter a description up to 100 characters for the gateway. Use a specific description that helps you locate the gateway.

  • Port Description—Enter a description for port 1 up to 50 characters. Use a description to help identify the port in a list of ports.

  • Port Directory Number—Enter the directory number up to 24 numerals and special characters for this port.


    Port 1 Directory Number and Partition fields are required for FXS ports only. For FXO ports, leave these fields blank.
  • Slot—Enter the slot number that you are trying to configure. For VG420, the slot can be 0 or 1.

  • Subunit—Enter an integer for the subunit value. For VG420, for slot 0, the subunit can be 1, 2, or 3. For slot 1, the subunit is always 0.

  • Port Number—Enter an integer for the Port Number.

Step 6

To transfer the data from the BAT Excel spreadsheet into a CSV file, click Export to BAT Format.

The system saves the file using the default filename VG420Gateways#timestamp.txt to C:\XLSDataFiles or to your choice of another existing folder on your local workstation.


For information on how to read the exported CSV data file, click the link to View Sample File in the Insert Gateways window in BAT.

What to do next

You must upload the CSV data file to the first node of the Unified Communications Manager server, so BAT can access the data input file.

CSV Data Files Creation for Cisco VG450 Gateways and Ports

You can create a CSV data file to insert VG450 gateways and ports in the Unified Communications Manager database. Use either the BAT spreadsheet or a text editor to create the CSV data file.

Create CSV Data Files for Cisco VG450 FXS Gateways and Ports Using BAT Spreadsheet

Use the BAT spreadsheet to create the CSV data file that contains the details, such as domain name, MGCP description, and port identifier, for individual FXS ports.

After you are complete editing the fields for the gateway ports in the BAT spreadsheet, export the file. The system saves the file to C:\XLSDataFiles or to your choice of another existing folder on your local workstation using the following default filename:


where "timestamp" represents the precise date and time that the file was created.


If you enter a comma in one of the fields, BAT.xlt encloses that field entry in double quotes when you export to BAT format. If you enter a blank row in the spreadsheet, the system treats the empty row as the end of the file. Data that is entered after a blank line does not get converted to the BAT format.


Step 1

To open the BAT spreadsheet, locate and double-click BAT.xlt file.

Step 2

When prompted, click Enable Macros to use the spreadsheet capabilities.

Step 3

Click the VG450 tab.

  1. For MGCP protocol, click the MGCP radio button.

  2. For SCCP protocol, click the SCCP radio button.

  3. For SIP protocol, click the SIP radio button.

Step 4

Do one of the following:

  1. If you choose MGCP, skip to step 6

  2. If you choose SCCP or SIP, a Create File Format button appears in the spreadsheet.

    1. Click Create File Format, the Field Selection window displays.

    2. From the Device Fields box, select the required device fields and click on the >> button to move them to the Selected Device Fields box.

    3. From the Line Fields box, select the line fields and click the >> button to move them to the Selected Line Fields box.

    4. Click the Up and Down buttons to rearrange the selected fields.

    5. Click the << button to remove any of the selected fields from the selected fields list.

    6. Click Create to add the selected fields to the VG450 sheet when you have selected the required fields.

Step 5

Provide the information in the following fields:

  • Domain Name—Enter a name from 1 to 64 characters that identifies the gateway. Use the Domain Name System (DNS) host name if it is configured to resolve correctly; otherwise, use the host name as defined on the Cisco MGCP gateway.

    The host name must match the host name that is configured on the Cisco IOS gateway. For example, if the host name is configured on the gateway to resolve to VG450-1 and the IP domain name is not configured, enter the host name in this field (in this case, VG450-1). If the host name is configured on the gateway as VG450-1 and the IP domain name is configured on the gateway as, enter in this field.

  • Description—Enter a description up to 100 characters for the gateway. Use a specific description that helps you locate the gateway.

  • Port Description—Enter a description for port 1 up to 50 characters. Use a description to help identify the port in a list of ports. This applies to the description field for port 2 through port 4.

  • Port Directory Number—Enter the directory number up to 24 numerals and special characters for this port. This applies to the directory number field for port 2 through port 4.



    Port 1 Directory Number and Partition fields are required for FXS ports only. For FXO ports, leave these fields blank.

  • Slot 2—Enter the slot number that you are trying to configure. For VG450, the slot is always 2.

  • Subunit—Enter an integer for the subunit value. For VG450, the subunit is always 0.

  • Port Number—Enter an integer for the Port Number.

Step 6

To transfer the data from the BAT Excel spreadsheet into a CSV file, click Export to BAT Format.

The system saves the file using the default filename VG450Gateways#timestamp.txt to C:\XLSDataFiles or to your choice of another existing folder on your local workstation.



For information on how to read the exported CSV data file, click the link to View Sample File in the Insert Gateways window in BAT.

What to do next

You must upload the CSV data file to the first node of the Unified Communications Manager server, so BAT can access the data input file.

CSV Data File Creation for Cisco ISR 4461 Gateways

You can create a CSV data file to insert ISR 4461 gateways in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database. Use either the BAT spreadsheet or a text editor to create the CSV data file.

Create CSV Data Files for Cisco ISR 4461 Gateways Using BAT Spreadsheet

Use the BAT spreadsheet to create the CSV data file that contains the details, such as domain name, MGCP description, and other relevant information.

After you are finished editing the fields for the gateway ports in the BAT spreadsheet, export the file. The system saves the file to C:\XLSDataFiles or to your choice of another existing folder on your local workstation using the following default filename:


where "timestamp" represents the precise date and time at which the file was created.


If you enter a comma in one of the fields, BAT.xlt encloses that field entry in double quotes when you export to BAT format. If you enter a blank row in the spreadsheet, the system treats the empty row as the end of the file. Data that is entered after a blank line does not get converted to the BAT format.


Step 1

To open the BAT spreadsheet, locate and double-click BAT.xlt file.

Step 2

When prompted, click Enable Macros to use the spreadsheet capabilities.

Step 3

Click the ISR 4461 tab.

  1. For MGCP protocol, click the MGCP radio button.

  2. For SCCP protocol, click the SCCP radio button.

  3. For SIP protocol, click the SIP radio button.

Step 4

Do one of the following:

  1. If you choose MGCP, proceed to Step 5.

  2. If you choose SCCP or SIP, a Create File Format button appears in the spreadsheet.

    1. Click Create File Format; the Field Selection window displays.

    2. From the Device Fields box, select the required device fields and click the >> button to move them to the Selected Device Fields box.

    3. From the Line Fields box, select the line fields and click the >> button to move them to the Selected Line Fields box.

    4. Click the Up and Down buttons to rearrange the selected fields.

    5. Click the << button to remove any of the selected fields from the selected fields list.

    6. Click Create to add the selected fields to the ISR 4461 sheet when you have selected the required fields.

Step 5

In each row, provide the information for the following fields:

  • Domain Name/MAC Address—Enter a name from 1 to 64 characters that identifies the gateway. Use the Domain Name System (DNS) host name if it is configured to resolve correctly; otherwise, use the host name as defined on the Cisco MGCP gateway. For SCCP gateways and SIP gateways, use the MAC address.

    The host name must match the host name that is configured on the Cisco IOS gateway. For example, if the host name is configured on the gateway to resolve to ISR 4461 and the IP domain name is not configured, enter the host name in this field (in this case, ISR 4461). If the host name is configured on the gateway as ISR 4461 and the IP domain name is configured on the gateway as, enter ISR in this field.

  • Description—Enter a description up to 100 characters for the gateway. Use a specific description that helps you locate the gateway.

  • Slot—Enter the slot number that you are trying to configure. For ISR 4461, the slot can be 0, 1, 2, or 3.

  • Subunit—Enter an integer for the subunit value. In ISR 4461, for slot 0, the subunit can be 1, 2, or 3. For slot 1, 2, or 3, the subunit is always 0.

  • Port Directory Number—Enter the directory number, up to 24 numerals and special characters, for this port. This applies to the directory number field for port 2 through port 4.



    Port 1 Directory Number and Partition fields are required for FXS ports only.

  • Port Number—Enter an integer for the Port Number.

  • Port Description—Enter a description for port 1 up to 50 characters. Use a description to help identify the port in a list of ports. This applies to the description field for port 2 through port 4.

Step 6

To transfer the data from the BAT Excel spreadsheet into a CSV file, click Export to BAT Format.

The system saves the file using the default filename ISR4461Gateways-#timestamp.txt to C:\XLSDataFiles on your local workstation or to your choice of another existing folder.



For information on how to read the exported CSV data file, click the link to View Sample File in the Insert Gateways window in BAT.

What to do next

You must upload the CSV data file to the first node of the Unified Communications Manager server, so BAT can access the data input file.

Insert Gateways and Ports to Cisco Unified Communications Manager

You can use the BAT spreadsheet to add Cisco gateways and ports to Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

Before you begin


Step 1

Choose Bulk Administration > Gateways > Insert Gateways.

The Insert Gateways Configuration window displays.

Step 2

From the Gateway Type drop-down list, choose the type of gateway you want to insert.

The Insert Gateway Configuration window displays.

Step 3

Choose the name of the CSV data file that contains the Cisco VG200 gateway information to be added from the File Name field drop-down list.

Step 4

Choose the name of the VG200 or the FXS gateway template that you created for this type of bulk transaction in the Gateway Template Name field.

Step 5

(Optional) Check the Override the existing configuration button to overwrite the existing gateway settings with the information that is contained in the file that you want to insert.

Step 6

Enter the job description in the Job Information area.

Step 7

Choose an insert method. Do one of the following:

  1. Click Run Immediately to insert the gateway immediately.

  2. Click Run Later to insert the gateway later.

Step 8

Click Submit to create a job for inserting the gateways.

Use the Job Scheduler option in the Bulk Administration main menu to schedule and/or activate this job.