User Device Profile Templates

This chapter provides information to create and modify user device profiles.

Find User Device Profile Template

You can locate a specific user device profile (UDP) template in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database on the basis of specific criteria because you can have several UDP templates.


During your work in a browser session, your find/list search preferences are stored in the cookies on the client machine. If you navigate to other menu items and return to this menu item, or if you close the browser and then reopen a new browser window, your Cisco Unified Communications Manager search preferences are retained until you modify your search.


Step 1

Choose Bulk Administration > User Device Profiles > User Device Profile Template.

The Find and List UDP Templates window displays. Use the two drop-down list boxes to search for a template.

Step 2

From the first Find UDP Templates where drop-down list box, choose one of the following criteria:

  • Profile Name
  • Profile Description
  • Device Type

From the second Find UDP Templates where drop-down list box, choose one of the following criteria:

  • begins with
  • contains
  • is exactly
  • ends with
  • is empty
  • is not empty

Step 3

Specify the appropriate search text, if applicable, and click Find.



To find all UDP templates that are registered in the database, click Find without entering any search text.

A list of discovered templates displays by:

  • Name
  • Description
  • Device Type
  • Profile Type

Step 4

From the list of records, click the template name that matches your search criteria.

The UDP Template Configuration window displays.

Create Bulk Administration Tool (BAT) Template for User Device Profiles

You can create a template to add user device profiles in bulk.


Step 1

Choose Bulk Administration > User Device Profiles > User Device Profile Template.

Step 2

Click Add New.

Step 3

From the Device Type drop-down list, choose the model of user device profile. Click Next.

Step 4

Enter data for an individual user device profile template on each line in the spreadsheet. Complete all mandatory fields and any relevant optional fields.

Each column heading specifies the length of the field and whether it is required or optional. See Table 1 for field descriptions.


Depending on the model of device, some of the fields may not display.


You can obtain help in finding a valid login user ID by choosing the Select Login User ID link below the Login User ID field. A separate dialog box pops up. In the Login User ID field, enter the first few characters of the login user ID that you want to use, and all login user IDs that match the pattern that you entered will display in the Selected login user ID field. Choose the desired ID and click OK.

Step 5

Check the Ignore Presentation Indicators (Internal Calls Only) check box, as needed.

Step 6

Check the Do Not Disturb check box if you need the DND feature to be enabled.

Step 7

Choose the DND option from the DND Option drop down list.

Step 8

Choose the DND incoming call alert option from the DND Incoming Call Alert drop down list.

  • None—Choose this option to have no alert for incoming calls.

  • Disable—Choose this option if you want to disable incoming call alerts while in the DND mode.

  • Flash Only—Choose this option to have the device flash while in DND mode.

  • Beep Only—Choose this option to have the device beep while in the DND mode.

Step 9

Choose the Extension Mobility Cross Cluster CSS from the Extension Mobility Cross Cluster CSS drop-down list.

Step 10

Choose the Feature Control Policy from the Feature Control Policy drop-down list.


This field displays for RoundTable phones only.

Step 11

Click Save.

Step 12

Depending on the phone button template that you chose, links display to add lines, speed dials settings, subscribed Cisco IP Phone service settings, and busy lamp field speed dial settings.

For some Cisco Unified IP Phone models, you can add Cisco Unified IP Phone services and Speed Dials to the template.

User Device Profile Template Fields Descriptions in BAT Spreadsheet

The following table describes all the user device profile template fields in the BAT spreadsheet.


Depending on the model of device, some of the fields may not be available.

Table 1. Field Descriptions for User Device Profile Template in the BAT Spreadsheet



User Device Profile Template Name

Enter a unique identifier for the device profile name up to 50 characters.


Enter a description for the UDP template. The description can include up to 50 characters in any language, but it cannot include double-quotes ("), percentage sign (%), ampersand (&), back-slash (\), or angle brackets (<>).

User Hold Audio Source

Enter the user hold audio source that this group of IP phones or CTI ports should use.

The user hold audio source identifies the audio source from which music is played when a user places a call on hold.

User Locale

Enter the country and language set that you want to associate with this group of IP phones.

This choice determines which cultural-dependent attributes exist for this user and which language displays for the user in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager user windows and phones.

Phone Button Template

Choose a phone button template for this profile.

Softkey Template

Enter the softkey template to be used for all phones in this group.


Choose the appropriate privacy option for the profile. For each Device that wants Privacy, choose On in the Privacy drop-down list box.

Single Button Barge

Choose the appropriate option for the single button barge feature.

  • Off—This setting disables the Single Button Barge/cBarge feature; however, the regular Barge or cBarge features will still work.

  • Barge—This setting enables the Singe Button Barge feature.

  • cBarge—This setting enables the Single Button cBarge feature.

  • Default—This setting uses the Single Button Barge/cBarge setting that is in the service parameter.

Join Across Lines

Choose the appropriate option to join across lines.

  • Off— This setting disables the Join Across Lines feature.
  • On—This setting enables the Join Across Lines feature.
  • Default—Uses the Join Across Lines setting that is in the service parameter.

Always Use Prime Line

Enter the Always Use Prime Line setting that you want to use from the following values:

  • On

  • Off

  • Default

Always Use Prime Line for Voice Message

Enter the Always Use Prime Line for Voice Message setting that you want to use from the following values:

  • On

  • Off

  • Default

MLPP Indication

To specify whether the device can play precedence tones when a MLPP precedence call is placed, choose one of the following values:

  • Default—To inherit the MLPP indication from the device pool.
  • Off—Does not send MLPP indication tones.
  • On—Sends indication of an MLPP precedence call.

MLPP Preemption

To specify whether the device can preempt calls in progress when placing an MLPP precedence call, choose one of the following:

  • Default—To inherit the MLPP preemption setting from the device pool.
  • Disable—Does not preempt calls when it places an MLPP precedence call.
  • Foreceful—preempts calls in progress when it places an MLPP precedence call.



    Do not configure a device with MLPP Indication set to Off while MLPP Preemption is set to Foreceful.

MLPP Domain

Enter a hexadecimal value for the MLPP domain associated with this device. Must be blank or a value between 0 and FFFFFF.

Expansion Module Information

Choose the type of expansion module if installed in the phone or choose <None> for Module 1 and Module 2.

Login User ID

Enter the login user ID for a default profile. After the user logs out from using the user device profile, the user device profile will automatically log in to this login user ID and use the default profile.



You can obtain help in finding a valid login user ID by choosing the Select Login User ID link below the Login User ID field. A separate dialog box pops up. In the Login User ID field, enter the first few characters of the login user ID that you want to use, and all login user IDs that match the pattern that you entered will display in the Selected login user ID field. Choose the desired ID and click OK.

Modify User Device Profile BAT Template

You can modify the properties of an existing BAT template when you want to change only a few fields for the same device.


Step 1

Find the UDP template you want to modify.

Step 2

From the list of displayed templates, click the template name you want to modify.

The chosen template details display in the UDP Template Configuration window.

Step 3

Verify that this is the template that you want to modify.

Step 4

Modify the details in the template fields as needed.

Step 5

Click Save to save the changes to the existing template.

Copy User Device Profile Template

You can copy the properties of a template into a new template when you want to change only a few fields.


The new template that you create must be the same device type as the original template, such as CiscoIPUser Device Profile model 7960.

Use the following procedure to copy an existing BAT template.


Step 1

Find the UDP template you want to copy.

Step 2

From the list of displayed templates, click the template name you want to copy.

The chosen template details display in the UDP Template Configuration window.



You can also copy the template by clicking the icon in the Copy column corresponding to the template you want to copy.

Step 3

Verify that this is the template that you want to copy and click Copy.

The template reproduces and creates a copy. The copy duplicates all the values that were specified in the original template.

Step 4

In the User Device Profile Template Name field, enter a new template name, up to 50 alphanumeric characters.

Step 5

Update the fields as needed for the new template.

Step 6

Click Save. The template that is added to BAT displays in the Templates column on the left.

Delete User Device Profile Template

You can delete BAT user device profile templates when you no longer require them.


Step 1

Find the UDP template you want to delete.

Step 2

From the list of displayed templates, click the template name you want to delete.

The chosen template details display in the UDP Template Configuration window.



You can also delete the template by checking the check box next to the template name and clicking Delete Selected.

Step 3

Verify that this is the template that you want to delete and click Delete. A message displays that asks you to confirm the delete operation.

Step 4

Click OK to delete the template.

The template name disappears from the list of templates in the Find and List UDP Templates window.