Microsoft Component Integration Setup for IM and Presence Service

Line URI Setup on Microsoft Active Directory

Before you configure the Line URI parameter on Microsoft Active Directory, note the following:

  • For the Line URI, we recommend that you use the format: tel:xxxx;phone-context=dialstring where:

    • xxxx specifies the directory number that the CTI Manager reports to IM and Presence Service as the calling or called number when a call is placed.

    • phone-context=dialstring enables the Microsoft Lync client to control one of the devices that are associated with the directory number.


If you are using E.164 numbers, do not include phone-context=dialstring because it will result in an error at the Microsoft Lync client. See Lync Error When Using E.164 Numbers.

  • If you configure the device ID, the Microsoft Lync client controls that particular device on initial sign in; for example: tel:xxxx;phone-context=dialstring;device=SEP0002FD3BB5C5

  • If you configure the partition, the Microsoft Lync client specifies the partition for the directory number; for example: tel:xxxx;phone-context=dialstring;device=SEP0002FD3BB5C5;partition=myPartition

  • The Line URI only takes effect when the Microsoft Lync user signs in.

  • After initial sign in, the Microsoft Lync user can change the line appearance that they wish to control using the Cisco Unified Communications Manager IM and Presence Service Lync Remote Call Control Plugin.

  • If you do not configure the device ID in the Line URI, the CTI Gateway determines the devices that are associated with the line Directory Number (DN). If only one device is associated with the line DN, the CTI Gateway uses that device.


You can also use the E.164 format for the Line URI. However, you must ensure that the DNs are also configured with E.164 on Cisco Unified Communications Manager.

IM and Presence Service User Authentication

When configuring the SIP URI on Microsoft Active Directory, consider how IM and Presence Service performs the user authentication checks. The user authentication logic is as follows:

  1. IM and Presence Service checks if the Microsoft Lync (sign in) user ID matches the Cisco Unified Communications Manager user ID. If IM and Presence Service cannot find a match:

  2. IM and Presence Service checks if the Microsoft Lync user email (the From header) matches the Cisco Unified Communications Manager user email. If IM and Presence Service cannot find a match:

  3. IM and Presence Service checks if the Microsoft Lync user email matches the ocsPrimaryAddress value of a Cisco Unified Communications Manager user.

For example, a user Joe has the Microsoft Lync user ID The From header in the SIP INVITE is

In this case, IM and Presence Service checks the following:

  • If there is a user in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database whose user ID is 'joe'. If this user ID does not exist:

  • If there is a user in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database whose mail is ''. If this mail does not exist:

  • If there is a user in the Cisco Unified Communications Manager database whose ocsPrimaryAddress is ''.

Set Up Microsoft Active Directory

Before you begin

  • Read the topic describing Line URI configuration on Microsoft Active Directory.
  • Read the topic describing the user authentication checks on IM and Presence Service.


Step 1

From the Microsoft Active Directory application window, add a user name and the telephone number that are associated with each particular user.

Step 2

For each of the users that you added, open the Properties window on Microsoft Active Directory and configure the following parameters:

  1. Enable the user for the Microsoft Lync Server.

  2. Enter the SIP URI.

  3. Enter the Microsoft Lync server name or pool.


    Ensure the Microsoft Lync server name or pool name does not contain the underscore character.

  4. Under Telephony Settings, select Configure.

  5. Check Enable Remote call control.

  6. Enter the Remote Call Control SIP URI; for example,, where specifies the FQDN of the IM and Presence Service node that you configured for this integration.

  7. Enter the Line URI value.


The SIP URI that you enter on Microsoft Active Directory must match the static route URI that you define when you are configuring static routes on Microsoft Lync.

What to do next

Enable Users in Lync Server Control Panel

Enable Users in Lync Server Control Panel

The following procedure describes how to enable new users in the Lync Server Control Panel.


Step 1

Go to the Windows server that has Microsoft Lync Server installed.

Step 2

Select StartAll Programs > Microsoft Lync Server > Lync Server Control Panel.

Step 3

Choose Enable users for Lync Server from the Top Actions menu.

Step 4

Select Add.

Step 5

Select the LDAP search option and select Find.

Step 6

Click on the user to enable and select OK.

Step 7

Choose the application pool from the Assign users to a pool drop-down list.

Step 8

Select the Specify a SIP URI option and enter the SIP URI, for example,, where UserA is the user you added and specifies the domain name of the Lync server.

Step 9

Choose Remote call control from the Telephony drop-down list.

Step 10

Enter the Line URI in the format tel:<telephone_number>, where <telephone_number> is the telephone number you entered when adding the user.

Step 11

Enter the Line Server URI, for example,, where UserA is the user you added and specifies the domain name of the IM and Presence Service node.

Please note the following:

  1. The Line Server URI domain is the value that is matched by the static route MatchUri parameter. See Set Up Static Route for Microsoft Lync Server.

  2. The Line Server URI domain and the value in the MatchUri parameter must match to enable the Lync server to correctly route SIP messages to the IM and Presence Service node.

  3. The IM and Presence Service node must also have this domain set as its proxy domain.

Step 12

Select Enable at the top of the window to enable the new user. The user should have a check mark in the Enabled column.

What to do next

Microsoft Lync Server Setup Overview

Microsoft Lync Server Setup Overview


This topic provides a brief description of the configuration required on Microsoft Lync Server for this integration. A comprehensive description of Microsoft Lync configuration is out of the scope of this document. For more information, see the Microsoft Lync documentation at the following URL:

Make sure that the Microsoft Lync server is properly installed and activated. Make sure that the following items are configured on Microsoft Lync:

  1. Certificate configuration
  2. Static Routes
  3. Authorized Host
  4. Domain Name Server
  5. Pool Properties
  6. Server Properties
  7. Pool Users
  8. User Configuration
  9. Microsoft Lync Client Configuration


If the CTI Gateway is configured to use TCP, you must define the IP address of the Gateway in Lync Server Topology Builder. See the following URL for more information:

You configure the Microsoft Lync Server using the Lync Server Management Shell utility. The Management Shell utility is installed by default with the Lync server installation. Set up the following items during Microsoft Lync server configuration:

  • static routes

  • application pools

  • Remote Call Control (RCC) application

  • Lync server SIP listen port

After you set up the Microsoft Lync Server, commit the topology and restart the front-end service.

Set Up Static Route for Microsoft Lync Server

The Lync server uses the static route to match the URI of the incoming client's SIP message INVITE. The Lync server references the URI value as the Line Server URI.


Step 1

Select Start > All Programs > Microsoft Lync Server > Lync Server Management Shell.

Step 2

Enter the following command to verify the current system configuration:

Step 3

Enter the following command to create a static route:

$tcpRoute = New-CsStaticRoute -TCPRoute -Destination <IP_address_CUPserver> -Port 5060 -MatchUri "<Line_Server_URI_domain>" -ReplaceHostInRequestUri $true
Step 4

At the prompt, enter the following command to load the static route into the Lync server.

Set-CsStaticRoutingConfiguration -Route @{Add=$tcpRoute}
Step 5

Verify the new system configuration by entering the Get command from Step 2 again.


If you need to modify or delete a static route, enter the following command:

Remove-CsStaticRoutingConfiguration –Identity Global

The following table describes the parameters that you use to insert a new static route for Lync server.

Table 1. Static route parameters




The name of the variable. It can be named anything but it must begin with a $ and mach the reference in the Set command.


The internal command that populates the static route to a variable.


This parameter configures the route as TCP.


The IP address of the IM and Presence Service node.


The port to which the IM and Presence Service node listens. For TCP, the port is 5060.


This value is compared to the Line Server URI value that is specified for each user in the Lync Control Panel. See Enable Users in Lync Server Control Panel.

This MatchURI value and the Line Server URI value must both match the IM and Presence Service node FQDN.

The value of this parameter must be written in double quotes, for example,

-MatchUri ""


This parameter replaces the URI in the initial INVITE to the value that is referenced in the Destination parameter.


The internal command to move parameter values to the routing database.


This parameter takes the parameters in the variable and adds the static route.

What to do next

Set Up Application Pool for Microsoft Lync Server

Set Up Application Pool for Microsoft Lync Server

The following procedure sets up an application pool that is referenced by the Lync server (registrar). It also links the site information to this pool.


Step 1

In the Lync Server Management Shell enter the following command to verify the current system configuration:

Step 2

Enter the following command to create the application pool:

New-CsTrustedApplicationpool -Identity "<IP_address_CUPserver>" -Registrar <Lync_server_FQDN> –Site 1 –TreatAsAuthenticated $True –ThrottleAsServer $True –RequiresReplication $False
Step 3

Select Y at the prompt.

Step 4

Verify the new system configuration by entering the Get command from Step 1 again.


If you need to modify or delete the application pool, enter the following command:

Remove-CsTrustedApplicationPool -Identity TrustedApplicationPool:<IP_address_CUPserver>

The following table describes the parameters that you use to configure the application pool.

Table 2. Application pool parameters




The internal command that adds the application pool.


The reference name of the pool which is also the IP address of the IM and Presence Service node.

The value of this parameter must be written in double quotes, for example, -Identity ""

This value must match the value in the TrustedApplicationPoolFqdn parameter of the TrustedApplication command in Set Up RCC Application for Microsoft Lync Server.


The FQDN of the Lync server.


The numeric value of the site.


You can find the site ID with the Get-CsSite Management Shell command.


Always set this value to $True


Always set this value to $True


Because authentication is not required for TCP, you must set this value to $False

What to do next

Set Up RCC Application for Microsoft Lync Server

Set Up RCC Application for Microsoft Lync Server

The following procedure adds the Microsoft Remote Call Control (RCC) application to the pool.


Step 1

In the Lync Server Management Shell enter the following command to verify the current system configuration:

Step 2

Enter the following command to add the RCC application to the pool:

New-CsTrustedApplication -ApplicationID RCC -TrustedApplicationPoolFqdn "<IP_address_CUPserver>" -Port 5060 -EnableTcp
Step 3

Select Y at the prompt.

Step 4

Verify the new system configuration by entering the Get command from Step 1 again.


If you need to modify or delete the application pool, enter the following command:

Remove-CsTrustedApplicationPool -Identity TrustedApplicationPool:<IP_address_CUPserver>

The following table describes the parameters that you use to configure the application pool.

Table 3. Application configuration parameters




The internal command that adds the RCC application.


The name of the application, for example, RCC.


The IP address of the IM and Presence Service node.

The value of this parameter must be written in double quotes, for example, -Identity ""

This value must match the value in the Identity parameter of the TrustedApplicationpool command in Set Up Application Pool for Microsoft Lync Server.


The SIP TCP listening port of the IM and Presence Service node. For TCP, the port is 5060.


This parameter sets the transport to TCP. If this parameter is not included, the transport will default to TLS.


See Security between IM and Presence Service and Microsoft Lync Setup for more information about Communication with Microsoft Lync server over TLS.

What to do next

Set Up Lync Server SIP Listen Port

Set Up Lync Server SIP Listen Port

The following procedure sets the SIP listen port on the Lync server. This is required for incoming SIP traffic from the IM and Presence Service node.


Step 1

In the Lync Server Management Shell enter the following command to verify the current system configuration:

Step 2

Enter the following command to set the Lync server listening port:

Set-CsRegistrar registrar:<Lync_server_FQDN> -SipServerTcpPort 5060
Step 3

Verify the new system configuration by entering the Get command from Step 1 again.


If you need to modify or delete the application pool, enter the following command:


The following table describes the parameters that you use to configure the Lync server listen port.

Table 4. Lync server listen port parameters




Internal command that sets the Lync server port.


FQDN of the Lync server.


SIP listening port of the Lync server. The default value is typically 5060.

What to do next

Commit Lync Server Setup

Commit Lync Server Setup

This procedure describes how to commit the topology and restart the front-end service.


Step 1

In the Lync Server Management Shell enter the following command to enable the topology:

Step 2

Enter the following command to output the topology to an XML file called rcc.xml and save it to the C drive:

Get-CsTopology -AsXml | Out-File C:\rcc.xml

You can select any name and location to output the topology information.

Step 3

Open the rcc.xml file.

Step 4

In the Cluster Fqdn section, change the IPAddress parameter from "<>" to the IP Address of the IM and Presence Service node.

Step 5

Save the rcc.xml file.

Step 6

Enter the following command in the Lync Server Management Shell:

Publish-CsTopology -FileName C:\rcc.xml
Step 7

Enter the following command to restart the front-end service:

Restart-Service RtcSrv

What to do next

Normalization Rules Setup