Cisco Prime Collaboration Deployment Administrative Interface Elements

Common Administrative Interface Elements

The following elements are common to all views in the Cisco Prime Collaboration Deployment administration interface.
Setting Description


Provides the version of the Cisco Prime Collaboration Deployment. This setting also includes copyright and trademark information.


Exits from the server.


Provides context-sensitive help information.

Information ("i" button)

Provides information about the current page that you are viewing.

Getting Started (flag button)

Provides information about getting started to perform system-level tasks on the server.

Monitoring View Elements

After a task is scheduled, you can monitor, and control the tasks by using the Monitoring page.

Setting Description

Task Queue

A list of all the tasks contained in Cisco Prime Collaboration Deployment. This list can include any of the following tasks:

  • Scheduled

  • Canceled

  • Started

  • Paused

  • Paused due to Error

  • Successful

  • Failed

  • Upgrade Tasks

  • Switch Version Tasks

  • Server Restart Tasks

  • Readdress Tasks

  • Install Tasks

  • Migrate Tasks

Click one of the tasks in the Task Queue to open the details for that task in the right top panel.

Task status

The top right portion of the Monitoring page shows the following information for a given task:

  • Status

  • Start time

  • Task data (for example: cluster data)

To see details about the task, click on the View Log link.

The following are the possible statuses for tasks:

  • Successful—Indicates that the task has finished without errors.

  • Started—Indicates that the task is currently running.

  • Scheduled—Indicates that the task has been scheduled, but has not yet started.

  • Manual Start—Indicates that the task is waiting to be started (user created the task with the "Start Task Manually" option).

  • Canceled—Indicates that the user chose not to run the task.

  • Paused—Indicates that the task is in a paused state waiting for feedback.

  • Paused due To Error—Indicates that the task is in a paused state due to an error in the system.

  • Failed—Indicates that the task has stopped because of an error.

  • Failed to Schedule—Indicates that the task was not scheduled, due to an error that occurred.

  • Failed to Cancel—Indicates that the user tried unsuccessfully to cancel the task. This typically happens when the task is in a final state (no actions are left to cancel).

  • Canceling—Indicates that the user canceled the task, but the task is in a state that will take a long time to cancel. The task may be in this state for an hour or more if the task being canceled is an installation or migration task (during the install-new-server phase).

Possible messages and actions in a Successful Status state:

  • Task completed successfully

  • Delete—Deletes the task data permanently

Possible actions in a Started state:

  • Cancel—Cancels the selected task

  • Delete—Deletes the selected task permanently

Possible actions in a Scheduled state:

  • Cancel—Cancels the selected task

  • Delete—Deletes the selected task permanently

Possible actions in a Waiting for Manual Start state:

  • Start—Starts the task (You will see this button only if the Manual Start option was chosen when the task was created)

  • Delete—Deletes the selected task permanently

Possible actions in a Paused state (a task enters this state if the user set up the task to pause at this step):

  • Resume—Task will continue at the next step

  • Cancel—Cancels the selected task

  • Delete—Deletes the selected task permanently

Possible actions in a Paused Due To Errors state (a task will enter this state, because the system detected an error at this step):

  • Resume—Task will continue at the next step. (Before resuming, user should look at the error in the view log and correct the problem that caused the error, or else the task will fail.) If the error message says "Failed due to validation," the task will revalidate and start from the first step when you click Resume. Otherwise, the task will start from the next step.

  • Cancel—Cancels the selected task

  • Delete—Deletes the selected task permanently

Possible action in a Failed Status state:

  • Delete—Deletes the selected task permanently

Start Task button

Starts task running for Scheduled tasks

Edit button

Opens Edit dialog for Scheduled tasks

Pause button

Pauses Running tasks (at next step)

Resume button

Resumes task at next step for Paused and Paused (Error) tasks

Cancel button

Cancels Scheduled, Running, Paused, and Paused (Error) tasks

Delete button

Deletes Scheduled, Canceled, Successful, and Failed tasks

Task Summary

The Task Summary section contains the following information for a task:

  • Source Cluster

  • Destination Cluster

  • Unified Communications Manager Upgrade File

  • Unified Presence Upgrade File

Tasks View Elements

Upgrade View

Setting Description

Scheduled Tasks and History table


Provides information about the upgrade task:

  • Successful—Indicates that the task has finished without errors

  • Running—Indicates that the task is currently running

  • Scheduled—Indicates that the task has not yet started

  • Canceled—Indicates that the user has chosen not to run task

  • Paused—Indicates that the task is in a paused state waiting for feedback

  • Paused due To Error—Indicates that the task is in a paused state due to an error in the system

  • Failed—Indicates that the task has stopped due to error

Start Time

Specifies the start time of the upgrade task

Last Status Report Time

Specifies the time at which the action was completed. The completed action may be a success or failure.


Specifies the name of the upgraded cluster


Note added during the Review portion of the Add Upgrade Task wizard


Allows you to perform the following for a particular upgrade task


Depending on the state of the task, only some of these actions may be allowed (for example, an upgrade task that is completed cannot be canceled).

  • Scheduled status:

    • Run Validation Test—Runs a validation test to ensure that all nodes are available and the iso to be used for upgrade is present.

    • Edit—Shows the Edit Upgrade Task window. Allows you to edit the selected task

    • Cancel Task—Cancels the selected task

    • Delete—Deletes the selected task permanently

  • Canceled status:

    • Delete—Deletes the selected task permanently

  • Started status:

    • Cancel Task—Cancels the selected task

  • Paused status:

    • Resume—Use this button to restart task at the next step.

    • View Details—Navigates to the monitoring page showing all the tasks available

    • Start Task—Start task is present if the task is started manually. Time is not selected for this action.


      Start Task is applicable only if you select Start task manually option in the Set Start Time panel.

      When you select the task manually, the resume option is unavailable in the monitoring page.

    • Cancel Task—Cancels the selected task

  • Paused due to Error:

    • Retry—This causes the task to restart and retry the last failed task action.

    • Resume—This causes the task to start at the next step (after the failed step).

    • View Details—Navigates to the monitoring page showing all the tasks available

    • Cancel Task—Cancels the selected task

  • Successful status:

    • View Details—Navigates to the monitoring page showing all the tasks available.

    • Delete—Deletes the selected task permanently

  • Failed status:

    • View Details—Navigates to the monitoring page showing all the tasks available

    • Delete—Deletes the selected task permanently


Allows you to filter upgrade tasks by status, by selecting one of the following options from the drop-down list:

  • Quick Filter—To filter the tasks based on the status

  • All—To show all the tasks available

  • Scheduled—To show the tasks that are scheduled

  • Canceled—To show the tasks that are canceled

  • Running—To show the tasks that are started

  • Paused—To show the tasks that are paused

  • Paused due To Error—To show the tasks that are paused due to an error in the system

  • Successful—To show the tasks that are successful

  • Failed—To show the tasks that failed


Select a status and click Filter to set a search rule at the bottom of the search window.


Click the checkbox next to the task and click the Delete button at the top of the table. This action is applicable to tasks in the Failed, Successful, Scheduled and, Paused state.

Add Upgrade Task button

Opens the Add Upgrade Task wizard.


You can also open the Add Upgrade Task wizard selecting Edit in the Actions column for a particular upgrade task.

Add Upgrade Task wizard window

For information about how to Add an Upgrade Task, see "Create an Upgrade Task".

Choose Cluster page

From the Choose Cluster page, select the cluster and product from the drop-down lists (All products is the default option for Products). Once you have selected the cluster, the list of nodes appears in the Cluster Nodes table.

Choose Upgrade File page

From the Choose Upgrade File page, select the upgrade file for each product being upgraded. You will have the option of selecting files only for the product type you selected on the Choose Cluster page.

Set Start Time and Upgrade Options page

From the Set Start Time and Upgrade Options page, select a start time for the task.

Note    The time specified is based on the Cisco Prime Collaboration Deployment server time, not the time zone of the selected cluster.

You have the option of setting the start time for a specific time, starting the task manually, or setting the task to begin immediately upon completion of the wizard.

You also have the option of automatically switching to a new version following a successful upgrade.

Specify Run Sequence page

From the Specify Run Sequence, specify the sequence in which the upgrade will be processed on the servers. You change the sequence of steps by clicking the up and down arrows of a particular step. You can also add or delete a step, or edit an existing step.

Select the Use Last Configured Run Sequence box if you want to reuse the previous sequence.

By default, each node is sequenced into its own step.

Review page

The Review page provides a summary of the options you have selected in the previous steps. The nodes listed in the Nodes field are view-only—you cannot select them.

You can add notes to the Notes field for future reference.

Related Information
Upgrade Task

Switch Versions View

Setting Description

Scheduled Tasks and History table


Provides information about the switch version task:

  • Successful—Indicates that the task has finished without errors

  • Running—Indicates that the task is currently running

  • Scheduled—Indicates that the task has not yet started

  • Canceled—Indicates that the user has chosen not to run task

  • Paused—Indicates that the task is in a paused state waiting for feedback

  • Paused due To Error—Indicates that the task is in a paused state due to an error in the system

  • Failed—Indicates that the task has stopped due to error

Start Time

Specifies the start time of the switch version task

Last Status Report Time

Specifies the time at which the action was completed. The completed action may be a success or failure.


Specifies the switch version cluster


Notes that were added during the Review portion of the Add Switch Version wizard


The following are the status and the corresponding actions:

  • Scheduled status:

    • Run Validation Test—Runs a validation test to ensure that all nodes are available and that none of the specified new addresses are reachable

    • Edit—Shows the Edit Switch Version Task window. Allows you to edit the selected task

    • Cancel Task—Cancels the selected task

    • Delete—Deletes the selected task permanently

  • Canceled status:

    • Delete—Deletes the selected task permanently

  • Started status:

    • Cancel Task—Cancels the selected task

  • Paused status:

    • Resume—Restarts task at the next step.

    • View Details—Navigates to the monitoring page showing all the tasks available

    • Start Task—Start task is present if the task is started manually. Time is not selected for this action


      Start Task is applicable only if you select Start task manually option in the Set Start Time panel.

      When you select the task manually, the resume option is unavailable in the monitoring page.

    • Cancel Task—Cancels the selected task

  • Paused due to Error:

    • Retry—This causes the task to restart and retry the last failed task action

    • Resume—This causes the task to start at the next step (after the failed step)

    • View Details—Navigates to the monitoring page showing all the tasks available

    • Cancel Task—Cancels the selected task

  • Successful status:

    • View Details—Navigates to the monitoring page showing all the tasks available

    • Delete—Deletes the selected task permanently

  • Failed status:

    • View Details—Navigates to the monitoring page showing all the tasks available

    • Delete—Deletes the selected task permanently


Allows you to filter switch version tasks by status, by selecting one of the following options from the drop-down list:

  • Quick Filter—To filter the tasks based on the status

  • All—To show all the tasks available

  • Scheduled—To show the tasks that are scheduled

  • Canceled—To show the tasks that are canceled

  • Running—To show the tasks that are started

  • Paused—To show the tasks that are paused

  • Paused due To Error—To show the tasks that are paused due to an error in the system

  • Successful—To show the tasks that are successful

  • Failed—To show the tasks that failed


Select a status and click Filter to set a search rule at the bottom of the search window


Check the check box next to the task and click the Delete button at the top of the table. You can also click Delete under the Actions column for the task you wish to delete

Add Switch Versions Task button

Opens the Switch Versions Task wizard.


You can also open the Switch Versions Task wizard by selecting Edit in the Actions column for a particular switch version task.

Add Switch Versions Task window

For information about how to add a switch version task, see "Create a Switch Versions Task".

Choose Cluster page

From the Choose Cluster page, select the cluster from the drop-down list. After you select the cluster, you must select the product versions (installed on the publisher) from the drop-down lists. If there is more than one product in the cluster, you have the option of not switching versions for one or more products. As long as one valid version is selected, you may proceed

Set Start Time page

From the Set Start Time page, select a start time for the task.

Note    The time specified is based on the Cisco Prime Collaboration Deployment server time, not the time zone of the selected cluster.

You have the option of setting the start time for a specific time, starting the task manually, or setting it to begin immediately upon completion of the wizard.

Set Run Sequence page

From the Specify Run Sequence, specify the sequence in which the version switch is processed on the servers. The sequence of the steps is changed by clicking the up and down arrows of a particular step. You can also add or delete a step, or edit an existing step.

Check the Use Last Configured Run Sequence check box if you want to reuse the previous sequence.

By default, each node is sequenced into its own step. The Revert to Default button returns the steps to this original state.

Review page

The Review page provides a summary of the options you selected in the previous steps. The nodes listed in the Nodes field are view-only; you cannot select them.

You can add notes to the Notes field for future reference.

Related Information
Switch Versions Task

Server Restart View

Setting Description

Scheduled Tasks and History table


Provides information about the server restart task:

  • Successful—Indicates that the task is complete without errors

  • Running—Indicates that the task is currently running

  • Scheduled—Indicates that the task is not yet started

  • Canceled—Indicates that the user has chosen not to run task

  • Paused—Indicates that the task is in a paused state waiting for feedback

  • Paused due To Error—Indicates that the task is in a paused state due to an error in the system

  • Failed—Indicates that the task has stopped due to error

Start Time

Specifies the start time of the server restart task

Last Status Report Time

Specifies the time at which the action was completed. The completed action may be a success or failure.


Specifies the server restart cluster


Notes that were added during the Review portion of the Add Restart Task wizard


The following are the status and the corresponding actions:

  • Scheduled status:

    • Run Validation Test—Runs a validation test to ensure that all nodes are available and that none of the specified new addresses are reachable.

    • Edit—Shows the Edit Upgrade Task window. Allows you to edit the selected task

    • Cancel Task—Cancels the selected task

    • Delete—Deletes the selected task permanently

  • Canceled status:

    • Edit—Shows the Edit Server Restart Task window. Allows you to edit the selected task

    • Delete—Deletes the selected task permanently

  • Started status:

    • Cancel Task—Cancels the selected task

  • Paused status:

    • Resume—Restarts task at the next step.

    • View Details—Navigates to the monitoring page showing all the tasks available

    • Start Task—Start task is present if the task is started manually. Time is not selected for this action


      Start Task is applicable only if you select Start task manually option in the Set Start Time panel.

      When you select the task manually, the resume option is unavailable in the monitoring page.

    • Cancel Task—Cancels the selected task

  • Paused due to Error:

    • Retry—This causes the task to restart and retry the last failed task action.

    • Resume—This causes the task to start at the next step (after the failed step).

    • View Details—Navigates to the monitoring page showing all the tasks available

    • Cancel Task—Cancels the selected task

  • Successful status:

    • View Details—Navigates to the monitoring page showing all the tasks available.

    • Delete—Deletes the selected task permanently

  • Failed status:

    • View Details—Navigates to the monitoring page showing all the tasks available

    • Delete—Deletes the selected task permanently


Allows you to filter restart tasks by status, by selecting one of the following options from the drop-down list:

  • Quick Filter—To filter the tasks based on the status

  • All—To show all the tasks available

  • Scheduled—To show the tasks that are scheduled

  • Canceled—To show the tasks that are canceled

  • Running—To show the tasks that are started

  • Paused—To show the tasks that are paused

  • Paused due To Error—Indicates that the task is in a paused state due to an error in the system

  • Successful—To show the tasks that are successful

  • Failed—To show the tasks that failed


Select a status and click Filter to set a search rule at the bottom of the search window.


Click the checkbox next to the task and click the Delete button at the top of the table. You can also click Delete under the Actions column for the task you wish to delete.

Add Server Restart Task button

Opens the Add Server Restart Task wizard.


You can also open the Add Server Restart Task wizard by selecting Edit in the Actions column for a particular server restart task.

Add Server Restart Task window

For information about how to add a server restart task, see "Create a Restart Task".

Choose Cluster page

From the Choose Cluster page, select the cluster from the drop-down list. After you select the cluster, you will see that the nodes listed in the Cluster Nodes table change accordingly. Select the servers to be restarted.

Set Start Time page

From the Set Start Time page, select a start time for the task.

Note    The time specified is based on the Cisco Prime Collaboration Deployment server time, not the time zone of the selected cluster.

You have the option of setting the start time for a specific time, starting the task manually, or setting the task to begin immediately upon completion of the wizard.

Set Run Sequence page

From the Set Run Sequence page, specify the sequence in which the restart is processed on the servers. You can change the sequence of steps by clicking the up and down arrows of a particular step. You can also add or delete a step, or edit an existing step.

Check the Use Last Configured Run Sequence check box if you want to reuse the previous sequence.

By default, each node is sequenced into its own step. The Revert to Default button returns the steps to this original state.

Review page

The Review page provides a summary of the options you have selected in the previous steps. The nodes listed in the Nodes field are view-only; you cannot select them.

You can add notes to the Notes field for future reference.

Related Tasks
Server Restart Task

Readdress View

Setting Description

Scheduled Tasks and History table


Provides information about the readdress task:

  • Successful—Indicates that the task has finished without errors

  • Running—Indicates that the task is currently running

  • Scheduled—Indicates that the task has not yet started

  • Canceled—Indicates that the user has chosen not to run task

  • Paused—Indicates that the task is in a paused state waiting for feedback

  • Paused due To Error—Indicates that the task is in a paused state due to an error in the system

  • Failed—Indicates that the task has stopped due to error

Start Time

Specifies the start time of the readdress task

Last Status Report Time

Specifies the time at which the action was completed. The completed action may be a success or failure.


Specifies the readdress cluster


Note that were added during the Review portion of the Add Readdress Task wizard


The following are the status and the corresponding actions:

  • Scheduled status:

    • Run Validation Test—Runs a validation test to ensure that all nodes are available and that none of the specified new addresses are reachable.

    • Edit—Shows the Edit Readdress Task window. Allows you to edit the selected task

    • Cancel Task—Cancels the selected task

    • Delete—Deletes the selected task permanently

  • Canceled status:

    • Edit—Shows the Edit Upgrade Task window. Allows you to edit the selected task

    • Delete—Deletes the selected task permanently

  • Started status:

    • Cancel Task—Cancels the selected task

  • Paused status:

    • Resume—Restarts task at the next step.

    • View Details—Navigates to the monitoring page showing all the tasks available

    • Start Task—Start task is present if the task is started manually. Time is not selected for this action


      Start Task is applicable only if you select Start task manually option in the Set Start Time panel.

      When you select the task manually, the resume option is unavailable in the monitoring page.

    • Cancel Task—Cancels the selected task

  • Paused due to Error:

    • Retry—This causes the task to restart and retry the last failed task action.

    • Resume—This causes the task to start at the next step (after the failed step).

    • View Details—Navigates to the monitoring page showing all the tasks available

    • Cancel Task—Cancels the selected task

  • Successful status:

    • View Details—Navigates to the monitoring page showing all the tasks available.

    • Delete—Deletes the selected task permanently

  • Failed status:

    • View Details—Navigates to the monitoring page showing all the tasks available

    • Delete—Deletes the selected task permanently


Allows you to filter readdress tasks by status, by selecting one of the following options from the drop-down list:

  • Quick Filter—To filter the tasks based on the status

  • All—To show all the tasks available

  • Scheduled—To show the tasks that are scheduled

  • Canceled—To show the tasks that are canceled

  • Running—To show the tasks that are started

  • Paused—To show the tasks that are paused

  • Paused due To Error—To show the tasks that are paused due to an error in the system

  • Successful—To show the tasks that are successful

  • Failed—To show the tasks that failed


Select a status and click Filter to set a search rule at the bottom of the search window.


Check the check box next to the task and click the Delete button at the top of the table. You can also click Delete under the Actions column for the task you wish to delete.

Add Readdress Task button

Opens the Add Readdress Task wizard.


You can also open the Add Readdress Task wizard by selecting Edit in the Actions column for a particular readress task.

Add Readdress Task window

For information about how to Add a Readdress Task, see "Create a Readdress Task".

Choose Cluster page

From the Choose Cluster page, select the cluster from the drop-down list. Click View Nodes to the nodes associated with this cluster. The View UC Cluster Nodes dialog box opens, listing the nodes in a table that identifies the following:

  • Hostname

  • IP Address

  • Product

  • Role

The View UC Cluster Nodes dialog box is not editable. Click Close to return to the Choose Cluster page.

Enter New Hostnames/IP Addresses page

From the Enter New Hostnames/IP Addresses page, click Edit under the Actions column to open the Edit Hostname/IP Address dialog box. This dialog box allows you to enter a new hostname or IP address for the cluster nodes to be readdressed. You have the option of using DHCP or a static IP address.

Set Start Time page

From the Set Start Time page, select a start time for the task.

Note    The time specified is based on the Cisco Prime Collaboration Deployment server time, not the time zone of the selected cluster.

You have the option of setting the start time for a specific time, starting the task manually, or setting the task to begin immediately upon completion of the wizard.

Set Run Sequence page

From the Set Run Sequence page, specify the sequence in which the readdress is processed on the servers. The sequence of the steps is changed by clicking the up and down arrows of a particular step. You can also add or delete a step, or edit an existing step.

Check the Use Last Configured Run Sequence check box if you want to reuse the previous sequence.

By default, each node is sequenced into its own step. The Revert to Default button returns the steps to this original state.

Review page

The Review page provides a summary of the options you have selected in the previous steps. The nodes listed in the Nodes field are view-only; you cannot select them.

You can add notes to the Notes field for future reference.

Related Information
Readdress Task

Install View

Setting Description

Scheduled Tasks and History table


Provides information about the install task:

  • Successful—Indicates that the task has finished without errors

  • Running—Indicates that the task is currently running

  • Scheduled—Indicates that the task has not yet started

  • Canceled—Indicates that the user has chosen not to run task

  • Paused—Indicates that the task is in a paused state waiting for feedback

  • Paused due To Error—Indicates that the task is in a paused state due to an error in the system

  • Failed—Indicates that the task has stopped due to error

Start Time

Specifies the start time of the install task

Last Status Report Time

Specifies the time at which the action was completed. The completed action may be a success or failure.


Specifies the install cluster


Notes that were added during the Review portion of the Add Install Task wizard


The following are the status and the corresponding actions:

  • Scheduled status:

    • Run Validation Test—Runs a validation test to ensure that all the ESXi host is present, the VMs are in the correct state, and the .iso file to be used in the install is present.

    • Edit—Shows the Edit Upgrade Task window. Allows you to edit the selected task

    • Cancel Task—Cancels the selected task

    • Delete—Deletes the selected task permanently

  • Canceled status:

    • Delete—Deletes the selected task permanently

  • Started status:

    • Cancel Task—Cancels the selected task

  • Paused status:

    • Resume—Restarts task at the next step.

    • View Details—Navigates to the monitoring page showing all the tasks available

    • Start Task—Start task is present if the task is started manually. Time is not selected for this action


      Start Task is applicable only if you select Start task manually option in the Set Start Time panel.

      When you select the task manually, the resume option is unavailable in the monitoring page.

    • Cancel Task—Cancels the selected task

  • Paused due to Error:

    • Retry—Retry the last failed step. This button causes the task to retry the last step that failed, and restart the task.

    • Resume—Resumes the task at the next step. Use this option only if the failed step is non-essential, or if you have manually performed that step

    • View Details—Navigates to the monitoring page showing all the tasks available

    • Cancel Task—Cancels the selected task

  • Successful status:

    • View Details—Navigates to the monitoring page showing all the tasks available.

    • Delete—Deletes the selected task permanently

  • Failed status:

    • View Details—Navigates to the monitoring page showing all the tasks available

    • Delete—Deletes the selected task permanently


Allows you to filter install tasks by status, by selecting one of the following options from the drop-down list:

  • Quick Filter—To filter the tasks based on the status

  • All—To show all the tasks available

  • Scheduled—To show the tasks that are scheduled

  • Canceled—To show the tasks that are canceled

  • Running—To show the tasks that are started

  • Paused—To show the tasks that are paused

  • Paused due To Error—To show the tasks that are paused due to an error in the system

  • Successful—To show the tasks that are successful

  • Failed—To show the tasks that failed


Select a status and click Filter to set a search rule at the bottom of the search window.


Click the checkbox next to the task and click the Delete button at the top of the table. You can also click Delete under the Actions column for the task you wish to delete.

Add Install Task button

Opens the Add Installation Task wizard.


You can also open the Add Installation Task wizard by selecting Edit in the Actions column for a particular install task.

Add Installation Task window

For information about how to add an installation task, see "Create an Install Task".

Choose Installation Cluster page

From the Choose Cluster page, select the cluster from the drop-down list. After you select the cluster, you will see that the nodes listed in the Installation Cluster Nodes table change accordingly.

Choose Installation Files page

From the Choose Installation Files page, select the installation images to be installed on the staging cluster. The ISO images must be uploaded to the /install directory on the system sftp server for Cisco Prime Collaboration Deployment.

Set Start Time page

From the Set Start Time page, select a start time for the task.

Note    The time specified is based on the Cisco Prime Collaboration Deployment server time, not the time zone of the selected cluster.

You have the option of setting the start time for a specific time, starting the task manually, or setting the task to begin immediately upon completion of the wizard.

Specify Installation Sequence page

From the Specify Installation Sequence page, specify the sequence in which the installation is processed on the servers. You can change the sequence of steps by clicking the up and down arrows of a particular step. You can also add or delete a step, or edit an existing step.

By default, each node is sequenced into its own step.

Review page

The Review page provides a summary of the options you have selected in the previous steps. The nodes listed in the Nodes field are view-only; you cannot select them.

You can add notes to the Notes field for future reference.

Related Tasks
Install Task

Migrate View

Setting Description

Scheduled Tasks and History table


Provides information about the migrate task:

  • Successful—Indicates that the task has finished without errors

  • Running—Indicates that the task is currently running

  • Scheduled—Indicates that the task has not yet started

  • Canceled—Indicates that the user has chosen not to run task

  • Paused—Indicates that the task is in a paused state waiting for feedback

  • Paused due To Error—Indicates that the task is in a paused state due to an error in the system

  • Failed—Indicates that the task has stopped due to error

Start Time

Specifies the start time of the migrate task

Last Status Report Time

Specifies the time at which the action was completed. The completed action may be a success or failure.


Specifies the cluster being migrated.


Notes that were added during the Review portion of the Add Migration Task wizard


The following are the status and the corresponding actions:

  • Scheduled status:

    • Run Validation Test—Runs a validation test to ensure that all nodes are available and that none of the specified new addresses are reachable. It also checks that the ESXi hosts that the VMs reside on are mounted. It also verifies that the iso file to be used is present.

    • Edit—Shows the Edit Upgrade Task window. Allows you to edit the selected task

    • Cancel Task—Cancels the selected task

    • Delete—Deletes the selected task permanently

  • Canceled status:

    • Delete—Deletes the selected task permanently

  • Started status:

    • Cancel Task—Cancels the selected task

  • Paused status:

    • Resume—Restarts task at the next step.

    • View Details—Navigates to the monitoring page showing all the tasks available

    • Start Task—Start task is present if the task is started manually. Time is not selected for this action


      Start Task is applicable only if you select Start task manually option in the Set Start Time panel.

      When you select the task manually, the resume option is unavailable in the monitoring page.

    • Cancel Task—Cancels the selected task

  • Paused due to Error:

    • Retry—Retry the last failed step. This button causes the task to retry the last step that failed, and restart the task.

    • Resume—Resumes the task at the next step. Use this option only if the failed step is non-essential, or if you have manually performed that step.

    • View Details—Navigates to the monitoring page showing all the tasks available

    • Cancel Task—Cancels the selected task

  • Successful status:

    • View Details—Navigates to the monitoring page showing all the tasks available.

    • Delete—Deletes the selected task permanently

  • Failed status:

    • View Details—Navigates to the monitoring page showing all the tasks available

    • Delete—Deletes the selected task permanently


Allows you to filter migration tasks by status, by selecting one of the following options from the drop-down list:

  • Quick Filter—To filter the tasks based on the status

  • All—To show all the tasks available

  • Scheduled—To show the tasks that are scheduled

  • Canceled—To show the tasks that are canceled

  • Running—To show the tasks that are started

  • Paused—To show the tasks that are paused

  • Paused due To Error—To show the tasks that are paused due to an error in the system

  • Successful—To show the tasks that are successful

  • Failed—To show the tasks that failed


Select a status and click Filter to set a search rule at the bottom of the search window.


Check the check box next to the task and click the Delete button at the top of the table. You can also click Delete under the Actions column for the task you wish to delete.

Add Migration Task button

Opens the Add Migration Task wizard.


You can also open the Add Migration Task wizard by selecting Edit in the Actions column for a particular migrate task.

Add Migration Task window

For information about how to add a migration task, see "Add Migration Task".

Choose Source and Destination Clusters page

From the Choose Source and Destination Clusters page, select the source UC cluster from the drop-down list. After you select the source cluster, you select the destination cluster from the drop-down list and the nodes from the Node Mapping from Source to Destination Cluster table.

Choose Upgrade Files page

From the Choose Upgrade File page, select the upgrade file for each product being upgraded. You will only have the option of selecting files for the product type you selected on the Choose Cluster page.

Set Start Time page

From the Set Start Time page, select a start time for the task.

Note    The time specified is based on the Cisco Prime Collaboration Deployment server time, not the time zone of the selected cluster.

You have the option of setting the start time for a specific time, starting the task manually, or setting the task to begin immediately upon completion of the wizard.

Specify Migration Procedure page

From the Specify Migration Procedure page, specify the sequence in which the migration is processed on the servers. You can change the sequence of the stepsby clicking the up and down arrows of a particular step. You can also add or delete a step, or edit an existing step.

By default, each node is sequenced into its own step. The Revert to Default button returns the steps to this original state.

Review page

The Review page provides a summary of the options you have selected in the previous steps. The nodes listed in the Nodes field are view-only; you cannot select them.

You can add notes to the Notes field for future reference.

Related Information
Migration Task

Inventory View Elements


Setting Description

Clusters table

Cluster Name

Shows the available clusters

Product and Version

Shows the product for which the cluster is added along with its version


Shows the number of nodes associated with the cluster

Cluster Type

Shows the cluster type, such as Discovered, New install, or Migration

Discovery Status

Shows the discovery status of a cluster. This field shows one of the following discovery statuses:
  • Contacting

  • Discovering

  • Successful

  • Node Unreachable

  • Timeout

  • Internal Error


Includes the following options:
  • Edit—Edit an added new node that has not yet been installed

  • Delete—Delete an added new node that has not yet been installed


Allows you to filter cluster tasks by status, by selecting one of the following options from the drop-down list:
  • All—To show all the available clusters

  • Discovered—To show the clusters that are scheduled

  • New Install—To show the cluster that newly installed

  • Migration—To show the clusters that are migrated


Select a status and click Filter to set a search rule at the bottom of the search window.

Discover Cluster button

Click this button so that Cisco Prime Collaboration Deployment communicates with the servers that are already running Unified Communications applications and adds that cluster information into the Cisco Prime Collaboration Deployment inventory

Define Migration Destination Cluster

For information on how to create a migration cluster, see Create a Migration Cluster.

Specify Clusters page

Enter details for the following fields to configure a destination cluster for a migration task:
  • Source Cluster—From the drop-down list, select a source UC cluster.

  • View Nodes—Click this link to view the available cluster nodes.

  • Active Versions—Shows the active versions of the source UC cluster.

  • Destination Cluster Nickname—Enter a nickname for the destination cluster.

  • Destination Network Settings—Choose one of the following options:
    • Use the source node network settings for all destination nodes—Choose this option to retain the default network options.

    • Enter new network settings for one or more destination nodes—Choose this option to modify the default network settings or enter new network options.


      If you select the Use the source node network settings for all destination nodes option, same IP address appears for both the source node NAT IP and Dest NAT IP columns on the Assign Destination Cluster Nodes window. If you select the Enter new network settings for one or more destination nodes option, only source hostname appears and not the destination hostname on the Assign Destination Cluster Nodes window.

Assign Destination Cluster Nodes page

  • Source Cluster—Displays the name of the source cluster.

  • Destination Cluster—Displays the name of the destination cluster.

  • Assign Destination Cluster Nodes—Click this button to associate destination virtual machines with nodes in the source cluster.


    If DHCP is in use on your source node, the destination node is also configured to use DHCP, and you will have no option to change your network settings in this wizard.

Configure NTP/SMTP Settings

Enter details for the following sections to configure NTP and SMTP to the migration nodes when the migration task is run:

Network Time Protocol (NTP) Configuration window—Enter IP address of at least one of the following fields:
  • NTP Server 1

  • NTP Server 2

  • NTP Server 3

  • NTP Server 4

  • NTP Server 5

(Optional) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Configuration window
  • SMTP Server—Enter IP address of the SMTP server.

Define DNS Settings

(Optional) From the available hosts added along with the functions, check a node to configure DNS setting for the migration cluster nodes and click Assign DNS Settings

Discover Cluster window

For information on how to Discover a Cluster, see Discover a Cluster.

Cluster Access page

Enter details in the following fields:
  • Choose a Nickname for this Cluster—Enter a nick name for the cluster.

  • Hostname/IP Address of Cluster Publisher—Enter either the host name or the IP address for the publisher node of the cluster.

  • OS Admin Username—Enter the OS administrator user name.

  • OS Admin Password—Enter the password for the OS administrator.

  • Enable NAT—Check this check box to enable NAT for the cluster.


    When you check the Enable NAT check box, the NAT IP column appears on the Cluster Discovery Progress page.

Cluster Discovery Progress page

This page displays the status of cluster discovery in the following fields:
  • Cluster Name—Shows the cluster name along with the status message of the cluster discovery.

  • Hostname—Shows the host name.

  • Contact Status—Shows the one of the following statuses for cluster discovery:
    • Contacting

    • Discovering

    • Successful

    • Node Unreachable

    • Timeout

    • Internal Error

  • Product—Shows the product of the cluster.

  • Active version—Shows the version currently in use.

  • Inactive version—Shows the version that is currently not in use.

  • NAT IP—This column appears only if you check the Enable NAT check box on the Cluster Access page.

  • Hardware—Shows the hardware associated to the cluster.

Cluster Role Assignment page

Define New UC Cluster window

For information on how to install a new cluster, see Add New Cluster for Fresh Install.

After you click this button, a wizard appears that guides you to the installation process of a new UC cluster.

Specify Cluster Name window

Choose the Nickname for this cluster—Enter the cluster name

Add Virtual Machines window

Enter details in the following fields:
  • Add Node—Check one or more functions for adding a node from the available check boxes.

  • Notes—(Optional) Add a nodes for the selected cluster.

  • Virtual Machines—Add a node from the available virtual machines.

    The available VMs are sorted by name and by host. The details of virtual machines, such as VM Name, ESXi Host, and Power State, appear in this window.

  • Show—Allows you to filter virtual machine by status, by selecting options from the drop-down list.

  • Network—Select one of the following options:
    • Static IP address—Enter the details for hostname, IP Address, Subnet Mask, Gateway, and NAT IP fields.

    • Use DHCP with Reservations—Enter the IP address that you have a reservation for on your DHCP server (associated with the MAC address for that VM) in addition to the hostname.

  • Products and Functions—From the drop-down list, select a product. In the Functions section, check the appropriate function check boxes for your VM.

    • Check the Publisher check box for at least one node in the cluster that you have defined for each application type.

    • (Optional) Add a note about the functions that you have assigned in the Notes field below the Publisher field.

  • Virtual Machines section—Choose a VM for the selected node.

Configure Cluster Wide Settings window

Enter details for the fields of the following sections:

OS Administration Credentials
  • Username—Enter user name of the OS administrator.

  • Password—Enter password of the user name.

  • Confirm Password—Re-enter the same password that you entered in the Password field.

Application Credentials
  • Username—Enter user name of the application user.

  • Password—Enter password of the user name.

  • Confirm Password—Re-enter the same password that you entered in the Password field.

Security Password
  • Password—Enter the security password for the cluster.

  • Confirm Password—Re-enter the same password that you entered in the Password field.

SMTP Settings (Optional)
  • SMTP Server—Enter the IP address of the SMTP server.

Certificate Information
  • Organization—Enter the name of the organization of which the certificate is being used.

  • Unit—Enter the number of certificates being used.

  • Location—Enter the location where the certificate is being used.

  • State—Enter the state where the certificate is being used.

  • Country—From the drop-down list, select the country where the certificate is being used.

Configure DNS Settings window

(Optional) From the available hosts added along with the functions, check a node to configure DNS setting for a node and click Assign DNS Settings.

Configure NTP Settings

To configure the Network Time Protocol, enter details of at least one NTP server in the following fields. If you are not using DNS, NTP server must be an IP address. If you are using DNS, NTP server can be an FQDN.
  • NTP Server 1

  • NTP Server 2

  • NTP Server 3

  • NTP Server 4

  • NTP Server 5


It is recommended that you define at least IP addresses of two NTP servers

Configure NIC Settings

(Optional) Enter details for the following fields:
  • Hostname, Functions, and MTU size column—From the available servers, check the check box for a server.

  • MTU Size—Enter an MTU size between 552 and 1500 and click Apply to Selected.

  • Apply to Selected—Click this button to apply the MTU size for the selected host.

  • Apply Default MTU—Click this button to apply the default value of MTU size for the selected host.

Configure Time Zones window

Enter details for the following fields to specify the time zone for each cluster node:
  • Region—From the drop-down list, select the region for the cluster node.

  • Time Zone—From the drop-down list, select the time zone of the selected region.

  • Apply to Selected—Click this button to apply the time zone changes for each cluster node.

ESXi Hosts View

Setting Description

ESXi Hosts table


Shows the ESXi host name.

IP Address

Shows the IP address of the ESXi host.


Shows the description, if any, of the ESXi host.


Includes the following options:
  • Edit—Click this link to edit the ESXi host details.

  • Delete—Click this link to delete the ESXi host from the database.

Add ESXi Host

Click this button to add an ESXi host in the database.

Add ESXi Host window

Hostname/IP Address

Enter the host name of the IP address of the ESXi host.


Enter the user name.


Enter the password for the user.


(Optional) Enter the description for the ESXi host.

SFTP Servers and Datastore



SFTP Servers/Datastore section

The Cisco Prime Collaboration Deployment server serves as a local SSH File Transfer Protocol or Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) server that stores the ISO and COP files to be used by upgrade, fresh, install, and migrate tasks.

For more information on SFTP Datastore, see SFTP Servers and Datastore.


Click this button to delete the selected SFTP server from the datastore.

Add Server

Click this button to add the selected SFTP server to the datastore.

Server IP

Shows the IP addresses of the available SFTP servers in the datastore.

Server Description

Shows the description added for the available SFTP servers.

Database Directory

Shows the directory path of the SFTP servers.


Shows the status of the SFTP server. For example, Connected and Local.


Includes the following options:
  • Edit—Click this link to edit the SFTP server details.

  • Delete—Click this link to delete the selected SFTP server from the datastore.

SFTP/Datastore Files section


Click this button to delete the ISO and COP files of the selected SFTP server from the datastore.


Shows the available ISO and COP files of the SFTP servers.

Server IP

Shows the IP address of the SFTP servers.

Server Description

Shows the description added for the available SFTP servers.


Shows the directory name where the SFTP files of the SFTP servers are stored.

File Type

Shows the type of file, such as upgrade file and fresh install.

Copied On (local)

Shows the data, time, and time zone when the SFTP file is copied to the datastore.

Administration View Elements

Email Notification View

Setting Description

Notification Settings section

For more information, see Email Notification.


Select one of the following options:
  • Do not send email notification—Choose this option if you do not wish to receive any email notification for errors or types of tasks.


    If you choose this option, all the fields of this section become non-editable.

  • Errors only - Send email only when there is an error—Choose this option if you wish to receive email notifications for task event errors in the following states:
    • Failed to Schedule

    • Failed

    • Failed to cancel

    • Paused on error

  • Standard - Send email when tasks start, pause, finish, or when there is an error—Choose this option if you wish to receive email notifications when a task enters any of the following states:
    • Scheduled

    • Failed to Schedule

    • Started

    • Successful

    • Failed

    • Canceled

    • Canceling

    • Failed to Cancel

    • Paused on Error

    • Paused

    • Paused – Required

Email Recipients

Enter the email address of one or multiple recipients.

Separate multiple email addresses with a comma.


Check this check box so that Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol ensures privacy or prevent tampering with the email between the application and the email recipients.

Mail server credentials section


Enter the user name of the mail server.


Enter the password to log in to the mail server.

Server Settings section

SMTP Server

Enter the IP address of the SMTP server.


Enter the number of ports for the SMTP server.


Click this button to save the changes you have made in this page.


Click this button to set the default values on this page.

Send Test Email

Click this button to send a test email to one or more recipients for the errors only and standard options.

NAT Settings



PCD NAT Settings

For more information on network address translation, see Network Address Translation Support.


Shows the host name of the server.

Private IP

Shows the IP address of the server that is in the private network.


Enter the NAT IP address.


The NAT IP address is saved as an entry in a configuration file on Cisco Prime Collaboration Deployment. This entry is used when the application nodes try to contact Cisco Prime Collaboration Deployment.


(Optional) The NAT IP address is reset to the earlier saved NAT IP address.

Disk Space Warning Level



Disk Space Warning Level Configuration

For details, see Disk Space Warning Level.

Total Disk Space (GB)

Shows the total disk space on the server.

Available Disk Space (GB)

Shows the available disk space for use on the server.

Warning Level Disk Space (GB)

Enter the disk space warning value. After entering this value, click the information link to check if the space value you entered is available for use on the server.


Save the warning disk space value.


(Optional) Resets the page with the default values.